Spelling suggestions: "subject:" crofile"" "subject:" cprofile""
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Modellierung von Wasser und Energieverbräuchen in HaushaltenPflugradt, Noah Daniel 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell für die Simulation des Verbraucherverhaltens in Haushalten entwickelt. Das Ziel ist die Erstellung von Lastprofilen für den Strom- und Wasserverbrauch. Das Modell wird in einem Programm implementiert. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend validiert und verschiedene Kenngrößen mit Literaturwerten verglichen. Abschließend wird eine Parameterstudie durchgeführt, um den Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren wie z.B. das Arbeitszeitmodell oder die Feiertagsmodellierung auf Lastprofile zu quantifizieren. Das Modell basiert auf einem Bedürfnismodell aus der Psychologie und ermöglicht den Verzicht auf die Errechnung von Aktivitäts-Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen. / In this thesis a model for the simulation of the behaviour of people in residential households is introduced. The goal is to generate load profiles for residential electricity and water consumption. The model is implemented as a Windows program. The results are validated and various metrics are compared with literature values. A parameter study is performed to quantify the influence of various factors such as the working hours or the influence of holidays on the load profile. The model is based on a desire model from the field of psychology and makes it possible to avoid calculating any probabilty distributions.
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Size-selective sediment transport and cross-shore profile evolution in the nearshore zoneSrisuwan, Chatchawin 12 November 2012 (has links)
Cross-shore bathymetric evolution in the nearshore zone often leads to threatening consequences such as beach erosion and shoreline retreat that concern the coastal community. A new, comprehensive cross-shore morphodynamic model was developed that can be used to describe and predict these phenomena. The study included both physical and numerical models that were designed to focus on the influence of sediment size characteristics on the cross-shore sediment transport process. For a profile equilibrium timescale, three types of beach profiles with different sediment mixtures were simulated in a small-scale, random-wave flume laboratory using erosive, storm, and accretive wave conditions. Dynamic relationships between the sediment grain sorting and beach profile changes were found to be evident as size-graded sediment fractions tended to relocate to different energetic zones along the cross-shore profiles. Existing phase-averaged wave and circulation models were utilized together with several new intra-wave modules for predicting important hydrodynamic parameters that were validated using the experimental data. A novel, multi-size sediment transport model was formulated to compute individual transport rates of size-graded sediment fractions while accounting for their interaction and non-linear size dependencies. The model was coupled with a new grain sorting model that resolves cross-shore grain sorting and vertical grain lamination. Compared to a traditional modeling approach, the new comprehensive model proved to offer superior modeling accuracy for both profile evolution and sediment grain size change. The use of the model is most advantageous for a condition with intensive grain sorting, a common scenario on a natural beach profile. Equilibrium beach profile is also better simulated by the model as size-graded fractions are predicted to relocate to different zones where they could withstand local hydrodynamics. Other new components that also help improve the modeling capability include the terms for wave-breaking and bed-slope effects, wave-crest sediment flux, and acceleration-induced bottom-shear stress. Besides superior profile modeling accuracy, sediment size characteristics and their spatial and temporal variations are also a useful set of information provided by the new model.
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The Diabetes Risk Assessment study: Elucidating the inflammatory profile of the Metabolically Healthy ObesePerreault, Maude 27 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the complexity of the obesity phenotype by characterizing the inflammatory status of Metabolically Healthy Obese (MHO) individuals. More specifically, this work has examined circulating inflammatory markers in MHO individuals and compared it to Lean Healthy (LH) and Metabolically Abnormal Obese (MAO) subjects. Thirty participants (n=10/group) were recruited as part of the Diabetes Risk Assessment (DRA) study, and classified according to adiposity and metabolic status. Despite a similar level of adiposity compared to MAO individuals, MHO subjects presented a more favourable inflammatory profile. Specifically, MHO individuals had levels of hsCRP and IL-6 comparable to LH subjects and lower than MAO subjects. Also, MHO subjects presented similar levels of high molecular weight adiponectin as the MAO group, but PDGF-ββ levels were intermediate to those of the LH and MAO groups. Overall, the distinct inflammatory profile observed in MHO subjects demonstrates the unique status of these individuals, reinforcing that obesity is a complex and heterogeneous phenotype. / Public Health Agency of Canada, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology, Canada Foundation for Innovation
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A NUMERICAL MODEL OF HEAT- AND MASS TRANSFER IN POLYMER ELECTROLYTE FUEL CELLS : A two-dimensional 1+1D approach to solve the steady-state temperature- and mass- distributionsSkoglund, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Methods of solving the steady state characteristics of a node matrix equation system over a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) were evaluated. The most suitable method, referred to as the semi-implicit method, was set up in a MATLAB program. The model covers heat transfer due to thermal diffusion throughout the layers and due to thermal advection+diffusion in the gas channels. Included mass transport processes cover only transport of water vapor and consist of the same diffusion/advection schematics as the heat transfer processes. The mass transport processes are hence Fickian diffusion throughout all the layers and diffusion+advection in the gas channels. Data regarding all the relevant properties of the layer materials were gathered to simulate these heat- and mass transfer processes.Comparing the simulated temperature profiles obtained with the model to the temperature profiles of a previous work’s model, showed that the characteristics and behavior of the temperature profile are realistic. There were however differences between the results, but due to the number of unknown parameters in the previous work’s model it was not possible to draw conclusions regarding the accuracy of the model by comparing the results.Comparing the simulated water concentration profiles of the model and measured values, showed that the model produced concentration characteristics that for the most part alignedwell with the measurement data. The part of the fuel cell where the concentration profile did not match the measured data was the cathode side gas diffusion layer (GDL). This comparison was however performed with the assumption that relative humidity corresponds to liquid water concentration, and that this liquid water concentration is in the same range as the measured data. Because of this assumption it was not possible to determine the accuracy of the model.
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Modellierung von Wasser und Energieverbräuchen in HaushaltenPflugradt, Noah Daniel 12 July 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell für die Simulation des Verbraucherverhaltens in Haushalten entwickelt. Das Ziel ist die Erstellung von Lastprofilen für den Strom- und Wasserverbrauch. Das Modell wird in einem Programm implementiert. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend validiert und verschiedene Kenngrößen mit Literaturwerten verglichen. Abschließend wird eine Parameterstudie durchgeführt, um den Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren wie z.B. das Arbeitszeitmodell oder die Feiertagsmodellierung auf Lastprofile zu quantifizieren. Das Modell basiert auf einem Bedürfnismodell aus der Psychologie und ermöglicht den Verzicht auf die Errechnung von Aktivitäts-Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Ziel der Arbeit
2 Einordnung
3 Wissensstand
3.1 Lastprofile
3.1.1 VDEW-Standard-Lastprofile
3.1.2 Referenzlastprofile von Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäusern für den Einsatz von KWK-Anlagen (VDI 4655)
3.1.3 BDEW-Standardlastprofile Gas
3.1.4 IEA Annex 42 Lastkurven
3.2 Lastprofilgeneratoren
3.2.1 Methoden
3.2.2 Auswahl der Beispiele
3.2.3 Lastprofilgenerator nach Stokes
3.2.4 Lastprofilgenerator nach IEA Annex 42
3.2.5 Lastprofilgenerator nach Jordan
3.2.6 Lastprofilgenerator nach NREL
3.2.7 Lastprofilgenerator nach Walker und Pokoski
3.2.8 Lastprofilgenerator nach Capasso
3.2.9 Lastprofilgenerator nach Widen et al.
3.2.10 Lastprofilgenerator nach Richardson
3.2.11 Lastprofilgenerator nach Metz
3.2.12 Lastprofilgenerator nach Fischer
3.2.13 Zusammenfassung der Lastprofilgeneratoren
3.3 Verhaltenssimulation
3.3.1 Rational Choice Model
3.3.2 Verhaltensmodell nach D. Dörner
3.4 Hausinfrastrukturmodelle
3.4.1 Heizung und Kühlung
3.4.2 Modellierung in TRNSYS
4 Das Modell des bLPG
4.1 Bedürfnismodell
4.2 Modellierung eines einzelnen Haushalts
4.2.1 Desires
4.2.2 Person
4.2.3 Load Types
4.2.4 Devices
4.2.5 Time Profile
4.2.6 Time Limits
4.2.7 Affordances
4.2.8 Berechnungsbeispiel Aktivitätenauswahl
4.2.9 Zusammenfassung der Modellierung eines Haushalts
4.3 Verbesserung der Modellqualität
4.3.1 Locations
4.3.2 Holidays
4.3.3 Geographic Locations
4.3.4 Subaffordances
4.3.5 Temperature Profiles und Date Based Profiles
4.3.6 Vacations
4.3.7 Autonome Geräte
4.4 Houses und Settlements
4.4.1 House Types
4.5 Abstraktion der Geräte
4.6 Abstraktion Haushaltsdefinition
4.7 Elemente für Auswertungen
4.8 Zusammenfassung des Modells des bLPG
5 Implementierung
5.1 Allgemeines
5.2 Historie
5.3 Features
5.4 Struktur
5.5 User Interface
5.6 Database
5.7 CalcController
5.8 Calculation
5.8.1 Aktivitätswahl
5.8.2 Protokollierung
5.8.3 House Infrastructure
5.9 ChartCreator
5.10 SimulationEngine.Exe
5.11 Verwendete Bibliotheken
5.12 Zusammenfassung der Implementierung
6 Modellierung der vordefinierten Haushalte
6.1 Datenbasis und Modellierung
6.2 Vordefininierte Elemente
6.3 Namensschema
6.4 Erfahrungen bei der Erstellung der vordefinierten Haushalte
6.5 Zusammenfassung
7 Validierung
7.1 Einzelner Haushalt
7.1.1 Aktivitäten - Rasterdiagramme
7.1.2 Aktivitäten - Zeit pro Affordanz
7.1.3 Summe des Stromverbrauchs
7.1.4 Verlauf des Lastprofils
7.1.5 Wasserverbrauch
7.1.6 Integration von Photovoltaik
7.1.7 Lichtbedarf
7.1.8 Zusammenfassung CHR03
7.2 Vordefinierte Haushalte
7.2.1 Stromverbrauch
7.2.2 Verhaltensgesteuerter Anteil am Stromverbrauch
7.2.3 Zeitverbrauch der Aktivitäten
7.2.4 Eigenverbrauchsquote mit einer Photovoltaik-Anlage
7.2.5 Jahresdauerlinien
7.3 Validierung einer Siedlung
7.3.1 Gleichzeitigkeitsfaktor des Stromverbrauchs
7.3.2 Vergleich einer Siedlung mit dem H0-Profil
7.4 Fazit
8 Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Ergebnisse
8.1 Integration von Photovoltaik und Batterien
8.2 Parameterstudie
8.2.1 Vergleichskriterien
8.2.2 Einfluss von Brückentagen
8.2.3 Einfluss von Urlaubsreisen
8.2.4 Einfluss des Rentneranteils
8.2.5 Einfluss von Schichtarbeitern
8.2.6 Einfluss von Arbeitslosigkeit
8.2.7 Einfluss der Energieintensitätseinstellung
8.2.8 Einflussgröße Beleuchtung
8.3 Zusammenfassung der Parameterstudie
9 Ausblick
9.1 Verbesserungspotenziale der Implementierung
9.2 Verbesserungspotenziale der Datenbasis
9.3 Zusammenfassung des Ausblicks
10 Zusammenfassung
Anhang A Website
Anhang B LoadProfileGenerator Manual
Literaturverzeichnis / In this thesis a model for the simulation of the behaviour of people in residential households is introduced. The goal is to generate load profiles for residential electricity and water consumption. The model is implemented as a Windows program. The results are validated and various metrics are compared with literature values. A parameter study is performed to quantify the influence of various factors such as the working hours or the influence of holidays on the load profile. The model is based on a desire model from the field of psychology and makes it possible to avoid calculating any probabilty distributions.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Ziel der Arbeit
2 Einordnung
3 Wissensstand
3.1 Lastprofile
3.1.1 VDEW-Standard-Lastprofile
3.1.2 Referenzlastprofile von Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäusern für den Einsatz von KWK-Anlagen (VDI 4655)
3.1.3 BDEW-Standardlastprofile Gas
3.1.4 IEA Annex 42 Lastkurven
3.2 Lastprofilgeneratoren
3.2.1 Methoden
3.2.2 Auswahl der Beispiele
3.2.3 Lastprofilgenerator nach Stokes
3.2.4 Lastprofilgenerator nach IEA Annex 42
3.2.5 Lastprofilgenerator nach Jordan
3.2.6 Lastprofilgenerator nach NREL
3.2.7 Lastprofilgenerator nach Walker und Pokoski
3.2.8 Lastprofilgenerator nach Capasso
3.2.9 Lastprofilgenerator nach Widen et al.
3.2.10 Lastprofilgenerator nach Richardson
3.2.11 Lastprofilgenerator nach Metz
3.2.12 Lastprofilgenerator nach Fischer
3.2.13 Zusammenfassung der Lastprofilgeneratoren
3.3 Verhaltenssimulation
3.3.1 Rational Choice Model
3.3.2 Verhaltensmodell nach D. Dörner
3.4 Hausinfrastrukturmodelle
3.4.1 Heizung und Kühlung
3.4.2 Modellierung in TRNSYS
4 Das Modell des bLPG
4.1 Bedürfnismodell
4.2 Modellierung eines einzelnen Haushalts
4.2.1 Desires
4.2.2 Person
4.2.3 Load Types
4.2.4 Devices
4.2.5 Time Profile
4.2.6 Time Limits
4.2.7 Affordances
4.2.8 Berechnungsbeispiel Aktivitätenauswahl
4.2.9 Zusammenfassung der Modellierung eines Haushalts
4.3 Verbesserung der Modellqualität
4.3.1 Locations
4.3.2 Holidays
4.3.3 Geographic Locations
4.3.4 Subaffordances
4.3.5 Temperature Profiles und Date Based Profiles
4.3.6 Vacations
4.3.7 Autonome Geräte
4.4 Houses und Settlements
4.4.1 House Types
4.5 Abstraktion der Geräte
4.6 Abstraktion Haushaltsdefinition
4.7 Elemente für Auswertungen
4.8 Zusammenfassung des Modells des bLPG
5 Implementierung
5.1 Allgemeines
5.2 Historie
5.3 Features
5.4 Struktur
5.5 User Interface
5.6 Database
5.7 CalcController
5.8 Calculation
5.8.1 Aktivitätswahl
5.8.2 Protokollierung
5.8.3 House Infrastructure
5.9 ChartCreator
5.10 SimulationEngine.Exe
5.11 Verwendete Bibliotheken
5.12 Zusammenfassung der Implementierung
6 Modellierung der vordefinierten Haushalte
6.1 Datenbasis und Modellierung
6.2 Vordefininierte Elemente
6.3 Namensschema
6.4 Erfahrungen bei der Erstellung der vordefinierten Haushalte
6.5 Zusammenfassung
7 Validierung
7.1 Einzelner Haushalt
7.1.1 Aktivitäten - Rasterdiagramme
7.1.2 Aktivitäten - Zeit pro Affordanz
7.1.3 Summe des Stromverbrauchs
7.1.4 Verlauf des Lastprofils
7.1.5 Wasserverbrauch
7.1.6 Integration von Photovoltaik
7.1.7 Lichtbedarf
7.1.8 Zusammenfassung CHR03
7.2 Vordefinierte Haushalte
7.2.1 Stromverbrauch
7.2.2 Verhaltensgesteuerter Anteil am Stromverbrauch
7.2.3 Zeitverbrauch der Aktivitäten
7.2.4 Eigenverbrauchsquote mit einer Photovoltaik-Anlage
7.2.5 Jahresdauerlinien
7.3 Validierung einer Siedlung
7.3.1 Gleichzeitigkeitsfaktor des Stromverbrauchs
7.3.2 Vergleich einer Siedlung mit dem H0-Profil
7.4 Fazit
8 Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Ergebnisse
8.1 Integration von Photovoltaik und Batterien
8.2 Parameterstudie
8.2.1 Vergleichskriterien
8.2.2 Einfluss von Brückentagen
8.2.3 Einfluss von Urlaubsreisen
8.2.4 Einfluss des Rentneranteils
8.2.5 Einfluss von Schichtarbeitern
8.2.6 Einfluss von Arbeitslosigkeit
8.2.7 Einfluss der Energieintensitätseinstellung
8.2.8 Einflussgröße Beleuchtung
8.3 Zusammenfassung der Parameterstudie
9 Ausblick
9.1 Verbesserungspotenziale der Implementierung
9.2 Verbesserungspotenziale der Datenbasis
9.3 Zusammenfassung des Ausblicks
10 Zusammenfassung
Anhang A Website
Anhang B LoadProfileGenerator Manual
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Verzerrter Recall als potentielles Hindernis für Synergie bei Gruppenentscheidungen / Biased Recall as a potential obstacle for the achievement of synergy in decision-making groupsGiersiepen, Annika Nora 20 December 2016 (has links)
In Hidden Profiles gelingt es Gruppen häufig nicht, ihr Potenzial, bessere Entscheidungen als jedes ihrer Mitglieder zu treffen, zu erfüllen. Für dieses Phänomen wurden bereits verschiedene Ursachen ermittelt. Dazu gehören insbesondere Verzerrungen im Inhalt der Gruppendiskussion sowie der Bewertung von entscheidungsrelevanten Informationen durch die Gruppenmitglieder. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nun ein weiterer Aspekt individueller Informationsverarbeitung untersucht, dessen Verzerrung einen nachteiligen Einfluss auf die Entscheidungsqualität von Diskussionsgruppen haben könnte: der individuelle Recall bezüglich aufgabenrelevanter Informationen. Dabei werden zwei Verzerrungen postuliert: Ein Erinnerungsvorteil von Informationen, welche die ursprüngliche Präferenz des jeweiligen Gruppenmitglieds unterstützen sowie eine Verzerrung zugunsten von Informationen, die bereits vor der Diskussion verfügbar sind. Es wird angenommen, dass beide Verzerrungen einen negativen Einfluss auf die Entscheidungsqualität des Individuums und somit auch der gesamten Gruppe haben. Diese Annahmen wurden in einer Reihe von vier Experimenten und der Reanalyse zweier früherer Studien untersucht. Insgesamt wurde dabei Evidenz für einen Erinnerungsvorteil eigener, vor der Diskussion bekannter Informationen gegenüber in der Diskussion neu gelernten Informationen gefunden. Belege für einen Erinnerungsvorteil präferenzkonsistenter Informationen zeigten sich dagegen nur vereinzelt und in einer metaanalytischen Zusammenfassung nicht in signifikantem Maße. Eine experimentelle Manipulation der Erinnerungsverzerrungen liefert keinen Hinweis auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Faktoren und der Entscheidungsqualität in Hidden-Profile- Situationen. Eine Verzerrung der individuellen Erinnerung im Hinblick auf entscheidungsrelevante Informationen ist somit nach den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit keine sinnvolle Erweiterung der bestehenden Erklärungsansätze für das Scheitern von Entscheidungsgruppen an der Realisierung von Synergien.
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Rozvoj hmatového vnímání u těžce slabozrakých a nevidomých dětí předškolního věku - Tactual Profile / Development of tactual perception for preschool children with severe visual impairment and blind - Tactual ProfileKošíková, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the topic of tactile perception examined in the cases of children with severe visual impairment as well as in the cases of blind children aged from three to six years. Tactile perception is assessed by the Tactual Profile test. The introduction of this thesis briefly summarizes the issue of visual perception, specifics of development of a pre-school child with a visual impairment, tactile perception and other compensating senses, and the importance of play in the pre-school period. The second part of this thesis is focused on the Tactual Profile test and its description. The following part is dedicated to research based on applying the aforementioned method of the non- standardized Tactual Profile test. The test, or more precisely the testing tool, is used for diagnosing the level of tactile development among children with severe visual impairment and among blind children. The test results provide the possibility to assess the status of tactile perception of the specific child and determine areas which are challenging for the child as well as areas in which the stated child excels. The goal of this research was to ascertain the applicability of the test regarding the target group and examine its potential utilization in the special education practice. The research also...
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Um Modelo para Gerenciamento de Perfis de Entidades Através de Inferência em TrilhasWagner, André 18 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-08-28T17:26:34Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
34e.pdf: 3564229 bytes, checksum: 47f535efb73877017d3fc9b78250f707 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-28T17:26:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
34e.pdf: 3564229 bytes, checksum: 47f535efb73877017d3fc9b78250f707 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Um dos principais desafios de sistemas ubíquos e sensíveis a contexto é a coleta de informações relevantes sobre entidades, e o uso destas informações para compreender e prever seu comportamento. Isto permite que as aplicações adaptem-se às entidades, evitando assim uma sobrecarga de questionamentos e informações à entidade. Este trabalho apresenta o eProfile, um modelo que permite que aplicações registrem as ações de entidades em trilhas e infiram informações de perfil a partir destas trilhas, utilizando interoperabilidade semântica e assim permitindo que diferentes aplicações compartilhem informações em um perfil unificado. Foi desenvolvido um protótipo para a avaliação do modelo, o qual foi integrado com dois diferentes softwares. Foi verificado que é possível enriquecer a geração de perfis de aplicações através da integração com o modelo. As contribuições deste modelo são o uso de trilhas para extrair perfis, a geração de perfis dinâmicos, o gerenciamento de regras de inferência e modelos de entidades dinâmicos e a interoperabilidade semântica do modelo. / Context-aware and ubiquitous systems have the challenge of implicitly collect relevant information about entities, and use this information to understand and predict their behaviour. This allows the applications to adapt themselves to the entities, thus avoiding to overflow them with inquires and information. The analysis of trails, the context-aware history of actions, can further improve the relevance of information. This dissertation proposes a model that allows applications to register entites’ actions in trails and infer profile information from these trails, using semantic interoperability and thus allowing different applications to share information and infer a unified profile. A prototype was developed for the evaluation of the model, and it was integrated with two different softwares. It was verified that was possible to enrich the profile generation of applications through the integration with the modelo. The contributions of this model are the use of trails for extracting profiles, the generation of dynamic profiles, the capability of managing dynamic inference rules for profile generation and the semantic interoperabilty of the model.
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Efeito da administração da monensina sódica na dieta sobre os metabólitos sanguíneos e ruminais de ovelhas antes e após o partoLIMA, Elizabeth Hortêncio Ferreira 08 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-08T13:12:12Z
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Elizabeth Hortencio Ferreira Lima.pdf: 1462177 bytes, checksum: 77d2db37110891a6e2a4fd1fdafe1015 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-08T13:12:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Elizabeth Hortencio Ferreira Lima.pdf: 1462177 bytes, checksum: 77d2db37110891a6e2a4fd1fdafe1015 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-02-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This study aimed to investigate the effect of administration of sodium monensin in the diet on blood metabolites and rumen of ewes before, during and pospartum, due to the complexity that this period is due to anatomical changes, physiological and metabolic changes in female to meet the higher demand for energy growth of the fetus and lactation. A prospective study was conducted involving 13 sheep, in order to evaluate the effect of monensin supplemented from 60 days before calving (dap), on the hormonal and metabolic profile in periods of antepartum and postpartum. We used 13 Santa Inês sheep, pregnant, clinically healthy. Two groups were formed randomly, a control group receiving bulky, balanced feed and mineral salt and another group that received beyond bulky, balanced ration containing 30 mg monensin / day and mineral salt with monensin. Blood and ruminal fluid were collected at 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 days before delivery, at birth and at 10, 20 and 30 days postpartum. We conducted the CBC and biochemical measurement of the following variables: glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, cholesterol, triglycerides, fructosamine, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine and research ketone bodies in urine. Enzyme activity by aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine kinase (CK) and hormonal determinations of cortisol and insulin. In the analysis of ruminal fluid pH were determined, proof of reduction of methylene blue (PRAM), the infusoria, the chloride content and the concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) (acetic, propionic and butyric). Statistical analysis was employed ANOVA and correlation study (P<0,05). With regard to haematological values in different physiological periods studied, there was no significant difference (P> 0,05), except for the white blood count revealed a mild leukocytosis with neutrophilia at birth significantly (P <0,05) in two groups. The enzymatic activity of AST levels were more elevated in the control group (P<0,05) during the postpartum period and significant differences were also recorded between groups, no 10 dpp and 20 dpp (P<0,05) and higher in the control group compared to monensin. There was no difference in cholesterol (P>0,05). Effect of time (P<0,05) was observed with respect to triglycerides in both groups, being higher in the pre-partum. Monensin significantly (P<0,05) increased concentration of propionate in the rumen, fructosamine and insulin. Little effect was observed for glucose, NEFA and BHB. No treatment effect (P>0,05) was observed for pH, chloride and diatomaceous the rumen, and the protein profile. The administration of monensin in ewe in the period before the birth did not influence the indicators hematologic and enzymatic activity, but caused improvement in some indicators of energy balance, this result is considered important for the prevention of metabolic diseases associated with energy deficit that occurs this period, such as toxemia of pregnancy. / Este estudo teve por objetivo estudar o efeito da administração da monensina sódica na dieta sobre os metabólitos sanguíneos e ruminais de ovelhas antes, durante e após o parto, em razão da complexidade que representa este período devido às modificações anatômicas, fisiológicas e metabólicas na fêmea para atender a maior demanda energética para o crescimento dos fetos e a lactação. Um estudo prospectivo foi realizado envolvendo 13 ovelhas, com o intuito de avaliar o efeito da monensina, suplementada a partir de 60 dias antes do parto (dap), sobre o perfil metabólico e hormonal nos períodos do pré-parto e pós-parto. Foram utilizadas 13 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, prenhes, clinicamente sadias. Dois grupos foram formados aleatoriamente, um grupo controle recebendo volumoso, ração balanceada e sal mineral e outro grupo que recebeu além do volumoso, ração balanceada contendo 30 mg de monensina/dia e sal mineral com monensina. Amostras de sangue e fluido ruminal foram colhidas aos 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 dias antes do parto, no momento do parto e aos 10, 20 e 30 dias pós-parto. Foi realizado o hemograma e mensuração das seguintes variáveis bioquímicas: glicose, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE), β-hidroxibutirato, colesterol, triglicerídeos, frutosamina, proteína total, albumina, uréia, creatinina e pesquisa de corpos cetônicos na urina. Atividade enzimática através da aspartato aminotransferase (AST), fosfatase alcalina (FA), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT), creatino quinase (CK) e determinações hormonais de cortisol e a insulina. Na análise do fluido ruminal foram determinados o pH, a prova de redução do azul de metileno (PRAM), os infusórios, o teor de cloretos e a concentração dos ácidos graxos voláteis (AGV) (acético, propiônico e butírico). A análise estatística foi empregada a ANOVA e um estudo de correlação (p<0,05). Com relação aos valores hematológicos nos diferentes períodos fisiológicos estudados, não foi observado diferença significativa (P>0,05), com exceção do leucograma que revelou uma discreta leucocitose por neutrofilia no momento do parto de forma significativa (P<0,05) nos dois grupos. A atividade enzimática da AST apresentou-se mais elevada no grupo controle (P<0,05) durante o pós-parto e diferenças significativas também foram registradas entre os grupos, no10 dpp e 20 dpp (P<0,05) sendo mais elevada no grupo controle quando comparada ao monensina. Não houve diferença nos valores de colesterol (P>0,05). Efeito de momento (P<0,05) foi observado com relação aos triglicerídeos nos dois grupos, sendo mais elevados no período pré-parto. A monensina influenciou significativamente (P<0,05) elevando a concentração do propionato no rúmen, frutosamina e insulina. Pouco efeito foi constatado para a glicose, BHB e AGNE. Nenhum efeito do tratamento (P>0,05) foi observado para o pH, teor de cloretos e os infusórios do rúmen, e para o perfil proteico. A administração da monensina nas ovelhas no período que antecede ao parto não influenciou os indicadores hematológicos e a atividade enzimática, porém provocou melhora em alguns indicadores do balanço energético, este resultado é considerado importante para a prevenção de doenças metabólicas, associadas ao déficit energético que ocorre neste período, como a toxemia da prenhez.
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Exploring the sensory compatibility of ten children with autism and their mothers.Pillay, Sarosha. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Children with autism typically present with sensory processing difficulties that affect their ability to relate to people. This qualitative study focused on exploring the sensory processing of children with autism and their mothers, using a frame of reference of sensory integration theory. The purpose of the study was to help mothers gain knowledge and understanding into their own sensory processing so that they could develop a better understanding of their child&rsquo / s sensory processing in order to facilitate better mother-child relationships. An evaluation tool, the Sensory Profiles by Dunn (1999) and the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile by Brown & / Dunn (2002) was used as the instrument for gathering information on sensory processing. The population consisted of ten sets of mothers and their children with autism who attend Vera School for Learners with Autism. The Sensory  / rofiles was completed to investigate the phenomenological issues regarding the sensory modulation aspects of the parent-child relationship. Each mother received individual feedback on their own and their child&rsquo / s sensory processing. Two focus groups were then conducted with the mothers to determine the value of the information gained from the  / rofiles. Data consisted of two audio taped feedback from the focus group. Data was analysed for emerging themes. The three major themes that emerged were, (a) You realize  / ow similar you are to your child, (b) I also have needs (c) They walk away and leave you with this wreck of a child. The findings of the study suggest that an understanding of  / ensory processing can influence the mother-child relationship positively.</p>
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