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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une ethnologie mondaine : l'Egypte vue par Cocteau / A worldly ethnology : Cocteau's vision of Egypt

Abdelghaffar-Farid, Maha 20 December 2017 (has links)
Une Ethnologie mondaine : l’Égypte vue par Cocteau a pour ambition de comprendre comment le célèbre poète et dramaturge français a perçu le pays des Pharaons au début des années 1950. Jean Cocteau le parcourt à l’occasion d’une tournée théâtrale de la Comédie Française. Il écrit ses impressions et ses états d’âme dans un récit intitulé Maalesh, expression empruntée au langage égyptien du quotidien. Ce carnet de voyage rompt avec le style et la vision de l’Orientalisme romantique dont d’autres écrivains voyageurs comme Gérard de Nerval ou Pierre Loti étaient imprégnés. Maalesh est une oeuvre méconnue, pourtant particulièrement intéressante à étudier parce qu’elle représente pour Cocteau une sorte d’aboutissement dans sa quête incessante d’une compréhension de la mort, qui l’obsède depuis son enfance. L’Égypte ancienne, notamment l’énigmatique Sphinx qu’il considère comme un « dieu », vont lui apporter des réponses. Bien qu’emporté par les soirées mondaines du Caire et d’Alexandrie, Jean Cocteau livre aussi un témoignage fort sur une société égyptienne en pleine transformation qui commence à s’affranchir de la colonisation. En décrivant la misère apparente qui ronge le pays, il va s’attirer les foudres du roi Farouk. Cela empêchera Maalesh d’être suffisamment lu par les Égyptiens. Cette thèse tente aussi de combler un peu ce manque en proposant une traduction d’une bonne partie de l’ouvrage, qui sera ainsi accessible aux étudiants et universitaires arabophones. / A Worldly Ethnology: Cocteau's vision of Egypt is to understand how the famous French poet and playwright perceived the land of the Pharaohs in the early 1950s. Jean Cocteau travels it during a theater tour of the Comédie French. He writes his impressions and moods in a narrative entitled Maalesh, an expression borrowed from the Egyptian language of everyday life. This travelogue breaks with the style and vision of Romantic Orientalism which other travel writers like Gérard de Nerval or Pierre Loti were impregnated with. Maalesh is an unknown work, yet particularly interesting to study because it represents for Cocteau a sort of culmination in his incessant quest for an understanding of death, which has obsessed him since his childhood. Ancient Egypt, especially the enigmatic Sphinx he considers a "god", will provide answers. Although carried away by the mundane evenings of Cairo and Alexandria, Jean Cocteau also gives a strong testimony on an Egyptian society in full transformation which begins to free itself from the colonization. In describing the apparent misery that is eating away at the country, it will attract the wrath of King Farouk. This will prevent Maalesh from being read enough by the Egyptians. This thesis also tries to fill this gap by proposing a translation of a good part of the book, which will be accessible to Arabic-speaking students and scholars.

Método graus dia para avaliação do desempenho energético de uma edificação unifamiliar em diferentes condições climáticas. / Method degrees-day for evaluation of the energy performance of a construction unifamiliar in different climatic conditions.

Vendramin, Aurea Lúcia 12 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:47:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aurea Lucia Vendramini.pdf: 426775 bytes, checksum: 564553d1ce5ca6d797acb90f3cf07ad3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-12 / The necessity of the application of climatic data for evaluation of energy performance in unifamiliares constructions if has become each more important time. Attempting against for this fact, one becomes necessary that these 0 variable are worked of form if to get resulted efficient. Studies in this area are very recent in Brazil and also exist a difficulty in the survey of the necessary registers. The present work used a method of degrees - days for an evaluation of the energy performance of a unifamiliar construction it showed - that in the conception of a project architectural it always must be taken in consideration of the materials used in the construction and size of the openings. The energy performance was gotten by means of the model of degrees - days, considering - the localization of the unifamiliar residence in, cities of Cascavel, Curitiba, Foz do Iguaçu and Londrina. For this the climatic data of such localities had been gotten and at as a moment, the energy performance of the construction was gotten the total coefficient of loss of heat in the unifamiliar construction daily pay-established evaluating thus the conditions of thermal comfort. The method of estimate based on the information of used temperature of air in this study can be applied to other geographic localities. It observed - that degrees - days of heating in the winter are of 77.78 for Curitiba and 0.00 for Foz do Iguaçu in the temperature base of 14°C. E degrees - days of cooling 30,17 in the winter. The energy consumed in Foz do Iguaçu to heat the residence is of 4650.07 kWh annual and the consumption of annual energy to heat the residence in Curitiba is of 6277.02 kWh, to change of 50% ITA in double glass. / A necessidade da aplicação de dados climáticos para avaliação de desempenho energético em edificações unifamiliares tem se tornado cada vez mais importante. Atentando para esse fato, é necessário que essas variáveis sejam trabalhadas de forma a se obter resultados eficazes. Estudos na área são muito recentes no Brasil e existe também uma dificuldade no levantamento dos registros necessários. O presente trabalho utilizou um método de graus dias para uma avaliação do desempenho energético de uma edificação unifamiliar que mostrou que na concepção de um projeto arquitetônico devem ser sempre considerados os materiais empregados na edificação e o tamanho das aberturas. O desempenho energético foi obtido por meio do modelo de graus dias, considerando se a localização da residência unifamiliar nas cidades de Cascavel, Curitiba, Foz do Iguaçu e Londrina. Para isso foram obtidos os dados climáticos dessas localidades e, em um segundo momento, foi obtido o coeficiente total de perda de calor na edificação unifamiliar pré-estabelecida avaliando-se assim as condições de conforto térmico o desempenho energético da edificação. O método de estimativa baseado nas informações de temperatura do ar usado neste estudo pode ser aplicado a outras localidades geográficas. Observou se que graus dias de aquecimento no inverno são de 77,78 para Curitiba e de 0,00 para Foz do Iguaçu na temperatura base de 14°C. E graus dias de resfriamento 30,17 no inverno. A energia consumida em Foz do Iguaçu para aquecer a residência é de 4650.07 kWh anual e o consumo de energia anual para aquecer a residência em Curitiba é de 6277.02 kWh, para trocas de 50% de ITA em vidros duplos.

Agrupamento de curvas de carga para redução de bases de dados utilizadas na previsão de carga de curto prazo / Clustering of load profiles for short term load forecasting

Muller, Marcos Ricardo 21 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:11:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO Marcos Muller2.pdf: 3169941 bytes, checksum: 9c51b1da2e6c3f07726daa30c819efbb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-21 / Fundação Parque Tecnológico Itaipu / This work presents the use of clustering techniques in load curves for the similar days method for load forecasting, in order to obtain a reduced data to achieve a faster computational algorithm, while achieving similar or superior performance compared to those obtained by the traditional method that makes use of the original data set. The method allows to perform similar day load forecasting using short-term historical data from the consumption of electricity at consumers level, and related data, which allow tracing analogies to a future day. Conventional implementations of the method are used for comparison and validation. The scenario that provides the data for the studies, as well as the equipment, and data preprocessing stage, are presented. The methodology is validated using the cluster silhoute analysis. With the MAPE values was possible to verify the forecast, indicating superiority of the method based on clustered load curves. / Este trabalho apresenta a utilização de clusterização de curvas de carga do nível menos agregado para o método de dias similares, com o objetivo de obter conjuntos reduzidos de dados que imponham menores cargas computacionais ao algoritmo de previsão, e permitir ainda, desempenhos similares ou superiores quando comparados aos obtidos pelo método de dias similares que faz uso do conjunto original de dados. O método de dias similares permite realizar previsão de carga de curtíssimo prazo a partir de dados históricos de consumo de energia elétrica, além de dados correlatos, que permitem traçar analogias com um dia futuro. Implementações convencionais do mesmo método são utilizadas para comparação de resultados. O cenário que fornece os dados para os estudos, assim como os equipamentos empregados e a etapa de pré-processamento de dados são apresentadas. A análise de silhuetas de cluster foi empregada com o objetivo de validar os agrupamentos. Por meio do cálculo do MAPE foi possível verificar a assertividade das previsões, indicando superioridade daquela baseada nas curvas de carga clusterizadas.

Climatologie du transport des aérosols désertiques au-dessus de l'Atlantique vers la région Caraïbe. / Climatology of desert oust transportation over the Atlantic toward Caribbean area

Euphrasie-Clotilde, Lovely 09 May 2018 (has links)
La région Caraïbe est régulièrement survolée par des masses d'air chargées en poussières désertiquesd'origines saharienne et sub-saharienne. Pour quatre îles de l'arc antillais : Porto Rico, Guadeloupe, Martinique etBarbade; nous avons évalué l'origine de la pollution particulaire et son impact sur la qualité de l'air, en effectuant uneétude statistique des évènements de poussière qui s'appuie sur les réseaux de mesure de qualité de l'air implantés surchacune des îles, sur le réseau international de mesures photométriques AERONET et sur les données deradiosondages réalisés localement. La première étape de notre travail, a visé à définir ce que l'on pouvait qualifier« d'épisode de poussières désertiques» dans notre région en établissant des critères utilisant le jeu de données dontnous disposions. Deuxièmement, nous avons réalisé une étude climatologique des évènements poussiéreux dans laCaraïbe au cours de la dernière décennie (2006-2016). Le troisième axe de la thèse repose sur la caractérisation de lataille des particules afin de mettre en relief les effets du transport à longue distance. Nous avons clôturé notre étudepar la description de la structure verticale de l'atmosphère de la zone tropicale en situation de « brumes de poussièredésertique » afin d'observer les effets thermodynamiques des aérosols minéraux sur la couche atmosphérique. Ladéfinition des évènements de brumes désertique que nous avons adoptée nous a permis de prendre en considérationune grande partie des évènements poussiéreux affectant l'arc antillais, ce qui nous a amené à mieux cerner le cycle detranspon des poussièl'es désertiques au terme d'une étude basée sur onze années de données. / The Caribbean region is regularly flown over by desert dust air masses (Saharan Air Layer) corne fromSaharan and sub-Saharan area. For four islands of the West Indies arc: Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Martinique andBarbados; we assessed the origin of polluting particles and their impact on air quality, by performing a statistical andclimatological study of desert dust events. We therefore based on the air quality measurement networks, theinternational AEronet RObotic NETwork (AERONET) photometric measurements installed on each of these islands.And finally, this study builds on sounding data produced locally.The first step in our work was to define and describe an "desert dust episode" in the tropical region. Thus, we studiedthe relationship of correlation between Aerosols Optical Depth (AOD), Angstrom Exponent (AE, characterizing theparticle size) and Particulate Matter 10 microns or Jess in diameter (PM10 data). On the other hand, the radiativeproperties (Single Scattering Albedo, refractive indexes) have been used to highlight sea sait contribution (coarseparticle just as dust particle) that significantly influences PM10 measurement due to the geographical context ofCaribbean islands. Our investigations led us to propose a daily PM 10 threshold at 35 μg m·3 that mainly associatedwith desert dust phenomenon. This latter is more suited for the Lesser Antilles compared to the European PM10threshold related to desert dust events: 50 μg m·3.As a result, a climatological study of dusty events in the Caribbean during the last decade (2006-2016) is carried out.Four dust seasons were identified: the high dust season (May to August), the low dust season (November to February,and two intermediate periods (March to April, September to October). We then examine dust exportation fromAfrican coasts toward the Lesser Antilles (Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe Martinique and Barbados) by mean of backtrajectories[Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) mode\] displaying atmosphericcirculation day-to-day over the Atlantic Ocean.This analysis enabled us to better understand the seasonal cycle of desert dust transportation, specific to each island(Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Barbados); while most of the previous studies treats average data including thewhole Caribbean zone. lt emerges that islands are not affected by dust events similarly, i.e. by intensity of events andits includes some variation in dust periods.Lastly, we describe the vertical structure of the tropical zone atmosphere in situation of "desert dust events" and"Non-desert dust event" to observe the thermodynamic effects of minerai aerosols on the Caribbean atmosphericlayer. This analysis allowed us to consider desert dust aerosols effects on the thermodynamic parameters(Temperature and humidity) during the dry-season (November to April) named "câreme" and the wet season (May toOctober) named "hivernage".

Em Flagrante: Leitura de Fotografias de Rua do Cotidiano da Cidade de São Paulo nas Duas Primeiras Décadas do Século XX / Snapshots: street photographs of everyday São Paulo, during the first two decades of the twentieth century

Avancini, Atilio José 16 July 1999 (has links)
A dissertação (\"Em Flagrante - leitura de fotografias de rua do cotidiano da cidade de São Paulo nas duas primeiras décadas do século XX\" tem por fio condutor a história cultural ao lidar com a representação fotográfica. O objetivo da pesquisa realizada e o de apresentar dois pontos de vista diferenciados do comportamento do homem urbano na cidade de São Paulo antiga. Essas visões cunham o memento da modernidade da fotografia, gerada pelo flagrante ou instantâneo, que e um dos impulsos para o surgimento da cultura de massa estruturada no universo dos textos visuais. O enfoque central parte da leitura de dois olhares contrastantes de uma mesma cidade: a fotografia aplicada nas revistas A Vida Moderna e A Cigarra e o trabalho autoral do fotógrafo italiano Vincenzo Pastore. As interpretações imagéticas permitem uma reflexão sobre a questão da formação cultural da identidade brasileira no primeiro quarto do século XX. / The dissertation (Snapshots- street photographs of everyday So Paulo, during the first two decades of the twentieth century\", takes cultural history as a conducting wire, while dealing with photographic representation. The objective of the study is to present two distinct points of view of the urban man on the São Paulo streets of old. These images enhance the moment of modern photography, brought about by the snapshot, as being one of the drives for the emergence of visually based mass culture. The main focus arises in observing two contrasting photographic documentation of the same city: those of the photographs employed in the magazines A Vida Moderna (Modern Life) and A Cigarra (The Cricket) and those of the Italian photographic artist Vincenzo Pastore. The interpretations of the pictures allow for an analysis of the roots of Brazil\'s cultural identity in the first quarter of the twentieth century.

Beskrivning av patienters postoperativa vårdförlopp tre dagar efter kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram

Furuseth, Christina, Samuelsson, Therese January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong><strong><p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of this study was to describe the post-operative care during the three first days for patients who have undergone colorectal surgery according to ERAS care programs with a focus on the variables nutrition, elimination, activity, type of analgesia and the number of hospital days documented in the patient record and patient log books. ERAS means "Early Recovery After Surgery" and the purpose of the health care program is to accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. The study had a descriptive design and a quantitative approach, in which 51 patient records were included. Log books and patient records were reviewed postoperatively. According to the log books estimated most of the patients, who had documented, that they ate and drank very good or good. According to nursing documentation most of the patients ate ordinary food and drank nutritional drinks. According to the log books, the mean and median were about two drinks per day while nursing documentation varied. According to the log books, the median first stool after surgery was two days and according to the nursing documentation three days. The median number of walks in the corridor varied from 2-3 (log books) to two walks each day (nursing documentation). Epidural analgesia was the most common analgesia. The mean number of hospital days was 8.4 days (median 7 days). The conclusion is that few ERAS patients achieved the targets set at the hospital. The lack of documentation makes the interpretation difficult.</p></strong></strong></p> / <p><strong><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med studien var att utifrån sjuksköterske- och patientdokumentation beskriva det postoperativa vårdförloppet under tre dagar för patienter som har genomgått kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram med fokus på variablerna nutrition, elimination, aktivitet, typ av smärtlindring och antal vårddagar. ERAS betyder "Early Recovery After Surgery" och syftet med vårdprogrammet är att påskynda återhämtning efter kolorektalkirurgi. Studien hade en beskrivande design och en kvantitativ ansats där 51 patientjournaler inkluderades. Loggböcker och patientjournaler granskades postoperativt. Enligt loggböckerna så skattade de flesta patienterna, av de som hade dokumenterat, att de åt och drack mycket bra eller bra. Enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen så åt de flesta vanlig mat och drack näringsdrycker. Enligt loggböckerna var medelvärdet och medianen cirka två näringsdrycker per dag medan det enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen varierade. Enligt loggböckerna var medianen för första avföringen efter operationen två dagar och enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen tre dagar. Medianen för antal vändor i korridoren varierade från 2-3 vändor (loggböckerna) till 2 vändor varje dag (sjuksköterske-dokumentationen). Epiduralbedövning var den vanligaste smärtlindringen. Medelvärdet för vårddagar var 8,4 dagar (median 7 dagar). Slutsatsen är att få patienter uppnådde de uppsatta målen vid det aktuella sjukhuset. Dokumentationen var bristfällig, vilket försvårar tolkningen av resultatet.</p></strong></p>

Beskrivning av patienters postoperativa vårdförlopp tre dagar efter kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram

Furuseth, Christina, Samuelsson, Therese January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe the post-operative care during the three first days for patients who have undergone colorectal surgery according to ERAS care programs with a focus on the variables nutrition, elimination, activity, type of analgesia and the number of hospital days documented in the patient record and patient log books. ERAS means "Early Recovery After Surgery" and the purpose of the health care program is to accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. The study had a descriptive design and a quantitative approach, in which 51 patient records were included. Log books and patient records were reviewed postoperatively. According to the log books estimated most of the patients, who had documented, that they ate and drank very good or good. According to nursing documentation most of the patients ate ordinary food and drank nutritional drinks. According to the log books, the mean and median were about two drinks per day while nursing documentation varied. According to the log books, the median first stool after surgery was two days and according to the nursing documentation three days. The median number of walks in the corridor varied from 2-3 (log books) to two walks each day (nursing documentation). Epidural analgesia was the most common analgesia. The mean number of hospital days was 8.4 days (median 7 days). The conclusion is that few ERAS patients achieved the targets set at the hospital. The lack of documentation makes the interpretation difficult. / Sammanfattning Syftet med studien var att utifrån sjuksköterske- och patientdokumentation beskriva det postoperativa vårdförloppet under tre dagar för patienter som har genomgått kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram med fokus på variablerna nutrition, elimination, aktivitet, typ av smärtlindring och antal vårddagar. ERAS betyder "Early Recovery After Surgery" och syftet med vårdprogrammet är att påskynda återhämtning efter kolorektalkirurgi. Studien hade en beskrivande design och en kvantitativ ansats där 51 patientjournaler inkluderades. Loggböcker och patientjournaler granskades postoperativt. Enligt loggböckerna så skattade de flesta patienterna, av de som hade dokumenterat, att de åt och drack mycket bra eller bra. Enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen så åt de flesta vanlig mat och drack näringsdrycker. Enligt loggböckerna var medelvärdet och medianen cirka två näringsdrycker per dag medan det enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen varierade. Enligt loggböckerna var medianen för första avföringen efter operationen två dagar och enligt sjuksköterskedokumentationen tre dagar. Medianen för antal vändor i korridoren varierade från 2-3 vändor (loggböckerna) till 2 vändor varje dag (sjuksköterske-dokumentationen). Epiduralbedövning var den vanligaste smärtlindringen. Medelvärdet för vårddagar var 8,4 dagar (median 7 dagar). Slutsatsen är att få patienter uppnådde de uppsatta målen vid det aktuella sjukhuset. Dokumentationen var bristfällig, vilket försvårar tolkningen av resultatet.

Hong Kong Nostalgia Cinema: Loss, Memory, and Identity Crisis

Kim, Jeanna P. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This paper observes Hong Kong nostalgia cinema. After the Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed, a tendency of anxiety loomed among the society of Hong Kong. People started to feel nostalgic toward their past and concerned their uncertain future. From the late 80s to mid 90s, nostalgia films were produced as a trend, reflecting Hong Kong's identity crisis of its ambiguous entity and fear of reuniting with its Communist motherland. Based on Hong Kong's historical and cultural backgrounds, my thesis examines the nature of nostalgia through Stanley Kwan's Rouge (1988) and the impact of nostalgia by contrasting John Woo's A Better Tomorrow (1986) and Wong Kar-wai's Days of Being Wild (1990).

Analysis Of Mine Accidents And Financial Consequences To Gli Mines

Ozkan, Gokay 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The expenditures resulting from work accidents is increasing every year. Among the other work accidents, mine accidents result important loss of time, money and lives. From the point of view of mine accidents, studies about cost of mine accidents need some contributions. In this thesis, cost of mine accidents to worker, employer, and total economy of country will be analysed in the light of data from Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Insurance Institution, and T&uuml / rkiye Coal Enterprises. General Analysis is carried out within all industrial sectors, Mining sector, and Coal Mining sector. Detailed analysis is carried out within Western Lignite Company (GLi). Occupational accidents have vital importance for the mines from legal, human and economic aspects. The goal of every mine should be to minimize occupational accidents. The top management of every mine should prove their commitments to the occupational health and safety policy to carry out this goal by means of preparing and implementing an accident preventing program.

Europos paveldo dienų istorija ir raida Lietuvoje / History and development of the european heritage days in lithuania

Okaitė, Indra 24 November 2010 (has links)
Idėja pradėti rengti Europos paveldo dienas gimė Prancūzijoje 1984 metais. Jos iniciatorius – Prancūzijos kultūros ministras Jack Lang. Per keletą metų šis renginys išplito po daugelį Europos šalių ir pasidarė toks populiarus, jog nuo 1991 metų Europos Tarybai inicijavus ir parėmus Europos Sąjungai visoje Europoje imta rengti Europos paveldo dienos. EPD renginiai skirti visuomenei, siekiant ją supažindinti su kultūros paveldu, parodyti tai, kas visuomenei neprieinama arba aktualizuoti vienokią ar kitokią kultūros paveldo sritį. Labiausiai, tikimąsi šia programa sudominti moksleivius ir paskatintii juos domėtis savo šalies kultūra, istorija. Ta proga Europos Taryba bendradarbiaudama su Katalonijos (Ispanija) kultūros paveldo specialistais nuo 1995 – ųjų rengia vaikų tarptautinį fotografijos konkursą “Kultūros paveldas fotografijoje”. Konkurse dalyvauti taip pat gali visos jaunimo grupės pateikusios europinį projektą, atitinkantį keliamus reikalavimus. Lietuva šiame tarptautiniame fotografijos konkurse dalyvauja nuo 1999 – ųjų metų jau aštuonerius metus. Išrinkti geriausieji darbai siunčiami į tarptautinį turą Ispanijoje, Barselonoje. Visos nugalėjusios fotografijos publikuojamos Europos Tarybos leidžiamame kataloge, kuris yra platinamas 50 valstybių. EPD atidarymo ceremonija sukviečia daug radijo ir televizijos kompanijų iš įvairių Europos šalių – geresnės reklamos turizmui negalima tikėtis. Tai yra įspūdingas lankytojų ir dalyvių skaičiumi renginys. Besidomintys kultūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The French Minister of Culture suggested extending to a European level the “Monuments’ Open Doors” initiative launched in France in 1984. Several European countries, such as The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Malta, Belgium, the United Kingdom (Scotland) and Sweden soon set up similar events. In 1991, the Council of Europe officially launched the European Heritage Days (EHDs) with the support of the European Commission. In 1999, this initiative became a joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Commission. Throughout Europe, during the weekends of September, the European Heritage Days open the doors of numerous monuments and sites, many of them usually closed to the public, allowing Europe’s citizens to enjoy and learn about their shared cultural heritage and encouraging them to become actively involved in the safeguard and enhancement of this heritage for present and future generations. Today, the European Heritage Days can be considered an essential instrument for fostering a tangible experience of European culture and history in addition to raising the awareness of the public about the multiple values of our common heritage and the continuous need for its protection. All 49 States parties to the European Cultural Convention actively take part in the initiative and the number of annual visitors is now estimated to be around 20 million at more than 30,000 participating monuments and sites. The EHDs have succeeded in stimulating civil society’s participation, the... [to full text]

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