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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Dossin, Mariana Ferneda 10 March 2016 (has links)
The use of isotopic techniques has been widely used in studies related to changes in the soil C. The chemical quality of crop residues and the type of management used are considered to be the main factors that control the dynamics of soil C. However, the stabilization of C derived from crop residues is also dependent on soil texture. Therefore, the objectives of these studies were: a) to evaluate the efficiency of repeat pulse labeling technique for the isotopic enrichment of leaves, stems and roots of rice, sorghum and soybeans plants with 13C under greenhouse conditions and b) to evaluate the dynamics of C during the decomposition of 13C enriched shoots and roots of rice, sorghum and soybean plants in two lowland soils with different texture. The studies were conducted in the greenhouse of the department of soils, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil. In the first study, rice, sorghum and soybeans plants were exposed weekly to isotopic pulses with 33% 13CO2 atoms, for 1-1,5h in closed acrylic chambers till grain filling stage. Delta 13C enrichment, chemical composition and the recovery and distribution of 13C in plant parts and soil was determined. In the second study, enriched residues obtained in the first study were used to study the dynamics of C in two lowland soils The soils were Planossolo Hidromórfico Eutrófico gleissólico and Planossolo Hidromórfico Eutrófico arênico. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications with 18 treatments, which were composed of a combination of 13C enriched shoots and roots with non-enriched shoots and roots (natural abundance). The soil was collected after 30, 90 and 180 days and the amounts of 13C remaining in residues and soil and the new C in soil was determined. The dry matter (DM) production and chemical composition of the residues was not affected by the 13C enrichment. The enrichment values were +377 for rice, + 466.5 for sorghum and + 453.7 for soybean. The isotopic enrichment of plants with 13C by repeated pulses was efficient for the homogeneous enrichment of rice, sorghum and soybean plants in greenhouse conditions. Regarding the dynamics of the soil C, the management of rice residues affected the decomposition and the addition of new C in the soil. The quality of the residues influenced the decomposition process. There was no difference in the decomposition of the roots of the three crop plants. The type of the soil did not affect the decomposition of shoot and root, residues of soybean, sorghum and rice plants. The amount of new C was influenced by the type of residues and soil. The roots contributed greater amounts of C in the soil in relation to the shoots. / Resumo O uso de técnicas isotópicas tem sido amplamente utilizado em estudos relacionados a transformações do C no solo. A qualidade química dos resíduos culturais e o tipo de manejo utilizado são considerados os principais fatores que controlam a dinâmica do C no solo. Contudo a estabilização do C oriundo dos resíduos culturais é dependente da textura do solo. Os objetivos desses estudos foram: a) avaliar a eficiência do enriquecimento isotópico com 13C de folhas, talos e raízes das plantas de arroz, sorgo e soja cultivadas em solo de várzea em condições de casa de vegetação; b) avaliar a dinâmica do C durante a decomposição da parte aérea e de raízes de arroz, sorgo e soja enriquecidos isotopicamente com 13C em dois solos de várzea com textura distinta. Os estudos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria utilizando solos de várzea. No primeiro estudo, plantas de arroz, sorgo e soja foram expostas semanalmente aos pulsos isotópicos com 33% átomos de 13CO2, durante 1-1,5h, em câmaras fechadas de acrílico até o estádio de enchimento de grãos. Foram determinados os valores de enriquecimento com 13C dos órgãos das plantas, a composição química dos resíduos e valores de recuperação e distribuição do 13C nos órgãos da planta e no solo. No segundo estudo, foi realizada uma incubação com duração de 180 dias, com a utilização dos resíduos culturais enriquecidos no estudo I. Foram utilizados resíduos de parte aérea e raízes de arroz (Oryza sativa L.), sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L.) e soja (Glycine max L.) em dois solos de várzea, um Planossolo Hidromórfico Eutrófico gleissólico e um Planossolo Hidromórfico Eutrófico arênico. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com três repetições e 18 tratamentos, os quais foram compostos por uma combinação de palha enriquecida com 13C e com raízes também enriquecidas com 13C ou com raízes não enriquecidas (condição natural). Foram realizadas três datas de coleta aos 30, 90 e 180 dias nas quais foram avaliadas as quantidades de 13C remanescente nos resíduos e no solo, e o C novo no solo. A produção de MS e composição química dos resíduos não foi afetada pelo enriquecimento com 13C. Os valores de enriquecimento foram de +377 em arroz, +466,5 em sorgo e +453,7 em soja. O enriquecimento isotópico das plantas com 13C por meio de pulsos repetidos foi eficiente para o enriquecimento homogêneo de plantas de arroz, sorgo e soja em condições de casa de vegetação. Em relação a dinâmica do C no solo, o manejo dos resíduos de arroz afetou a decomposição e a adição de C novo no solo. Houve influência da qualidade dos resíduos sobre o processo de decomposição. Não houve diferença na decomposição das raízes das três culturas estudadas. O tipo de solo não afetou a decomposição da palha e raízes de soja, sorgo e arroz. A quantidade de C novo foi influenciada pelo tipo de resíduo e pelo solo. As raízes adicionam maior quantidade de C ao solo em relação à parte aérea.

Radiolyse gamma et lixiviation post irradiation de résines échangeuses d'Ions / Gamma radiolysis and post-irradiation leaching of ion exchange resins

Traboulsi, Ali 12 January 2012 (has links)
La connaissance du comportement sous irradiation γ et en présence d'eau des Résines Echangeuses d'Ions est nécessaire pour prévoir leur impact sur l'environnement pendant la phase d'entreposage et dans un éventuel stockage en profondeur géologique. Les REI étudiées sont la résine MB400 en lit mélangé ainsi que ses composants anionique et cationique « purs ». La stratégie expérimentale suivie a été basée sur l'utilisation d'outils chimiométriques qui ont permis d'étudier l'effet du milieu d'irradiation, du débit de dose, de la dose et de la température de lixiviation. Les produits de radiolyse gazeux et hydrosolubles ont été analysés par Spectrométrie de Masse gaz et Chromatographie Ionique. Les REI génèrent principalement du H2g, du CO2g et des amines dont les quantités dépendent de la nature de la résine et des conditions d'irradiation. L'analyse des résines solides irradiées a été effectuée par spectroscopie Infrarouge à Transformée de Fourrier et par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire. Ces techniques révèlent des modifications structurales différentes suivant les conditions d'irradiation. Le comportement sous eau des REI a été étudié sur une période de 143 jours en caractérisant la matière organique relarguée après lixiviation post-irradiation. Les études cinétiques montrent qu'au premier contact avec l'eau, toutes les espèces hydrosolubles sont relarguées. La quantité de Carbone Organique Total dépend, selon la nature de la résine, soit de la dose, soit du milieu d'irradiation. Le débit de dose n'a pas d'effet sur la dégradation et la lixiviation de la résine MB400 qui, néanmoins se comporte d'une façon différente de ses composants pris séparément. / The knowledge of the behavior under irradiation and in presence of water of Ion Exchange Resins (IER) is very necessary to predict their impact on the environment during the storage phase and in a possible deep geological disposal. The IER studied are the MB400 mixed bed resin and its « pure » anionic and cationic components. The experimental strategy used in this work was based on the use of chemometric tools permitting to estimate the effect of the irradiation atmosphere, the dose rate, the absorbed dose and the leaching temperature. The gaseous and water-soluble radiolysis products were analyzed by gas Mass Spectrometry (MS) and Ion Chromatography (IC). The IER generated principally H2g, CO2g and amines for which quantities depended of the resin nature and the irradiation conditions. The analysis of solid irradiated resins was investigated by Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (13C NMR) techniques. The last ones revealed structural modifications of the IER solid matrix in function of the experimental conditions. Their behavior in presence of water was studied during 143 days by characterization of the organic matter released after their post-irradiation leaching. The kinetics showed that all the water-soluble components were releasing at the first contact with water. The Total Organic Carbon (TOC) quantity released depends, according to the resin nature, either on the dose, either on the irradiation atmosphere. The dose rate has no effect on the degradation and the leaching of the MB400 resin, which behaved differently than its pure components.

RMN haute résolution solide par multiple-résonance : transfert de polarisation simple et multiple entre noyaux à fréquences de Larmor proches / High resolution solid state NMR by multiple-resonance : simple and multiple polarization transfer between nuclei with close Larmor frequencies

Saidi, Fadila 01 March 2016 (has links)
Au cours de ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes focalisés sur deux aspects de la RMN du solide: i) la RMN double-résonance de noyaux de fréquences de Larmor proches, ii) la quantitativité des spectres RMN sous polarisation croisée (CPMAS). L’emploi d’une sonde RMN solide prototype multicanaux (1H/19F/X/Y/Z) nous a permis de développer des outils RMN originaux pour la caractérisation de matériaux fluorés et ou hétérogènes (principes actifs, matériaux poreux, polymères), notamment le triple transfert de polarisation (1H, 19F) -13C, le double-transfert en cascade, les découplages multiples, et autres expériences de double-résonance 1H-19F ou 13C-27Al. La séquence multiCP a ensuite été évaluée pour l’obtention de spectre RMN 13C ou 29Si quantitatifs et la caractérisation de matériaux ayant des temps de relaxation contrastés. Nous avons montré que la condition pour obtenir des spectres RMN multiCP quantitatifs est la présence d’un bain de spins 1H dense. Des mesures quantitatives pour des composés purs (acides aminés, principes actifs, excipients, polymères inorganiques) ou en mélanges ont ainsi été obtenues. Le multiCP a ensuite été utilisé pour caractériser la structure locale de polymères siliciés et la nature fine du système de protons dans des membranes de Nafion. Dans la continuité, nous avons étudié une formulation pharmaceutique. Dans ce système hétérogène, nous avons profité des contrastes de temps de relaxation pour distinguer et quantifier les molécules de principe actif à l’intérieur ou en dehors du surfactant. Nous avons également caractérisé les interactions de la molécule avec le surfactant et suivi sa libération dans différents milieux mimant les milieux physiologiques. L’ensemble de ces travaux offre de nouveaux outils RMN pour la caractérisation de la structure locale de matériaux hétérogènes. / During this work, two aspects of solid-state NMR have been investigated: i) double-resonance NMR of nuclei with close Larmor frequencies, ii) quantitative cross-polarization (CPMAS) measurements. The use of a prototype multichannel solid NMR probe (1H/19F/X/Y/Z) has allowed the development of original NMR tools for the structural characterization of fluorinated or heterogeneous materials (active principles, porous solids, polymers), in particular the triple polarization transfer (1H, 19F) -13C, double-transfer ‘en cascade’, multiple decoupling, and other 1H-19F ou 13C-27Al double-resonance experiments. The multiCP experiment has then been evaluated to get quantitative 13C and 29Si NMR spectra and to characterize materials with contrasted relaxation times. We have shown that the presence of dense proton bath was key to get quantitative data. Quantitative measurements were then obtained for pure solids (aminoacids, active principles, excipients, inorganic polymers) and mixtures. The multiCP has then been used to characterize the local structure of siliceous polymers and the nature of the proton spin system in Nafion membranes. Finally, we have studied a pharmaceutical formulation. In this heterogenous system, we have taken benefit from the contrasted relaxation times to distinguish molecules present inside or outside the surfactant. We have also characterized the interactions between the active principle and the surfactant and followed the drug release in various physiological media. The ensemble of this work provides new NMR tools for the characterization of the local structure of heterogeneous materials.

Understanding the Role of N-Methylolacrylamide (Nma) Distribution in Poly(Vinyl Acetate) Latex Adhesives

Brown, Nicole Robitaille 15 April 2004 (has links)
This work addresses the distribution of N-methylolacrylamide (NMA) units in crosslinking poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) adhesives. In this case, distribution refers to the three potential locations of polymerized NMA units in a latex: the water-phase, the surface of polymer particles, and the core of the polymer particles. The objective is to identify the distribution of NMA in three latices and to determine whether NMA distribution correlates with durability related performance. NMA distribution was studied via a series of variable temperature solution NMR experiments, while the durability-related performance was studied via mode I fracture mechanics tests. Studying the distribution of NMA required the use of isotopically labeled NMA. Both 15N-NMA and 13C, 15N-NMA were synthesized. Three NMA/vinyl acetate (VAc) latices were prepared. The NMA feed strategy was varied during each of the three emulsion copolymerizations. Latex characterization methods including differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), rheometry, particle size analysis, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the three latices. The solution NMR method to identify NMA distribution was performed on untreated latices and on washed latices. Washing techniques included membrane dialysis and centrifugation. Results revealed that the three latices had different NMA distributions, and that the distributions were related to the expected differences in microstructure. Latex 3 had ~ 80% core-NMA, while Latex 2 had ~ 80% surface-NMA. Latex 1 had a high proportion of surface-NMA (~60%), but also had the highest proportion of water-phase NMA (~ 20%). This high proportion of water-phase NMA could be responsible for the unique morphology Latex 1 exhibited in SEM studies. Mode I opening fracture mechanics studies were used to study adhesive performance. Specimens were analyzed after exposure to accelerated aging treatments. Latex 2 and Latex 3 exhibited very similar results, despite having very different NMA distributions. All three latices showed good durability related performance. In Latex 2 and Latex 3, the critical strain energy release rates (Gc) after accelerated aging treatments were statistically the same as the Gc of the control specimens. The most interesting finding was that the Latex 1 Gc values were significantly higher after accelerated aging. Latex 1 also had the highest proportion of water-phase NMA. Bondline images and SEM micrographs both indicated that the integrity of Latex 1 was least affected by the accelerated aging treatments. / Ph. D.

Carbon flow in belowground food webs assessed by isotope tracers

Scheunemann, Nicole 20 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Métabolisme du DHA lors du vieillissement

Vandal, Milène January 2008 (has links)
L'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA) est un acide gras polyinsaturé oméga-3 (AGPI [oméga]3) concentré dans le poisson. Il est l'AGPI [oméga]3 présent en plus grande quantité dans le cerveau. Une étude épidémiologique a démontré que la consommation de deux portions de poisson par semaine peut ralentir le rythme du déclin cognitif qui survient avec le vieillissement. Étude SUPPLÉMENT. Objectif : Évaluer le changement plasmatique en AGPI [oméga]3 chez des sujets jeunes et âgés lors d'une supplémentation en acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA)/DHA. Résultats : Chez les sujets jeunes et âgés, le DHA (73 « 47% et 117 « 68 %) et l'EPA (133 « 67% et 97 « 52%) plasmatiques ont augmenté significativement (p < 0,05) avec la supplémentation. Le pourcentage de DHA était supérieur chez les sujets âgés par rapport aux sujets jeunes avec la supplémentation. Conclusion : Les différences observées entre les sujets jeunes et âgés suggèrent qu'il existe un changement dans le métabolisme du DHA avec le vieillissement. Étude TRACEUR. Objectif : Évaluer l'incorporation du DHA marqué au carbone 13 (indice supérieur 13]C-DHA) dans les lipides totaux plasmatiques et sa [bêta]-oxydation chez des participants jeunes et âgés en bonne santé. Résultats : Initialement, la concentration de DHA dans les lipides totaux plasmatiques était similaire entre les groupes. Le [indice supérieur 13]C-DHA avait tendance (p = 0,055) à s'incorporer davantage chez les participants âgés (0,80 « 0,35 nmol/ml) comparativement aux jeunes (0,35 « 0,12 nmol/ml) quatre heures après la prise du traceur. Conclusions : Ces résultats suggèrent que l'incorporation du DHA dans les lipides plasmatiques et sa [bêta]-oxydation dans les heures suivant son ingestion sont influencés par l'âge. La faible [bêta]-oxydation du DHA sur un mois montre qu'il est davantage conservé pour des rôles structuraux plutôt qu'à des fins énergétiques. Conclusion générale :L'âge est associé à une augmentation de l'incorporation du DHA dans les lipides plasmatiques qui se reflète par la plus grande augmentation du DHA dans le plasma lors d'une supplémentation chez des personnes âgées. À cause de sa plus grande incorporation, davantage de DHA est disponible pour la [bêta]-oxydation, ce qui explique la plus grande quantité de DHA [bêta]-oxydé chez les personnes âgées. Cependant la [bêta]-oxydation du DHA est trop faible pour entrer en contradiction avec les résultats obtenus lors de la supplémentation.--Résumé abrégé par UMI.


Blankenship, Jimmy Douglas 01 January 2004 (has links)
Some endophytes in mutualistic associations with Festuca, Lolium and other grass species produce insecticidal loline alkaloids (1-aminopyrrolizidines; LA). These loline alkaloids have a saturated pyrrolizidine ring system (two-rings sharing a carbon and nitrogen atom), a 1-amine substituted with methyl, acetyl, or formyl groups, and an oxygen bridge between C-2 and C-7. The development of a reliable system of production of LA in cultures of the Lolium pratense (meadow fescue) endophyte, Neotyphodium uncinatum, facilitated work on the LA biosynthetic pathway. N. uncinatum produced norloline, loline, methylloline, N-acetylnorloline (NANL), N-formylloline (NFL), and N-acetylloline as detected in culture filtrates. The total production of the two most abundant alkaloids, NANL and NFL, approached 1000 g ml-1 of fungal filtrate. 1H and 13C chemical shifts were previously reported for this group of alkaloids. Extraction and synthesis of sufficient quantities of the alkaloids allowed determination of previously unknown 15N chemical shifts of some LA. Knowledge of 13C and 15N chemical shifts allowed identification of precursors by feeding stable-isotope-labeled compounds. Initially, due to structural similarity to other plant pyrrolizidines, this study examined putrescine and spermidine as possible precursors to LA. Feeding of 14C putrescine to the fungal cultures failed to demonstrate any enrichment in the LA, but enriched spermidine. In contrast, cultures fed with positionally labeled 2H, 13C and 15N amino acids namely, L-ornithine, L-proline, L-aspartate, L-homoserine, and L-methionine demonstrated specific isotopic enrichment in NFL. Determination of the enrichment from the labeled amino acids utilized 13C and 15 N NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). This study allowed the biosynthetic origins of all carbons and nitrogens of NFL to be determined. NFL incorporated L-proline into the B-ring and L-homoserine into the A-ring and 1-amine. The results strongly indicated that polyamines are not precursors of LA and implicated a novel biochemical pathway for the synthesis of LA.

Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para a análise de fluxos metabólicos empregando carbono marcado. / Development of a computational tool for metabolic flux analysis with labeled carbon.

Oliveira, Rafael David de 11 October 2017 (has links)
A 13C-Análise de Fluxos Metabólicos (13C-MFA) tornou-se uma técnica de alta precisão para estimar fluxos metabólicos e obter informações importantes sobre o metabolismo. Este método consiste em procedimentos experimentais, técnicas de medição e em cálculos para análise de dados. Neste contexto, os grupos de pesquisa de engenharia metabólica necessitam de ferramentas computacionais precisas e adequadas aos seus objetos de estudo. No presente trabalho, foi construída uma ferramenta computacional na plataforma MATLAB que executa cálculos de 13C-MFA, com balanços de metabólitos e cumômeros. Além disso, um módulo para estimar os fluxos metabólicos e um módulo para quantificar as incertezas das estimativas também foram implementados. O programa foi validado com dados presentes na literatura e aplicado a estudos de caso. Na estimação de fluxos de Pseudomonas sp. LFM046, identificou-se que esse micro-organismo possivelmente utiliza a Via das Pentoses em conjunto com a Via Entner-Doudoroff para a biossíntese de Polihidroxialcanoato (PHA). No design ótimo de experimentos para uma rede genérica de Pseudomonas, identificou-se a glicose marcada no átomo cinco como um substrato que permitirá determinar o fluxo na Via das Pentoses com menor incerteza. / 13C-Metabolic Flux Analysis (13C-MFA) has become a high-precision technique to estimate metabolic fluxes and get insights into metabolism. This method consists of experimental procedures, measurement techniques and data analysis calculations. In this context, metabolic engineering research groups demand accurate and suitable computational tools to perform the calculations. A computational tool was implemented in MATLAB platform that performs 13C-MFA calculation, using metabolite and cumomer balances, as well as a module to estimate the fluxes and a module to quantify their uncertainty. The program was validated with some classical cases from literature. From the flux estimates of Pseudomonas sp. LFM046, it was identified that the microorganism possibly uses the Pentose Phosphate Pathway along with the Entner-Doudoroff Pathway for Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthesis. From the optimal experimental design for a generic Pseudomonas network, it was possible to conclude that glucose labeled at atom five is the best option to determine the flux in the Pentose Phosphate Pathway with smaller uncertainty.

New and improved methods for mixture analysis by NMR

Moutzouri, Pinelopi January 2018 (has links)
A unique characteristic of NMR is that, unlike other spectroscopic techniques, it separates the excitation of signals from their detection. By manipulating the type of signal excitation used, the chemical information content of a spectrum can be controlled. This versatility has made NMR a powerful and flexible weapon in the analytical arsenal of chemists, not only for the determination of structural, chemical, dynamic, and physical properties of molecules, but also for the analysis of mixtures, since NMR has the ability to study these intact without the need for physical separation. Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the theoretical NMR background necessary for this thesis. Chapter 2, 3 and 6 detail the development of new methods that suppress 13C satellites not only in conventional 1D 1H and 19F spectra, but also in 1H DOSY spectra, and can facilitate the analysis of minor components in high dynamic range mixtures (i.e. those with a wide range of concentrations). Chapter 4 introduces a new experiment which suppresses low-level artefacts in pure shift NMR, and gives clean pure shift spectra that can be used for the detection of minor components in the presence of strong signals. Chapter 5 and 7 illustrate how 19F NMR can be exploited for the acquisition of simplified proton spectra associated with a given 19F chemical shift, or for the virtual separation of mixture components using broadband 19F DOSY. Chapter 8 summarises the conclusions extracted from the research introduced in the main body of this thesis, and gives suggestions for future developments. Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 contain published research articles and their Supporting Information and are presented without modification. Chapter 6 is presented as a manuscript intended for publication.

Caractérisation de la matière organique dissoute d'un site d'eau de surface (fleuve Saint-Laurent) et d'un site d'eau souterraine (aquifère de l'Astien, France) par l'utilisation des isotopes du carbone et des produits d'oxydation de la lignine

Moingt, Matthieu 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le cycle de la matière organique à l'échelle continentale reste encore en partie méconnu. Ainsi, le COD a surtout été étudié sous un aspect chimique indifférencié. Des études isotopiques et l'utilisation de biomarqueurs ont permis d'élucider certains aspects de son cycle. La présente étude s'inscrit dans cette perspective. Deux types de milieux distincts, le fleuve Saint-Laurent et l'aquifère de l'Astien (France), ont été examinés. Dans le volet "Saint-Laurent", nous nous sommes intéressés au cycle du carbone organique terrigène (COT) à partir de mesures 13C et 14C du COD et d'une composante réfractaire du COD afin de comprendre l'origine et l'évolution du COT lors de son transit vers l'océan. Dans le second volet, les mêmes approches ont été retenues afin de déterminer la nature, les sources, l'état de dégradation et l'évolution temporelle du COD dans une nappe d'eau souterraine. Nous retenons une origine majoritairement terrigène pour le COD du Saint-Laurent, ainsi que son âge globalement très récent. Cependant, une fraction de ce COD est apparue beaucoup plus ancienne. La présente étude indique que le COD total du système hydrologique du fleuve Saint-Laurent est en majorité constitué de composés organiques facilement biominéralisables et donc potentiellement grands consommateurs d'oxygène dissous. Le COT pourrait donc jouer un rôle plus important qu'estimé aujourd'hui dans l'apparition de conditions hypoxiques dans les estuaires et zones côtières du globe. Dans le système de l'aquifère de l'Astien, les cinétiques relatives de dégradation des composés organiques issus de la macromolécule ligneuse pourraient donner lieu à des applications géochronométriques.

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