Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] BEDROCK"" "subject:"[enn] BEDROCK""
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Analýza průběhu podpovrchových struktur v reprezentativních řezech výzkumných povodí / Analysis of the subsurface struckutes location in representative transections of the research catchmentsDUBEC, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
This theses is focused on the description of subsurface in the area of interest - Kopaninský and Jenínský stream catchment - and consequently thy most accurate interpretation depth of impermeable bedrock. Geophysical multicable metod (ERT - electrical resistivity tomography") was selected for field measurements. This method of geophysical survey provides the information on subsurface structures, verifies hypotheses and brings new information on the lithological and structural conditions below the surface. ERT measurements were performed automatically by geoelektrical ARES device in combination with inteligent electrodes. The data obtained by field measurements were plotter in the form of resistive sections (using ReS2DInv software) which were used for the later interpretation. The given results determine the depth and process of impermeable bedrock which are important for more accurate data inputs like for modeling rainfall-runoff processes especially in the field of calibration and validation of each adjustment of models as well as for the next other hydrogical analyzes and studies carried out in the research projects. The purpose of this work is to determine the depth of impermeable bedrock and could serve as a data input for MIKE SHE hydrological modeling.
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Caractérisation et modélisation de la dynamique de l'évapotranspiration en Afrique Soudanienne en zone de socle : interaction entre les aquifères et la végétation / Caracterisation and modeling of the evapo-transpiration dynamic in sudanian climate over rocky substratum : interaction between aquifers and vegetationJabot-Robert, Dorothée 30 August 2012 (has links)
Dans un contexte où des millions de personnes dépendent de la ressource en eau exposée au caprice de la mousson en Afrique de l'Ouest, ce travail de thèse vise à mieux appréhender les processus hydrologiques en zone de socle, et notamment à évaluer le rôle de la redistribution latérale de l'eau dans le sol par les interactions entre les réservoirs souterrains, la végétation et l'atmosphère, par la caractérisation et la modélisation à l'échelle de la parcelle et du versant. Ce travail s'appuie sur le dispositif expérimental déployé dans le petit bassin versant de l'Ara dans le cadre de l'observatoire AMMA-CATCH. La mise en oeuvre du modèle ParFlow-CLM permet de simuler les transferts dans la zone saturée et la zone non saturée par la résolution de l'équation de Richards en 3D, en étant conditionné par un forçage atmosphérique en surface. Après avoir identifié les paramètres influents pour les transferts verticaux, une caractérisation spatiale de ces paramètres a été menée. La configuration du modèle a ensuite été évaluée en 1D. Il est montré que le modèle reproduit de manière pertinente les séries temporelles du bilan d'énergie et la distribution de l'eau dans le sol. L'effet de la variabilité spatiale des paramètres hydrodynamiques est ensuite étudié à l'échelle de la parcelle. Enfin, en incluant les géométries de socle connues et une distribution de végétation, les transferts horizontaux souterrains sont mis en évidence avec la formation de zones sèches ou humides en relation avec des distributions spatiales d'évapotranspiration. / In West Africa, millions of people rely on water resources exposed to the monsoon variability. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to better understand hydrological processes in bedrock areas, and more particularly to estimate the role of lateral redistribution of soil water by the interactions between underground reservoirs, vegetation and atmosphere, using hydrogeological prospection and modeling at field and catena scale. This work is supported by the experimental device implemented in the small Ara catchment in the framework of the AMMA-CATCH observatory. The use of the ParFlow-CLM model allows the simulation of transfers in the saturated and the vadose zone by solving the Richards equation in 3D. The model was forced using observed atmospheric forcing at the surface. We first identify influential parameters for vertical water transfers. Then a spatial characterization of these parameters is carried out. The 1D version of the Parflow-CLM model is assessed using observed data. We show that the model provides relevant times series of the surface energy balance and of soil water distribution as compared to the observations. The impact of the spatial variability of the hydraulic parameters at the field scale (<1 ha) is studied. Finally, the bedrock geometry and the spatial distribution of vegetation are taken into account in the modelling. This allows the identification of horizontal subsurface lateral fluxes, which generate wet and dry patterns, which are related to the spatial distribution of evapotranspiration.
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Processus d’incision des rivières à fond rocheux - simulations numériques en éléments discrets / Bedrock river incision process - a discrete element method based simulationAubert, Guilhem 03 December 2014 (has links)
Des études de terrain, expérimentales et numériques ont été menées pour rendre compte de l'incision des rivières à fond rocheux par le transport sédimentaire. Toutefois, le caractère fluctuant du système étudié rend difficile l'établissement de lois générales. La thèse s'articule autour de l'analyse des résultats fournis par un programme informatique qui simule la mise en mouvement de sédiments par un écoulement turbulent. La modélisation et l'intégration des interactions entre les sédiments et le fluide ainsi que les contacts entre sédiments se basent sur la description mécanistique du système. La validation du modèle numérique a été effectuée par la comparaison de paramètres dont les valeurs pour des rivières naturelles ou expérimentales sont abondantes dans la littérature. Le nombre de Shields critique de mise en mouvement, la relation entre la vitesse du fluide et le débit de sédiment sont ces grandeurs de références. Le travail échangé entre les sédiments et le fond est comptabilisé et ce flux d'énergie est rattaché au taux d'érosion avec des paramètres mécaniques de la roche. Nous avons établi une relation entre le taux d'érosion et le nombre de Shields. Les variations du taux d'incision avec masse de sédiment présente dans le lit de la rivière montrent que nous reproduisons le « tool-effect » et le « cover-effect ». Nous prédisons l'existence d'un nombre de Shields critique propre à l'incision qui est supérieur au nombre de Shields critique de transport. Les travaux échangés entre la couverture sédimentaire et les parois du canal permettent de quantifie le taux d'érosion latérale. Les travaux échangés au sein de la couverture sédimentaire sont utilisés pour évaluer le taux d'usure des sédiments. À partir du bilan de puissance du sous-système couverture sédimentaire, nous proposons un scénario pour la croissance du chenal d'une rivière à fond rocheux. Plusieurs études paramétriques rendent compte de l'influence de la rugosité du fond, du coefficient de restitution et de la gravité. / Field measurements, empirical studies and numerical approaches had been led in order to explain bedrock river incision due to transport of sediments. However, the studied system is roughly fluctuating, what make difficult to establish general laws. The thesis is based on the analysis of data extracted from a numerical code that simulate the motion of sediment by a turbulent flow. The interactions between the sediments and the fluid and the contact between sediments are modeled on physical basis and integrated following the principles of mechanics. The numerical process has been validated by comparison between two parameters extracted from natural rivers and experimental setup. The critical Shields number for sediment transport and the relationship between flow velocity and flux of sediments has been compared to values taken from literature. The work of dissipative forces between sediments and bedrock is computed. We propose a quantification of vertical incision rate based on rock resistance parameters. We have established a relationship between incision rate and Shields number that fit with a power law. We reproduce the two antagonistic effects that rules incision process: tool-effect and cover-effect. We predict the existence of a critical Shields number for incision that is higher than sediment transport threshold. We quantify the lateral incision rate with the work of dissipative forces between channel benches and sediments. We also quantify the attrition rate of the sediments with the value of energy dissipated within the sediment cover. The power balance of the sub-system sediment cover gives basis that lead to a scenario for bedrock river channel growth. Other results about influence of bedrock roughness, coefficient of restitution and surface gravity on incision rate are exposed.
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Hydraulic Geometry and Fish Habitat in Semi-Alluvial Bedrock Controlled RiversFerguson, Sean January 2016 (has links)
The cross-sectional form of semi-alluvial bedrock channels was investigated. Channel geometry data were collected from a variety of streams in Ontario and Québec, Canada to develop empirical downstream scaling relationships. The relationships revealed that bedrock, mixed, and alluvial channels scale at similar rates with respect to discharge. The widest channels were formed in low-relief sedimentary bedrock with minimal alluvial cover. Channels influenced by resistant igneous/metamorphic bedrock produced a strong scaling relationship, whereas channels influenced by weak sedimentary bedrock produced a weak scaling relationship. Alluvial cover appeared to exhibit more control on channel width in low-relief settings in comparison to high-relief settings, with increased alluvial cover promoting channel narrowing. Channels influenced by igneous/metamorphic bedrock produced identifiable thalwegs, presumably due to well-defined bedload transport pathways. Channels influenced by sedimentary bedrock tended to have planar beds. Additionally, fish habitat was investigated at one semi-alluvial bedrock stream in Ontario, Canada. Fish sampling was conducted at proximate bedrock and alluvial sections followed by a survey of physical habitat parameters to evaluate habitat preferences. Adult logperch (Percina caprodes), juvenile white sucker (Catostomus commersonii), adult round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), and adult longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) demonstrated preference toward alluvial substrate, whereas juvenile logperch and adult banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) demonstrated preference toward bedrock. Juvenile silver shiner (Notropis photogenis) and juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were indifferent to substrate type. Empirical depth and flow velocity habitat suitability indices (HSIs) were developed for each fish species. This study presents the first fish habitat suitability criteria developed from a small semi-alluvial bedrock stream and may provide valuable information for fisheries management endeavours in such environments.
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Analysis of underground concrete pipelines subjected to seismic high-frequency loadsAbbasiverki, Roghayeh January 2016 (has links)
Buried pipelines are tubular structures that are used for transportation of important liquid materials and gas in order to provide safety for human life. During an earthquake, imposed loads from soil deformations on concrete pipelines may cause severe damages, possibly causing disturbance in vital systems, such as cooling of nuclear power facilities. The high level of safety has caused a demand for reliable seismic analyses, also for structures built in the regions that have not traditionally been considered as highly seismically active. The focus in this study is on areas with seismic and geological conditions corresponding to those in Sweden and Northern Europe. Earthquakes in Sweden for regions with hard rock dominated by high-frequency ground vibrations, Propagation of such high-frequency waves through the rock mass and soil medium affect underground structures such as pipelines. The aim of this project is investigating parameters that affect response of buried pipelines due to high-frequency seismic excitations. The main focus of the study is on reinforced concrete pipelines. Steel pipelines are also studied for comparison purposes. The effects of water mass, burial depth, soil layer thickness and non-uniform ground thickness caused by inclined bedrock are studied. The results are compared to those obtained for low-frequency earthquakes and the relationship between strong ground motion parameters and pipelines response is investigated. It is shown that, especially for high frequency earthquake excitations, non-uniform ground thickness due to inclined bedrock significantly increase stresses in the pipelines. For the conditions studied, it is clear that high-frequency seismic excitation is less likely to cause damage to buried concrete pipelines. However, the main conclusion is that seismic analysis is motivated also for pipelines in high-frequency earthquake areas since local variation in the ground conditions can have a significant effect on the safety. / Nedgrävda rörledningar (pipelines) är rörformiga strukturer som används för transport av viktiga flytande material och gas för att säkerhetsställa samhälleliga funktioner. Denna typ av infrastruktursystem korsar stora områden med olika geologiska förhållanden. Under en jordbävning kan markdeformationer påverka rörledningar av betong vilka kan få allvarliga skador som i sin tur kan leda till störningar i vitala system, såsom till exempel kylning av kärnkraftsanläggningar. Den höga säkerhetsnivå som eftersträvas ger upphov till ett behov av tillförlitliga seismiska analyser, även för strukturer som byggs i regioner som traditionellt inte har ansetts som seismiskt aktiva. Fokus i denna licentiatuppsats ligger på områden med seismiska och geologiska villkor som motsvarar de i Sverige och norra Europa. Jordbävningar i Sverige klassas som händelser inom en tektonisk platta som för regioner med hårt berg kan resultera i jordbävningar som domineras av högfrekventa markvibrationer. Sådana högfrekventa vågor propagerar genom bergmassa och jordmaterial och kan där påverka underjordiska strukturer såsom rörledningar. Syftet med detta projekt är att undersöka vilka parametrar som har stor påverkan på nedgrävda rörledningar som utsätts för högfrekventa seismiska vibrationer. Tyngdpunkten i studien är på rörledningar av armerad betong men stålledningar studeras också i jämförande syfte. Två-dimensionella finita elementmodeller används, utvecklade för dynamisk analys av rörledningar belastas av seismiska vågor som propagerar från berggrunden genom jorden. Modellerna beskriver båda längsgående och tvärgående snitt av rörledningar. Samspelet mellan rörledningar och omgivande jord beskrivs av en icke-linjär modell. De studerade rörledningarna antas vara omgivna av friktionsjord med stor, medel eller liten styvhet. Effekterna av vattenmassa i rören, grundläggningsdjup, jordlagrens tjocklek och varierande jordtjocklek på grund av lutande berggrund studeras. Det visas hur två-dimensionella modellerbaserade på plan töjning kan användas för seismisk analys av rörledningar med cirkulära tvärsnitt. Resultaten jämförs med de som erhållits för lågfrekventa jordbävningar och förhållandet mellan markrörelseparametrar och responsen hos rörledningar undersöks. Det visas att den naturliga frekvensen för modellerna beror av jordtyp, tjocklek och variation hos jordlagret. Det visas att, särskilt för högfrekventa jordbävningar, olikformigt varierande markdjup på grund av lutande berggrund avsevärt ökar spänningarna i rörledningarna. För de förhållanden som studerats är det klart att det är mindre sannolikt att högfrekvent seismisk belastning ska orsaka skador på nedgrävda rörledningar av betong. Dock är den viktigaste slutsatsen att seismisk analys ändå motiveras, även för rörledningar i områden där jordbävningar med högt frekvensinnehåll förekommer eftersom lokala variationer i markförhållanden kan ha en betydande inverkan på säkerheten. / <p>QC 20161014</p>
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Epidotization as an Effect of Fluid Rock Interaction, Recorded by a Granitoid From Hågadalen, Uppsala / Epidotisering som en effekt av fluid-interaktioner i berggrunden, dokumenterad av en Granitoid från Hågadalen, UppsalaBarreby, Linn January 2022 (has links)
A common driving mechanism of metamorphic processes, from which secondary mineralizations and structures develop in a protolith, is known to be a change of the immediate P-T environment that a rock resides in. A factor in this process, which is poorly understood, however, is how the presence of metamorphic fluids in a system, influences the alteration of primary igneous rocks. How these volatile solutions interact with the solid mediums of the crust is thereby a topic which requires further research to unravel. Incidentally, an opportunity to study the result of these interactions, has presented itself in the southern part (59o80’92”N, 17o59’91”E) of Hågadalen-Nåsten nature reserve in Uppsala, Sweden. In this area, a green mineral assemblage, believed to belong to the epidote group, has been observed. This mineral is theorized to have formed as a result of fluid-rock interactions that have occurred in the region and is therefore a subject of interest. A detailed study of the origin of this mineral assemblage could possibly shed light on the finer aspects of the fluid-rocks interactions that have occurred, and also provide and account of the transport of fluids throughout the local bedrock. The aim of this project was to identify the minerology and formation process of this green mineral, which occupies the joints in a cliff of granitic composition. The determination of how and when this mineral assemblage formed is believed to grant a more in depth understanding of the metamorphic and metasomatic processes that have transpired at this location, in addition to providing an account of the fluid transport and fluid-rock interactions in the area. Through fieldwork and sampling, combined with descriptions of the regional bedrock provided by SGU, the local lithology was determined. With this information, in addition to data collected from optic microscopy and an EMP analysis, the mineral was identified to be an iron rich epidote, showing signs of weak zoning. The formation of this secondary mineralization can be determined to be the result of the alteration of anorthite to saussurite (saussuritization of plagioclase) in addition to the direct precipitation of epidote from the liquid medium onto joint surfaces. Through the use of BSEM, it could also be determined that a majority of the fluids migrated through open fracture systems in the bedrock. / Förändringar av de tryck och temperaturregimer som bergarter befinner sig inom, har sedan länge varit en känd orsak bakom de metamorfa processer, ur vilket sekundära mineraliseringar och strukturer uppstår i protoliten. Något som inte är lika väl studerat är dock rollen som fluider spelar i dessa förändringsprocesser, samt hur dessa volatila lösningar interagerar med skorpans solida faser. I södra delen av Hågadalen-Nåstens naturreservat (59o80’92”N, 17o59’91”E2) har dock möjligheten till att studera resultatet av dessa interaktioner uppstått. Detta då en grön mineralsammansättning troligen tillhörande epidot gruppen, har upptäckts, vars ursprung tros komma ur fluid- och bergarts interaktioner i området. En studie av detta mineral är därav av intresse, eftersom det skulle ge en inblick i hur dessa fluider har transporterats genom den lokala berggrunden, samt vilken påverkan dessa fluid-interaktioner har haft på områdets bergarter. Detta projekt syftade mot att identifiera mineralogin samt bildningsprocessen av detta gröna mineral som fyller ut sprickor i en vertikal klippvägg, av överhängande granitisk karaktär. En utredning kring hur och när detta mineral har bildats tros kunna ge en fördjupad förståelse kring de metamorfa och metasomatiska processer som har ägt rum i närområdet, samt antyda hur dessa fluider har migrerat genom den tidigorogena berggrunden och vilken påverkan detta har haft på bergsmassivet. Genom observationer och provtagning i fällt, samt en studie av SGU:s beskrivning av berggrunden i området 11I Uppsala NV, har de den lokala litologin samt de geologiska processerna som påverkat närområdet utretts. Denna information, i kombination med optisk mikroskopi och en EMP analys, användes för att fastställa mineralets kemiska karaktär och kristallsystemstillhörighet. Resultaten från dessa analysmetoder lade grunden för att identifiera mineralet som en järn-rik, svagt zonerad, epidot. Troliga processer som har legat bakom bildandet av denna sekundära mineralisering bedöms vara omvandlingen av anortit till saussurit (saussuritisering av plagioklas) samt kristallisering av epidot direkt ur fluider som cirkulerat i området. Genom observationer av BSE bilder från tunnslip, fastställdes även att majoriteten av dessa fluider har transporterats genom redan befintliga spricksystem i berggrunden.
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An Assessment of the Short-Term Response of the Cuyahoga River to the Removal of the LeFever Dam, Cuyahoga Falls, OhioBiro, Christopher J. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Combined Surface-Wave and Resistivity Imaging for Shallow Subsurface CharacterizationTufekci, Sinan 21 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Morphodynamics of a bedrock confined estuary and delta: The Skeena River EstuaryWild, Amanda Lily 07 December 2020 (has links)
Bedrock islands add variation to the estuarine system that results in deviations from typical unconfined estuarine sediment transport patterns. Limited literature exists regarding the dynamics of seabed morphology, delta formation, sediment divergence patterns, and sedimentary facies classifications of non-fjordic bedrock confined systems. Such knowledge is critical to address coastal management concerns adequately. This research presents insights from the Skeena Estuary, a macrotidal estuary in northwestern Canada with a high fluvial sediment input (21.2-25.5 Mtyr-1). Descriptions on sub-environments, stratification, and sediment accumulation within the Skeena Estuary utilize HydroTrend model outputs of riverine sediment and discharge, Natural Resources Canada radiocarbon-dated sediment cores and grain size samples, and acoustic Doppler current profiler and conductivity-temperature-depth measurements from three field campaigns. Research findings delineate a fragmented delta structure with elongated mudflats and select areas of slope instability. Variations from well-mixed water circulation to lateral stratification, govern the slack tide flow transition and sediment transport pathways within seaward and landward passages of the estuary. Fostering a comprehensive understanding of bedrock confined estuary and delta systems has implications for the assessment of coastal management strategies, the productivity of ecological habitats, and the impacts of climate change within coastal areas. / Graduate
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鉄道盛土の新たな耐震評価方法と耐震補強工法の検討阪本, 泰士, Sakamoto, Yasushi, 関, 雅樹, Seki, Masaki, 永尾, 拓洋, Nagao, Takuhiro, 伊藤, 義人, Itoh, Yoshito 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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