Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] AMPLIFICATION"" "subject:"[enn] AMPLIFICATION""
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Temporal and Spatial Properties of a Yeast Multi-Cellular Amplification System Based on Signal Molecule DiffusionJahn, Michael, Mölle, Annett, Rödel, Gerhard, Ostermann, Kai 06 February 2014 (has links)
We report on the spatial and temporal signaling properties of a yeast pheromone-based cell communication and amplifier system. It utilizes the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating response pathway and relies on diffusion of the pheromone α–factor as key signaling molecule between two cell types. One cell type represents the α–factor secreting sensor part and the other the reporter part emitting fluorescence upon activation. Although multi-cellular signaling systems promise higher specificity and modularity, the complex interaction of the cells makes prediction of sensor performance difficult. To test the maximum distance and response time between sensor and reporter cells, the two cell types were spatially separated in defined compartments of agarose hydrogel (5 ´ 5 mm) and reconnected by diffusion of the yeast pheromone. Different ratios of sensor to reporter cells were tested to evaluate the minimum amount of sensor cells required for signal transduction. Even the smallest ratio, one α–factor-secreting cell to twenty reporter cells, generated a distinct fluorescence signal. When using a 1:1 ratio, the secreted pheromone induced fluorescence in a distance of up to four millimeters after six hours. We conclude from both our experimental results and a mathematical diffusion model that in our approach: (1) the maximum dimension of separated compartments should not exceed five millimeters in gradient direction; and (2) the time-limiting step is not diffusion of the signaling molecule but production of the reporter protein.
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Diode-Pumped High-Energy Laser Amplifiers for Ultrashort Laser Pulses: The PENELOPE Laser SystemLöser, Markus 22 January 2018 (has links)
The ultrashort chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser technology opens the path to high intensities of 10^21 W/cm² and above in the laser focus. Such intensities allow laser-matter interaction in the relativistic intensity regime. Direct diode-pumped ultrashort solid-state lasers combine high-energy, high-power and efficient amplification together, which are the main advantages compared to flashlamp-pumped high-energy laser systems based on titanium-doped sapphire. Development within recent years in the field of laser diodes makes them more and more attractive in terms of total costs, compactness and lifetime.
This work is dedicated to the Petawatt, ENergy-Efficient Laser for Optical Plasma Experiments (PENELOPE) project, a fully and directly diode-pumped laser system under development at the Helmholtz–Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf (HZDR), aiming at 150 fs long pulses with energies of up to 150 J at repetition rates of up to 1 Hz. The focus of this thesis lies on the spectral and width manipulation of the front-end amplifiers, trivalent ytterbium-doped calcium fluoride (Yb3+:CaF2) as gain material as well as the pump source for the final two main amplifiers of the PENELOPE laser system. Here, all crucial design parameters were investigated and a further successful scaling of the laser system to its target values was shown.
Gain narrowing is the dominant process for spectral bandwidth reduction during the amplification at the high-gain front-end amplifiers. Active or passive spectral gain control
filter can be used to counteract this effect. A pulse duration of 121 fs was achieved by using a passive spectral attenuation inside a regenerative amplifier, which corresponds to an improvement by a factor of almost 2 compared to the start of this work. A proof-of-concept experiment showed the capability of the pre-shaping approach. A spectral bandwidth of 20nm was transferred through the first multipass amplifier at a total gain of 300. Finally, the predicted output spectrum calculated by a numerical model of the final amplifier stages was in a good agreement with the experimental results.
The spectroscopic properties of Yb3+:CaF2 matches the constraints for ultrashort laser pulse amplification and direct diode pumping. Pumping close to the zero phonon line at 976nm is preferable compared to 940nm as the pump intensity saturation is significantly lower. A broad gain cross section of up to 50nm is achievable for typical inversion levels. Furthermore, moderate cryogenic temperatures (above 200K) can be used to improve the amplification performance of Yb3+:CaF2. The optical quality of the doped crystals currently available on the market is sufficient to build amplifiers in the hundred joule range.
The designed pump source for the last two amplifiers is based on two side pumping in a double pass configuration. However, this concept requires the necessity of brightness conservation for the installed laser diodes. Therefore, a fully relay imaging setup (4f optical system) along the optical path from the stacks to the gain material including the global beam homogenization was developed in a novel approach.
Beside these major parts the amplifier architecture and relay imaging telescopes as well as temporal intensity contrast (TIC) was investigated. An all reflective concept for the relay imaging amplifiers and telescopes was selected, which results in several advantages especially an achromatic behavior and low B-Integral. The TIC of the front-end was improved, as the pre- and postpulses due to the plane-parallel active-mirror was eliminated by wedging the gain medium.
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Genetically Tailored Yeast Strains for Cell-based Biosensors in White BiotechnologyGroß, Annett 23 January 2012 (has links)
This work was performed in the framework of two application-oriented research projects that focus on the generation and evaluation of fluorescent Saccharomyces (S.) cerevisiae-based sensor and reporter cells for white biotechnology as well as the extension of the conventional single-cell/single-construct principle of ordinary yeast biosensor approaches. Numerous products are currently generated by biotechnological processes which require continuous and precise process control and monitoring. These demands are only partially met by physical or physiochemical sensors since they measure parameters off-line or use surrogate parameters that consequently provide only indirect information about the actual process performance. Biosensors, in particular whole cell-based biosensors, have the unique potential to near-line and long-term monitor parameters such as nutrient availability during fermentation processes. Moreover, they allow for the assessment of an analyte’s biological relevance.
Prototype yeast sensor and reporter strains derived from common laboratory strains were transformed with multicopy expression plasmids that mediate constitutive or inducible expression of a fluorescence reporter gene. Performance of these cells was examined by various qualitative and quantitative detection methods – representative of putative transducer technologies. Analyses were performed on the population level by microplate reader-based fluorometry and Western blot as well as on the single-cell level by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. ‘Signature’ promoters that are activated or repressed during particular nutrient-limited growth conditions were selected in order to generate yeast nutrient sensor strains for monitoring the biological availability of nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur. For each category, at least one promoter mediating at least threefold changed green fluorescence levels between sensor cells in non-limited and nutrient-limited conditions was identified. Sensor strains were evaluated in detail regarding sensitivity, analyte selectivity and the ability to restore basic fluorescence after shift from nutrient-limited to non-limited conditions (regeneration). The applicability for bioprocess monitoring purposes was tested by growth of yeast nutrient sensor cells in microalgae media and supernatants. Despite successful proof of principle, numerous challenges still need to be solved to realise prospective implementation in this field of white biotechnology.
The major drawback of plasmid-borne detection constructs is a high fluorescence variance between individual cells. By generation of a nitrogen sensor strain with a genome-integrated detection construct, uniform expression on the single-cell level and simultaneous maintenance of basic properties (ability of fluorescence induction/regeneration and lack of cross-reactivity) was achieved. However, due to the singular detection construct per cell, significantly weaker overall fluorescence was observed. The traditional single-cell/single-construct approach was expanded upon in two ways. Firstly, a practical dual-colour sensor strain was created by simultaneous, constitutive expression of a red fluorescence reporter gene in green fluorescent nitrogen sensor cells.
Secondly, an innovative cellular communication and signal amplification system inspired by the natural S. cerevisiae pheromone system and mating response was established successfully. It features the yeast pheromone alpha-factor as a trigger and alpha-factor-responsive reporter cells which express a fluorescence reporter gene from the pheromone-inducible FIG1 promoter as an output signal. The system was functional both with synthetic and cell-secreted alpha-factor, provided that recombinant cells were deleted for the alpha-factor protease Bar1p. Integration of amplifier cells which secrete alpha-factor in response to stimulation with the pheromone itself could increase the system\'s sensitivity further. Signal amplification was demonstrated for phosphorus sensor cells as a proof of concept. Therefore, the alpha-factor-based cellular communication and signal amplification system might be useful in applications that suffer from poor signal yield. Due to its modular design, the system could be applied in basically any cell-based biosensor or sensor-actor system.
Immobilisation of the generated sensor and reporter cells in transparent natural polymers can be beneficial considering biosensor fabrication. Functionality of sensor and reporter cells in calcium-alginate beads or nano-printed arrays was successfully demonstrated. For the latter setup, fluorescence scanning and software-assisted fluorescence quantification was applied as a new detection method. In an experiment using an agarose-based two-compartment setup proposed by Jahn, 2011, properties of the alpha-factor-based cellular communication and signal amplification system after immobilisation were tested. These studies provide an initial experimental basis for an appropriate geometry of miniaturised immobilisation matrices with fluorescent yeast sensor and reporter cells in prospective biosensor designs.
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Berechnung der Schwingbeanspruchung in Radialturbinen unter Berücksichtigung realer BauteilgeometrienDrozdowski, Roman 25 November 2011 (has links)
Der stetig anwachsende Bedarf und die innovative Weiterentwicklung im Bereich der Großdieselmotoren als Antrieb für Schiffe und Generatoranlagen erfordert ebenfalls die Weiterentwicklung der Abgasturbolader.
Hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit ist nur durch moderne Fertigungsverfahren und einer optimalen Ausnutzung der eingesetzten, hochwertigen Werkstoffe zu erreichen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die integralen Radialturbinenräder in Abgasturboladern, die aufgrund der hohen Betriebsbelastungen einen zentralen Punkt bei der Auslegung darstellen. Lebensdauerbegrenzend ist die hochzyklische Ermüdung aufgrund Resonanzschwingungen an der Beschaufelung der Turbinenräder.
Die vorliegende Arbeit soll die Auslegungsmethodik zur Berechnung und Beurteilung der zu erwartenden Schwingbeanspruchungen der Turbinenräder im Hinblick der realen Geometrie verbessern. Dazu wird ein einfaches Berechnungsmodell zur Identifizierung der kritischen Schaufelmoden und Bestimmung der Schwingbeanspruchungen im integralen Turbinenrad erarbeitet. Das Modell wird auf vorhandene Turbinenräder angewendet und aus den Ergebnissen werden Hinweise für eine systematische Beurteilung der Schaufelmoden, Knotendurchmesser und Schaufelgestaltung bezüglich der kritischen Schwingbeanspruchungen angegeben.
Desweiteren wird der Einfluss der Verstimmung (engl. Mistuning) des Schwingverhaltens realer, integraler Turbinenräder ausführlich im Hinblick auf die Schwingbeanspruchungen untersucht. Die wesentlichen Ursachen für die Verstimmung sind die innerhalb der Fertigungstoleranzen auftretenden Geometrieabweichungen der Schaufeln. Dabei wird ein Überblick über die typischen Geometrie- und Frequenzabweichungen Radialturbinen gegeben und Auswirkungen auf das Schwingverhalten des Rades wie Lokalisierung der Schwingformen und Amplitudenüberhöhungen ermittelt und in einen systematischen Zusammenhang mit den geometrischen Ursachen, der Komplexität der Schaufelschwingformen und Knotendurchmesser gestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass unter gewissen Voraussetzungen bei Radialturbinen KD0 und KD1 Schwingformen weniger sensibel auf die Verstimmung reagieren. Hieraus können Hinweise für die Verbesserung des Auslegungsprozess abgeleitet werden.
Die Kenntnis über das reale Schwingverhalten verstimmter Turbinenräder ermöglicht die korrekte Auswahl geeigneter Schaufeln zur Applikation von Dehnmessstreifen, wodurch eine sichere Beurteilung der Betriebsbeanspruchungen erst möglich wird.
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Molekulárně genetická analýza u pacientů s podezřením na kryptické přestavby. / Molecular Genetic Analysis in Patients Suspected of Cryptic Rearrangements.Šolc, Roman January 2010 (has links)
Such chromosomal rearrangements, which cannot be detected by using of cytogenetic banding of metaphase chromosomes, i.e. chromosomes smaller than 3 - 5 Mb, and therefore modern molecular genetic methods are used to detect them, are called "cryptic rearrangements". Their important role in human pathology is more and more significant. By using of the multiplex ligation-probe dependent amplification method (MLPA) we examined a group of 50 probands with idiopathic mental retardation. A cryptic rearrangement was found at 8 probands (16 %), at 6 of them it was demonstrably causal. Then we examined a group of 40 probands suspected of gene SHOX pathology. A cryptic rearrangement was found at 17 probands (42.5 %) and at 8 of them it was demonstrably causal. Presence of small deletion founded isolated at 7 probands was verified in a population set, but without a positive result. An analysis of mutations was made too.
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Rapid Extraction and Detection of African Swine Fever Virus DNA Based on Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase Amplification AssayCeruti, Arianna 15 June 2022 (has links)
Das Afrikanische Schweinepest-Virus (ASPV) verursacht eine tödliche Viruserkrankung bei Schweinen. Dieses hat sich weltweit fortlaufend verbreitet und wurde im September 2020 erstmalig in Deutschland nachgewiesen. Der Ausbruch der Seuche kann schwere wirtschaftliche Verluste nach sich ziehen. Bis heute ist kein Impfstoff zugelassen, daher sind Überwachung der epidemiologischen Situation und der frühzeitige Erregernachweis unerlässlich für die Bekämpfung der Afrikanischen Schweinepest als Tierseuche. Die Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR) gilt als Goldstandard für den Nachweis von ASPV und zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Sensitivität und Spezifität aus. Allerdings erfordert die PCR gut ausgestattete Testlabore und ist zeitintensiv. Point-of-Need-Tests können schnelle und zuverlässige direkt vor Ort liefern und stellen somit eine Alternative zum Goldstandard PCR dar.
Ziel dieser Studie war es, einen Point-of-Need-Test zum Nachweis von ASPV zu entwickeln. Dieser beruht auf der Grundlage der Rekombinase-Polymerase-Amplifikation (RPA) und sollte vor Ort einsatzfähig sein.
Es wurden drei Primersätze und eine Sonde auf der Grundlage des B646L-Gens, welches für das virale Kapsidprotein p72 vom ASP-Virus kodiert, entwickelt. Alle möglichen Kombinationen wurden getestet. Die analytische Sensitivität wurde mit acht Wiederholungen von Verdünnungsreihen des molekularen Standards (102-100 DNA-Kopien pro µl) ermittelt. Die Nachweisgrenze wurde anhand einer Probit-Analyse dieser Durchläufe berechnet. Die Spezifität wurde mit verschiedenen viralen Nukleinsäuren von anderen das Schwein infizierenden Erregern überprüft. Um den Test im Feld einsatzfähig zu gestalten, wurden mittels ASPV-RPA zwei verschiedene Extraktionsansätze mit allen 73 verfügbaren Schweineblutproben getestet: eine schnelle Hitze/Lysepuffer-Extraktionsmethode und ein standardisiertes Extraktionsverfahren auf Spin-Säule-Basis. Die diagnostische Sensitivität und Spezifität wurde für beide Testverfahren berechnet. Alle Ergebnisse wurden mit einer etablierten real-time PCR für ASPV verglichen. Eine kleine Pilotstudie zum Feldeinsatz des ASPV-RPA-Tests wurde in Uganda mit 20 Blutproben unter Verwendung des Kofferlabors durchgeführt.
Die berechnete Nachweisgrenze von ASPV-RPA lag bei 3,5 DNA-Kopien pro µl. Alle untersuchten ASPV-Genotypen wurden detektiert, aber keine anderen viralen Nukleinsäuren. Bei Verwendung der standardisierten DNA-Extraktionsmethode mit anschließender Durchführung der ASPV-RPA lag die diagnostische Sensitivität und Spezifität bei 100%, wie auch mittels der real-time PCR. Auch das schnelle Hitze-/Lysepuffer Protokoll zeigte vielversprechende Ergebnisse und erreichte eine Positivrate von 97% mittels ASPV-RPA im Vergleich zu 38% bei der PCR. In Uganda wurden elf ASPV-RPA-Proben als positiv erkannt, darunter zwei fieberfreie asymptomatische Tiere.
Der schnelle Erregernachweis stellt einen essenziellen Aspekt der ASP Seuchenbekämpfung dar. Die ASPV-RPA erwies sich als genauso empfindlich und spezifisch wie die Goldstandard-PCR zur Erregeridentifizierung. In Kombination mit dem Schritt der DNA-Extraktion durch Hitze/Lysepuffer benötigt der entwickelte Test etwa 25 Minuten von der Probenentnahme bis zum Ergebnis. Die Positivrate ist mit 97% vielversprechend, wobei die ASPV-RPA im Vergleich zur PCR eine höhere Toleranz gegenüber Inhibitoren aufwies. Wie die Pilot-Feldstudie in Uganda mit dem Kofferlabor zeigt, ist ASPV-RPA eine im Feld einsatzfähige Nachweismethode. Das Kofferlabor bedarf lediglich einer Grundausstattung und einer Solarbatterie. Somit stellt das Kofferlabor eine vielversprechende Diagnostikmethode dar, welche vor Ort in ressourcenarmen Umgebungen zum Nachweis des ASPV eingesetzt werden kann.:1. Introduction
2. Literature overview
2.1 African swine fever
2.1.1 Aetiology Classification and taxonomy Viral structure and genome Genetic typing and antigenic variability
2.1.2 Epidemiology Disease distribution Host range and epidemiological cycles Warthog-tick cycle Domestic pig-tick cycle Domestic pig cycle Wild boar-environment cycle Tenacity, transmission, and infectivity
2.1.3 Pathophysiology Pathogenesis Clinical signs and pathological findings Differential diagnosis
2.2 Available diagnostic tools for ASFV
2.1.4 Diagnosis based on immune response
2.1.5 Diagnosis based on agent identification
2.3 Gaps in African swine fever diagnostics
3. Publication
3.1 Statement of contribution
3.1.1 Publication
4. Discussion
5. Summary
6. Zusammenfassung
7. References
8. Appendix
9. Acknowledgements / African swine fever virus (ASFV) causes a deadly viral disease in pigs. The virus has gradually spread throughout the world and was reported in Germany in September 2020. ASF outbreak can lead to huge economical loss. No vaccine is commercially available and thus, surveillance and early detection play a pivotal role to control an ASF outbreak. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is considered the gold standard for ASFV detection due to its superior sensitivity and specificity. However, it is time-consuming and requires well-equipped laboratories. Point-of-need tests can offer an alternative, delivering fast and reliable results directly in the field.
The aim of this study was to establish a field-deployable point-of-need test based on Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) to detect ASFV.
Material and Methods: Three sets of primers and one probe based on the B646L gene which encodes for the viral capsid protein p72 were designed. All possible combinations were screened. Analytical sensitivity was tested with eight replicates of serial dilutions of the molecular standard (102-10° DNA copies per µl). The limit of detection was calculated using probit analysis. ASFV-RPA’s specificity was tested using various viral nucleic acids of pathogens infecting pigs. To allow the deployment at point of need, two different extraction approaches were tested in ASFV-RPA with all 73 pig blood samples included in this study: a rapid heat/lysis buffer extraction method and a standardized spin-column based extraction kit. Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were calculated for both test approaches. All results were compared to an established real-time PCR for ASFV. A small pilot study for ASFV-RPA assay deployment was done in Uganda with 20 blood samples of a suspected outbreak using the field-deployable suitcaselab.
The calculated limit of detection of ASFV-RPA was 3.5 DNA copies per µl. All screened ASFV genotypes were detected while no other viral nucleic acids were identified. Using the standardized DNA extraction method in ASFV-RPA, and compared to real-time PCR, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 100%. The rapid heat/lysis buffer protocol showed very promising results, achieving 97% of positivity rate compared to a 38% of the real-time PCR. In Uganda, ASFV-RPA detected 11 samples as positive, including two known afebrile animals.
Immediate agent detection is a key aspect of ASF outbreak control. ASFV-RPA is as sensitive and specific as a gold standard PCR for ASFV identification. Combined with the heat/lysis buffer DNA isolation step, the duration of the assay is around 25 minutes from sample collection to result readout, with a promising positivity rate of 97% which indicates tolerance against inhibitors. ASFV-RPA is a portable detection method, as revealed during the pilot field study in Uganda. Only requiring basic equipment and solar batteries, the suitcase lab is a promising tool for on-site diagnostics in resource limited settings to detect ASFV.:1. Introduction
2. Literature overview
2.1 African swine fever
2.1.1 Aetiology Classification and taxonomy Viral structure and genome Genetic typing and antigenic variability
2.1.2 Epidemiology Disease distribution Host range and epidemiological cycles Warthog-tick cycle Domestic pig-tick cycle Domestic pig cycle Wild boar-environment cycle Tenacity, transmission, and infectivity
2.1.3 Pathophysiology Pathogenesis Clinical signs and pathological findings Differential diagnosis
2.2 Available diagnostic tools for ASFV
2.1.4 Diagnosis based on immune response
2.1.5 Diagnosis based on agent identification
2.3 Gaps in African swine fever diagnostics
3. Publication
3.1 Statement of contribution
3.1.1 Publication
4. Discussion
5. Summary
6. Zusammenfassung
7. References
8. Appendix
9. Acknowledgements
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Extended frequency amplification, speech recognition and functional performance in children with mild to severe sensorineural hearing lossMuller, Claudia 03 December 2012 (has links)
A substantial body of research points to the benefits of fitting hearing instruments that provides extended high frequency amplification. Most published research were done on adults or in controlled laboratory settings. It is therefore necessary for peadiatric audiologists to critically assess the effects that this extended high frequency amplification has on the individual child fitted with hearing instruments. A quantitative research method was selected to explore the possible correlations between extended high frequency amplification and the influence this extended high frequency amplification has on speech recognition and functional performance in children with mild to severe sensory neural hearing loss. A quasiexperimental design was selected. This design accommodated a one-group (single-system) pre-test versus post-test design. Baseline assessments were done and all participants were subjected to pre- and post-intervention assessments. Six participants were fitted with hearing instruments which provided extended high frequency amplification. A baseline assessment was done with current hearing instruments after which participants were assessed with the hearing instruments with extended high frequency amplification. Aided audiological assessments were done without the extended high frequencies after which participants were evaluated with the added high frequencies. Speech recognition testing and functional performance questionnaires were used to compare the outcomes obtained with and without the extended high frequency amplification. A t-test was used for hypothesis testing to determine if extended range amplification increased speech recognition abilities and functional performance, and if these increases were statistically significant. Results were varied where some participants performed better and some performed worse with the added extended range amplification during speech recognition testing and functional performances observed at home. These varied results were statistically insignificant. However, statistically significant evidence was obtained to indicate that extended high frequency amplification increased the functional performance observed at school. The study concluded that the paediatric audiologist should know the effect fitting hearing instruments capable of extended high frequency amplification have on speech recognition abilities and functional performances. Fitting hearing instruments with extended high frequency amplification should however be done with caution because not all children benefited from extended bandwidth amplification. This underlines the importance of following a strict evidence-based approach that incorporates objective and subjective assessment approaches. This will provide the paediatric audiologist with real world evidence of the success of the amplification strategy that is followed. / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted
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Human papillomavirus type distribution in cervical cancer in Indiana and BotswanaQadadri, Brahim January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In this study we compared the distribution of HPV types in cervical cancer specimens from women living in either Indiana or Botswana. Paraffin-embedded blocks of formalin-fixed cervical cancer specimens were identified from women living in Indiana (n=51) or Botswana (n=171)
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Aplikace pro zpracování dat z oblasti genového inženýrství / Application for the Data Processing in the Area of Genome EngineeringBrychta, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This masters thesis has a few objectives. One of them is to acquaint with the problems of genome engineering, especially with fragmentation of DNA, the macromolecule DNA, the methods for purification and separation of the nucleic acids, the enzymes used for modification of these acids, amplification and get to know with cluster and gradient analysis as well. The next aim is to peruse the existed application and compare it to the layout of the proposed application, that is the third aim. The last one from the objectives is the implementation and the report how was the application tested by the real data. The results will be discussed as well as the possibilities of the further extension.
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Analys av designparametrar för trådlösa bärbara Bluetooth-högtalare / Analysis of design parameters for wireless portable Bluetooth speakersSaviaro, Markus January 2018 (has links)
I denna rapport utreds vilka komponenter en bärbar trådlös Bluetooth-högtalarebestår av och de designparametrar som en presumtiv konstruktör bör ta hänsyntill. Egenskaperna hos sex på marknaden förekommande högtalarmodeller och dekonstruktionslösningar som används i dessa undersöktes. Designparametrarnaanalyserades för att utreda om och i sådana fall hur dessa gick att förbättra. Simuleringarav högtalarprototyper utfördes och prototyper av högtalare och förstärkardelbyggdes. Mätningar gjordes för att kunna jämföra och kontrollera prototypernasljudmässiga resultat. Ytterligare mätningar av musikstycken gjordes för att utredahur RMS-värdet i musik påverkar effektbehovet i förstärkare rent allmänt ochi aktivt delade system. I slutet av rapporten ges rekommendationer för hur en bärbarBluetooth-högtalare bör byggas tillsammans med förslag på alternativ teknologiatt undersöka för implementering i framtida Bluetooth-högtalare. / This report investigates which components a portable wireless Bluetooth speakerconsists of and the design parameters a prospective designer should take into consideration.The characteristics of six commercially available speaker models andthe design solutions used in these were examined. The design parameters wereanalyzed to investigate if and how these could be improved upon. Simulations ofspeaker prototypes were done and prototypes of speakers and an amplifier werebuilt. Measurements were made to be able to compare and verify the audio performanceof the prototypes. Moreover, measurements of music were made to investigatehow the RMS-value of music impacts the power of an amplifier in general andin active systems in particular. Design recommendations on how to build a Bluetoothspeaker are given in the end of the report together with suggestions on alternatetechnologies to look into for implementation in future Bluetooth speakers.
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