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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antenas planares multicamadas com materiais supercondutores e fot?nico para comunica??es m?veis

Alves, George Dennes Fernandes 04 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GeorgeDFA_Capa_ate_pag15.pdf: 8968407 bytes, checksum: 05f7b40d8df8312cf173aaad3ec43f83 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-04 / Recently, planar antennas have been studied due to their characteristics as well as the advantages that they offers when compared with another types of antennas. In the mobile communications area, the need for this kind of antennas have became each time bigger due to the intense increase of the mobile communications this sector. That needs of antennas which operate in multifrequency and wide bandwidth. The microstrip antennas presents narrow bandwidth due the loss in the dielectric generated by radiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due the generation of surface waves in the substrate. In this work some used techniques to minimize the disadvantages (previously mentioned) of the use of microstrip antennas are presented, those are: substrates with PBG material - Photonic Bandgap, multilayer antennas and with stacked patches. The developed analysis in this work used the TTL - Transverse Transmission Line method in the domain of Fourier transform, that uses a component of propagation in the y direction (transverse to the direction real of propagation z), treating the general equations of electric and magnetic field as functions of Ey and Hy. One of the advantages of this method is the simplification of the field equations. therefore the amount of equations lesser must the fields in directions x and z be in function of components Ey and Hy. It will be presented an brief study of the main theories that explain the superconductivity phenomenon. The BCS theory. London Equations and Two Fluids model will be the theories that will give support the application of the superconductors in the microfita antennas. The inclusion of the superconductor patch is made using the resistive complex contour condition. This work has as objective the application of the TTL method to microstrip structures with single and multilayers of rectangular patches, to obtaining the resonance frequency and radiation pattern of each structure / Recentemente as antenas planares t?m despertado interesses devido ?s suas caracter?sticas, assim como pelas vantagens que oferecem quando comparadas com os demais tipos de antenas. Na ?rea de comunica??es m?veis a necessidade de antenas desse tipo tem-se tornado cada vez maior devido ao intenso crescimento desse setor, necessitando de antenas que operem em multifreq??ncia e em banda larga. As antenas de microfita apresentam largura de banda estreita devido ?s perdas no diel?trico geradas pela irradia??o. Outra limita??o ? a degrada??o do diagrama de irradia??o devido ? gera??o de ondas de superf?cie no substrato. Neste trabalho s?o apresentadas algumas t?cnicas usadas para tentar minimizar as desvantagens (citadas acima) do uso de antenas de microfita, sendo elas: substratos com material PBG - Photonic Bandgap, antenas em multicamadas e a utiliza??o de patches fabricados de materiais supercondutores. As an?lises desenvolvidas neste trabalho foram realizadas com a utiliza??o do m?todo LTT - Linha de Transmiss?o Transversa no dom?nio da transformada de Fourier, que utiliza uma componente de propaga??o na dire??o y (transversa ? dire??o real de propaga??o z), tratando assim as equa??es gerais dos campos el?tricos e magn?ticos em fun??es de Ey e Hy. Uma das vantagens desse m?todo ? a simplifica??o das equa??es de campo, pois a quantidade de equa??es ? menor devido os campos nas dire??es x e z ficarem em fun??o das componentes Ey e Hy. Ser? apresentado um breve estudo das principais teorias que explicam o fen?meno da supercondutividade. As teorias BCS, Equa??es de London e modelo dos Dois Fluidos ser?o as teorias que dar?o suporte a aplica??o dos supercondutores nas antenas microfita. A inclus?o do patch supercondutor ? feita utilizando-se a condi??o de contorno complexa resistiva. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a aplica??o do m?todo LTT ?s estruturas de microfita

Aplicación de la tecnología XPIC como mejora de una red de transporte microondas existente en el Perú

Marvin Alonso, Rodríguez García, Achahue Alvarez, Enrique Manuel January 2015 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación muestra el estudio realizado en una red de transporte microondas de un operador local de telecomunicaciones que aplica el uso de la polarización cruzada o también llamado polarización co-canal con el fin de verificar que existe una duplicidad del ancho de banda y por ende un mejoramiento en la red de transporte, a través del manejo de aplicación de XPIC. Para verificar el mejoramiento de un enlace, hay que considerar ciertos parámetros de radio que nos ayudaran a determinar el comportamiento del mismo, como son el nivel de XPD, nivel de RSL, Margen de desvanecimiento y disponibilidad del enlace. Dentro del estudio se está considerando los factores externos que afectan a un enlace microondas con el uso de XPIC como fallas en instalación, climas por región, obstrucciones en afectación de línea de vista, así como también estudiaremos la parte de simulación con los parámetros de radio involucrados que podrían afectar a poder duplicar la capacidad del enlace, y se mostrará un caso real para verificar el tráfico. This research project shows a study in a network of microwave complimentary local telecommunications operator that applies the use of cross polarization also called co-channel polarization in order to verify that there is a duplication of bandwidth and hence an improvement in the transport network, by managing application XPIC. To verify the improvement of a link, consider certain parameters within which we help to determine the behavior of the same, as are the level of XPD, level RSL, fade margin and link availability. Inside the studio is considering external factors affecting a microwave link using XPIC as faulty installation, climates region affectation obstructions in line of sight, the radio parameters were studied in the part that involved simulation could affect the ability to double bond, and show a real case to verify traffic.

Estratégias para aumento da eficiência espectral e energética em redes TWDM-PON / Strategies to increase spectral and energetic efficiency in TWDM-PON networks

Diego Marques Dourado 15 July 2016 (has links)
O problema estudado relaciona-se ao planejamento de redes ópticas de acesso TWDM (Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing), tendo como meta prover meios para atender ao consumo crescente de banda e, ao mesmo tempo, associar o mesmo ao menor consumo de energia possível e disponibilizar serviços de qualidade aos usuários da rede. Neste contexto, após a apresentação de uma revisão bibliográfica, alguns trabalhos foram selecionados como referências base para o estudo. Neste, foram analisadas técnicas de gerenciamento do comprimento de onda numa possível migração tecnológica dos equipamentos de acesso à rede pelo lado do usuário, as unidades de rede óptica (ONUs), considerando ser possível aproveitar de forma eficiente a distribuição de ONUs em cada par de comprimentos de onda, e como resultado, desligar interfaces de gerenciamento para economia de energia. Em paralelo a este objetivo, foram agregados métodos de \"registro adaptativo\" para melhorar o desempenho das ONUs que estão migrando e/ou entrando na rede, evitando colisões entre seus sinais e aumentando as chances de registro no terminal de linha óptico (OLT). Além do mais, o trabalho aborda o cumprimento do contrato de serviços (SLA) por parte das operadoras de telecomunicações, bem como oferece meios de estruturar uma rede óptica passiva (PON) para oferecer serviços com garantia de métricas de qualidade (QoS). Diferentes cenários foram tratados ao variar a porcentagem de usuários ativos na rede, e percebeu-se que, quando a PON opera com baixo índice de atividade (média 10% de ONUs ativas), foi possível economizar mais de 80% de energia em interfaces de gerenciamento. Por outro lado, ao envolver cenários mais realistas em redes ópticas (média de 50% de ONUs ativas), o TWDM-PON economizou quase 50% de energia nestas interfaces ao ser configurado com baixo período de migração (5 minutos). Além disso, alcançou um SLA de aproximadamente 100%, um valor considerado acima do usual quando se trata de cumprimento de serviços. Como uma tecnologia emergente, o TWDM-PON destaca-se num cenário que deve ser planejado para ser compatível com tecnologias implantadas, e além de disso, superar o legado de redes PON na economia de energia e qualidade de serviços oferecidos. / The problem studied is related to the planning of optical access networks TWDM (Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing), aiming to provide means to meet the increasing bandwidth consumption and, at the same time, associating it to the lowest possible power consumption and providing quality services to the network users. In this context, following the presentation of a literature review, some studies were selected as a reference basis for the study. In this, some wavelength management techniques were analyzed aiming a possible technological migration of the network access equipment at the user side, the optical network units (ONU), whereas it is possible to use efficiently the ONUs distribution in each pair of wavelength. As a result, it becomes possible to switch off some management interfaces thus assuring a degree of power consumption save. In parallel, methods for providing an \"adaptive record\" of ONUs have been aggregated to improve the performance of those ONUs that are migrating and/or entering the network, avoiding collisions between their signals and increasing the chance of their registration in the optical line terminal (OLT). Furthermore, this work deals with the fulfillment of the service agreement (SLA) signed by telecommunications operators and proposes ways to design a passive optical network (PON) in order to offer services with quality metrics assurance (QoS). Different scenarios were treated to vary the percentage of active users on the network, and it was noticed that when the PON operates with low rate of activity (average 10% of active ONUs), it was possible to save over 80% energy in the management interfaces. Moreover, by involving more realistic scenarios in optical networks (50%, in average, of active ONUs), the TWDM-PON saved almost 50% of energy at the interfaces to be configured with low migration period (5 minutes). Additionally, it reached an SLA of approximately 100%, a value considered above the usual when it comes to compliance services. As an emerging technology, TWDM-PON stands out in a scenario that should be designed to be compatible with deployed technologies, and beyond that, to overcome the legacy of PON networks in energy saving and quality of services offered.

Técnicas de proteção e restauração em redes ópticas elásticas / Protection and restoration techniques in elastic optical networks

André Luiz Ferraz Lourenço 26 November 2015 (has links)
As redes ópticas estão passando por mudanças significativas, impulsionadas pelo crescimento exponencial do tráfego, principalmente advindo de serviços multimídia e armazenamento em nuvem. Esta demanda exigirá aumento da capacidade da taxa de transmissão para padrões como 400 Gb/s e 1 Tb/s. Nesse contexto, foi proposta uma arquitetura de rede com grade de frequências granular flexível chamada elastic optical network (EON). A EON divide o espectro de frequências em fatias (slots) de tamanho fixo e aloca grupos de slots contíguos estritamente de acordo com os requisitos de banda das demandas de conexão, implicando eficiência de uso do espectro. Com o aumento significativo da taxa de transmissão, acentuou-se a preocupação em manter a sobrevivência da rede, já que pouco tempo de queda no serviço pode acarretar uma imensa perda de dados. Neste trabalho, investigamos esquemas de proteção baseados em caminhos compartilhados (shared-path protection, SPP) e esquemas de restauração de tráfego. Avaliamos esquemas divulgados na literatura como o dynamic load balancing shared-path protection (DLBSPP) e esquemas de restauração como o traffic aware restoration (TAR) e bandwidth squeezed restoration (BSR). Avaliamos também uma heurística de alocação de slots chamada inverted dual stack (IDS). O DLBSPP utiliza balanceamento dinâmico de carga para computar os caminhos primários e de proteção compartilhados. O TAR executa a restauração dinâmica ordenando as conexões por granularidade de banda. O BSR utiliza a capacidade de contração de banda do EON para restaurar conexões por meio da política de melhor esforço ou de banda garantida, dependendo do acordo de níveis de serviço do cliente. O esquema IDS concentra o maior número possível de slots compartilhados em uma região do espectro. As medidas de desempenho dos algoritmos são avaliadas segundo as métricas: probabilidade de bloqueio, taxa de utilização do espectro, número médio de hops e taxa de restauração falha. As simulações computacionais mostram o bom desempenho da utilização do esquema IDS com DLBSPP. / Optical networks are undergoing significant changes driven by the exponentially growing traffic, especially coming from multimedia and cloud storage services. This demand will require increasing of the transmission rate capacity as high as 400 Gb/s and 1 Tb/s. Within this context, it was proposed the elastic optical network (EON), which is a network architecture with flexible granular frequency grid. EON divides the frequency spectrum into slices (slots) of fixed size and allocates groups of contiguous slots strictly according to the bandwidth requirement of the connection demands, providing high spectrum use efficiency. The significant increase in transmission rate put emphasis on the need to maintain the survival of the network, since the occurrence of faults in the network nodes or links can cause huge loss of data. In this work, we investigate protection schemes based on shared-path protection (SPP) and traffic restoration schemes. We evaluate schemes related in the literature, such as the dynamic load balancing shared-path protection (DLBSPP), and restoration schemes such as the traffic aware restoration (TAR) and the bandwidth squeezed restoration (BSR). The DLBP scheme uses dynamic load balancing to compute primary and shared protection paths. The TAR performs dynamic restoration ordering the connections based on band granularity. The BSR uses EON\'s band squeezing feature to restore connections by means of the best effort or guaranteed bandwidth strategy, depending on the customer\'s service level agreement. IDS scheme concentrates the maximum possible number of shared slots in a given region of the spectrum. Performance of the algorithms are evaluated according to metrics: blocking probability, spectrum utilization rate, average number of hops and failure restoration rate. Computer simulations show that the use of the IDS scheme improves the performance of the investigated algorithms.

TCP Protocol Optimization for HTTP Adaptive Streaming / Optimisation du protocole TCP pour le streaming adaptatif sur HTTP

Ben Ameur, Chiheb 17 December 2015 (has links)
Le streaming adaptatif sur HTTP, désigné par HAS, est une technique de streaming vidéo largement déployée sur Internet. Elle utilise TCP comme protocole de transport. Elle consiste à segmenter la vidéo stockée sur un serveur web en petits segments indépendants de même durée de lecture et transcodés à plusieurs niveaux de qualité, désignés par "chunks". Le player, du côté du client HAS, demande périodiquement un nouveau chunk. Il sélectionne le niveau de qualité en se basant sur l’estimation de la bande passante du/des chunk(s) précédent(s). Étant donné que chaque client HAS est situé au sein d’un réseau d’accès, notre étude traite un cas fréquent dans l’usage quotidien: lorsque plusieurs clients partagent le même lien présentant un goulot d’étrangement et se trouvent en compétition sur la bande passante. Dans ce cas, on signale une dégradation de la qualité d’expérience (QoE) des utilisateurs de HAS et de la qualité de service (QoS) du réseau d’accès. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’optimiser le protocole TCP pour résoudre ces dégradations de QoE et QoS. Notre première contribution propose une méthode de bridage du débit HAS au niveau de la passerelle. Cette méthode est désignée par "Receive Window Tuning Method" (RWTM): elle utilise le principe de contrôle de flux de TCP et l’estimation passive du RTT au niveau de la passerelle. Nous avons comparé les performances de RWTM avec une méthode récente implémentée à la passerelle qui utilise une discipline particulière de gestion de la file d’attente, qui est désignée par "Hierarchical Token Bucket shaping Method" (HTBM). Les résultats d’évaluations indiquent que RWTM offre une meilleure QoE et une meilleure QoS de réseau d’accès que HTBM. Notre deuxième contribution consiste à mener une étude comparative combinant deux méthodes de bridages, RWTM et HTBM, avec quatre variantes TCP largement déployées, NewReno, Vegas, Illinois et Cubic. Les résultats d'évaluations montrent une discordance importante entre les performances des différentes combinaisons. De plus, la combinaison qui améliore les performances dans la majorité des scénarios étudiés est celle de RWTM avec Illinois. En outre, une mise à jour efficace de la valeur du paramètre "Slow Start Threshold", sthresh, peut accélérer la vitesse de convergence du player vers la qualité optimale. Notre troisième contribution propose une nouvelle variante de TCP adaptée aux flux HAS, qu’on désigne par TcpHas; c’est un algorithme de contrôle de congestion de TCP adapté aux spécifications de HAS. TcpHas estime le niveau de la qualité optimale du flux HAS en se basant sur l’estimation de la bande passante de bout en bout. Ensuite, TcpHas applique un bridage au trafic HAS en fonction du débit d’encodage du niveau de qualité estimé. TcpHas met à jour ssthresh pour accélérer la vitesse de convergence. Une étude comparative a été réalisée avec la variante Westwood+. Les résultats d’évaluations montrent que TcpHas est plus performant que Westwood+. / HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) is a streaming video technique widely used over the Internet. It employs Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as transport protocol and it splits the original video inside the server into segments of same duration, called "chunks", that are transcoded into multiple quality levels. The HAS player, on the client side, requests for one chunk each chunk duration and it commonly selects the quality level based on the estimated bandwidth of the previous chunk(s). Given that the HAS clients are located inside access networks, our investigation involves several HAS clients sharing the same bottleneck link and competing for bandwidth. Here, a degradation of both Quality of Experience (QoE) of HAS users and Quality of Service (QoS) of the access network are often recorded. The objective of this thesis is to optimize the TCP protocol in order to solve both QoE and QoS degradations. Our first contribution consists of proposing a gateway-based shaping method, that we called Receive Window Tuning Method (RWTM); it employs the TCP flow control and passive round trip time estimation on the gateway side. We compared the performances of RWTM with another gateway-based shaping method that is based on queuing discipline, called Hierarchical Token Bucket shaping Method (HTBM). The results of evaluation indicate that RWTM outperforms HTBM not only in terms of QoE of HAS but also in terms of QoS of access network by reducing the queuing delay and significantly reducing packet drop rate at the bottleneck.Our second contribution consists of a comparative evaluation when combining two shaping methods, RWTM and HTBM, and four very common TCP variants, NewReno, Vegas, Illinois and Cubic. The results show that there is a significant discordance in performance between combinations. Furthermore, the best combination that improves performances in the majority of scenarios is when combining Illinois variant with RWTM. In addition, the results reveal the importance of an efficient updating of the slow start threshold value, ssthresh, to accelerate the convergence toward the best feasible quality level. Our third contribution consists of proposing a novel HAS-based TCP variant, that we called TcpHas; it is a TCP congestion control algorithm that takes into consideration the specifications of HAS flow. Besides, it estimates the optimal quality level of its corresponding HAS flow based on end-to-end bandwidth estimation. Then, it permanently performs HAS traffic shaping based on the encoding rate of the estimated level. It also updates ssthresh to accelerate convergence speed. A comparative performance evaluation of TcpHas with a recent and well-known TCP variant that employs adaptive decrease mechanism, called Westwood+, was performed. Results indicated that TcpHas largely outperforms Westwood+; it offers better quality level stability on the optimal quality level, it dramatically reduces the packet drop rate and it generates lower queuing delay.

Multi-dimensional direct-sequence spread spectrum multiple-access communication with adaptive channel coding

Malan, Estian 25 October 2007 (has links)
During the race towards the4th generation (4G) cellular-based digital communication systems, a growth in the demand for high capacity, multi-media capable, improved Quality-of-Service (QoS) mobile communication systems have caused the developing mobile communications world to turn towards betterMultiple Access (MA) techniques, like Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) [5]. The demand for higher throughput and better QoS in future 4G systems have also given rise to a scheme that is becoming ever more popular for use in these so-called ‘bandwidth-on-demand’ systems. This scheme is known as adaptive channel coding, and gives a system the ability to firstly sense changes in conditions, and secondly, to adapt to these changes, exploiting the fact that under good channel conditions, a very simple or even no channel coding scheme can be used for Forward Error Correction(FEC). This will ultimately result in better system throughput utilization. One such scheme, known as incremental redundancy, is already implemented in the Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) standard. This study presents an extensive simulation study of a Multi-User (MU), adaptive channel coded Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Multiple Access (DS/SSMA) communication system. This study firstly presents and utilizes a complex Base Band(BB) DS/SSMA transmitter model, aimed at user data diversity [6] in order to realize the MU input data to the system. This transmitter employs sophisticated double-sideband (DSB)Constant-Envelope Linearly Interpolated Root-of-Unity (CE-LI-RU) filtered General Chirp-Like (GCL) sequences [34, 37, 38] to band limit and spread user data. It then utilizes a fully user-definable, complex Multipath Fading Channel Simulator(MFCS), first presented by Staphorst [3], which is capable of reproducing all of the physical attributes of realistic mobile fading channels. Next, this study presents a matching DS/SSMA receiver structure that aims to optimally recover user data from the channel, ensuring the achievement of data diversity. In order to provide the basic channel coding functionality needed by the system of this study, three simple, but well-known channel coding schemes are investigated and employed. These are: binary Hamming (7,4,3) block code, (15,7,5) binary Bose-Chadhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) block code and a rate 1/3 <i.Non-Systematic (NS) binary convolutional code [6]. The first step towards the realization of any adaptive channel coded system is the ability to measure channel conditions as fast as possible, without the loss of accuracy or inclusion of known data. In 1965, Gooding presented a paper in which he described a technique that measures communication conditions at the receiving end of a system through a device called a Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) [12, 13]. This device accelerates the system’sBit Error Rate (BER) to a so-called Pseudo Error Rate(PER) through a process known as threshold modification. It then uses a simple PER extrapolation algorithm to estimate the system’s true BER with moderate accuracy and without the need for known data. This study extends the work of Gooding by applying his technique to the DS/SSMA system that utilizes a generic Soft-Output Viterbi Algorithm(SOVA) decoder [39] structure for the trellis decoding of the binary linear block codes [3, 41-50], as well as binary convolutional codes mentioned, over realistic MU frequency selective channel conditions. This application will grant the system the ability to sense changes in communication conditions through real-time BER measurement and, ultimately, to adapt to these changes by switching to different channel codes. Because no previous literature exists on this application, this work is considered novel. Extensive simulation results also investigate the linearity of the PER vs. modified threshold relationship for uncoded, as well as all coded cases. These simulations are all done for single, as well as multiple user systems. This study also provides extensive simulation results that investigate the calculation accuracy and speed advantages that Gooding’s technique possesses over that of the classic Monte-Carlo technique for BER estimation. These simulations also consider uncoded and coded cases, as well as single and multiple users. Finally, this study investigates the experimental real-time performance of the fully functional MU, adaptive coded, DS/SSMA communication system over varying channel conditions. During this part of the study, the channel conditions are varied over time, and the system’s adaptation (channel code switching) performance is observed through a real-time observation of the system’s estimated BER. This study also extends into cases with multiple system users. Since the adaptive coded system of this study does not require known data sequences (training sequences), inclusion of Gooding’s technique for real-time BER estimation through threshold modification and PER extrapolation in future 4G adaptive systems will enable better Quality-of-Service (QoS) management without sacrificing throughput. Furthermore, this study proves that when Gooding’s technique is applied to a coded system with a soft-output, it can be an effective technique for QoS monitoring, and should be considered in 4G systems of the future. / Dissertation (MEng (Computer Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / unrestricted

A High Performance Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Encrypted On-Chip Bus Architecture for Internet-of-Things (IoT) System-on-Chips (SoC)

Yang, Xiaokun 25 March 2016 (has links)
With industry expectations of billions of Internet-connected things, commonly referred to as the IoT, we see a growing demand for high-performance on-chip bus architectures with the following attributes: small scale, low energy, high security, and highly configurable structures for integration, verification, and performance estimation. Our research thus mainly focuses on addressing these key problems and finding the balance among all these requirements that often work against each other. First of all, we proposed a low-cost and low-power System-on-Chips (SoCs) architecture (IBUS) that can frame data transfers differently. The IBUS protocol provides two novel transfer modes – the block and state modes, and is also backward compatible with the conventional linear mode. In order to evaluate the bus performance automatically and accurately, we also proposed an evaluation methodology based on the standard circuit design flow. Experimental results show that the IBUS based design uses the least hardware resource and reduces energy consumption to a half of an AMBA Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB) and Advanced eXensible Interface (AXI). Additionally, the valid bandwidth of the IBUS based design is 2.3 and 1.6 times, respectively, compared with the AHB and AXI based implementations. As IoT advances, privacy and security issues become top tier concerns in addition to the high performance requirement of embedded chips. To leverage limited resources for tiny size chips and overhead cost for complex security mechanisms, we further proposed an advanced IBUS architecture to provide a structural support for the block-based AES algorithm. Our results show that the IBUS based AES-encrypted design costs less in terms of hardware resource and dynamic energy (60.2%), and achieves higher throughput (x1.6) compared with AXI. Effectively dealing with the automation in design and verification for mixed-signal integrated circuits is a critical problem, particularly when the bus architecture is new. Therefore, we further proposed a configurable and synthesizable IBUS design methodology. The flexible structure, together with bus wrappers, direct memory access (DMA), AES engine, memory controller, several mixed-signal verification intellectual properties (VIPs), and bus performance models (BPMs), forms the basic for integrated circuit design, allowing engineers to integrate application-specific modules and other peripherals to create complex SoCs.

Antenna Shape Synthesis Using Characteristic Mode Concepts

Ethier, Jonathan L. T. January 2012 (has links)
Characteristic modes (CMs) provide deep insight into the electromagnetic behaviour of any arbitrarily shaped conducting structure because the CMs are unique to the geometry of the object. We exploit this very fact by predicting a perhaps surprising number of important antenna metrics such as resonance frequency, radiation efficiency and antenna Q (bandwidth) without needing to specify a feeding location. In doing so, it is possible to define a collection of objective functions that can be used in an optimizer to shape-synthesize antennas without needing to define a feed location a priori. We denote this novel form of optimization “feedless” or “excitation-free” antenna shape synthesis. Fundamentally, we are allowing the electromagnetics to dictate how the antenna synthesis should proceed and are in no way imposing the physical constraints enforced by fixed feeding structures. This optimization technique is broadly applied to three major areas of antenna research: electrically small antennas, multi-band antennas and reflectarrays. Thus, the scope of applicability ranges from small antennas, to intermediate sizes and concludes with electrically large antenna designs, which is a testament to the broad applicability of characteristic mode theory. Another advantage of feedless electromagnetic shape synthesis is the ability to synthesize antennas whose desirable properties approach the fundamental limits imposed by electromagnetics. As an additional benefit, the feedless optimization technique is shown to have greater computational efficiency than traditional antenna optimization techniques.

Étude des problèmes d’ordonnancement sur des plates-formes hétérogènes en modèle multi-port

Rejeb, Hejer 30 August 2011 (has links)
Les travaux menés dans cette thèse concernent les problèmes d'ordonnancement sur des plates-formes de calcul dynamiques et hétérogènes et s'appuient sur le modèle de communication "multi-port" pour les communications. Nous avons considéré le problème de l'ordonnancement des tâches indépendantes sur des plates-formes maîtres-esclaves, dans les contextes statique et dynamique. Nous nous sommes également intéressé au problème de la redistribution de fichiers répliqués dans le cadre de l'équilibrage de charge. Enfin, nous avons étudié l'importance des mécanismes de partage de bande passante pour obtenir une meilleure efficacité du système. / The results presented in this document deal with scheduling problems on dynamic and heterogeneous computing platforms under the "multiport" model for the communications. We have considered the problem of scheduling independent tasks on master-slave platforms, in both offline and online contexts. We have also proposed algorithms for replicated files redistribution to achieve load balancing. Finally, we have studied the importance of bandwidth sharing mechanisms to achieve better efficiency.

Instrumental techniques for improving the measurements based on Quartz Crystal Microbalances (Técnicas instrumentales para mejorar las mediciones con microbalanzas de cuarzo)

Torres Villa, Robinsón Alberto 01 October 2012 (has links)
L'Electrogravimetria AC empra una microbalança de quars electroquímica (EQCM) en règim dinàmic. En l'EQCM un dels elèctrodes d'or depositats sobre el cristall és recobert amb una fina pelolícula d'un polímer electroactiv i és emprat com a elèctrode de treball (WE) dins d'una celola electroquímica. Les variacions de la freqüència de ressonància de la microbalança de quars (QCM) permeten obtindre la resposta massa associada amb la transferència de càrrega que es dóna en la interfície polímer-electròlit. L'Electrogravimetria AC va ser proposta a fi de caracteritzar i separadament identificar el moviment dels ions i el solvent en la interfície polímer-electròlit. En esta tècnica s'analitza en el domine de la freqüència la resposta de massa davant de xicotetes pertorbacions de voltatge gràcies a l'ocupació de la microbalança de quars en règim dinàmic. Per a este propòsit s'aplica una xicoteta pertorbació sinusoidal superposada a una tensió contínua, entre l'elèctrode de referència i l'elèctrode de treball de la celola. Posteriorment, es pot dibuixar la funció de transferència electrogravimètrica (EGTF), definida esta com la raó (?m/?E) entre l'amplitud dels canvis de massa induïts (?m) i l'amplitud de la pertorbació sinusoïdal aplicada (?E). Esta funció de transferència se dibuixa en un pla complex per a cada una de les freqüències de la senyal de pertorbació. Les distintes espècies iònicas involucrades són identificades en el pla complex per mitjà de bucles característics sempre que els bucles no se superposen. Per mitjà d'esta tesi doctoral es proposa un nou sistema de conversió de freqüència-tensió basat en un doble ajust de freqüència implementat amb un PLL mesclant elements analògics i digitals (AD PLL). Els resultats trobats tant en la caracterització electrònica del dispositiu com en la fase experimental proven la fiabilitat del sistema per als mesuraments realitzats en la tècnica d'Electrogravimetria AC. / Torres Villa, RA. (2007). Instrumental techniques for improving the measurements based on Quartz Crystal Microbalances (Técnicas instrumentales para mejorar las mediciones con microbalanzas de cuarzo) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17323 / Palancia

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