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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ökadproduktivitet i en manuell produktion : - en fallstudie på AMB Industri AB

Jonsson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har studerat hur produktionsplaneringen av en manuell produktion/montering kan bli produktivare. Genom empiriskt material från fallföretaget och insamlade av relevant teori presenteras idéer om hur detta kan göras. Två viktiga slutsatser från detta arbete är att företag bör planera sin manuella produktion/montering längre tid i förväg och därmed möjliggöra för fler förutbestämda planeringsregler, det vill säga vilka produkter som produceras/monteras när. Dessa slutsatser har dragits utifrån aktuell och relevant teori om produktionsplanering av manuell produktion. Fokus i arbetet har dock legat på att testa om ett införande av ett Walking Workers Assembly Line - system (WWAL) i den manuella produktionen påverkar produktiviteten. För att testa hur införandet av WWAL påverkar produktiviteten har det i arbetet gjorts ett experiment i en manuell produktions-/monteringslinje, experimentet har bedrivits i flertalet veckor för att säkerställa resultaten. Resultaten från experimentet visar att införandet av ett WWAL-system påverkade produktiviteten positivt, totalt sett. Däremot visade experimentet att olika delar av den manuella produktionen påverkades på olika sätt, i en del av linjen påverkades produktiviteten positivt med cirka 40 procent och i en annan del negativt med cirka 9 procent. Dessa skillnader kan bland annat förklaras av att det uppstod ett så kallat rabbit chase i den ena delen, men inte i den andra. Vidare visar experimentets resultat att kostnaderna för att införa WWAL var noll, vilket står i strid med aktuell relevant teori. Teorin antyder också att det kan vara svårt att lyckas med WWAL när det gäller komplexa produkter, detta motsäges av experimentet som har gjort på en relativt komplex medicinteknisk produkt. Arbetet kommer också fram till slutsatsen att det kan vara viktigare att införa WWAL än att jobba med Lean till 100 procent, denna slutsats bygger till stor del på att införandet av WWAL var kostnadsfritt.

Blowin' in the wind: encountering wind at fire lookouts in the Canadian Rocky Mountains

Walsh, Kristen Anne 03 January 2017 (has links)
Weather, how we tangibly engage with climate in our everyday lives, is a central underpinning to life in Canada and around the world. This thesis investigates relating to weather through a focused exploration of wind in the everyday lives of fire lookout observers in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Stitching together approaches from anthropology, phenomenology and mountain meteorology, it brings to bear insights on coexisting with weather changes through an understanding of lived mountain climates. Perched atop the front ranges of the Alberta Rocky Mountains are located a string of mountain fire lookouts. Tasked with discerning and detecting smoke plumes that may signal the start of a wildfire, lookout observers, who inhabit these remote lookout places for five to six months of the year, are attentive to the wind’s effect on visibility, its role in wildfire processes, and as a force to contend with in their daily lives on the lookout. Through participant observation, interviews and photo elicitation, I draw on fire lookout observers’ past and present experiences of wind, and its role in larger weather processes. With many lookout observers returning to their posts season after season, the breadth and depth of their experience stretches over three decades. Over the course of a summer’s fieldwork, I hiked in, and at times lived with, lookout observers. Walking, as a contemplative research practice, continued beyond the field and into analysis, engaging in a process I call ambulant listening as an alternative to transcribing interviews verbatim. This involved walking and listening to interviews multiple times, with notes later drawn out visually using mind maps. Through this process, I learned that wind stirs up much more than simply considering air in motion. Entwined in a variety of multi-sensory engagements, wind touches on broader themes of awareness, encounter and wonder that emerge as weather consciousness. This study offers a rare lens into a way of life that has been increasingly shuttered across Canada and around the world, while at the same time exemplifying ways of being and knowing weather inherent to coexisting with increasingly uncertain and unpredictable weather patterns in the midst of climate change. / Graduate / 0326, 0334,0314,0344 / kristen.walsh@hotmail.com

Walking ability, balance and accidental falls in persons with Multiple Sclerosis

Nilsagård, Ylva January 2008 (has links)
By using a pragmatic paradigm, different research methodologies were employed in this thesis. MS-related symptoms may be exaggerated due to heatsensitivity and it is supposed that cooling garments relieve the symptoms. The effects of wearing a Rehband® vest were evaluated in a sample of 42 persons with MS in a randomised controlled crossover study. Both objective and subjective statistically significant improvements were found when a cooled Rehband® vest was worn compared to the wearing of a room-tempered vest. Using a repeated-measures design, 10m and 30m timed walks and Timed Up and Go were studied in 42 persons with MS. Reproducibility was investigated within and between test points. High reproducibility was found both within (r=0.97–0.98) and between measure points (r=0.91–0.93). The correlation between the three tests was high (r=0.85). Differences at –23% to +40% were established as being needed to detect genuine changes. Severity of MS infl uenced the size of the differences, especially for the 30m timed walk test. The 12-item MS Walking Scale was translated and used in a cross-sectional study. Out of 81 persons with MS, 89–96% perceived limitations in standing or walking. The internal consistency of the scale was acceptable for nine items (0.69–0.84). The concurrent validity between the 12-item MS Walking Scale and the investigated objective tests was low: Berg Balance Scale (r=–0.368**), Four Square Step Test (r=0.338**) and Timed Up and Gocognitive (r=0.319*). A prevalence of falling was found at 63% in a longitudinal cohort study with prospectively registered falls including 76 persons with MS. The odds of falling were fi ve fold when there was a reported need of using a walking aid indoors and outdoors and by 2.5 to 15.6 times while there was disturbed proprioception, depending on severity. The highest sensitivity was found for the Berg Balance Scale (94%) and the highest specifi city was found for the 12-item MS Walking Scale (82%). Positive predictive values at 70–83% were found for the Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up and Gocognitive, the Four Square Step Test and the 12-item MS Walking Scale. Finally, we explored and described factors that persons with MS perceive as related to accidental falls. A content analysis with a deductive approach was chosen. By conducting interviews, we found previously untargeted factors: divided attention, reduced muscular endurance, fatigue and heat-sensitivity. The content of the interviews also gave support to previously reported risk factors such as changes in gait pattern, walking disability, impaired proprioception and vision, and spasticity.

Effects of physical activity on cognitive and psychosocial functioning in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy : a randomised controlled trial

Gokal, Kajal January 2015 (has links)
Background: The most commonly reported side effects experienced by breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy are fatigue, anxiety and depression. Alongside psychosocial difficulties, evidence suggests chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer is associated with perceived cognitive impairment and that which is objectively detected in domains of memory, attention, concentration and executive function. As these concerns are becoming more prominent, research has shifted towards managing these side effects and helping to improve overall quality of life and well-being of breast cancer patients and survivors. To our knowledge, intervention studies have not yet considered physical activity as a potential for maintaining cognitive difficulties in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Physical activity interventions are reported to be effective in alleviating emotional distress and fatigue in those with breast cancer. It has also been reported to improve cognitive functioning in the elderly, in those suffering with dementia and in children. It is proposed that physical activity could also help to manage cognitive impairment in female breast cancer patients and improve levels of psychosocial functioning. The aim of this PhD research was to implement a home-based, self-managed, physical activity intervention to alleviate cognitive and psychosocial difficulties experienced by female breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The intervention was designed using goal setting techniques enabling patients to self-manage their walking schedules and minimise input from NHS staff. Method: The randomised controlled trial compared a home-based, self-managed walking intervention to usual care alone among breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Fifty participants were randomised to either the intervention group (n=25), receiving 12 weeks of moderate intensity walking, or the control group (n=25) mid-way through chemotherapy. Participants in the intervention group were provided with a pedometer and were asked to set goals and keep weekly diaries outlining the duration, intensity and exertion of their walking. Levels of psychosocial and cognitive functioning were assessed pre and post intervention in both groups. Primary outcome measures for this intervention were changes in cognitive functioning. Four domains of cognitive functioning were assessed using neuropsychological tests and subjective functioning was measured using The Cognitive Failures Questionnaire. Secondary outcome measures were on psychosocial functioning. Results: The self-managed intervention had positive effects on fatigue, self-esteem, mood, levels of physical activity and stage of motivational readiness but not anxiety and depression. Positive benefits of walking were also detected in perceived cognitive function but not in sustained attention, executive function, memory and visual spatial skills when assessed objectively. Qualitative data indicated that the self-managed intervention was feasible, adhered to and received positively during active chemotherapy. Conclusion: The home-based self-managed intervention was beneficial for improving psychosocial well-being and maintaining perceived cognitive functioning among breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy.

Individual, social, and environmental factors associated with physical activity and walking

Cameron, Christine January 2014 (has links)
Background: Participation in physical activity (PA) is influenced by a multitude of factors. Traditionally, research has focused on several theoretical frameworks focusing on the individual ; however, they do not necessarily take into consideration other influencing factors such as the social environment or the physical or built environment. As such, a comprehensive socio-ecological model considering a multiplicity of factors is useful in explaining behaviour. Aims: To 1) assess the prevalence of the individual level correlates and their association with PA and walking; 2) assess the prevalence of environmental determinants and neighbourhood characteristics and the association between these and PA and walking behaviours; 3) explore within a comprehensive and socio-ecological approach, the contribution of the individual, social, and environmental factors in predicting PA and walking. Methods: The studies used in this thesis are national, random-digit dialling telephone-based surveys of a representative population sample within Canada. All research questions and procedures underwent ethics review at York University. The studies incorporated a two-stage probability selection process to select a survey respondent, and included a number of standard self-report measures across the data collection cycles. PA and all-domain walking were measured using the telephone-administered, short International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the neighbourhood environment was measured using an abbreviated version of the Neighbourhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS), and individual factors such as knowledge about amount of PA required for guidelines, beliefs about the benefits of PA, self-efficacy, intention, and initial behaviour changes. Walking for transport was measured through the Physical Activity Monitor and walking for recreation were measured through an adapted version of the Minnesota Leisure-Time PA questionnaire (for the 2007 collection only). Complex sampling methods were required to take into account stratification by province or territory within Canada. Complex samples cross-tabulation procedures were used to calculate the prevalence estimates of Canadians meeting the PA and walking guidelines and 95% confidence intervals. The relationship between factors predicting sufficient activity and sufficient walking were examined using complex samples logistic regression procedures that were reflect the sample design. This thesis explored associations and the relative strength of the factors as the independent measures predicting sufficient PA and sufficient walking as the dependent measures, using age, sex, and education as covariates for each of these models. Chapter Six expands this model by including walking for recreation and transportation, and examining sub-population groups. Results: Individual factors (e.g., self-efficacy, intention, and some trial behaviours) and social factors were associated with sufficient PA and certain types of walking. Relatively few environmental factors were associated with sufficient walking (all domain and domain-specific) or sufficient PA. The relationship between high density neighbourhoods and higher rates of walking (generally and specific), and the availability of supportive walking facilities with various modes of walking were evident. Proximity of many shops and the presence of sidewalks were associated with the highest quartile of walking for transport. A greater number of the individual factors predicted walking and PA compared to the environmental/neighbourhood factors, within the context of a full socio-ecological model. Findings differed when stratified by age and sex of respondents. Conclusions: The results suggest that individual factors may be more relevant for predicting activity and walking than environmental factors, or at least should be considered in their inter-relationship with environmental factors when developing environment-based interventions. Although the inter-relationship between individual factors, social factors and the built environment are important, understanding individual factors are critical for determining strategies and interventions to promote PA among certain populations with traditionally lower levels of activity. Findings suggest that within countries like Canada, with a relative abundance of supportive environments, more specific and detailed measures of the perceived and objective physical environment may be required in order to achieve sufficient variation.

L’affect de dégoût dans une perspective transmédiale : le cas de The walking dead

Lefebvre, Isabelle 06 1900 (has links)
Lorsque l’on s’intéresse au dégoût comme forme d’affect, on remarque que son application abonde au niveau des études cinématographiques et des arts visuels. Par contre, peu de chercheurs se sont intéressés à son analyse à travers les médias dont l’institutionnalisation académique est plus récente, comme la bande dessinée, la télésérie et le jeu vidéo. Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’étendre la pratique des études du dégoût comme affect sur ces médias, en s’attardant sur l’analyse de certaines composantes de la franchise transmédiatique The Walking Dead. De plus, comme ce corpus est marqué par une transmédialité qui dépasse les simples récurrences narratives, ce mémoire veut également produire un modèle d’analyse capable de déceler les structures génératives du dégoût qui tendent à migrer ou être partagées entre les médias de la franchise. Ce modèle sera conçu dans un premier temps par l’établissement d’un dialogue entre les études de l’affect appliquées au cinéma et aux arts visuels et les études sur l’intermédialité. La fonctionnalité de ce modèle sera ensuite testée à travers son application sur la bande dessinée, la télésérie et l’un des jeux vidéo de la franchise The Walking Dead. / When we seek for works that focus on disgust as a form of affect, we note that its application abounds in film and visual art studies. However, few researchers dedicated its analysis through media whose academic institutionalization is newer, such as comics, TV series, and video games. This thesis aims to extend the studies of disgust as an affect’s practice on these media, focusing on the analysis of certain components from the transmedia franchise The Walking Dead. Moreover, because this body of media is marked by a transmediality that exceeds simple narrative recurrences, this thesis also wants to produce an analytical model capable of detecting disgust’s generative structures that tend to migrate or be shared between the media of the franchise. This model will be developed initially by the establishment of a dialogue between affect studies applied to cinema and visual arts, and intermedial studies. Then, this model’s functionality will be tested through its application within the comics, the television series and one of the video games of The Walking Dead franchise.

Životní styl pacientky s DM 2. typu / Lifestyle diabetic 2nd type

Franěk, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Lifestyle diabetic 2nd type Aims: The aim of this thesis is to outline alternatives how to improve medical condition of patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus 2nd type by non- pharmacological treatment. Another target is to create and application an intervention exercise program. It is also necessary to evaluate measured physical parameters plus to compare results before the beginning and after the termination of the intervention. Last but not least is important suggestion of recommendations for the future therapy of patients with NIDDM. Methods: In this work, there are stated contemporary information of relationship between physical activity and diabetes of the second type of a patient. Literature research was used to get this knowledge. Based on these facts and available options, the experiment related to training program was designed. This observation takes 20 weeks. Results: The controlled diabetic patient underwent the intervention program without significant complications and in full extent. Non-pharmacological treatment focused primarily on increasing physical activity performed by walking and practicing on a exercise bike, on the contrary, dietary regimen was not changed or a adjusted. The results after intervention showed improvements in physical state of a patient such as reduction in...

Hodnocení chůze, běhu a hodu míčkem u předškolních dětí. / Evaluation of walking, running and overarm throwing of preschool children

Králová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
Title Evaluation of walking, running and overarm throwing of preschool children. Work objectives The thesis aim is to identify and assess the level of selected movement skills of walking, running and overarm throwing in preschool children from three to six years. Movement level will be determined using the manuals and methodologies written by Haywood. During the measurement, we will focus on gender differences in movement levels and movement differences between various age categories, thus between 3 - 4 and 5 - 6 years old children from the analyzed sample. The sub-objective is to determine whether manuals and methodologies, written by the mentioned author above, can be applied to preschool children in the Czech conditions. Methodology Physical level of preschool children was assessed qualitatively. Qualitative assessment of the walking, running and overarm throwing level was executed by observation. For a record of our observation, we used a digital camera, which enables more precise movement analysis by slow motion mode. The statically placed camera recorded movements from sides, front and back. Results 31 children including 18 boys and 13 girls were evaluated in overall. We have noticed that children acquire the walking best, because all 31 children reached the mature form of walking....

Vztah mezi motorickými projevy laterality a zatáčivostí člověka ve třech různých typech lokomoce / Relationship between human motor laterality and veering behavior in three different type of locomotion

Ďurík, Milan January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv pravidelného tréninku v Lokomat systému na změnu stereotypu chůze u pacientů po CMP / The effect of regular training in Locomat system changing the stereotype of gait of patient after cerebrovascular accident

Lang, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Title: The effect of regular training in Locomat system changing the stereotype of gait of patients after the cerebrovascular accident Objectives: The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether it is appropriate to use the Locomat system in therapy of gait of patients after the cerebrovascular accident, what is the effect of regular training of these patients in the Locomat system on their stereotype of gait and whether the training in the Locomat system of patients after the cerebrovascular accident is more effective in comparison with other physiotherapeutic practices. Methods: The thesis was processed in the Kladruby Rehabilitation Centre on 14 probands, who were divided after the entrance examination in order to form two equivalent homogenous groups. The first group of seven members was experimental, the second one was control. At the beginning of the study the rate of gait disorder was specified at each proband using standardized method of Wisconsin Gait Scale, they also underwent 10 - Meter Walk Test and 6 - Minute Walk Test. Afterwards all the probands absolved a three-week lasting standard regime of rehabilitation. The probands of research groups absolved except the rehabilitation regime during this time period regularly 5x times a week fifteen 30-minute lasting therapy units in the...

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