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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decisão das empresas de realizar um IPO e implicações sobre desempenho: uma análise da experiência brasileira / Corporate decision to conduct an ipo and its implications on performance: an analysis of the Brazilian experience

André Zilio 10 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho focaliza os fatores que influenciam a decisão das empresas de realizar uma oferta pública inicial de ações (IPO) e as implicações sobre o desempenho operacional ex-post. Por meio da construção de um banco de dados de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto e fechado relativos ao período entre 2002 e 2010, estimamos modelos econométricos cujos resultados sugerem que as empresas que realizaram IPO eram menores e mais endividadas e apresentavam maiores taxas de rentabilidade, investimento e crescimento. Há evidências, ainda, de que exploraram as circunstâncias favoráveis de preços das ações das empresas já listadas nos setores em que operavam. Para compararmos o desempenho operacional ex-post das empresas que realizaram IPO com o das que se mantiveram fechadas, recorremos à metodologia do propensity score matching. Encontramos evidências robustas de que os investimentos das empresas que listaram na bolsa nesse período são superiores aos das que permaneceram com o capital fechado. Para as demais variáveis de desempenho (rentabilidade, eficiência e endividamento), os resultados não revelaram diferenças significativas entre as empresas desses dois grupos. Essa evidência combinada com a observação de uma relação elevada entre valor de mercado e valor contábil das empresas já listadas do mesmo setor de atividade no momento do IPO pode indicar que a abertura de capital associa-se às exigências de funding para investimentos futuros. / We analyze the factors that influenced some Brazilian firms to conduct an IPO over the 2002-2010 period as well as the implications on their ex-post operational performance. Using an unique database composed of private and public companies, we estimated a logit model, whose results suggest that the firms that conducted IPOs were smaller, more leveraged, and more profitable, grew at a faster pace, and presented higher investment rates. Furthermore, they tended to explore the favorable equity market conditions of the already listed companies belonging to the same industries where they operated. To compare the ex-post operating performance of the companies that performed an IPO with those that remained private, we used the propensity score matching method. We found robust evidence of higher investment in IPO companies, whereas the results for the other variables (profitability, efficiency and leverage) do not suggest any difference between the two groups of companies. This finding coupled with the evidence of high stock prices of the already listed companies belonging to the same corresponding industry during the IPO may indicate that the decision to go public is related to funding requirements for undertaking future investments.

Apreçamento de ativos com assimetria e curtose: um teste de comomentos com dados em painel / Asset pricing with skewness and kurtosis: testing co-moments with panel data

Francisco Henrique Figueiredo de Castro Junior 17 July 2008 (has links)
Ao longo dos anos, desde a concepção do CAPM, o modelo vem passando por um rigoroso escrutínio por parte da comunidade científica e dos agentes de mercado interessados na sua utilização prática. Evidências tanto a favor quanto contra a sua adequação foram surgindo. Várias foram as causas levantadas para o fraco desempenho do CAPM: omissão de variáveis no modelo, variação no tempo da medida de risco (β) ou, ainda, a ausência de outros momentos tais como assimetria e curtose. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo a investigação empírica da relação entre momentos sistêmicos (covariância, coassimetria e cocurtose) e a taxa de retorno de ativos financeiros negociados no mercado brasileiro. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 179 empresas brasileiras regularmente negociadas na Bovespa entre os anos de 2003 e 2007. Para o teste do modelo de apreçamento, foi utilizado um procedimento em duas etapas. Na primeira, os comomentos de cada ativo foram estimados usando-se dados longitudinais de taxas de retorno. Os coeficientes estimados foram, então, utilizados em uma segunda etapa, na qual uma regressão com dados em painel buscou determinar a relação entre o prêmio pelo risco dos ativos e os comomentos estimados na primeira etapa. Foram estimados modelos com dados agrupados, efeitos aleatórios e efeitos fixos. A determinação do modelo mais adequado foi feita por meio de testes de especificação. Os dados mostraram evidências de que a distribuição de probabilidade das taxas de retorno da maioria das empresas não segue uma distribuição normal, e que tanto a covariância como a cocurtose são fatores de risco relevantes em modelos de apreçamento, mesmo controlados por fatores como: tamanho, alavancagem, liquidez, relação entre preço de mercado e preço contábil e relação entre valor de mercado e valor contábil. / Since the development of the CAPM, the model has been tested with a rigorous scrutiny by academic community and market practitioners who are interested in its practical utilization. Evidence for and against the adequacy of the model has arisen. Various reasons for the failure of the CAPM were raised: omission of variables, time-varying risk factors (β), or the absence of other moments like skewness and kurtosis. This research aimed at empirical investigation of the relationship between systematic moments (covariance, coskewness and cokurtosis) and the rate of return of financial assets traded in the Brazilian market. The sample consisted of 179 stocks regularly traded at Bovespa from 2003 to 2007. The test of the pricing model was run in a two-pass procedure. In the first pass, the comoments for every stock were estimated using a longitudinal series of rates of returns. The estimated coeficients were then used in the second pass, in a panel data regression that intended to establish a relationship between the risk premium and the comoments estimated in the first pass. Panel data models with pooled data, random effects and fixed effects were estimated. The adequacy of each model was tested by specification procedures. Data showed evidence that the rates of return were not normally distributed, and that covariance and cokurtosis were significant risk factors in pricing models, even after controlling for factors like: size, leverage, liquidity, price-earning ratio and

Análise comparativa dos níveis de geração de valor econômico: um estudo empírico com empresas do BRIC e de países desenvolvidos / Comparative analysis of levels of economic value: an empirical study of the BRIC and developed countries companies

Tomaz Alvarez Ciani 03 July 2012 (has links)
O alto nível de competitividade no cenário global faz com que as empresas que competem neste ambiente reinventem suas estratégias de negocio com uma freqüência maior que no passado, exigindo um bom sistema de avaliação. Diante desta necessidade, os gestores buscam indicadores capazes de refletir com exatidão a real situação da empresa. Uma forma de mensurar o desempenho organizacional que vem ganhando espaço e a capacidade de um negocio gerar valor. O objetivo com este trabalho foi o de se analisar os níveis de geração de valor econômico adicional (EVA - Economic Value Added) das empresas dos países do BRIC (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China) e compará-los com os níveis das empresas dos países desenvolvidos (EUA, Japão e Alemanha). Foram coletados dados dos relatórios financeiros e contábeis das principais empresas de capital aberto de cada pais, referentes ao período de 2000 a 2010. Os resultados mostraram que, em media, as empresas de ambos os grupos de países são agregadoras de valor. Mostraram também que as empresas dos EUA são, destacadamente, mais geradoras de valor, em media e no agregado dos onze anos cobertos pelo estudo, que as empresas de qualquer um dos demais países. Dois resultados inovadores obtidos foram a detecção de que empresas de ambos os grupos de países obtiveram o mesmo nível de retorno sobre o capital investido, e a constatação de que as empresas da maioria dos países emergentes do BRIC são agregadoras de valor, enquanto que a minoria dos países desenvolvidos contou com empresas agregadoras de valor no período. / The high level of competitiveness in the global causes companies to reinvent their business strategies with a higher frequency than in the past, requiring a good evaluation system. Given this need, the managers seek indicators that accurately reflect the real situation of the company. One way to measure organizational performance that has gained importance is the capacity of a business to create value. The aim of this study was to analyze the level of economic value added (EVA - Economic Value Added) of companies from the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and compare them with the levels of firms developed countries (USA, Japan and Germany). The data was collected financial reports and statements of major public companies in each country, for the period 2000 to 2010. The results showed that, on average, the company both groups are value-adding countries. They also showed that U.S. companies are focusing on those that create more value, on average and in the aggregate of the eleven years covered by the study, that companies of any of the other countries. Two innovative results were obtained for the detection of companies from both groups of countries achieved the same level of return on invested capital, and the realization that companies in most developing countries of BRIC are value-adding, whereas a minority of developed countries had value-adding enterprises in the period.

Australian Real Estate Stock Reactions to FIRB Regulation Changes

Wei, Henry 01 January 2017 (has links)
This study analyzes the share price reactions to real estate development and building/construction materials corporations in relation to FIRB rule changes. It appears companies as a whole were indifferent to the rule changes; however individual securities returns were wildly different. These findings suggest that the FIRB rule changes had a mixed effect on different corporations possibly based on their exposure to the Australian real estate market.

Cash holdings and Multinationality: a European perspective

Hanson, Ruben January 2017 (has links)
Using data from twelve countries in the European Union over a 13-year period (2002-2015) with 9,707 observations, the effect of multinationality and the crisis on cash holdings is examined in a European setting. Both firm and country characteristics of firms are taken into account. This research contributes to the fields of risk management in the area of cash holdings and multinationality. Findings suggest that the cash ratio of companies is not significantly related to multinationality or the financial crisis. Moreover, findings show that, when taking determinants of cash holdings into account, Dutch firms have significantly higher cash holdings than eight out of eleven countries in the sample.

Design des Campagnes de Crowdfunding / Crowdfunding Campaigns Design

Leboeuf, Gael 01 December 2016 (has links)
Si le succès d'une campagne de crowdfunding dépend du projet qui est financé, il est aussi fortement lié aux choix stratégiques faits par l'entrepreneur et par le design de la campagne de financement en elle-même. Cette thèse étudie trois composants principaux du design d'une campagne de crowdfunding en se basant sur une base de données unique de plus de 22 000 projets présentés sur la plateforme Indiegogo. Premièrement, en choisissant entre les modèles de financement "keep-it-all" et "all-or-nothing", l'entrepreneur a la possibilité de transférer lerisque entre lui-même et la foule. Cela aura un impact sur la quantité d'informations qu'il divulguera et sur le comportement des participants. Deuxièmement, la personnalité de l'entrepreneur, et plus particulièrement son niveau de narcissisme, affecte également la manière dont la campagne est mise en place (taille, informations,...) et du soutien qu'il/elle obtient de la foule. Enfin, étant donné que nous savons que les entrepreneurs en série bénéficient habituellement de leur expérience via leur réseau et leur réputation, nous analysons sa capacité à recommencer une seconde campagne, la manière dont l'entrepreneur la conçoit et sa capacité à gagner, ou pas, le soutien du public après un premier succès ou un premier échec. / If the crowdfunding campaign success depends on the project that is financed, it is also closely linked to the strategic choices of the entrepreneur and by the design of the financing campaign in itself. This thesis investigates three main components of the campaign design by using a unique database of more than 22,000 crowdfunding projects presented on the Indiegogo platform. First, by choosing between the keep-it-all and the all-or-nothing funding model, the entrepreneur is able to shift the risk between himself and the crowd. This will impact thecampaign disclosures and the behavior of the participants. Second, the personality of the entrepreneur and more precisely his level of narcissism also affects the way that the campaign is set up (size, soft information,...) and the support he/she receives from the crowd. Finally, since we know that serial entrepreneurs usually benefit from experience through network and reputation, we analyze his/her ability to restart a second campaign, the way that entrepreneurs design it and his/her capacity to gain, or not, support from the crowd after a first success or after a first failure.

Finanční analýza společnosti New World Resources Plc / Financial analysis of the company New World Resources Plc

Valík, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis titled "Financial analysis of the company New World Resources Plc" is structured into three main parts. The first chapter lays down the theoretical framework of the financial analysis including the definitions of the fundamental terms, introduces the main groups of users and presents mostly applied tools. The second part aims to present relevant information about the NWR group, i.e. among others the major shareholders and controlled subsidiaries. Moreover, the substantial part of the chapter dedicates to the market development and recent news and problems related to the company. The key third part, in the help of the tools of the financial analysis, intends to interpret the causes and reasons of the development of the corporate finance of the company. The objective of the final chapter is to determine the extent of the financial health of the enterprise as well as potential risks of its future outlook.

Liquidity, Governance and Adverse Selection in Asset Pricing

Strobl, Sascha 31 May 2013 (has links)
A plethora of recent literature on asset pricing provides plenty of empirical evidence on the importance of liquidity, governance and adverse selection of equity on pricing of assets together with more traditional factors such as market beta and the Fama-French factors. However, literature has usually stressed that these factors are priced individually. In this dissertation we argue that these factors may be related to each other, hence not only individual but also joint tests of their significance is called for. In the three related essays, we examine the liquidity premium in the context of the finer three-digit SIC industry classification, joint importance of liquidity and governance factors as well as governance and adverse selection. Recent studies by Core, Guay and Rusticus (2006) and Ben-Rephael, Kadan and Wohl (2010) find that governance and liquidity premiums are dwindling in the last few years. One reason could be that liquidity is very unevenly distributed across industries. This could affect the interpretation of prior liquidity studies. Thus, in the first chapter we analyze the relation of industry clustering and liquidity risk following a finer industry classification suggested by Johnson, Moorman and Sorescu (2009). In the second chapter, we examine the dwindling influence of the governance factor if taken simultaneously with liquidity. We argue that this happens since governance characteristics are potentially a proxy for information asymmetry that may be better captured by market liquidity of a company’s shares. Hence, we jointly examine both the factors, namely, governance and liquidity – in a series of standard asset pricing tests. Our results reconfirm the importance of governance and liquidity in explaining stock returns thus independently corroborating the findings of Amihud (2002) and Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). Moreover, governance is not subsumed by liquidity. Lastly, we analyze the relation of governance and adverse selection, and again corroborate previous findings of a priced governance factor. Furthermore, we ascertain the importance of microstructure measures in asset pricing by employing Huang and Stoll’s (1997) method to extract an adverse selection variable and finding evidence for its explanatory power in four-factor regressions.


SAULO LOPES CARVALHO 14 February 2013 (has links)
[pt] Uma extensa literatura em Finanças Corporativas sugere que investidores e empresas respondem a incentivos advindos do sistema jurídico vigente. Neste trabalho, exibimos um exemplo em que várias empresas brasileiras reagiram com atraso à Lei 9249 de dezembro de 1995, que, com uma simples trocas de rubricas contábeis (dividendos para juros sobre capital), permite reduzir o lucro tributável da pessoa jurídica. Documentamos o atraso médio no uso do benefício fiscal e, através de um modelo de Regressão Descontínua, mostramos que o atraso médio está relacionado à baixa sofisticação jurídica das empresas. / [en] An extensive literature in Corporate Finance suggests that investors and companies respond to incentives arising from the legal system. In this paper, we show an example in which various Brazilian companies reacted late to Law 9249 of December 1995, with a simple exchange of accounting lines (dividends to interest on capital), reduces the taxable income of the corporation. Documented the average delay in the use of the tax benefit and, through a Discontinuous Regression model, we show that the average delay is related to the low sophistication of legal firms.

Searching for buyers in international markets / Réseau de clients sur les marchés internationaux

Lenoir, Clémence 12 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la rencontre et l’appariement entre les entreprises françaises et leurs acheteurs sur les marchés internationaux. La constitution d'un portefeuille d'acheteurs à l'étranger est une composante cruciale de la croissance des exportateurs: les ventes vers de nouveaux acheteurs expliquent près de 50% des différences de taux de croissance à l’export entre les entreprises françaises à moyen terme. Pourtant, sur les marchés internationaux, l'éloignement géographique, les différences culturelles et institutionelles exacerbent les difficultés qu'ont les entreprise à trouver leurs acheteurs potentiels, Rauch (2001), Allen (2014) et Arkolakis (2010). Cette thèse étudie et quantifie l'effet des obstacles informationnels et contraintes financières auxquels les entreprises sont confrontées lorsqu'elles démarchent des acheteurs à l'étrangers.Cette thèse s'appuie sur des données exhaustives détaillant l'ensemble des exportations intracommunautaires françaises sur les vingt dernières années. En particulier pour chaque transaction, l'entreprise française exportatrice, le produit et le montant de la transaction ainsi que l'acheteur par son numéro de TVA introcommunautaire sont identifiés.Le premier chapitre examine comment les frictions de recherche sur les marchés internationaux des biens peuvent fausser la concurrence entre entreprises à productivité hétérogène. Le deuxième chapitre étudie le rôle des contraintes de liquidité dans la construction d’une base de clientèle à l’étranger. Le dernier chapitre étudie l’importance du réseau et des contacts des managers dans l’expansion des entreprises à l'export. / This thesis studies how firms meet and match with their potential buyers in international markets. Buyers accumulation abroad is a crucial component of exporters growth: sales to new buyers explain almost 50% of firms' export growth rate heterogeneity in the medium run. Yet, in international markets, heightened geographical and cultural distances exacerbate search and information frictions making it harder for firms to match with potential buyers. This thesis quantifies the role of search, financial, and network barriers faced by firms while willing to match with buyers abroad.To investigate this question this thesis relies on a unique data set covering the universe of intra-EU trade relationships of French firms in which buyers of French firms are identified. More precisely, for each transaction, the exporting firm, the product and value of the flow as well as the buyer through its European VAT number are recorded.The first chapter explores how search frictions in international good markets distort competition between firms of heterogeneous productivity. The second chapter studies the role of liquidity constraints in preventing firms from expanding their customer base. The last chapter paper investigates the role of managers' networks for the acquisition of buyers in international markets.

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