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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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SAUNIER, pierre yves 15 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire a pour objet de retracer une trajectoire de recherche, à la lumière des publications qui l'ont jalonnée.

Le contrôle de gestion dans les musées. Émergence et développement du contrôle de gestion dans des organisations non lucratives soumises à des faisceaux de contraintes environnementales et organisationnelles.

Chatelain-Ponroy, Stéphanie 19 January 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis plusieurs années les musées français ont connu de nombreuses mutations liées à leur évolution propre et à celle de leur environnement. L'élargissement et la diversification de leurs missions en sont le reflet : tout en poursuivant leur tâche première de conservation, ils se sont largement ouverts à des manifestations variées dont l'impact le plus perceptible fut l'accroissement de leur fréquentation. Ils sont également devenus des partenaires non négligeables des politiques culturelles locales et nationales. Enfin, les musées traversent à l'heure actuelle une crise d'identité et de légitimité liée à l'apparition d'une demande sociale de rationalisation de ce type d'institution. Face à ces mutations, nous assistons à l'émergence du besoin d'une gestion plus rigoureuse. Cette dernière devrait permettre aux responsables d'établissements de se donner les moyens de réussir ces nouvelles relations, d'évoluer et de s'adapter aux mutations de leur environnement mais également de trouver les outils de fonctionnement répondant à ces missions alourdies. Le musée moderne accède au statut d'institution dont la gestion exige que soient mobilisées toutes les ressources susceptibles de concourir à l'accomplissement de ses finalités. Ce nécessaire repositionnement des musées en réponse à l'évolution de leurs opportunités et contraintes trouve sa place dans le contrôle de gestion. Pour développer et répondre à notre problématique, nous avons été amenée à réaliser une revue de la littérature mettant en évidence le besoin de contrôle de gestion, à dresser - à l'aide d'un questionnaire - un état des lieux des pratiques de contrôle de gestion actuellement mises en œuvre par les musées français et à analyser - par le biais d'entretiens semi-directifs - des cas "types" afin de comprendre le sens de l'introduction d'une optique de contrôle de gestion dans les musées. La synthèse de la réponse à notre question de recherche nous a permis, enfin, de proposer une réflexion sur la conception d'un système de contrôle de gestion qui réponde aux spécificités des musées, c'est-à-dire qui tienne compte à la fois de leur appartenance au secteur des activités non lucratives et de leur insertion dans le champ culturel.

Från inre faktorer mot lärande organisationer

Hökerberg, Elisabet January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen gör en första ansats att utifrån befintliga organisationsteorier definiera de faktorer vilka påverkar Försvarsmakten och R3-organisationen. Oganisations-teorierna pekar på yttre krafter så som politik, ekonomi och teknologi samt inre logik-faktorer, vilka består av sociala processer som utvecklas och påverkar det klimat som präglar en organisation.</p><p>Förutom yttre krafter och inre logik, påverkar även organisationsformen en organisation. Inom Försvarsmakten och dess underorganisationer, däribland R3, är organisationsformen till övervägande del hierarkisk. Ett välanpassat och dubbelriktat informationsutbyte mellan de olika nivåerna inom hierarkin gör den välfungerande och effektiv. Inom R3-organisationen finns detta informationsutbyte bland annat mellan funktionsutvecklaren och utbildningsförbanden. Klimatet samt funktionen inom detta utbyte påverkar organisationens effektivitet och optimering. Framtiden är till del oviss och utveckling, omvärld och resurser förändras ständigt. Genom att sträva efter att vara en lärande organisation kan Försvarsmakten tillgodogöra organisationen de kunskaper som individerna innehar och förvärvar. En lärande organisation investerar i människor och deras fortlöpande lärande. Viktigt är att öka det subjektiva och objektiva handlingsutrymmet för individerna i syfte att gynna lärprocessen, vilket utvecklar hela organisationen. Det ökade internationella samarbetet Försvarsmakten strävar mot, främjar rimligtvis effektivitet och optimering på så vis att kunskapsprocesserna utvecklar och vidgar de referensramar individ och organisation har.</p><p>Fortsatt forskning kan bland annat ge svar på hur det internationella samarbetet skall utvecklas för att ge ytterligare positiva aspekter avseende den lärande organisationen och dess utveckling.</p> / <p>The author of this essay is Elisabet Hökerberg, a Cadet at the Swedish Armed Forces Technical School, Halmstad. The essay is written as a part of the Officer Education.</p><p>The objective of this study is to research and examine the main factors which affect the potential for an organization to function as effectively as possible. The essay also aims at describing the most preferable climate characterizing an optimal and effective organization. Factors such as politics, technical boundaries and economies are external factors which affect an organization and are often difficult for the organization to influence. These external factors also have a direct effect on the inner logic that characterizes the relations and climate between the members of the organization. Inner logics are social processes which develop without the members’ direct awareness of them. Opportunism is a typical inner logic factor.</p><p>In order to increase efficiency and realize the objectives of the organization it is important for those in command to handle these inner logics with care and to be aware of their importance. To realize the objective of an organization the executive staff must have the ability, will and means to lead and guide their employees towards the Managing Directors’ intended objective.</p><p>The Swedish Armed Forces is no exception and the external powers and inner logics influence the military organization just as it does a regular company. The hierarchic organization which the military organization constitutes also affects its efficiency and optimising. In order to make a hierarchic organization function with effectiveness it is of importance that the vertical and horizontal boundaries are flexible and variable.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the conception of <em>learning organisations</em> can be an important part of the way towards an organization with minimized negative affection from the inner logic factors. The learning organisation has the ability to assimilate not only the available knowledge of the employees, but also encourages them to incorporate new. By investing in knowledge in this way the personnel readily understand their own importance in the way towards the objective, which leads to a more efficient organization.</p>

Investigating the experiences of gratitude during organizational change

Titus, Shirleen January 2010 (has links)
<p>The interpretation of this qualitative study indicates that individuals, teams and the organisation can benefit through allowing focus of unlocking that which provides a positive stimulus during challenging times in organisational settings. For social scientists, and in particular behavioural scientists, including industrial psychologists that are interested in positive psychology, it is hoped that there is an invitation to grow this area of research further and to gain new insights and direction for what are the enablers to experience positive change and gratitude.</p>

Patient Patients? : Achieving Patient Empowerment through active participation, increased knowledge and organisation

Söderholm Werkö, Sophie January 2008 (has links)
This study examines patient empowerment in two local diabetes branch organisations in Sweden. In particular, the study focuses on the organisations’ membership, participation and influence on external actors. The overall aim of this thesis is to explore patient empowerment in order to discern what influence patient organisations and individual members can have and how they use it. This study is based on both quantitative and qualitative empirical data. Interviews with active members from two local diabetes organisations were conducted and a survey was carried out to identify the members’ thoughts and feelings about their membership, motivations, participation and influence, as well as to examine their local organisation, its work and influence. The findings form an overall picture of how members experience their organisation, memberships and empowerment. Characteristics of the two local patient branch organisations were identified and the leaders were found to be intensely dedicated people. The interviews, survey and participant observations revealed the members’ opinions about their organisation, their reasons for joining, their involvement, participation and influence, as well as their understanding of the local organisation and the Swedish Diabetic Association (SDA) and their possibility to empower them. Without organisations, members felt that they could not have a significant influence on external actors and events.

Från inre faktorer mot lärande organisationer

Hökerberg, Elisabet January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen gör en första ansats att utifrån befintliga organisationsteorier definiera de faktorer vilka påverkar Försvarsmakten och R3-organisationen. Oganisations-teorierna pekar på yttre krafter så som politik, ekonomi och teknologi samt inre logik-faktorer, vilka består av sociala processer som utvecklas och påverkar det klimat som präglar en organisation. Förutom yttre krafter och inre logik, påverkar även organisationsformen en organisation. Inom Försvarsmakten och dess underorganisationer, däribland R3, är organisationsformen till övervägande del hierarkisk. Ett välanpassat och dubbelriktat informationsutbyte mellan de olika nivåerna inom hierarkin gör den välfungerande och effektiv. Inom R3-organisationen finns detta informationsutbyte bland annat mellan funktionsutvecklaren och utbildningsförbanden. Klimatet samt funktionen inom detta utbyte påverkar organisationens effektivitet och optimering. Framtiden är till del oviss och utveckling, omvärld och resurser förändras ständigt. Genom att sträva efter att vara en lärande organisation kan Försvarsmakten tillgodogöra organisationen de kunskaper som individerna innehar och förvärvar. En lärande organisation investerar i människor och deras fortlöpande lärande. Viktigt är att öka det subjektiva och objektiva handlingsutrymmet för individerna i syfte att gynna lärprocessen, vilket utvecklar hela organisationen. Det ökade internationella samarbetet Försvarsmakten strävar mot, främjar rimligtvis effektivitet och optimering på så vis att kunskapsprocesserna utvecklar och vidgar de referensramar individ och organisation har. Fortsatt forskning kan bland annat ge svar på hur det internationella samarbetet skall utvecklas för att ge ytterligare positiva aspekter avseende den lärande organisationen och dess utveckling. / The author of this essay is Elisabet Hökerberg, a Cadet at the Swedish Armed Forces Technical School, Halmstad. The essay is written as a part of the Officer Education. The objective of this study is to research and examine the main factors which affect the potential for an organization to function as effectively as possible. The essay also aims at describing the most preferable climate characterizing an optimal and effective organization. Factors such as politics, technical boundaries and economies are external factors which affect an organization and are often difficult for the organization to influence. These external factors also have a direct effect on the inner logic that characterizes the relations and climate between the members of the organization. Inner logics are social processes which develop without the members’ direct awareness of them. Opportunism is a typical inner logic factor. In order to increase efficiency and realize the objectives of the organization it is important for those in command to handle these inner logics with care and to be aware of their importance. To realize the objective of an organization the executive staff must have the ability, will and means to lead and guide their employees towards the Managing Directors’ intended objective. The Swedish Armed Forces is no exception and the external powers and inner logics influence the military organization just as it does a regular company. The hierarchic organization which the military organization constitutes also affects its efficiency and optimising. In order to make a hierarchic organization function with effectiveness it is of importance that the vertical and horizontal boundaries are flexible and variable. The result of the study shows that the conception of learning organisations can be an important part of the way towards an organization with minimized negative affection from the inner logic factors. The learning organisation has the ability to assimilate not only the available knowledge of the employees, but also encourages them to incorporate new. By investing in knowledge in this way the personnel readily understand their own importance in the way towards the objective, which leads to a more efficient organization.

Det ligger nåt i vad vi säger : Om kommunikation och lärande i två små (kultur)organisationer. / Something About What We Say : Communication and learning in two small (arts)organisations

Mair, Christopher, Nordström, Charlotta January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet lärande i organisationer med avseende på små organisationer. Vårt syfte är: att bidra med en ökad förståelse för hur lärandet påverkas av den interna kommunikationen i små organisationer. Den här förståelsen hoppas vi kan inspirera såväl praktiker som forskare, till att uppmärksamma den interna kommunikationens betydelse för lärandet inom små organisationer. Studien består av två fallstudier av kulturorganisationerna Iaspis (samtidskonst) och Raw Fusion Recordings (musik). Urvalet av fallorganisationer motiveras främst av deras storlek, samt att de båda verkar inom konst- och kultursektorn. Vi studerar för att verka inom denna sektor. Ansatsen är deduktiv och utgår från ett ramverk som baseras på forskning inom lärande i organisationer. Vi har genomfört sju kvalitativa intervjuer med medlemmarna i organisationerna, frågorna har vi tagit fram genom att operationalisera indikatorer som vi identifierat i det teoretiska referensverket. Den teoretiska grunden har vi hämtat hos Chris Argyris, Donald Schön, Peter Senge och Karl Weick, bland andra. I likhet med Weick ser vi verkligheten som socialt konstruerad, varför kommunikation spelar en central roll för lärandet. Några av resultaten som vi nått är att den interna kommunikationen påverkar lärandet på följande sätt: -Lärandet som uppstår blir främst av single-loop-karaktär. -Den interna kommunikationen bidrar delvis till att skapa hinder mot lärande i små organisationer. -Innehållet i den interna kommunikationen präglas i hög grad av händelser i intressentnätverket. (Fallorganisationerna har ett starkt beroende av andra aktörer.) -I dagsläget används inte den interna kommunikationen aktivt på sätt som skulle kunna göra organisationerna medvetet lärande. -Den interna kommunikationen erbjuder små organisationer som Raw Fusion Recordings och Iaspis goda förutsättningar för att bli medvetet lärande organisationer. / In this bachelors thesis we hope to contribute to an increased understanding of learning in small organisations and how learning is affected by internal communication. We have conducted two case studies: Isapis, International Artists’ Studio Program in Sweden, and Raw Fusion Recordings, an independent record label. The case selection is primarily based on organisational size, but also on the fact that both organisations operate within the arts and culture sector. We, the authors, are arts and cultural management students. We have combined the work of several scholars in the field of learning in organisations, and have created a theoretical framework from which indicators have been identified; from these we have deduced questions. These questions have then been asked to the organisational members in seven qualitative interviews. Our framework is based on the work of Chris Argyris, Donald Schön, Peter Senge and Karl Weick, among others. As does Weick we see reality as socially constructed, which amplifies the importance of communication in the learning processes. Some of the results on how internal communication affects the learning processes are: -The learning that the internal communication leads to is primarily single-loop. -The internal communication partly contributes to limit learning in small organisations. -The content of that which is communicated within the organisations is very much based on occurrences in the stakeholder networks (The case organisations have a strong dependence on their stakeholders. -Presently, the internal communication is not used in a way that could make the organisations aware of and active in the learning processes. -The internal communication offers organisations such as Raw Fusion Recordings and Iaspis a means through which they might become active in the processes that lead to learning.

Challenges and the use of performance measurements in humanitarian supply chains

Willner, Daniel, Zafeiridis, Stavros January 2013 (has links)
The field of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management is increasingly the subject of research. Even though there has been some research in the field in the past, the necessity for more research related to the measurement of the effectiveness of humanitarian supply chains is required. Humanitarian supply chain management deals not only with natural disasters but also with man-made disasters. Thus, different types of disasters create different challenges for humanitarian aid. Moreover, the different stages of the disasters require different courses of action. The lack of extended research in the field of humanitarian supply chain and logistics, the increase of the impact of disasters as well as the differences between the commercial and the humanitarian supply chains, make it clear that the sector should find ways to improve its efficiency. Tools and metrics can be used to measure and improve the efficiency of the supply chains. According to literature there are no sophisticated measures of effectiveness for humanitarian logi stics and supply chains. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the main challenges in humanitarian supply chains and what is the role of performance measurements in humanitarian operations. Moreover, the thesis aims to identify an appropriate model for measuring and thus, enhancing performance in the humanitarian supply chains. The research strategy chosen for this study is a holistic multiple case study. The empirical data is collected through interviews. For this research in total 3 organisations’ representatives and 2 volunteers were interviewed. The collected data have been analysed by combining theories and previous studies in the literature. The main findings from analysing the empirical data revealed that, depending on the disaster phase, humanitarian organisations face different challenges in their supply chains. By implementing appropriate performance measurements, the humanitarian organisations can limit the impact of the challenges in the supply chain operations, gain more relevant and precise information regarding the humanitarian operations, and enhance supply chain coordination among different stakeholders. As an outcome, by implementing appropriate performance measurement systems, the humanitarian organisations can overcome some of these challenges in their supply chains, and therefore enhance the overall supply chain performance.

Påverkande faktorer av arbetet på tjejjourerna : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie / Factors contributing to the work at a female voluntary organisation : A qualitative study

Johansson, Frida January 2012 (has links)
I Sverige finns cirka 60 tjejjourer som ideellt arbetar för att stötta och stärka unga kvinnor vars psykiska ohälsa fortsätter att öka. Statistiskt sett så finns klara samband mellan den psykiska ohälsan bland flickor i Sverige och orsak till varför de stödsökande hör av sig till tjejjourerna och andra ideella organisationer. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad jourerna gör för att förbättra den psykiska ohälsan bland flickor samt att beskriva faktorer som påverkar det ideella arbetet på tjejjourerna enligt de aktiva medlemmarna. En kvalitativ intervjustudie användes som metod. Sju intervjuer genomfördes på aktiva medlemmar på olika tjejjourer och analyserades med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Resultatet baseras på två teman jourverksamheten och den utåtriktade verksamheten samt fem kategorier, jourens uppbyggnad, stödsökande, resurser, förebyggande arbete och samverka. Tjejjourernas stödbidrag, anställda och aktiva medlemmar påverkar i vilken utsträckning de har möjlighet att arbeta förebyggande. Hjälp till självhjälp samt att stötta och stärka var prioritet i jourverksamheten trots att behov finns i den utåtriktade förebyggande verksamheten. Studien visar på att det läggs allt mer ansvar på landets tjejjourer från bland annat myndigheter att ta hand om tjejer som behöver stöd. Samarbetet i kommunerna mellan tjejjourer och andra instanser behöver förbättras. Det viktigaste förebyggande arbetet sker på skolorna och kommunen bör uppmärksamma att tjejjourerna kan betraktas som ett komplement i detta forum. / In Sweden there is about 60 organisations that works voluntary to support and empower young woman whose mental illness continues to increase. The purpose of this study was to describe factors that affect the volunteer work at these organisations by the active members. A qualitative interview was used as method. Seven interviews conducted on the active members in different organisations and analyzed by a content analysis. The results are based on two themes,- organisation activities and external activities as well as five categories, organisation structure, support seekers, resources, prevention and interact. The girls voluntary organisations are affected to wich extent they are able to work preventively by the support contributions, employees and active members. Self-help and to support and strengthen was the priority in the organisations although there is a need in the external prevention activities. The study shows that there are more and more responsibility on the girls organisations from other authorities. The cooperation in the municipality between the voluntary organisations and others needs to be improved. The most important preventive work is done at school and the municipality should be aware that girls voluntary organisations can be seen as complementary in this forum.

Ledarskapets betydelse för den friska arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur ledare inom offentliga human service verksamheter arbetar för en frisk arbetsplats ur ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv.

Andreasson, Emilie, Persson, Anna-Lena January 2012 (has links)
The issue of sick leave and an increase of ill health in the workplace is a social problem inSwedenthat is currently an important topic. Public human service organisations are one of the sectors where this is a major problem. The aim of this study is to examine what significance the leadership in public human service organisations has on the health and sense of well being among the staff within the organisation. We have chosen to look at this issue from a health promoting perspective where we focused on health factors and to what extent the management can influence and promote the possibilities for a healthy workplace with healthy staff. The results of the study are based on interviews with three leaders within the public human service sector. Results shows that having staff that are content and healthy is a key ingredient in the organisations goal to provide the best possible care and service to their clients. The results also identify leadership qualities and tools that are important such as being present in the workplace and available for the staff and also setting a good example. Other leadership qualities such as being clear in their role as to what they expect from their staff, being goal orientated, and being strong and secure in their leadership proved to be important in relation to health in the workplace. Making sure that the staff feel that they have the possibility to influence their working conditions and given the opportunity to participate in changes were also identified as important health promoting factors. The study also shows that showing trust in the staff and allowing them to take responsibility as well as seeing them as individuals is also important health promoting factors. It became evident that achieving a healthy workplace is a process where all the factors are equally important.

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