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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Seabed Stratifications on Surface-Generated Ambient Noise

Lin, I-Chun 02 August 2004 (has links)
Surface-generalized ambient noise in a shallow ocean waveguide with a sediment layer possessing a specific class of density and sound speed distributions capable of describing a realistic seabed environment is considered in this analysis. This class of non-uniform sediment layer has the density and sound speed distributions varying with respect to depth as a genearlized-exponential and an inverse-square function, respectively. The study invokes a formulation developed by Kuperman and Ingenito for surface noise generation, in conjunction with the analytical solutions for the Helmholtz equation corresponding to the sediment layer, to arrive at an analytical expression convenient for numerical implementation. The intensity and spatial correlation of the noise sound field are analyzed with respect to the variations of the system parameters, including frequency, sediment layer thickness, sound speed gradient, with emphasis on the effects of sediment properties on the ambient noise field. The results have demonstrated that the intensity of the noise field is relatively sensitive to the variations of the paramters, while the spatial correlation is not, suggesting that the energy distribution, rather than the spatial structure, of the noise field is susceptible to the environmental variation.

A Fast Model For Computing Infrared Atmospheric Background Effects

Sivasligil, Mustafa 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The infrared atmospheric background modeling can be considered as one of the important key factor to develop a successful target detection technique. During the infrared atmospheric background modeling, defining the input parameters of the atmospheric profile are very important for the calculations of the absorption, emission and scattering effects of the atmosphere. The main objective of this thesis is to find the answer for the question &ldquo / is it possible to determine the &ldquo / effective&rdquo / height range for the sea level midlatitude clear weather conditions in the three special wavelength bands, 1-3 &amp / #61549 / m, 3-5 &amp / #61549 / m, 8-12 &amp / #61549 / m ?&rdquo / . The answer is important for three cases. These are to overcome the difficulties of finding all the parameters of the new atmospheric profile, to determine the dominant height range for the midlatitude region, and to shorten the time of the calculations of infrared background processes. In this study, it has been shown that it should be possible to determine the effective height range for sea level midlatitude clear weather conditions in the three special wavelength bands. As a result of this study it is shown that a new atmosphere model can be constructed more easily by overcoming the difficulties of finding all the parameters of the new atmospheric profile for the sea level clear weather midlatitude regions in a short time respectively. In this study the infrared radiation flux below 5 % difference between the whole, 100 km, and the effective height ranges is accepted.

Padrão alimentar, perfil antropométrico e lipídico em uma amostra de indivíduos com e sem câncer de próstata ou hiperplasia prostática benigna

Santos, Jacqueline Schaurich dos January 2007 (has links)
Patologias prostáticas como a Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna (HPB) e o Câncer de próstata (CaP) apresentam alta incidência, morbidade e mortalidade em indivíduos a partir de 40-50 anos. Fatores ambientais e nutricionais são possíveis fatores envolvidos no desenvolvimento destas doenças. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o padrão alimentar, perfil antropométrico e perfil lipídico em homens com e sem HPB e CaP e verificar se existe associação entre as variáveis consideradas e a presença de HPB ou CaP na amostra estudada. Foram entrevistados pacientes provenientes do ambulatório de Urologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (pelo médico da equipe) e preenchida ficha para coleta de dados pessoais e demográficos, história médica e familiar, idade, estágio e grau do tumor, volume da próstata e valor do PSA na época do diagnóstico. Após, os pacientes foram encaminhados à nutricionista para avaliação nutricional (peso, altura, dobras cutâneas, relação cintura/quadril e Recordatório de 24h). O consumo alimentar foi avaliado pelo Recordatório de 24h e analisado pelo programa de apoio à nutrição da Escola Paulista de Medicina – EPM (DIS-EPM, versão 1.5, 2002, UNIFESP). Os pacientes foram orientados a procurar o laboratório de análises clínicas do mesmo hospital para coletar uma amostra sangüínea para dosagem sérica de testosterona total, colesterol total, colesterol HDL e triglicerídeos. O IMC e a circunferência da cintura não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os grupos avaliados. O grupo HPB apresentou consumo menor (p<0,05) de calorias e carboidrato (1875 ± 635 Kcal/dia e 253 ± 105 g/dia) quando comparado ao grupo CaP (2017 ± 476 e 283 ± 75) e ao grupo controle(2179 ± 565 e 302 ± 91). O consumo de fibra alimentar (g/dia) foi significativamente menor (p=0,01) nos grupos HPB (27 ± 12) e CaP (28 ± 10) em relação ao grupo controle (34 ± 15). O consumo aumentado de fibras parece estar relacionado a menor incidência de HPB e CaP. O consumo de calorias e demais nutrientes, o perfil antropométrico e o perfil lipídico não demonstraram relação com estas doenças. / Prostatic pathologies such as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostate Cancer (PCa) present high incidence, morbidity and mortality among individuals at the age of 40-50 years. Environmental and nutritional factors seem to be involved in the development of these diseases. The objective of the present study is to assess the alimentary pattern, anthropometric and lipid profiles in men with and without BPH and PCa and to verify whether there exists an association among the considered variables and the presence of BPH or PCa in the studied individuals. Urology outpatients from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre were interviewed by a physician who collected personal and demographic data, medical and familiar history, age, stage and degree of tumor, prostate volume and PSA value at diagnosis. Patients were directed to a nutritionist for nutritional evaluation (weight, height, skin folds, waist/hip ratio and 24-hours recall). Alimentary intake was assessed by 24-hours recall and analyzed by the nutrition support program of Escola Paulista de Medicina – EPM (DIS-EPM, version 1.5, 2002, UNIFESP). Patients were asked to return to the clinical analysis laboratory at the same hospital the following week, in order to collect another blood sample to dose serum total testosterone, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Body Mass Index and waist circumference did not show statistical difference among the assessed groups. The BPH group presented with lower intake (p<0.05) of calories and carbohydrate (1875 ± 635 Kcal/day and 253 ± 105 g/day) when compared tothe PCa group (2017 ± 476 and 283 ± 75) and the control group (2179 ± 565 and 302 ± 91). Fiber intake (g/day) was significantly lower (p=0.01) on BPH (27 ± 12) and PCa groups (28 ± 10) when compared to control group (34 ± 15). Higher intake of fibers seems to be related to lower BPH and PCa incidence. Calories and other nutrients intake, anthropometric profile and lipid profile did not show relation to these diseases.

Profil učitele německého jazyka na základní škole / The profile of a lower-secondary school teacher of German

URBÁNKOVÁ, Nikola January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to present a German teacher profile and upcoming teacher profile in the Czech Republic, to specify basic elements of German language teacher and to analyze current profiles of College of Education graduates ? German language specializations, which are introduced by College of Education Departments of German language at universities in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part deals with current situation in Czech educational system, curriculum documents and competence issues. In reference to a presentation of standard´s proposal of the Czech Republic and standard´s proposal of Germany in the practical part, the German educational system state is also described. With regard to a conception of standard, the Thesis also deals with competence issues. The profiles of College of Education graduates are compared in the practical part, from several departments with each other and also with a German standard. Based on the PAneCZ project realized by international cooperation of Passau University and University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, which the author of this Diploma Thesis took part in, a questionnaire analysis is made public in the practical part. This questionnaire was focused on imaginations and opinions of secondary schools´students about teaching profession. The analysis sums up what competences a primary school teacher should hold.

Professores de piano : um estudo sobre o perfil de formação e atuação em Porto Alegre/RS

Oliveira, Karla Dias de January 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral investigar o perfil de formação e atuação dos professores de piano de Porto Alegre/RS. Os objetivos específicos procuraram caracterizar a formação dos professores de piano, caracterizar a atuação dos docentes e identificar as razões e/ou motivações da escolha profissional. Para analisar os dados, este trabalho se apoiou em alguns princípios teóricos baseados na profissionalização do ensino, de acordo com Ramalho, Nuñez e Gauthier (2004). Como método de pesquisa, foi realizado um survey interseccional com professores atuantes no ensino de piano em Porto Alegre e a amostra “bola de neve” foi a estratégia utilizada para se obter as indicações desses professores. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-administrado que foi respondido por 104 professores. Os resultados revelaram que os professores que estão atuando com o ensino do piano, em Porto Alegre, parecem aproximar-se dos modelos de professor improvisado, professor artesão e professor como profissional, segundo os modelos baseados em Ramalho, Nuñez e Gauthier (2004). / The purpose of this study is to investigate the profile of piano teachers in Porto Alegre/RS, as to their formation and performance. Other goals include the characterization of these teachers’ formation and their involvement as teachers, identifying the reasons and/or motives of this professional choice. For the analysis of the data, this research is sustained by established theoretical principles in the professionalization of education according to Ramalho, Nuñez and Gauthier (2004). As for the research method, an intersectional survey with active piano teachers in Porto Alegre was conducted; the sample “snow ball” was employed as the strategy to obtain indications from these teachers. The data was gathered through an automanaged questionnaire which was answered by 104 teachers. The results showed that the teachers who are active as piano teachers in Porto Alegre seem to approach the models for the improvised teacher, the teacher craftsman and the professional teacher, according to models based on Ramalho, Nuñez and Gauthier (2004).

Temporalité et réseaux sociaux : prise en compte de l'évolution dans la construction du profil utilisateur / Temporality and social networks : taking into account the evolution of user interest in the user profile construction

On-At, Sirinya 29 May 2017 (has links)
Pour pouvoir restituer des informations qui correspondent aux besoins de l'utilisateur, les mécanismes d'adaptation doivent disposer de métadonnées sur celui-ci telles que ses caractéristiques personnelles, ses préférences générales, ses centres d'intérêt. De ce fait, le profil utilisateur construit à partir de celles-ci devient central dans tout système basé sur la personnalisation. Dans cette thèse, nous nous focalisons sur l'approche qui consiste à s'appuyer sur le réseau social de l'utilisateur pour enrichir le profil de cet utilisateur, les métadonnées explicites étant complétées par les informations issues de notre processus d'analyse. Nous appelons les techniques ou processus associés à cette approche " profilage social ". Le terme " profil social " désigne un profil construit à l'aide du réseau social de l'utilisateur. Un profil social contient les métadonnées traduisant les intérêts de l'utilisateur extraits à partir des informations partagées par les individus de son réseau social. Les intérêts de l'utilisateur évoluant au fil du temps dans la vie réelle, il en est de même pour ceux extraits depuis son réseau social : pertinents à un moment donné, ils peuvent ne plus être significatifs ultérieurement. Partant de ce constat, les principales informations que nous souhaitons étudier pour détecter un changement de centres d'intérêt ne sont pas ciblées sur l'utilisateur lui-même mais sur les éléments de son réseau social (liens entre les membres, informations qui circulent entre eux) : l'évolution du profil social de l'utilisateur est donc liée à l'évolution de son réseau social. Nous proposons une démarche générique de profilage social efficace permettant de construire un profil social représentatif de l'utilisateur prenant en compte différents types de réseaux ainsi que leurs caractéristiques évolutives. Pour prendre en compte l'évolution des intérêts dans le profil social, nous avons proposé d'améliorer l'efficacité des processus de construction du profil social existants en intégrant la prise en compte de l'évolution du réseau social de l'utilisateur. Nous proposons d'intégrer un facteur temporel dans ces processus (approche basée sur des individus et approche basée sur les communautés). La solution permet de privilégier les intérêts provenant d'informations significatives et à jour. Il s'agit donc d'intégrer une mesure temporelle dans l'étape d'extraction et pondération des intérêts. Cette mesure est calculée d'une part, à partir de la pertinence temporelle des informations utilisées pour extraire cet intérêt et d'autre part, à partir de la pertinence temporelle de l'individu qui partage ces informations. Nous mettons en œuvre la méthode proposée au travers d'expérimentations dans deux réseaux sociaux différents : DBLP, un réseau de publications scientifiques et Twitter, un réseau de micro-blogs. Les résultats de ces expérimentations nous ont permis de montrer l'efficacité de la méthode temporelle proposée par rapport aux processus de construction du profil social qui ne prennent pas en compte des critères temporels. En étudiant les résultats en fonction des techniques de pondération des intérêts ou fonctions temporelles utilisées, nous constatons que la fonction temporelle et la technique utilisées donnant les meilleurs résultats varient selon l'approche de construction du profil social choisie, selon la taille et la densité du réseau étudié mais aussi selon sur le type de réseau. La problématique abordée dans cette thèse est relativement nouvelle dans le contexte des systèmes de personnalisation de l'information et ouvre de nombreuses perspectives : évaluation du profil social dans un système de recommandation par exemple, application de la méthode proposée dans d'autres types de réseaux sociaux, application de techniques de mise à jour du profil, conception d'une plateforme de construction du profil social selon les caractéristiques du réseau. / User profiling is essential for personalization systems (e.g. personalized information retrieval systems, recommendation systems) to identify user information (preference, interests...), in order to propose relevant content based on his/her specific needs and requirements. Many works have shown that user's social neighbors can be a meaningful source to infer his/her interests. Besides, sociology works have shown that the user is better described by people around him/her, especially the people that are directly connected to him/her (his egocentric network). In this work, the term "social profiling" is considered as the interest extraction approach that consists in extracting user interests from information of his/her social neighbors. The user's profile built within this approach is called "social profile". As user behaviors evolve over time, it is necessary to take into consideration the evolution of user interests in user profiling process. In the case of social profile, user interests are extracted from the information shared by his/her social neighbors. Hence, the evolution of extracted interests is related to the evolution of information shared on user social network and to the evolution of relationships between the user and his/her social neighbors. This issue becomes particularly important in the Online Social Networks (OSNs) context where user behavior changes quickly. For a user, the relationships and information in his/her social network can evolve and become obsolete for him/her overtime. Two users creating a relationship are not required to know each other in real life. Thus, the relationship persistence is not always maintained in this case. Social events or viral marketing (buzz) are also factors that enhance online social content sharing. In this work, we propose a generic approach that considers the evolution in user's social network in the social profiling process and can be applied in different types of social network. To handle this, we propose to apply a time-aware method into existing social profile building process (individual based and community based approaches). This strategy aims at weighting user's interests in the social profile based on their temporal score. The temporal score of an interest is computed by combining the temporal score of information used to extract the interests (computed by considering their freshness) with the temporal of individuals who share the information in the network (computed by considering the freshness of the interaction with the user). The technique and temporal function used to compute the temporal score are customizable. Thus, we can find out the most appropriate technique or temporal function depending on the types or characteristics of the adopted social network. The experiments conducted on DBLP and Twitter showed that the so-called time-aware social profiling process applying our proposed time-aware method outperforms the existing time-agnostic social profiling process. We also found that the most appropriate technique, temporal function and social profiling approach vary depending on the network characteristics (size, density) and to the social network type. Our approach opens many opportunities for future studies in social information filtering and many application domains as well as on the Web (e.g. evolution of social profile in personalization of search engines, recommender systems in e-commerce,). Our long-term perspective consists in the proposal of a generic platform that extracts the information and builds the user social profile based on the type and the specific characteristics of the underlying social network. Such a platform would be parameterized by the characteristics of the targeted social network using a machine learning approach.

Redução da lipemia e da glicemia em indivíduos adultos com consumo diário de suco de laranja integral pasteurizado /

Basile, Lívia Gussoni. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o efeito do consumo diário de suco de laranja pasteurizado sobre o estado nutricional, perfil lipídico, glicêmico e hemodinânico de 21 mulheres e 20 homens funcionários de uma universidade privada no município de São José do Rio Preto (SP). As mulheres receberam 500 mL de suco de laranja pasteurizado por dia e os homens 750 mL durante 8 semanas. Os métodos utilizados para a avaliação antropométrica foram: peso, altura, dobra cutânea tricipital, circunferência do braço e circunferência da cintura. Para a avaliação bioquímica foram realizadas dosagens de colesterol total, colesterol de HDL, triglicérides e glicemia. Para a avaliação hemodinâmica foram verificadas a pressão arterial sistólica e a diastólica. E para a avaliação dietética foi utilizado o recordatório alimentar de 24 horas e o questionário de freqüência alimentar. Todas as avaliações foram realizadas antes e após o período experimental. Os resultados mostraram que o colesterol total reduziu em 8,6% entre os homens e 4,8% entre as mulheres e o colesterol de LDL em 8,8% entre os homens e 9,5% entre as mulheres após a ingestão do suco de laranja pasteurizado. O colesterol de HDL aumentou em 4,1% entre as participantes do sexo feminino; e a glicemia de jejum, pressão arterial diastólica e triglicérides diminuíram respectivamente em 4,7%, 7,9% e 9,3% entre os participantes do sexo masculino. Não foram verificadas modificações nas variáveis antropométricas, com exceção da circunferência da cintura que reduziu 2,5% entre as participantes do sexo feminino. O consumo do suco de laranja pasteurizado aumentou a ingestão de energia (23,5%) e carboidratos (29,3%) pelas mulheres; de vitamina C em 261,9% pelos homens e 72,1% pelas mulheres; e de folato em 53,2% pelos homens e 38,7% pelas mulheres. A análise sensorial mostrou que os participantes aprovaram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aimed at analyzing the effect of daily consumption of pasteurized orange juice on the nutritional status and glycemic, lipid and hemodynamic profiles of 20 men and 21 women employees of a private university in the city of São José do Rio Preto (SP). Women received 500 mL of pasteurized orange juice daily and men, 750 mL, for 8 weeks. The used methods for the anthropometric evaluation were: weight, height, triceps skinfold, arm circumference and waist circumference. For the biochemical evaluation were performed measurements of total cholesterol, cholesterol of high density lipoprotein, triglycerids and glycemia. For the hemodynamic evaluation, systolic and diastolic blood pressure was verified. For the dietetics evaluation was used the 24-hour food recollection and food frequency questionnaire. All evaluations were taken before and after the experimental period. The results have shown that the total cholesterol reduced 8,6% among men and 4,8% among women and cholesterol of low-density lipoprotein 8,8% among men and 9,5% among women after pasteurized orange juice ingestion. Cholesterol of high density lipoprotein has increased in 4,1% among the female participants, and fasting glycemia, diastolic blood pressure and triglycerids have decreased respectively in 4,7%, 7,9% and 9,3% among the male. Alterations on anthropometric variables were not shown, except on waist circumference, which has reduced 2,5% among female participants. Pasteurized orange juice consumption has increased women's intake of energy (23,5%) and carbohydrates (29,3%) by women; the vitamin C in 261,9% by men and 72,1% by women; and folate in 53,2% by men and 38,7% by women. Sensory analysis has shown participants approved the quality of the product and added it easily to their regular diet. In brief, the study has shown that the regular ingestion of pasteurized orange juice, with daily doses of 500 mL for... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Thaïs Borges César / Coorientador: João Bosco Faria / Banca: Thaïs Borges César / Banca: Nancy Preising Aptekmann Sgobi Bonifácio / Banca: Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira / Banca: Magali Conceição Monteiro da Silva / Banca: Anderson Marliere Navarro / Doutor

Influência de um aditivo fitogênico nos níveis sangüíneos de novilhas jersey / Influence of a phytogenic additive on the blood levels of heifers jersey

Bortoli, Anderson 13 March 2007 (has links)
The experiment was carried out at Itaboapaba Farm, in Silveira Martins RS, Brazil, and was conducted from March 1 up to June 30, 2006, taking 122 days. This study was composed by 20 heifers Jersey race, with average weight of 199 kg and average age of 12 months. The heifers were divided randomly into two treatments: (1) control, in which the basic diet was supplied; (2) Rumex®, in which five gram/animal of phytogenic additive based on vegetal extract were added to the commercial concentrated. The blood sample analysed was removed from the tail vein, between 2º and 3º tail vertebra. The experimental delineation was entirely casualized, with two treatments and ten repetitions. For effect of evaluation of the zootecnic variables, they were taken into account: initial average weight, final average weight, gain of daily average weight. For effect of evaluation of the biochemist variables, they were taken into account: amino aspartate transferase (AST), creatinine, urea, glucose, lactate, proteins, triacilglycerol, cholesterol, albumen, lipoprotein of high density (HDL). For effect of evaluation of the hematologic variables, they were taken into account: counting of hemácias, level of hemoglobin, percentage of hematócrito, counting of leukocytes, counting of segmented neutrófilos, counting of linfócitos, counting of monócitos and counting of eosinófilos. For effect of evaluation of the physiological variables, they were taken into account: body temperature, respiratory frequency and cardiac frequency. The control group animals gained 40.62Kg in 122 days of experiment while the animals supplemented with Rumex® gained 45.39Kg in the same period, presenting a difference of 10.51%, however not significant (P> 0.05). The levels of glucose and triacilglycerol presented significant difference of 5 and 13% respectively between the treatments, demonstrating superior average values in the Rumex®. The linfócitos presented significant difference of 18.29% between the treatments having demonstrated superior average in the Control. The other variables did not present significant difference (P> 0.05) between the treatments. The body temperature, respiratory frequency and cardiac frequency did not present significant difference (P> 0.05) between the treatments. Thus, we can conclude that the use of hytogenic additives is recommended for animals of high production that need a better exploitation the food in an energetic deficit or for animals just weaned / O experimento foi conduzido na Granja Itaboapaba localizada no município de Silveira Martins - RS, de 01 de março a 30 de junho de 2006, perfazendo um total de 122 dias. Foram utilizadas 20 novilhas da raça Jersey, com peso médio de 199 kg e idade média de 12 meses. As novilhas foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos: (1) controle, no qual era fornecida a dieta básica; (2) Rumex®, no qual era adicionado ao concentrado comercial cinco gramas/animal de aditivo fitogênico, à base de extratos vegetais. O sangue para análise das variáveis foi retirado da veia caudal, entre a 2º e 3º vértebra caudal. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e dez repetições. Para efeito de avaliação das variáveis zootécnicas foram considerados os seguintes itens: peso médio inicial, peso médio final, ganho de peso médio diário. Para efeito de avaliação das variáveis bioquímicas foram considerados os seguintes itens: aspartato amino transferase (AST), creatinina, uréia, glicose, lactato, proteínas, triacilglicerol, colesterol, albumina, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL). Para efeito de avaliação das variáveis hematológicas foram considerados os seguintes itens: contagem de hemácias, nível de hemoglobina, percentual de hematócrito, contagem de leucócitos, contagem de neutrófilos segmentados, contagem de linfócitos, contagem de monócitos e contagem de eosinófilos. Para efeito de avaliação das variáveis fisiológicas foram considerados os seguintes itens: temperatura corporal, freqüência respiratória e freqüência cardíaca. Os animais do grupo controle ganharam 40,62kg em 122 dias de experimento já os animais suplementados com Rumex® ganharam 45,39kg no mesmo período, não significativa (P>0,05). Os níveis de glicose e de triacilglicerol apresentaram diferença significativa de 5 e 13% respectivamente entre os tratamentos, demonstrando valores de média superiores no Rumex®. Os linfócitos apresentaram diferença significativa (P<0,05) de 18,29% entre os tratamentos demonstrando média superior no Controle. As demais variáveis não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. A temperatura corporal, freqüência respiratória e freqüência cardíaca não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Assim podemos concluir que o uso de aditivos fitogênicos é indicado para animais que necessitam um melhor aproveitamento do alimento em situações onde há um déficit de peso

Parâmetros reprodutivos e produtivos em vacas leiteiras em free- stall / Productive and reproductive parameters in dairy cows in free stall

Castaño Villadiego, Faider Alberto 28 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:47:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 596420 bytes, checksum: 244f5747a0a2c2654b4871663ed784e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study was aimed to evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cows, in free stalls, immediately after postpartum. The herd was composed of 51 Holstein primiparous and multiparous cows, aged 3 to 7 years and mean body weight of 594.4±65.1 kg. The dairy farm managed all the nutrition, leasing, health, as well as milking times. After calving, cows were supplemented with 6 kg of concentrate/cow/day and corn silage for the 1st 20 days of lactation. Subsequently 1 kg of concentrate was supplied for every 3 kg milk/day, taking in consideration the average of the animals. Corn silage was supplemented ad-libitum. The variables studied were: birth intervals until first ovulation, first service or first IA; pregnancy rate to first service, number of services per conception and service period, parity, body condition score, body weight at calving, calf sex, absence or presence of retained placenta, uterine infection, total milk yield, days in milk, and daily milk production. The statistical program SAEG-2007 was used to analyze the descriptive data (means and standard deviations), and ANOVA for quantitative data and chi-square for a categorical variable (pregnancy rate). Not normal and homologous data was analyzed by nonparametric analysis and compared by Kruskall Wallis test or Wilcoxon test. A 5% significance level was adopted for all analyses. The mean values obtained were: body condition score at calving of 3.47±0.4; calving interval to first ovulation of 5.89±3.4 weeks postpartum, first artificial insemination of 112.5±57.0 days postpartum, no difference was found in these parameters between delivery times of parturition (P>0.05). The pregnancy rate to first service was 43.6% and pregnancy rate in the experimental period was of 76.4%, with no difference between delivery times of parturition (P>0.05). Milk production accumulated in conception was of 3335.6±1488.4 liters and an average accumulated in conception was of 25.8±5.4 liters per day and Milk production adjusted to 305 days was of 7424.0±1877.8 liters. Management of production employed in free-stalls for all reproductive and productive traits observed was considered satisfactory. Detection of estrus, measured here by the number of first insemination estrus, might have been the biggest limiting factor to achieve lower values of service period and reproductive efficiency. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os parâmetros produtivos e reprodutivos em vacas de aptidão leiteira no pós-parto imediato, criados em manejo de free-stall. O grupo estudado foi composto por 51 vacas da raça holandês entre primíparas e pluríparas, com idade entre 3 a 7 anos e peso corporal médio de 594,4±65,1 kg. O manejo nutricional, sanitário e manejo de locação e de ordenha das vacas foram os mesmos adotados pela granja leiteira. Após o parto, as vacas foram suplementadas com 6 kg de concentrado/vaca/dia e silagem de milho a vontade foi fornecidos até completar 20 dias de lactação. Posteriormente foi fornecido 1 kg de concentrado para cada 3 kg de leite/dia, considerado a média do lote e silagem de milho a vontade para todos os animais. As variáveis estudadas foram: intervalos do parto à primeira ovulação, ao primeiro serviço ou primeira IA; taxa de gestação ao primeiro serviço; número de serviços por concepção e período de serviço, ordem de parto, escore de condição corporal, peso corporal ao parto, sexo do bezerro, presença ou ausência de retenção de placenta, infecção uterina, produção de leite total, dias de lactação e produção de leite diária. O programa estatístico SAEG-2007 foi empregado para analisar os dados, onde se efetuou a estatística descritiva (médias e desvios-padrão) e ANOVA para os dados quantitativos e Qui-Quadrado para a variável categórica (taxa de gestação). Os dados que não apresentaram normalidade e homocidacidade foram analisados por analise não paramétrica e comparadas pelos testes de Kruskall Wallis ou Wilcoxon. Adotou-se 5% de significância para todas as analises. Os valores médios obtidos foram: escore de condição corporal ao parto de 3,47±0,4; intervalo de parto a primeira ovulação de 5,89±3,4 semanas pós-parto; primeira inseminação artificial aos 112,5±57,0 dias pós-parto, não sendo observada diferença destes parâmetros entre as ordens de parto (P>0,05). A taxa de gestação ao primeiro serviço foi de 43,6% e taxa de gestação no período experimental de 76,4%, não havendo diferença entre as ordens de parto (P>0,05). A produção de leite acumulada à concepção, produção diária leite até a concepção e produção de leite ajustado para 305 (PRODL305) foi respectivamente de 3.335,6±1.488,4; 25,8±5,4 e 7.424,0±1.877,8 litros. Conclui-se que no manejo de produção empregado Free-Stall, os valores observados para todas as características reprodutivas e produtivas são consideradas satisfatórias; a detecção de estro, aqui avaliado pelo numero de estro a primeira inseminação, talvez possa ter sido o maior fator limitante para alcançar valores menores de período de serviço e eficiência reprodutiva.

Professores de piano : um estudo sobre o perfil de formação e atuação em Porto Alegre/RS

Oliveira, Karla Dias de January 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral investigar o perfil de formação e atuação dos professores de piano de Porto Alegre/RS. Os objetivos específicos procuraram caracterizar a formação dos professores de piano, caracterizar a atuação dos docentes e identificar as razões e/ou motivações da escolha profissional. Para analisar os dados, este trabalho se apoiou em alguns princípios teóricos baseados na profissionalização do ensino, de acordo com Ramalho, Nuñez e Gauthier (2004). Como método de pesquisa, foi realizado um survey interseccional com professores atuantes no ensino de piano em Porto Alegre e a amostra “bola de neve” foi a estratégia utilizada para se obter as indicações desses professores. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-administrado que foi respondido por 104 professores. Os resultados revelaram que os professores que estão atuando com o ensino do piano, em Porto Alegre, parecem aproximar-se dos modelos de professor improvisado, professor artesão e professor como profissional, segundo os modelos baseados em Ramalho, Nuñez e Gauthier (2004). / The purpose of this study is to investigate the profile of piano teachers in Porto Alegre/RS, as to their formation and performance. Other goals include the characterization of these teachers’ formation and their involvement as teachers, identifying the reasons and/or motives of this professional choice. For the analysis of the data, this research is sustained by established theoretical principles in the professionalization of education according to Ramalho, Nuñez and Gauthier (2004). As for the research method, an intersectional survey with active piano teachers in Porto Alegre was conducted; the sample “snow ball” was employed as the strategy to obtain indications from these teachers. The data was gathered through an automanaged questionnaire which was answered by 104 teachers. The results showed that the teachers who are active as piano teachers in Porto Alegre seem to approach the models for the improvised teacher, the teacher craftsman and the professional teacher, according to models based on Ramalho, Nuñez and Gauthier (2004).

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