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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turismprojekt som möjlighet eller ond spiral : En studie av EU-projekt i Jämtland Härjedalen

Klemets, William, Wallberg, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
EU:s sammanhållningspolitik har sedan 1980-talet varit ett verktyg för att investera och utveckla regioner. Utvecklingen sker genom olika strukturfonder och har de senaste decennierna finansierat stora delar av turismens utveckling, särskilt i turismintensiva regioner. Jämtland Härjedalen är ett tydligt exempel på en turismintensiv region där EU-medel används till utvecklingsprojekt. EU:s finansieringssystem upplevs av stödsökande komplext och resurskrävande i både ansöknings- och genomförandeprocesserna. De regelverk som finns är vidare mycket invecklade, vilket gör processerna än mer omfattande. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka och skapa en förståelse för vilka utmaningarna är samt vilka förbättringsmöjligheter som finns. Detta har skett genom en flermetodsstudie, där datainsamlingen genomförts med både enkät och intervjuer. Enkäten och de första intervjuerna gjordes med projektägare som är verksamma i Jämtland Härjedalen, och kompletterande intervjuer gjordes med representanter från finansiärerna Tillväxtverket och Region Jämtland Härjedalen. De främsta utmaningarna och förbättringsområdena från studien kan sammanfattas enligt följande: Upplevda utmaningar: Komplex och tidspressad ansökningsprocess Finansiärernas bristande förståelse om besöksnäringen Att vara låst till målen som skrivits i ansökan Rädsla att inte få kostnader för genomförda aktiviteter godkända Komplicerad redovisning och rapportering Projekt som arbetsform Önskade förbättringar: Förenklat regelverk Förbättrad kommunikation Mindre byråkratisk ansökningsprocess Mer dialog och samverkan Tydligare ansvar och roller Vi avslutar denna studie med en sammanfattande diskussion där vi lyfter egna tankar och funderingar kring utmaningarna och förbättringsmöjligheterna som framkommit av vårt resultat. Vi ser flera stora förbättringsområden, inte minst kopplat till förenklad byråkrati, ökad samverkan och mer dialog. Projektfinansiering är ett relativt outforskat område och vi hoppas att framtida forskning kommer beröra ämnen kopplade till den EU-finansierade projektvärlden. / Since the 1980s, the EU's cohesion policy has been a tool for investing and developing regions. The development takes place through various structural funds and in recent decades has financed large parts of the development of tourism, especially in tourism-intensive regions. Jämtland Härjedalen is a clear example of a tourism-intensive region where EU funds are used for development projects. However, the EU's funding system has proven to be a complex system where applicants experience the application and implementation process as very complex and resource-intensive with complicated regulations to deal with. This study aims to investigate and create an understanding of what the challenges are and what opportunities for improvement exist. This has taken place through a mixed-method study, where the collection of data was carried out with both a questionnaire and interviews. The survey and the first interviews were done with project owners who are active in Jämtland Härjedalen, and supplementary interviews were done with representatives from the financiers Tillväxtverket and Region Jämtland Härjedalen. The main challenges and areas for improvement from the study can be summarized as following: Perceived challenges: Complex and time consuming application process The financiers lack of understanding about the hospitality industry To be locked to the goals written in the application Fear of not getting costs for completed activities approved Complicated accounting and reporting Projects as a form of working method Desired improvements: Simplified regulations Improved communication Less bureaucratic application process More dialogue and cooperation Clearer responsibilities and roles We conclude this study with a summary in which we raise our own thoughts and reflections regarding the challenges and opportunities for improvement that emerged from our results. We see several major areas of improvement, not least linked to simplified bureaucracy, increased cooperation and more dialogue. Project financing is a relatively unexplored area and we hope that future research will touch on topics connected to the EU-funded project world. / <p>2023-06-16</p>

An Examination of Early Childhood Leadership in Public Elementary Schools: A Mixed Methods Study

Alshahrani, Wesam 01 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
As state-funded Pre-K programs in elementary schools continue to grow, elementary principals are increasingly responsible for supporting, supervising, and leading these programs. Therefore, examining elementary principals' early childhood leadership competencies and the factors influencing them may help understand and improve their experiences as early childhood education (ECE) leaders. This explanatory sequential mixed methods study examined the ECE leadership of Tennessee public elementary school principals in two phases. In the quantitative phase, statewide surveys were used to collect data from 67 principals. The survey comprised 51 items assessing nine ECE leadership competencies, synthesized from statements of leading ECE and elementary education organizations. The survey's face and content validity were established, and its construct validity was confirmed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Items within each subscale were highly correlated, with coefficients ranging from 0.6 to 0.9. Besides, reliability was assessed using Cronbach's α, which ranged from .815 to .939. The quantitative findings revealed that public elementary principals may lack ECE backgrounds. Moreover, most public elementary principals were responsible for state-funded Pre-K programs, but their responsibilities differed widely. Furthermore, public elementary principals may need varying levels of support and development in ECE leadership competencies. The inferential analysis found that receiving ECE content or experience during principal training may not significantly influence their perceived need for these competencies. However, receiving professional development opportunities focused on leading ECE programs may impact certain aspects of their perceived need. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants from the first phase. The qualitative findings identified two themes. The first theme consisted of factors that support ECE leadership competencies and experiences. The second theme included factors needed to enhance principals' ECE leadership competencies and experiences. Both quantitative and qualitative results were integrated to explain the quantitative results. The study implications, limitations, and future research areas were then discussed. This study adds to the ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between ECE and elementary education. It highlights the significance of supporting elementary principals in becoming competent ECE leaders who can enhance the quality of state-funded Pre-K programs and sustain their positive impacts through the following grades.

智慧財產之國際授權-境外實施技術授權之研究 / International licensing of intellectual property--A study on off-shore technology transfer

樊治齊, (Alex) Fan, Chih-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
『智慧財產』是二十一世紀世界產業競爭的決勝關鍵。智慧財產的佈局、產出及保護固然非常重要,但是最終還是需要積極的運用,發揮智慧財產這種無形資產獨有之國際性、重複利用性及同時異地併行使用實施之特性,彰顯其最大化之價值。世界各國政府在積極建置各種政策手段提升智慧財產運用之同時,也考慮到自身國家安全及國內產業競爭力消長之影響,大多規範了一系列智慧財產輸出到國境之外的運用管制。智慧財產之積極運用與境外實施管制,是兩種截然不同,有時甚至是互相衝突之面向,需要有清晰的觀念,才能建置雙贏策略,讓國內產業在決勝關鍵所向無敵。 我國科技基本法自民國88年公佈實施以來已有十年。智慧財產的產出、保護及運用在這十年間突飛猛進。雖然如此,但是仍有許多配套措施及觀念尚未成熟的建立起來。對於彰顯及發揮智慧財產價值所面對之『境外實施管制機制』更是有相對檢視之急迫性。在『國際技術移轉制度理論與實務』(王偉霖、劉江彬 著,2010年9月初版)劉江彬教授序中,劉教授特別指出這一點,認為應該突破其限制。我國在智慧財產方面之創新管理成就,中國也在快速學習,急起直追,從中國十二五計畫之政策可以看出他們更在發揚創新商業化之投資,學習我們企業的經營哲學。台灣有相當多的創新能量,蘊含智慧財產運用之潛力,政府可以從更宏觀的角度思考,發揮台灣的『軟實力』,實現台灣的願景。 本研究針對經濟事務財團法人研究機構,於政府資助產出之專利權在中華民國管轄區域外使用實施所需要事前陳報政府主管機關核准之規定嘗試提出更有效率之管理機制。 本研究比較美國、日本、大陸及台灣之政府資助產出之成果下放、技術出口管制、技術與投資境外實施管制相關法規之規範與作法,並訪問各國極具智慧財產管理運用代表性之組織--Association of University Technology Manager (AUTM) 及Licensing Executive Society (LES) 總會之會長、美國Stanford University技轉辦公室主任、美國前University of Washington負責技術移轉之副校長、日本東京大學技轉辦公室主任、前新加坡大學之技轉辦公室主任、徐小波大律師、台灣積體電路股份有限公司負責技術移轉之法務處宿文堂處長、政治大學商學院智慧財產研究所王偉霖教授及我國技術服務業之宇東公司副執行長等在智慧財產授權領域之產官學研專家學者,彙整歸納他們之看法及筆者之意見。再綜整工業技術研究院過去十年來向經濟部提出境外實施申請之案件,以三案不同技術、授權模式及授權區域之案件為案例探討。對照經濟部投資業務處對於我國境外投資之管理規範及審核要項,對於經濟部技術處目前審核境外實施作業,分析實務操作面之問題所在,進而提出『分類分級管理』之構想。視專利權之技術內容及授權模式,將審查作業分為高度管理、低度管理及事後報備。希望未來境外實施之管制也能夠兼顧行政成本降低、多元化彈性模式及商機時效。 本研究分別對政府及申請人提出建議,並由微觀到鉅觀,對我國智慧財產落實運用之全面性結構問題提出後續可繼續研究之議題供參。 對於政府處理其出資產出之成果的境外實施管制,建議涉及國家安全之技術輸出可比照國際作法採取『高度管理』。對於不涉及國家安全之智慧財產境外實施可採『低度管理』。同時建立具體明確可預期之審理標準、流程及正面或負面表列之技術清單。專利之非專屬授權及已經經過政府相關單位審核者,建議可採『事後報備』簡化流程。進一步考量規劃逐步建立企業及研發機構境外實施『自主管理』機制。至於境外實施之對價應回歸『商業談判』之市場機制,政府不需過多干涉。最後建議加強政府承辦人員對於智慧財產管理運用理論及實務認識之訓練。 在目前政府『境外實施』機制尚未調整之前,本研究綜整過去工業技術研究院申請境外實施之經驗,對於申請人提出建議作法,希望有助於審查流程之加速。事前與政府機關承辦人多溝通有絕對必要,充分瞭解其關切之事項,並備妥相關之文件。要求境外實施之廠商直接向政府承辦機關關切不必然有助於加速審核流程,有時反而弄巧反拙,造成承辦人之困擾,相對的攪亂了審核的節奏。 『境外實施』僅為提升智慧財產運用的一個點,必須要達到數個點的突破,形成面的結構調整,後續仍然有相當多的議題需要繼續研究,提出解決方案。例如修改科技基本法以明確擴大適用之層面至政府相關研究機關及學校—如中央研究院、公立大學等。這些機關是政府單位智慧財產之重要生產者,與下放之執行機構一樣,需突破國有財產法及政府採購法以發揮智慧財產之價值,但是同時適用之政府機關應配套建立智慧財產管理及評鑑機制。本研究以經濟事務研究機構之境外實施為限,其他仍然有教育體系之學校及經濟事務以外之研究機構之境外實施制度值得一窺。 本研究參酌世界各國之作法,搭配本研究生多年在工研院之經驗,檢視目前我國之實務運作,以學術討論之立場,結合實務與理論,嘗試提出一些看法,希望能夠提供給政府宏觀的思考,構建更契合打造台灣為亞洲樞紐之願景的機制。但本研究之所有論述純屬本研究生之個人觀點,不代表工研院或其他任何機構與單位之立場。 / “Intellectual Property” is the key factor to winning the industrial competition among competitive countries in the twenty-first century. Although domestic products and well-protected intellectual property are both extremely important, intellectual property should ultimately be used actively in order to maximize its core value. While governments around the world enthusiastically harness a variety of policy instruments to actively promote the use of intellectual property, they also take into account the security and competitiveness of their nations’ own domestic industries, as well as the impact of growth and decline on their economy. With these concerns, most of the intellectual property outputs are regulated by a series of overseas licensing restrains. The active usage of intellectual property and the control over overseas licensing are issues that are usually mutually independent. However, they sometimes conflict with each other. Only a clear and thorough understanding of both topics can allow one to establish a well-rounded strategy that creates a win-win situation in reference to the relationship between overseas licensing and domestic products. The Fundamental Science and Technology Act of the Republic of China has been in effect for a decade since its original ratification. Even so, there are still a lot of support measures and concepts established by the Act that have yet to be fully developed. For example, the “Overseas Licensing” control mechanism within the Act is an important measure that has received minimal development, and is in urgent need of having its political limitations removed for it to become more effective. This study compares United States, Japan, China and Taiwan’s export controls and overseas licensing laws. By visiting leaders of those intellectual property management representative organizations - -Association of University Technology Manager (AUTM) and Licensing Executive Society (LES), Director of the United States Stanford University Technology Transfer Office, former Vice President responsible for technology transfer of University of Washington, Director of Technology Transfer Office of University of Tokyo, Ex-Director of the Office of Technology Transfer of University of Singapore, Professor Paul S. P. Hsu, Chairman & CEO of PHYCOS International Co., Ltd, Director of Legal Transactions of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., National Chengchi University Institute of Intellectual Property Business School Professor Wang Weilin and Vice President of Tanspercific IP Ltd. , the study summarized views and opinions of these professionals . The author analyzed overseas licensing cases that Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) applied over the last decade in their technology, business model, and licensing area. Using the analysis of the practical problems in the overseas licensing control regulations and rules under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the author proposed a concept of “classification management” ideas. According to this concept, the technical content of patent rights and licensing models and their management will be reviewed in three different levels, including high degree management, low degree management and post-filing. In the future, the costs of administration, the diversity of business models, and the flexibility in time should be considered in all cases of overseas licensing. The overseas licensing control that is related to national security should take a “high degree of management”. The rest of which do not involve national security can be reviewed under a “low degree of management”. Non-exclusive patent license and the case which has already been reviewed by any government agencies under the overseas licensing control should be reviewed under “post-filing management” to simplify the process. Furthermore, government should consider the gradual establishment of self-management mechanism as an “Internal Control Program” in the industry and research institute. Without excessive government interference, the terms and considerations of an overseas licensing should return to” commercial market negotiations mechanism”. Government administrators who are involved in the intellectual property management affairs need to strengthen their knowledge, vision and experiences in the field of intellectual property by training courses. This study further points out several topics related to the need of follow-up studies which include extending the entity who can apply under the Fundamental Science and Technology Act to governmental natural research institutes and schools - such as Academia Sinica, public universities and so on in order to break through the National Property Act and the Government Procurement Law for getting more freedom and flexibility in Intellectual property management. Since this study focuses on Economic Affairs related overseas licensing control system, fields that are outside of this area such as educational system and other Minister which might have the same issue is worth a glimpse. This study is based on the experiences that author had when working in ITRI and the general practice in overseas licensing field, trying to raise view point from broader angle for government’s consideration. Every view point raised under this study is the observation of the author himself purely which does not represent or reflect ITRI’s thoughts whatsoever.

Financování vzdělávacích aktivit podniku prostřednictvím ESF / Financing Educational Activities of the Company by Means of ESF

Štorková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme is focused on minimization of unemployment by means of active policy on the labour market, professional education, reintegration of socially excluded citizens into society, improvement of public administration quality and international cooperation in the said areas.

Risk Factors for Homelessness Among Community Mental Health Patients with Severe Mental Illness

van Wormer, Rupert Talmage 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors associated with homelessness, assess the relationship between housing status and consumption of costly publicly funded resources, to identify characteristics associated with service retention, and to evaluate whether length of treatment is associated with better outcomes. The target population was homeless and formerly homeless adults with SMI enrolled in community mental health services at the Downtown Emergency Service Center SAGE mental health program located in Seattle. The sample consisted of 380 SAGE patients who had continuous enrollment in 2005. These patients formed the cohort for the study. Agency records for these patients were reviewed for a 3-year period (2005-2007). The study utilized a non-experimental retrospective cohort study design. Multiple logistic regression, hierarchical multiple regression, two-way repeated measures ANOVA, and Cochran's Q test were used to analyze the data. Homelessness was associated with African American race, substance use, lower income, and younger age. Patients who were homeless spent more time in jail and required more mental health staff time compared with patients with stable housing. Patients with schizophrenia were more likely to retain services and African American patients were less likely to retain services. Overall, patients who remained enrolled in services from Year 1 to Year 3 had improved housing stability, fewer days of incarceration, and required less staff support. The overrepresentation of African Americans among patients who experienced homelessness suggests that racism could be a factor contributing to homelessness for this racial group. Further research is needed to assess the relationship between race and homelessness.

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