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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating enterprise resource planning adoption and implementation in service sector organisations

Al-Fawaz, Khaled January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adoption and implementation in Service Sector Organisations (SSOs). ERP is a business management system that has emerged to support organisations to use a system of integrated applications to enhance their Information Technology (IT) infrastructures, enhance business processes and deliver high quality of services. Regardless of the fact that several other sector organisations have adopted and implemented ERP systems, its application in SSOs is rather inadequate. Among other reasons, two core rationales can be attributed to the latter fact – firstly, SSOs lack the sufficient knowledge, expertise and training to implement such sophisticated integrated systems and secondly, the top management lacks the ability to take appropriate decisions for ERP adoption and implementation. However, merely focusing on a number of factors influencing ERP adoption and implementation may not be suffice, as there is a need for a systematic decision-making process for adopting and implementing ERP systems in SSOs. The limited number of ERP systems’ applications in SSOs has resulted in inadequate research in this area with many issues, like its adoption and implementation requiring further exploration. Despite, the implications of ERP systems have yet to be assessed in SSOs, leaving ample scope for relevance and producing a unique piece of research work. Thus, the author demonstrates that it is of high importance to investigate this area within SSOs and contribute towards successful ERP adoption and implementation. This thesis makes a step forward and contributes to the body of knowledge as it: investigates factors influencing the decision-making process for ERP adoption and implementation in SSOs, prioritises the importance of factors influencing ERP adoption and implementation, evaluates ERP lifecycle phases and stages, maps the ERP factors on different phases and stages of the ERP lifecycle, and in doing so, to propose a model for ERP adoption and implementation in SSOs. The author claims that such an ERP adoption and implementation process in SSOs is significant and novel as: it extends established norms for ERP adoption and implementation, by including Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique for prioritising the importance of factors, thus, facilitating SSOs to produce more robust proposals for ERP adoption and implementation. The author further assess the proposed ERP adoption and implementation model by using a qualitative, interpretive, multiple case study research strategy. Findings from two case studies demonstrate that such a systematic approach contributes towards more robust decisions for ERP adoption and implementation and indicates that it is acceptable by the case study organisations. The thesis proposes, assesses and presents a novel model for ERP adoption and implementation in SSOs and contributes to the body of knowledge by extending the literature.

Innovation Capability in Project-based Organisations : Development and Validation of a Holistic Innovation Capability Assessment Framework (HICAF)

Jahid, Jamshid, Melander, Jakob January 2016 (has links)
Innovation is one of the most important factors behind today´s global economic growth and prosperity. In the current economic climate, increasing global competition and rapidly changing environment, an organisations ability to innovate is regarded as a key factor for success. It is widely accepted that creating new processes, products and procedures are vital for productivity and growth in all sectors. The literature on innovation measurements areas and utilities is voluminous and diverse. Assessing and measuring the complex conditions that influence a firm’s innovation capability is a challenging task, due to the inconsistency, inaccessibility, and complexity of measures. An integrative and holistic innovation capability assessment framework should include all aspects of innovation. This study attempt to address this gap, the lack of a holistic innovation capability assessment framework (HICAF) in project-based firms, by (a) reviewing the literature on innovation, innovation assessment, and measurement areas (b) through a qualitative case study exploring the factors promoting innovation in project-based firms (c) integrating the findings into a holistic assessment framework (d) generating items, in form of a statement, to address the underlying construct of each identified factor (e) applying the proposed framework within an organisation and statistically validating the instrument to achieve item homogeneity. Internal consistency reliability estimates have been utilized to produce a final framework consisting of 57 statistically validated items and eight theoretically grounded categories with 19 corresponding factors promoting innovation, also called enablers, in technology-orientated project-based organisations. In addition to the identified literature findings, the case study resulted in two new enablers, time management, and quality, which are not necessarily specific for project-based organisations, rather specific for the observed organisation. The performed case study is insufficient for determining whether there are any specific enablers for project-based organisations. The advantages of HICAF lies in its simplicity due to practical applicability in a large scale and facilitates managers to diagnose the organisation and recognize true symptoms to then apply appropriate treatment and remedies. A frequent application of HICAF can also help to study the effect of specific treatment and remedies in relation to innovation capability.

The influence of the global financial crisis and other challenges for South Africa's non-governmental Organisations and the prospects for deepening democracy

Masiko, Nomathamsanqa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The point of departure for this study was the wide-ranging furore in media publications regarding the pervasive decline in donor funding for civil society organisations in South Africa, as influenced by the recent global financial crisis, and the subsequent shutting down of a number of civil society organisations. The decision to embark on this study has its roots in the fact that civil society is an important feature in a democracy with regards to government responsiveness, accountability as well as citizen participation in democratic governance. In South Africa, particularly, this is important in light of the country’s fledgling democracy, and even more so, when considering the ruling party’s overwhelming political power resulting in a dominant party system. The aim of this study was to find out what accounts for the plummet in donor funding, and the overriding question guiding this study was: Has the global financial crisis influenced civil society in South Africa? The broader question asked was: What are the challenges facing civil society organisations in South Africa? This study aims to assist in the evaluation of the potential role that civil society has played and continues to play in South Africa’s young democracy and what the implications would be for democracy if civil society organisations were hampered in these roles and continued to close offices. This study is explorative in nature and relied on qualitative data obtained from in-depth interviews conducted with two prominent South African non-governmental organisations; namely the Institute for Democracy and the Treatment Action Campaign. A key informant was selected and interviewed from each organisation. The findings of the interviews were operationalised through the lenses of Andrew Heywood’s (2007) conceptual theoretical framework, which puts forward five resources that civil society organisations need in order to exert their influence. While acknowledging the importance of all five resources, this study pays particular attention to financial resources received through international donor funding, for without financial resources it is difficult for an organisation to survive. The findings of the interviews and the conclusions drawn underscored four realities: firstly that the decrease in funding is not limited to the organisations examined in this study, but civil society as a whole. The second reality rests on the fact that the global financial crisis has indeed influenced the Institute for Democracy and the Treatment Action Campaign in ways that are a cause for a concern, not only for the survival of the organisation, but also for the durability of South Africa’s young and at times fragile democracy. The third reality points to other challenges that have influenced donor funding, such as South Africa’s middle income status, a shift in donor orientation and focus and donor-specific problems. The fourth reality that was pointed out thrust this study into the conclusion that financial resources are the essential life-blood of civil society organisations. In light of the role that civil society plays in a democracy, the findings in this study point to a concerning trend in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvangspunt van hierdie studie is die omvangrykende mediadekking aangaande die wydverspreide afname in donateursbefondsing vir burgerlike samelewingorganisasies in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie afname is beïnvloed deur die onlangse globale finansiële krisis en het tot gevolg die ontbinding van ʼn aantal burgerlike samelewingorganisasies. Die besluit om met hierdie studie te begin het sy oorsprong in die feit dat die burgerlike samelewing ʼn belangrike kenmerk van demokrasie is veral met betrekking tot regeringsresponsiwiteit, aanspreeklikheid sowel as die deelname van burgers aan ʼn demokratiese regering. In Suid-Afrika is dit belangrik, veral met die oog op die land se jong demokrasie en nog meer wanneer die heersende party se oorweldigende politiese mag in ag geneem word en dat dit tot ʼn dominante partystelsel lei. Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel wat die oorsaak van die daling in skenkersfondse is. Die rigtinggewende vraag vir die studie was: het die wêreldwye finansiële krisis die burgerlike samelewing in Suid-Afrika beïnvloed? Die studie beoog om by te dra tot die evaluasie van die potensiële rol wat burgerlike samelewing in Suid-Afrika se jong demokrasie gespeel het, en steeds speel, en wat die implikasies vir demokrasie sou wees indien burgerlike samelewingorganisasies se rol bemoeilik word en verplig word om nog meer van hulle kantore te sluit. Die studie is ondersoekend van aard en het staatgemaak op kwalitatiewe data wat verkry is deur in-diepte onderhoude met twee vooraanstaande Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regeringsorganisasies te voer naamlik die Instituut vir Demokrasie en die ‘Treatment Action Campaign’. ’n Gesaghebbende segsman uit elke organisasie is gekies vir die onderhoude. Die bevindings is geoperasionaliseer deur die lense van Andrew Heywood (2007) se konseptuele teoretiese raamwerk wat aanvoer dat daar vyf hulpbronne is wat burgerlike organisasies nodig het om hulle invloed te laat geld. Terwyl die waarde van al vyf hulpbronne erken word, skenk hierdie studie in die besonder aandag aan die finansiële hulpbronne wat van internasionale skenkersfondse ontvang word omdat burgerlike organisasies beswaarlik daarsonder kan oorleef. Die bevindinge van die onderhoude en die gevolgtrekkings wat gemaak is beaam vier realiteite: eerstens dat die daling in befondsing nie beperk is tot die organisasies wat aan die studie deelgeneem het nie, maar burgerlike samelewing as ʼn geheel. Die tweede realiteit berus by die feit dat die globale finansiële krisis inderdaad die Instituut van Demokrasie en die ‘Treatment Action Campaign’ op kommerwekkende maniere beïnvloed het, nie net in terme van die organisasies se oorlewing nie, maar ook in terme van die behoud van Suid-Afrika se jong en soms brose demokrasie. Die derde realiteit dui op ander uitdagings wat skenkersfondse beïnvloed het soos Suid-Afrika se middel inkomstestatus, ʼn fokusverskuiwing van skenkingsgeoriënteerdheid tot skenker-spesifieke probleme. Die vierde realiteit wat uitgewys is dwing die studie om tot die gevolgtrekking te kom dat finansiële hulpbronne ʼn noodsaaklikheid vir die behoud van burgerlike gemeenskapsorganisasies is. In die lig van die rol wat burgerlike gemeenskap in demokrasie speel, is die bevindings van die studie kommerwekkend.

Identifying structural barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence

Vermeulen, Jacomina Hendrina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The topic of antiretroviral adherence remains a subject of continued importance, as it is associated with positive health outcomes amongst patients attending public healthcare facilities. Available literature on adherence behaviour mainly focuses on the psychological and behavioural barriers, while overlooking the multitude of structural barriers within the patient’s environment affecting the patient’s adherence to antiretroviral treatment and care. The present study provides a unique perspective on adherence behaviour amongst persons living with HIV and receiving antiretroviral treatment, as it identifies important structural barriers to clinical attendance and pill-taking. The sample for this study were selected from patients attending an infectious diseases clinic at a major peri-urban secondary hospital and receiving antiretroviral therapy, nurses and doctors providing health services to patients, and patient advocates providing psychosocial support to patients under the auspices of a local non-governmental organisation. The participants included in this study were selected by means of convenience sampling to participate either in semi structured interviews or focus group discussions. Participants were assured of the confidentiality of the process and their anonymity in both cases. Both semi structured interviews and focus groups were digitally recorded and transcribed after which transcriptions were entered into Atlas.ti for textual analysis. Transcriptions were thematically analysed according to the perceptions of various participants. The main themes that emerged from the present study included individual barriers, poverty-related barriers, institutionrelated barriers, and social and community-related barriers. The results of the present study were triangulated by considering the concurrences and discrepancies between the patients, clinicians and patient advocates on the main, and subthemes. These themes were then discussed according to Bronfenbrenner’s (1972) Ecological Systems Theory, which divided the main themes identified according to the different systems operating within the patient’s environment, i.e. the micro-, exo-, and macrosystem. The microsystem included both individual psychological and behavioural barriers and poverty-related barriers. Institutional barriers were considered within the exosystem of the patient’s ecological environment. And the social and community-related barriers were considered within the macrosystem of the patient’s ecological environment. The significance of this study lies in the identification of adherence behaviour as the product of the patient’s environment through the examination of triangulated data. Future research may include effective ways in which patients can be assisted in developing the necessary skills to cope with their environment and to enhance social support. The development of strategies to support newly-enrolled patients also still needs investigation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volgehoue antiretrovirale behandeling bly ‘n onderwerp van voortdurende belang omdat dit geassosieer word met positiewe gesondheidsuitkomste onder pasiënte wat van openbare gesondheidsfasiliteite gebruik maak. Beskikbare literatuur oor volhoudings gedrag fokus grootliks op sielkundige en gedragshindernisse, terwyl veelvuldige strukturelehindernisse binne die pasiënt se omgewing steeds misgekyk word. Dié studie bied ‘n unieke perspektief op volhoudingsgedrag onder MIV-positiewe pasiënte wat tans antiretrovirale terapie ontvang, aangesien dit belangrike strukturele hindernisse tot kliniek bywoning en die neem van medikasie identifiseer. Dié steekproef sluit pasiënte in wat tans antiretrovirale terapie by ‘n aansteeklike siektes-kliniek by ‘n peri-stedelike sekondêre hospitaal ontvang. Dit sluit ook dokters en verpleegsters in wat gesondheidsdienste aan dié pasiënte verskaf, en pasiënt- advokate wat psigo-sosiale ondersteuning aan pasiënte verskaf onder die vaandel van ‘n plaaslike nieregerings organisasie. Dié deelnemers is deur middel van gerieflikheidssteekproef geselekteer om aan semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude of fokusgroepbesprekings deel te neem. Deelnemers van albei groepe is van hul anonimiteit en die vertroulikheid van die proses verseker. Beide die semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en die fokusgroepbesprekings is digitaal opgeneem en transkripsies is daarvan gemaak, waarna die transkripsies in Atlas.ti gelaai is vir tekstuele analise. Transkripsies is tematies geanaliseer volgens die persepsies van die verskeie deelnemers. Die hooftemas wat na vore gekom het, sluit in individuele hindernisse, armoedeverwante hindernisse, institusieverwante hindernisse asook sosiale en gemeenskapsverwante hindernisse. Resultate van dié studie is getrianguleer deur die verskille en ooreenkomste te vind tussen pasiënte, klinici en pasiënt-advokate oor die hoof- en subtemas. Die hooftemas is toe volgens Bronfenbrenner (1972) se Ekologiese Sistemeteorie verdeel in die verskillende sisteme teenwoording in die pasiënt se omgewing, naamlik die mikro-, ekso-, en makrosisteem. Die mikrosisteem het individuele sielkundige en gedragshindernisse asook die armoedeverwante hindernisse ingesluit. Institusieverwante hindernisse is binne die eksosisteem van die pasiënt se ekologiese omgewing beskou en sosiale en gemeenskapsverwante hindernisse is beskou binne die makrosisteem van die pasiënt se ekologiese omgewing. Die belang van dié studie lê in die identifisering van volhoudingsgedrag as produk van die pasiënt se omgewing, soos beskou deur die Ekologiese Sistemeteorie. Toekomstige navorsing kan fokus op effektiewe maniere waarop pasiënte bygestaan kan word om die nodige vaardighede te ontwikkel om hul omgewing beter te kan hanteer en beskikbare sosiale ondersteuning te kan verbeter. Die ontwikkeling van strategieë om nuwe pasiënte by te staan, benodig ook verdere navorsing.

Sport and the multisectoral approach to HIV/AIDS in Zambia

Banda, Davies January 2013 (has links)
Sport is increasingly being recognised for the contribution it can make to the Millennium Development Goals and, in particular, the response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This study is based on Zambia, a low-income country, heavily affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa. The study focuses on National Sports Associations (NSAs), which are quasi- autonomous organisations at meso level of policy analysis. Centring on three NSAs: Football Association of Zambia (FAZ), Zambia Basketball Association (ZBA) and Netball Association of Zambia (NAZ), this study critically analysed the organisational responses of each of the selected cases towards the HIV/AIDS multisectoral approach. The study adopted a case study approach which utilised semi-structured (face-to-face and telephone), interviews, focus group discussions and documentary analysis for data collection. Comparative analysis of all three cases revealed differences in how each case mainstreamed HIV/AIDS based on power, resources and forms of collaboration. Meso-level analysis was utilised to examine workplace HIV/AIDS policy formulation and implementation. In addition, meso-level analysis also helped reveal forms of health-related collaborations with both internal and external agencies. Macro-level theories of the state were useful in examining power relations between the Zambian state and civil society. The application of policy network theory, global health governance, multiple streams framework, and the top-down and bottom-up approaches to policy implementation proved useful in drawing attention to how each NSA case responded differently to the mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS. The political power of football as a national sport and the Association s access to foreign resources enabled FAZ to influence HIV/AIDS policy implementation and build of strong collaborative relationships with government than the ZBA and NAZ. The study concludes that lack of political steer from the top has re-introduced a new foreign top-down approach as those with resources from the Global North influenced policy formulation and implementation within all three cases. The conclusion also found useful the application of post-colonialism and development theories when examining international sport-for-development practices. This finding revealed the power imbalances between Global South practitioners and Global North funding partners.

Capital social, école et entreprises sur le marché du travail

Lecoutre, Marc 01 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le champ de la sociologie économique, nous appliquons la perspective de l'encastrement social selon Granovetter (1985) à l'étude des processus concrets d'accès à l'emploi des jeunes en début de carrière professionnelle. Des travaux nord-américains récents affirment l'importance du capital social dans les mobilités professionnelles individuelles. Dans le domaine des formations professionnelles, les enseignants peuvent nouer des liens avec le personnel des entreprises, intervenant au plan pédagogique dans leur dispositif de formation ou accueillant des élèves en stage. L'objectif est de montrer que, dans ce cas, un capital social collectif apparaît à la jonction école-entreprise, facilitant le passage des élèves de l'école vers l'emploi. Trois types d'acteurs constituent le système d'action organisé appuyé sur le dispositif de formation et produisant le capital social : les élèves développent des liens porteurs d'embauche, les employeurs cherchent des candidats ; le responsable du dispositif de formation, adoptant une convention " professionnelle ", ie congruente avec celle du milieu de travail visé, place ses élèves et occupe une niche sociale organisant la coopération entre les différents acteurs et préservant de la concurrence. Cette fonction, qualifiée d'articulateur formation-emploi, est analysée à trois niveaux individuel, structurel et organisationnel. Des données empiriques d'une enquête auprès d'employeurs, de l'enquête Emploi et d'enquêtes longitudinales du Céreq sont mobilisées. Une étude de terrain est réalisée dans le secteur culturel sur cinq formations de 3ème cycle en administration et gestion en France.

Det ligger nåt i vad vi säger : Om kommunikation och lärande i två små (kultur)organisationer. / Something About What We Say : Communication and learning in two small (arts)organisations

Mair, Christopher, Nordström, Charlotta January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet lärande i organisationer med avseende på små organisationer.</p><p>Vårt syfte är: att bidra med en ökad förståelse för hur lärandet påverkas av den interna kommunikationen i små organisationer. Den här förståelsen hoppas vi kan inspirera såväl praktiker som forskare, till att uppmärksamma den interna kommunikationens betydelse för lärandet inom små organisationer.</p><p>Studien består av två fallstudier av kulturorganisationerna Iaspis (samtidskonst) och Raw</p><p>Fusion Recordings (musik). Urvalet av fallorganisationer motiveras främst av deras storlek, samt att de båda verkar inom konst- och kultursektorn. Vi studerar för att verka inom denna sektor. Ansatsen är deduktiv och utgår från ett ramverk som baseras på forskning inom lärande i organisationer. Vi har genomfört sju kvalitativa intervjuer med medlemmarna i organisationerna, frågorna har vi tagit fram genom att operationalisera indikatorer som vi identifierat i det teoretiska referensverket. Den teoretiska grunden har vi hämtat hos Chris</p><p>Argyris, Donald Schön, Peter Senge och Karl Weick, bland andra. I likhet med Weick ser vi verkligheten som socialt konstruerad, varför kommunikation spelar en central roll för lärandet.</p><p>Några av resultaten som vi nått är att den interna kommunikationen påverkar lärandet på följande sätt:</p><p>-Lärandet som uppstår blir främst av single-loop-karaktär.</p><p>-Den interna kommunikationen bidrar delvis till att skapa hinder mot lärande i små organisationer.</p><p>-Innehållet i den interna kommunikationen präglas i hög grad av händelser i intressentnätverket. (Fallorganisationerna har ett starkt beroende av andra aktörer.)</p><p>-I dagsläget används inte den interna kommunikationen aktivt på sätt som skulle kunna göra organisationerna medvetet lärande.</p><p>-Den interna kommunikationen erbjuder små organisationer som Raw Fusion Recordings och Iaspis goda förutsättningar för att bli medvetet lärande organisationer.</p> / <p>In this bachelors thesis we hope to contribute to an increased understanding of learning in small organisations and how learning is affected by internal communication.</p><p>We have conducted two case studies: Isapis, International Artists’ Studio Program in Sweden, and Raw Fusion Recordings, an independent record label. The case selection is primarily based on organisational size, but also on the fact that both organisations operate within the arts and culture sector. We, the authors, are arts and cultural management students. We have combined the work of several scholars in the field of learning in organisations, and have created a theoretical framework from which indicators have been identified; from these we have deduced questions. These questions have then been asked to the organisational members in seven qualitative interviews. Our framework is based on the work of Chris Argyris, Donald Schön, Peter Senge and Karl Weick, among others. As does Weick we see reality as socially constructed, which amplifies the importance of communication in the learning processes. Some of the results on how internal communication affects the learning processes are:</p><p>-The learning that the internal communication leads to is primarily single-loop.</p><p>-The internal communication partly contributes to limit learning in small organisations.</p><p>-The content of that which is communicated within the organisations is very much based on occurrences in the stakeholder networks (The case organisations have a strong dependence on their stakeholders.</p><p>-Presently, the internal communication is not used in a way that could make the organisations aware of and active in the learning processes.</p><p>-The internal communication offers organisations such as Raw Fusion Recordings and Iaspis a means through which they might become active in the processes that lead to learning.</p>

Le temps en contrôle de gestion : Evolution des conceptions temporelles dans une discipline

Meric, Jérôme 01 January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Adoptant une approche constructiviste du rôle du discours, nous considérons que ce dernier est susceptible de créer chez ceux qui le reçoivent une réalité. Ainsi, tout dire, tout écrit que je produis peut contribuer à la construction du monde d'autrui. En particulier, lorsqu'en gestion, je parle du " temps ", ou encore quandje recommande des attitudes qui ont trait à cette notion, je distille - sans nécessairement en être conscient - des conceptions du temps dans lesquelles les membres de l'organisation, les étudiants, peuvent se placer. Ce travail porte d'abord sur les conceptions du temps portées par la littérature française de contrôle de gestion parue dans les vingt dernières années. Par " conception du temps ", il faut d'abord entendre les idées que placent les auteurs de la discipline derrière le terme de "temps ". Une première étape de cette recherche a consisté à identifier ces dernières, qui se révèlent en fait réifiantes et réductrices, donc particulièrement rassurantes, au regard de l'idée que nous pouvons nous faire d'un temps destructeur. Une deuxième phase - la principale de notre recherche - est concentrée sur les conceptions implicites du temps portées par des manuels représentatifs de cette même littérature, c'est à dire celles qui, sans être exprimées directement dans les textes, fondent la plupart des outils et méthodes proposés en contrôle de gestion. Lors de notre étape d'exploration, nous avons mis en évidence le rôle essentiel que jouent quatre attitudes recommandées par la discipline dans l'expression de ces approches. Il s'agit de ce que nous avons appelé la rétrospection, la prospective, la réaction et la proaction. Nous avons cherché à articuler ces concepts dans un modèle croisant deux débats relatifs à la question du temps, à savoir l'orientation vers le passé ou le futur, et le rapport à l'incertitude. C'est ce modèle théorique solidement étayé de références internes et externes à la gestion qui a fondé la suite de ces travaux. L'essentiel de notre tâche a consisté à suivre dans la durée l'importance relative de ces quatre attitudes dans la littérature de contrôle de gestion. Pour ce faire, nous avons adopté une démarche lexicométrique associée à une analyse qualitative conventionnelle de dix manuels en langue française parus dans le domaine depuis la fin des années 1970 à la fin des années 1990. Cette étude a mis en évidence l'émergence - dans le vocabulaire comme dans les idéesd'un discours promouvant la réaction et la proaction, c'est à dire des attitudes plus actives et moins orientées vers la connaissance. Considéré au second degré, ce résultat souligne le passage d'une négation de l'incertitude à une acceptation active de cette dernière. Les conceptions identifiées dans cette recherche ne sont pas neutres : elles induisent par nature des comportements précis chez ceux qui les ont adoptées. La prospective et la rétrospection placent l'individu dans une situation de confiance par rapport à hier et à demain: il se livrera à l'acquisition d'information, parfois à l'immobilisme. La réaction et la proaction se posent plutôt comme les seuls palliatifs à l'incertain; ils engendrent ainsi une activité constante, voire un certain activisme, censés assurer l'entreprise contre l'imprévu. Produire du temps, c'est donc, indirectement et souvent inconsciemment, produire du contrôle. C'est ce que pratique, avant même les entreprises, la discipline de contrôle de gestion, telle que les manuels étudiés la conçoivent.

La commission pastorale de la terre dans le nord de la zone de la canne à sucre du Pernambouc : "une nouvelle manière d'être Eglise" ? (de 1988 au début des années 2000)

De Maupeou, Samuel 24 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche est consacrée à l'analyse de la pratique sociale de la Commission Pastorale de la Terre Nordeste 2 (CPT NE 2), une organisation laïque de l'Église catholique, dans la région Nordeste. Au service des travailleurs agricoles et des paysans sans terre, dans la lutte pour la réforme agraire, l'organisation opère dans la partie septentrionale de la zone de la canne à sucre de l'État du Pernambouc (Brésil). L'étude porte sur la période qui court entre 1988, année de sa naissance, et le début des années 2000, moment où diminue sa participation aux conflits fonciers et dans les mouvements d'occupation de terres. La principale problématique interroge les actions de la CPT en milieu rural afin de comprendre si elle incarne une forme inédite d'engagement social ou, selon les termes de ses acteurs, "une nouvelle manière d'être Église". Pour ce faire, nous l'analysons, dans un premier temps, en regard des organisations catholiques antérieures, nées au début des années 1960, dans le cadre de l'Action Catholique Rurale. Entre ces JAC, MEB, SORPE, ACR, MER et autres PR NE 2 et la CPT, quelle est la part des continuités et des ruptures ? Ensuite, l'organisation est abordée à l'aune de son engagement dans la lutte pour la réforme agraire, des mobilisations sociales auxquelles elle participe et de ses rapports aux autres acteurs sociaux : MST, STRs, FETAPE, monde politique et autorités publiques, afin d'identifier ses formes d'action et définir leur originalité. En dernier lieu, sa pratique est analysée à partir du milieu social, des matrices socio-religieuses d'où sont issus ses acteurs et les médiateurs qui transmettent la mémoire sociale d'Église dans la région.Enfin, la recherche vise aussi à définir en quoi et jusqu'où les modes d'action et les acteurs de la CPT NE 2 relèvent des formes de mobilisation des Nouveaux Mouvements Sociaux (NMS) qui agissent en Amérique Latine et, notamment, au Brésil, à partir des années 1980.

Political culture and socialisation responses to integrated water resources management (IWRM) : the case of Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality / Sysman Motloung

Motloung, Sysman January 2010 (has links)
This study looks at political culture and socialisation responses to Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). It identifies political culture and socialisation as part of a process, the development of a political culture with specific attitudes, cognitions, and feelings towards the political system. Political culture and socialisation impart the knowledge of how to act politically, i.e. how to apply values in formulating demands and making claims on the political system. They form a connecting link between micro- and macro-politics. The study maintains that political orientations are handed down from one generation to another, through the process of political socialisation. Top-down and bottom-up influences come into play to augment a discourse on the global nature of political socialisation and the political culture of international societies with regard to IWRM and governance ideologies. It is argued that these international ideas become relevant in the national political agenda, civil society organisations and trans-national networks. The IWRM aspects of water as an economic good and a basic human right have become a two-edged sword in the South African context. The study reveals that politics stand at the epicentre of water problems, and that IWRM is a political-ethical issue which challenges power bases in many communities. The IWRM global norms of equitable, efficient and sustainable use of water resources have become a major problem in a water-scarce country burdened with economic inequalities and abject poverty. This is a pressing issue because there is an increasing demand for water to sustain the development necessary to redress the draconian ills of the apartheid past. This becomes evident in the fundamental legislative overhaul that has taken place since 1994, embracing a transformation culture that glorifies the norm of water not only as a fundamental human right, but also as a commodity that is necessary to sustain human dignity. It is here that water is politicised. Violent protests have erupted in reaction to perceived neo-liberal attempts to deny the poor their access to this resource. The political culture and socialisation responses as far as IWRM is concerned appear within fragmented lines, i.e. mainly black and poor communities embrace a culture of non-payment for services and resort to violent protests as a viable method to raise their concerns. In contrast, the white and middle-class communities manifest a tendency to form parallel local government structures; they then withhold rate payments and provide services for themselves through ratepayer associations. Finally, the study considers the South African context with regard to the manifestations of political culture, and how this influences water resources. It is evident that there is too much emphasis on politics at the expense of discussions on IWRM. Civil society organisations make very little attempt to encourage public participation in water management structures. It also appears that political elites who are disillusioned with civil society organisations tend to derail their efforts to educate the public on water management structures. / MA, Political Studies, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

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