Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] BEARING CAPACITY"" "subject:"[enn] BEARING CAPACITY""
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Pavement behaviour evaluation during spring thaw based on the falling weight deflectometer methodSveinsdóttir, Berglind Ösp January 2011 (has links)
The bearing capacity of a road decreases greatly during spring thaw, when the previously frozen road begins to thaw. The extent of this decrease can be evaluated by making Falling Weight Deflectomter (FWD) measurements on the road, measuring the deflection of the road when an impact load is applied to it. The bearing capacity of the road can then be evaluated by backcalculating the layer modules with backcalculation programs, or through more simple calculations based on the deflection basin indices. Both analyses were carried out in this thesis with data from FWD measurements which were carried out on county road Lv 126 in Southern Sweden during the year 2010. The temperature and moisture content of the road were monitored during the same time. The aim with the thesis was to compare the two ways of analyses, and to find out if there is some relationship between them and the measured environmental data. The results showed that the base course layer and subbase decreased in stiffness during spring thaw about 50% while the decrease in the subgrade was 20%, compared to the backcalculated summer and autumn value. The results of the simple calculations from the deflection basin indices were well comparable to the backcalculation results. By comparing the backcalculated stiffness values to the moisture content measurements it was stated that the stiffness decreased as the moisture content increased.
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YTBEHANDLADE TRÄELEMENT : En studie av brandskydd, bärförmåga, pris och miljöpåverkan av ytbehandlade träelement.Issa, Angelo, Machhadi, Maher, Barbu, Mircea January 2021 (has links)
The current Swedish building code (Boverkets Byggregler, BBR) is very strict regarding fire-safety in high-rise timber structures because of the heightened risk of fast flame spread or structural failure in case of fire. Fire safety solutions, that are used in timber structures must therefore be optimal to contain flames from spreading in the event of fire. The current building code requires that load-bearing elements must withhold their load-bearing capacity for 60 minutes under fire. The purpose of this study was to research the effect that different fire-retardant surface treatments, have on fire protection of a load bearing, laminated timber element. Thereafter, a short analysis was made on the environmental impact of the fire-retardant surface-treatments in question and finally, a cost analysis and comparison were conducted with regard to different fire-safety solutions such as fire-resistant gypsum board and a combination of fire-resistant gypsum board and stone-wool. The methods used in this study are a combination of theoretical reviews and theoretical calculations. A theoretical review was conducted in order to collect the information needed to understand the behavior of timber under fire, the impact of fire-resistant surface treatments on fire protection, and the environmental impact of the actual surface treatments. Therefore, a series of theoretical calculations were made in accordance with European standards (Eurocodes) in order to present the impact in numbers. The calculations made were concerning a laminated timber beam with the dimensions of 145 x 450 x 6000 [mm] and took into account the remaining cross-section of the timber element under various timestamps during fire with regard to fire-stage, charring-rate, and fire coating. The results of this study indicate that the moment-capacity and shear-capacity of an untreated beam decrease constantly under fire and does not fulfill the requirements of the Swedish building code. Thereafter, in case that the same timber beam is fire-treated with a fire-retardant surface treatment. The moment-capacity is observed to increase in the first stage of fire, were the fire-protection of the surface-retardant treatment is still in action. Therefore, after fire-protection ceases, the moment-capacity of the timber beam is calculated to decrease in different rates with regard to fire-stage. The shear capacity of the treated beam is calculated to decrease under fire with a time-displacement of 30 & 60 minutes in comparison to the untreated element. The conclusions are that the studied surface treated timber beam and the actual fire treatments fulfill the requirements of the Swedish building code. Have insignificant environmental impact and are in comparison to other solutions cheaper.
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Site Study of Fibrous Sediments in Sandviken, Ångermanälven River Estuary, Sweden / Platsstudie av fibersediment i Sandviken, Ångermanälven, SverigeGhaderidosst, Joanna January 2020 (has links)
Pulp and paper industries in Sweden have since the end of the 19th century until late 70s been active in dumping wastewater into adjacent water bodies that have created fibrous sediments called fiberbank and fiber-rich sediment. Fiberbanks are large banks of predominantly organic material while fiber-rich sediment is fibrous sediment that has been mixed with bottom sediment. The fiberbanks comprise of high levels of processed wood fibres and contaminants such as heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). It also produces carbon dioxide and methane gas by microbial activity and leaves the sediment with exit holes called pockmarks. These sediments have been proven to cause environmental harm to the benthic biological environment around it, also causing it to become anoxic/hypoxic. Some of the POPs bioaccumulate which also affect humans through fishing. If the fiberbanks are disturbed through e.g. mass movement, toxic contaminants could be released into the aquatic environment. Fiberbanks need to be remediated and more research is needed to characterise it. In-situ capping is a remediation technique that is being tested at the laboratory scale for its application to fiberbanks. It involves placing a layer of clean material on top of the sediment, in order to stabilize it and to limit contaminant release.Because of their high organic content and low density, these sediments might behave differently than typical natural sediments. Therefore, laboratory experiments are necessary to understand their key properties. This thesis focuses on the Sandviken site, for which the bearing capacity of fiberbanks, their thickness, and the compression rate of fiber-rich sediments are studied. The bearing capacity is the capacity for a sediment to hold a weight, and in the case of in-situ capping it is an important parameter to study. The thickness was interpreted from physical data collected by a fluid mud penetrometer (FluMu), from the University of Bremen to assess the fiberbank volume. Fiber-rich sediment is examined to expand the knowledge on its physical properties by testing consolidation and potential gas production.Bearing capacity was tested by placing sediment in a tank and placing a cap on top of it. The site thicknesses were interpolated in ArcMap into a visual topography where the volume could be calculated. Fiber-rich sediment consolidation was tested by placing the sediment in columns with different capping thicknesses. By monitoring bubbles and pockmarks, gas production was confirmed.Results show that the tank sediment construction kept its shape without collapsing or failing at the edges. Sediment/cap interface was sharp, it means little to no mixing between the layers. This proves that Sandviken fiberbank has enough bearing capacity to hold up a cap and that it contains contaminants well. FluMu interpretation resulted in a fiberbank volume of 51885 m3. The fiberbank thickest layer was interpreted as being in front of the sulphate factory which is a credible result. The fiberbank volume is not conclusive since the FluMu has not measured complete thicknesses of the layers. This can be said since thicknesses have been measured at a minimum of 6 m and the thickest point interpreted was 1,11 m. The fiber-rich sediment consolidation showed that a cap that is very thick will cause most consolidation and more rapid dissipation of pore water. Bubbles and pockmarks were observed and confirm gas production. / Papper- och massa-industrin i Sverige har varit aktiv fram till 1970-talet och har dumpat förorenat vatten i angränsande vattendrag. Detta har gett upphov till fibersediment som kallas fiberbank och fiberrikt sediment. Fiberbanker är stora banker av övervägande organiskt material och fiberrikt sediment är en blandning av fiberbank sediment och bottensediment. Fiberbankerna består mestadels av bearbetade träfibrer och föroreningar som tungmetaller och långlivade organiska föroreningar (POPs). Sedimentet producerar även växthusgaser genom mikrobiell aktivitet. Dessa sediment orsakat miljöskada på den biologiska bottenmiljön i omgivningen då den förlorat syreinnehåll. Samtliga POPs samlas i fisk vilket därav även påverkar människors hälsa. Om fiberbankerna skulle störas, släpps giftiga föroreningar ut i miljön. Fiberbanker måste åtgärdas och en saneringsteknik som undersöks i laboratorieskala är in-situ övertäckning. Detta innebär att placera ett lager av rent material ovanpå sedimentet för att stabilisera det och stoppa frigöring av föroreningar.På grund av sedimentets annorlunda karaktär är experiment i laboratorier nödvändiga för att förstå deras nyckelegenskaper. Detta arbete fokuserar på fiberbanken i Sandviken, fiberbankens bärförmåga, dess tjocklek och kompressionshastigheten för fiberrika sediment studeras. Bärförmågan är kapaciteten för ett sediment att hålla en vikt och när man ska belasta ett sediment med ett övertäckningslager är detta viktigt. Tjockleken av sedimentet undersöks för att bedöma fiberbankens volym i området. Fiberrikt sediment undersöks för att utöka kunskapen om dess fysiska egenskaper genom att testa konsolidering och om det producerar gas likt fiberbanksediment.Bärförmågan testades genom att placera sediment i en tank och placera ett lager av rent material på. Platstjocklekarna tolkades från fysiska data från en typ av sensor som penetrerar sediment och interpolerades därefter i ArcMap till en visuell topografi där volymen kunde beräknas. Fiberrik sedimentkonsolidering och gasproduktion testades genom att placera sedimentet i kolumner med olika locktjocklekar.Resultaten visar att bärförmågan av fiberbanksedimentet var tillräckligt för att klara av en grundlig belastning. Gränsen mellan sedimentet och övertäckningslagret var skarp i slutskedet, det innebär liten eller ingen blandning mellan skikten. Detta bevisar att sedimentet bibehåller övertäckningslager väl över sig då ytan är platt. Tolkningen av sensordata resulterade i en fiberbankvolym på 51885 m3. Fiberbankvolymen är inkomplett eftersom FluMu inte har uppmätt skiktens fullständiga tjocklekar eftersom tjocklekar har tidigare uppmätts till minst 6 m och den tolkade tjockaste punkten var 1,11 m. Den fiberrika sedimentkonsolideringen visade att ett övertäckningslager som är mycket tjock kommer att orsaka mest och snabbast konsolidering. Observationer bekräftade även gasproduktion i sedimentet.
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Förutsättningar för byte av skivmaterial i regelstomsystem - brandsäkerhetsperspektiv / Prerequisites for exchange of board materials for rail- and studsystems - fire safety perspective.Rezai, Zahra January 2020 (has links)
Bostadsbristen ökar i samhället och många byggföretag vill hitta en lösning som gör att det går att tillverka snabbare, billigare och säkrare byggnader. Att bygga moduler med trästomme är en lösning men användning av trä kräver särskilda kunskaper när det gäller brandskydd. Att skydda trästomme med gipsskivor kan vara en metod för att öka brandsäkerheten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Vida Building AB kan byta ut den bärande väggkonstruktionen i deras volymelement där reglarna skyddas av två gipsskivor av typ A med tjockleken 12,5 och en plywoodskiva med tjockleken 12,5 mm, mot en skiva av märket Fermacell, en så kallad fibergipsskiva. Bärförmågan har beräknats efter 60 minuters brand i väggkonstruktionen när gips-och plywoodskivor bytts mot skivor av Fermacell. Bestämning av bärförmågan hos konstruktionen gjordes med hjälp av två beräkningsmodeller. Resultatet visar att det går att använda en Fermacell skiva på 18 mm om reglarnas dimensioner ökas från 45x95 mm till 45x120 mm eller till 45x145 mm. Alternativt kan en bärförmåga motsvarande den för nuvarande konstruktion erhållas om två skivor av Fermacell med tjockleken 12,5 mm används.
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Skarvar i KL-träbjälklag : En teoretisk utvärdering av olika skarvtypers mekaniska- och kostnadsmässiga egenskaperLundstedt, Pontus January 2020 (has links)
I och med att klimatfrågan blir allt viktigare ökar även intresset för miljövänligt byggande. Förbyggnader av högre karaktär är förädlade träprodukter något som syns mer av på marknaden.Element av KL-trä, korslimmat trä, är en stabil träprodukt med stora användningsområden förhela byggnaden men dessa måste på något sätt förankras i varandra. För att få en djupareförståelse om hur förband i KL-trä verkar i en skarv utvärderar detta examensarbete totalt åtta(8) stycken olika skarvtyper teoretiskt, varav några mer ingående. De mekaniska- ochekonomiska egenskaperna jämförs för att bedöma bästa kapaciteten ochanvändningsområdet för olika bjälklag.De skarvar som beaktas är bland annat plywoodskarven där en plywoodremsa läggs ned i etturfräst spår i överkant längs KL-träskivans långsida. Halvt i halvt-skarven med urfräsning tillhalva djupet i över- och underkant för att passas ihop och rakskarv med skråskruvning. IRakskarv 2D skråskruvas skruven 45° i YZ-planet, Rakskarv 3D skruvas också i 45° men där vridsäven skruven 45° i XY-planet. Skarvarna behandlas för tillämpning i bjälklag för flerbostadshus,parkeringshus och tak. Genom att testa olika teoretiska beräkningsmetoder, från Eurokod ochvidare forskning inom ämnet, kontrollera hur dessa skiljer sig emot tidigare gjorda tester. Föratt jämföra skarvarnas kapacitet har en fem (5) meter lång skarv i en mindre konstruktion med200 mm tjocka KL-träskivor använts som referens. Fästdonen har begränsats till ett fåtal därvinkeln mot virkets yta varierar. Kostnaden för tillverkning, montage och fästdon sätts emotkapaciteten för att kunna jämföra vilken skarv som är mest kostnadseffektiv, då det alltid ären viktig fråga inom projekt.Kostnaden för Rakskarv 3D är 63 % av kostnaden för en Plywoodskarv 12 mm. För att klarapåfrestningen från tvärkraften behövs cirka 18 stycken SW-D-skruvar men upp emot 95stycken ankarspikar. Resultatet blev att den mest kostnadseffektiva skarven ur tillverkningochmontageperspektiv samt behovet av smide per löpmeter är Rakskarv 3D. För skarvtypermed SW-D skruv blir ofta den horisontella skjuvkraften dimensionerande då de vertikalakrafterna är lägre och utdragsbärförmågan är hög för dubbelgängad skruv. För bjälklag ibostäder är Rakskarv 2D att rekommendera, då den är en beprövad metod som har godkapacitet och är snabb att montera. Att också vrida skruvarna 0-45° i XY-planet, Rakskarv 3D,för att möta tvärkrafterna har positiv inverkan. Även för takbjälklag är rakskarven det bättrealternativet. Vad gäller parkeringsbjälklag rekommenderas också Rakskarv 3D även om Halvti halvt har likvärdiga mekaniska egenskaper på grund av pris och c/c-avstånd.Stora skillnader mellan beräkningsmetoder och tester framkommer för både kapacitet ochstyvhet. Vid horisontell skjuvning kan detta leda till att utfallet av brottmod, som normalt blir”f” enligt tester, blir fel. Högsta horisontella styvhet enligt beräkningarna har Halvt i halvt,däremot är enligt tester Rakskarv 3D den med högst styvhet. Utifrån detta kan man ifrågasättahur säkra beräkningsmetoderna verkligen är eller om variationen i träet för stora. Bortser manifrån att Rakskarv 3D får låga värden på kapaciteten enligt beräkningar och bara tittar tillutförda tester tillsammans med vetenskapliga publikationer är den allmänt ett bra val avskarvmetod. / As the climate issue becomes more important, the interest in environmentally friendlyconstruction also increases. For buildings of higher character, refined wood products aresomething that is more common at the market. Elements of cross-laminated timber (CLT) arestable wood products with large uses for the entire building, but these must in some way beanchored in each other. To gain a deeper understanding of how joints in CLT works, this thesisis evaluating a total of eight (8) different types of joints theoretically, some of which are moredetailed. The mechanical- and economical properties are compared to assess the best capacityand area of application for different slabs.The joints that are considered include the spline joint, where a plywood strip is laid down in amilled groove at the top along the long side of the CLT slab. Half-lap joint, with cut to halfdepth at top and bottom to fit together, and butt joint with screw in shear. In Butt joint 2D,the screw is screwed 45 ° in the YZ plane, Butt joint 3D is also screwed in 45 ° but the screw isalso turned 45 ° in the XY plane. The joints are treated for application in flooring for apartmentbuildings, parking garages and roofs. By testing different theoretical methods of calculation,from Eurocode and further research in the subject, check how these differ from previous tests.To compare the capacity of the joints, a five (5) meter long joint in a smaller structure with a200 mm thick CLT slab has been used as reference. The fasteners have been limited to a fewwhere the angle to the surface of the wood varies. The cost of production, assembly andfasteners is set against the capacity to be able to compare which joint is the most costeffective,as it is always an important issue within projects.The cost of a 3D joint is 63% of the cost of a 12 mm spline joint. In order to cope with the strainfrom the transverse force, about 18 SW-D screws are needed, but up to 95 anchor nails. Theresult was that the most cost-effective joint from the manufacturing- and assemblyperspective, as well as the need for fastener per meter was Butt joint 3D. For joint types withSW-D screws, the horizontal shear force is often dimensioned as the vertical forces are lowerand the withdrawal capacity is high for double threaded screws. For slab in homes, Butt joint2D is recommended, as it is a proven method that has good capacity and is quick to assemble.Also turning the screws 0-45 ° in the XY plane, like Butt joint 3D, to meet the transverse forceshas a positive effect. Even for roof joists, the butt joint is the better option. Regarding jointsin parking garages, Butt joint 3D is also recommended even though Half-lap joint has similarmechanical characteristics due to the price and c/c- distances.Differences between calculation methods and tests appear for both capacity and stiffness.Horizontal shear can result in wrong type of failure, which normally becomes "f" according totests. The highest horizontal stiffness according to the calculations has Half-lap joint, however,according to tests Butt joint 3D is the one with the highest stiffness. Based on this, one canquestion how accurate the calculation methods really are or whether the variation in wood istoo great. Apart from the fact that Butt joint 3D receives low values of capacity according tocalculations and only looks at tests carried out together with scientific publications, it isgenerally a good choice of joint method.
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Beitrag zum Tragverhalten hybrider Träger aus Glas und KunststoffHärth-Großgebauer, Kristina 21 February 2013 (has links)
Glasträger sind in einer auf Transparenz ausgerichteten Bauweise zunehmend gefragt. Üblicherweise bestehen diese lastabtragenden Elemente aus mehreren Glasscheiben, verbunden mit Polyvinylbutyral-Folie (PVB-Folie), und gleichen in ihrem Aufbau somit Verbund-Sicherheitsglas (VSG). VSG-Träger besitzen bei vollständigem Glasbruch keine Resttragfähigkeit und werden daher in Dicke und Aufbau mit dem Ziel ausgelegt, vollständigen Glasbruch zu vermeiden. Hybride Glasträger kombinieren in der Regel Glas mit einem duktilen Material und besitzen im Falle des vollständigen Glasbruchs ein duktiles Versagensverhalten. Sie stellen damit eine vielversprechende Option zur Erfüllung des geforderten Sicherheitsniveaus bei Glasträgern dar. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachteten hybriden Träger entstehen durch die flächige Verklebung von Glas- und transparenten Kunststoffscheiben mit einem ebenfalls transparenten Klebstoff. Bei vollständigem Glasbruch stellt sich ein Tragverhalten ein, bei dem infolge des Klebstoffverbunds der Kunststoff die Zugspannungen und das gebrochene Glas weiterhin Druckspannungen aufnimmt. Die erste Auswahl von Klebstoff und Kunststoff basiert auf Voruntersuchungen an kleinformatigen Prüfkörpern. Die erforderliche Kantenqualität von Floatglas wurde anhand von Vierpunkt-Biegeuntersuchungen bestimmt. Zur weiteren Beurteilung der Eignung des Klebstoffs dienen Klimawechseltests an kleinformatigen Hybridbauteilen, da zwischen Glas und Kunststoff deutliche Unterschiede in der Temperaturausdehnung vorliegen. Aufbauend auf den durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurden das Kunststoffmaterial Polycarbonat und ein niedrigviskoser UV- und strahlungshärtender Acrylatklebstoff, der im ausgehärteten Zustand über hohe Nachgiebigkeit verfügt, für die weiteren mechanischen Untersuchungen an Prüfkörpern im Bauteilformat ausgewählt. Kurzzeitversuche mit kraftgesteuerter Belastungsaufbringung und unter Variation von Polycarbonatdicke, Trägerhöhe und Glasart geben Aufschluss über das Trag- und Resttragfähigkeitsverhalten. Sie stellen die prinzipielle Wirkweise der Hybridträger vor und nach Bruch dar. Vergleichende Versuche an VSG-Trägern demonstrieren die fehlende Resttragfähigkeit dieser Elemente. Belastungsversuche an reinen Polycarbonatscheiben verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit der Stabilisierung der Hybridträger durch das gebrochene Glas. Langzeitversuche fanden bei statischer Belastung der intakten und gebrochenen Hybridträger statt. Lasthöhe und Belastungsdauer der gebrochenen Träger orientieren sich an realistischen Einsatzbedingungen. Die Versuche zeigen die Unterschiede bei der Entwicklung des Bruchbilds aufgrund der geringeren Last und ermöglichen die Untersuchung des Resttragfähigkeitsverhaltens unter Dauerlast sowie des Ablaufs und der Hintergründe des Trägerversagens. Aufbauend auf den durchgeführten Versuchen erfolgt eine Einteilung der unterschiedlichen Trägerzustände in drei Stadien mit Angaben zu einer einfachen analytischen Betrachtung. Die Diskussion der erhaltenen Ergebnisse sowie ein Ausblick auf weiteren Untersuchungsbedarf schließen die Arbeit ab. / In transparency-oriented architecture, glass beams are increasingly in demand. These load-bearing elements usually consist of multiple glass panes, bonded with polyvinyl butyral foil (PVB foil), and are comparable to laminated safety glass. These glass beams do not assure any level of post-breakage performance after complete glass breakage. Therefore glass thickness and assembly of the beams are chosen with the objective of avoiding complete glass breakage at all costs. Hybrid glass beams typically combine glass with a ductile material and offer a ductile failure mode in case of complete glass breakage. For this reason they represent a promising solution to meet the required safety levels for glass beams. This study deals with hybrid glass beams which are made by bonding panes of glass and transparent plastics using a transparent adhesive. In case of complete glass breakage the plastic material, which is connected to the glass by the adhesive bond, bears the tensile stress whereas the glass is still able to carry the compressive stress. The pre-selection of plastic and adhesive is based on preliminary tests on small specimens. The required quality of the edges of annealed glass was determined by specific four-point bending tests. Because of the considerable difference in thermal expansion between glass and plastics, alternating climate tests were executed on small hybrid components to further evaluate the suitability of the adhesive. Based on the research conducted, the plastic material polycarbonate and a UV- and light-curing acrylate adhesive, which shows a very flexible behavior when hardened, were chosen for further mechanical tests on larger specimens. Short-term tests with constantly increasing load and varying polycarbonate thickness, beam height and glass type provide information on the load-bearing capacity before and the residual load-bearing capacity after glass breakage of the hybrid beams. Comparative tests on laminated glass beams demonstrate the missing residual load-bearing capacity of these components. Loading tests on polycarbonate panes illustrate the need for stabilization of the hybrid beams by the broken glass. Long-term tests were executed by static loading of the intact and broken hybrid beams. The load level and the load duration of the broken beams are based on realistic working conditions. The tests show the difference in the development of the fracture pattern resulting of the lower load and allow the examination of the residual load-bearing capacity at continuous load as well as the process and the reasons behind the beam failure. Based on the tests conducted, three different states of the hybrid beams are categorized and detailed for their easy analytical approach. A discussion of the obtained results and an outlook on further needed research complete the study.
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Hållbar grundläggning : En jämförelsestudie av tre alternativa grundläggningsmetoder med traditionell platta på mark med avseende på bärförmåga och koldioxidutsläppKempi, Olivia, Falkvall, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Climate change due to greenhouse gases is an important challenge the world is facing. In the manufacture of building materials, concrete accounts for about 50% of all greenhouse gas-emissions. A general way of reducing emissions is to replace concrete with other materials with lower climate impact. Replacing concrete in foundations is not entirely straightforward. A foundation needs to be moisture-proof, have the required load-bearing capacity and be an energy-efficient part of a well-insulated climate shell. When laying foundations, a lot of concrete is used and is often cast as slabs on the ground. The purpose of this study is to evaluate alternative foundations to the traditional slab that have equivalent load-bearing capacity and causes lower emission levels. In this study indoor airventilated crawlspace, Hybrid foundation and Composite foundation are compared with a traditional slab. Calculations of load-bearing capacity are made and set in relation to the level of carbon dioxide each foundation method causes. The results show that all four foundations have similar load-bearing capacity. The Hybrid foundation accounts for half as much carbon dioxide emissions as a traditional slab and the Composit foundation lies in between. It would be a better choice from an environmental point of view to use these two foundations where possible. / Klimatförändringar på grund av växthusgaser är en utmaning som världen står inför. Byggbranschen står idag för cirka 33 procent av världens växthusgasutsläpp och förbrukar cirka 40 procent av världens energi. Vid tillverkning av byggmaterial står betong för ca 50 % av alla utsläpp av växthusgaser till atmosfären. Ett allmänt sätt att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser i byggbranschen är att ersätta betong med andra material som har en lägre klimatpåverkan. Att byta ut betongen i grundkonstruktioner är dock inte okomplicerat. En grund behöver vara fuktsäker, ha erforderlig bärförmåga samt vara en energieffektiv del i ett väl isolerat klimatskal. En grundläggningsmetod som är vanligt förekommande, och som innehåller mycket betong, är en platta på mark. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka om det finns alternativ till en traditionell platta på mark som har likvärdig bärförmåga och som resulterar i lägre utsläppsnivåer. Här jämförs varmgrund, Hybridgrund och Composit-grund med en traditionell platta på mark där beräkning av bärförmåga görs och ställs i relation till de nivåer koldioxidutsläpp som varje grundläggningsmetod orsakar. För att besvara frågeställningen ovan har beräkning av bärförmåga gjorts. För en traditionell platta på mark har beräkning gjorts i EPS-Peps, för de anda grundläggningsmetoderna har manuella beräkningar gjorts. För beräkning av koldioxidutsläpp från de olika grundläggningsmetoderna har mängdberäkningar gjorts av materielinnehållet i varje grund. Dessa har sedan använts i mjukvaran BM 1.0 för beräkning av koldioxidutsläpp för respektive grundläggningsmetod. Resultatet visar att alla fyra grundläggingsmetoder har likvärdig bärförmåga. De kan alla bära de laster som en villa med små till måttliga laster ger upphov till. Varmgrunden är den grund som klarar störst laster. Vidare visar resultatet att hybridgrunden orsakar ungefär hälften så mycket koldioxidutsläpp som en platta på mark och Composit-grunden ligger mitt emellan. Varmgrunden orsakar i aktuellt utförande nästan lika höga utsläppsnivåer som en traditionell platta på mark, vilket var oväntat. Konsekvensen av detta är att grundläggningsmomentet i byggskedet skulle ge upphov till mindre mängder koldioxidutsläpp om hybridgrunden och Composit-grunden får ersätta den traditionella grundläggningsmetoden platta på mark där så är möjligt.
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Branddimensionering av CLT-element i bärande väggkonstruktioner : en komparativ studie mellan gällande normer och senaste forskningen / Fire protection design of CLT elements used as structural walls : a comparative study between current design codes and the latest scientific knowledgeHallqvist, Stefan, Berkal, Cherif January 2018 (has links)
I takt med en ökad miljömedvetenhet har träbyggnation börjat premieras allt mer och sedan lagändringen 1994 som innebar att det blev tillåtet att uppföra höga hus med trästomme har utvecklingen snabbt gått framåt. Att korsvis bygga upp skikt av brädor och sammanfoga dessa till element har visat sig skapa en produkt med hög hållfasthet och låg vikt som är idealisk som stommaterial vid byggnation av stora och höga hus i trä. Dessa element har många namn men kallas ofta korslimmat trä och kommer i arbetet benämnas CLT, cross-laminated timber. Dess användning har ökat markant i Sverige och Europa de senaste decennierna och än ses ingen stagnation på efterfrågan. Denna rapport behandlar relevanta teoretiska områden som måste tas i beaktning vid branddimensionering som exempelvis brandförloppet i en brandcell samt hur brandsäkerhetsklasser och brandtekniska byggnadsklasser bestäms och fastställs. Dimensioneringsmetoder av laster och hållfasthet i både brottgräns och i brandfallet förklaras genomgående för skapa en tydlig bild av hela branddimensioneringsprocessen. Brist på direkt information om hur hållfastheten av resttvärsnitten ska behandlas och beräknas har gjort arbetet utmanande men med hjälp från Maija Tiainen från Sweco structures Helsingforskontor har arbetet kunnat färdigställas och bli fullständigt. Den viktigaste delen i rapporten är dock själva inbränningen och förkolningen av elementen som beräknas med hjälp av två olika metoder. Den ena återfinns i den europeiska standarden Eurokod 5: del 1-2 och den andra, som baseras på den absolut senaste forskningen gällande träkonstruktioner och brand, är hämtad från handboken Brandsäkra trähus version 3. Den senare metoden kommer ligga till grund för en uppdatering av Eurokod 5 i framtiden. För att kunna jämföra de två metoderna och ge en nyanserad bild av dessa valdes fyra väggtyper ut som beräknades med samma förutsättningar. Det vill säga skyddade med två lager gips och utsatta för en 90 minuters ensidig standardbrand. Resultatet visade på skillnader mellan metoderna där en tydlig och definitiv sådan var storleken på resttvärsnittet då det icke lastupptagande skiktet, , visade sig vara mycket större i beräkningarna enligt metoden i Brandsäkra trähus version 3. På grund av elementens uppbyggnad, korsvis lagda skikt där endast vartannat skikt är lastbärande, betyder detta inte nödvändigtvis att det resulterar i en skillnad gällande bärförmåga i brandfallet mellan de två metoderna. Trots att metoden i Brandsäkra trähus version 3 är mer konservativ gällande bärförmåga och leder till ett mindre resttvärsnitt efter brand anser författarna att denna metod bör användas i väntan på en inarbetning av metoden i Eurokoden. Detta då den till skillnad från Eurokoden är utformad och framtagen för att kunna behandla CLT och då säkerheten är viktigast i sammanhanget måste brandens ökade påverkan på materialet enligt den senaste forskningen tas på allvar och tvärsnittet dimensioneras därefter. / In recent years, a growing environmental awareness have led to an increase in timber buildings and since the 1994 amendment that made it possible to build tall houses with timber structures the progress in the field have seen an substantial increase. To build an element of perpendicularly placed layers of solid-sawn lumber have proven to be an effective way to obtain a product with good strength-to-weight ratio that is ideal for use in tall timber buildings. These elements go under a lot of different names but are often referred to as cross-laminated timber and will be called CLT in this report. The use of this product have these past decades increased substantially both in Sweden and in Europe and the demand does not seem to stagnate nor decrease in the near future. The report is comprised of relevant theoretical sections that must be taken into account when designing a structures fire protection such as the development of a fire in fire compartment, how to define and determine a structures class of fire resistance and hence required fire protection time for said structure. The basis of design in regards to loads and compressive/flexural strength of the material is thoroughly explained in order to account for the whole fire protection design processes. The lack of information regarding compressive and flexural strength of the residual cross-section was challenging but with the help from Maija Tiainen from Sweco structures Helsinki office the report could be completed. The most important part of the report is the theory and calculation with regards to the charring depth which is calculated by two different methods. The first one is presented in the European standard Eurocode 5: part 1-2 and the other one, that is based on the latest scientific knowledge with regards to timber structures and fire, is found in the technical guide Brandsäkra trähus version 3. The aforementioned method will form the basis for the upcoming update of Eurocode 5. In order to be able to compare the two methods four wall types was chosen and designed based on the same conditions. Namely protected by two layers of gypsum plasterboards as fire protection and exposed to a 90 minutes one-sided standard fire. The result showed differences between the methods where a clear difference was the size of the residual cross-section due to the fact that the zero-strength layer, , was notably larger when calculating with the method presented in Brandsäkra trähus version 3. This does not necessarily affect the elements bearing capacity when calculating with the two different methods due to the elements perpendicularly placed layers where only every other layer is load bearing. Although the method presented in Brandsäkra trähus version 3 are more conservative with regards to bearing capacity and will lead to a smaller residual cross-section the authors of this report recommend the use of said method pending incorporation into the Eurocode. The motivation for this suggestion is that the method is designed to explicitly handle CLT and since safety is the most important aspect in this context it is vital to acknowledge the apparent increased affect from a fire on the material according to the latest scientific knowledge and design the cross-section accordingly.
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<p>Knowledge of the displacement and deformation fields beneath foundation elements obtained from carefully executed experiments is required to validate state-of-the-art numerical simulations, which in turn enable the development of better foundation design methods. This dissertation presents the results of an experimental program in which load tests were performed on model footings in a half-cylindrical calibration chamber with a transparent viewing window across its diameter. The digital image correlation (DIC) method was used to obtain the strain and displacement fields in the soil from digital images taken during the tests. Tests performed on both smooth and rough footings show a significant dependence of resistance on footing base roughness, with the DIC results providing insight into the reasons for that dependence. The experimental bearing capacity results are used to validate a previously proposed method in which an equivalent friction angle is used for calculation of the bearing capacity of footings in sand.</p>
<p>Schmertmann's method is one of the traditional methods for estimating the settlement of axially loaded footings in sand using cone penetration test (CPT) data. The method was developed for footings placed on the surface of a single, uniform sand layer; it assumes a depth of influence below the footing base within which most of the soil deformations take place and an influence diagram to quantify the influence factor as a function of depth. However, the literature contains limited information on the strain influence diagrams for footings on layered sands, and, as a result, there is no way to accurately account for the effect of sand layering on footing settlement. In this study, Schmertmann's approach for calculating the strain influence factor is modified to account for the effect of two sand layers with varying thickness and relative density. Penetration experiments were performed using a half-square model footing (width <em>B</em> = 90 mm) placed on the surface of both single and two-layered (dense over medium-dense and medium-dense over dense), air-pluviated, silica sand samples prepared inside a half-cylindrical calibration chamber designed for digital image correlation (DIC) analysis. The test results indicate that both the thickness and relative density of the top sand layer (the layer in contact with the footing base) affect the parameters of the strain influence diagram. For dense sand over medium-dense sand, the depth to the peak strain influence factor varies with the thickness of the dense layer; however, when the thickness of the dense layer is 1.5<em>B</em> or greater, the strain influence diagram is similar to that obtained for a single, uniform sand layer. In contrast, for medium-dense sand over dense sand, the peak value of the strain influence factor varies with the thickness of the medium-dense layer up to a value of 1<em>B</em>. Based on the results obtained in this study, new strain influence diagrams are proposed for settlement calculation of square footings on two-layered sand profiles. The proposed method for estimation of footing settlement in layered sand is validated against measured data obtained from a full-scale, instrumented footing load test reported in the literature. </p>
<p>The expressions for the shape and depth factors available in the literature for bearing capacity calculation are mostly empirical and are based on results obtained using limit analysis or the method of characteristics assuming a soil that is perfectly plastic following an associated flow rule. This study presents the results of an experimental program in which load tests were performed on model strip and square footings in silica sand prepared inside a half-cylindrical calibration chamber with a transparent visualization window. The results obtained from the model footing load tests show a significant dependence of footing penetration resistance on embedment depth. The load test results were subsequently used to determine experimentally the shape and depth factors for model strip and square footings in sand. To obtain the displacement and strain fields in the sand domain, the digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used to analyze the digital images collected at different stages during loading of the model footing. The DIC results provide insights into the magnitude and extent of the vertical and horizontal displacement and maximum shear strain contours below and around the footing base during penetration.</p>
<p>The loading of a footing in sand generates substantial shear bands as a mechanism for failure develops with the formation of slip surfaces. The interaction of sand particles in the shear band governs its constitutive response to loading. This study provides the results of loading experiments performed under different conditions on half-square model footings (width <em>B</em> = 90 mm) in dense air-pluviated silica sand samples prepared in a half-cylindrical calibration chamber equipped with an observation window that allows collection of images of the sand domain during testing. Two sands (Ottawa sand and Ohio Gold Frac sand) with different roundness (angularity) were used to perform these experiments. The digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used to obtain the incremental strain fields in the sand domain. The zero-extension line (ZEL) concept was then used to study the shear strain localization process and to obtain the orientation of the shear bands from analysis of the incremental strain fields. The results show that sand particle morphology, footing surface roughness, load eccentricity, and depth of embedment of the model footing have an impact on the dominant shear band patterns that develop below the model footings, and, as a result, all of these factors affect the unit bearing capacity of footings. The estimated thickness <em>t</em>s of the shear band from the experiments is approximately 6<em>D</em>50 for Ottawa sand and approximately 8<em>D</em>50 for Ohio Gold Frac sand. </p>
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Interference Effects On The Collapse Loads For Footings And Anchors Using An Upper Bound Finite Element Limit AnalysisKouzer, K M 04 1900 (has links)
The present thesis is an attempt to investigate the interference effects on the magnitudes of the ultimate failure loads for a group of closely spaced strip footings and strip plate anchors. On account of an increase in the number of different civil engineering structures, footings and anchors are often need to be placed very close to each other. In such a situation, the ultimate bearing capacity/pullout capacity of an interfering footing/anchor becomes significantly different from that of a single isolated footing/anchor. The effect of interference on the magnitude of failure load is usually expressed in terms of an efficiency factor (%y); where £,y is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of the failure load for a strip footing/anchor of a given width in the presence of other footings/anchors to that of the magnitude of the failure load for an isolated single strip footing/anchor having exactly the same width. No rigorous analysis seems to have been carried out so far in literature to investigate the interference effect for a group of footings and anchors. In the present study, it is intended to use rigorous numerical upper bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming in order to determine the collapse loads for the problems of both isolated and a group of footings and anchors. Three noded triangular elements are used throughout the thesis for carrying out the analysis for different problems. The velocity discontinuities are employed along the interfaces of all the elements. The plastic strains within the elements are incorporated by using an associated flow rule. The Mohr Coulomb yield surface is linearised by means of an exterior regular polygon circumscribing the actual failure surface so that the finite element formulation leads to a linear programming problem. In solving the different problems taken in this thesis, computer programs were developed using 'MATLAB' with the usage of 'LINPROG' - a library subprogram for doing the necessary optimization.
The bearing capacity factor Ny for an isolated single rigid strip footing placed on a cohesionless ground surface has been computed and its variation with respect to the footing-soil roughness angle (8) has been examined in detail. It is clearly noted that an increase in 8 leads to a continuous increase in Ny. The solution is also obtained for a perfectly rough footing without considering any velocity discontinuity surface along the footing-soil interface. With 5 = <|), the magnitude of NY becomes almost the same as that for a perfectly rough footing. The size of the plastic zone increases with an increase in the values of 8 and <j). The obtained values of Ny for 5=0 and § compare quite favorably with the solutions reported earlier in literature.
The ultimate bearing capacity for a group of two and an infinite number of multiple interfering rough strip footings placed on a cohesionless medium has been computed; all the footings are assumed to be perfectly rigid. It is specified that the footings are loaded simultaneously to failure exactly at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the adjacent footings, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (£,y) is determined.
In the case of two footings, the value of E,y at S/B = 0 becomes exactly equal to 2.0, and the maximum ^occurs at a critical spacing (Scr). For S/B < Sor/B, the ultimate bearing pressure for a footing becomes equal to that of an isolated footing having the width (2B+S), and the ground mass encompassed between the two footings deforms mainly in the downward direction. In contrast, for S/B > Scr/B, ground heave is noticed along both the sides of the footing. As compared to the available theories in literature, the analysis presented in this thesis provides generally lower values of ^y for S/B > Scr/B. '
In the case of a group of multiple strip footings, the value of £y is found to increase continuously with a decrease in S/B. The effect of the variation of spacing on §y is found to be very extensive for small values of S/B; the magnitude of ^y approaches infinity at S/B = 0. For all the values of S/B ground heave is invariably observed on both the sides of the footings. The magnitudes of ^Y for given values of S/B and <|) for the two footings case are found to be smaller than the multiple footings case.
The vertical uplift capacity of an isolated strip anchor embedded horizontally at shallow depths in sand has been examined; the anchor plate is assumed to be perfectly rigid and rough. The collapse load is expressed in terms of a non-dimensional uplift factor FY, the value of which needs to be known before calculating the failure load for an interfering anchor. The magnitude of Fr is found to increase continuously with increase in both embedment ratio (k) and the friction angle (<|>) of sand. Even though the analysis considers the development of plastic strain within all elements, however, at collapse, the soil mass just above the anchor is found to move as a single rigid block bounded by planar rupture surfaces; the rupture surfaces emerging from the anchor edges are seen to make approximately an angle <|> with the vertical.
The vertical uplift capacity of a group of two and an infinite number of multiple interfering rigid rough strip anchors embedded horizontally in sand at shallow depths has been examined. At collapse, it is specified that all the anchors in the group are loaded to failure simultaneously exactly at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the anchors, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (£Y) is determined. On account of interference, the magnitude of 4y is found to reduce continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the anchors. For all values of X and §, the magnitude of ^y for the multiple anchors case is found to be always smaller than that for the two anchors case. In contrast to a group of footings under compression, the magnitude of ^v for a group of anchors is found to decrease invariably with an increase in $ for a given value of S/B. For S > 2c/tan<j) , the uplift resistance of anchors in the group becomes equal to that of an isolated anchor, and no interference is seen to exist; where d is the depth of anchor. By examining the nodal velocity patterns, it was noted that in the event of collapse, a wedge of soil mass just above the anchors and encompassed within linear rupture surfaces moves vertically upward almost as a single rigid unit with the velocity same as that of the anchor plate itself. On this basis, a closed form solution of the problem has been developed. The results from the closed form solution for the group of two anchors as well as for multiple anchors are found to provide an excellent comparison with the rigorous upper bound numerical solution especially for the value of § greater than or equal to about 35°.
For all the problems taken in this study, it has been seen that an upper bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming is a very useful numerical tool for determining the magnitudes of collapse loads.
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