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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Percorrer a cidade a pé: ações teatrais e performativas no contexto urbano / -

Verônica Gonçalves Veloso 05 June 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa observar o modo de operar da arte contemporânea fundada no caminhar e investigar o quanto ela se faz acessível ao espectador, o quanto ela é inclusiva, relacional e horizontal. Contrariamente a um entendimento de que a arte contemporânea é de difícil acesso, nosso objetivo é relacionar a dissolução de certos estatutos da cena contemporânea com a aproximação do espectador de sua estrutura de funcionamento, a ponto de ele se tornar mais indispensável para sua realização do que o próprio artista. No primeiro capítulo, apresento esse contexto de dissolução (como linhas invisíveis do mapa), inicialmente no campo do teatro e, posteriormente, na configuração das performances, campo no qual as noções de cena, encenação e espectador já não operam. No segundo capítulo apresento o ato de caminhar em relação ao pensar e ao criar; uma prática estética e política a ser desdobrada nos três capítulos seguintes. Desse modo, do segundo ao quinto capítulo observo modalidades do caminhar: passeios, derivas, fugas, perseguições e travessias realizadas por artistas de diversas procedências (do teatro à land art, da dança à arte conceitual, da performance ao real) e, em alguns casos, por espectadores ou passantes. Todas essas ações, sobretudo as performances, resultam em outras materialidades (fotografias, vídeos, desenhos e narrativas) que são igualmente compartilhadas com espectadores ausentes do ato de sua execução. No último capítulo, trato desses rastros ou vestígios - bem como do acesso aos programas dessas ações - como um importante material para os espectadores, que conhecendo os \"modos de fazer\" dessas modalidades artísticas, compreendem seus \"modos de usar\". Assim, caminhar como prática estética configura-se como um ato de transgressão do sistema vigente, uma vez que se trata não apenas de uma ação, mas de uma atitude ao alcance de toda e qualquer pessoa. Ao ocupar o contexto urbano por sua dimensão mais baixa, o chão, o sujeito que caminha experimenta outras formas de sociabilidade e outras configurações para o real, inventando micro-poéticas do devir. / This research aims to observe the way contemporary art founded on walking works and to investigate how much it is accessible to the public, how much it is inclusive, relational and horizontal. Contrary to an understanding that contemporary art is difficult to access, our goal is to relate the dissolution of certain contemporary scenes statutes with the spectator\'s approach of its functional structure, to the point that he becomes more indispensable for its accomplishment than the artist himself. In the first chapter, I present this context of dissolution (as invisible lines of the map) initially in the theater field and, posteriorly, in the configuration of the performances, a field in which the notions of scene, staging and spectator no longer operate. In the second chapter, I present the act of walking in relation to thinking and creating; an aesthetic and political practice to be deployed in the three following chapters. Thus, from the second to the fifth chapters, I observe walking modalities: strolls, drifts, escapes, persecutions and crossings by artists of different origins (from theater to land art, from dance to conceptual art, from performance to real) and, in some cases, by spectators or bystanders. All these actions, particularly the performances, result in other materialities (photographs, videos, drawings and narratives) which are equally shared with spectators absent from the act of its realization. In the last chapter, I deal with these traces or vestiges - as well as the access to the programs of these actions - as an important material for the spectators, who getting to know the \"ways of doing\" of these artistic modalities, understand their \"ways of using\". Therefore, walking as an aesthetic practice configures itself as an act of transgression of the current system, since it is not only an action, but an attitude within the reach of any person. By occupying the urban context in its lower dimension, the ground, the subject who walks experiences other forms of sociability and other settings for the real, inventing micro-poetics of devenir.

Redflag: caminhadas e territórios

Fabio Rogerio de Mello Tremonte 27 November 2012 (has links)
Durante o processo de desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, uma série de trabalhos intitulada Redflag foi produzida. Esse grupo torna-se, então, o eixo principal da dissertação. É composta por trabalhos que lidam com a vivência no espaço urbano, principalmente, através de caminhadas e a criação de territórios, e, a partir disso, colocando em pauta questões que permeiam a configuração da cidade. Concomitantemente, são apresentados textos e trabalhos de artistas e de outros autores que relacionam-se diretamente com o tema da pesquisa, (Werner Herzog, Francis Alÿs, Robert Smithson, Hélio Oiticia, entre outros) propondo um percurso onde algumas veredas da arte contemporânea e da literatura abertas pela prática da caminhada se encontram, se bifurcam e se distanciam, tornando a chegada, o ponto de partida. / During the development process of this research, a serie of artwork called Redflag was produced. This group becomes then the main shaft of the dissertation. It is composed of artworks that deal with living in urban areas, mainly through walkings and creating territories, and, from there, putting on the agenda issues that permeate the city configuration. Concomitantly, presented texts and works of artists and other authors that relate directly to the subject of the research, (Werner Herzog, Francis Alÿs, Robert Smithson, Helio Oiticia, among others) proposed a course where some paths of contemporary art and literature were opened for practicing walking meet, bifurcate and move away, making arrival, the starting point.

Análise da propagação de incertezas no método de dinâmica inversa tridimensional para membro inferior durante a marcha em diferentes velocidades / Analysis of propagation of uncertainties in the inverse dynamics method three-dimensional lower limb during gait at different velocities

Franklin de Camargo Junior 24 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito do erro na localização do centro de pressão (5 e 10 mm) nas incertezas de momentos articulares dos membros inferiores em diferentes velocidades de marcha (1,0, 1,5 e 2,0 m/s). Nossas hipóteses foram que: as incertezas absolutas de momento articular diminuam de distal para o proximal e da condição de maior para a de menor velocidade. Os momentos articulares de cinco adultos jovens saudáveis foram calculados pelo método bottom-up de dinâmica inversa 3D, na dependência do qual estimamos as incertezas propagadas. Os resultados indicaram que existe uma relação diretamente proporcional entre os erros do centro de pressão e as incertezas de momento articular. As incertezas absolutas nos picos de momento expressas no sistema de referência anatômico diminuíram de distal para proximal, confirmando nossa primeira hipótese, exceto para o momento de abdução. Da menor para a maior velocidade de marcha ocorreu um aumento da incerteza no momento (de até 0,04 Nm/kg), confirmando agora nossa segunda hipótese, exceto, mais uma vez, para abduções de joelho e quadril. E ainda, as incertezas relativas variaram dependendo do plano e articulação (entre 5 e 31%), sendo os momentos articulares de joelho os mais afetados / The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of errors in the location of the center of pressure (5 and 10 mm) on lower limb joint moment uncertainties at different gait velocities (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m/s). Our hypotheses were that the absolute joint moment uncertainties would be gradually reduced from distal to proximal joints and from higher to lower velocities. Joint moments of five healthy young adults were calculated by inverse dynamics using the bottom-up approach, depending on which estimate the uncertainty propagated. Results indicated that there is a linear relationship between errors in center of pressure and joint moment uncertainties. The absolute moment peak uncertainties expressed on the anatomic reference frames decreased from distal to proximal joints, confirming our first hypothesis, except for the abduction moments. There was an increase in moment uncertainty (up to 0.04 Nm/kg for the 10 mm error in the center of pressure) from the lower to higher gait velocity, confirming our second hypothesis, although, once again, not for hip or knee abduction. Finally, depending on the plane of movement and the joint, relative uncertainties experienced variation (between 5 and 31%), and the knee joint moments were the most affected

Correlação entre os parâmetros subjetivos, cinéticos e eletromiográficos na locomoção / Correlation among subjective, kinetic and electromyographic parameters in human locomotion

Katia Brandina 28 August 2009 (has links)
A percepção sobre as cargas externas permite a criação de estratégias eficientes para o controle do estresse mecânico aplicado ao aparelho locomotor. As poucas referências disponíveis na literatura especializada estudaram a questão, a partir da associação das respostas dinâmicas (força de reação do solo e pressão plantar) e subjetivas na locomoção. Entretanto, não há trabalhos que associem o comportamento da percepção de carga ao das respostas eletromiográficas e não há na literatura o estudo das relações entre as respostas subjetivas, dinâmicas e eletromiográficas na locomoção (corrida e marcha) entre os grupos com e sem comprometimento das sensações somatosensoriais na região plantar. O presente estudo objetivou verificar as correlações entre os valores dinâmicos, eletromiográficos e subjetivos: a) Na corrida de atletas (corredores e jogadores de handebol) em função do uso da palmilha (calçado com palmilha x calçado sem palmilha) e b) Na marcha de diabéticos neuropatas, de idosos saudáveis e de adultos. Para tanto, os registros dinâmicos (FRS), eletromiográficos e subjetivos (escala Ratings of Perceived Exertion de Borg) foram mensurados. Os voluntários se locomoveram na esteira por um período de 50 minutos em velocidade constante e a cada 10 minutos as variáveis dinâmicas (sistema GAITWAY - duas plataformas de força piezoelétricas dispostas em série, montadas na superfície de uma esteira rolante), eletromiográficas (EMG 1000 com eletrodos de superfície ativos, préamplificados, conectados aos canais ativos do equipamento) dos músculos tibial anterior (TA), gastrocnêmio lateral (GL), reto femoral (RF), vasto lateral (VL) e bíceps femoral cabeça longa (BF) e subjetivas foram adquiridas. Os grupos de corredores (C) e atletas de handebol (AH) efetuaram a corrida e o uso da palmilha do calçado foi manipulado; enquanto, o grupo de diabéticos neuropatas (DN), idosos (I) e adultos (A) caminharam. Para todos os grupos estudados, não foram verificadas variações na intensidade das cargas aplicadas ao aparelho locomotor nos seis instantes de coleta e as respostas subjetivas apresentaram valores crescentes e significativos (p<0,05) entre a maioria dos instantes de coleta. Somente para I, os resultados de correlação obtidos entre as variáveis dinâmicas (GC: r=0,73; Imp50: r=0,64; Fy1: r=0,50) e a percepção de carga na marcha foram fortes e significativos (p<0,01). Sabendo que, os I eram sedentários, possivelmente as maiores correlações de respostas subjetivas com objetivas deste grupo podem estar pautadas na percepção de cargas mais intensas do que as experimentadas no cotidiano. Esta situação corrobora com os resultados de estudos relacionados ao tema, que sugerem que as respostas subjetivas são baseadas nas informações mecânicas de movimentos que geram cargas de intensidades distintas em relação a que o sujeito está mais exposto no cotidiano. As variáveis eletromiográficas sofreram variações discretas entre os períodos de coleta para todos os grupos analisados, decorrentes de artefatos no sistema de aquisição de dados; e os valores atribuídos por todos voluntários para as variáveis subjetivas indicaram comportamento crescente e significativo (p<0,05). Ainda assim, as correlações obtidas entre as variáveis eletromiográficas e subjetivas para todos os grupos foram fracas. Concluise que, valores eletromiográficos e dinâmicos não se relacionam de forma consistente com a percepção de cargas mecânicas, demonstrando que a resposta subjetiva não pode ser utilizada como parâmetro de controle de estresse mecânico em movimentos cuja intensidade de cargas não varia / The perception of external loads allows the use of efficient strategies to control the mechanical stress applied to the locomotor structures. The few available references in the specialized literature studied this subject starting from the association of dynamic (ground reaction force and plantar pressure) and subjective responses during locomotion. However, there isnt any study associating load perception behavior to electromyographic responses and, also, there isnt any study in the literature about the relationship among subjective, dynamic and electromyographic responses during locomotion (running and walking) in groups with and without somatosensory compromisings in the plantar area of the foot. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the correlation among dynamic, electromyographic and subjective data: a) During athletes running (runners and handball players), manipulating the use of inner soles (shoe with inner sole x shoe without inner sole); and b) During the walking of diabetic neuropathic people, healthy elderly people and adults. To meet this purpose, dynamic (GRF), electromyographic and subjective (Borgs Ratings of Perceived Exertion) data were measured. The volunteers walked or ran in a treadmill for 50 minutes in a constant speed, and every 10 minutes were acquired the dynamic data (GAITWAY System - two piezoelectric force plates placed on the treadmill surface), electromyographic data (EMG 1000 System active and pre-amplified surface electrodes, connected to the active channels of the equipment) of the muscles Tibialis Anterior (TA), Gastrocnemius Lateralis (GL), Rectus Femoris (RF), Vastus Lateralis (VL) and Biceps Femoris - long head (BF), and subjective data. The groups of runners (C) and handball athletes (AH) performed the running condition and had the use of the inner sole of the shoe manipulated; while, the groups of diabetic neuropathic people (DN), elderly (I) and adults (A) walked. For all of the studied groups, was not verified variations in the intensity of the loads applied to the human body in the six acquisition instants, while the subjective responses presented growing and significant values (p <0,05) among most of the acquisition instants. The correlation between the dynamic variables (GC: r=0,73; Imp50: r=0,64; Fy1: r=0,50) and the load perception during walking was strong and significant (p <0,01) only for I. Knowing that the I was sedentary, its possible that the great subjective and objective response correlations about this group may be based in the perception of intense charges than the experienced in the common day. This situation mach with the results of the articles related with the objective of the work and suggest that subjective responses are based on the mechanical information generate of loads of different intensities. The electromyographic variables suffered small variations among the periods of data acquisition for all of the analyzed groups, probably because of movement variability and the values attributed by all volunteers for the subjective variables indicated growing and significant behavior (p <0,05). Nevertheless, the correlations obtained between the electromyographic and subjective variables for all groups were weak. It is possible to conclude that the values of dynamic and electromyographic dont have relation in a consistent way with the perception of mechanical charges, showing that the subjective response cant be used as parameter of control of the mechanical stress in movements were the intensity of the charges didnt change

Efeitos da velocidade nos paramêtros mecânicos e energéticos da locomoção de amputados transfemurais / Effects of speed on mechanics and energetics of transfemoral amputee walking

Bona, Renata Luisa January 2011 (has links)
A caminhada humana é um movimento importante utilizado pelo homem, porém extremamente complexo em relação aos mecanismos energéticos e mecânicos que geram este movimento. O custo energético é maior na caminhada de amputados quando comparada a caminhada de indivíduos sem restrições físicas. Variáveis mecânicas e energéticas de amputados não foram extensivamente estudadas. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes velocidades, no recovery, no custo de transporte (C), na eficiência mecânica (Eff), na transdução pendular (Rint), trabalho mecânico, na estabilidade dinâmica, bem como verificar a associação entre a estabilidade dinâmica com recovery, custo de transporte e eficiência mecânica. Participaram do estudo 10 indivíduos amputados transfemurais (com joelho hidráulico e pé em fibra de carbono). Foi realizada cinemetria 3D (quatro câmeras de vídeo) e simultaneamente a análise do consumo de oxigênio. Foram determinadas cinco velocidades de caminhada, após definir a velocidade auto selecionada. Além da velocidade auto selecionada foram definidas duas velocidades acima e abaixo das VAS. Para os dados de Recovery, custo de transporte, eficiência mecânica, transdução pendular, trabalho total, trabalho externo, travalho vertical, trabalho horizontal, trabalho interno e estabilidade dinâmica foram utilizadas rotinas desenvolvidas em Matlab®. A velocidade influencia nos parâmetros mecânicos e energéticos da caminhada de amputados transfemurais. Os maiores valores para: economia de caminhada, Recovery, transdução pendular, eficiência mecânica, trabalho mecânico interno e vertical, e estabilidade dinâmica foram obtidos na máxima velocidade de caminhada dos sujeitos. As correlações entre o coeficiente de variação do comprimento da passada e Recovery, custo de transporte e potência metabólica foram moderadas. Esses resultados são de grande relevância para a área clínica e ponderados durante o processo de reabilitação desses indivíduos. / The human walking is an important movement used by man, but extremely complex in relation to the energetic and mechanical mechanisms that generate this movement. The energy cost of gait is greater in amputees than in normal subjects. Mechanical and energetics variables in amputees have not been extensively studied. Our objective was to assess the influence of speed in recovery, cost of transport (C), mechanical efficiency (Eff), pendular transduction (Rint), mechanic parameters, dynamical stability, well as to verify agreement between dynamical stability with recovery, C, Eff and metabolic power. Materials and Methods: ten transfemoral amputees (with hydraulic knee and carbon fiber foot) were selected in the study. Simultaneously three-dimensional (3D) kinematics data (four cameras) and oxygen consumption were collected at five speeds, two above and two below self-select one. The Recovery, C, Eff, Rint, dynamical stability, were processed using Matlab software. Mechanics and energetics of amputee walking were influenced by speed. In maximal speed of amputee walking were reported greatest values, like: recovery, cost of transport (C), mechanical efficiency (Eff), pendular transduction (Rint), internal and vertical mechanical work and dynamical stability. Pearson correlation between dynamical stability and Recovery, C, Eff and metabolic power were moderate. These results are clinical relevance and should be considered during the rehabilitation of these individuals.

Análise da propagação de incertezas no método de dinâmica inversa tridimensional para membro inferior durante a marcha em diferentes velocidades / Analysis of propagation of uncertainties in the inverse dynamics method three-dimensional lower limb during gait at different velocities

Camargo Junior, Franklin de 24 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito do erro na localização do centro de pressão (5 e 10 mm) nas incertezas de momentos articulares dos membros inferiores em diferentes velocidades de marcha (1,0, 1,5 e 2,0 m/s). Nossas hipóteses foram que: as incertezas absolutas de momento articular diminuam de distal para o proximal e da condição de maior para a de menor velocidade. Os momentos articulares de cinco adultos jovens saudáveis foram calculados pelo método bottom-up de dinâmica inversa 3D, na dependência do qual estimamos as incertezas propagadas. Os resultados indicaram que existe uma relação diretamente proporcional entre os erros do centro de pressão e as incertezas de momento articular. As incertezas absolutas nos picos de momento expressas no sistema de referência anatômico diminuíram de distal para proximal, confirmando nossa primeira hipótese, exceto para o momento de abdução. Da menor para a maior velocidade de marcha ocorreu um aumento da incerteza no momento (de até 0,04 Nm/kg), confirmando agora nossa segunda hipótese, exceto, mais uma vez, para abduções de joelho e quadril. E ainda, as incertezas relativas variaram dependendo do plano e articulação (entre 5 e 31%), sendo os momentos articulares de joelho os mais afetados / The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of errors in the location of the center of pressure (5 and 10 mm) on lower limb joint moment uncertainties at different gait velocities (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m/s). Our hypotheses were that the absolute joint moment uncertainties would be gradually reduced from distal to proximal joints and from higher to lower velocities. Joint moments of five healthy young adults were calculated by inverse dynamics using the bottom-up approach, depending on which estimate the uncertainty propagated. Results indicated that there is a linear relationship between errors in center of pressure and joint moment uncertainties. The absolute moment peak uncertainties expressed on the anatomic reference frames decreased from distal to proximal joints, confirming our first hypothesis, except for the abduction moments. There was an increase in moment uncertainty (up to 0.04 Nm/kg for the 10 mm error in the center of pressure) from the lower to higher gait velocity, confirming our second hypothesis, although, once again, not for hip or knee abduction. Finally, depending on the plane of movement and the joint, relative uncertainties experienced variation (between 5 and 31%), and the knee joint moments were the most affected

Slow Motion

Miller, Andie 19 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0310050V - MA research report - School of Literature and Language Studies - Faculty of Humanities / The rationale of this work is a peripatetic exploration, both literally and intellectually: the form echoes the content. The creative work stands on its own, but the theoretical reflection contributes retrospectively to the work as part of this peripatetic process. The theoretical reflection picks up the theme, though more formally, in order to create one coherent project. I have aimed to create a dialogue between the theory and creative work on a road that goes both ways. If it appears that the section of theory devoted to the poets is disproportionately long compared to the rest of the work, this is because I discovered in the course of my exploration that poets seem more predisposed to wandering than others.


Dollinger, Hannah J. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of goal setting and fitness trackers to increase daily step counts in adolescents with intellectual disability. An A-B-A-B withdrawal research design was implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. The results indicated that goal setting and fitness trackers were effective in increasing daily step counts for two out of three participants.

Etude et analyse de la période d'acquisition de la marche chez l'enfant. Apports des neurosciences cognitives et comportementales. Etude des interactions enfant-tenue vestimentaire / Study and analysis of walk acquisition in toddlers. Contributions of cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. Study of interactions Toddlers-clothes

Théveniau, Nicolas 19 December 2013 (has links)
L'acquisition de la marche chez l'enfant comprend différents processus complexes, s'organisant de façon progressive mais non linéaire. Plusieurs étapes sont en effet nécessaires à l'enfant pour acquérir l'équilibre postural, puis la propulsion, ou encore l'activation musculaire anticipatrice. La compréhension du développement de la marche de l'enfant revêt un intérêt passionnant mais d'une grande complexité. Cependant, la plupart des études n'ont pas pris en compte l'effet que pourrait avoir la couche ou la tenue vestimentaire sur l'apprentissage de la locomotion bipédique chez l'enfant. L'écartement latéral des appuis, qui est relativement conséquent chez le marcheur débutant, est-il une stratégie afin d'augmenter sa surface d'appui pour mieux contrôler son équilibre ? Ou bien estce le port de la couche qui provoque une gêne au niveau de l'entrejambe de l'enfant et engendre ou accentue cette stratégie posturale ? Par ailleurs, en ce qui concerne l'acquisition de la marche, il est établit que l'enfant doit être bien chaussé afin d'éviter toute pathologie posturale et/ou locomotrice futures. La même approche peut être abordée pour le vêtement. Or, il est aisé de constater qu'actuellement la plupart des vêtements portés par les enfants ne sont que des répliques miniatures de vêtements d'adultes. Ceuxci ne tiennent pas compte des particularités morphologiques, posturales et motrices du jeune marcheur. Les travaux détaillés dans cette thèse ont pour objectif, non seulement d'évaluer l'impact d'une tenue vestimentaire sur la marche de l'enfant mais également de proposer des pistes de réponses et d'améliorations dans la conception de vêtements d'enfants. Ainsi, ces travaux s'organisent selon trois études portant sur des enfants ayant tous moins de 36 mois d'expérience de marche. La première a consisté en la vérification de l'impact du port d'une couche et/ou d'un pantalon sur la marche de jeunes enfants à partir de l'analyse de paramètres spatio-temporels. Ces travaux révèlent un effet plus prononcé du pantalon que de la couche sur la marche de l'enfant. Puis, nous nous sommes demandés à partir de combien de mois d'expérience de marche cet effet avait-il le plus d'impact. Cette question a fait l'objet de la seconde étude. Enfin, après avoir élaboré un prototype de pantalon prenant en considération les particularités de l'enfant et de l'apprentissage de la marche, celui-ci a été testé sur une vingtaine d'enfants. Cette dernière étude avait pour objectif d'évaluer et de comprendre l'impact de la tenue sur l'activité musculaire du membre inférieur. Les résultats obtenus avec le prototype sont concluants. Les contraintes sont amoindries et la locomotion avec un tel prototype se rapproche de celle observée en sous-vêtement. / The walking acquisition in toddlers involves different complex processes organized into a progressive but non linear way. The child requires several steps to acquire a postural balance, then the propulsion, and the anticipative muscle activation. To understand the gait development of a toddler is fascinating but a very complex work. Indeed, the most of current studies don’t take into account the effects of wearing diapers or clothes on the learning in bipedal locomotion. Regarding step width, which is relatively substantial for the beginner walker, we could wonder it's a strategy in order to improve the supports surface to best control the balance or on the other hand, does wearing diapers cause discomfort in crotch area children, and therefore bring out that postural strategy?Moreover, concerning the gait acquisition, it is known that the child needs well-fitting shoes to avoid any future postural or locomotive pathology. The same approach can be used for clothes. But, we can easily observe that currently most of children clothes are just a copy of adult models in miniature. These clothes don’t consider the morphological, postural and motor features of the beginner walker.The study introduced in this thesis manuscript will not only evaluate the importance of clothing on children walking but also propose possible solution and improvement for the conception of children clothes.Results are related to three studies all regarding children with less than 36 month of walking experience. First study is an analysis of the effect of wearing diaper or trousers on the children walking using spatiotemporal parameters. It has shown a greater influence from trousers than diapers. It has opened the second study. After how many months of experience the effect got the greater influence? Results show influence of trousers starting 3 month of walking but above all from 6 to 18 months. Finally, a prototype of trousers conceived in regards of children characteristics and walking acquisition has been used for around twenty children. Goal of this third study was to evaluate and to understand the importance of clothing on muscular activities of the lower limb. Utilization of the prototype has been conclusive. The muscular co-contractions which highlight the lack of experience in walking are less present when children use the prototype. Discomfort is reduced and walking with the prototype is close to the one performed with underwear.

Auto-Motives: Unraveling the Riddle of Alternative Transportation to School

McDaniel, Mikki Amano 01 June 2013 (has links)
Over the last 40 years, there has been a dramatic increase nationwide in the rate of children being driven to school in a private vehicle in the U.S., exacerbating problems from traffic congestion to childhood obesity. While many studies have focused on walking and cycling for the trip to school, few explore parental decision making and the interaction between all travel modes. This study conducts a survey of parents of children attending six elementary schools in San Luis Obispo regarding their children’s travel to school. It explores factors in mode choice, establishes local travel patterns for children, and describes parents’ decision making and the interaction between driving and alternative modes: walking, cycling, school bus, and public transit. An association is found between child gender and parental permission for walking/cycling and riding public transit without adult supervision. An association is also found between parents’ own activity, walking/cycling and riding public transit, and their likelihood to encourage their children to use these modes. Based on survey findings, the study outlines strategy alternatives and recommends implementing free transit days for families, organizing a community safety audit for transit settings, forming a partnership between San Luis Coastal Unified School District and the City of San Luis Obispo to divert demand for school bus transportation to other alternative modes, and organizing a walking school bus.

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