Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] BEARING CAPACITY"" "subject:"[enn] BEARING CAPACITY""
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Påverkan av en växtfasad på en befintlig byggnad i HalmstadOlsson, Ronja, Wallmark, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
As the population increases, Swedish cities are becoming more urbanized. Consequently, people’s well-being deteriorates, and global warming has become reality. Buildings are replacing green spaces, necessitating the implementation of new methods to reintroduce greenery into urban areas. This study was conducted to investigate how a wall of an existing building in Halmstad, Sweden, is affected by supporting a living wall concerning load-bearing capacity, moisture, energy performance and economics. The methodology of this qualitative study includes literature review, interviews, and calculations for moisture, heat, and load-bearing capacity. The study found that living walls serve as additional insulation and that moisture does not affect the existing wall due to a vapor barrier. Also that the calculated wall withstands the weight of the living wall. Installation and maintenance costs can vary widely, and there is a wide range of plant species available. It's important to find plants that can withstand the climate for the specific wall. A broader selection of plants is available among those that wither in a beautiful way and are thus not evergreen. After interviews, it can be noted that living walls require minimal maintenance and thus maintenance costs are constant. Over time, some costs will be reduced as cooling and heating expenses decrease since the living wall acts as additional insulation.
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Finite element analysis and simple design calculation method for rectangular CFSTs under local bearing forcesYang, Y., Wen, Z., Dai, Xianghe 26 May 2016 (has links)
No / Rectangular concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) may be subjected to local bearing forces transmitted from brace members while being used as a chord of a truss, and thus development of finite element analysis (FEA) and simple design calculation method for rectangular CFSTs under local bearing forces are very important to ensure the safety and reliable design of such a truss with rectangular CFST chords in engineering practices. A three-dimensional FEA model was developed using ABAQUS software package to predict the performance of thin-walled rectangular CFST under local bearing forces. The preciseness of the predicted results was evaluated by comparison with experimental results reported in the available literature. The comparison and analysis show that the predicted failure pattern, load versus deformation curves and bearing capacity of rectangular CFST under local bearing forces obtained from FEA modelling were generally in good agreement with the experimental observations. After the validation, the FEA model was adopted for the mechanism analysis of typical rectangular CFSTs under local bearing forces. Finally, based on the parametric analysis, simple design equations were proposed to be used to calculate the bearing capacity of rectangular CFST under local bearing forces. / National Natural Science Foundation of China (51421064) and the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province (2013020125). The financial support is gratefully acknowledged.
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Influência da dimensão e da sucção matricial no comportamento de fundações superficiais assentes em solo arenoso não-saturado / Size and matric influence in the behavior of shallow foundations in unsaturated sandy soilsVianna, Ana Paula Fontana 08 June 2005 (has links)
Analisa-se a influência da sucção matricial e da dimensão de sapatas na capacidade de carga e nos recalques de fundações rasas, assentes em areia não-saturada. Na primeira parte da pesquisa foram analisadas 14 provas de carga estática em placas metálicas rígidas assentes a 1,5 m de profundidade, com diâmetros de 0,20, 0,40 e 0,80m e em uma sapata circular de concreto com diâmetro de 1,50 m, no campo experimental de fundações da USP/São Carlos. Devido ao caráter colapsível do solo, a sucção matricial foi monitorada por meio de tensiômetros instalados no fundo da cava. Na segunda parte da pesquisa, foram realizados ensaios em centrífuga, na Universidade do Colorado em Boulder, utilizando-se placas metálicas de 30 mm, 50 mm e 100 mm, ensaiadas a 1 g, 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, 25 g, 50 g e 100 g. As placas foram assentes em maciço de areia em três condições de umidade: seca, inundada e não-inundada. A partir dos resultados obtidos, procedeu-se a análise da capacidade de carga levando-se em conta tanto o efeito da dimensão como o da sucção matricial. A influência da dimensão nos recalques também foi analisada. Ratificou-se que o aumento da sução matricial provoca um aumento substancial na capacidade de carga do sistema placa-solo e uma diminuição considerável nos recalques. Em relação à influência da dimensão no comportamento de fundações rasas, demonstrou-se que tanto a variação da capacidade de carga como a dos recalques não ocorre de forma linear e crescente como apresentado pelos métodos teóricos. Para pequenas dimensões da sapata, os valores de capacidade de carga e recalque aumentam / The influence of matric suction and size of footings in the bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations in unsaturated sandy soils are analyzed. Fourteen plate load tests were performed in the first part of the research. Rigid metallic plates with diameters 0,20, 0,40, 0,80 m and one concrete circular footing with 1,50 m were used in the tests. All plates and footing were positioned at 1,50 m depth. The tests were performed in the foundation experimental field of USP/São Carlos. Due to the soil collapsible character, the tests were performed with the monitoring of matric suction pressure through tensiometers installed in the bottom of the holes. Centrifuge tests were carried out at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the second part of the research. Metallic plates with 30 mm, 50 mm and 10 mm were used and the gravity levels were 1 g, 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, 25 g, 50 g e 100 g. The plates were positioned on top of a sandy soil with three moisture conditions: dry, flooded and non-flooded. Thus, the capacity will be analyzed taking into consideration both the geometry of the tested plates and the influence of the matric suction pressure. The footing size influence in the settlement was also analyzed. A substantial increase of the plate-soil system bearing capacity and a considerable decrease in the settlements, caused by matric suction increase, was confirmed. It was also demonstrated that the bearing capacity and settlements variations are not a linearly increasing function of the size as theoretical methods suggest. For small footings, the bearing capacity and settlement increase as the footing size decreases
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Determinação da capacidade de carga última de estaca cravada em ensaio de carregamento dinâmico de energia crescente / The evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of driven piles by using increasing energy dynamic load testsAoki, Nelson 07 November 1997 (has links)
Esta tese aplica o conceito de energia complementar para a determinação da capacidade de carga última de estaca cravada no ensaio de carregamento dinâmico de energia crescente. O ensaio de carregamento dinâmico com impactos de energia constante só permite obter a resistência estática mobilizada do modelo de CASE ou de SMITH com base na teoria da equação da onda e no Pile Driving Analyzer. A aplicação de impactos de energia crescente mostra que a curva de resistência estática - deslocamento dinâmico apresenta: a) trecho linear crescente seguido de trecho que se curva até que a tangente se torna vertical ou b) trecho crescente quase linear até um pico de resistência, seguido de uma curva de descarga até um determinado valor que corresponde à tangente vertical ou, c) trecho linear crescente seguido de trecho curvo cuja tangente não se verticaliza e onde a resistência volta a crescer. A ruptura do sistema estaca - maciço de solos é caracterizada pela energia complementar que passa em um máximo sempre que a resistência mobilizada atinge um pico. No pós-ruptura o excesso de energia aplicada e o excesso de trabalho das forças de amortecimento do impacto, em relação ao pico máximo, crescem linearmente com o nível de energia cinética aplicada. / This thesis suggests how to evaluate the ultimate bearing capacity of driven piles by using dynamic load tests with increasing energy. The dynamic load test with constant energy blows only allows the determination of the mobilized static resistance (CASE and SMITH\'s model), by using the wave equation theory and the Pile Driving Analyzer. The application of increasing energy blows shows that this static resistance: a) increases with increasing energy and then becomes constant or; b) increases with increasing energy up to a peak resistance and thereafter first decreases and then becomes constant or, c) starts to increase with increasing energy, then remains constant and after some blows starts to increase again. lt is shown that the rupture of the pile-soil system is characterized by the kinetic complementary energy reaching an upper limit when the impact mobilizes the maximum static pile capacity. All the energy or work done by damping forces, in excess of this maximum or peak situation, increases linearly with increasing energy.
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Metodologia semiempírica unificada para a estimativa da capacidade de carga de estacas. / Unified semiempirical methodology for estimating the load capacity of piles.Kurt André Pereira Amann 27 August 2010 (has links)
A pesquisa parte do fato de que os métodos semiempíricos de estimativa da capacidade de carga de estacas não devem ser empregados indiscriminadamente em qualquer região do país sem as devidas adequações às características do solo local. Constata-se, com isso, que não existem metodologias específicas para proceder tais adequações e que o meio técnico acaba por realizar a mera classificação dos métodos em conservador ou contra a segurança, o que se constitui num certo paradigma. Assim, o presente trabalho propõe uma Metodologia Semiempírica Unificada (MSU), em três etapas. Na primeira delas, o projetista estima a capacidade de carga a partir da otimização das melhores práticas adotadas pelos diversos métodos semiempíricos utilizados no Brasil. Discutem-se ainda o embutimento da ponta e a criação de novos métodos semiempíricos. Na segunda etapa, realiza-se a verificação de desempenho com base nos critérios de ruptura aplicados à curva carga-recalque de provas de carga. Nessa etapa, as imprecisões do dito paradigma são apontadas e faz-se uma nova proposta de aplicação dos critérios de ruptura. Na terceira etapa, faz-se uma retroanálise para aferição da estimativa semiempírica unificada da primeira etapa. Propõe-se, assim, o uso da separação das parcelas de atrito e ponta por meio de métodos de transferência de carga, bem como pela proposta de ajustes polinomiais, no caso de ensaios instrumentados. A análise crítica desse processo gerou a proposta de uma nova abordagem matemática da transferência de carga. A correção dos valores adotados para os coeficientes semiempíricos de cada camada, individualmente, é feita pela proposta de aplicação do conceito de Hierarquia dos Solos (AMANN, 2000). Os resultados de correção dos métodos semiempíricos, contudo, são específicos para o solo de cada local em estudo. Assim, são utilizados, como exemplo, ensaios em diversas regiões do país, o que permite a verificação da aplicabilidade da metodologia proposta. / The research starts from the fact that the semiempirical methods for estimating the pile load capacity shouldn\'t be used indiscriminately in any country\'s region without making proper adjustments to the local soil characteristics. It is verified, from this, that there are no specific methodologies to make such adjustments and the geotechnical engineers find themselves forced to perform a simple classification of the methods in \"conservative\" or \"against the safety\", which constitutes a form of paradigm. In this context, this paper proposes a Unified Semiempirical Methodology (MSU) in three steps. In the first, the designer estimates the foundation load capacity from the optimization of best practices adopted by different semiempirical methods used in Brazil. A discussion is also made the toe embedment and the creation of new semiempirical methods. In the second step, the verification of the foundation performance is carried out, based on the failure criteria applied to the load-settlement curve of load tests. At this step, the inaccuracies from that paradigm are outlined and a new proposal is made for applying the failure criteria. In the third step, a backanalysis is accomplished to admeasure the unified semiempirical estimative from the first step. It is, thus, proposed to separate both shaft friction and toe resistance from the total load, by means of load transfer methods, and by the proposal of polynomial adjustments in the case of instrumented piles. With the critical analysis of this process, a new mathematical approach to load transfer is presented. The correction of the coefficients of the semiempirical methods is made by the application of the Soils\'s Hierarchy concept (AMANN, 2000). The results of semiempirical methods correction, however, are specific to the soils of each particular site. The applicability, of the proposed methodology, is illustrated using pile load tests from various parts of the country.
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Beitrag zum Tragverhalten hybrider Träger aus Glas und Kunststoff / Contribution to studies on the structural behavior of hybrid beams made of glass and plasticsHärth-Großgebauer, Kristina 19 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Glasträger sind in einer auf Transparenz ausgerichteten Bauweise zunehmend gefragt. Üblicherweise bestehen diese lastabtragenden Elemente aus mehreren Glasscheiben, verbunden mit Polyvinylbutyral-Folie (PVB-Folie), und gleichen in ihrem Aufbau somit Verbund-Sicherheitsglas (VSG). VSG-Träger besitzen bei vollständigem Glasbruch keine Resttragfähigkeit und werden daher in Dicke und Aufbau mit dem Ziel ausgelegt, vollständigen Glasbruch zu vermeiden. Hybride Glasträger kombinieren in der Regel Glas mit einem duktilen Material und besitzen im Falle des vollständigen Glasbruchs ein duktiles Versagensverhalten. Sie stellen damit eine vielversprechende Option zur Erfüllung des geforderten Sicherheitsniveaus bei Glasträgern dar. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachteten hybriden Träger entstehen durch die flächige Verklebung von Glas- und transparenten Kunststoffscheiben mit einem ebenfalls transparenten Klebstoff. Bei vollständigem Glasbruch stellt sich ein Tragverhalten ein, bei dem infolge des Klebstoffverbunds der Kunststoff die Zugspannungen und das gebrochene Glas weiterhin Druckspannungen aufnimmt. Die erste Auswahl von Klebstoff und Kunststoff basiert auf Voruntersuchungen an kleinformatigen Prüfkörpern. Die erforderliche Kantenqualität von Floatglas wurde anhand von Vierpunkt-Biegeuntersuchungen bestimmt. Zur weiteren Beurteilung der Eignung des Klebstoffs dienen Klimawechseltests an kleinformatigen Hybridbauteilen, da zwischen Glas und Kunststoff deutliche Unterschiede in der Temperaturausdehnung vorliegen. Aufbauend auf den durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurden das Kunststoffmaterial Polycarbonat und ein niedrigviskoser UV- und strahlungshärtender Acrylatklebstoff, der im ausgehärteten Zustand über hohe Nachgiebigkeit verfügt, für die weiteren mechanischen Untersuchungen an Prüfkörpern im Bauteilformat ausgewählt. Kurzzeitversuche mit kraftgesteuerter Belastungsaufbringung und unter Variation von Polycarbonatdicke, Trägerhöhe und Glasart geben Aufschluss über das Trag- und Resttragfähigkeitsverhalten. Sie stellen die prinzipielle Wirkweise der Hybridträger vor und nach Bruch dar. Vergleichende Versuche an VSG-Trägern demonstrieren die fehlende Resttragfähigkeit dieser Elemente. Belastungsversuche an reinen Polycarbonatscheiben verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit der Stabilisierung der Hybridträger durch das gebrochene Glas. Langzeitversuche fanden bei statischer Belastung der intakten und gebrochenen Hybridträger statt. Lasthöhe und Belastungsdauer der gebrochenen Träger orientieren sich an realistischen Einsatzbedingungen. Die Versuche zeigen die Unterschiede bei der Entwicklung des Bruchbilds aufgrund der geringeren Last und ermöglichen die Untersuchung des Resttragfähigkeitsverhaltens unter Dauerlast sowie des Ablaufs und der Hintergründe des Trägerversagens. Aufbauend auf den durchgeführten Versuchen erfolgt eine Einteilung der unterschiedlichen Trägerzustände in drei Stadien mit Angaben zu einer einfachen analytischen Betrachtung. Die Diskussion der erhaltenen Ergebnisse sowie ein Ausblick auf weiteren Untersuchungsbedarf schließen die Arbeit ab. / In transparency-oriented architecture, glass beams are increasingly in demand. These load-bearing elements usually consist of multiple glass panes, bonded with polyvinyl butyral foil (PVB foil), and are comparable to laminated safety glass. These glass beams do not assure any level of post-breakage performance after complete glass breakage. Therefore glass thickness and assembly of the beams are chosen with the objective of avoiding complete glass breakage at all costs. Hybrid glass beams typically combine glass with a ductile material and offer a ductile failure mode in case of complete glass breakage. For this reason they represent a promising solution to meet the required safety levels for glass beams. This study deals with hybrid glass beams which are made by bonding panes of glass and transparent plastics using a transparent adhesive. In case of complete glass breakage the plastic material, which is connected to the glass by the adhesive bond, bears the tensile stress whereas the glass is still able to carry the compressive stress. The pre-selection of plastic and adhesive is based on preliminary tests on small specimens. The required quality of the edges of annealed glass was determined by specific four-point bending tests. Because of the considerable difference in thermal expansion between glass and plastics, alternating climate tests were executed on small hybrid components to further evaluate the suitability of the adhesive. Based on the research conducted, the plastic material polycarbonate and a UV- and light-curing acrylate adhesive, which shows a very flexible behavior when hardened, were chosen for further mechanical tests on larger specimens. Short-term tests with constantly increasing load and varying polycarbonate thickness, beam height and glass type provide information on the load-bearing capacity before and the residual load-bearing capacity after glass breakage of the hybrid beams. Comparative tests on laminated glass beams demonstrate the missing residual load-bearing capacity of these components. Loading tests on polycarbonate panes illustrate the need for stabilization of the hybrid beams by the broken glass. Long-term tests were executed by static loading of the intact and broken hybrid beams. The load level and the load duration of the broken beams are based on realistic working conditions. The tests show the difference in the development of the fracture pattern resulting of the lower load and allow the examination of the residual load-bearing capacity at continuous load as well as the process and the reasons behind the beam failure. Based on the tests conducted, three different states of the hybrid beams are categorized and detailed for their easy analytical approach. A discussion of the obtained results and an outlook on further needed research complete the study.
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Finite Element Analysis Of Laboratory Model Experiments On Behavior Of Shallow Foundations Under General LoadingOktay, Emre Hasan 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a series of laboratory model experiments carried on shallow foundations is intended to be simulated through numerical modeling. The laboratory model tests were conducted by Fukui et al. (2005), over square shaped, shallow surfacial foundations located over air-dried Toyoura sand. Tests included centered vertical and combined loading cases on sand with 60% and 80% relative densities. Plastic limit loads obtained from numerical analyses and available analytical solutions in literature are compared to the laboratory test results and the differences are discussed.
Employment of Mohr - Coulomb yield criterion and linear elasticity, resulting in linear elastic perfectly plastic constitutive law, is one of the most common practices in modeling geotechnical problems. Accuracy of this approach for the modeled experiments is judged by comparison of analyses results with experimental findings and solutions in literature. Finite element method is utilized for modeling purposes, with Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion and linear elastic behavior. Abaqus 6-10.2 is selected as the analysis software, and two and three dimensional models are used in the analyses. Analyses, the results of which are compared with experimental findings, aim employment of associated flow rule. Additional analyses are conducted with varying dilation angles in order to examine the influence of unassociated flow rule on eccentric and concentric loading results.
Differences between the results of numerical analyses and experimental observations varied between 2% and 34%. Main reason of the difference is attributed to employed soil behavior modeling approach in analyses and the eccentric placement of model weight in monotonic horizontal loading experiments. In the case when this eccentric placement is accounted for in numerical models, it is seen that the difference diminished to vary between 8% and 18%, and order of the difference was similar for similar experiment cases. Therefore, based on this condition, it is seen that results of the modeled experiments are consistent, while in general they are somewhat higher than the results obtained from analyses and solutions in literature. Difference between the results of analyses and average of selected solutions in literature in both cases is at most 9%.
Finite element method employing Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion could provide results in close agreement with solutions in literature that inherently assume Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion as well. However, the same accuracy could not be obtained for experiments due to uncertainties involved in the material properties as well as the insufficiencies of the model to represent the behavior precisely. Finite element method has the potential to consider more advanced material models. Nonetheless, employment of Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion provides results with sufficient accuracy for most cases.
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New mechanism-based design approaches for spudcan foundations in clayHossain, Muhammad Shazzad January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Three-legged mobile jack-up rigs supported on spudcan foundations are used to perform most offshore drilling in shallow to moderate water depths, and are now capable of operating in water depths up to 130 m. With the gradual move towards heavier rigs in deeper water, and continuing high accident rates during preloading of the spudcan foundations, appraisal of the performance and safety of jack-up rigs has become increasingly important. A crucial aspect of this is to improve understanding of the mechanisms of soil flow around spudcan foundations undergoing continuous large penetration, and to provide accurate estimates of spudcan penetration resistance, avoiding excessive conservatism. Spudcan foundations undergo progressive penetration during preloading, contrasting with onshore practice where a footing is placed at the base of a pre-excavated hole or trench. However, spudcan penetration is generally assessed within the framework used for onshore foundations, considering the bearing resistance of spudcans pre-placed at different depths within the soil profile. The lack of accurate design approaches that take proper account of the nature of spudcan continuous penetration, which is particularly important in layered soil profiles, is an important factor in the high rate of accidents. ... It was found that when a spudcan penetrated into single layer clay, there were three distinct penetration mechanisms: during initial penetration, soil flow extended upwards to the surface leading to surface heave and formation of a cavity above the spudcan; with further penetration, soil began to flow back gradually onto the top of the spudcan; during deep penetration, soil back-flow continued to occur while the initial cavity remained unchanged. For spudcan penetration in stiff-over-soft clay, four interesting aspects of the soil flow mechanisms were identified: (a) vertically downward motion of the soil and consequent deformation of the layer interface; (b) trapping of the stronger material beneath the spudcan, with this material being carried down into the underlying soft layer; (c) delayed back-flow of soil around the spudcan into the cavity formed above the spudcan; (d) eventual localised flow around the embedded spudcan, surrounded by strong soil. At some stage during continuous spudcan penetration, the soil starts to flow back into the cavity above the spudcan. The resulting back-flow provides a seal above the penetrating spudcan and limits the cavity depth. It was shown that the current offshore design guidelines are based on the wrong criterion for when back-flow occurs. New design charts with robust expressions were developed to estimate the point of back-flow and hence the cavity depth above the installed spudcan. Load-penetration responses were presented in terms of normalised soil properties and geometry factors for both single layer and two-layer clay profiles, taking full account of the observed flow mechanisms. Further, guidelines were suggested to evaluate the likelihood and severity of spudcan punch-through failure in layered clays. Finally, the effect of strain-rate and strain-softening was examined, in an attempt to model real soil behaviour more closely. Adjustment factors were proposed to modify the design approaches developed on the basis of ideal elastic-perfectly plastic soil behaviour.
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Determinação da capacidade de carga última de estaca cravada em ensaio de carregamento dinâmico de energia crescente / The evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of driven piles by using increasing energy dynamic load testsNelson Aoki 07 November 1997 (has links)
Esta tese aplica o conceito de energia complementar para a determinação da capacidade de carga última de estaca cravada no ensaio de carregamento dinâmico de energia crescente. O ensaio de carregamento dinâmico com impactos de energia constante só permite obter a resistência estática mobilizada do modelo de CASE ou de SMITH com base na teoria da equação da onda e no Pile Driving Analyzer. A aplicação de impactos de energia crescente mostra que a curva de resistência estática - deslocamento dinâmico apresenta: a) trecho linear crescente seguido de trecho que se curva até que a tangente se torna vertical ou b) trecho crescente quase linear até um pico de resistência, seguido de uma curva de descarga até um determinado valor que corresponde à tangente vertical ou, c) trecho linear crescente seguido de trecho curvo cuja tangente não se verticaliza e onde a resistência volta a crescer. A ruptura do sistema estaca - maciço de solos é caracterizada pela energia complementar que passa em um máximo sempre que a resistência mobilizada atinge um pico. No pós-ruptura o excesso de energia aplicada e o excesso de trabalho das forças de amortecimento do impacto, em relação ao pico máximo, crescem linearmente com o nível de energia cinética aplicada. / This thesis suggests how to evaluate the ultimate bearing capacity of driven piles by using dynamic load tests with increasing energy. The dynamic load test with constant energy blows only allows the determination of the mobilized static resistance (CASE and SMITH\'s model), by using the wave equation theory and the Pile Driving Analyzer. The application of increasing energy blows shows that this static resistance: a) increases with increasing energy and then becomes constant or; b) increases with increasing energy up to a peak resistance and thereafter first decreases and then becomes constant or, c) starts to increase with increasing energy, then remains constant and after some blows starts to increase again. lt is shown that the rupture of the pile-soil system is characterized by the kinetic complementary energy reaching an upper limit when the impact mobilizes the maximum static pile capacity. All the energy or work done by damping forces, in excess of this maximum or peak situation, increases linearly with increasing energy.
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Modelagem da curva de compressão e da pressão de preconsolidação do solo / Modeling of curve of compression and of the soil preconsolidation pressureGoulart, Rafael Ziani 24 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The preconsolidation pressure (σp) is obtained from the curve of the soil compression visual graphical form, mathematical or associating both and is an estimate of its load-bearing capacity. In order to remove the subjectivity of the visual graphical method is need for mathematical description (models using) of the compression curve. However, research results do not provide subsidies for the choice of a model whose σp represents well the resulting load-bearing capacity of soil, but if some model to represent, the σp should be a function of density and water content soil, other properties remain constant. The objective of this study was to understand the variability in the preconsolidation pressure caused by different models and options to adjust these models to the compression curve and evaluate the relationship of preconsolidation pressure with bulk density (Ds), volumetric water content (θ) and macroporisity (Ma) . For this, we performed the uniaxial compression test of 300 samples from a Hapludox, clayey, with wide variation Ds and θ. The preconsolidation pressure was determined by strictly mathematical, from the set of ten models, where seven of them consisted of variations of the model van Genuchten (1980) and others have been proposed by Friton (2001), Assouline (2002) and Gregory et al. (2006). The model proposed by Gregory and Friton possible to obtain the σp for only 62 and 56% of the curves, respectively, the variations of the model van Genuchten were enable the calculation of σp at least 90% of the curves. In three of the variations of the van Genuchten model, it was possible to get σp in 100% of the curves. The range of σp produced by the various options described in compression curve affects the physical significant of σp to represent the load bearing capacity of the soil. Likewise, Ds, θ and Ma, which influence the same load bearing capacity of the soil, not explained more than 58% of the variation of σp produced using different models. With the criteria used, it is not possible to choose one model over the other which allows to estimate more adequately by σp, the load bearing capacity of the soil, which limits the use of this parameter as an indicator for soil management agricultural. Given this result, it was investigated whether the percentage of deformation of the sample as a function of the applied loads would be more closely related to Ds, θ, and Ma was considered a safe limit of deformation of the physical viewpoint, that Ma deformation where the remains higher than 10%. The use of maintenance limit of 80% of voids index (Mεi) displaces the deformation to the plastic region of the curves of all the density ranges and therefore cannot be used for soil with structure more affected by compaction. The load to achieve a certain percentage (Mεi) is best explained by the variation of Ds and θ. The pedotransfer functions to load in Mεi between 85 and 87.5% resulted in higher coefficients of determination (0.74), having potential use of such values as critical limits to maintenance of porosity without degradation of soil physical quality. / A pressão de preconsolidação (σp) é obtida da curva de compressão do solo de forma gráfica visual, matemática ou associando ambas e é uma estimativa de sua capacidade de suporte de carga. A fim de se retirar a subjetividade do método gráfico visual, há necessidade de descrição matemática (uso de modelos) da curva de compressão. Porém, os resultados de pesquisa não fornecem subsídios para a escolha de um modelo cuja σp resultante represente, de maneira confiável, a capacidade de suporte de carga do solo. Entretanto, se algum modelo a representar, a σp deverá ser uma função da densidade e conteúdo de água do solo, mantidas constantes outras propriedades. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer a variabilidade na pressão de preconsolidação provocada por diferentes modelos e opções de ajuste desses modelos à curva de compressão e avaliar a relação da pressão de preconsolidação com a densidade do solo (Ds), conteúdo volumétrico de água (θ) e macroporosidade do solo (Ma). Para isso, foi realizado o ensaio de compressão uniaxial para 300 amostras provenientes de um Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico típico, com textura argilosa, com ampla variação Ds e θ. A pressão de preconsolidação foi determinada por meio estritamente matemático, a partir do ajuste de dez modelos, onde sete deles consistiram em variações do modelo de van Genuchten (1980) e os demais foram propostos por Friton (2001), Assouline (2002) e Gregory et al. (2006). Os modelos propostos por Gregory e Friton possibilitaram a obtenção da σp para apenas 62 e 56 % das curvas, respectivamente, já as variações do modelo de van Genuchten viabilizam o cálculo da σp para no mínimo 90 % das curvas. Em três das variações do modelo de van Genuchten, foi possível obter a σp em 100% das curvas. A variação da σp produzida pelas diferentes opções de descrição da curva de compressão compromete o significado físico da σp para representar a capacidade de suporte de carga do solo. Da mesma forma, Ds, θ e Ma, mesmo que influenciem a capacidade de suporte de carga do solo, não explicaram mais que 58% da variação da σp produzida com o uso de diferentes modelos. Com os critérios utilizados, não é possível eleger um modelo em relação aos demais que possibilite estimar de maneira mais adequada, através da σp, a capacidade de suporte de carga do solo, o que limita o uso desse parâmetro como um indicador para o manejo dos solos agrícolas. Diante desse resultado, foi
investigado se a porcentagem de deformação da amostra em função das cargas aplicadas estaria melhor relacionada com Ds, θ e Ma. Considerou-se um limite de deformação prudente do ponto vista físico, aquela deformação onde a Ma permaneça maior que 10%. O uso do limite de manutenção de 80 % do índice de vazios inicial (Mεi) desloca as deformações para a região plástica das curvas de todas as faixas de densidade e, por isso, não pode ser utilizado para solos com estrutura mais comprometida pela compactação. A carga para atingir determinada porcentagem de Mεi é melhor explicada pela variação da Ds e θ. As funções de pedotransferência da carga para a Mεi entre 85 e 87,5% resultaram em maiores coeficientes de determinação (0,74), havendo potencial da utilização destes valores como limites críticos de manutenção da porosidade sem haver degradação da qualidade física do solo.
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