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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’improvisation dramatique, étude clinique et psychanalytique d’ateliers théâtre en structures de soin / The dramatic improvisation, the clinical and psychoanalytical trial of studios theater in structures of care

Vandevelde - Pouliquen, Béatrice Anne Sabine 14 September 2016 (has links)
Au XXIème, une psychologue clinicienne décide d’offrir à ses patients une scène de théâtre comme lieu d’exposition de leur inconscient. Elle constate un paradoxe : l’art dramatique qui fraye avec la folie aurait des vertus thérapeutiques.Ainsi peut se résumer l’intrigue de cette thèse en 3 actes dont les personnages principaux sont des patients, psychotiques pour la plupart, en mal de psychothérapie, et un artiste fou, grand homme de théâtre : Antonin Artaud.Par l’exposition de saynètes comme expression brute de l’inconscient, la présente thèse illustre le cheminement des réflexions de son auteure. Elle reprend d’abord la genèse d’une médiation singulière : l’improvisation dramatique. Ensuite, inspirée par le cas emblématique d’A. Artaud et à travers la psychanalyse, elle explore les mécanismes mis en jeu lors d’ateliers théâtre et leurs effets sur le psychisme des patients devenus comédiens. Enfin, en suivant le cheminement du noeud borroméen, elle conclut que l’improvisation dramatique, foncièrement inscrite dans le Réel, qui convoque l’Imaginaire et introduit le Symbolique, s’impose comme une activité sinthomatoire / During the 21st century, a clinical psychologist decides to offer to her patients a theatre stage as an exhibition space for their unconscious. She notes a paradox : drama, which has to do with madness, would have therapeutic properties.Thus can be synthesized the plot of this three-act PhD thesis, whose main characters are patients, mostly psychotic ones needing to undergo psychotherapy, and an insane artist, also great man of the Theatre: Antonin Artaud.Through presenting role-plays as raw expression of the unconscious, this thesis shows how its author’s thinking unfolds. It first draws on the genesis of a singular mediation: theatrical improvisation. Then, inspired by A. Artaud’s emblematic case and through psychoanalysis, it explores the mechanisms involved during theatrical workshops and their effects on the patients who became actors. Lastly, by following the path of the borromean node, it concludes that theatrical improvisation, which is deeply inscribed in the Real, which summons the Imaginary and introduces the Symbolic, emerges as a sinthomatic activity.

As estruturas clínicas na obra de Jacques Lacan: enodamentos do real, simbólico e imaginário? / The clinical structures in the work of Jacques Lacan: intertwinements of the real, symbolic and imaginary?

Boni Junior, Jonas de Oliveira 04 February 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho se ocupa das questões relativas à noção de estrutura no escopo teórico da psicanálise de Jacques Lacan (1901-1981), em específico sobre o objeto de estudo definido por estruturas clínicas, segundo a divisão clássica neurose, perversão e psicose. A questão que norteou a pesquisa foi: Como definir a noção de estruturas clínicas na obra lacaniana? Diante da hipótese de permanência teórica do conjunto estrutural na obra de Lacan, o objetivo da tese foi definir as estruturas clínicas por meio da correlação de tais conjuntos com os três registros Real, Simbólico e Imaginário (RSI) e suas escritas topológicas pelos enodamentos possíveis do Nó-borromeano. O método proposto foi estruturado em quatro capítulos: (1) Análise das bordas epistemológicas para o conceito de estrutura em Lacan, desde o estruturalismo, com a linguística com Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) e Roman O. Jakobson (1896-1982), a antropologia com Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) e a lógica e a matemática com Aristóteles (384 a.c. -322 a.c.), Gottlob Frege (1848 1925) e indicações gerais da topologia; (2) Proposição da noção de estruturas clínicas, a partir das três principais teorias da constituição do sujeito em Lacan, teoria do estádio do espelho (1949 1964), teoria do complexo de édipo (1950-1970) e teoria da alienação (1964 1970), das quais é possível extrair as indicações dos três registros RSI; (3) Desenvolvimento das operações primordiais Bejahung e Verwerfung - de inscrição no campo da linguagem e seus efeitos de retorno em operadores estruturais específicos a cada conjunto, tais quais na divisão ser, sujeito e eu na montagem da estrutura pelo corte significante; (4) Considerações sobre os arranjos particulares definidos por neurose - o efeito do suporte simbólico ao significante, perversão - posição de recobrimento Imaginário do objeto e psicose - a função imaginária de borda para o Real. Portanto, a tese defendida está pautada numa proposição estrutural da subjetividade pela articulação de operações fundamentais de inscrição no campo da linguagem, e de operadores específicos pela amarração dos três registros RSI, escritos nos enodamentos do Nó-Borromeu RSI, que se atualizam sob transferência enquanto hipótese diagnóstica na particularidade de um tratamento / The present work deals with the questions related to the notion of structure in the theoretical scope of the psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan (1901-1981), specifically on the object of study defined as clinical structures, according to the classic neurosis, perversion and psychosis division. The question that guided the research was: How to define the notion of clinical structures in the Lacanian work? In view of the hypothesis of theoretical permanence of the structural set in Lacan\'s work, the aim of this thesis was to define the clinical structures by means of the correlation of such sets with the three registers Real, Symbolic and Imaginary (RSI) and their topological writings by the possible intertwinement of the Borromean knot. The proposed method is structured in four chapters: (1) Analysis of epistemological edges to the concept of structure in Lacan, from the structuralism, with Linguistics with Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) and Roman O. Jakobson (1896-1982), anthropology with Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) and logics and mathematics with Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC), Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) as well as General topology; (2) Proposal of the concept of clinical structures, from the three main theories of the constitution of the subject in Lacan, theory of the mirror stage (1949 1964), theory of the Oedipus complex (1950-1970) and theory of alienation (1964-1970), from which it is possible to extract the indications of three registers RSI; (3) The development of main operations - Bejahung and Verwerfung - on the inscription in the field of language and their returning effects on specific structural operators to each set, such as in the division being, subject and I in the assembly of the structure by the signifier cutting; (4) Consideration of the particular arrangements defined as neurosis - the effect in the symbolic support to the signifier, perversion - position of the imaginary object covering and, psychosis - the imaginary function of edge for the Real. Therefore, the thesis defended is based on a structural proposition of subjectivity by the articulation of fundamental operations of inscription in the field of language, and of specific operators in the tying of the three RSI registers, written in the intertwinements of the Node-Borromeo RSI, that are updated under transfer while diagnostic hypothesis in the particularity of a treatment


MARIANA ADAO DA SILVA 20 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação propõe uma leitura da especificidade do laço social na atualidade, assim como propõe uma maneira como, a partir deste laço, poderia ser decantada uma política contemporânea. Para esta costura, uma leitura do sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman fornece balizas para delimitarmos o estado atual do laço social. Em seguida, algumas das perspectivas de Sigmund Freud, com relação ao social e aos modos de organização grupal, especialmente quanto ao lugar que estes dão ao líder, são contrapostas à descrição de Bauman. Jorge Alemán e Ernesto Laclau trazem, então, elementos para a aplicação de conceitos desenvolvidos por Jacques Lacan, a partir de Freud, ao momento político atual, especialmente no que concerne às concepções de solidão comum, significante vazio e ato instituinte. Por fim, os conceitos lacanianos de nó borromeano e sinthome são examinados para localizar em que se apoiam os conceitos de Alemán e Laclau, com referência ao ensino de Lacan. Amarra-se, assim, nossa dissertação, propondo alguma orientação dentro do campo demarcado. / [en] This dissertation proposes a reading of the specificity of the social tie in the present time, as well as proposes a way where, from this tie, a contemporary politics could be decanted. For this seam, a reading by sociologist Zygmunt Bauman provides reading beacons for delimiting the current state of the social tie. Next, some of Freud s perspectives on the social and modes of group organization, especially as to the place they give to the leader, are opposed to Bauman s description. Jorge Alemán and Ernesto Laclau bring elements for the application of concepts developed by Jacques Lacan from Freud s work to the present political moment, especially in what concerns his conceptions of common solitude, empty signifier and institute act. Finally, the Lacanian concepts of the Borromean node and sinthome are examined with the objective of locating in which the concepts of Alemán and Laclau are supported in the teaching of Lacan. Thus, our dissertation is tied, proposing some orientation within the demarcated field.

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