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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití controllingu v podniku / The Copany Controling Utilization

Novotná, Marta January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the current status of controlling in the company Skynet, a.s. and suggests improvements by using controlling as a subsystem of the management system. The financial analysis, which is the crucial tool for decision making in the corporate management, is used to evaluate the corporate history and current state. In the first part of the financial analysis, the corporate economical status is evaluated using the analysis of the relative data, while in the second part, it is evaluated using the aggregate data. In the following chapter, the internal economy of the company is discussed, including calculations, optimization of deviations and the consequences of the inclusion of controlling into the management process. It is concluded that if controlling is used in the management process, the competitive edge grows thanks to the improved adaptability to the business environment and more flexible strategic management.

Attacking the Manufacturing Execution System : Leveraging a Programmable Logic Controller on the Shop Floor

Johansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Background. Automation in production has become a necessity for producing companies to keep up with the demand created by their customers. One way to automate a process is to use a piece of hardware called a programmable logic controller (PLC). A PLC is a small computer capable of being programmed to process a set of inputs, from e.g. sensors, and create outputs, to e.g. actuators, from that. This eliminates the risk of human errors while at the same time speeding up the production rate of the now near identical products. To improve the automation process on the shop floor and the production process in general a special software system is used. This system is known as the manufacturing execution system (MES), and it is connected to the PLCs and other devices on the shop floor. The MES have different functionalities and one of these is that it can manage instructions. Theses instructions can be aimed to both employees and devices such as the PLCs. Would the MES suffer from an error, e.g. in the instructions sent to the shop floor, the company could suffer from a negative impact both economical and in reputation. Since the PLC is a computer and it is connected to the MES it might be possible to attack the system using the PLC as leverage. Objectives. Examine if it is possible to attack the MES using a PLC as the attack origin. Methods. A literature study was performed to see what types of attacks and vulnerabilities that has been disclosed related to PLCs between 2010 and 2018. Secondly a practical experiment was done, trying to perform attacks targeting the MES. Results. The results are that there are many different types of attacks and vulnerabilities that has been found related to PLCs and the attacks done in the practical experiment failed to induce negative effects in the MES used. Conclusions. The conclusion of the thesis is that two identified PLC attack techniques seems likely to be used to attack the MES layer. The methodology that was used to attack the MES layer in the practical experiment failed to affect the MES in a negative way. However, it was possible to affect the log file of the MES in one of the test cases. So, it does not rule out that other MES types are not vulnerable or that the two PLC attacks identified will not work to affect the MES. / Bakgrund. Automatisering inom produktion har blivit nödvändigt för att företag ska kunna tillgodose den efterfrågan som deras kunder skapar. Ett sätt att automatisera denna process är genom att använde en typ av hårdvara som på engelska kallas för programmable logic controller (PLC). En PLC är en liten dator som man kan programmera så att den bearbetar signaler in, från t.ex. sensorer, och skapar signaler ut, till t.ex. motorer, från det. Detta eliminerar då risken för mänskliga fel samtidigt som det snabbar upp produktionen av de nu nästan identiska produkterna. För att förbättra automatiseringsprocessen på golvet i fabrikerna och även tillverkningsprocessen generellt så används ett speciellt mjukvarusystem. Detta system kallas på engelska execution manufacturing system (MES), och detta system är kopplat till PLCerna och annan utrustning på produktionsgolvet. MESen har olika funktionaliteter och en utav dessa är hantering av instruktioner. Dessa instruktioner kan vara riktade både till anställda samt utrustning så som PLCer. Skulle det inträffa ett fel i MESen, t.ex. i instruktionerna som skickas till produktionsgolvet, så skulle företaget kunna få lida av negativa konsekvenser både ekonomiskt och för företagets rykte. I och med att en PLC är en dator och den är kopplad till MES så kan det finnas möjligheter att utföra attacker mot MESen genom att använda en PLC som utgångspunkt. Syfte. Undersöka om det är möjligt att utföra en attack på en MES med utgångspunkt från en PLC. Metod. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att ta reda på vilka typer av attacker samt sårbarheter relaterade till PLCer som publicerats mellan 2010 och 2018. Ett praktiskt experiment utfördes också, där attackförsök gjordes på ett MES. Resultat. Resultatet är att det finns många olika attacktyper samt sårbarheter som upptäckts relaterade till PLCer och att de attacker som utfördes i det praktiska experimentet inte lyckades skapa några negativa effekter i det MES som användes. Slutsatser. Slutsatsen för examensarbetet är att två olika typer av de hittade PLC-attackerna verkar vara kapabla till att användas för att attackera MES-lagret. Metoden som användes i det praktiska försöket lyckades inte påverka MES-lagret negativt. Men det gick att påverka MESens logfil i ett av testfallen, så det går inte att fastslå att andra MES-typer inte är sårbara mot detta eller att de två identifierade PLC-attackerna inte kommer kunna påverka MES-lagret negativt.

The Resilience of Deep Learning Intrusion Detection Systems for Automotive Networks : The effect of adversarial samples and transferability on Deep Learning Intrusion Detection Systems for Controller Area Networks / Motståndskraften hos Deep Learning Intrusion Detection Systems för fordonsnätverk : Effekten av kontradiktoriska prover och överförbarhet på Deep Learning Intrusion Detection Systems för Controller Area Networks

Zenden, Ivo January 2022 (has links)
This thesis will cover the topic of cyber security in vehicles. Current vehicles contain many computers which communicate over a controller area network. This network has many vulnerabilities which can be leveraged by attackers. To combat these attackers, intrusion detection systems have been implemented. The latest research has mostly focused on the use of deep learning techniques for these intrusion detection systems. However, these deep learning techniques are not foolproof and possess their own security vulnerabilities. One such vulnerability comes in the form of adversarial samples. These are attacks that are manipulated to evade detection by these intrusion detection systems. In this thesis, the aim is to show that the known vulnerabilities of deep learning techniques are also present in the current state-of-the-art intrusion detection systems. The presence of these vulnerabilities shows that these deep learning based systems are still to immature to be deployed in actual vehicles. Since if an attacker is able to use these weaknesses to circumvent the intrusion detection system, they can still control many parts of the vehicles such as the windows, the brakes and even the engine. Current research regarding deep learning weaknesses has mainly focused on the image recognition domain. Relatively little research has investigated the influence of these weaknesses for intrusion detection, especially on vehicle networks. To show these weaknesses, firstly two baseline deep learning intrusion detection systems were created. Additionally, two state-of-the-art systems from recent research papers were recreated. Afterwards, adversarial samples were generated using the fast gradient-sign method on one of the baseline systems. These adversarial samples were then used to show the drop in performance of all systems. The thesis shows that the adversarial samples negatively impact the two baseline models and one state-of-the-art model. The state-of-the-art model’s drop in performance goes as high as 60% in the f1-score. Additionally, some of the adversarial samples need as little as 2 bits to be changed in order to evade the intrusion detection systems. / Detta examensarbete kommer att täcka ämnet cybersäkerhet i fordon. Nuvarande fordon innehåller många datorer som kommunicerar över ett så kallat controller area network. Detta nätverk har många sårbarheter som kan utnyttjas av angripare. För att bekämpa dessa angripare har intrångsdetekteringssystem implementerats. Den senaste forskningen har mestadels fokuserat på användningen av djupinlärningstekniker för dessa intrångsdetekteringssystem. Dessa djupinlärningstekniker är dock inte idiotsäkra och har sina egna säkerhetsbrister. En sådan sårbarhet kommer i form av kontradiktoriska prover. Dessa är attacker som manipuleras för att undvika upptäckt av dessa intrångsdetekteringssystem. I det här examensarbetet kommer vi att försöka visa att de kända sårbarheterna hos tekniker för djupinlärning också finns i de nuvarande toppmoderna systemen för intrångsdetektering. Förekomsten av dessa sårbarheter visar att dessa djupinlärningsbaserade system fortfarande är för omogna för att kunna användas i verkliga fordon. Eftersom om en angripare kan använda dessa svagheter för att kringgå intrångsdetekteringssystemet, kan de fortfarande kontrollera många delar av fordonet som rutorna, bromsarna och till och med motorn. Aktuell forskning om svagheter i djupinlärning har främst fokuserat på bildigenkänningsdomänen. Relativt lite forskning har undersökt inverkan av dessa svagheter för intrångsdetektering, särskilt på fordonsnätverk. För att visa dessa svagheter skapades först två baslinjesystem för djupinlärning intrångsdetektering. Dessutom återskapades två toppmoderna system från nya forskningsartiklar. Efteråt genererades motstridiga prover med hjälp av den snabba gradient-teckenmetoden på ett av baslinjesystemen. Dessa kontradiktoriska prover användes sedan för att visa nedgången i prestanda för alla system. Avhandlingen visar att de kontradiktoriska proverna negativt påverkar de två baslinjemodellerna och en toppmodern modell. Den toppmoderna modellens minskning av prestanda går så högt som 60% i f1-poängen. Dessutom behöver några av de kontradiktoriska samplen så lite som 2 bitar att ändras för att undvika intrångsdetekteringssystem.

Development and testing of algorithms for optimal thruster command distribution during MTG orbital manoeuvres

Sprengelmeyer, Lars January 2020 (has links)
An accurate satellite attitude and orbit control is a key factor for a successful mission. It guarantees for example sun acquisition on solar panels, fine pointing for optimal telescope usage or satellite lifting to reach higher orbits, when required. Furthermore attitude and orbit control is applied to compensate any occurring disturbances within the space environment. The problem tackled in the present thesis is the optimization of thruster commanding to perform spacecraft orbital manoeuvres. The main objective is to develop different algorithms that are suitable for on-board implementation and to compare their performance. For an optimal thruster command distribution the algorithms shall solve linear programming (or optimization) problems, more exact they shall compute thruster on-times to generate desired torques and/or forces, which are requested by the on-board software. In total three different algorithms are developed of which the first one is based on the pseudoinverse of a matrix, the second one is a variation of the Simplex method and the third one is based on Karmarkar’s algorithm, which belongs to the interior-point methods. The last two methods are well known procedures to solve linear programming problems and in theory they have been analyzed before. However this paper proves their practical application and industrial feasibility for orbital manoeuvres of the weather satellites of ESA’s MTG project and their scalability to any number of thrusters on a generic satellite for 6 degrees of freedom manoeuvres. There are 6 MTG satellites and each has 16 one-sided reaction control thrusters, placed at specific positions and pointed towards defined directions. Physical mechanisms limit the thrusters output to minimum on- and off-times. The focus of this thesis will be on the orbital transfer mode, due to the high disturbances that arise during four motor firing sessions at the apogee, executed to reach higher orbits and finally GEO. The firing sessions are performed by a liquid apogee engine and while this engine is in boost mode, the thrusters shall be used for attitude control only. The technique (nominal case) developed by OHB for this maneuver and currently operational uses 4 thrusters only, which are all pointing in the engine’s direction. They are also used to settle the fuel before the engine is turned on. For control the Pseudoinverse method is applied. If one of the 4 thrusters fails, the backup scenario takes place, which includes using 4 totally different thrusters and no fuel settling, due to their unfavorable position with respect to the engine. The initial idea of this work was to develop a controller for 6 thrusters, using only 2 of the 4 nominal case thrusters, to have a better control performance in the backup case. The Pseudoinverse method was developed by OHB before, thus only small changes needed to be applied to work with 6 thrusters. The two other algorithms, based on the Simplex and Karmarkar method, were completely developed from scratch. To analyze their performance several tests were executed. This includes unit tests on a simple computer hardware with different input, Monte Carlo simulations on a cluster to test if the algorithms are suitable for MTG orbital manoeuvres and the application to 12 thrusters, mounted on a generic satellite to generate torques and forces at the same time for 6 degrees of freedom manoeuvres. For each thruster configuration the worst case outputs are shown in so called minimum control authority plots. The performance analysis consists of the maximum and average deviation between requested and generated torque/force, the average computed thruster on-times, the algorithms computation(running) time and iteration steps. For MTG the test results clearly confirm that the usage of 6 thrusters leads to more accurate generated torques and better control authority, than using only 4 thrusters. The Simplex method stands out here in particular, showing excellence performance regarding torque precision. Nevertheless the accuracy goes at the expense of computation effort. While the Pseudoinverse method is very fast and needs only one iteration step, the Simplex is half a magnitude, the Karmarkar one magnitude slower. But the latter lead to lower thruster on-times in terms of firing duration and thus fuel consumption is reduced. Also it is shown that Simplex and Karmarkar can control 12 thrusters at the same time to generate torques and forces, which proves their scalability to any thruster distribution. In the end it comes to the question whether generating a more accurate torque/force or the computational effort, which is strongly hardware dependent, is more important. A decision which depends on the mission’s objective. This paper shows that all three implemented algorithms are able to handle attitude control in the MTG backup scenario and beyond.

Compositional Synthesis and Most General Controllers

Klein, Joachim 22 February 2013 (has links)
Given a formal model of the behavior of a system, an objective and some notion of control the goal of controller synthesis is to construct a (finite-state) controller that ensures that the system always satisfies the objective. Often, the controller can base its decisions only on limited observations of the system. This notion of limited observability induces a partial-information game between the controller and the uncontrollable part of the system. A successful controller then realizes an observation-based strategy that enforces the objective. In this thesis we consider the controller synthesis problem in the linear-time setting where the behavior of the system is given as a nondeterministic, labeled transitions system A, where the controller can only partially observe and control the behavior of A. The goal of the thesis is to develop a compositional approach for constructing controllers, suitable to treat conjunctive cascades of linear-time objectives P_1, P_2, ..., P_k in an online manner. We iteratively construct a controller C_1 for system A enforcing P_1, then a controller C_2 enforcing P_2 for the parallel composition of the first controller with the system, and so on. It is crucial for this approach that each controller C_i enforces P_i in a most general manner, being as permissive as possible. Otherwise, behavior that is needed to enforce subsequent objectives could be prematurely removed. Standard notions of strategies and controllers only allow the most general treatment for the limited class of safety objectives. We introduce a novel concept of most general strategies and controllers suited for the compositional treatment of objectives beyond safety. We demonstrate the existence of most general controllers for all enforceable, observation-based omega-regular objectives and provide algorithms for the construction of such most general controllers, with specialized variants for the subclass of safety and co-safety objectives. We furthermore adapt and apply our general framework for the compositional synthesis of most general controllers to the setting of exogenous coordination in the context of the channel-based coordination language Reo and the constraint automata framework and report on our implementation in the verification toolset Vereofy. The construction of most general controllers in Vereofy for omega-regular objectives relies on our tool ltl2dstar for generating deterministic omega-automata from Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. We introduce a generic improvement for exploiting insensitiveness to stuttering during the determinization construction and evaluate its effectiveness in practice. We further investigate the performance of recently proposed variants of Safra\'s determinization construction in practice.

Flexible machine tool control for direct, in-process dimensional part inspection

Davis, Tyler Addison 08 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
For some time now coordinate measuring machines have been an integral part of the shop floor. The goal has been to make coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) into tools that can easily be used by machinists to improve their manufacturing capabilities. The value of a CMM as a quality control tool is undisputed. Now efforts are being made to further reduce the time and cost of measurement by reducing the physical distance between machining and measuring processes. The ability to reduce that distance to zero and measure a part directly on the chip-making machine has been a goal for many years. Dimensional inspection of parts is primarily conducted by coordinate measuring machines operating on motion instructions from task planning software. The research in direct machining and control (DMAC) at BYU has identified a potential application of CMM technologies on existing machine tools. To prove that a machine tool can be controlled as a CMM with the DMAC controller, this research will integrate the software package PC-DMIS provided by Wilcox Associates, Inc. with a DMAC controller provided by Direct Controls, Inc. to conduct in-process dimensional inspection of parts as they are being machined. This process is referred to as DirectCMM because it will link the DMAC controller directly to PC-DMIS without need for post-processing. This thesis will lay the groundwork for future efforts at developing systems that utilize in-process part inspection to dynamically correct computer aided manufacturing (CAM) process plans. To aid future efforts at dynamic CAM process updating, a software interface specification will be created for passing measurement data between CMM and CAD/CAM software packages. A CMM control specification will also be created to provide a standard method for controlling coordinate measuring machines with the DMAC controller. Possible methods for dynamic CAD/CAM updating will be explored.

Motivation in a virtual setting : Analyzing the impact of distance work on a team of controllers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mattsson, Karolin, Östling Kütt, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The distance setting induced by the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020 forced many employees into a new work setting. The accounting sector was no exception, seeing an increasing rate of remote work further accelerated by the pandemic. It is well established that remote work has a variety of consequences, and that these can impact motivation. Therefore, this paper aims to identify and analyze the consequences of remote work on the motivation of a team within the accounting field. Specifically, the paper investigates a team of controllers’ perceptions of work-related changes and their consequences using Herzberg, Mauser, and Snyderman’s (1993) motivation-hygiene theory. Through qualitative interviews, the investigation found perceived changes in company policies, working conditions, recognition, and supervision to impact motivation differently between the respondents. Further, the study concludes that personal life and interpersonal relations are subject to changes in a virtual setting and had impacts on motivation on the team level while telecommuting. / Till följd av Covid-19 pandemin som bröt ut 2020 försattes många anställda i en ny, virtuell arbetsmiljö. Redovisningssektorn, som såg en ökad grad av hemarbete till följd av pandemin, var inget undantag till detta fenomen. Det är väl etablerat att distansarbetet hade flera konsekvenser, och att dessa kunde påverka motivation. Av den anledningen syftar denna uppsats till att identifiera och analysera distansarbetes konsekvenser för ett team inom redovisningssektorn. Mer specifikt undersöks en enhet som jobbar med ekonomistyrning och deras uppfattning av arbetsrelaterade förändringar och dess konsekvenser enligt Herzberg, Mausner, och Snydermans (1993) tvåfaktorsteori. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer fann studien att respondenterna uppfattade förändringar i företagspolicy, arbetsförhållanden, erkännande och övervakning och att dessa förändringar påverkade respondenternas motivation på olika sätt. Vidare dras slutsatsen att privatliv och mellanmänskliga relationer påverkade motivationen på teamnivå under distansarbetet.

Investigation for the development of a new electric control unit for customized trucks

Liu, Yusen January 2019 (has links)
Customized truck is a relevant and high-profit part of Scania’s market. Nowadaysdesigners do not have a self-developed electric control unit for introducing non-standardfunctionality. This thesis is intended to investigate the specification of a new system andan approach to implement it in current truck’s electrical system. The adopted methodsin this research are systems analysis, functional specification, HW & SW research andcomparison and validation test of prototype system. The results obtained in this researchinclude the potential functions and corresponding requirement specification, 5 types ofhardware alternatives and 2 recommended software platform. Their feasibility is verifiedby a prototype system with 2 typical functions, control the motor of inward sliding doorand combine the communication of different system. 3 recommended schemes and 2 directionsfor future research are given in the end. Based on investigation results, developersare able to know new system’s specification preliminarily, understand the architectural requirementsand suitable tools and materials for implementation. This research will helpto improve Scania’s truck’s electrical system and product manufacturing in the future. / Specialfordon utgör en viktig och betydande del av Scanias produkter. Dagens de-signer har inte tillgång till en egenutvecklad styrenhet för att introducera icke standardiserade funktioner. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att undersöka ett nytt system och hur det skulle implementeras i den redan existerande lastbilens elektriska system. De behandlade ämnena i arbetet är systemanalys, funktionsanalys, hårdvaruspecifikation, mjukvara samt validering och utvärdering i form av byggnation och testning av en prototyp. Resultatet som erhållits i denna rapport inkluderar potentiella funktioner och motsvarande kravspecifikation, fem typer av hårdvara och tvårekommenderade mjukvaruplattformar. Reliabiliteten av dessa valideras med en prototyp med två typiska funktioner, kontrolleraen motor på en elektrisk dörr samt kombinera kommunikationen av olika system. Trealternativa lösningar samt två alternativ till framtida studier rekommenderas i slutet av rapporten. Baserat på resultaten har utvecklare möjlighet till en preliminär specifikation,förståkrav påarkitektur, användbara verktyg och material för implementation. Dennarapport kommer att underlätta förbättring av Scanias elektriska system och utveckling iframtiden.

Investigation of active anti-roll bars and development of control algorithm

Agrawal, Harshit, Gustafsson, Jacob January 2017 (has links)
Active anti-roll bars have recently found greater acceptance among premium car manufacturers and optimal application of this technology has emerged as an important field of research. This thesis investigates the potential of implementing active anti-roll bars in a passenger vehicle with the purpose of increasing customer value. For active anti-roll bars, customer value is defined in terms of vehicle’s ride comfort and handling performance. The objective with this thesis is to demonstrate this value through development of a control algorithm that can reflect the potential improvement in ride comfort and handling. A vehicle with passive anti-roll bars is simulated for different manoeuvres to identify the potential and establish a reference for the development of a control algorithm and for the performance of active anti-roll bars. While ride is evaluated using single-sided cosine wave and single-sided ramps, handling is evaluated using standardized constant radius, frequency response and sine with dwell manoeuvres.The control strategy developed implements a combination of sliding mode control, feed forward and PI-controllers. Simulations with active anti-roll bars showed significant improvement in ride and handling performance in comparison to passive anti-roll bars. In ride comfort, the biggest benefit was seen in the ability to increase roll damping and isolating low frequency road excitations. For handling, most significant benefits are through the system’s ability of changing the understeer behaviour of the vehicle and improving the handling stability in transient manoeuvres. Improvement in the roll reduction capability during steady state cornering is also substantial. In conclusion, active anti-roll bars are undoubtedly capable of improving both ride comfort and handling performance of a vehicle. Although the trade-off between ride and handling performance is significantly less, balance in requirements is critical to utilise the full potential of active anti-roll bars. With a more comprehensive control strategy, they also enable the vehicle to exhibit different driving characteristics without the need for changing any additional hardware.

Drone Flight Controller Reliability Analysis within EU Standardization / Analys av pålitlighet för drönarflygkontroller inom EU-standardisering

Wei-Heng, Ke January 2023 (has links)
As the drone market expands, the corresponding standardization follows. Drone standardization can vary geographically based on the regulations and requirements of different areas. This study mainly focuses on the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulations and investigates Aerit’s role, as a drone operator in Sweden, within this standardization framework. In particular, Specific Operations and Risk Assessment (SORA) process, developed by EASA, is illustrated. The process covers a comprehensive range of factors related to drone operations to assess and manage risks. In addition to the drone design standardization process, the study looks into drone flight control systems at component-level redundancy and at system-level redundancy with a scientific grounding of dependability. An investigation of what a voting system looks like is then conducted for implementing a redundant flight control architecture. Furthermore, results from Software-In-The-Loop (SITL) implementation in this study show that the performance differs not much for the two flight control architectures (component-level and system-level). Thus, the decision of whether to use one flight controller or redundant flight controllers depends on the specific requirements and priorities of the drone application as well as the level of pre-flight testing. / Eftersom drönarmarknaden växer, följer motsvarande standardisering med. Standardisering av drönar kan variera geografiskt baserat på olika områdens lagar och krav. Denna studie fokuserar främst på Europeiska unionens byrå för luftfartssäkerhet (EASA) och undersöker Aerits roll som drönaroperatör i Sverige inom detta standardiseringsramverk. Särskilt beskrivs processen för Specifika Operationer och Riskbedömning (SORA), utvecklad av EASA. Denna process täcker ett omfattande utbud av faktorer relaterade till drönaroperationer för att bedöma och hantera risker. Utöver standardiseringsprocessen för drönardesign, granskar studien drönarflygkontrollsystem på komponentnivå för redundans och på systemnivå med en vetenskaplig grund för tillförlitlighet. En undersökning av hur ett röstningssystem ser ut genomförs sedan för att implementera en redundant flygkontrollarkitektur. Vidare visar resultaten från mjukvara-i-slingan (SITL) -implementeringen i denna studie att prestandan inte skiljer sig mycket mellan de två flygkontrollarkitekturerna (komponentnivå och systemnivå). Därför beror beslutet om att använda en flygkontroll eller redundanta flygkontroller på de specifika kraven och prioriteterna för drönapplikationen samt nivån av före-flygtestning.

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