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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Účinky vybraných opatření k prevenci malárie: analýza panelových dat / The Effects of Different Malaria Prevention Measures: Panel Data Analysis

Pavelková, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis was to explore the topic of malaria preventive measures. Concretely, to study which preventive measures are useful and to see how they are distributed around the world. For international organizations, this is very important as they need to know whether funds allocated for malaria aid are distributed effectively. This study is using manually compounded data from the World Health Organization for all countries threatened by malaria mostly from 2001 to 2018. For this purpose, panel data regression methods using robust standard errors, bootstrapping and cluster analysis were used. The results showed that generally, the most useful preventive measures are indoor-residual sprayings, a combination of sprayings and insecticide-treated nets and rapid diagnostic tests. Furthermore, the effect of the population living in rural areas is significant. Besides, gross domestic product is a very important factor for African countries. The stability analysis - bootstrapping - confirmed our results. However, we examined that insecticide-treated nets are still the most distributed measures. Doing the cluster analysis, we observed that countries on the same continent should not be treated similarly and we emphasized countries that should receive higher attention. Overall, the...

Vývoj cen nemovitostí a jejich determinantů ve střední a východní Evropě / Evolution of housing prices and its determinants in CEE

Šedivý, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
As housing is one of the important parts of gross domestic product and one of the most significant components of people's wealth it is vital to investigate the determinants of its prices. Therefore, we analyze housing prices in Central and Eastern European coun- tries using pooled mean group estimator and vector autoregressive models. The objective of this thesis is to find out whether the fundamentals of housing prices are comparable across different countries and how the shocks in the economy affect housing pricese. For our analysis we used housing prices per square metre, GDP per capita, unemployment rates, 5-year interest rates, harmonised indices of consumer prices and construction cost indices. The conclusions of using pooled mean group estimator suggest that GDP, un- employment, interest rate and HICP indeed significantly affect the housing prices. The results of empirical analysis of individual countries using vector autoregressive model con- clude that shocks in the determinants affect housing prices with lags of 2 to 3 quarters and that the individual countries are driven by slightly different fundamentals.

La réforme des retraites en France entre répartition et capitalisation : analyse économique de deux dilemnes / The pension reform in France from pay-as-you-go to funded system : economic analysis of two dilemnas

Gbenyo, Kodzo-Kuma 05 September 2008 (has links)
La thèse cherche à travers des critères économiques, sociaux et financiers à définir pour laFrance un système de retraite optimal. Elle procède à l’analyse critique de l’ensemble desréformes entreprises depuis la parution du Livre Blanc sur les retraites (1991), et engage despistes de mesures complémentaires pour les améliorer. Elle s’articule autour de deux idéesprincipales : d’une part, les principales réformes (Balladur, 1993 et Fillon, 2003) sont d’ordreparamétrique et entendent préserver la logique de solidarité intergénérationnelle ; d’autre part,sous certaines conditions, elles peuvent être améliorées par l’adjonction de mesuresstructurelles sous forme d’introduction d’une dose de capitalisation obligatoire.L’argumentation s’appuie à la fois sur une réflexion théorique, fondée notamment sur lesmodèles à générations imbriquées, la notion de taxe sur la poursuite d’activité aux âgesavancés, et sur une étude empirique internationale mesurant l’impact d’une capitalisationsupplémentaire sur l’épargne nationale. Globalement, l’objectif de la thèse est de montrerl’existence de deux dilemmes auxquels font face les pouvoirs publics dans la recherche desolutions à la crise des retraites: (1) garder le système de retraite actuel qui offre peud’incitations à la poursuite de toute activité professionnelle aux âges avancés ou aller versplus d’individualisation des droits au risque de sacrifier la solidarité intergénérationnelle ; (2)quelle dose, quelle(s) forme(s) et quelle réglementation de la capitalisation qui permettentd’augmenter l’épargne nationale au lieu de la réduire ? / This dissertation tries to define an optimal retirement system for France based on economic,social and financial criteria. It reviews the reforms that have been undertaken since thepublication of the Livre Blanc sur les retraites in 1991, and highlights additional measuresthat could be implemented to enhance these reforms. The dissertation is structured around twomain ideas: on the one hand, the main reforms (Balladur, 1993 and Fillon, 2003) are ofparametric nature and intend to preserve intergenerational solidarity; on the other hand, undercertain conditions, they can be improved by incorporating a funded system. The analysis relyon both a theoretical framework, notably overlapping generations models, and anempirical approach to assess the impact of additional capitalization on national saving.Overall, the dissertation aims to show that the authorities face two main dilemma whendealing with the retirement crisis: (1) keep the current retirement system, which does notencourage the elderly to remain in the workforce, or move toward a funded system at the riskof giving up intergenerational solidarity; (2) what dose, forms and regulations of fundingcould stimulate national savings?


LUIZ MARIO CAMPELLO P M DE FARIAS 01 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] Diversos trabalhos publicados recentemente analisam o impacto da entrada de bancos estrangeiros no mercado bancário brasileiro. Muitos desses estudos avaliam o impacto dessa entrada no desempenho dos bancos nacionais, na oferta de crédito e em outras variáveis. Outros estudos enfatizam a oferta de crédito e o papel social dos bancos como fontes de financiamento para a iniciativa privada. Entretanto nenhum estudo amplo foi realizado com o objetivo de se identificar quais são os fatores determinantes da estratégia de alocação de ativos dos bancos com atividades de varejo no Brasil, e se esses fatores diferem entre bancos privados nacionais, bancos estrangeiros e bancos estatais. Para responder essas questões este estudo analisa dados das demonstrações financeiras de 35 bancos referentes ao período de 2000 a 2003. Os bancos da amostra foram selecionados na lista dos 50 Maiores Bancos por Ativos Totais (-) Intermediações, elaborada pelo Banco Central do Brasil, com um critério adicional de terem apresentado mais de cinco agências bancárias em qualquer ano do período analisado. Este trabalho enfatiza as características dos bancos como fatores determinantes da estratégia de alocação de ativos. Foram realizados testes estatísticos e regressões de dados em painel considerando três grupos de regressores: tamanho do banco, tipo de controle, e sua estrutura de financiamento. Os resultados sugerem que há diferenças no financiamento dos ativos entre bancos privados nacionais, estrangeiros e estatais. / [en] Several recent papers analyze the impact of foreign bank entry on the Brazilian bank market. Some of these studies assess the impact of those entrances on domestic banks` performance, on the overall credit supply, and on other variables. Other studies emphasize the credit supply and the banks` social role as financiers of the private sector. Nevertheless, no comprehensive study has aimed at identifying the determinant factors of asset allocation strategies of banks with retail activities in Brazil, and whether these factors vary according to different bank ownership control - private domestic, government, and foreign. With the objective of shedding some light on this subject, this work analyzes the financial statements of 35 banks in the time period 2000 - 2003. The sampled banks were selected from the list of the Largest 50 Banks by Total Assets (-) Intermediations, organized by The Central Bank of Brazil, with the additional criteria of having more than 5 offices in any year of the considered time period. The present work emphasizes the banks` characteristics as determinant factors of asset allocation strategies. Statistical tests and panel data analysis were run allowing for three regressor groups: bank size, ownership control, and funding structure. The results suggest there are significant differences between private domestic, government, and foreign banks in financing their assets.

El impacto del tipo de cambio real y su volatilidad en el desempeño de las exportaciones de América Latina durante el periodo 1989-2018 / The impact of the volatility of the real exchange rate on the performance of exports of Latin American countries during 1989-2018

V´ásquez Huanchi, Miriam Elizabeth 04 December 2020 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación examina el impacto de la volatilidad del tipo de cambio real, como proxy de la incertidumbre cambiaria, en el desempeño de las exportaciones totales para un panel de países de América Latina en el periodo 1989-2018. Se utilizan las variables como brecha de las exportaciones, brecha del tipo de cambio real, brecha del producto bruto interno, la brecha de la demanda mundial y la brecha de los término de intercambio. Asimismo, se estima el comportamiento de la volatilidad del tipo de cambio real modelizándola a través de modelos GARCH. Se estima un modelo panel de Vectores Autorregresivos para una muestra equilibrada de cinco países de América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México y Perú) para el periodo 1989-2018. Los resultados sugieren que la volatilidad del tipo de cambio real tiene un efecto negativo en las exportaciones de los países seleccionados. Adicionalmente, esta investigación es relevante porque proporciona evidencia empírica de países con diferentes características económicas para comprender el efecto de las variaciones del tipo de cambio real en el desempeño de las exportaciones y, por ende, en la estabilidad del crecimiento económico. / This research work examines the impact of real exchange rate volatility, as a proxy for exchange rate uncertainty, on the performance of total exports for a panel of Latin American countries in the period 1989-2018. Variables such as the export gap, the real exchange rate gap, the gross domestic product gap, the world demand gap, and the trade terms gap are used. Likewise, the behavior of the volatility of the real exchange rate is estimated by modeling it through GARCH models. A panel model of Autoregressive Vectors is estimated for a balanced sample of five Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru) for the period 1989-2018. The results suggest that the volatility of the real exchange rate has a negative effect on the exports of the selected countries. Additionally, this research is relevant because it provides empirical evidence from countries with different economic characteristics to understand the effect of variations in the real exchange rate on export performance and, therefore, on the stability of economic growth. / Trabajo de investigación


FABIO LUIZ BIAGINI 13 January 2004 (has links)
[pt] Considerando a importância da estrutura de capital para as finanças empresariais, e apesar de não ainda existir consenso sobre a existência de uma estrutura ótima de capital, buscamos neste trabalho investigar à luz da Teoria da Hierarquização das Fontes de Financiamento, desenvolvida por Myers (1984), como a estrutura de capital das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, no período de 1998 a 2002, estaria associada a uma dada hierarquia de preferência por fontes de financiamento, dentro da lógica proposta pelo autor, onde as empresas utilizariam primeiramente o autofinanciamento, em seguida recorreriam ao uso de dívidas, e como última opção optariam por emitir ações. Desta forma, este trabalho não visa discutir a problemática da existência ou não de uma estrutura ótima de capitais, mas sim analisar empiricamente a importância e validade dos diversos fatores apontados na literatura como determinantes da Estrutura de Capital das Empresas: Dimensão ou Tamanho, Oportunidades de Crescimento, Composição do Ativo, Lucratividade, Risco, propondo e verificando, inclusive, a significância de novas variáveis independentes como o Controle Acionário, Impacto Cambial, da Inflação e da Taxa de Juros. / [en] In view of the importance of the capital structure to corporate finance, and inspite of not existing consensus about the existence of the optimal capital structure yet, we seek in this work to research how the Capital Structure of Open Capital Brazilian Companies, from 1998 untill 2002, would be associated to a specific Pecking Order, inside the logical proposed by Myers (1984). In this way, this work does not try to discuss the existence or not of one optimal capital structure, but analyses empirically the importance and the validity of the many factors pointed in the literature as determinants of the Companies Capital Structure: Dimension, Growth Oportunity, Asset Composition, Profitability, Risk, also proposing and verifying the significance of new independent variables like the type of capital control, the impact of currency devaluation, inflation and the interest levels.

Determinanty cen nového rezidenčního developmentu v Praze / Determinants of Residential Development Prices in Prague

Mazáček, David January 2015 (has links)
III Title: Determinants of Residential Development Prices in Prague Author: David Mazáček Department: Institute of economic studies Diploma Theises Supervisor: PhDr. Pavel Streblov, MSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: streblov@pentainvestmens.cz Abstract: This thesis analyzes the progression and current situation on the Prague new residential development market. The beggining of the thesis is focused on performance of new residential development market in Prague and its comparison with other cities in European union including different housing standards and its economical severity. Performance analysis and current situation on the market indicate the presence of real estate bubble in past years on Prague market. This bubble has even deepened the problems on the market caused by the European economic crisis, however currently there is slow upsarge on the residential real estate market in Prague. Remaining two chapters are focused on relations between performance of residential development price per sqm in Prague and the performance of macroeconomic determinants in the range of income, financing or subsitutionary housing solution. This relation is explored through the econometric model, that explains the average aggregate price per sqm of new residential development in Prague through its macroeconomic...

Contribution à la compréhension de l'impact des facteurs exogènes de risque sur les PME des pays en développement : le cas de la République Dominicaine. / A Contribution to Understanding the Impact of Exogenous Risk Factors on SMEs in Developing Countries : The Case of the Dominican Republic. / Contribución a la comprensión del impacto de los factores de riesgo exógenos sobre las Mipymes de los países en desarrollo : El Caso de la República Dominicana.

Jimenez Romero, Sterling Modesto 24 September 2012 (has links)
La plupart des études en gestion sur la performance des entreprises sont centréessur l'explication de la relation entre les facteurs internes ou des caractéristiquesintrinsèques de l'entreprise (niveau d'endettement, diversification des produits, lastratégie concurrentielle, etc.) et son performance. Cette thèse vise à déterminerquels sont les facteurs de risque exogènes qui ont un impact sur la performance desentreprises en République Dominicaine? Ces facteurs, affectent-ils différemment lesmicro, petites et moyennes entreprises en fonction de leur secteur d'activité. Quelest le risque pour chacun des plus représentatifs sous-secteurs des entreprisesDominicaines? Nous avons constaté que les facteurs de risque les plusstatistiquement significatifs sont les dépenses de consommation des ménages, letaux d'intérêt des banques commerciales, l'investissement total, le taux de changede DOP à USD et le déficit de la balance commerciale. La composition etl'importance des facteurs varient considérablement en fonction de la taille desentreprises et le sous-secteur auquel ils appartiennent. Les grandes entreprises sonten moyenne moins risqué que des moyennes, petites et micro entreprises, n’importequel que soit le sous-secteur auquel ils appartiennent. / Many of the management studies on the performance of the company are focusedon explaining the relationship between the internal factors or intrinsic characteristicsof the firm (debt level, diversification of products, competitive strategy, etc.) and itsperformance. This thesis seeks to determine, what are the exogenous risk factorsthat impact the performance of all companies in the Dominican Republic? Thesefactors differentially affect the micro, small and medium enterprises according to theirbusiness sector. What is the risk on each of the most representative sub-sectors ofthe Dominican companies? We found that the most statistically significant riskfactors are the household consumption expenditure, the interest rate of commercialbanks, the total investment, the DOP to USD exchange rate and the deficit on thetrade balance. The composition and importance of the factors significantly variesdepending on the size of the company and the sub-sector to which it belongs. Also,large firms are on average less risky than medium, small and micro regardless of thesub-sector they belong. / Muchos de los estudios de gestión sobre el performance de la empresa se enfocanen explicar la relación que existe entre los factores o características intrínsecas de laempresa (nivel de endeudamiento, diversificación de productos, estrategiacompetitiva, etc.) y el performance de la misma. Esta tesis busca determinar¿cuáles son los factores exógenos de riesgo que impactan el performance de lasempresas de la República Dominicana? Si estos factores afectan de forma diferentea la micro, pequeña y mediana empresa según su actividad empresarial. ¿Cuál es elriesgo que tiene cada uno de los sub-sectores más representativos de las empresasdominicanas? Encontramos que los factores de riesgo estadísticamente mássignificativos son el consumo de los hogares, la tasa de interés de los bancoscomerciales, la inversión total, la tasa de cambio de DOP a USD y el déficit en labalanza comercial. La importancia y composición de los factores varíasignificativamente según el tamaño de la empresa y el sub-sector al que pertenece.También, en promedio, las empresas grandes tienen menos riesgos que lasmedianas, pequeñas y micro sin importar al sub-sector que pertenezcan.

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