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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MobIS 2010 - Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme, Modellgestütztes Management: 15.-17. September 2010 in Dresden, Germany

Esswein, Werner, Turowski, Klaus, Juhrisch, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This volume contains contribution form the refereed “MobIS 2010” main program and selected papers of its tracks. The conference on information systems modeling was held in Dresden September 15-17, 2010. The guiding theme for MobIS 2010 focused on modeling topics between model-based management and component and service engineering.:Vorwort..................................................................................................................7 Modellgestütztes Management Esswein Werner, Stark Jeannette, Schlieter Hannes The selection of modeling grammars...................................................................13 Trojahner Iris, Weller Jens, Fürstenau Bärbel, Esswein Werner Der Einfluss von Modellierungswerkzeugen auf Qualität und Quantität von Modellen – Eine empirische Untersuchung.........................................................29 Weller Jens, Helbig Michaela, Großmann Knut Eine Methode fu!r den praktischen Einsatz von Konfigurationsmanagement in verteilten Modellierungsprojekten.......................................................................47 Fengel Janina, Rebstock Michael Domänensemantik-orientierte Integration heterogener konzeptueller Modelle................................................................................................................63 Bögel Stephan, Esswein Werner Vertikale Modellintegration in Rahmenwerken – Evaluation von Integrationsansätzen und Untersuchung der Implementierbarkeit anhand eines Fallbeispiels.........................................................................................................79 Fellmann Michael, Hogrebe Frank, Thomas Oliver, Nüttgens Markus An ontology-driven approach to support semantic verification in business process modeling.................................................................................................99 Juhrisch Martin, Dietz Gunnar Context-based Modeling: Introducing a Novel Modeling Approach................111 Strecker Stefan, Heise David, Frank Ulrich Toward modeling constructs for audit risk assessment: Reflections on internal controls modeling..............................................................................................131 Schlieter Hannes, Bürger Maik, Esswein Werner Konstruktion eines adaptiven Referenzmodells für den ambulanten Sektor.....149 Deindl Matthias, Naß Eric, Beckhoff Tim Anwendung der enhanced Telecom Operations Map auf Dienstleistungsunternehmen in der Stromwirtschaft am Beispiel eines Prozesses im Bereich Messwesen.........................................................................................................171 Komponentenorientierte betriebliche Anwendungssysteme Schrödl Holger Service- und komponentenorientierte Informationssystemarchitekturen für die strategische Beschaffung von hybriden Produkten – ein Vergleichsrahmen.....................................................................................195 Houy Constantin, Reiter Markus, Fettke Peter, Loos Peter Potentiale serviceorientierter Architekturen für Software-Werkzeuge des Geschäftsprozessmanagements..........................................................................211 Sadek Tim, Meuris Daniel Datentechnische Integration und Visualisierung von Anforderungen innerhalb von CAD-Systemen...........................................................................................229

Refining and Expanding the Feature Stamping Process

Emery, Russell N. 24 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The accuracy of numerical models analyzing hydrologic and hydraulic processes depends largely on how well the input terrain data represents the earth's surface. Modelers obtain terrain data for a study area by performing surveys or by gathering historical survey data. If a modeler desires to create a predictive model to simulate the addition of man-made features such as channels, embankments and pits, he must modify the terrain data to include these features. Doing this by hand is tedious and time consuming. In 2001 Christensen implemented a tool in the Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) software package for integrating man-made geometric features into surveyed terrain data. He called this process feature stamping. While Christensen's feature stamping algorithms decrease the time and effort required to integrate geometric features into existing terrain data, they only function on centerline-based features having a constant trapezoidal cross-section. In addition to placing geometric limitations on the features they stamp, Christensen's feature stamping algorithms also possess several instabilities. These instabilities arise when stamping features that leave the bounds of the terrain data, and when modifying and re-stamping features that have already been stamped. This thesis presents changes and enhancements made to Christensen's feature stamping algorithms. These changes and enhancements completely eliminate the instabilities found in Christensen's feature stamping algorithms and make it possible for numerical modelers to stamp more complex geometric features having compound slopes, asymmetric cross-sections and varying cross-sections along their length. Finally, additional feature stamping algorithms make it possible to stamp radial features such as mounds and pits.

Conceptual XML for Systems Analysis

Al-Kamha, Reema 19 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Because XML has become a new standard for data representation, there is a need for a simple conceptual model that works well with XML-based development. In this research we present a conceptual model for XML, called C-XML, which meets this new need of systems analysts who store their data using XML. We describe our implementation of an automatic conversion from XML Schema to C-XML that preserves information and constraints. With this conversion, we can view an XML Schema instance graphically at a higher level of abstraction. We also describe our implementation of an automatic conversion from C-XML to XML Schema. Our con- version preserves information and constraints as long as we count the special C-XML comments that we insert in an XML-Schema instance to capture the constraints in C-XML that are not representable in XML Schema. In connection with defining C- XML and implementing conversions between C-XML and XML Schema, we are also able to make several insightful observations. We point out ways in which C-XML is more expressive than XML Schema, and we make recommendations for extending XML Schema. We also point out ways in which XML Schema is more expressive than conceptual models, and we make recommendations for augmenting traditional con- ceptual models to better accommodate XML. The work accomplished in connection with this research establishes the basis for several fundamental activities in system analysis, design, development, and evolution.


VINICIUS MICHEL GOTTIN 19 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese propomos a aplicação de um paradigma de planejamento baseado em uma disciplina de modelagem conceitual para as tarefas de Mineração de Processos. Postulamos que a abordagem apresentada habilita as tarefas de descoberta de processos, checagem de conformidade e melhoria de modelos em domínios educacionais, que tem características de processos não-estruturados – dependências entre tarefas, múltiplas dependências, eventos concorrentes, atividades que falham, atividades repetidas, traços parciais e estruturas de nocaute. Relacionamos os conceitos em ambas as áreas de pesquisa e demonstramos a abordagem aplicada a um exemplo em um domínio acadêmico, implementando os algoritmos como parte de uma Biblioteca de Planos Típicos para Mineração de Processos que constrói sobre a extensa literatura prévia. / [en] In this thesis we propose the application of an automated planning paradigm based on a conceptual modeling discipline for the Process Mining tasks. We posit that the presented approach enables the process discovery, conformance checking and model enhancement tasks for educational domains, comprising characteristics of unstructured processes – with intertask dependencies, multiple dependencies, concurrent events, failing activities, repeated activities, partial traces and knock-out structures. We relate the concepts in both areas of research, and demonstrate the approach applied to an academic domain example, implementing the algorithms as part of a Library for Typical Plans for Process Mining that leverages the extensive prior art in the literature.


PATRICIA FERREIRA DA SILVA 12 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta a Reservoir Risks Ontology (ResRiskOnto), uma ontologia aplicada aos riscos na indústria de óleo e gás associados ao domínio de reservatórios. Os componentes da ResRiskOnto são termos do domínio de trabalho de profissinais de reservatório, de forma a facilitar sua adoção na documentação futura de riscos. A ResRiskOnto tem como ideia central o conceito de Evento de Risco. Cada evento tem um conjunto de possíveis Participantes, que por sua vez possuem Características manifestadas pelo evento. A ontologia dispõe de um total de 97 termos, 29 dos quais derivados da classe Evento de Risco. Para desenvolver a ResRiskOnto, foi feita uma análise semântica em aproximadamente 2500 riscos de reservatórios documentados em linguagem natural. Este repositório é fruto de centenas de workshops de avaliação de riscos em projetos de óleo e gás, conduzidos na Petrobras durante uma década. A ontologia proposta fundamenta-se nos princípios da Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), uma ontologia de topo projetada para descrever domínios científicos. A BFO baseia-se no Realismo, uma visão filosófica segundo a qual os entes que constituem a realidade existem independentemente da nossa representação. No nível de domínio definimos os entes de reservatório usando os conceitos da GeoCore Ontology, uma ontologia para a Geologia. Para validar a ResRiskOnto os documentos do repositório foram anotados utilizando os entes e relações definidos na ontologia, e desenvolvido um modelo capaz de reconhecer entidades nomeadas e extrair as relações entre elas. Nossa contribuição é uma ontologia aplicada que permite o raciocínio semântico no repositório de documentos de risco. Esperamos que ela forneça (i) as bases para modelagem de dados de riscos relacionados a reservatórios; e (ii) um padrão para futura documentação de riscos no domínio de reservatório. / [en] This work proposes the Reservoir Risks Ontology (ResRiskOnto), an application ontology for risks in the oil and gas industry associated with the petroleum reservoir domain. ResRiskOnto s building blocks are terms dominated by reservoir professionals, so that it can be easily adopted in future risk documentation. ResRiskOnto is developed having at its center the concept of Risk Events. Each event has a set of possible Participants, that have its Characteristics manifested by the event. The ontology provides a total a set of 97 terms, 29 of which are derived from the Risk Event class. To develop the ResRiskOnto, we conducted a semantic analysis of documents that contain over 2500 reservoir-related risks described in natural language. This repository is the result of hundreds of risk assessment workshops in oil and gas projects, conducted in over ten years in Petrobras. This ontology is founded on the principles of the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), a top-level ontology designed to describe scientific domains. One of BFO s most distinct characteristic is its commitment to Realism, a philosophical view of reality in which its constituents exist independently of our representations. On the domain-level, reservoir entities are described under the principles of the GeoCore Ontology, a core ontology for Geology. To validate the ResRiskOnto we annotate our risk documents repository with the ontology s entities and relations, developing a model that recognizes named entities and extracts the relations among them. Our contribution is an application ontology that allows semantic reasoning over the risk documents. We also expect to provide (i) a basis for data modelling in the case of reservoir-related risks; and (ii) a standard for future risk documentation in the reservoir domain.

Understanding the Code of Life: Holistic Conceptual Modeling of the Genome

García Simón, Alberto 23 January 2023 (has links)
[ES] En las últimas décadas, los avances en la tecnología de secuenciación han producido cantidades significativas de datos genómicos, hecho que ha revolucionado nuestra comprensión de la biología. Sin embargo, la cantidad de datos generados ha superado con creces nuestra capacidad para interpretarlos. Descifrar el código de la vida es un gran reto. A pesar de los numerosos avances realizados, nuestra comprensión del mismo sigue siendo mínima, y apenas estamos empezando a descubrir todo su potencial, por ejemplo, en áreas como la medicina de precisión o la farmacogenómica. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es avanzar en nuestra comprensión de la vida proponiendo una aproximación holística mediante un enfoque basado en modelos que consta de tres artefactos: i) un esquema conceptual del genoma, ii) un método para su aplicación en el mundo real, y iii) el uso de ontologías fundacionales para representar el conocimiento del dominio de una forma más precisa y explícita. Las dos primeras contribuciones se han validado mediante la implementación de sistemas de información genómicos basados en modelos conceptuales. La tercera contribución se ha validado mediante experimentos empíricos que han evaluado si el uso de ontologías fundacionales conduce a una mejor comprensión del dominio genómico. Los artefactos generados ofrecen importantes beneficios. En primer lugar, se han generado procesos de gestión de datos más eficientes, lo que ha permitido mejorar los procesos de extracción de conocimientos. En segundo lugar, se ha logrado una mejor comprensión y comunicación del dominio. / [CA] En les últimes dècades, els avanços en la tecnologia de seqüenciació han produït quantitats significatives de dades genòmiques, fet que ha revolucionat la nostra comprensió de la biologia. No obstant això, la quantitat de dades generades ha superat amb escreix la nostra capacitat per a interpretar-los. Desxifrar el codi de la vida és un gran repte. Malgrat els nombrosos avanços realitzats, la nostra comprensió del mateix continua sent mínima, i a penes estem començant a descobrir tot el seu potencial, per exemple, en àrees com la medicina de precisió o la farmacogenómica. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és avançar en la nostra comprensió de la vida proposant una aproximació holística mitjançant un enfocament basat en models que consta de tres artefactes: i) un esquema conceptual del genoma, ii) un mètode per a la seua aplicació en el món real, i iii) l'ús d'ontologies fundacionals per a representar el coneixement del domini d'una forma més precisa i explícita. Les dues primeres contribucions s'han validat mitjançant la implementació de sistemes d'informació genòmics basats en models conceptuals. La tercera contribució s'ha validat mitjançant experiments empírics que han avaluat si l'ús d'ontologies fundacionals condueix a una millor comprensió del domini genòmic. Els artefactes generats ofereixen importants beneficis. En primer lloc, s'han generat processos de gestió de dades més eficients, la qual cosa ha permés millorar els processos d'extracció de coneixements. En segon lloc, s'ha aconseguit una millor comprensió i comunicació del domini. / [EN] Over the last few decades, advances in sequencing technology have produced significant amounts of genomic data, which has revolutionised our understanding of biology. However, the amount of data generated has far exceeded our ability to interpret it. Deciphering the code of life is a grand challenge. Despite our progress, our understanding of it remains minimal, and we are just beginning to uncover its full potential, for instance, in areas such as precision medicine or pharmacogenomics. The main objective of this thesis is to advance our understanding of life by proposing a holistic approach, using a model-based approach, consisting of three artifacts: i) a conceptual schema of the genome, ii) a method for its application in the real-world, and iii) the use of foundational ontologies to represent domain knowledge in a more unambiguous and explicit way. The first two contributions have been validated by implementing genome information systems based on conceptual models. The third contribution has been validated by empirical experiments assessing whether using foundational ontologies leads to a better understanding of the genomic domain. The artifacts generated offer significant benefits. First, more efficient data management processes were produced, leading to better knowledge extraction processes. Second, a better understanding and communication of the domain was achieved. / Las fructíferas discusiones y los resultados derivados de los proyectos INNEST2021 /57, MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PID2021-123824OB-I00, CIPROM/2021/023 y PDC2021- 121243-I00 han contribuido en gran medida a la calidad final de este tesis. / García Simón, A. (2022). Understanding the Code of Life: Holistic Conceptual Modeling of the Genome [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191432

A Framework for Conceptual Characterization of Ontologies and its Application in the Cybersecurity Domain

Franco Martins Souza, Beatriz 17 May 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las ontologías son artefactos computacionales con una amplia gama de aplicaciones. Estos artefactos representan el conocimiento con la mayor precisión posible y brindan a los humanos un marco para representar y aclarar el conocimiento. Además, las ontologías se pueden implementar y procesar agregando semántica a los datos que deben intercambiarse entre sistemas. En los sistemas, los datos transportan información y deben seguir los Principios FAIR para cumplir su propósito. Sin embargo, los dominios del conocimiento pueden ser vastos, complejos y sensibles, lo que hace que la interoperabilidad sea un desafío. Además, el diseño y desarrollo de ontologías no es una tarea sencilla, y debe seguir metodologías y estándares, además de cumplir una serie de requisitos. De hecho, las ontologías se han utilizado para producir FAIRness de datos debido a sus características, aplicaciones y competencias semánticas. Con la creciente necesidad de interoperar datos surgió la necesidad de interoperar ontologías para garantizar la correcta transmisión e intercambio de información. Para satisfacer esta demanda de ontologías interoperativas y, al mismo tiempo, conceptualizar dominios amplios y complejos, surgieron las Redes de Ontologías. Además, las ontologías comenzaron a presentar conceptualizaciones a través de la fragmentación del conocimiento de diferentes maneras, dependiendo de requisitos como el alcance de la ontología, su propósito, si es procesable o para uso humano, su contexto, entre otros aspectos formales, haciendo que la Ingeniería Ontológica sea también un dominio complejo. El problema es que en el Proceso de Ingeniería de Ontologías, las personas responsables toman diferentes perspectivas sobre las conceptualizaciones, provocando que las ontologías tengan sesgos a veces más ontológicos y otras más relacionados con el dominio. Estos problemas dan como resultado ontologías que carecen de fundamento o bien implementaciones de ontologías sin un modelo de referencia previo. Proponemos una (meta)ontología basada en la Ontología Fundacional Unicada (UFO, del inglés, Unified Foundational Ontology) y respaldada por estándares de clasificación ontológica reconocidos, guías y principios FAIR para resolver este problema de falta de consenso en las conceptualizaciones. La Ontología para el Análisis Ontológico (O4OA, del inglés, Ontology for Ontological Analysis) considera perspectivas, conocimientos, características y compromisos, que son necesarios para que la ontología y el dominio faciliten el proceso de Análisis Ontológico, incluyendo el análisis de las ontologías que conforman una red de ontologías. Utilizando O4OA, proponemos el Marco para la Caracterización Ontológica (F4OC, del inglés, Framework for Ontology Characterization) para proporcionar pautas y mejores prácticas a los responsables, a la luz de O4OA. F4OC proporciona un entorno estable y homogéneo para facilitar el análisis ontológico, abordando simultáneamente las perspectivas ontológicas y de dominio de los involucrados. Además, aplicamos O4OA y F4OC a varios estudios de casos en el Dominio de Ciberseguridad, el cual es complejo, extremadamente regulado y sensible, y propenso a dañar a personas y organizaciones. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es proporcionar un entorno sistemático y reproducible para ingenieros en ontologías y expertos en dominios, responsables de garantizar ontologías desarrolladas de acuerdo con los Principios FAIR. Aspiramos a que O4OA y F4OC sean contribuciones valiosas para la comunidad de modelado conceptual, así como resultados adicionales para la comunidad de ciberseguridad a través del análisis ontológico de nuestros estudios de caso. / [CA] Les ontologies són artefactes computacionals amb una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions. Aquests artefactes representen el coneixement amb la major precisió possible i brinden als humans un marc per a representar i aclarir el coneixement. A més, les ontologies es poden implementar i processar agregant semàntica a les dades que han d'intercanviar-se entre sistemes. En els sistemes, les dades transporten informació i han de seguir els Principis FAIR per a complir el seu propòsit. No obstant això, els dominis del coneixement poden ser vastos, complexos i sensibles, la qual cosa fa que la interoperabilitat siga un desafiament. A més, el disseny i desenvolupament d'ontologies no és una tasca senzilla, i ha de seguir metodologies i estàndards, a més de complir una sèrie de requisits. De fet, les ontologies s'han utilitzat per a produir FAIRness de dades a causa de les seues característiques, aplicacions i competències semàntiques. Amb la creixent necessitat de inter operar dades va sorgir la necessitat de inter operar ontologies per a garantir la correcta transmissió i intercanvi d'informació. Per a satisfer aquesta demanda d'ontologies inter operatives i, al mateix temps, conceptualitzar dominis amplis i complexos, van sorgir Xarxes d'Ontologies. A més, les ontologies van començar a presentar conceptualitzacions a través de la fragmentació del coneixement de diferents maneres, depenent de requisits com l'abast de l'ontologia, el seu propòsit, si és procesable o per a ús humà, el seu context i diversos altres aspectes formals, fent que el Enginyeria Ontològica també és un domini complex. El problema és que en Procés d'Enginyeria d'Ontologies, les persones responsables prenen diferents perspectives sobre les conceptualitzacions, provocant que les ontologies tinguen biaixos a vegades més ontològics i altres més relacionats amb el domini. Aquests problemes donen com a resultat ontologies que manquen de fonament i implementacions d'ontologies sense un model de referència previ. Proposem una (meta)ontologia basada en la Ontologia Fundacional Unificada (UFO, de le inglés, Unified Foundational Ontology) i recolzada per coneguts estàndard de classificació ontològica, guies i principis FAIR per a resoldre aquest problema de falta de consens en les conceptualitzacions. La Ontologia per a l'Anàlisi Ontològica (O4OA, de le inglés, Ontology for Ontological Analysis) considera perspectives, coneixements, característiques i compromisos, que són necessaris perquè l'ontologia i el domini faciliten el procés de Anàlisi Ontològica, incloent-hi l'anàlisi de les ontologies que conformen una xarxa d'ontologies. Utilitzant O4OA, proposem el Marco per a la Caracterització Ontològica (F4OC, de le inglés, Framework for Ontology Characterization) per a proporcionar pautes i millors pràctiques als responsables, a la llum d'O4OA. F4OC proporciona un entorn estable i homogeni per a facilitar l'anàlisi ontològica, abordant simultàniament les perspectives ontològiques i de domini dels involucrades. A més, apliquem O4OA i F4OC a diversos estudis de casos en el Domini de Seguretat Cibernètica, que és complex, extremadament regulat i sensible, i propens a danyar a persones i organitzacions. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és proporcionar un entorn sistemàtic, reproduïble i escalable per a engineers en ontologies i experts in dominis encarregats de garantir les ontologies desenvolupades d'acord amb els Principis FAIR. Aspirem a fer que O4OA i F4OC aportin valuoses contribucions a la comunitat de modelització conceptual, així com resultats addicionals per a la comunitat de ciberseguretat mitjançant l'anàlisi ontològica dels nostres estudis de cas. / [EN] Ontologies are computational artifacts with a wide range of applications. They represent knowledge as accurately as possible and provide humans with a framework for knowledge representation and clarification. Additionally, ontologies can be implemented and processed by adding semantics to data that needs to be exchanged between systems. In systems, data is the carrier of information and needs to comply with the FAIR Principles to fulfill its purpose. However, knowledge domains can be vast, complex, and sensitive, making interoperability challenging. Moreover, ontology design and development are not easy tasks; they must follow methodologies and standards and comply with a set of requirements. Indeed, ontologies have been used to provide data FAIRness due to their characteristics, applications, and semantic competencies. With the growing need to interoperate data came the need to interoperate ontologies to guarantee the correct transmission and exchange of information. To meet the need to interoperate ontologies and at the same time conceptualize complex and vast domains, Ontology Networks emerged. Moreover, ontologies began to carry out conceptualizations, fragmenting knowledge in different ways depending on requirements, such as the ontology scope, purpose, whether it is processable or for human use, its context, and several other formal aspects, making Ontology Engineering also a complex domain. The problem is that in the Ontology Engineering Process, stakeholders take different perspectives of the conceptualizations, and this causes ontologies to have biases that are sometimes more ontological and sometimes more related to the domain. These problems result in ontologies that lack grounding and ontology implementations without a previous reference model. We propose a (meta)ontology grounded over the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) and supported by well-known ontological classification standards, guides, and FAIR Principles to address this problem of lack of consensual conceptualization. The Ontology for Ontological Analysis (O4OA) considers ontological-related and domain-related perspectives, knowledge, characteristics, and commitment that are needed to facilitate the process of Ontological Analysis, including the analysis of ontologies composing an ontology network. Using O4OA we propose the Framework for Ontology Characterization (F4OC) to provide guidelines and best practices in the light of O4OA for stakeholders. The F4OC fosters a stable and uniform environment for ontological analysis, integrating stakeholder perspectives. Moreover, we applied O4OA and F4OC to several case studies in the Cybersecurity Domain, which is intricate, highly regulated, and sensitive to causing harm to people and organizations. The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to provide a systematic and reproducible environment for ontology engineers and domain specialists responsible for ensuring ontologies developed according to the FAIR Principles. We aspire that O4OA and F4OC be valuable contributions to the conceptual modeling community as well as the additional outcomes for the cybersecurity community through the ontological analysis in our case studies. / Franco Martins Souza, B. (2024). A Framework for Conceptual Characterization of Ontologies and its Application in the Cybersecurity Domain [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204584

Uma proposta de modelagem conceitual de sistemas dirigida por comportamento / A proposal of behavior-driven systems conceptual modeling

Bustos Reinoso, Guillermo January 1996 (has links)
A Modelagem Orientada a Objetos (MOO) é o processo de construção de modelos de sistemas através da identificação e definição de um conjunto de objetos relacionados, que comportam-se e colaboram entre si conforme os requisitos estabelecidos para o sistema. Esta definição inclui os três aspectos ortogonais, ou dimensões, deste tipo de modelagem: a dimensão estrutural dos objetos, a dimensão dinâmica do comportamento e a dimensão funcional dos requisitos. Conforme a importância relativa dada a cada uma destas dimensões, podem ser definidas três estratégias possíveis para conduzir a MOO. Estas estratégias são as dirigidas por dados, por comportamento e por processos. A estratégia dirigida por processos já esta superada. Atualmente, a estratégia dirigida por dados domina na maioria das técnicas de MOO. A estratégia dirigida por comportamento propõe que a estrutura dos objetos em um sistema pode ser determinada a partir do comportamento externo e interno que o sistema deve apresentar. Esta idéia é interessante, porque permite introduzir tardiamente o encapsulamento na MOO. Conforme é argumentado neste trabalho, as vantagens atribuídas a orientação a objetos são de implementação, isto é, a decisão de orientar ou não a objetos é, na realidade, uma decisão de design. Ao introduzir o encapsulamento na modelagem inicial do sistema, ganha-se o benefício da continuidade estrutural ao custo de colocar a MOO mais perto do design. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta um processo de modelagem conceitual de sistemas do ponto de vista comportamental que introduz tardiamente o encapsulamento da orientação a objetos como primeiro passo de design. Em outras palavras, é proposta uma técnica de modelagem sob uma estratégia dirigida por comportamento (privilegiando, assim, o aspecto dinâmico dos sistemas) com o suficiente poder de expressão para, ao mesmo tempo, permitir a modelagem de sistemas de informação no nível conceitual e derivar dos modelos dinâmicos obtidos uma representação estrutural orientada a objetos. 0 sistema, na concepção desta proposta, é composto por um conjunto de processos concorrentes, cada um dos quais recebe um estimulo do ambiente, realiza um tratamento especifico sobre ele e gera para o ambiente uma resposta. Os estímulos externos são decompostos em conjuntos de eventos concorrentes tratados no interior do processo. As ações realizadas no interior do mesmo são compostas nas respostas geradas para o exterior. Os processos são modelados comportamentalmente, utilizando o formalismo proposto High-Level Statecharts (HLS). HLS é uma extensão dos statecharts de Harel. As principais extensões propostas são a introdução de estados "parametrizados" usando variáveis e a representação genérica de conjuntos de estados concorrentes e exclusivos. 0 modelo de processos e desintegrado em unidades de comportamento que tratam das mesmas variáveis. Estas unidades são integradas em um modelo de ciclos de vida para estas variáveis. Finalmente, apos a aplicação da técnica de modelagem conceitual, e obtido um modelo estrutural orientado a objetos. Este modelo e derivado utilizando unicamente informações contidas nos modelos dinâmicos gerados no processo da técnica proposta. No modelo estrutural são identificadas classes, objetos, atributos, associações estáticas, hierarquias de herança e operações. Todo o processo e exemplificado utilizando o problema padrão de preparação de congressos da IFIP. / Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM) is the process of construction of systems models, through an identification and definition of a set of relating objects. These objects have a collaborative behavior according to the system requirements previously defined. This definition includes three modeling aspects or dimensions: object structural dimension, behavior dynamic dimension and requirements functional dimension. Depending on a relative importance of each dimension, three possible strategies to drive OOM are defined. The strategies are: data-driven, behavior-driven and process-driven. Process-driven strategy is obsolete. Nowadays, data-driven is the dominant strategy in the world of OOM techniques. Behavior-driven strategy suggests both internal and external system behaviors define its object structure. This idea is attractive because it allows a late encapsulation in the OOM. As explained in this work, the main advantage to use object-orientation is for implementation. So, to object-orient or not to object-orient is a design decision. If encapsulation is introduced in the very beginning of systems modeling, the structural continuity is achieved at the cost of pulling OOM closer to design. In this context, the work presents a process of systems conceptual modeling using a behavioral point of view. This process introduces object-oriented encapsulation lately as a first step in the design phase. In other words, this work is a proposal of a modeling technique under a behavior-driven strategy (focusing the dynamic aspect of the systems) with enough expression power to model information systems at conceptual level and, at the same time, to derive of an object-oriented structural representation from the dynamic models. As conceived in the proposal, a system is composed by a set of concurrent processes. Each process receives a stimuli from the environment, makes a specific treatment on it and generates a response to the environment. The external stimuli is decomposed into a set of concurrent events which are internally handled by the process. Actions internally performed by the process are composed into a response which is sent outside the process. Processes are behaviorally modeled using a proposed formalism called High-Level Statecharts (HLS). HLS is a extension of Harel's statecharts. The main extensions proposed are parameterized states using variables and generic representation of concurrent and exclusive sets of states. Process model is disintegrated into behavior units handling the same variables. The units are integrated into a life cycle model for these variables. Finally, after the modeling technique has been applied, an object-oriented structural model is obtained. This model is derived exclusively using information from the dynamic models constructed during the modeling process. Classes, objects, attributes, static associations, inheritance hierarchies and operations in the structural model are identified. Examples used in all the modeling process are taken from the standard problem of IFIP conference.

Uma proposta de modelagem conceitual de sistemas dirigida por comportamento / A proposal of behavior-driven systems conceptual modeling

Bustos Reinoso, Guillermo January 1996 (has links)
A Modelagem Orientada a Objetos (MOO) é o processo de construção de modelos de sistemas através da identificação e definição de um conjunto de objetos relacionados, que comportam-se e colaboram entre si conforme os requisitos estabelecidos para o sistema. Esta definição inclui os três aspectos ortogonais, ou dimensões, deste tipo de modelagem: a dimensão estrutural dos objetos, a dimensão dinâmica do comportamento e a dimensão funcional dos requisitos. Conforme a importância relativa dada a cada uma destas dimensões, podem ser definidas três estratégias possíveis para conduzir a MOO. Estas estratégias são as dirigidas por dados, por comportamento e por processos. A estratégia dirigida por processos já esta superada. Atualmente, a estratégia dirigida por dados domina na maioria das técnicas de MOO. A estratégia dirigida por comportamento propõe que a estrutura dos objetos em um sistema pode ser determinada a partir do comportamento externo e interno que o sistema deve apresentar. Esta idéia é interessante, porque permite introduzir tardiamente o encapsulamento na MOO. Conforme é argumentado neste trabalho, as vantagens atribuídas a orientação a objetos são de implementação, isto é, a decisão de orientar ou não a objetos é, na realidade, uma decisão de design. Ao introduzir o encapsulamento na modelagem inicial do sistema, ganha-se o benefício da continuidade estrutural ao custo de colocar a MOO mais perto do design. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta um processo de modelagem conceitual de sistemas do ponto de vista comportamental que introduz tardiamente o encapsulamento da orientação a objetos como primeiro passo de design. Em outras palavras, é proposta uma técnica de modelagem sob uma estratégia dirigida por comportamento (privilegiando, assim, o aspecto dinâmico dos sistemas) com o suficiente poder de expressão para, ao mesmo tempo, permitir a modelagem de sistemas de informação no nível conceitual e derivar dos modelos dinâmicos obtidos uma representação estrutural orientada a objetos. 0 sistema, na concepção desta proposta, é composto por um conjunto de processos concorrentes, cada um dos quais recebe um estimulo do ambiente, realiza um tratamento especifico sobre ele e gera para o ambiente uma resposta. Os estímulos externos são decompostos em conjuntos de eventos concorrentes tratados no interior do processo. As ações realizadas no interior do mesmo são compostas nas respostas geradas para o exterior. Os processos são modelados comportamentalmente, utilizando o formalismo proposto High-Level Statecharts (HLS). HLS é uma extensão dos statecharts de Harel. As principais extensões propostas são a introdução de estados "parametrizados" usando variáveis e a representação genérica de conjuntos de estados concorrentes e exclusivos. 0 modelo de processos e desintegrado em unidades de comportamento que tratam das mesmas variáveis. Estas unidades são integradas em um modelo de ciclos de vida para estas variáveis. Finalmente, apos a aplicação da técnica de modelagem conceitual, e obtido um modelo estrutural orientado a objetos. Este modelo e derivado utilizando unicamente informações contidas nos modelos dinâmicos gerados no processo da técnica proposta. No modelo estrutural são identificadas classes, objetos, atributos, associações estáticas, hierarquias de herança e operações. Todo o processo e exemplificado utilizando o problema padrão de preparação de congressos da IFIP. / Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM) is the process of construction of systems models, through an identification and definition of a set of relating objects. These objects have a collaborative behavior according to the system requirements previously defined. This definition includes three modeling aspects or dimensions: object structural dimension, behavior dynamic dimension and requirements functional dimension. Depending on a relative importance of each dimension, three possible strategies to drive OOM are defined. The strategies are: data-driven, behavior-driven and process-driven. Process-driven strategy is obsolete. Nowadays, data-driven is the dominant strategy in the world of OOM techniques. Behavior-driven strategy suggests both internal and external system behaviors define its object structure. This idea is attractive because it allows a late encapsulation in the OOM. As explained in this work, the main advantage to use object-orientation is for implementation. So, to object-orient or not to object-orient is a design decision. If encapsulation is introduced in the very beginning of systems modeling, the structural continuity is achieved at the cost of pulling OOM closer to design. In this context, the work presents a process of systems conceptual modeling using a behavioral point of view. This process introduces object-oriented encapsulation lately as a first step in the design phase. In other words, this work is a proposal of a modeling technique under a behavior-driven strategy (focusing the dynamic aspect of the systems) with enough expression power to model information systems at conceptual level and, at the same time, to derive of an object-oriented structural representation from the dynamic models. As conceived in the proposal, a system is composed by a set of concurrent processes. Each process receives a stimuli from the environment, makes a specific treatment on it and generates a response to the environment. The external stimuli is decomposed into a set of concurrent events which are internally handled by the process. Actions internally performed by the process are composed into a response which is sent outside the process. Processes are behaviorally modeled using a proposed formalism called High-Level Statecharts (HLS). HLS is a extension of Harel's statecharts. The main extensions proposed are parameterized states using variables and generic representation of concurrent and exclusive sets of states. Process model is disintegrated into behavior units handling the same variables. The units are integrated into a life cycle model for these variables. Finally, after the modeling technique has been applied, an object-oriented structural model is obtained. This model is derived exclusively using information from the dynamic models constructed during the modeling process. Classes, objects, attributes, static associations, inheritance hierarchies and operations in the structural model are identified. Examples used in all the modeling process are taken from the standard problem of IFIP conference.

Accès et utilisation de documents multimédia complexes dans une bibliothèque numérique / Accessing and using complex multimedia documents in a digital library

Ly, Anh Tuan 09 July 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de trois projets européens, notre équipe a mis au point un modèle de données et un langage de requête pour bibliothèques numériques supportant l'identification, la structuration, les métadonnées, la réutilisation, et la découverte des ressources numériques. Le modèle proposé est inspiré par le Web et il est formalisé comme une théorie du premier ordre, dont certains modèles correspondent à la notion de bibliothèque numérique. En outre, une traduction complète du modèle en RDF et du langage de requêtes en SPARQL a également été proposée pour démontrer son adéquation à des applications pratiques. Le choix de RDF est dû au fait qu’il est un langage de représentation généralement accepté dans le cadre des bibliothèques numériques et du Web sémantique. L’objectif de cette thèse était double: concevoir et mettre en œuvre une forme simplifiée de système de gestion de bibliothèques numériques, d’une part, et contribuer à l’enrichissement du modèle, d’autre part. Pour atteindre cet objectif nous avons développé un prototype d’un système de bibliothèque numérique utilisant un stockage RDF pour faciliter la gestion interne des métadonnées. Le prototype permet aux utilisateurs de gérer et d’interroger les métadonnées des ressources numériques ou non-numériques dans le système en utilisant des URIs pour identifier les ressources, un ensemble de prédicats pour la description de ressources, et des requêtes conjonctives simples pour la découverte de connaissances dans le système. Le prototype est mis en œuvre en utilisant les technologies Java et l’environnement de Google Web Toolkit dont l'architecture du système se compose d'une couche de stockage, d’une couche de métier logique, d’une couche de service, et d’une interface utilisateur. Pendant la thèse, le prototype a été construit, testé et débogué localement, puis déployé sur Google App Engine. Dans l’avenir, il peut être étendu pour devenir un système complet de gestion de bibliothèques numériques. Par ailleurs, la thèse présente également notre contribution à la génération de contenu par réutilisation de ressources. Il s’agit d’un travail théorique dont le but est d’enrichir le modèle en lui ajoutant un service important, à savoir la possibilité de création de nouvelles ressources à partir de celles stockées dans le système. L’incorporation de ce service dans le système sera effectuée ultérieurement. / In the context of three European projects, our research team has developed a data model and query language for digital libraries supporting identification, structuring, metadata, and discovery and reuse of digital resources. The model is inspired by the Web and it is formalized as a first-order theory, certain models of which correspond to the notion of digital library. In addition, a full translation of the model to RDF and of the query language to SPARQL has been proposed to demonstrate the feasibility of the model and its suitability for practical applications. The choice of RDF is due to the fact that it is a generally accepted representation language in the context of digital libraries and the Semantic Web. One of the major aims of the thesis was to design and actually implement a simplified form of a digital library management system based on the theoretical model. To obtain this, we have developed a prototype based on RDF and SPARQL, which uses a RDF store to facilitate internal management of metadata. The prototype allows users to manage and query metadata of digital or non-digital resources in the system, using URIs as resource identifiers, a set of predicates to model descriptions of resources, and simple conjunctive queries to discover knowledge in the system. The prototype is implemented by using Java technologies and the Google Web Toolkit framework whose system architecture consists of a storage layer, a business logic layer, a service layer and a user interface. During the thesis work, the prototype was built, tested, and debugged locally and then deployed on Google App Engine. In the future, it will be expanded to become a full fledged digital library management system. Moreover, the thesis also presents our contribution to content generation by reuse. This is mostly theoretical work whose purpose is to enrich the model and query language by providing an important community service. The incorporation of this service in the implemented system is left to future work.

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