Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CONTAMINATION"" "subject:"[enn] CONTAMINATION""
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Impact of processing temperatures on survival of microbial contaminants from pasteurised milkDumalisile, Pholisa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScVoedselwet)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Milk has been identified as having the potential of being a carrier of human
pathogens, and it is thus essential to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of milk borne
contamination. This problem of milk contamination is generally solved by the process
of pasteurisation which is achieved by heating the "raw" material for a sufficient
period of time to destroy any pathogenic and spoilage bacteria which may be present
at a temperature of below 100°C. Presently, there are two basic methods of
pasteurisation in use in the dairy industry, the LTLT and the HTST methods, where
the applied heat treatment is considered sufficient to ensure public safety and
adequate keeping quality. In addition to these, there is another method, the "pot"
pasteurisation, to be found in Southern Africa that was designed to eliminate
potential pathogenic and spoilage bacteria present in raw milk. As far as it is known
no thermal studies have been done on the "pot" pasteurisation method. The
objectives of this study were to determine the impact of different milk pasteurisation
temperature and time combinations on the survival of selected microbes. The
accuracy of the "pot" pasteurisation method and how it differs from the other
pasteurisation methods was also determined using the same selected microbes.
The six selected microbes were thermally inactivated by using the LTLT,
HTST and the "pot" pasteurisation methods at low and high inoculum levels of 104
and 106 cfu.ml-1. The thermal death curves were constructed for each selected
species. The selected microbes included the strains Bacillus cereus (S4),
Chryseobacterium meningosepticum (S5), Pseudomonas putida (S6), Acinetobacter
baumannii (C3), Escherichia coli (58) and Candida lipolytica (G1). Survivors were
enumerated after heating for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 min for both the
LTLT and HTST pasteurisation methods and after heating for 0, 10, 20 and 30 min
for the "pot" pasteurisation method.
The results from this study showed that with the exception of the B. cereus
strain, the other selected microbes at both high and low concentration levels did not
survive the LTLT or the HTST pasteurisation methods. It was found that for all the
organisms used in this study, there was a rapid initial death rate just before the
required pasteurisation temperatures of 63°, 72° and 90°C were reached, during the
"come-up" period. In contrast, the results from the "pot" pasteuriser showed that theB. cereus (S4), Chr. meningosepticum (S5), P. putida (S6), A. baumannii (C3) and
E. coli (58) strains survived the pasteurisation conditions applied.
From these results it was thus concluded that the "pot" pasteuriser under the
conditions evaluated in this study, did not pasteurise effectively. Therefore, it is
recommended that the manufacturer improves the heating quality of the "pot"
pasteuriser. As it was found that only the B. cereus (S4) strain survived all the
different pasteurisation methods, future research needs to be done to determine at
which temperature this heat resistant bacterial strain will be destroyed. This is very
important because there is a need to destroy all the spoilage microorganisms that
can lead to the deterioration of food products. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Melk is 'n potensiële draer van mikrobes wat patogenies is vir die mens. Dit is dus
essensiëel om die besmetting van melk te verlaag of te elimineer. Die probleem van
melkbesmetting word opgelos deur die proses van pasteurisasie. Die proses word
toegepas deur verhitting van die rou material vir 'n voldoende periode om
patogeniese en bederf organismes te vernietig. Temperature onder 100°C word
gebruik. In die suiwelbedryf word twee basiese metodes gebruik: die LTLT (lae
temperatuur, lang tyd) metode en die HTKT (hoë temperatuur, kort tyd) metode.
Albei hittebehandelings is voldoende om publieke veiligheid en 'n genoegsame
rakleeftyd te verseker. 'n Derde metode, "pot" pasteurisasie, word in Suidelike Afrika
gebruik. Die metode is ontwikkel om potensiële patogene en bederf organismes in
rou melk te elimineer. Die probleem is dat daar geen navorsing op die temperatuur
eienskappe van die “pot" metode gedoen is nie. Die doelwitte van hierdie navorsing
was om die effek van verskillende temperatuur:tyd kombinasies op die oorlewing van
sekere mikrobes te bepaal. Die akkuraatheid van die "pot" metode en die manier hoe
dit van ander metodes verskil, is ook in ag geneem. Die navorsing is ten alle tye
gebaseer op die geselekteerde mikroorganismes.
Die ses geselekteerde spesies van mikrobes is vernietig deur middel van die
LTLT, HTKT en "pot" pasteurisasie metodes. Die mikrobes is geïnaktiveer teen lae
en hoë inokulums van 104 en 106 kve.ml-1. Terminale dodings kurwes is opgestel vir
elke geselekteerde spesie. Die mikrobes van belang is Bacillus cereus (S4),
Chryseobacterium meningosepticum (S5), Pseudomonas putida (S6), Acinetobacter
baumannii (C3), Escherichia coli (58) en Candida lipolytica (G1). Die oorlewende
mikroorganismes is na hitte behandelings van 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 en 40
minute vir beide die LTLT en die HTKT pasteurisasie metodes en na hitte
behandelings van 0, 10, 20, en 30 minute vir die "pot" pasteurisasie metode getel.
Die resultate van die navorsing dui aan dat, behalwe vir B. cereus, die
geselekteerde mikrobes teen beide lae en hoë konsentrasies nie die LTLT en die
HTKT metodes oorleef het nie. Daar is gevind dat, vir al die organismes, vinnige
aanvanklike dodingstempos teenwoordig was net voor die noodsaaklike
pasteurisasie temperatuur van 63°, 72° en 90°C bereik is, gedurende die "come-up"
periode. Inteenstelling hiermee het die resultate van die "pot" metode bewys dat B.cereus (S4), Chr. meningosepticum (S5), P. putida (S6), A. baumannii (C3) en E. coli
(58) stamme die pasteurisasie toestande oorleef het.
Uit die resultate is ’n gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die "pot" pasteurisasie
metode nie effektief was nie. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat die vervaardiger die
verhittings-kwaliteit van die "pot" pasteurisasie apparaat verbeter. Aangesien net die
B. cereus (S4) stam al drie pasteurisasie metodes oorleef het, moet toekomstige
navorsing gedoen word om die vernietigings temperatuur van dié hittebestande stam
te bepaal. Die navorsing is van belang weens die behoeftes om alle bederf
mikroorganismes wat tot die agteruitgang van voedsel produkte kan lei, te vernietig.
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The prevalence and characterisation of Escherichia coli on fresh produce from selected farms, retail outlets and markets in the Western CapeJordaan, Marlize 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Science)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is a water scarce country and farmers are forced to irrigate crops with river water. Contamination of South African rivers has been reported and the carry-over of bacteria from river water to produce has been confirmed. Foodborne outbreaks linked to fresh produce are increasing world-wide.
A total of 151 fresh produce samples (lettuce, tomatoes, beans, peas, coriander, basil, mint, rocket, thyme, spinach, cabbage, parsley and sprouts) were sourced from small-scale and commercial farms, farmers’ markets and retail outlets. Total coliforms (TC) and E. coli loads on the produce were determined with Colilert-18. Isolates were phenotypically characterised and identified with the API system and the E. coli identification confirmed with uidA PCR. Sixty-three E. coli isolates were identified. Three were not identified as E. coli with the API system but were positive for the uidA gene.
The TC loads for the produce from the farms, farmers’ markets and retail outlets were all in the range of log 3 to log 8.38 MPN.100 mL-1. Escherichia coli was found to be most prevalent on produce samples from farmers’ markets with the highest E. coli load (log 7.38 MPN.100 mL-1) on cabbage sampled from a commercial farm. Escherichia coli were present on 8% of the produce samples. The maximum TC and E. coli loads found on the fresh produce were log 8.38 and log 7.38 MPN.100 mL-1, respectively. The lowest risk in terms of TC and E. coli presence and load was observed on fresh produce from retail outlets and the highest risk was on fresh produce from farmers’ markets.
Phenotypic dendrograms and a PCA plot were statistically constructed to determine similarity groupings of the isolates and three main E. coli clusters were formed. These three clusters could not be directly linked to a specific produce type or source type. A larger variation E. coli phenotypes was observed present on fresh produce within the three clusters.
All E. coli isolates were also subjected to triplex and multiplex PCR analysis to identify their phylogenetic groups and the presence of INPEC and ExPEC strains. Fourteen isolates belonged to genotypic group A0, 11 to A1, 20 to B1, 7 to B23 and 11 to D2. Thus a large variation E. coli genotypes are present but it cannot be linked to a specific source type or produce type. Multiplex PCR testing for INPEC revealed that none of the E. coli isolates were carriers of the INPEC genes. The isolates were also tested for the presence of ExPEC gene sequences: papA, papC, sfa/foc, iutA, kpsMT II and afa/dra. None of the isolates were classified as ExPEC (which required the presence of two or more genes) but three of the isolates did test positive for the presence of the kpsMT II gene. The latter could indicate that potentially pathogenic E. coli can be evolving in the environment and increase the risk of pathogenic E. coli occurring on fresh produce.
In conclusion, the presence of E. coli (commensal or pathogenic) on fresh produce is unacceptable according the South African Department of Health. According to this study the identification of E. coli types could not be correlated with the presence of E. coli on the different produce types and thus the presence of E. coli on fresh produce is unpredictable. It is recommended that extensive safety precautions should be in place throughout every step in the production chain from harvest to the consumer’s kitchen to reduce the probability of contamination of fresh produce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is ‘n waterskaars land en boere word gedwing om rivier water te gebruik vir gewas besproeiing. Kontaminasie van Suid-Afrikaanse riviere is al telkemale aangemeld en die oordrag van bakterieë vanaf rivierwater na vars produkte is al voorheen bevestig. Voedselverwante uitbrake wat gekoppel is aan vars produkte is besig om wêreldwyd toe te neem.
‘n Totaal van 151 vars produk monsters (blaarslaai, tamaties, boontjies, ertjies, koljander, basilie, kruisement, roket, tiemie, spinasie, kool, pietersielie en spruite) was verkry van klein-skaalse en kommersiële plase, plaasmarkte en kettingwinkels. Totale kolivorme (TK) en E. coli tellings op die vars produkte is bepaal deur middel van Colilert-18. Isolate word fenotipies gekarakteriseer en geïdentifiseer met die API sisteem en die E. coli identifikasie is bevestig met uidA PKR. Drie-en-sestig E. coli isolate is geïdentifiseer. Drie is nie met met die API sisteem as E. coli geklassifiseer nie, maar was wel positief vir die uidA geen.
Die TK tellings vir die vars produkte van die plase, plaasmarkte en kettingwinkels was almal in die reeks van log 3 tot log 8.38 MPN.100 mL-1. Escherichia coli teenwoordigheid was die meeste op groente monsters van plaasmarkte, maar die hoogste E. coli telling (log 7.83 MPN.100 mL-1) was op ‘n kool monster van ‘n kommersiële plaas. Escherichia coli was teenwoordig op 8% van die vars produk monsters. Die maksimum TK en E. coli wat teenwoordig was op die vars produkte was log 8.38 en log 7.38 MPN.100 mL-1 onderskeidelik. Die laagste risiko in terme van TK en E. coli teenwoordigheid en tellings is waargeneem op vars produkte van kettingwinkels en die hoogste risiko is op vars produkte van plaasmarkte.
Fenotipiese dendrogramme en ‘n PKA plot is statisties gekonstrueer om ooreenstemende groepe van isolate te identifiseer en drie hoof groepe is gevorm. Daar kon geen direkte verband gevind word tussen hierdie drie groepe en ‘n spesifieke produk-tipe of ‘n spesifieke bron-tipe nie. ‘n Groter variasie in E. coli fenotipes teenwoordig op die vars produkte is waargeneem binne die drie groepe.
Alle E. coli isolate was onderworpe aan tripleks en multipleks PKR analise om die filogenetiese groep van elke isolaat te bepaal en of enige INPEC of ExPEC stamme teenwoordig is. Veertien isolate behoort aan genotipiese groep A0, 11 aan A1, 20 aan B1, 7 aan B23 en 11 aan D2. Dus is ‘n groot variasie E. coli genotipes teenwoordig maar dit kan nie gekoppel word aan ‘n spesifieke produk-tipe of bron-tipe nie. Multipleks PKR analise vir INPEC het gewys dat geeneen van die E. coli isolate enige INPEC gene dra nie. Die isolate is ook getoets vir die teenwoordigheid van ExPEC geen volgordes: papA, papC, sfa/foc, iutA, kpsMT II en afa/dra. Geeneen van die isolate is geklassifiseer as ExPEC (wat die teenwoordigheid van twee of meer gene vereis) nie, maar drie van die isolate het wel positief getoets vir die teenwoordigheid van die kpsMT II geen. Laasgenoemde kan ‘n aanduiding wees dat potensiële patogeniese E. coli in die omgewing kan ontwikkel en dus dan die risiko van die teenwoordigheid van patogeniese E. coli op vars produkte sal verhoog. Ter afsluiting, die teenwoordigheid van E. coli (nie-patogenies en patogenies) op vars produkte is onaanvaarbaar volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Gesondheid. Volgens hierdie studie kan die identifisering van E. coli tipes nie gekorreleer word met die teenwoordigheid van E. coli op verskillende produk-tipes nie en dus is die teenwoordigheid van E. coli op vars produkte onvoorspelbaar. Dit word aanbeveel dat ekstensiewe voorsorgmaatreëls in plek moet wees in elke stap dwarsdeur die produksie ketting, vanaf oestyd tot in die verbruiker se kombuis, om die moontlikheid van vars produk kontaminasie te verminder.
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Efeito da água residuária da suinocultura no solo e na cultura do milhoPrior, Maritane [UNESP] 22 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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prior_m_dr_botfca.pdf: 609810 bytes, checksum: 6b9456e563b46b7994e59d010c70f78f (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A região Oeste do Paraná é grande produtora de suínos, devido a isso, tem-se tornado um problema sério o grande número de dejetos líquidos gerados por essa atividade, além de ser considerada como causadora de degradação ambiental. O uso da água residuária de suinocultura (ARS) vem sendo aplicado ao solo como forma de adubação em várias culturas, o que melhora as condições do solo devido ao fornecimento de nutrientes, além de economizar custos com fertilização e água potável. Entretanto, a utilização da ARS na agricultura pode causar problemas, quando realizada de forma inadequada, devido à falta de informações sobre a taxa de aplicação adequada. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve por objetivo quantificar elementos e variáveis no solo e lixiviado quanto aos parâmetro físicos e químicos, bem como avaliar o comportamento da cultura em função da aplicação de água residuária de suinocultura (ARS) em um Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico típico cultivado com milho. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido, onde foram construídos 24 lisímetros de drenagem, que receberam água residuária de suinocultura (ARS), sendo aplicadas cinco taxas de ARS (0; 112,5; 225; 337,5 e 450 m3 ha-1 no ciclo), combinadas com duas adubações de solo (50 e 75%), em três repetições por tratamento, sendo distribuídas em cinco aplicações durante o ciclo da cultura. Fez-se irrigações de acordo com a precipitação média ocorrida no período, quinzenalmente, resultando em seis coletas do material lixiviado, que foi analisado quanto ao N total, NO3 -, NO- 2, pH, CE, Ca, Mg, Na, K e P. Durante o ciclo da cultura do milho foram coletadas cinco amostras de solo de cada uma das parcelas analisadas quanto ao N total, N orgânico, N inorgânico, NH4 +, NO3 -, Na, pH, CE, MO, P, Ca, Mg, K, V%, CTC, P, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. Para o comportamento da cultura foi avaliado o diâmetro... / West of Paraná is a big producer of swine, due to that, it has been turning a serious problem the great volume of liquid dejections generated by this activity, besides it is considered as responsible of environmental degradation. The use of the swine wastewater (ARS) has been applied to the soil as a manuring form in several cultures, that improves the conditions of the soil due to the supply of nutrients, besides saving costs with fertilization and drinking water. However, the use of ARS in the agriculture can cause problems, once the application is made in an inadequate way, due to the lack of information about the appropriate rate of application. In this context, this work had for objective to evaluate the effects caused in the soil and leached as for the parameters physicists and chemical, as well as to evaluate the behavior of the culture in function of the swine wastewater application (ARS) in a Typical Dystroferric Red Latosol cultivated with corn. The experiment was driven in protected atmosphere, where 24 drainage lisimiters were built, that received swine wastewater (ARS), where it was applied five rates of ARS (0; 112,5; 225; 337,5 and 450 m3 ha-1 in the cycle), combined with two soil manurings (50 and 75%), in three repetitions for treatment, where it was distributed in five applications during the cycle of the culture. It was made irrigations in agreement with the medium precipitation happened in the period, biweekly, resulting in six collections of the leached material, that it was analyzed as for total N, NO3, NO2, pH, CE, Ca, Mg, Na, K and P.
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Avaliação microbiológica de luvas de procedimento em ambiente hospitalar revisão integrativa /Neves, Ana Paula Amâncio January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ione Corrêa / Resumo: Introdução: Infecção hospitalar é definida como qualquer tipo de infecção adquirida durante a hospitalização, desde que não esteja incubada anteriormente à internação, ou então relacionada a algum procedimento, podendo manifestar-se inclusive após a alta do paciente. Podem resultar em internação prolongada, aumento de resistência microbiana aos antimicrobianos, aumento da mortalidade, além de custos adicionais para o sistema de saúde, pacientes e seus familiares. Atualmente representam além de uma preocupação dos serviços de saúde, um problema social, ético e jurídico frente às implicações na vida dos pacientes e os riscos a que estão submetidos. Objetivo: Analisar as publicações nacionais e internacionais referentes à contaminação de luvas de procedimento em ambiente hospitalar. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, método de pesquisa utilizado na Prática Baseada em Evidências. Resultados: Como resultado obteve-se 49 artigos científicos. Após leitura de títulos e resumos foram selecionadas doze artigos para leitura na íntegra, dos quais apenas quatro relacionavam-se ao tema proposto. Um estudo apontou elevada taxa microbiana das luvas, analisadas antes da abertura das caixas, questionando sobre a contaminação durante a fabricação ou modo de armazenamento das caixas. Outros dois artigos referem-se à possibilidade de implementação de luvas revestidas com material antimicrobiano, uma vez que mostraram-se com menor carga microbiana, em comparação às luv... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Background: Hospital infection is defined as any type of infection acquired during hospitalization, provided that it is not incubated prior to hospitalization or related to any procedure, and may even occur after patient's discharged from the hospital. They may result in prolonged hospitalization, increased microbial resistance to antimicrobials, increased mortality, and additional costs for the health system, patients, and their families. Nowadays, they represent a social, ethical and legal problem in addition to a concern of the health services, considering the implications in patients’ life and the risks they are subjected to. Aim: Analyze national and international publications regarding the contamination of procedure gloves in a hospital environment. Methods: This is an integrative literature's review, a research method used in Evidence-Based Practice. Results: A total of 49 scientific articles were obtained. After reading titles and abstracts, twelve articles were selected for a full read, of which only four were related to the proposed theme. A study indicated a high gloves' microbial rate, analyzed before boxes being opened, questioning about the manufacture or storage contamination. Two other articles show the possibility of implementing gloves coated with an antimicrobial material since they showed lower microbial burden compared to gloves of common procedure. Finally, a study analyzed gloves' contamination at three different moments, beginning, middle, and ending b... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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The objective of the present work was to make a cadaster of water supply alternative sources in Nossa
Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro neighborhood, assess the water physical-chemical and bacteriological
quality of these sources, generate theme maps emphasizing the vulnerability to the underground water
contamination, identify the occurrence of diseases from the hydric transmission in the community, and
provide subsidies for the aware use and management of the underground resources. The alternative
source users cadaster was carried out through visits to their residences, noting the well number and
types, location in UTM coordinates, static levels, and their building and maintenance situations. It was
still applied questionaries in each residence in order to obtain social-environmental data regarding the
users of these alternative sources. Samples from the tubular wells, excavated wells and nascents found
functioning were collected for determining the water quality. The GOD methodology was utilized
for defining the vulnerability indices of the different areas represented by geo-morphological units. To
identify hydric transmission diseases, the neighborhood residents blood and feces collect and analysis
was done. At last, a first book about the necessary cares with the underground water was delivered.
Several wells which presented non accordance of construction and/or according to the NBR
12224/2006 were observed. These are worrying factors that can generate the underground water
contamination. Among the analyzed wells, those excavated were the ones that more surpassed the
maximum value permitted for the parameter color. In total 13.63% were over the established as
maximum in the Governmental Directive n°. 518/2004. In the muddiness parameter 18.18% of the
samples are over the VMP recommended in the Directive 518/2004. The pH of the water samples had
a wide variation between 4.24 to 8.2, while the variation range established by Directive 518 of the
Ministry of Health is from 6.0 to 9.5. With respect to water hardness, the variation of its concentration
happened from 4.96 to 800.57mg/L of CaCO3, being that the Directive 518/2004, ranks as drinking
water those that present values inferior to 500mg/L of CaCO3. The sodium concentration values in the
water samples varied from 2 to 112mg/L, being under the maximum limit established by the Directive
518/2004 which is 200mg/L. In relation to the results obtained in the Total Coliform determination,
43.18% of the alternative sources showed contamination and 40.90% presented fecal coliform
contamination. In the excavated wells, it was evidenced a natural vulnerability to the contamination
varying from medium to high. Though, in the sources the vulnerability was worthless. Through the
blood sample analysis results collected from the supplying alternative source users, one obtains 0% of
positiveness in relation to the Hepatitis A and in relation to the feces sample analysis. None presented
cysts, eggs and larvae of parasites. Because of the results, it was concluded that the constant water
quality monitoring in the alternative source user communities is important, this way avoiding
problems related to the human health. / No presente trabalho teve-se como objetivo cadastrar as fontes alternativas de abastecimento de água
existentes no Bairro Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro, avaliar a qualidade física química e
bacteriológica da água dessas fontes, determinar a vulnerabilidade à contaminação da água
subterrânea, identificar a ocorrência de doenças de veiculação hídrica na comunidade e fornecer
subsídios para o uso e gestão consciente dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos. O cadastramento dos
usuários de fontes alternativas foi realizado por meio de visitas às residências, levantando-se número e
tipos de poços, localizações em coordenadas UTM, níveis estáticos e suas situações construtivas e de
manutenção. Aplicou-se, ainda, em cada residência questionários a fim de obter informações sócioambientais
a respeito dos usuários destas fontes alternativas. Foram coletadas amostras de água dos
poços tubulares, poços escavados e das fontes nascentes para determinação da qualidade. A
metodologia GOD foi utilizada para a definição dos índices de vulnerabilidade das diferentes áreas
representadas pelas unidades geomorfológicas. Para identificar doenças de veiculação hídrica, fez-se a
coleta e análise de sangue e fezes dos moradores do bairro e ao final foi distribuída uma cartilha sobre
os cuidados necessários para com a água subterrânea. Foram observados diversos poços que
apresentaram não conformidades de construção e/ou conservação conforme a NBR 12224/2006,
fatores preocupantes que podem gerar a contaminação da água subterrânea. Dentre os poços
analisados, os escavados foram os que mais ultrapassaram o valor máximo permitido para o parâmetro
cor, o total de 13,63% estavam acima do estabelecido como máximo na Portaria n.º 518/2004. No
parâmetro turbidez 18,18% das amostras encontram-se acima do VMP recomendado na Portaria n.º
518/2004. O pH das amostras de água teve uma variação ampla entre 4,24 a 8,2 enquanto a faixa de
variação estabelecida pela Portaria nº 518 do Ministério da Saúde é de 6,0 à 9,5. No que diz respeito à
dureza das águas, a variação de sua concentração foi de 4,96 a 800,57 mg/L de CaCO3, sendo que a
Portaria n.º 518/2004, classifica como potáveis as que apresentam valores inferiores a 500 mg/L de
CaCO3. Os valores de concentração de sódio nas amostras de água variaram de 2 a 112mg/L, ficando
abaixo do limite máximo estabelecido pela Portaria n.º 518/2004 que é 200mg/L. Com relação aos
resultados obtidos na determinação de Coliformes Totais, 43,18% das fontes alternativas apresentaram
contaminação e 40,90% apresentaram contaminação por coliformes fecais. Nos poços escavados
constatou-se vulnerabilidade natural à contaminação variando de média a alta, enquanto que nas
fontes/nascentes a vulnerabilidade foi desprezível. A análise das amostras de sangue coletadas dos
usuários de fontes alternativas de abastecimento, revelou 0% de positividade com relação à Hepatite A
e as amostras de fezes não apresentaram existência de cistos, ovos e larvas de parasitas. Em função
dos resultados conclui-se que é importante o monitoramento constante da qualidade da água nas
comunidades usuárias das fontes alternativas, evitando assim problemas relacionados à saúde humana.
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Transporte de agrotóxicos e uso de água em diferentes manejos de irrigação de arroz / Pesticide transport and water use in different irrigation managements on rice paddyMartini, Luiz Fernando Dias 26 February 2010 (has links)
The flooded rice production system is a heavily user of chemicals and water for irrigation. Due to flooding water can runoff from the fields or been lost throughout
percolation. Along with this water, pesticides can be transported, contaminating the surface and ground water. So, the proper irrigation management is an important
practice in the prevention of environmental impact, both by reducing pesticide transport and the amount of water used for irrigation. Therefore, this dissertation had
four objectives of: 1) review on literature the state of the art on pesticide transport to the environment (Chapter I), 2) evaluate the effect of water management systems on
water and pesticides runoff (Chapter II), 3) evaluate the effect of irrigation on imazethapyr and imazapic leaching (Chapter III), 4) evaluate the effect of irrigation
management on rice yield, water use efficiency (Chapter IV). The intermittent and flush irrigation, respectively, provides a reduction of 53 and 95% of the runoff, 46 and
60% mass of pesticide transported to the environment and increase of 15 and 40% in the efficiency of water use, due to an economy of 23 and 43% in the volume of water
used in irrigation. That economy is partly attributed to increased storage of rainwater, with 492 and 299 mm for flush and intermittent irrigation managements, respectively. Irrigation promotes herbicide leaching, but the difference between treatments is only observed in the topsoil (0-5cm), where the flush irrigation promoted greater aerobic degradation. Regarding to rice yield, there was no significant difference between continuous and intermittent flooding, but was found a reduction in grain yield on plants submitted to flush irrigation, possibly by the occurrence of water stress, reflecting on plant height, delaying in rice growing season duration and lower number of spikelets per panicle. / O sistema produtivo de arroz irrigado é caracterizado pela ampla utilização de agroquímicos e grandes volumes de água para a irrigação por inundação. Devido à permanência de lâmina de água sobre o solo, podem ocorrer perdas de água por escoamento superficial e percolação. Juntamente com essa água, os agrotóxicos podem ser transportados, prejudicando a qualidade dos mananciais hídricos
superficiais e subsuperficiais. Portanto o adequado manejo de irrigação é uma importante prática na minimização do impacto ambiental, tanto pela diminuição no transporte de agrotóxicos, quanto na economia de água para irrigação. Em vista disto, essa dissertação teve quatro objetivos: 1) Fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre o estado da arte de transporte de agrotóxicos para a o ambiente (Capítulo I);
2) Avaliar o efeito de sistemas de manejo de irrigação no escoamento superficial de água e agrotóxicos para o meio ambiente (Capítulo II); 3) Avaliar o efeito de manejos
de irrigação sobre a lixiviação do herbicida composto por imazethapyr e imazapic (Capítulo III); e 4) Avaliar o efeito de manejos de irrigação sobre a produtividade do arroz irrigado e o uso de água e a eficiência do uso desta (Capítulo IV). Os manejos de irrigação intermitente e por banhos, respectivamente, proporcionaram redução de 53 e 95% do volume de água escoada, 46 e 60% da massa de agrotóxicos
transportados por escoamento para o ambiente e aumento de 15 e 40% na eficiência do uso da água, devido à economia de 23 e 43% no volume de água para irrigação. Referida economia, em parte é atribuída ao maior armazenamento de
água da chuva, com 492 e 299 mm, para os manejos de irrigação por banhos e intermitente. A irrigação promove a lixiviação do herbicida, porém diferença entre os tratamentos apenas é observada na camada superficial do solo (0-5cm), onde a irrigação por banhos promoveu maior degradação aeróbica. Com relação à produtividade de grãos, não foi observada diferença significativa entre os manejos
de irrigação contínuo e intermitente, porém verificou-se queda na produtividade de grãos das plantas submetidas à irrigação por banhos, possivelmente pela ocorrência de estresse hídrico, refletindo na sua estatura, atraso no ciclo e menor número de espiguetas por panícula.
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Escherichia coli, produtoras de shigatoxinas, detectadas em fezes de bovinos leiteiros e em diferentes pontos do processo de ordenhaVicente, Hinig Isa Godoy [UNESP] 04 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-04Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:44:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
vicente_hig_dr_jabo.pdf: 1044940 bytes, checksum: 1e6202c64e317099b4cf8015b4128b59 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência de Escherichía calí produtoras de shigatoxinas e E. calí dos sorogrupos 0157, 0111 e 0113 em rebanhos leiteiros do Município de Jaboticabal-SP. A presença de seqüências stx1, stx2e eae foi detectada pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em amostras de fezes, água, leite, mão de ordenhador, insuflador de ordenhadeira e teto. Todas as amostras stx e eae positivas foram submetidas a uma nova reação de PCR para detecção das seqüências rfb 0157, 0111 e 0113. Observou-se uma alta prevalência (72,16%) de seqüências stx nas fezes dos bovinos. Os coeficientes de prevalência das seqüências rfb 0157, 0111 e 0113 nas fezes dos bovinos foram, respectivamente, 14,77%, 0,2% e 30,83%. Detectaram-se seqüências stx em amostras de água (19,51 %), leite (33,33%), mão de ordenhador (3,57%), e teto (7,14%). Ainda nas amostras de água e leite foram detectadas Escheríchía colí 0157 e 0113. Por meio da separação imunomagnética, isolou-se 53,62% das amostras PCR 0157 positivas, sendo destas 72,97% produtoras de enterohemolisina. Foram isoladas 25% das amostras PCR 0113 positivas. Animais de todos os rebanhos (100%) apresentaram em suas fezes STEC e E. calí 0113 e os sorogrupos 0157 e 0111 foram observados em 60,0% e 10,0% dos rebanhos, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que a alta prevalência de STEC detectada em rebanho leiteiro evidenciou que as fezes de bovinos desempenham um papel importante na contaminação ambiental e podem oferecer risco de agravo à saúde pública. / The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of Shigatoxigenic Escherichía colí (STEC) and STEC serogroups 0157, 0111 and 0113 in feces, water, milk, milkman's hands, teat and teatcup sampled in dairy farms in Jaboticabal-SP. Samples were collected from 10 herds and assessed for the presence of the virulence genes stX1, stX2 and eae by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Ali stx and eae positive samples were submitted to a second PCR reaction targeting the sequences rfb 0157, rfb 0111 and rfb 0113. High prevalence of stx was detected (72,16%) in fecal samples, whereas the prevalence of sequences rfb 0157, rfb 0111and rfb 0113 were 14,77%, 0,2% and 30,83%, respectively. Sequence stx was detected in water (19,51 %), milk (33,33%), milkman's hands (3,57%) and teat samples (7,14%). It was also detected Escheríchía colí 0157 and 0113 in water and milk samples. It was isolated, by immunomagnetic separation, 53,62% of the PCR positive samples, from these, 72,97% were enterohaemolytic. 25% of the 0113 PCR positive samples were isolated. STEC was identified in ali herds (100%), and serogroups 0157, 0111 and 0113 were observed in 60%, 10% and 100% of the herds, respectively. In conclusion, the high STEC prevalence detected in dairy herds evidences that bovine feces might play an important role as a contamination source in the region of Jaboticabal.
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Mucorales de solo contaminado com metais pesados na região do pólo cerâmico de Santa Gertrudes, SP: ocorrência e capacidade de biossorção de chumbo e zincoSouza, José Ivanildo de [UNESP] 05 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2006-12-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:44:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
souza_ji_dr_rcla.pdf: 1254068 bytes, checksum: 64378d1c217e577afa6ca9eebcf6200f (MD5) / Em solo contaminado com metais pesados na região do pólo cerâmico do município de Santa Gertrudes, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi realizado o levantamento taxonômico de fungos da ordem Mucorales (Zygomycota) utilizando-se o método da placa-de-solo, modificado pela aplicação de uma suspensão de solo (10%, p v-1) sobre malte agar (2%, p v-1) acrescido de Pb(NO3)2 ou Zn(NO3)2 nas concentrações de 0 (controle), 100, 200, 500 e 1000 mg L-1. As identificações e descrições taxonômicas foram realizadas utilizando-se SMA (synthetic Mucor agar), sendo obtidos os táxons: Absidia cylindrospora v. cylindrospora Hesselt. & Ellis, Cunninghamella phaeospora Boedijn, Mucor circinelloides Tiegh. f. circinelloides, M. circinelloides Tiegh. f. lusitanicus (Bruderl.) Schipper, M. circinelloides Tiegh. f. janssenii (Lendn.) Schipper, Mucor hiemalis Wehmer f. hiemalis, M. hiemalis Wehmer f. luteus (Linnem.) Schipper, Mucor racemosus Fresen. f. racemosus, Rhizopus oryzae Went & Prins. Geerl., Zygorrhynchus moelleri Vuill. e Mucor bainieri Mehrotra & Baijal, que é citado pela primeira vez para o Brasil. Análises químicas de amostras de solo coletadas em quatro locais na área estudada confirmaram a contaminação severa por metais pesados em alguns dos locais, sendo que comparações entre o número de táxons obtidos no presente estudo com os dados de literatura permitiram concluir que houve prejuízo à diversidade de fungos na região. As biomassas secas e pulverizadas (2 g L-1) de Mucor hiemalis f. hiemalis (SPC 2040) e de Mucor hiemalis f. luteus (SPC 2044) foram colocadas em contato, sob agitação a 120 rpm por 14 h, com soluções aquosas (pH 4) de Pb(NO3)2 e Zn(NO3)2 nas concentrações de 0,06, 0,13 e 0,17 mM e de 0,08, 0,16 e 0,23 mM, respectivamente, sendo comparadas ao carvão ativado (CA), utilizado como material adsorvente de referência. / In a heavy metal contaminated soil at ceramic pole of Santa Gertrudes region, São Paulo State, Brazil, a taxonomic survey of fungi of the order Mucorales (Zygomycota) have been done using the soil plate method, modified for a soil suspension (10%, p v-1) application on malt agar (2%, p v-1) added with Pb(NO3)2 or Zn(NO3)2 at 0 (control), 100, 200, 500 and 1000 mg L-1 concentrations. Taxonomic identifications and descriptions have been done with SMA (synthetic Mucor agar), obtaining the taxa: Absidia cylindrospora v. cylindrospora Hesselt. & Ellis, Cunninghamella phaeospora Boedijn, Mucor circinelloides Tiegh. f. circinelloides, M. circinelloides Tiegh. f. lusitanicus (Bruderl.) Schipper, M. circinelloides Tiegh. f. janssenii (Lendn.) Schipper, Mucor hiemalis Wehmer f. hiemalis, M. hiemalis Wehmer f. luteus (Linnem.) Schipper, Mucor racemosus Fresen. f. racemosus, Rhizopus oryzae Went & Prins. Geerl., Zygorrhynchus moelleri Vuill. and Mucor bainieri Mehrotra & Baijal, that is cited first time for Brazil. Chemical analyses of soil samples taken from four sites in the studied area confirm a severe contamination of heavy metals in some of the sites, and comparisons between taxa numbers obtained in the present study with literature data allowed conclude that there was fungal diversity disturbance in the region. The dry and grounded biomasses (2 g L-1) of Mucor hiemalis f. hiemalis (SPC 2040) and Mucor hiemalis f. luteus (SPC 2044) was kept in contact, under agitation at 120 rpm during 14 h, with aqueous solutions (pH 4) of Pb(NO3)2 and Zn(NO3)2 at 0.06, 0.13, 0.17 mM and 0.08, 0.16, 0.23 mM concentrations, respectively, being compared with activated charcoal (AC) as the reference adsorbent. The percentages amounts of metals removed from solutions, express by q% index, had presented the following adsorption sequences: AC > SPC 2044 > SPC 2040 for Pb and AC > SPC 2040 > SPC 2044 for Zn.
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Avaliação da contaminação da alface (Lactuva sativa) variedade crespa por bactérias e enteroparasitas / Assessment of contamination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) curly variety of bacteria and intestinal parasites.Pereira, Julio Abrantes 22 September 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-09-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The search for a healthy diet consisting of vegetables consumed "in natura" just exposing the
population to the risk of infections by bacteria and intestinal parasites. This study aimed to
assess the bacteriological and parasitological of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) commercialized in
supermarkets and public markets in João Pessoa-PB, comparing the quality of which are sold
in supermarkets with the public markets. In this study 40 heads of lettuce, including 20 from
four supermarkets and 20 from four public markets were submitted to two washes with sterile
water, and subjected to bacteriological and parasitological analysis. Analyses showed that all
samples had total coliforms but did not have Salmonella that 30% had fecal coliform above
1x102 MPN/g, and that intestinal parasites were present in 85% of vegetables, including
Strongyloides spp., Giardia spp., E. histolytica / E. dispar. In public markets were found
higher levels of bacterial contamination than the supermarkets (p > 0,05), but these two
establishments showed no significant difference in the contamination with intestinal parasites.
Due high contamination observed becomes necessary to establish laws limiting the presence
of these contaminants so that the lettuce does not serve as a vehicle disseminator of disease by
bacteria and intestinal parasites. / A busca por uma alimentação saudável composta por verduras consumidas in natura
acaba expondo a população ao risco de contrair infecções por bactérias e enteroparasitas. Este
trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade bacteriológica e parasitológica de alface
crespa tradicional (Lactuca sativa), comercializada em supermercados e mercados públicos de
João Pessoa-PB, comparando a qualidade das que são comercializadas em supermercados
com as de mercados públicos. Nesta pesquisa 40 pés de alface, dos quais 20 provenientes de 4
supermercados e 20 de 4 mercados públicos foram submetidos a duas lavagens com água
estéril, e submetidos a análise bacteriológica e parasitológica. As análises mostraram que em
todas as amostras havia coliformes totais sem, no entanto haver Salmonella, que 30%
apresentaram coliformes termotolerantes acima de 2x102 NMP/g, e que os enteroparasitas
estiveram presentes em 85% das hortaliças estudadas, entre os quais Strongyloides spp.,
Giardia spp., E. histolytica / E. díspar. Nos mercados públicos foram verificados níveis mais
elevados de contaminação bacteriana do que nos supermercados (p > 0,05), porém estes dois
estabelecimentos não demonstraram diferença significativa quanto à contaminação por
enteroparasitas. Devido à elevada contaminação observada, torna-se necessário o
estabelecimento de leis que limitem a presença de contaminantes para que desta forma a
alface crespa não sirva como veículo disseminador de doença por bactérias e enteroparasitas.
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Diagnóstico dos recursos hídricos na microbacia do Córrego Três Barras, Marinópolis, SP /Silva, Michele Cláudia da. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez / Banca: Maurício Augusto Leite / Banca: Adriano da Silva Lopes / Resumo: O impacto da atividade humana sobre um território pode ser avaliado através do diagnóstico da qualidade das águas superficiais. Atualmente, existe grande preocupação com a preservação dos recursos hídricos, sendo cada vez mais valorizado e cobrado o uso adequado da água. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo diagnosticar os recursos hídricos na microbacia do córrego Três Barras, município de Marinópolis, SP. Os atributos avaliados foram: sólidos totais, suspensos e dissolvidos, turbidez, pH, dureza, cálcio, magnésio, ferro total, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido e coliformes (fecais e totais). Através dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que as concentrações de sólidos totais têm aumentado gradativamente ao longo do tempo principalmente no período chuvoso. O ferro total foi o único atributo avaliado cuja concentração sempre esteve acima dos limites críticos para a irrigação em todos os locais de amostragem e em todo o tempo de avaliação, representando um risco ao adequado funcionamento de sistemas de irrigação localizada. As concentrações de cálcio e magnésio encontrados, segundo as classificações estabelecidas, não oferecem restrições de uso para a irrigação, e embora os coliformes totais e fecais apresentem altas concentrações, somente o ponto 3 é considerado como inadequado, devido ao lançamento de efluente, devendo-se portanto, evitar a utilização da água nesse trecho do córrego para irrigação de vegetais a serem consumidos in natura / Abstract: The impact of human activity on a territory may be assessed through the diagnosis of the quality required of surface water. Currently, there is great concern for the preservation of water resources, increasingly valued and charged the proper use of water. The object of this work was to diagnose the water resources in the watershed of stream Três Barras, municipality of Marinópolis, SP. Attributes evaluated were: total solids, suspended and dissolved, turbidity, pH, hardness, calcium, magnesium, total iron, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and fecal and total coliforms. Through the results it was found that concentrations of total solids have increased gradually over time mainly in the rainy season. The total iron was the only attribute evaluated with a concentration above the limits has always been critical for irrigation in all sampling locations and around the time of evaluation, pose a threat to the proper functioning of localised irrigation systems. Concentrations of calcium and magnesium found, according to classifications maintained, do not offer restrictions of use for irrigation and, although the fecal coliform and presenting high concentrations only the point 3 has been considered inappropriate due to the release of effluent and it should if so, refrain from using this stretch of stream water for irrigation of vegetables raw consumed / Mestre
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