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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanoparticules organiques ultra-brillantes pour l'imagerie biologique / Ultra-bright organic nanoparticles for biologic imaging

Bsaibess, Talia 28 April 2015 (has links)
Les nanoparticules inorganiques luminescentes ont suscité un intérêt croissant au cours des dernières décennies, notamment pour leur application en imagerie biologique. Un certain nombre d’entre elles présentent toutefois des limitations telles que toxicité, absence de biodégradabilité, faible brillance, clignotements…. Dans cette optique, les nanoparticules fluorescentes à base de petites molécules organiques (FONs) offrent une solution alternative prometteuse aux nanoparticules inorganiques pour l'imagerie biologique. Le principal défi réside dans l'élaboration des nanoparticules organiques possédant une brillance élevée, une bonne stabilité dans l'eau (y compris en milieu biologique), une bonne biocompatibilité ainsi qu'une émission accordable dans le visible et au-delà dans le proche infrarouge (pour une détection plus aisée en milieu diffusant). Dans cette optique, nous avons utilisé une stratégie basée sur l’utilisation de chromophores dipolaires de type "push pull" « adaptés ». Au cours du travail, la synthèse de séries de chromophores homologues bâtis sur le même système conjugué et ayant en commun un groupe donneur de type triphénylamine (destiné à préserver les propriétés de luminescence) présentant ou non des motifs encombrants positionnés a été réalisée. Les nanoparticules correspondantes ont été préparées selon un protocole classique, simple et rapide à mettre en oeuvre (précipitation). L’étude des propriétés photophysiques des nanoparticules organiques fluorescentes ainsi obtenues a été réalisée et mise en perspective avec celles des chromophores en solution dans des solvants organiques de polarité variable. Une étude systématique de l’évolution dans le temps des propriétés optiques des nanoparticules organiques a été réalisée permettant de mettre en lumière des relations entre la structure des sous-unités chromophoriques et la stabilité colloïdale et « optique » des nanoparticules. Ces études ont permis d’identifier des nanoparticules émettant dans le proche infrarouge extrêmement brillantes et présentant une stabilité colloïdale remarquable dans l’eau, une photostabilité accrue et une très bonne biocompatibilité. De ce fait, ces nanoparticules ont pu être utilisées avec succès dans l'imagerie biologique des cellules et le suivi (tracking) à l'échelle de la particule unique, démontrant l'intérêt de la démarche d'ingénierie mise en oeuvre. / During the last decades, luminescent inorganic nanoparticles have attracted a large interest in different fields including biological imaging. However, a number of them have drawbacks such as toxicity and absence of biodegradability. Recently, molecular-based fluorescent organic nanoparticles (FONs) have emerged as a promising alternative to inorganic nanoparticles for bioimaging. The main challenge lies in the elaboration of organic nanoparticles that combine large brightness, good colloidal stability in biological environments) and biocompatibility as well as NIR emission (to allow improved detection in thick tissues). To achieve this objective, we have implemented a molecular engineering strategy based on dedicated polar and polarizable "push pull" chromophore built from a triphenylamine donor moiety and a specific pi-conjugated system. The corresponding nanoparticles were readily prepared by the reprecipitation method. In the present manuscript, the synthesis of the chromophores and the preparation and characterization of the organic fluorescent nanoparticles is described. A comprehensive investigation of their photophysical properties and study of their colloidal stability is presented allowing to derive structure-property relationships. The implemented study led to innovative NIR-emitting nanoparticles combining large brightness (superior to those of QDs and NIR-emitting organic dyes), remarkable colloid stability and suitable photostability. These nanoparticles have been successfully used for single particle tracking and imaging in cells, while no toxic effect was observed.

Modelling the optical properties of semiconducting nanostructures

Buccheri, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we describe the development of a real-space implementation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) and use it in conjunction with a semi-empirical tight-binding model to investigate the optoelectronic properties of colloidal quantum- confined nanostructures. This novel implementation exploits the limited radial extent and small size of the atomic orbital basis to treat finite systems containing up to ∼4000 atoms in a fully many-body framework. In the first part of this thesis our tight-binding model is initially benchmarked on zincblende CdSe nanocrystals, before subsequently being used to investigate the electronic states of zincblende CdSe nanoplatelets as a function of thickness. The band-edge electronic states are found to show minimal variation for a range of thicknesses and the results of our tight-binding model show good agreement with those predicted using a 14-band k·p model for a nanoplatelet of 4 monolayers (ML) in thickness. Optical absorption spectra were also computed in the independent-particle approximation. While the results of the tight-binding model show good agreement with those of the 14-band k·p model in the low-energy region of the spectrum, agreement with experiment was poor. This reflects the need for a many-body treatment of optical absorption in nanoplatelet systems. In the second part of this thesis we apply our tight-binding plus BSE model to study the excitonic properties of CdSe nanocrystals and nanoplatelets. Simulations performed on CdSe nanocrystals examined an approximation of the BSE equivalent to configuration interaction singles (CIS), and found that both the optical gap and the low-energy spectral features were unaffected by the approximation. A comparison of exciton binding energies with those predicted by CIS demonstrates the sensitivity of results to the exact treatment of dielectric screening and the decision of whether or not to screen exchange. Our model predicts optical gaps that are in strong agreement with average experimental data for all but the smallest diameters, but was not able to reproduce low-energy spectral features that were fully consistent with experiment. This was attributed to the absence of the spin-orbit interaction in the model. Simulations performed on CdSe nanoplatelets investigate the optical gaps and exciton binding energies as a function of thickness. Exciton binding energies were found to reach ∼200 meV for the thinnest system, however, optical gaps were slightly overestimated in comparison to experiment. This is attributed to the reduced lateral dimensions used in our simulations and our bulk treatment of dielectric screening. A two-dimensional treatment of dielectric screening is expected to further increase binding energies. Calculations of the excitonic absorption spectrum reproduce the characteristic spectral features observed in experiment, and show strong agreement with the spectra of nanoplatelets, with thicknesses ranging from 3 ML to 5 ML.

Etude d'empilements multicouches colloidaux préparés par voie sol-gel : propriétés optiques et mécaniques / Study of colloidal multilayer stacks prepared by sol-gel process : optical and mechanical properties

Dieudonné, Xavier 10 November 2011 (has links)
Les procédés de dépôt de couches minces optiques par voie physique ou par voie sol-gel présentent par nature des limitations pour la réalisation de revêtements épais (>1 µm) et ont alors recours à des empilements multicouches pour la préparation de miroirs diélectriques ou de polariseurs. C'est pour ces raisons qu'il est intéressant d'étudier les conditions permettant d'augmenter l'épaisseur critique des films sol-gel notamment. Après avoir étudié la capacité d'empilements des couches colloïdales, trois principaux paramètres ont été identifiés permettant d'augmenter l'épaisseur critique d'empilements monomatériaux et multimatériaux. Ces paramètres sont : l'épaisseur déposée,les interactions chimiques entre les particules et le temps de séchage du film. Ils influencent la microstructure des empilements et par conséquent les propriétés optiques et mécaniques. En contrôlant tous ces paramètres, nous avons montré qu'il est possible de préparer des empilements colloïdaux de fortes épaisseurs ouvrent la voie à la préparation sol-gel de miroirs de hautes performances et/ou de polariseurs. En outre, un développement spécifique de méthodes de caractérisations optiques et mécaniques a été nécessaire pour l'étude de ces films sol-gel, à la fois minces et fragiles. / Main optical deposition processes, physical vapor deposition or sol-gel, exhibit difficulties of achieving thick coatings (>1 µm) and to build multilayer stacks (dielectric mirrors, polarizers). For these reasons, we have studied the conditions to enable a significative increase of deposited sol-gel films thickness. Three main parameters have been evidenced enabling the control of the stacking ability : single layer deposited thickness, chemical interactions beetween nanoparticles and coating drying time. We have shown that these parameters depend on the sol composition and on deposition conditions (process) and that the microstructure of single material stacking is influenced. Optical and mechanical properties of sol-gel films have been studied and optimized regarding these different material and process parameters. For this reason, optical and mechanical characterization techniques have been specifically developed and can now be used for fragile and thin film characterization. In controlling all these parameters, it is now possible to prepare multilayer colloidal stack with high thicknesses enabling the fabrication of high-performance mirrors and polarizers.

Determinacao das caracteristicas de intumescimento de adjuvantes

Lima Neto, Severino Antonio de January 1996 (has links)
O intumescimento é um dos fatores decisivos que influenciam o comportamento de desintegração de formas farmac6uticas compactadas e, consequentemente, o perfil biofarmacêutico de substancias ativas. Entre os diversos adjuvantes empregados para promover a desagregação daquelas formas farmac6uticas nas suas partículas primarias originais, são utilizadas varias substancias, abrangidas pelo conceito de desintegrantes intumescedores. A escolha do adjuvante mais adequado nestes casos pode ser vista como uma atividade que exige o gasto considerável de tempo e de custos elevados. Além disto deve ser levada em consideração a existência de vários produtos similares no mercado. A questão da equival6ncia representa portanto um desafio importante na fase de formulação. Com o objetivo de aumentar os conhecimentos nesta área, foi desenvolvido equipamento para a avaliação dinâmica do intumescimento de pês. Inicialmente foram considerados fatores de construção do aparelho, tais como a porosidade, espessura e área do filtro de vidro sintetizado. Foram tamb6m avaliadas variações metodológicas, entre as quais a temperatura de realização do teste e o meio liquido empregado. Croscarmelose, um superdesintegrante, foi utilizada como adjuvante-modelo no teste do equipamento. A alteração do meio liquido de ensaio foi o fator que causou a maior influ6ncia sobre os resultados, embora a espessura dos filtros de vidro sintetizado tenha causado alguma alteração quer no tempo como no volume final de intumescimento. intumescimento. Já a mudança de temperatura não provocou diferenças significativas nas observações. Numa segunda fase foi investigada a influência deste desintegrante sobre as características de intumescimento de quatro celuloses microcristalinas (CMCr) isoladas ou adicionadas com um lubrificante. Para tanto elaborou-se um planejamento fatorial 4 X 2 X 2. A presença do desintegrante, como esperado, provocou aumento do volume final de intumescimento das CMCr, que apresentaram, no entanto, comportamentos diferenciados frente ao adjuvante. Já a presença do lubrificante conduziu a resultados totalmente dependentes do tipo de CMCr testada. A análise comparativa entre estes produtos demonstrou que somente num caso houve simitaridade de comportamento. / Swelling is one of the decisive factors influencing the disintegrant behavior of compacted pharmaceutical dosage forms and consequently the biopharmaceutical profile of drug substances. Among the various excipients used to promote the disintegration of such dosage forms in its originally primary particles, several substances, classified as swelling disintegrants, are employed. The choice of the most appropriate excipient in this case can be a time and cost consuming enterprise. Additionally it must be considered that the same substance can be delivered in the market by different producers. The question of equivalence represents also an important challenge in the formulation phase. In order to provide more knowledge in this area an apparatus to analyze the dynamic swelling of powder admixtures was developed. Construction factors such as filter porosity, thickness and area were considered. Methodological variants including essay temperature and liquid medium were also evaluated. Croscarmelose, a superdisintegrant, was used as model excipient to test the self built equipment. The change of the test fluid was the determinant factor on the results, although the thickness of the sintered glass filter showed some influence on both swelling volume and swelling time of this adjuvant. As a second step, the influence of this disintegrant on the swelling behavior of four microcrystalline celluloses (MCC) alone or added with a lubricant were investigated by using a 4 X 2 X 2 factorial design. The presence of the disintegrant was able to increase the swelling volume. Both final swelling volume and time were dependent of the MCC type. The lubricant showed different influences on the four tested MCC. A comparative study demonstrated that only in one case these products presented similarly swelling behavior.

Surface-enhanced Raman microspectroscopy of biomolecules and biological systems / Surface-enhanced Raman microspectroscopy of biomolecules and biological systems

Šimáková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) microspectroscopy for the study of biomolecules and biological systems. The main probe molecule was cationic porphyrin H2TMPyP, however, other porphyrins, tryptophan and two lipids were also used. The sensitivity and reproducibility of several solid SERS substrates: (i) Au and Ag nanoparticles (NPs) immobilized via a bifunctional linker, (ii) AgNPs immobilized by drying, (iii) highly ordered Au and Ag film-over-nanosphere (FON) and (iv) Ag-coated insect wings were compared. On most of the solid substrates, the lowest detected H2TMPyP concentration was ~10-8 M. The highest sensitivity was provided by the dried drops of AgNPs/analyte mixture, where concentrations 1×10-10 M TMPyP, 1×10-5 M tryptophan, 2×10-7 M DSPC and 3×10-7 M DMTAP were detected. Nevertheless, the spectral reproducibility was decreased due to porphyrin metallation and perturbation of the lipid spectra in comparison to their Raman spectra from solution. The highest reproducibility was achieved by AuFON and Ag-coated insect wings. Finally, the AgNPs modified by PEG polymers were tested for intracellular application using HeLa cancer cells. Metallation of H2TMPyP served to probe the accessibility of PEG- AgNPs surface. The results proved that the accessibility...

Cucurbit[n]uril-based colloidal self-assembly in hybrid polymeric systems

Wu, Yuchao January 2017 (has links)
Supramolecular interactions are of great importance in the fabrication of new functional materials. In particular, colloidal assembly via supramolecular pathway has contributed to numerous innovations in material chemistry, on account of its specific, directional and dynamic non-covalent interactions. By taking advantage of the non-covalent supramolecular interactions, tailored complementary colloidal building blocks which are normally incompatible with each other could be integrated interdependently, forming novel hybrid materials with emerging properties. This thesis mainly focuses on the design, preparation and characterization of novel colloidal assemblies based on cucurbit[n]urils host-guest interactions, including hybrid ‘raspberry-like’ colloids, catalytic polymeric nanocomposites, advanced structured colloids, and supramolecular polymer colloidal hydrogel.

Morphological instabilities in drying colloids

Kiatkirakajorn, Pree-cha 10 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Obtenção de estruturas celulares de óxido de cério a partir de solução coloidal (gelcasting) e caracterização de sua microestrutura e atividade catalítica na combustão de metano

Senisse, Carolina Alves de Lima January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a técnica de solução coloidal(gelcasting) em meio polimérico para a obtenção de partículas de óxido de cério, visando seu emprego como catalisadores na combustão do metano. A formulação do sistema coloidal foi baseada na hidrólise de sais, como acetilacetonato de cério e nitrato de cério em presença de aditivos tais como polivinilbutiral (PVB), polivinilpirrolidona (PVP) e polivinilacetato (PVA), nas concentrações de 5, 10 e 15%, em meio alcoólico ou aquoso. Essas soluções, contendo os íons de interesse, foram submetidas a um tratamento térmico a 650°C, por 30 minutos, com taxa de aquecimento de 2°C/min. Após o tratamento térmico, os produtos obtidos foram caracterizados quanto a sua morfologia, área superficial, cristalinidade, perda de massa e atividade catalítica. As amostras obtidas a partir de acetilacetonato de cério mostraram-se mais reativas do que as obtidas a partir de nitrato de cério na catálise da combustão do metano, pois apresentaram maiores conversões e atingiram maiores temperaturas durante o processo, o que é de extrema importância uma vez que a combustão catalítica do metano é utilizada para a geração de energia térmica. Durante o processo de combustão, utilizando-se as partículas obtidas a partir de acetilacetonato de cério, observou-se a liberação de grandes quantidades de compostos nitrogenados quando comparado aos resultados dos ensaios com as partículas obtidas com nitrato de cério. Após a combustão do metano, as amostras sofreram significativa alteração na área superficial, provavelmente devido à intensidade do calor liberado, o que deu origem a maior aglomeração dos particulados. / This study investigatedto obtainparticles ofcerium oxide, for use as catalysts for thecombustion of methaneusing the techniqueofthroughpolymericcolloidal solution (gelcasting).Obtaining thecolloidal systemisbased onhydrolysis ofsalts such asceriumacetylacetonate,cerium nitratein the presence ofadditives such aspolyvinylbutyral(PVB),polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and polyvinyl acetate(PVA),at concentrations of 5, 10 and 15% inaqueousoralcoholic medium. Thesesolutions containingionsof interestwere subjected to aheat treatment at 650°C for30 minutes, with heating rate of2°C/min.After heat treatment, the fibers were characterized accordingto their morphology, surface area, crystallinity, weight loss andcatalytic activity. Samplesobtained fromceriumacetylacetonatewere morereactivethan theceriumnitrateto thecombustion of methane, as showed greaterconversions andhigher temperaturesreachedduring the process, which is of utmost importancesince thecombustioncatalyticmethaneis usedfor generatingthermal energy.Duringthe combustion processusing theobtained fromparticlesof ceriumacetylacetonate, there was the release of largequantities ofnitrogencomparedto the results ofassays withthe particles obtainedwithcerium nitrate.Afterthe reactionwith methane, the samples underwentsignificantchange insurface area, probably dueto the intensity of heat of this reaction, which helps to agglomerate the particles.

Etude de l'imprégnation électrophorétique, en milieu aqueux, de nanoparticules de boehmite, en vue du colmatage d'un film anodique poreux sur alliage d'aluminium 1050 / Study of the electrophoretic impregnation of bohemite nanoparticles, in order to seal a porous anodic film prepared on aluminium alloy 1050

Caubert, Florent 10 March 2016 (has links)
Les pièces en aluminium sont largement utilisées dans le domaine aéronautique en raison de leurs bonnes propriétés mécaniques. Mais elles nécessitent un traitement de surface pour améliorer leur tenue en corrosion. Soumises à de nouvelles normes sur l'utilisation de produits chimiques et à la prise de conscience de la protection environnementale et humaine, les industries aéronautiques doivent à présent impérativement remplacer les procédés de traitements de surface actuels, devenus obsolètes car incluant des composés CMR. L'objectif de ces travaux de recherche est de développer un traitement de surface par voie liquide, à la fois innovant et conforme à la législation REACH, pour améliorer les propriétés d'anticorrosion des alliages d'aluminium ; le procédé d'élaboration présentement étudié, est composé d'une anodisation poreuse puis d'un colmatage par imprégnation de particules au sein des pores. Un film anodique poreux " modèle " a tout d'abord été élaboré et caractérisé : son épaisseur est de 10 µm, tandis que les pores sont rectilignes et ont un diamètre moyen de 120 nm. Puis, nous avons étudié la synthèse par voie aqueuse, de nanoparticules de boehmite, l'optimisation des différents paramètres de synthèse ayant permis finalement d'obtenir des particules d'une taille inférieure à celle des pores du film anodique. Deux techniques d'incorporation ont ensuite été expérimentées : le trempage-retrait et l'électrophorèse. La compréhension des mécanismes mis en jeu et de l'influence de différents paramètres opératoires, a permis une maitrise des procédés et l'insertion effective de particules. Des caractérisations microstructurales ont en particulier montré que l'insertion de particules est plus aisée dans le cas d'une électrophorèse avec une tension pulsée. Enfin, la mise en œuvre d'un post-traitement hydrothermal après l'imprégnation, a permis d'obtenir un colmatage complet des pores du film anodique, et d'augmenter significativement les propriétés anticorrosion. / Aluminum parts are widely used in the aeronautical field because of their good mechanical properties. But they require a surface treatment to improve their resistance to corrosion. Subject to new standards on the use of chemicals and awareness of environmental and human protection, the aeronautical industry must now replace current surface treatment processes, which have become obsolete because they include CMR compounds. The aim of this research is to develop a surface treatment, both innovative and REACH compliant, to improve the anticorrosion properties of aluminum alloys; the process here studied, is composed of a porous anodization and a sealing by impregnation of particles within the pores. A "model" porous anodic film was first prepared and characterized: its thickness is 10 µm, while the pores are straight and have a mean diameter of 120 nm. Then, we studied the aqueous synthesis of boehmite nanoparticles; the optimization of the synthesis parameters finally allowed to obtain a particle size smaller than the pore diameter. Two incorporation techniques were then tested: dip-coating and electrophoresis. The understanding of the involved mechanisms and of the influence of different operating parameters, allowed a control of the processes and the effective insertion of particles. In particular, microstructural characterizations showed that the particle insertion is easier using pulsed voltage electrophoresis. Finally, a hydrothermal post-treatment after the impregnation, allowed to obtain a complete sealing of the anodic film pores, and to significantly increase the anticorrosion properties.

Spectroscopic Studies of Nanomaterials with a Liquid-Helium-Free High-Stability Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Kislitsyn, Dmitry 01 May 2017 (has links)
This dissertation presents results of a project bringing Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) into a regime of unlimited operational time at cryogenic conditions. Freedom from liquid helium consumption was achieved and technical characteristics of the instrument are reported, including record low noise for a scanning probe instrument coupled to a close-cycle cryostat, which allows for atomically resolved imaging, and record low thermal drift. Subsequent studies showed that the new STM opened new prospects in nanoscience research by enabling Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopic (STS) spatial mapping to reveal details of the electronic structure in real space for molecules and low-dimensional nanomaterials, for which this depth of investigation was previously prohibitively expensive. Quantum-confined electronic states were studied in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) deposited on the Au(111) surface. Localization on the nanometer-scale was discovered to produce a local vibronic manifold resulting from the localization-enhanced electron-vibrational coupling. STS showed the vibrational overtones, identified as D-band Kekulé vibrational modes and K-point transverse out-of plane phonons. This study experimentally connected the properties of well-defined localized electronic states to the properties of associated vibronic states. Electronic structures of alkyl-substituted oligothiophenes with different backbone lengths were studied and correlated with torsional conformations assumed on the Au(111) surface. The molecules adopted distinct planar conformations with alkyl ligands forming cis- or trans- mutual orientations and at higher coverage self-assembled into ordered structures, binding to each other via interdigitated alkyl ligands. STS maps visualized, in real space, particle-in-a-box-like molecular orbitals. Shorter quaterthiophenes have substantially varying orbital energies because of local variations in surface reactivity. Different conformers of longer oligothiophenes with significant geometrical distortions of the oligothiophene backbones surprisingly exhibited similar electronic structures, indicating insensitivity of interaction with the surface to molecular conformation. Electronic states for annealed ligand-free lead sulfide nanocrystals were investigated, as well as hydrogen-passivated silicon nanocrystals, supported on the Au(111) surface. Delocalized quantum-confined states and localized defect-related states were identified, for the first time, via STS spatial mapping. Physical mechanisms, involving surface reconstruction or single-atom defects, were proposed for surface state formation to explain the observed spatial behavior of the electronic density of states. This dissertation includes previously published co-authored material.

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