Spelling suggestions: "subject:" coequality assessment"" "subject:" c.equality assessment""
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Relevé et consolidation de nuages de points issus de multiples capteurs pour la numérisation 3D du patrimoine / Acquisition and registration of point clouds using multiple sensors for 3D digitization of built heritageLachat, Elise 17 June 2019 (has links)
La numérisation 3D du patrimoine bâti est un procédé qui s’inscrit dans de multiples applications (documentation, visualisation, etc.), et peut tirer profit de la diversité des techniques de mesure disponibles. Afin d’améliorer la complétude et la qualité des livrables, de plus en plus de projets de numérisation s’appuient sur la combinaison de nuages de points provenant de différentes sources. La connaissance des performances propres aux différents capteurs, ainsi que de la qualité de leurs mesures, est alors souhaitable. Par la suite, plusieurs pistes peuvent être explorées en vue d’intégrer des nuages hétérogènes au sein d’un même projet, de leur recalage à la modélisation finale. Une approche pour le recalage simultané de plusieurs nuages de points est exposée dans ces travaux. La gestion de potentielles fautes parmi les observations, ou de bruit de mesure inhérent à certaines techniques de levé, est envisagée à travers l’ajout d’estimateurs robustes dans la méthodologie de recalage. / Three dimensional digitization of built heritage is involved in a wide range of applications (documentation, visualization, etc.), and may take advantage of the diversity of measurement techniques available. In order to improve the completeness as well as the quality of deliverables, more and more digitization projects rely on the combination of data coming from different sensors. To this end, the knowledge of sensor performances along with the quality of the measurements they produce is recommended. Then, different solutions can be investigated to integrate heterogeneous point clouds within a same project, from their registration to the modeling steps. A global approach for the simultaneous registration of multiple point clouds is proposed in this work, where the introduction of individual weights for each dataset is foreseen. Moreover, robust estimators are introduced in the registration framework, in order to deal with potential outliers or measurement noise among the data.
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A avaliação de ambientes institucionais para crianças pequenas : critérios para a qualidade na educação infantil /Carvalho, Ana Maria. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Maria do Carmo Monteiro kobayashi / Resumo: A avaliação e a qualidade na Educação Infantil – EI representam temáticas controversas e fontes fecundas para pesquisas, debates e estudos acerca de quais processos metodológicos ou critérios utilizados são os mais apropriados ao se considerar a finalidade e especificidades desta etapa da Educação Básica. Neste sentido a pergunta central desta pesquisa é: De que forma a avaliação de ambientes educacionais infantis pode auxiliar na garantia de experiências significativas nas escolas de EI? E, a partir de tal questionamento temos por objetivo avaliar a qualidade dos ambientes educacionais de instituições de EI de um sistema municipal de educação, utilizando como instrumento para esta análise a escala estadunidense de avaliação de ambientes educacionais infantis Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – Third Edition (ECERS-3). Para isto buscou-se demonstrar a viabilidade da utilização desta escala em um contexto brasileiro específico, analisar os resultados de acordo com os contextos e experiências apresentados e assim identificar as principais potencialidades e fragilidades dos ambientes pesquisados, com o propósito de propor intervenções pedagógicas necessárias ao aprimoramento dos ambientes educacionais infantis e formular um instrumento avaliativo capaz de colaborar com o aperfeiçoamento das práticas e planejamento dos ambientes educacionais infantis. De abordagem quanti-qualitativa, mais especificamente uma pesquisa explicativa na qual foram utilizados os marcos legais da... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Assessment and quality in Early Childhood Education -ECE represent controversial themes and a richsource for researches, debates, and studies about which are the most appropriate methodological process or criteria used when considering the goals and specificities of this level of Basic Education. The question which triggered off this research was: How the assessment of ECE’s environments can help to ensure meaningful experiences in ECE’s schools? This work aims to evaluate the quality of educational environments of ECE’s institutions of a municipal education system, using as an instrument for this analysis an American assessment tool, the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale –Third Edition -ECERS-3. For this purpose, we sought to demonstrate the feasibility of using this scale in a specific Brazilian context, to analyze the results according to the contexts and experiences presented to identify the main potentialities and weaknesses of environments researched, in order to propose pedagogical interventions necessary to improve children's educational environments and formulate an assessment instrument capable of collaborating with the improvement of practices and planning of environments children's education. This is a research of a quantitative and qualitative approach, more specifically an explanatory research in which the legal frameworks of Brazilian ECE were used for the central themes and the application of the ECERS-3 assessment scale. Eight groups of the children fr... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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<div>This thesis consists of four sections which are related with four research projects.</div><div><br></div><div>The first section is about Page Classification. In this section, we extend our previous approach which could classify 3 classes of pages: Text, Picture and Mixed, to 5 classes which are: Text, Picture, Mixed, Receipt and Highlight. We first design new features to define those two new classes and then use DAG-SVM to classify those 5 classes of images. Based on the results, our algorithm performs well and is able to classify 5 types of pages.</div><div><br></div><div>The second section is about Fading Detection. In this section, we develop an algorithm that can automatically detect fading for both text and non-text region. For text region, we first do global alignment and then perform local alignment. After that, we create a 3D color node system, assign each connected component to a color node and get the color difference between raster page connected component and scanned page connected. For non-text region, after global alignment, we divide the page into "super pixels" and get the color difference between raster super pixels and testing super pixels. Compared with the traditional method that uses a diagnostic page, our method is more efficient and effective.</div><div><br></div><div>The third section is about CNN Based Emotion Recognition. In this section, we build our own emotion recognition classification and regression system from scratch. It includes data set collection, data preprocessing, model training and testing. We extend the model to real-time video application and it performs accurately and smoothly. We also try another approach of solving the emotion recognition problem using Facial Action Unit detection. By extracting Facial Land Mark features and adopting SVM training framework, the Facial Action Unit approach achieves comparable accuracy to the CNN based approach.</div><div><br></div><div>The forth section is about Saliency Based Image Quality Assessment and Cropping. In this section, we propose a method of doing image quality assessment and recomposition with the help of image saliency information. Saliency is the remarkable region of an image that attracts people's attention easily and naturally. By showing everyday examples as well as our experimental results, we demonstrate the fact that, utilizing the saliency information will be beneficial for both tasks.</div>
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Počítačová podpora pro monitoring a hodnocení kvality dat v klinickém výzkumu / Computer-aided data quality monitoring and assessment in clinical researchŠiška, Branislav January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the monitoring and evaluation of data in clinical research. Usual methods to identify incorrect data are one-dimensional statistical methods per each variable in the register. Proposed method enters directly into database and finds out outliers in data using machine learning combined with multidimensional statistical methods that transform all column variables of clinical register to one, representing one record of patient in the register. Algorithm of proposed method is written in Matlab.
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Detekce a hodnocení zkreslených snímků v obrazových sekvencích / Detection and evaluation of distorted frames in retinal image dataVašíčková, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá detekciou a hodnotením skreslených snímok v retinálnych obrazových dátach. Teoretická časť obsahuje stručné zhrnutie anatómie oka a metód hodnotenia kvality obrazov všeobecne, ako aj konkrétne hodnotenie retinálnych obrazov. Praktická časť bola vypracovaná v programovacom jazyku Python. Obsahuje predspracovanie dostupných retinálnych obrazov za účelom vytvorenia vhodného datasetu. Ďalej je navrhnutá metóda hodnotenia troch typov šumu v skreslených retinálnych obrazoch, presnejšie pomocou Inception-ResNet-v2 modelu. Táto metóda nebola prijateľná a navrhnutá bola teda iná metóda pozostávajúca z dvoch krokov - klasifikácie typu šumu a následného hodnotenia úrovne daného šumu. Pre klasifikáciu typu šumu bolo využité filtrované Fourierove spektrum a na hodnotenie obrazu boli využité príznaky extrahované pomocou ResNet50, ktoré vstupovali do regresného modelu. Táto metóda bola ďalej rozšírená ešte o krok detekcie zašumených snímok v retinálnych sekvenciách.
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Komprese a hodnocení kvality signálů EKG / Compression and Quality Assessment of ECG SignalsNěmcová, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
Ztrátová komprese signálů EKG je užitečná a v současnosti stále se rozvíjející oblast. Stále se vyvíjí nové a nové kompresní algoritmy. V této oblasti ale chybí standardy pro hodnocení kvality signálu po kompresi. Existuje tedy sice mnoho různých kompresních algoritmů, které ale buď nelze objektivně porovnat vůbec, nebo jen zhruba. V oblasti komprese navíc nikde není popsáno, zda mají na výkon kompresních algoritmů vliv patologie, popřípadě jaký. Tato dizertační práce poskytuje přehled všech nalezených metod pro hodnocení kvality signálů EKG po kompresi. Navíc bylo vytvořeno 10 nových metod. V rámci práce byla provedena analýza všech těchto metod a na základě jejích výsledků bylo doporučeno 12 metod vhodných pro hodnocení kvality signálu EKG po kompresi. Také je zde představen nový kompresní algoritmus „Single-Cycle Fractal-Based (SCyF)“. Algoritmus SCyF je inspirován metodou založenou na fraktálech a využívá jednoho cyklu signálu EKG jako domény. Algoritmus SCyF byl testován na čtyřech různých databázích, přičemž kvalita signálů po kompresi byla vyhodnocena 12 doporučenými metodami. Výsledky byly porovnány s velmi populárním kompresním algoritmem založeným na vlnkové transformaci, který využívá metodu „Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT)“. Postup testování zároveň slouží jako příklad, jak by měl vypadat standard hodnocení výkonu kompresních algoritmů. Dále bylo statisticky prokázáno, že existuje rozdíl mezi kompresí fyziologických a patologických signálů. Patologické signály byly komprimovány s nižší efektivitou a kvalitou než signály fyziologické.
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Návrhy na zlepšení řízení jakosti ve firmě / Quality management proposals in the companyMalá, Alena January 2008 (has links)
The thesis analyses a quality management process in a manufacturing company and offers suggestions and recommendations for improvement. This thesis should assist in more effective quality management process and help company to get a competitive advantage with using TQM method.
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Kvalitet på skam : en kvalitetsundersökning av fansubs i tv-serien SKAM / Quality of shame : a quality assessment study on fansubs in the tv-series SKAM (Shame)Kaufner, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Undertexter skapade av fans, så kallade fansubs, utmärker sig ofta med att utmana de standardiserade normerna inom undertextning genom att vara friare från deras inflytande. En serie som det har skapats relativt mycket fansubs för är den norska webbaserade ungdomsserien SKAM, som fans började skapa egna undertexter till eftersom de ville göra serien mer tillgänglig för tittare från andra länder. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utföra en kvalitetsundersökning av två engelskspråkiga fansub-versioner till tv-serien SKAM. Undersökningen utfördes med hjälp av FAR-modellen, som är en modell skapad för kvalitetsanalys av mellanspråkliga undertexter. FAR-modellen bedömer kvaliteten på undertexter i tre olika områden: funktionell ekvivalens, acceptans och läsbarhet. Undersökningens resultat visar att kvaliteten på fansubs till SKAM är jämförbar med andra fansubs. Kvaliteten varierar dock en del inom de olika områdena, då båda versionerna fick sämst resultat inom läsbarhet, men presterade relativt bra inom funktionell ekvivalens och acceptans. / Subtitles created by fans, so called fansubs, are known to often challenge standardized norms in translation by being freer from their influence. A TV series that many fansubs have been created for is SKAM, the Norwegian web-based series aimed at teens, which fans started creating their own subtitles for because they wanted to make it more accessible to viewers from other countries. The aim of this paper is to carry out a quality assessment study of two English fansub versions for the TV series SKAM. The study was carried out with the help of the FAR model, a model that was created for assessing the quality of interlingual subtitles. The FAR model investigates quality in three different areas: functional equivalence, acceptability and readability. The results of the study show that the quality of the fansubs for SKAM is comparable to that of other fansubs. However, the quality varies somewhat between the different areas, as both versions had the lowest results in readability, but performed better in functional equivalence and acceptability.
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Image quality assessment of High Dynamic Range and Wide Color Gamut images / Estimation de la qualité d’image High Dynamic Range et Wide Color GamutRousselot, Maxime 20 September 2019 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les technologies d’écran se sont considérablement améliorées. Par exemple, le contraste des écrans à plage dynamique élevée (HDR) dépasse de loin la capacité d’un écran conventionnel. De plus, un écran à gamut de couleur étendu (WCG) peut couvrir un espace colorimétrique plus grand que jamais. L'évaluation de la qualité de ces nouveaux contenus est devenue un domaine de recherche actif, les métriques de qualité SDR classiques n'étant pas adaptées. Cependant, les études les plus récentes négligent souvent une caractéristique importante: les chrominances. En effet, les bases de données existantes contiennent des images HDR avec un gamut de couleur standard, négligeant ainsi l’augmentation de l’espace colorimétrique due au WCG et les artefacts chromatiques. La plupart des mesures de qualité HDR objectives non plus ne prennent pas en compte ces artefacts. Pour surmonter cette problématique, dans cette thèse, nous proposons deux nouvelles bases de données HDR/WCG annotés avec des scores subjectifs présentant des artefacts chromatique réaliste. En utilisant ces bases de données, nous explorons trois solutions pour créer des métriques HDR/WCG: l'adaptation des métrics de qualité SDR, l’extension colorimétrique d’une métrique HDR connue appelée HDR-VDP-2 et, enfin, la fusion de diverses métriques de qualité et de features colorimétriques. Cette dernière métrique présente de très bonnes performances pour prédire la qualité tout en étant sensible aux distorsions chromatiques. / To improve their ability to display astonishing images, screen technologies have been greatly evolving. For example, the contrast of high dynamic range rendering systems far exceed the capacity of a conventional display. Moreover, a Wide Color gamut display can cover a bigger color space than ever. Assessing the quality of these new content has become an active field of research as classical SDR quality metrics are not adapted. However, state-of-the-art studies often neglect one important image characteristics: chrominances. Indeed, previous databases contain HDR images with a standard gamut thus neglecting the increase of color space due to WCG. Due to their gamut, these databases are less prone to contain chromatic artifacts than WCG content. Moreover, most existing HDR objective quality metrics only consider luminance and are not considering chromatic artifacts. To overcome this problematic, in this thesis, we have created two HDR / WCG databases with annotated subjective scores. We focus on the creation of a realistic chromatic artifacts that can arise during compression. In addition, using these databases, we explore three solutions to create HDR / WCG metrics. First, we propose a method to adapt SDR metrics to HDR / WCG content. Then, we proposed an extension of a well-known HDR metric called HDR-VDP-2. Finally, we create a new metric based on the merger of various quality metric and color features. This last metric presents very good performance to predict quality while being sensitive to chromatic distortion.
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Hodnocení kvality simultánního tlumočení ze španělštiny do češtiny na příkladu autokorekce / Self-correction as an Indicator of Quality Assessment in Simultaneous Interpreting from Spanish into CzechBačkovská, Taťána January 2020 (has links)
This theoretical-empirical thesis deals with the quality assessment of simultaneous interpreters done by clients not familiar with the original speech, with special regard to self-correction. The aim of this thesis is to find out what effect self-correction has on listeners who are not familiar with the content of the original speech. At the same time, the thesis tries to shed light on the influence of stress on self-correction and it wants to reveal if being under stress leads to a lower level of self-correction, or if it stimulates the interpreters. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the simultaneous interpretation in general, working conditions of a simultaneous interpreter, self-correction and it shows some of the previous investigations in the field of quality assessment of simultaneous interpreting. Also, the thesis investigates various factors that influence simultaneous interpretation and it presents mistakes typology. The empirical part of the study describes the experiment with students interpreting simultaneously from Spanish into Czech and it presents the results obtained via questionnaire surveys.
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