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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle du Sud dans la fabrique du développement : l’internationalisation des instruments des politiques publiques brésiliennes pour le secteur rural - le cas du Mozambique et des arènes multilatérales / The role of the South in Development : Internationalisation of Brazilian Public Policies for the Rural Sector - the case of Mozambique and multilateral arenas

Milhorance de Castro, Carolina 29 June 2016 (has links)
La multiplication des mouvements d’exportation et d’importation des modèles de gestion sociale, politique et économique a récemment trouvé un foyer privilégié et peu exploré : celui de l’échange entre acteurs du « Sud ». L’expérience brésilienne de modernisation agricole ou de politiques sociales a attiré l’attention de la communauté internationale dans les années 2000, en manque de réponses politiques face aux défis mondiaux de « lutte contre la pauvreté ». Cet intérêt s’est accru eu égard aux efforts diplomatiques brésiliens pour intensifier la coopération, le commerce et les investissements avec les pays en développement, notamment sur le continent africain. C’est dans le but de saisir le contenu, les processus et les implications politiques de l’internationalisation des instruments des politiques publiques brésiliennes pour le secteur rural que nous réalisons cette étude. Il nous intéresse également d’appréhender de manière plus large les dynamiques de distribution de pouvoir à l’échelle internationale face à l’insertion de nouveaux acteurs et de nouveaux référentiels d’action publique, en tenant compte de la particularité historico-politique des échanges sud-sud. Nous montrerons que l’influence des acteurs brésiliens dans la production et la circulation de normes internationales en matière de développement rural a été plus effective dans le changement organisationnel et normatif au sein des institutions multilatérales telles que la FAO que dans la réorientation des instruments politiques au sein des institutions publiques des pays du Sud, dans notre cas le Mozambique. Cette conclusion repose sur l’idée selon laquelle l’internationalisation d’instruments d’action publique fait l’objet d’un processus politique impliquant des réseaux d’acteurs à de multiples niveaux. Nous identifions trois ordres de facteurs influençant les résultats des interactions entre les acteurs brésiliens et les « récepteurs » des normes au niveau multilatéral aussi bien que national : i) les stratégies d’acteurs impliquant la redistribution des ressources politiques ; ii) le changement du cadre cognitif de la coalition dominante ; et/ou iii) l’altération du contexte intérieur ou extérieur au système politique (structure d’opportunité). Ces étapes devraient nous permettre de mieux saisir les enjeux de la transformation de l’État dans un contexte de mondialisation et de consolidation de nouvelles recettes mondiales de solutions publiques. / The proliferation of export and import of social, economic and policy management models has recently found a new arena: that of South-South relations. Brazil gained wide international recognition during the 2000s for its agricultural modernisation and social policies. The country’s domestic moves were especially significant in a context of weak political responses to the worldwide challenges of « fight against poverty ». Global interest in Brazil has strengthened in view of its diplomatic efforts to intensify cooperation, trade and investment with developing countries, especially in Africa. This study aims to understand the content, the process and the political implications of the internationalization of Brazil’s rural public policy instruments. The study also intends to broadly analyse the dynamics of power distribution at the international level resulting from the emergence of new actors and new public policy frameworks, taking into account the historical and political distinctiveness of South-South exchanges. We show that the influence of Brazilian actors in the production and the circulation of international norms of rural development has been more effective in producing organisational and normative change within multilateral institutions, such as the FAO, than in the reorientation of policy instruments and institutions in the Global South, and in particular in Mozambique which is our case study. This assumption is grounded in the idea that internationalization of policy instruments is subject to a political process involving actors’ networks at multiple levels. For our study, we identify three factors influencing the interactions between Brazilian players and the “receivers” of norms at multilateral and national levels: i) strategies of the actors involved in the redistribution of political resources; ii) changes in the cognitive frame of the ruling coalition; and/or iii) changes to the internal or external context of the political system (opportunity structure). This analysis should enable a clearer understanding of the drivers of state transformation in a context of globalisation and the consolidation of new global policy solutions. / A multiplicação de movimentos de exportação e importação de modelos de gestão social, política e econômica tem se intensificado a partir de um novo eixo: o das relações entre países do “Sul”. A experiência brasileira de modernização agrícola e de implementação de políticas sociais foi reconhecida pela comunidade internacional nos anos 2000, principalmente num contexto de fragilidade das respostas políticas face aos desafios mundiais de “luta contra a pobreza”. Tal interesse internacional tem se aprofundado diante dos esforços da diplomacia brasileira em intensificar a cooperação, o comércio e os investimentos nos países em desenvolvimento, em particular no continente africano. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o conteúdo, os processos e as implicações políticas da internacionalização de instrumentos brasileiros de políticas públicas para o setor rural. Ele busca ainda examinar de maneira mais ampla as dinâmicas de distribuição de poder na esfera internacional, como resultado da emergência de novos atores e de novos marcos de políticas públicas, levando-se em conta as particularidades histórico-políticas das relações Sul-Sul. Nós mostraremos que a influência de atores brasileiros na produção e na circulação de normas internacionais em matéria de desenvolvimento rural se mostrou mais efetiva na mudança organizacional e normativa no âmbito das instituições multilaterais, como a FAO, do que na reorientação de instrumentos políticos nas instituições públicas dos países do Sul, em particular em Moçambique que representa no nosso estudo de caso. Tal conclusão baseia-se na ideia de que a internacionalização de instrumentos de políticas públicas representa um processo político envolvendo redes de atores em múltiplos níveis de ação. Três principais fatores influenciam os resultados das interações entre atores brasileiros e os “receptores” das normas no âmbito multilateral e nacional: i) as estratégias dos atores levando à redistribuição de recursos políticos; ii) a mudança da estrutura cognitiva da coalizão dominante; e/ou iii) a alteração do contexto interno ou externo ao sistema político (estrutura de oportunidade). Esta análise deverá proporcionar uma melhor compreensão do processo de transformação do Estado num contexto de globalização e de consolidação de novas soluções globais de políticas públicas.

A tt köpa och sälja konsulttjänster inom byggsektorn - En undersökning av kompetensupphandling inom offentlig och privat sektor / B uying and selling consulting services in the construction sector - An investigation of competence procurement in public and private sector

Imamovic, Jasmina January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Motivace dobrovolníků ke kvalitní činnosti v ziskových i neziskových organizacích : analýza a srovnání přístupu organizací a dobrovolných pracovníků / Volunteer Motivation to Quality Work in Profit and Non-profit Organisations. Analysis and Comparation of Organizations and Volunteers.

Pešková, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
5 Abstract The dissertation thesis occupy by defining of volunteering characteristics. There are some questions about what the volunteering should be and what shouldn't be, what is volunteering motivation and what is volunteering background in Czech Republic. Afterwards it is occupy by of volunteering management for purposes of quality management, specifically in recruitment, education, audit and evaluation, risk management or quality standard defining. There is a research of managers and volunteers from profit and non-profit organisations about their access to volunteering and to each other. Afterwards there is an analysis of interviews and their evaluation. The conclusion contain some description of new phenomenon of volunteering in Czech environment and there is also evaluation of its' practical impact.

Kroppsnormer, ideal och kroppsinklusivitet i ett samhälle präglat av “den perfekta kroppen” : En semiotisk bild- och retorisk analys av Victoria´s Secret & Twilfit By Change´s visuella kommunikation / Body norms, ideals and body inclusivity in a society characterized by "the perfect body" : A semiotic picture- and rhetoric analysis of Victoria’s Secret & Twilfit By Change’s visual communication

Hallin, Evelina, Ulm, Frederikke January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to understand the complexity underwear brands are subject to in particular in relation to their explicit use of models to create an organizational identity and image. Through two underwear brands (Victoria’s Secret and Twilfit By Change) we intend to examine their use of models in different sizes and different skin tones through visual communication (imagery and text) on their respective websites. The questions we intend to answer are: How are body ideals and body inclusivity constructed throughout Victoria’s Secret and Twilfit By Changes’ visual communication? and How does this contribute to the construction of Victoria's Secret and Twilfit By Changes organizational identity? When collecting material and performing the analysis we will be using two analysis methods, semiotic image analysis using denotation and connotation and a rhetorical analysis using ethos, pathos and logos. The theoretical framework for the study consists of three theories; norm theory, sexual objectification theory and organizational theory with a focus on identity and image. By using these analysis methods and theories we found that there is a significant difference between these companies and their way of using inclusion and diversity in their marketing efforts of the brand. One seems to have made a huge shift in communication to be more inclusive both in regards to body sizes and skin colors. The other one seems to be stuck in the past in regards to their imagery. By using models that represent a more diverse group you can improve your organizational identity and avoid contributing to the harm of young women and women's mental health in regards to body image and ideals.

Civil society assistance in Central and Eastern Europe / the cases of Poland and Slovakia

Abele, Christine 02 April 2008 (has links)
Die Arbeit stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit es externen Akteuren möglich ist, zivilgesellschaftli-che Strukturen eines in der Transformation befindlichen Staates zu stärken, um damit einen Beitrag zur Konsolidierung nachkommunistischer Gesellschaften zu leisten. Resultiert die externe Förderung tatsächlich in eine „zivilere“ Gesellschaft, welche sich auf mündige und aktive Bürger stützt, oder führt sie zu einem bloßen Transfer von Strukturen in Form von Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen (NRO), welche jedoch keine gesellschaftliche Anbindung haben und bloße Zuarbeiter westlicher Geberorganisationen sind? // Um diese Frage zu beantworten, werden im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit ausgehend vom akteurszentrierten Institutionalismus zwei wesentliche Mechanismen identifiziert, durch wel-che die Aktivitäten der Geber Veränderungen bei den Nehmern erzielen: Ermächtigung und Lernen. Während Ersteres die Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Ressourcen einiger Akteure stärkt und damit vorhandene Akteurskonstellationen ändert, führt Letzteres dazu, dass neue Ideen Eingang in die politische Arena finden. // Die Arbeit stellt die Aktivitäten vier verschiedener Geberländer und –organisationen in Polen und der Slowakei in den 1990er Jahren vor; der Europäischen Union, Deutschlands, der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und dem privaten Netzwerk der Soros Stiftungen; und un-tersucht deren Beitrag zur zivilgesellschaftlichen Entwicklung beider Länder. Hierzu werden lokale NROs in den Blick genommen, welche maßgeblich von westlichen Gebern unterstützt werden und untersucht, inwieweit diese als Träger der Zivilgesellschaft fungieren, welche Legitimität sie bei der Bevölkerung besitzen und ob sie nach Rückzug der Geber weiter exis-tieren. // Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass westliche Zivilgesellschaftsförderung in beiden un-tersuchten Ländern einen positiven Effekt hatte in dem Sinne, dass maßgeblich geförderte NROs tatsächlich als Träger der Zivilgesellschaft fungierten. Sie bemühten sich um die Un-terstützung anderer NROs, erweitern gesellschaftliche Partizipationsmöglichkeiten und sind soweit in nationale Strukturen und in der Gesellschaft verankert, dass auch ein Fortbestand ohne westliche Gelder möglich ist. / With the end of the communist bloc and the transformations taking place in Central and Eastern Europe the promotion and protection of democracy from abroad became a major field of assistance. Especially civil society assistance, understood as direct support granted to non-governmental actors of the target state with the explicit aim to promote the consolida-tion of democracy, became a major pillar of democracy aid. The dissertation analyzes civil society assistance and aims to tackle the question whether it is feasible to promote and strengthen civil society from abroad. Does civil society assistance result in more civil society or does it result in nothing more than the establishment of donor driven NGOs which are nei-ther voluntary nor independent but solely function as puppets of donors? // In order to answer this question and following the insights of actor-centered institutionalism, the dissertation identifies to modes of external intervention labeled „empowerment” and “learning. In the first case, donors may increase the action resources of chosen domestic actors, thus altering domestic actor constellations, by providing finances, technical equip-ment, information and know-how. In the latter case, external actors may impact upon the ori-entations, that is, the perceptions and preferences, of domestic actors. // The dissertation analyses the contribution of the activities of four different donors; the Euro-pean Union, the USA, Germany and the private network of Soros Foundations; to the devel-opment of civil society in Poland and Slovakia. In order to pinpoint outcomes of civil society assistance the dissertation focuses on recipients and their activities. The dissertation thus clarifies to what extent main recipient organizations act as carriers of civil society, whether they transmit the interests of their constituency into politics, whether they fulfill a watch-dog function and democratic functions attributed to civil society. It therefore analyzes main recipi-ents, their sustainability, legitimacy and effectiveness as carriers of civil society. // The dissertation jumps to the conclusion that externally driven civil society assistance had positive effects in both countries under investigation as supported NGOs acted as carriers of civil society.

The legal framework for water security in SADC / Monica de Beer

De Beer, Monica January 2015 (has links)
Water is a basic human necessity and water resources are becoming scarce, limited and in some cases expensive. The SADC region is a very dry and semi-arid region, which places pressure on the region’s water resources and security. Water is a key ingredient for SADC to achieve their regional goals and water security should receive high priority in this region. As SADC’s economic development will be defined by the availability of water it is important to define ‘water security’ for this region. SADC has a large number of shared water resources and the scarcity of water has fostered cooperation between the member states. Achieving water security will rely on the legal instruments that are available to the SADC region. These legal instruments focus on cooperation, integration and management of transboundary rivers. In this dissertation various international, regional and legal instruments were discussed in terms of the definition for ‘water security’ in the SADC region. This dissertation does not only focus on the legal framework for water security but also where this normative framework failed to address the elements of water security. Two case studies will be done on transboundary rivers (Limpopo and Okavango River) to illustrate how cooperation and agreements between countries could lead to ensuring a water secure region. RBO’s are at the core of IWRM and the governance of transboundary rivers will rely on the commitment to the agreements between these countries. OKACOM and LIMCOM are both discussed in terms of their legal frameworks as well as measured against the main elements of water security. This study will thus, by examining the definition of water security and applying it to the legal framework provided for by SADC, establish whether SADC’s normative framework effectively provides for water security. The case studies will provide a practical example of wherethe RBO’s have utilised the normative framework provided, and whether RBO’s facilitate or enable water security in this region. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Towards a framework for managing enterprise architecture acceptance / Sonja Gilliland

Gilliland, Sonja January 2014 (has links)
An enterprise is a complex and changing entity, which is managed and maintained by humans. Enterprise architecture has been identified as an organisational strategy designed to assist enterprises with the understanding of complexity and the management of change. Acceptance, implementation and maintenance of enterprise architecture in organisations are complex and time-consuming. Work roles, responsibilities, common vocabulary, and buy-in are some of the cooperative human factors of stakeholders and participants and are believed to have an effect on the process of enterprise architecture acceptance in organisations. This study focused on identifying human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and the question of how knowledge of these human factors can be used to assist organisations in the management of enterprise architecture acceptance. The research addressed two main research objectives: the development of a work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance and a proposed method for assisting organisations with enterprise architecture acceptance. An initial set of human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance were identified through an exploratory study in one organisation. A study of existing literature was used to identify other human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and to compile a more comprehensive list of human factors. The resulting comprehensive list of human factors was categorised into six constructed work-level-related human concerns and confirmed in more organisations. A work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance was established based on the work-level-related human concerns and associated human factors. A method for organisational use and management of enterprise architecture acceptance based on the model was proposed. The result of the research is the Work-level acceptance framework for enterprise architecture (WoLAF for EA), which could contribute to understanding and managing the important aspect of human acceptance of enterprise architecture in organisations. / PhD (Information Technology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015

The legal framework for water security in SADC / Monica de Beer

De Beer, Monica January 2015 (has links)
Water is a basic human necessity and water resources are becoming scarce, limited and in some cases expensive. The SADC region is a very dry and semi-arid region, which places pressure on the region’s water resources and security. Water is a key ingredient for SADC to achieve their regional goals and water security should receive high priority in this region. As SADC’s economic development will be defined by the availability of water it is important to define ‘water security’ for this region. SADC has a large number of shared water resources and the scarcity of water has fostered cooperation between the member states. Achieving water security will rely on the legal instruments that are available to the SADC region. These legal instruments focus on cooperation, integration and management of transboundary rivers. In this dissertation various international, regional and legal instruments were discussed in terms of the definition for ‘water security’ in the SADC region. This dissertation does not only focus on the legal framework for water security but also where this normative framework failed to address the elements of water security. Two case studies will be done on transboundary rivers (Limpopo and Okavango River) to illustrate how cooperation and agreements between countries could lead to ensuring a water secure region. RBO’s are at the core of IWRM and the governance of transboundary rivers will rely on the commitment to the agreements between these countries. OKACOM and LIMCOM are both discussed in terms of their legal frameworks as well as measured against the main elements of water security. This study will thus, by examining the definition of water security and applying it to the legal framework provided for by SADC, establish whether SADC’s normative framework effectively provides for water security. The case studies will provide a practical example of wherethe RBO’s have utilised the normative framework provided, and whether RBO’s facilitate or enable water security in this region. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Towards a framework for managing enterprise architecture acceptance / Sonja Gilliland

Gilliland, Sonja January 2014 (has links)
An enterprise is a complex and changing entity, which is managed and maintained by humans. Enterprise architecture has been identified as an organisational strategy designed to assist enterprises with the understanding of complexity and the management of change. Acceptance, implementation and maintenance of enterprise architecture in organisations are complex and time-consuming. Work roles, responsibilities, common vocabulary, and buy-in are some of the cooperative human factors of stakeholders and participants and are believed to have an effect on the process of enterprise architecture acceptance in organisations. This study focused on identifying human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and the question of how knowledge of these human factors can be used to assist organisations in the management of enterprise architecture acceptance. The research addressed two main research objectives: the development of a work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance and a proposed method for assisting organisations with enterprise architecture acceptance. An initial set of human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance were identified through an exploratory study in one organisation. A study of existing literature was used to identify other human factors affecting enterprise architecture acceptance and to compile a more comprehensive list of human factors. The resulting comprehensive list of human factors was categorised into six constructed work-level-related human concerns and confirmed in more organisations. A work-level-related model for enterprise architecture acceptance was established based on the work-level-related human concerns and associated human factors. A method for organisational use and management of enterprise architecture acceptance based on the model was proposed. The result of the research is the Work-level acceptance framework for enterprise architecture (WoLAF for EA), which could contribute to understanding and managing the important aspect of human acceptance of enterprise architecture in organisations. / PhD (Information Technology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015

Sécurité en région frontalière: les relations transgouvernementales de la Sûreté du Québec

Poliquin, Myriam January 2014 (has links)
En matière de sécurité en région frontalière, les États fédéraux nord-américains ne sont pas les seuls acteurs puisque celle-ci renvoie à plusieurs champs de compétences constitutionnels partagés avec les gouvernements fédérés ou détenus par ceux-ci. Ainsi, au Canada la sécurité en région frontalière concerne autant les compétences fédérales que les responsabilités provinciales. La Sûreté du Québec étant l’organisation policière de la province, elle est amenée à jouer un rôle important en cette matière. Cette organisation reste un acteur transnational au sens de Keohane et Nye, elle établit des relations transgouvernementales avec ses homologues à travers le monde, notamment pour assurer la sécurité en région frontalière. L’existence d’une culture organisationnelle partagée par la majorité des policières et des policiers favorise l’établissement de relations entre eux, qui ne se produisent pas sous les directives du gouvernement fédéral ou même des gouvernements provinciaux. Cette étude ne concerne pas l’ensemble des activités internationales de la Sûreté du Québec, mais se concentre sur les relations transgouvernementales entretenues par les directeurs et directeurs adjoints des quatorze postes frontaliers à la frontière Québec-États-Unis. Ces fonctionnaires de proximité possèdent un pouvoir discrétionnaire et une autonomie particulière au sein de l’organisation policière et cela leur permet de choisir ou non d’établir des relations avec leurs homologues. Cette étude cible les facteurs qui favorisent et les éléments qui entravent l’établissement des relations transgouvernementales des policières et policiers en région frontalière.

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