Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] AMPLIFICATION"" "subject:"[enn] AMPLIFICATION""
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Towards Scalable Machine Learning with Privacy ProtectionFay, Dominik January 2023 (has links)
The increasing size and complexity of datasets have accelerated the development of machine learning models and exposed the need for more scalable solutions. This thesis explores challenges associated with large-scale machine learning under data privacy constraints. With the growth of machine learning models, traditional privacy methods such as data anonymization are becoming insufficient. Thus, we delve into alternative approaches, such as differential privacy. Our research addresses the following core areas in the context of scalable privacy-preserving machine learning: First, we examine the implications of data dimensionality on privacy for the application of medical image analysis. We extend the classification algorithm Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) to deal with high-dimensional labels, and demonstrate that dimensionality reduction can be used to improve privacy. Second, we consider the impact of hyperparameter selection on privacy. Here, we propose a novel adaptive technique for hyperparameter selection in differentially gradient-based optimization. Third, we investigate sampling-based solutions to scale differentially private machine learning to dataset with a large number of records. We study the privacy-enhancing properties of importance sampling, highlighting that it can outperform uniform sub-sampling not only in terms of sample efficiency but also in terms of privacy. The three techniques developed in this thesis improve the scalability of machine learning while ensuring robust privacy protection, and aim to offer solutions for the effective and safe application of machine learning in large datasets. / Den ständigt ökande storleken och komplexiteten hos datamängder har accelererat utvecklingen av maskininlärningsmodeller och gjort behovet av mer skalbara lösningar alltmer uppenbart. Den här avhandlingen utforskar tre utmaningar förknippade med storskalig maskininlärning under dataskyddskrav. För stora och komplexa maskininlärningsmodeller blir traditionella metoder för integritet, såsom datananonymisering, otillräckliga. Vi undersöker därför alternativa tillvägagångssätt, såsom differentiell integritet. Vår forskning behandlar följande utmaningar inom skalbar och integitetsmedveten maskininlärning: För det första undersöker vi hur hög data-dimensionalitet påverkar integriteten för medicinsk bildanalys. Vi utvidgar klassificeringsalgoritmen Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) för att hantera högdimensionella etiketter och visar att dimensionsreducering kan användas för att förbättra integriteten. För det andra studerar vi hur valet av hyperparametrar påverkar integriteten. Här föreslår vi en ny adaptiv teknik för val av hyperparametrar i gradient-baserad optimering med garantier på differentiell integritet. För det tredje granskar vi urvalsbaserade lösningar för att skala differentiellt privat maskininlärning till stora datamängder. Vi studerar de integritetsförstärkande egenskaperna hos importance sampling och visar att det kan överträffa ett likformigt urval av sampel, inte bara när det gäller effektivitet utan även för integritet. De tre teknikerna som utvecklats i denna avhandling förbättrar skalbarheten för integritetsskyddad maskininlärning och syftar till att erbjuda lösningar för effektiv och säker tillämpning av maskininlärning på stora datamängder. / <p>QC 20231101</p>
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Behavior of Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridges Containing Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Longitudinal JointsSemendary, Ali A. 13 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Detection of Viable Foodborne Pathogens and Spoilage Microorganisms by Nucleic Acid Amplification Based PlatformsXiao, Linlin 08 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Parametric Studies of Train-Track-Bridge Interaction : An evaluation of the dynamic amplification due to track irregularities for freight transportElm Dahlman, Rasmus, Lundberg, Emil January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis a train-track-bridge interaction (TTBI) model is developed in order to study the dynamic amplification from track irregularities on railway bridges traversed by freight trains. These simulations are of great importance since rail freight transport is expected to increase in order to meet the climate goals. The shift of the freight industry is however not accomplished without complications, because of the heavier and more frequent transportation higher demand is put on the infrastructure supporting the railways. In order to adequately assess the bearing capacity of the railway bridges, more detailed models assessing the dynamic behavior of the bridges are needed. The research underlying the current model in Eurocode were made during the 1970s (ORE, 1976) and the 1990s (ERRI, 1999) which were based on very simplified relations of the interaction and irregularities. Two research questions are therefore established in this thesis. The first one is if the current dynamic amplification factor in Eurocode which accounts for track irregularities is over conservative and secondly if the same factor is suitable to utilize for both section forces and deflections. The model developed in order to answer the stated research questions is a 2D model (considering only vertical excitation) with a linearized Hertz contact spring coupling the vehicle subsystem to the track-bridge system. The bridges examined in the thesis are limited to simply supported bridges with a span length between 4-20 m carrying a ballasted track. The studied train speeds vary between 60 - 120 km/h in order to replicate the speed range utilized by freight trains. The quality of the track (irregularities) is varied between a standard variation of 0.5-5 mm and is generated based on the German power spectral density (PSD) function. Research have previously been carried out in the field of TTBI system but have mostly been focusing on high-speed railway engineering and few studies have been performed on heavy transportation. One of the pioneers in the field of TTBI modelling is Wanming Zhai and the model developed in this thesis is validated against one of his 2D models. Based on the simulations performed in this thesis it is evident that the current model in Eurocode EN 1991-2 is over conservative and in great need of a revision. The model presented in this thesis is for the case with the largest dynamic amplification (120 km/h and a 4 m span length) significantly lower than the model presented in Eurocode. From the sensitivity analysis it is possible to conclude that many of the parameters in the system have low influence on the dynamic amplification while others have considerable influence. The parameters that have a considerable influence might be more suitable with a probabilistic approach instead of a deterministic which was utilized in this thesis. / I denna avhandling upprättas en tåg-spår-bro interaktionsmodell i syfte att studera den dynamiska förstorningsfaktorn som uppkommer av ojämnheter från spåret för järnvägsbroar trafikerade av godståg. Dessa typer av simuleringar är viktiga då järnvägstransporter förväntas öka för att klara av att möta de klimatmål som fastställts. Denna ökning av järnvägstransporter genomförs dock inte utan problem. Ökningen medför fler och tyngre transporter vilket skapar problem för järnvägsinfrastrukturen (främst broarna). För att med säkerhet kunna fastställa bärförmågan hos broarna, behövs mer avancerade modeller än de som idag finns i Eurokod. Modellerna som finns angivna i Eurokod bygger på forskning genomförd under 70- (ORE, 1976) och 90-talet (ERRI, 1999), där det användes väldigt förenklade interaktions- och ojämnhets-modeller. På grund av detta har två frågeställningar upprättats. Den första är om den dynamiska förstoringsfaktorn som används i Eurokod för att ta hänsyn till ojämnheterna i spåret är överdrivet konservativ och den andra är om samma faktor är lämplig att använda för både snittkrafter och nedböjning. Modellen som upprättats för att besvara dessa forskningsfrågor är en 2D modell (vertikalt led) med en linjäriserad Hertz kontaktfjäder för att koppla samman fordonet med spår-bro systemet. Broarna som har studerats i denna avhandling är endast fritt upplagda broar med en spannlängd mellan 4-20 m med ballasterat spår. Tåg-hastigheten har varierats mellan 60-120 km/h i syfte att simulera relevanta hastigheter för godståg. Spårkvalitén (ojämnheterna) har beskrivits m.h.a. standardavvikelsen från det perfekta spårläget och har varierats mellan 0.5-5 mm. Dessa ojämnheter har genererats baserat på den tyska power spectral density (PSD) funktionen. Tidigare forskning har utförts inom ämnet tåg-spår-bro interaktion men med huvudsaklig fokus på höghastighetståg/resonans-beteenden och få studier har genomförts på godståg. En av föregångsmännen inom ämnet är Wanming Zhai, och modellen som upprättas i denna avhandling har därav validerats mot hans 2D modell. Baserat på simuleringarna i denna avhandling är det tydligt att den nuvarande modellen som används i Eurokod EN 1991-2 är överdrivet konservativ och i stort behov av en uppdatering. Det fall med stört dynamisk förstoringsfaktor (120 km/h och en spannlängd på 4 m) som behandlas i denna rapport är avsevärt lägre än det som återfinns i Eurokod. Från känslighetsanalysen som genomfördes kunde det fastställas att många av parametrarna i systemet har en låg inverkan på förstoringsfaktorn. För parametrarna som dock hade inflytande skulle ett probabilistiskt angreppssätt kunna vara mer passande än det deterministiska som använts i denna avhandling.
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<p dir="ltr">The gastrointestinal tract harbors a diverse range of microorganisms, collectively constituting the gut microbiome. <a href="" target="_blank">The maintenance of a symbiotic relationship between the host and these microorganisms is essential to gastrointestinal health. Disruption of the ecological balance within the gut microbiome can result in discomfort or pathological conditions.</a> <a href="" target="_blank">This dissertation explores these alterations within the gastrointestinal tract as potential indicators for specific gastrointestinal diseases.</a> <a href="" target="_blank">In pursuit of this, I collaborated with others to develop a smart ingestible capsule that offers a non-invasive method for enhancing the effectiveness of differential diagnosis and treatment strategies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). </a>My contributions encompassed conducting <i>in vitro</i> protein sampling and extraction experiments, as well as enteric coating dissolution tests. Following thorough characterization of the capsule, I advanced to <i>ex vivo</i> sampling experiments. As a proof of concept, the capsule's sampling capabilities have been rigorously validated both <i>in vitro</i> and <i>ex vivo</i> using calprotectin, a key biomarker for monitoring and managing IBD. Future research may explore integrating this technology with other sensors for diverse chemical and gas sensing capabilities, aiming to refine the differential diagnostics of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and IBD.</p><p dir="ltr">Simultaneously, the potential transmission of pathogenic microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract to the environment through fecal matter can lead to substantial public health implications if adequate surveillance is not in place. These pathogens can contaminate water and food sources from various origins, exacerbating the problem. Furthermore, conventional laboratory-based assays, while effective, have extensive turnaround times and require skilled scientists to operate them. In response to this challenge, I have undertaken the development of point-of-care assays, aiming to streamline the detection of fecal contamination. This innovation is designed to mitigate the limitations associated with traditional methods by offering a more rapid and user-friendly approach. The primary objective is to enhance the accessibility of these assays, enabling on-site personnel with varying levels of expertise to utilize them effectively. Through the widespread adoption of these point-of-care assays, the overarching goal is to ensure the consistent provision of safe and reliable water and food supplies to the public.</p>
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[pt] Os protocolos de comunicação quântica são essenciais para a transmissão segura de informações, utilizando os princípios da mecânica quântica para
alcançar uma segurança inatingível por sistemas criptográficos clássicos. Diferentemente dos métodos tradicionais que dependem de chaves criptográficas
convencionais, os protocolos quânticos exploram propriedades únicas dos sistemas quânticos para garantir a segurança da comunicação. No entanto, a
implementação prática da distribuição quântica de chaves (QKD) é desafiada
por erros introduzidos durante a geração e transmissão de estados quânticos e
pela possível presença de espiões. Esta dissertação explora algumas das estratégias mais usadas para estimativa de erros, correção de erros e amplificação
de privacidade em sistemas de QKD. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica e
simulações abrangentes, o estudo avalia as técnicas mais eficazes em cada área.
O objetivo final desta análise é desenvolver um método a ser implementado
na Rede Rio Quântica, uma rede de comunicação quântica metropolitana que
interliga as instituições PUC-Rio, CBPF e UFRJ por meio de fibras ópticas e
a UFF através de um canal de espaço livre. Os resultados destacam a importância de otimizar as medidas de correção de erros e privacidade para melhorar
a confiabilidade e a segurança das redes de comunicação quântica. / [en] Quantum communication protocols are essential for secure transmission of information, utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics to achieve
security unattainable by classical cryptographic systems. Unlike traditional
methods that rely on conventional cryptographic keys, quantum protocols exploit unique properties of quantum systems to ensure communication security.
However, the practical implementation of quantum key distribution (QKD)
is challenged by errors introduced during the generation and transmission of
quantum states and the potential presence of eavesdroppers. This thesis explores some of the most commonly used strategies for error estimation, error
reconciliation, and privacy amplification within QKD systems. Through a literature review and comprehensive simulations, the study evaluates the most
effective techniques in each area. The ultimate goal of this analysis is to develop a method to be implemented on Rede Rio Quântica, a metropolitan quantum communication network interlinking the institutions PUC-Rio, CBPF and
UFRJ via optical fibers and UFF through a free-space channel. The findings
underscore the importance of optimizing error correction and privacy measures
to enhance the reliability and security of quantum communication networks.
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Prevalence analysis of putative periodontal pathogens in patients with aggressive periodontitis and healthy elderly / a molecular studyEdesi-Neuss, Lilian 21 November 2005 (has links)
Marginale Parodontitis, die multikausale Erkrankung des Parodonts ist eine Infektionskrankheit, modifiziert durch Wirtsfaktoren und äußere Einflüße. Die als pathogene Mischflora bezeichnete Kombination kommensaler Mikroorganismen spielt die primäre Rolle in der Ätiopathogenese der Parodontitis. In der Aufstellung des Studienziels wurden einzelne Bakterienarten (T. forsythensis, P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, C. rectus, F. nucleatum, Fusobacterium spp., P. intermedia, E. corrodens, V. parvula und C. ochracea) ausgewählt, die eventuell als "Markerkeime" in der aggressiven Form der Parodontitis betrachtet werden können. Dazu wurde eine Kontrollgruppe untersucht, die eine gesunde parodontale Flora besitzt. Die angewandte Nachweismethode basiert auf der PCR-Amplifikation von 16S rDNA und darauffolgender dot-blot Hybridisierung mit Oligonukleotidsonden. Die entsprechenden Sonden wurden hergestellt, optimiert und evaluiert. Für die epidemiologische Untersuchung wurde subgingivale Plaque von vier Parodontaltaschen und einer Kontrollstelle von 45 Patienten mit aggressiver Parodontitis, sowie an fünf Stellen von 21 Senioren entnommen. Die Prävalenz der einzelnen Bakterienarten wurde mit Hilfe des Chi-Quadrat Test verglichen. Obgleich eine hohe interindividuelle Variabilität der Kolonisationsmuster zu beobachten war, konnten T. forsythensis, P. gingivalis, C. rectus und F. nucleatum signifikant häufiger in den Parodontaltaschen als an den gesunden Stellen nachgewiesen werden und können deswegen als "Leitkeime" der aggressiven Parodontitis angesehen werden. A. actinomycetemcomitans konnte nur bei einzelnen Patienten mit aggressiver Parodontitis festgestellt werden. Die Ergebnisse für P. intermedia und E. corrodens ließen keine eindeutige Assoziation sowohl mit der aggressiven Parodontitis als auch mit dem gesunden Parodontalzustand zu. Bei Senioren wurde C. ochracea besonders häufig nachgewiesen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bewiesen die erfolgreiche Einsetzbarkeit der hergestellten Oligonukleotidsonden. / A multifactorial risk pattern of periodontitis has been recognized, where in addition to host and environmental factors, a pathogenic microbiota plays a primary role. The purpose of the current research was to analyze the prevalence of periodontitis-associated microorganisms in patients with aggressive periodontitis and periodontally healthy elders by using molecular-biologic detection methods like eubacterial PCR-amplification of 16S rDNA in combination with dot-blot hybridization. The oligonucleotide probes for the detection of T. forsythensis, P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, C. rectus, F. nucleatum, Fusobacterium spp., P. intermedia, E. corrodens, V. parvula and C. ochracea were designed and evaluated. The PCR products of 42 cultivated target and closely related bacteria were used for the optimization of hybridization conditions. For the epidemiological study, subgingival plaque was sampled from four pockets and one healthy site of 45 aggressive periodontitis patients as well as from five sites of 21 elderly. The differences in the prevalence of bacterial species were analyzed by the chi-square test. The data revealed frequent colonization by T. forsythensis, P. gingivalis, F. nucleatum and C. rectus in patients with aggressive periodontitis, however individual variations were obvious. These species could be predominantly identified in periodontal pockets, but were significantly less common in the healthy sites of the periodontitis patients and in the elderly. These putative pathogens can be conclusively determined as the key-bacteria in patients with aggressive periodontitis. No direct association for P. intermedia and E. corrodens with aggressive periodontitis or periodontal health could be seen. A. actinomycetemcomitans could be detected in only a few patients, reducing its suspected importance in the etiology of aggressive periodontitis. C. ochracea was highly prevalent in the well-maintained elderly, suggesting its association with healthy flora. The results of the study confirmed the reliability of the oligonucleotide probes in a specific and sensitive detection of the respective oral species.
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Antibody-gated amplification systems for lateral flow assaysCosta, Elena 20 December 2024 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Möglichkeit untersucht, eine bestimmte Klasse von Pestiziden mit einem Lateral-Flow-Test als Plattform und einem Smartphone-Setup für die Signalerkennung nachzuweisen. Konkret handelt es sich bei Typ-I-Pyrethroiden um Insektizide, die zur Bekämpfung von Stechmücken eingesetzt werden, die z.B. Überträger von Viruserkrankungen sein können. Permethrin und Phenothrin, die bekanntesten Pyrethroid-Verbindungen, werden seit einiger Zeit zur Desinfektion von Flugzeugen auf Flügen aus und in tropischen Gebieten verwendet, um die Ausbreitung gefährlicher Krankheiten wie Malaria, Zika oder Dengue zu verhindern. Da es immer noch keine Kontrolle über die Menge der an Bord versprühten Insektizide gibt, wird eine neue effektive und schnelle Methode zur Analyse von Pyrethroiden direkt im Flugzeug benötigt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein tragbarer Test im Lateral-Flow-Assay- (LFA-) Format realisiert, bei dem gegatterte Antikörper-Indikator-Freisetzungssysteme zum Nachweis eingesetzt werden. In der ersten Phase der Arbeit wurden verschiedene Träger aus mesoporösem Siliziumdioxid (von Nano- und Mikropartikeln in Form von Plättchen und kurzen Fasern), unterschiedliche Funktionalisierungswege sowie Beladungssequenzen untersucht und bewertet. Da sich diese Materialien gut für LFAs eignen, wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit nicht nur mit herkömmlichen Assays in Suspension, sondern auch im Teststreifenformat untersucht. Die Kombination von Farbstoffen als Indikatoren und Smartphones zum Auslesen konnten einfache analytische Tests entwickelt werden, die in Zukunft von ungeschultem Personal direkt am Ort des Geschehens, z. B. in einer Flugzeugkabine, eingesetzt werden können und Ergebnisse in weniger als 5 Minuten erforderlichen Selektivität liefern. / Across this work, it was investigated the possibility of detecting a specific class of pesticides with a lateral flow test as a platform and a smartphone set-up for signal detection. Specifically, type-I pyrethroids are insecticides employed eventually to kill mosquitos that can be vectors for e.g., viral diseases. Permethrin and phenothrin, the most well-known pyrethroid compounds, are recently used for disinfection purposes on airplanes from and to tropical areas to avoid the spread of dangerous illnesses as malaria, zika or dengue. As there is still no control on the amount of insecticide sprayed onboard, a new effective and rapid method for pyrethroids analysis directly in the plane is needed. For this purpose, a portable test in lateral flow assay format was realized involving gated antibody indicator delivery systems for sensing. In the first stage of the work, different mesoporous silica supports (from nano and microparticles to platelets and short fibers), different functionalisation routes, and different loading sequences were assessed. Then, the materials’ performances were evaluated by studying their temporal response behaviour and detection sensitivity, including the tightness of pore closure (through the amount of blank release in the absence of an analyte) and the release kinetics. Finally, because such materials are well-suited for LFAs, performance assessment included a test-strip format besides conventional assays in suspension. The combination of dyes as indicators and smartphones for read-out, simple analytical tests for use by untrained personnel directly at a point-of-need such as an airplane cabin, can be devised, allowing for results in less than 5 min with the-required selectivity.
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All-optical control of fiber solitonsPickartz, Sabrina 11 October 2018 (has links)
Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist eine mögliche Steuerung eines optischen Solitons in nichtlinearen optischen Fasern. Es gelang, die interessierenden Solitonparameter wie Intensität, Dauer und Zeitverschiebung durch die Wechselwirkung mit einer dispersiven Welle geringer Intensität kontrollierbar zu modifizieren.
Es wird eine neue analytische Theorie vorgestellt für die Wechselwirkung zwischen Solitonen und dispersiven Wellen, die auf der Kreuzphasenmodulation in nichtlinearen Fasern beruht. Das vorgestellte Modell kombiniert quantenmechnische Streutheorie und eine Erweiterung der Störungstheorie für Solitonen aus der nichtlinearen Optik. Damit wurden folgende neue Ergebnisse erzielt: (1) Die Entwicklung aller Solitonparameter wird korrekt vorhergesagt. Insbesondere wird die mögliche Verstärkung der Solitonamplitude erfolgreich bestimmt. (2) Passende Intervalle der Kontrollparameter, die eine effektive Solitonmanipulation garantieren, können quantitativ bestimmt werden. (3) Der Raman-Effekt wurde in die Modellbeschreibung eingebunden. Die klassische Abschätzung der Eigenfrequenzverschiebung des Solitons durch den Raman-Effekt wurde verbessert und erweitert durch eine neue Relation für den einhergehenden Amplitudenverlust. Weiterhin wurden solche Kontrollpulse bestimmt, die dieser Schwächung des Solitons entgegenwirken. Im Unterschied zu früheren Versuchen liefert die hier entwickelte Modellbeschreibung die passenden Parameterbereiche für eine stabile Auslöschung des Raman-Effektes. (4) Obwohl die Wechselwirkung selbst auf der Kreuzphasenmodulation basiert, spielt der ”self-steepening“- Effekt, der die Bildung von optischen Schocks beschreibt, eine entscheidende Rolle für eine effiziente Veränderung der Solitonparameter. / This work discusses the problem how to control an optical soliton propagating along a non- linear fiber. The approach chosen here is to change soliton delay, duration and intensity in a simple, predictable manner by applying low-intensity velocity-matched dispersive light waves.
A new analytic theory of cross-phase modulation interactions of solitons with dispersive control waves is presented which combines quantum mechanical scattering theory, a modified soliton perturbation theory and a multi-scale approach. This led to the following new results: (1) The evolution of all soliton parameters is correctly predicted. In particular the possible amplitude enhancement of solitons is successfully quantified, which could not be obtained by the standard formulation of the soliton perturbation theory. (2) General ranges for control parameters are quantitatively determined, which ensure an effective interaction. (3) The Raman effect is incorporated into the theory. The classical estimation of the Raman self-frequency shift is refined and expanded by a new relation for the amplitude loss arising with the Raman self-frequency shift. Furthermore, control pulses are identified which cancel soliton degradation due to Raman effect. In contrast to previously reported attempts with the interaction scheme under consideration, even parameter ranges are found which lead to a stable cancellation of the Raman effect. (4) New qualitative insights into the underlying process emerged. The prominent role of the self-steepening effect could be isolated. Though the pulse interaction is mediated by cross-phase modulation, the self-steepening effect causes an essential enhancement leading to much stronger changes in soliton parameters.
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Design of photoswitchable catalyst systemsStoll, Ragnar Samson 19 June 2009 (has links)
Photokontrolle von Eigenschaften einzelner Moleküle und größerer Molekülvereinigungen ist ein faszinierendes Feld aktueller chemischer Forschung. Das schlichte Potential der genauen Adressierbarkeit von chemischer Reaktivität sowie die Möglichkeit durch Ausnutzen des katalytischen Zyklus einen Lichtstimulus in ein verstärktes chemisches Signal zu übersetzen, machen die Photokontrolle über katalytische Aktivität zu einem besonders attraktiven Ziel. Daher wurde im Rahmen dieser Dissertation ein allgemeines Konzept zur Realisierung von photoschaltbaren Katalysatoren entwickelt, das auf der reversiblen sterischen Abschirmung eines katalytisch aktiven Zentrums durch eine photochrome Abschirmungsgruppe beruht. Durch Vorgabe des Schaltzustandes des Photochromes kann die Aktivität des Katalysators bestimmt werden. Das Konzept wurde durch die Entwicklung von konformativ eingeschränkten, photoschaltbaren Piperidinbasen umgesetzt, die synthetisch leicht durch einen in hohem Maße modularen Zugang erhalten werden konnten. Die Piperidinbasen erlaubten die Photokontrolle der Katalysatoraktivität in der Nitroaldol-Reaktion (Henry-Reaktion). Durch die Optimierung der Substituenten konnten bemerkenswerte katalytische AN/AUS-Verhältnisse erreicht werden. Die Reaktivitätsunterschiede konnten mit Änderungen der Basizität in Abhängigkeit vom Schaltzustand korreliert werden. Systematische NMR-spektroskopische und theoretische Untersuchungen der strukturellen Dynamik des Katalysators in Lösung ermöglichten die Formulierung von detaillierten Struktur-Reaktivitäts-Beziehungen. Eine Erweiterung des Konzepts auf intrinsisch reaktivere Katalysatoren sollte zu einer verbesserten Anwendbarkeit beitragen. Daher wurde das Konzept der reversiblen sterischen Abschirmung auf katalytisch aktive N-heterozyklische Carbene übertragen. Eine erfolgreiche Synthese wurde durch ungünstige sterische Wechselwirkungen zwischen den abschirmenden Gruppen an den Stickstoffatomen des Carbens verhindert. / Photocontrol over properties of single molecules and assemblies thereof is an appealing area of current chemical research. The mere potential to selectively address chemical reactivity as well as the possibility to transform an incoming light stimulus into an amplified chemical signal by exploiting the associated catalytic cycle renders photocontrol of catalytic activity a particularly attractive goal. In this dissertation, a general concept for the realization of photoswitchable catalysts was developed, based on reversible steric shielding of a catalyst’s active site by a photochromic blocking group. Dictating the photochrome’s switching state enables gated access to the active site, thereby photocontrolling the catalyst’s chemical reactivity. The concept was realized by designing conformationally restricted, photoswitchable piperidine bases, which were easily synthesized exploiting a highly modular approach. Indeed, the developed piperidine bases allowed to photocontrol the catalysts’ activities in the nitroaldol reaction (Henry reaction) and by tuning of the substituents significant catalytic ON/OFF-ratios were achieved. The reactivity differences could be correlated with changes of basicity depending on the photochrome’s switching state. Systematic NMR-spectroscopic and computational studies of the catalysts’ structural dynamics in solution enabled the formulation of detailed structure-reactivity relationships. Strategies for the implementation of the concept of reversible steric shielding into the N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) motif were devised to exploit the high reactivity of NHCs in numerous catalytic processes, which is expected to greatly enhance the utility of the concept. However, profound steric shielding of the active site to suppress unwanted OFF-state reactivity prevented the synthetic realization of the concept due to unfavorable steric interactions upon formation of the heterocyclic carbene from suitable precursors.
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