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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of the gut-brain axis in early stress-induced emotional vulnerability / Implication de l’axe intestin-cerveau dans la vulnérabilité émotionnelle associée au stress précoce

Rincel, Marion 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les maladies psychiatriques présentent de fortes comorbidités avec des désordres gastrointestinaux, ce qui suggère l’existence de bases physiopathologiques communes. Une littérature abondante démontre que l’adversité précoce (infection, stress) augmente la vulnérabilité aux désordres psychiatriques à l’âge adulte. Chez le rongeur, le modèle de séparation maternelle induit chez la descendance adulte des comportements hyperanxieux associés à une hypersensibilité au stress, ainsi que des dysfonctionnements de la sphère gastrointestinale. De plus, des études récentes rapportent une hyperperméabilité de la barrière intestinale chez les ratons soumis au stress de séparation, un effet conduisant potentiellement à une dysbiose et une perturbation de la communication intestin-cerveau. Le but de ma thèse était donc d’étudier le rôle de l’axe intestin-cerveau dans la mise en place des effets à long terme du stress précoce. Nos travaux récents ont montré que certains effets à long-terme de la séparation maternelle peuvent être atténués par l’exposition des mères à un régime hyperlipidique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons testé les effets du régime hyperlipidique maternel sur le cerveau et l’intestin de ratons soumis à la séparation maternelle. Nos résultats montrent que le régime maternel hyperlipidique protège de l’augmentation de la permeabilité intestinale induite par le stress. Nous avons ensuite testé le rôle causal de la perméabilité intestinale sur les comportements émotionnels à travers une approche pharmacologique et une approche génétique. Nous rapportons 1) que la restauration de la fonction barrière de l’intestin atténue certains effets de la séparation maternelle et 2) qu’une hyperperméabilité intestinale chez des souris transgéniques non soumises à un stress produit des effets similaires à ceux de la séparation maternelle. Enfin, nous avons examiné les effets d’une adversité précoce multifactorielle sur le cerveau et l’intestin (perméabilité et microbiote) chez la descendance adulte mâle et femelle dans un modèle combinant infection prénatale et séparation maternelle. Nos résultats mettent en évidence un effet sexe très marqué sur les phénotypes comportements et intestinaux. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour identifier les mécanismes sous-tendant les effets de la perméabilité et la dysbiose intestinale sur la vulnérabilité émotionnelle associée au stress précoce. / Early-life adversity is a main risk factor for psychiatric disorders at adulthood; however the mechanisms underlying the programming effect of stress during development are still unknown. In rodents, chronic maternal separation has long lasting effects in adult offspring, including hyper-anxiety and hyper-responsiveness to a novel stress, along with gastrointestinal dysfunctions. Moreover, recent studies report gut barrier hyper-permeability in rat pups submitted to maternal separation, an effect that could potentially lead to dysbiosis and altered gut-brain communication. Therefore, the aim of my PhD was to unravel the role of the gut-brain axis in the neurobehavioral effects of early-life stress. We recently reported that some neural, behavioral and endocrine alterations associated with maternal separation in rats could be prevented by maternal exposure to a high-fat diet. We first addressed the effects of maternal high-fat diet on brain and gut during development in the maternal separation model. We show that maternal high-fat diet prevents the stress-induced decrease in spine density and altered dendritic morphology in the medial prefrontal cortex. Moreover, maternal high-fat diet also attenuates the exacerbated intestinal permeability associated with maternal separation. To explore a potential causal impact of gut leakiness on brain functions, we then examined the impact of pharmacological and genetic manipulations of intestinal permeability on brain and behavior. We report 1) that restoration of gut barrier function attenuates some of the behavioral alterations associated with maternal separation and 2) that chronic gut leakiness in naive adult transgenic mice recapitulates the effects of maternal separation. Finally, we examined the effects of multifactorial early-life adversity on behavior, gut function and microbiota composition in males and females using a combination of prenatal inflammation and maternal separation in mice. At adulthood, offspring exposed to early adversity displayed sex-specific behavioral (social behavior deficits in males and increased anxiety in females) and intestinal phenotypes. In conclusion, our work demonstrates an impact of gut dysfunctions, in particular gut leakiness, on the emergence of emotional alterations. Further studies are needed to unravel the role of the gut dysbiosis in the expression of the behavioral phenotypes associated with early-life adversity.

Cooperative Drug Combinations Target Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors in Cancer

Tyler John Peat (11790659) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<p>Multiple myeloma (MM) is a neoplasm involving plasma cells in the bone marrow. Drug resistance and progression are common, underscoring the need for new drug combinations. Utilizing a high-throughput screen of tool compounds to limit gro­­­­wth of human MM cell lines and <i>i</i><i>n silico</i> robust regression analysis of drug responses, potential synergistic combinations were identified. Further selection of effective combinations that reduce oncogenic MYC expression and enhance tumor suppressor p16 activity was based on earlier genetic and drug studies that identified MYC and p16 as appropriate targets in MM. Furthermore, the top three combinations synergistically reduced drug sensitive and resistant cell viability <i>in vitro</i> and the were effective in <i>ex vivo</i> treated patient cells Combination-associated survival was also prolonged in a transplantable Ras-driven allograft model of advanced MM that closely recapitulates MM in humans. One top drug combination was selected for further preclinical development. Targets, mechanism of action, and efficacy of the combination were evaluated through several <i>in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo </i>models, as well as <i>ex vivo</i> in myeloma patient cells. Effective targeting of the combination resulted in synergistic inhibition of proteasome inhibitor (PI) sensitive MM cells, as well as cell with induced PI resistance. Additionally, the combination was effective at delaying L363 MM xenograft growth in NSG mice and prolonging survival compared to single agent therapy. Finally, a cooperative signature of combined targeting was elucidated via RNA sequencing. These data identify potentially useful drug combinations for preclinical evaluation in drug-resistant MM and may ultimately reveal novel mechanisms of combined drug sensitivity.</p>


Jared Thomas (8766693) 14 May 2020 (has links)
<p>Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder that results from triplication of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) and occurs in around 1 in 1000 live births. All individuals with DS present with skeletal abnormalities typified by craniofacial features, short stature and low bone mineral density (BMD). Differences between males and females with DS suggest a sexual dimorphism in how trisomy affects skeletal deficits associated with trisomy 21 (Ts21). Previous investigations of skeletal abnormalities in DS have varied methodology, sample sizes and ages making the underlying causes of deficits uncertain. Mouse models of DS were used to characterize skeletal abnormalities, but the genetic and developmental origin remain unidentified. Over-expression <i>Dyrk1a</i>, found on Hsa21 and mouse chromosome 16 (Mmu16) has been linked to cognitive deficits and skeletal deficiencies. Dp1Tyb mice contain three copies of all of the genes on Mmu16 that are homologous to Hsa21, males and females are fertile, and therefore are an excellent model to test the hypothesis that gene dosage influences the sexual dimorphism of bone abnormalities in DS. Dp1Tyb at 6 weeks 16 weeks showed distinctive abnormalities in BMD, trabecular architecture, and reduced bone strength over time that occur generally through an interaction between sex and genotype. Increased gene dosage and sexual dimorphism in Dp1Tyb mice revealed distinct phenotypes in bone formation and resorption. To assess how <i>Dyrk1a</i> influences the activity and function of osteoblasts Ts65Dn female trisomic mice, female mice with a floxed <i>Dyrk1a</i> gene (Ts65Dn, <i>Dyrk1a</i><sup>fl/+</sup>) were be bred to <i>Osx1</i>-GFP::Cre+ mice to generate Ts65Dn animals with a reduced copy of <i>Dyrk1a </i>in mature osteoblast cells. Female Ts65Dn,<i>Dyrk1a<sup>+/+/+</sup></i><sup> </sup>and Ts65Dn,<i>Dyrk1a<sup>+/+/-</sup></i>displayed significant defects in both trabecular architecture and cortical geometry. Ultimate force was reduced in trisomic animals, suggesting whole bone and tissue level properties are not adversely affected by trisomy. Reduction of <i>Dyrk1a</i> functional copy number in female mice did not improve skeletal deficits in an otherwise trisomic animal. <i>Dyrk1a </i>may not alter osteoblast cellular activity in an autonomous manner in trisomic female mice. These data establish sex, gene dosage, skeletal site and age as important factors in skeletal development of the skeleton in DS mice, potentially paving the way for identification of the causal dosage-sensitive genes in both male and female animals. </p>

Sensomotorische Phänotypisierung von Mausmodellen für zentralnervöse Bewegungsstörungen

Gerstenberger, Julia 02 May 2017 (has links)
Einleitung: Tiermodelle spielen für die Aufklärung pathophysiologischer Mechanismen und die Entwicklung erfolgsversprechender Therapieoptionen zentralnervöser Bewegungsstörungen eine unverzichtbare Rolle. Die Identifizierung von Gendefekten für die Parkinson-Krankheit und Dystonien ermöglichte die Generierung von Tiermodellen mit einer hohen „construct validity“. Weibliche transgene Thy1-aSyn Mäuse sowie DYT1 Knock-in (KI) Mäuse zeigen jedoch keine motorischen Störungen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten zur Aufdeckung sensomotorischer Beeinträchtigungen, die bei Parkinson- und Dystoniepatienten beobachtet werden, detaillierte Untersuchungen des Verhaltens an diesen beiden Mausmodellen durchgeführt werden. Zielstellung: Zunächst sollte ein sensitiver Verhaltenstest konstruiert und entwickelt werden, bei dem sich ändernde sensorische Stimuli während der Ausübung der motorischen Aufgabe impliziert werden. Bei der Etablierung dieses sogenannten „adaptiven rotierenden Balkentests“ (ARB-Test) sollte auch der Einfluss des genetischen Hintergrunds bei Wildtyp-Mäusen evaluiert werden. Daraufhin sollte überprüft werden, ob dieser Test den Endophänotyp der weiblichen Thy1-aSyn Mäuse aufdecken kann. In dem DYT1 KI Mausmodell sollte der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob die Tiere Verhaltensdefizite in spezifischen Tests zeigen, die sensomotorische Verschaltungen untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Die mRNA-Expression von α-Synuclein in der Substantia nigra bei männlichen und weiblichen Thy1-aSyn Mäusen wurde mithilfe der quantitativen Echtzeit-PCR (qPCR) ermittelt. Im Anschluss an die Entwicklung des neuen Verhaltensapparates für den ARB-Test wurden Thy1-aSyn Tiere beider Geschlechter in diesem Versuch getestet und ihre Leistung den Ergebnissen auf etablierten motorischen Verhaltenstests („challenging beam test“, „pole test“) gegenübergestellt. Um den Einfluss des Hintergrundstammes auf das Verhalten der Tiere auf dem ARB-Test zu untersuchen, wurden Wildtypen der reinen C57BL/6J-Linie sowie Hybrid-Tiere des Stammes C57Bl/6J × DBA2 (BDF1) allen drei o. g. Versuchen unterzogen. Bei den Mäusen des DYT1 KI Modells wurde der „adhesive removal test“ und der ARB-Test zur Analyse der Sensomotorik durchgeführt. Im Vergleich dazu wurden vielfältige Verhaltensparameter in einer Reihe vorwiegend motorischer (Offenfeld-Test, „challenging beam test“, „pole test“, Zylinder-Test, Block-Test, Nestbau-Test) und kognitiver („y-maze test“) Verhaltenstests ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Bei den weiblichen Thy1-aSyn Mäusen wurde eine geringere Expression des Transgens im Vergleich zu den männlichen Tieren festgestellt. Der neue ARB-Test wurde erfolgreich etabliert und konnte signifikante Verhaltensdefizite der weiblichen und männlichen Mutanten des Parkinson-Modells im Vergleich zu den Kontrolltieren aufdecken. Der genetische Hintergrund beeinflusste die Leistung der Wildtypen auf diesem Balkentest. Während die DYT1 KI Tiere in den rein motorischen und kognitiven Versuchen keine Beeinträchtigungen des Verhaltens zeigten, konnten der „adhesive removal test“ sowie der neue ARB-Test signifikante sensomotorische Defizite der KI Mäuse im Unterschied zu den Wildtypen zum Vorschein bringen. Schlussfolgerung: Im Thy1-aSyn Mausmodell konnte die Bedeutung der sensomotorischen Integration für die Ausprägung motorischer Defizite sowie für eine mögliche Kompensation solcher motorischen Beeinträchtigungen demonstriert werden. Hierfür hat sich der neu entwickelte, sensitive ARB-Test als geeignet herausgestellt. Die Aufdeckung von Beeinträchtigungen der Sensomotorik spricht auch bei den DYT1 KI Tieren für den Einfluss einer gestörten sensomotorischen Integration bei der Ausprägung der Symptomatik. Damit eignet sich dieses Mausmodell für die Untersuchung weiterer Parameter, die Auswirkungen auf die Aufdeckung des Phänotyps und die Penetranz der Erkrankung haben sowie um die zugrunde liegenden pathophysiologischen Mechanismen zu erforschen.

Paměťové a behaviorální vlivy biperidenu, M1-selektivního antagonisty, u laboratorního potkana / Mnemonic and behavioural effects of biperiden, an M1-selective antagonist, in the rat

Popelíková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Due to the persisting lack of reliable animal models of cognitive impairment with good translational validity, researches strive to discover new ways and tools to replicate symptoms of human neurodegenerative diseases in rodents. Recently, biperiden, an M1- selective muscarinic antagonist, has been proposed as a potential tool for generating fast screening models of mnemonic deficits such as seen in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Being highly selective for the M1 receptor, a predominant type of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain involved in cognitive processes, it has been speculated to possibly only influence cognition without causing sensorimotor side effects. Studies assessing the usability of this drug reported conflicting results. We have decided to expand the experimental data and evaluate biperiden's validity in several variants of the Morris water maze. The results of this study showed no significant effect of biperiden on cognitive flexibility, tested by reversal learning. In delayed-matching-to-position paradigm, which tests assesses working memory, we found a difference in performance between the two experimental groups; however, it cannot be unequivocally attributed to a memory impairment. No effects were observed in visible platform task, confirming a lack of...

Úloha stabilních analogů peptidu uvolňujícího prolaktin při obezitě a hypertenzi. / The role of stable analogs of prolactin-releasing peptide in obesity and hypertension.

Neprašová, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Anorexigenic neuropeptides have the potential to decrease food intake and ameliorate obesity and its complications such as high blood glucose or high blood pressure. However, they are not able to cross the blood-brain barrier after peripheral application. Recently, we have designed and synthesized lipidized analogs of prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP), which resulted in stabilization of the molecule and allowed us to apply the peptide to the periphery to achieve its central biological effect, as it was demonstrated by increased neuronal activity shown by c-Fos in particular hypothalamus nuclei. The aim of this study was to choose the effective dose in acute food intake experiments and then to characterize the subchronic effect of palmitoylated PrRP analogs in mouse and rat models of obesity and diabetes. Several animal models were used: diet-induced obese (DIO) mice (C57Bl/6J), DIO Sprague-Dawley rats, and two rat models with leptin receptor-deficiency: Zucker diabetic (ZDF) rats and spontaneously hypertensive (SHROB) rats. Consumption of a high-fat diet in DIO mice and rats increased their body weight and blood pressure. Two-week intraperitoneal treatment with palmitoylated PrRP31 lowered the food intake, body weight, and returned the blood pressure to normal levels. This treatment also improved...

Vliv memantinu a riluzolu na učení ve zvířecím modelu obsedantně-kompulzivní poruchy vyvolaném sensitizací pomocí 8-OH-DPAT / Effects of memantine and riluzole on learning deficits in an animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder induced by 8-OH-DPAT sensitization

Mainerová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a chronic psychiatric disease. It seriously limits the quality of life of patients. Treatment of OCD is not yet fully successful and still many patients are left with debilitating symptoms without functioning medication. Animal models of genetic, behavioral, pharmacological, and optogenetic origins are beneficial in the achievement of new understandings of the disease. Chronic sensitization of serotonin 1A and 7-receptors with an agonist 8-OH-DPAT ((8- hydroxy-2-(di-propylamino)-tetralin hydrobromide) induces perseverative and compulsive behaviors, which is considered to constitute an animal model of OCD. In this thesis, the 8-OH- DPAT model has been tested in the active place avoidance task on Carousel maze to provide information about the model on learning. Second, this model is used to determine, whether co- administration of memantine or riluzole alleviates the cognitive and learning deficits of this model. To uncover these effects, an active place avoidance task on a Carousel maze was used. Measured criteria were total distance, entrances to the shock sector, total number of shocks, and median speed after the shock. During habituation, the animals were sensitized to 8-OH-DPAT (with a control group that did not receive 8-OH-DPAT but only saline). In an...

Effect of spatial learning on the protein tyrosine phosphatase STEP

McAnulty, Christina 04 1900 (has links)
La protéine Striatal-Enriched Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP) joue un rôle important dans la régulation de la force synaptique, notamment par sa capacité à s'opposer au renforcement synaptique et à encourager la dépression à long terme. Des niveaux anormaux de STEP peuvent altérer l'apprentissage et la mémoire et ont été impliqués dans une variété de troubles neuropsychiatriques tels que la maladie d'Alzheimer. Bien qu'il existe de nombreux substrats et régulateurs connus de STEP, la gamme complète des molécules capables d'intéragir avec STEP reste à découvrir. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé deux méthodes complémentaires afin de trouver de nouveaux intéracteurs de STEP: l'identification par proximité à la biotine (BioID) et la purification par affinité couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (AP-MS). Nous avons ensuite utilisé le protocole de la piscine de Morris chez le rat afin de déterminer l'effet d'un apprentissage spatial sur les niveaux de STEP61, STEP non phosphorylé, le récepteur 1 de la neuromédine U (NMUR1) et la neurologine-1 (NLGN-1) dans l'hippocampe des rats. Nous avons observé qu'un environnement naturel riche en indices distaux radicalement différents les uns des autres était plus propice à l'apprentissage spatial qu'un environnement plus uniforme avec uniquement des images disponibles pour être utilisées comme indices distaux. Nous avons également constaté que la protéine STEP61 totale, la STEP non-phosphorylé et la NMUR1 n'ont pas changé à la suite d'un apprentissage spatial, mais que la NLGN-1 change dans l'un des protocoles utilisés. Enfin, nous n'avons pas été en mesure d'induire des changements dans les niveaux de STEP grâce à l'utilisation de NMDA ou de DHPG pour induire une dépression à long-term dans des cultures hippocampiques dissociées. Des recherches supplémentaires seront nécessaires afin de déterminer la nature des nouvelles interactions découvertes, ainsi que la façon dont celles-ci sont affectées par un apprentissage spatial, et le rôle de la dépression à long terme ou de la potentialisation à long terme dans ces processus. / The Striatal-Enriched Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP) plays an important role in the regulation of synaptic strength, namely through its ability to oppose synaptic strengthening and encourage long term depression. Abnormal levels of STEP can impair normal learning and memory, and have been implicated in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease. Though there are many known substrates and regulators of STEP, the full range of STEP interactions remains to be discovered. In this study, we used Proximity-dependent Biotin Identification (BioID) and affinity-purified mass spectrometry (AP-MS) in order to identify novel interactors of STEP. We then used the Morris water maze (MWM) protocol in rats to determine the effect of a spatial learning event on STEP61, non-phosphorylated STEP, neuromedin U receptor 1 (NMUR1) and neurologin-1 (NLGN-1) levels in the hippocampus of rats. Throughout our experiments, we determined that a natural environment rich with dramatically different distal cues was more conducive to spatial learning than a more uniform environment with only images available to be used as distal cues. We found also that total STEP61, non-phosphorylated-STEP, and NMUR1 did not change as a result of a spatial learning event, but that NLGN-1 was increased in one of the protocols used. Finally, we were unable to induce changes in STEP levels through the use of NMDA or DHPG to induce long-term depression (LTD) in dissociated hippocampal cultures. Further research is required in order to determine the nature of the novel interactions discovered, as well as how these are impacted by a spatial learning event, and the role of LTD or long-term potentiation (LTP) in these processes.


18 February 2022 (has links)
[pt] No presente estudo, foi investigada a ocorrência da resposta de congelamento de defesa durante o período pré- e pós-choque empregado no protocolo para a criação seletiva das linhagens de ratos Cariocas alto- e baixo-congelamento condicionado na PUC-Rio. Além disso, para obter uma maior clareza da estrutura deste comportamento defensivo e sua relação com as duas linhagens, foi realizada uma extração de componentes. Foram detectadas diferenças significativas entre as linhagens nos períodos pré- e pós-choque, com a diferença no período pré-choque sendo proporcional à encontrada no fenótipo. A análise fatorial revelou 4 componentes, o primeiro relacionado ao fenótipo, o segundo à parcela final do período pré-choque, o terceiro ao período pós-choque e o quarto à parcela inicial do período pré-choque. Estes resultados demonstram que o protocolo empregado foi capaz de produzir diferenças significativas nas linhagens selecionadas para alto e baixo congelamento condicionado em paradigmas de ansiedade incondicionada, indicando um mutualismo genético por trás destes mecanismos, observado pela primeira vez com ratos selecionados apenas pelo medo contextual condicionado. O componente que carregou a parcela final do período de habituação (pré-choque) mostrou-se mais responsável por explicar a variação individual do que a parcela inicial ou o pós-choque, indicando que este período dos minutos 5 a 8 é um intervalo ideal para obter de forma mais eficaz o traço comportamental do animal. / [en] The present study investigated freezing behavior patterns during the selective breeding protocol employed in the creation of the Cariocas High- and Low- Conditioned Freezing in PUC-Rio s Neuroscience Laboratory. There were significant differences found in the baseline, post-shock and retrieval (phenotype) freezing means of the High-, Low- and Control lines over the generations of selective breeding. A Principal Component Analysis of the freezing means in each minute of the contextual fear conditioning protocol revealed four components, the First loading the freezing in the retrieval period, the Second the final half of the baseline period, the Third loads the 3 minutes of freezing measured after foot shocks are received and the Fourth loads the first half of the baseline period. The analysis of the means shows that the selective breeding protocol employed successfully produced differences in anxiety in the selected lines. It s the first time this baseline difference in freezing is observed in Rats. Indicates that there s a genetic pleiotropy behind the underlying mechanisms that allow for a stronger or smaller fear response in response to contextual cues, conditioned or unconditioned. We hypothesize that this might be related to genetic differences in fear related spatial learning modulated by the selection process. Finally, the Second component loading the final half of the baseline period shows that this period (between 5 and 8 minutes) is better at producing a stable behavior pattern which more aptly reproduces the rat s individual identity.

Genetic Correlation between Alcohol Preference and Motor Impulsivity with Genetically Selected High-Alcohol and Low-Alcohol Preferring Lines of Mice

Novotney, Devon Michael 20 September 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Alcohol related problems and abuse continue to be serious problems in the U.S. today affecting nearly 17.6 million Americans. Understanding of the specific genes and related behaviors associated with alcohol use may provide substantial preventative measures for those who are at an increased risk. Genetically selected lines such as the high-alcohol preferring (HAP) and low-alcohol preferring (LAP) mice have been created to examine which endophenotypes co-segregate with alcohol preference. One behavioral trait that has been commonly associated with alcohol related problems is impulsivity. Impulsivity is the inability to withhold a response (motor impulsivity) or to act without forethought (cognitive impulsivity). The latter comprises much of the research and literature today using delay discounting models to tease out differences in subject’s wiliness to discount larger reinforcers for smaller immediate reinforcers. This study utilized relatively two newer paradigms associated with motor impulsivity in attempt to test differences in response disinhibition between two independent replicate HAP and LAP lines. It is hypothesized that the genes responsible for alcohol preference would be genetically correlated with motor impulsivity as HAP mice would display a greater degree of response disinhibition. Two independent replicates consisting of 48 mice (24 HAP II and 24 LAP II, representing the 37th generation; 24 HAP III and 24 LAP III, representing the 13th generation) were tested in two separate identical experiments. Each experiment was comprised of three phases. Phase I utilized a fixed interval (FI) 120s procedure for 30 days. After the 30 days of FI exposure mice were immediately moved to phase II for 10 days which implored a differential reinforcement of low rate procedure (DRL) at a time interval of 20s. Phase III used the same procedures as Phase II except the DRL was increased to 32s. As hypothesized, there was a moderate genetic correlation between alcohol preference and impulsivity as the HAP II mice displayed greater response disinhibition throughout all three phases compared to the LAP II mice. No differences were observed amongst the replicate III mice in any of the three phases. The findings from this study provide additional support that a genetic correlation between alcohol preference and impulsivity exists as seen in the delay discounting literature. Though this was observed in only one of the two replicates, interpretations must be taken at caution as the replicate III mice are still in the early stages of selection. It is possible at this stage in the selection process that increases in alcohol over successive generations are associated with selecting for taste until a threshold is met where selection shifts to pharmacologic drinking relevance. Until later generations of replicate III mice are studied where pharmacologic drinking occurs, conclusions from this study provide a moderate genetic correlation between alcohol preference and impulsivity.

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