Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DEGROWTH"" "subject:"[enn] DEGROWTH""
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O decrescimento: leituras a partir do Sul global / Degrowth: perspectives from the global SouthTrettel-Silva, Gabriel 30 October 2017 (has links)
O debate sobre o decrescimento constitui uma crítica ao sistema socioeconômico baseado na lógica do crescimento ilimitado e no imperativo cultural do desenvolvimento. O decrescimento propõe a redução da escala biofísica e a reestruturação da economia global, fundamentalmente nos países do Norte cuja pegada ecológica excede os limites ecológicos. O Sul aparece com menos evidência na literatura decrescentista, porém, está inevitavelmente implicado nessa discussão. Buscando contribuir para compreender as implicações do decrescimento para o Sul, esta dissertação teve por objetivo analisar como o Sul global está representado no debate acadêmico internacional sobre o decrescimento. Para cumpri-lo, foi realizado um mapeamento e uma revisão sistemática da literatura internacional sobre o tema. Para o mapeamento, foi considerada a base de dados Scopus e foram utilizados termos de busca em inglês (degrowth e de-growth). A análise das características bibliométricas dos documentos identificados mostrou a prevalência de autores de instituições de países do Norte e baixa participação do Sul global. A revisão sistemática da literatura identificou cinco eixos temáticos na abordagem do Sul pelo decrescimento. Três deles abordam Sul de maneira explícita: (i) a perspectiva biofísica, relacionada à economia ecológica, sustenta que o decrescimento no Norte deve abrir espaço ecológico para o aumento do uso de recursos no Sul sem ultrapassar os limites ecológicos globais; (ii) os aspectos políticos dos fluxos internacionais de recursos denunciam as injustiças ambientais e socioeconômicas associadas ao comércio de commodities da perspectiva da ecologia política; e (iii) o eixo das alternativas ao desenvolvimento vê convergências entre o decrescimento e cosmovisões oriundas de contextos culturais do Sul como o bem viver andino. Por outro lado, outros dois eixos identificados abordam o Sul de maneira implícita ou indireta: (iv) no eixo que trata de aspectos demográficos, o decrescimento busca se afastar de concepções malthusianas autoritárias e se aproximar de abordagens de controle populacional voluntário, sem nomear explicitamente o Sul, mas responsabilizando indiretamente as populações mais numerosas; (v) no último eixo, se argumenta que a diminuição do consumo permitiria o decrescimento do tempo de trabalho dos trabalhadores do Norte global, sem relacionar esse tipo de decrescimento aos países do Sul, onde o efeito poderia ser o oposto se houvesse aumento do consumo. Observou-se que o decrescimento do consumo da escala biofísica da economia não é recomendado ao Sul. O decrescimento da jornada de trabalho tampouco, ao passo que o decrescimento populacional pode ser associado a esse grupo de países. Tanto no Sul quanto no Norte são desejáveis alternativas autóctones ao desenvolvimento. Porém, nos cinco eixos identificados na abordagem do Sul, pouco se explora a relocalização, um processo estratégico para o decrescimento em seu sentido amplo e também para o objetivo de estabelecer relações justas entre Sul e Norte. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros considerem a relocalização ao abordar a divisão Norte-Sul no contexto do decrescimento. Sugere-se ainda que correntes do pensamento latinoamericano, que apesar de orientadas pela ideia de desenvolvimento se debruçaram sobre as relações político-econômicas entre países, podem também contribuir para discutir o decrescimento de uma perspectiva do Sul global. / Degrowth is a critique of a society based on the logic of limitless gowth and on the cultural imperative of development. Degrowth proposes reduction of the biophysical scale and restructuring of the global economy, notably, in the global North whose ecological footprint have overshot ecological limits. The global South appears with less evidence in the degrowth literature, however, it is unavoidably implicated in this discussion. Seeking to understand the implications of degrowth for the South, this dissertation aimed to analyze how the global South is represented in the international academic debate on degrowth. To accomplish this goal, the international literature on the subject was mapped and systematically reviewed. The database Scopus was selected for the mapping procedure and search terms were defined in English (degrowth and de-growth). The mapping showed the prevalence of authors from institutions of the North and low participation of the South. The review identified five thematic axes in the approach to the South by degrowth. Three of them approach the South in an explicit way: (i) the biophysical perspective, related to ecological economics, holds that degrowth in the North may open \"ecological space\" for growth in resources use in the South without exceeding global ecological limits; (ii) the political aspects of international resource flows denounce environmental and socio-economic injustices associated with commodity trade from the perspective of political ecology; and (iii) the axis on alternatives to development sees convergences between degrowth and cosmovisions coming from cultural contexts of the South as the Andean buen vivir. On the other hand, two other identified axes approach the South in an implicit or indirect way: (iv) in the axis that deals with demographic aspects, degrowth attempts to move away from authoritarian Malthusian conceptions and get closer to voluntary population control approaches without naming the South explicitly, but indirectly charging larger populations independently of their per capita impact; and (V) in the last axis, it is argued that lower consumption would allow work-time degrowth in the North. However, this type of degrowth is not mentioned to be desired for the South, where the effect could be the opposite if there were an increase in consumption. It was observed that degrowth in consumption and of the biophysical scale of the economy is not recommended for the South. Work-time degrowth is not recommended either, while populational contraction is not associated to any of the groups of countries. Both in the South and in the North autochthonous development alternatives are desirable. It is recommended that future studies consider relocalization when addressing the North-South divide in the context of degrowth. It is also suggested that streams of Latin American thought, which although oriented by the idea of development focused on the political-economic relations between countries, may also contribute to discuss degrowth from a global South perspective.
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La dette écologique en droit international public / The ecological debt in public international lawCandiago, Noémie 25 September 2017 (has links)
La dette écologique est un discours politique qui s'est développé au début des années 90 pour lutter contre le fardeau des dettes financières qui grevait les budgets des États en développement. États et société civile se sont alors appropriés les acquis théoriques et pratiques des sciences économiques et sociales pour contester un ordre du monde inégalitaire et conduisant à la dégradation continue de l'environnement, caractéristique d'un "échange écologiquement inégal". Mais dans la bouche des différents acteurs, la dette écologique a pris des sens différents, si bien que l'on peut dissocier quatre discours de la dette écologique. À chacun de ces discours correspondent un ou plusieurs outils juridiques, outils qui, après analyse, s'avèrent souvent inaptes à valider les prétentions des partisans de la dette écologique. Il apparaît que seule la version communautaire de la dette écologique offre un cadre d'analyse qui soit efficient sans être contre-productif. L'analyse spécifiquement dédiée au régime climatique en droit international confirme ce résultat puisque les normes allant dans le sens d'un accroissement des capacités des populations locales semblent plus à même de réduire la dette climatique. / The ecological debt is a concept which was developed at the beginning of the 90s in order to fight against the burden of financial debts which crippled the budgets of developing States. States and the civil society used the theoretical and practical knowledge developed by researchers in social and economic sciences to criticize an unequal worldorder, leading to continuous environmental degradation and as such, a characteristic of an unequal ecological exchange. For the different actors, the concept of ecological debt took on various meanings so that we can now dissociate four different discourses. For each discourse, we have identified one or more legal mechanism, but most of them often turn out to be unfit to meet the claims of ecological debt advocates. It appears that only the community version of ecological debt is efficient without being counter-productive. Our analysis of the climate regime in international law confirms this result since norms that empower local communities seem more efficient to reduce climate debt.
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O decrescimento: leituras a partir do Sul global / Degrowth: perspectives from the global SouthGabriel Trettel-Silva 30 October 2017 (has links)
O debate sobre o decrescimento constitui uma crítica ao sistema socioeconômico baseado na lógica do crescimento ilimitado e no imperativo cultural do desenvolvimento. O decrescimento propõe a redução da escala biofísica e a reestruturação da economia global, fundamentalmente nos países do Norte cuja pegada ecológica excede os limites ecológicos. O Sul aparece com menos evidência na literatura decrescentista, porém, está inevitavelmente implicado nessa discussão. Buscando contribuir para compreender as implicações do decrescimento para o Sul, esta dissertação teve por objetivo analisar como o Sul global está representado no debate acadêmico internacional sobre o decrescimento. Para cumpri-lo, foi realizado um mapeamento e uma revisão sistemática da literatura internacional sobre o tema. Para o mapeamento, foi considerada a base de dados Scopus e foram utilizados termos de busca em inglês (degrowth e de-growth). A análise das características bibliométricas dos documentos identificados mostrou a prevalência de autores de instituições de países do Norte e baixa participação do Sul global. A revisão sistemática da literatura identificou cinco eixos temáticos na abordagem do Sul pelo decrescimento. Três deles abordam Sul de maneira explícita: (i) a perspectiva biofísica, relacionada à economia ecológica, sustenta que o decrescimento no Norte deve abrir espaço ecológico para o aumento do uso de recursos no Sul sem ultrapassar os limites ecológicos globais; (ii) os aspectos políticos dos fluxos internacionais de recursos denunciam as injustiças ambientais e socioeconômicas associadas ao comércio de commodities da perspectiva da ecologia política; e (iii) o eixo das alternativas ao desenvolvimento vê convergências entre o decrescimento e cosmovisões oriundas de contextos culturais do Sul como o bem viver andino. Por outro lado, outros dois eixos identificados abordam o Sul de maneira implícita ou indireta: (iv) no eixo que trata de aspectos demográficos, o decrescimento busca se afastar de concepções malthusianas autoritárias e se aproximar de abordagens de controle populacional voluntário, sem nomear explicitamente o Sul, mas responsabilizando indiretamente as populações mais numerosas; (v) no último eixo, se argumenta que a diminuição do consumo permitiria o decrescimento do tempo de trabalho dos trabalhadores do Norte global, sem relacionar esse tipo de decrescimento aos países do Sul, onde o efeito poderia ser o oposto se houvesse aumento do consumo. Observou-se que o decrescimento do consumo da escala biofísica da economia não é recomendado ao Sul. O decrescimento da jornada de trabalho tampouco, ao passo que o decrescimento populacional pode ser associado a esse grupo de países. Tanto no Sul quanto no Norte são desejáveis alternativas autóctones ao desenvolvimento. Porém, nos cinco eixos identificados na abordagem do Sul, pouco se explora a relocalização, um processo estratégico para o decrescimento em seu sentido amplo e também para o objetivo de estabelecer relações justas entre Sul e Norte. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros considerem a relocalização ao abordar a divisão Norte-Sul no contexto do decrescimento. Sugere-se ainda que correntes do pensamento latinoamericano, que apesar de orientadas pela ideia de desenvolvimento se debruçaram sobre as relações político-econômicas entre países, podem também contribuir para discutir o decrescimento de uma perspectiva do Sul global. / Degrowth is a critique of a society based on the logic of limitless gowth and on the cultural imperative of development. Degrowth proposes reduction of the biophysical scale and restructuring of the global economy, notably, in the global North whose ecological footprint have overshot ecological limits. The global South appears with less evidence in the degrowth literature, however, it is unavoidably implicated in this discussion. Seeking to understand the implications of degrowth for the South, this dissertation aimed to analyze how the global South is represented in the international academic debate on degrowth. To accomplish this goal, the international literature on the subject was mapped and systematically reviewed. The database Scopus was selected for the mapping procedure and search terms were defined in English (degrowth and de-growth). The mapping showed the prevalence of authors from institutions of the North and low participation of the South. The review identified five thematic axes in the approach to the South by degrowth. Three of them approach the South in an explicit way: (i) the biophysical perspective, related to ecological economics, holds that degrowth in the North may open \"ecological space\" for growth in resources use in the South without exceeding global ecological limits; (ii) the political aspects of international resource flows denounce environmental and socio-economic injustices associated with commodity trade from the perspective of political ecology; and (iii) the axis on alternatives to development sees convergences between degrowth and cosmovisions coming from cultural contexts of the South as the Andean buen vivir. On the other hand, two other identified axes approach the South in an implicit or indirect way: (iv) in the axis that deals with demographic aspects, degrowth attempts to move away from authoritarian Malthusian conceptions and get closer to voluntary population control approaches without naming the South explicitly, but indirectly charging larger populations independently of their per capita impact; and (V) in the last axis, it is argued that lower consumption would allow work-time degrowth in the North. However, this type of degrowth is not mentioned to be desired for the South, where the effect could be the opposite if there were an increase in consumption. It was observed that degrowth in consumption and of the biophysical scale of the economy is not recommended for the South. Work-time degrowth is not recommended either, while populational contraction is not associated to any of the groups of countries. Both in the South and in the North autochthonous development alternatives are desirable. It is recommended that future studies consider relocalization when addressing the North-South divide in the context of degrowth. It is also suggested that streams of Latin American thought, which although oriented by the idea of development focused on the political-economic relations between countries, may also contribute to discuss degrowth from a global South perspective.
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Principles and Values from Cooperatives on Gotland: Fostering Sustainable Destination Development through Alternative Economies and Regenerative PracticesRodoni, Valentina January 2022 (has links)
This research investigates the values and principles of cooperatives in relation to regenerative development and evaluates how these principles can be applied to foster SDD on Gotland. As alternative economies, cooperatives represent an opportunity to facilitate a regenerative type of development that is needed to face the issues brought by the capitalist system and the tourism industry. These many challenges were exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis and emphasised the need to find new understandings of the tourism industry and of the way business is carried out in our societies. The evidence gathered from seven semi-structured interviews with the members of a Gotland’s cooperative was analysed in relation to frameworks of values and principles of regenerative development and tourism. Based on the findings and the theoretical background, four Cooperative Principles for Regenerative Development [CPRD] were derived and their potential application for SDD argued. The CPRD include the Support of entrepreneurs, the Commitment and good intent to carry out projects for the community’s wellbeing, Cooperation among stakeholders, associations, and GUBIS companies, and the Contribution to create a healthy, lively, and liveable society. In relation to SDD, the principles can be applied by supporting tourism stakeholder and entrepreneurs so that they can find convergence points among themselves, co-creating across multiple domains to catalyse positive system effects. Additionally, the CPRD can foster SDD by facilitating a discourse about alternative types of exchanges that evolves around an holistic type of economic development that is embedded in the natural ecosystem and is based on circularity and inclusivity.
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The Metabolic Physiology of Planarian FlatwormsLewallen, Melissa A 08 1900 (has links)
Using a high throughput closed respirometry method to measure oxygen consumption, I determined metabolic rates in asexual and sexual Schmidtea mediterranea and Girardia dorotocephala, as a function of temperature, taxon, stressors, reproductive mode, age, regeneration, and specific dynamic action. This study has shown that oxygen consumption can reliably be measured in planaria using optode closed respirometry, and also provided a reliable method for measuring wet mass in planaria, which has been a challenge to researchers in the past. This research revealed that oxygen consumption in S. mediterranea is 1.5-2.1X greater in the sexual strain over the asexual strain at 13-18°C. Within the sexual strain, oxygen consumption is 1.5 -2.2X greater in sexually mature adults over the sexually immature groups (hatchlings, juveniles, and regenerating sexuals). Furthermore, I was able to quantify differences in sexual morphology between these groups exhibiting significant differences in oxygen consumption. The results of this research supports a theory of higher metabolic costs with sexual maturity in S. mediterranea. Therefore, this study has established sexual and asexual S. mediterranea as simple, yet attractive models for investigating energetic costs between sexual and asexual phenotypes. This research also provided quantitative values for specific dynamic action in planaria, with a maximum increase in oxygen consumption of 160% induced by feeding, as well as metabolic relationships in planaria involving temperature, age, and regeneration. These values establish planaria as one of the simplest animal models in which common metabolic patterns, such as SDA and poikilothermic temperature sensitivity, have been demonstrated. Therefore, this research has contributed to the overall knowledge of the basic physiology in this animal, providing the framework for future metabolic studies in planaria involving environmental factors, reproduction, regeneration, development, and aging. Information from this study may supplement interpretation and understanding of modern cellular, molecular, and genomic studies in planaria.
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Družstevnictví jako jeden z možných nástrojů ekonomického konceptu Steady-State / Cooperative as one of the possible tools of the economic concept of Steady-StateDekastello, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the theory of Steady-State Economy based on a research of literature as well as principles and starting points for its application in practice. The central question revolves around the viability of the theory. First, however, the thesis focuses on the context, i.e. the background and needs for the emergence of this theory. Thus, the research begins at a time of industrial revolution and the rise of modern economies. In the course of the research, the analysis also points out the phenomenon of cooperatives, which arise in the early days of industrialization, as examined at the start of the work. Later, after a comprehensive introduction of the steady-state economy theory, the thesis returns to cooperatives, as during the research certain parallels in both of the phenomena emerge. Consequently, the conclusion recapitulates and examines whether steady state economy has been proven to be viable, what could support its functioning and whether one of the answers might be cooperatives - considered they have been shown to realize certain assumptions of this economic theory in practice. After a review of criticism of both of the phenomena, a final evaluation and decision may be reached, i.e. the research questions may be answered.
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La décroissance appliquée à la musique des jeux vidéoViricel, Josselin 07 1900 (has links)
Mon mémoire portera sur la musique des jeux vidéo dans le cadre d’un effondrement systémique ou d’une autre forme de décroissance de l’économie. C’est dans ce cadre que j’exposerai mes idées quant aux différentes formes que pourraient prendre l’industrie vidéo-ludique et sa musique dans un contexte qui semble difficile à envisager. Quelles sont les sources de créativité dans un monde où les indicateurs liés aux sociétés modernes auront vraisemblablement changé du tout au tout ? Comment envisager que le jeu vidéo puisse rester attrayant, intéressant et passionnant dans un modèle économique décroissant ? Ce sont les problématiques auxquelles je vais tenter d’apporter des réponses ici. / My thesis consists on confronting video-game music with a case of systemic collapse or economical degrowth. Regarding these environmental and societal problematics, I’ll suggest ideas concerning the way we could look at the future of video-games, by thinking on the form the medium and its music could take in a context that we often fail to contemplate. How can creativity still emerge in a world where common society’s indicators will most likely be totally different from what they are today? Could we find ways for video-games and video-game music to be as interesting and inspiring as it is today in a context of economical degrowth? Those are problematics that I’ll specifically address in my thesis, by trying to find an approach and potential answers that suits a realistic future state of the world.
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Odborové svazy: opora fosilní ekonomiky, nebo subjekt sociálně-ekologické transformace? / Trade unions: support for a fossil economy, or a subject of social-ecological transformation?Patočka, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Both the theoretical outlines of a solution to the climate and ecological crisis, as well as concrete efforts at environmental reform and energy transformation, often run into the ambivalent role of organised labour, particularly trade unions, in todays growth-oriented, fossil-fuel based economy. On the one hand, trade unions often already formally endorse the ideal of sustainability, on the other hand, in concrete environmental conflicts, they often the side with "jobs" against climate and environmental protections, and thus serve as a support of the growth-oriented fossil economy. The concept of a just transition, embodying the attempts at creating a framework in which the interests of workers and climate protection can be reconciled, thus also becomes ambivalent, serving often as a basis for arguments against more ambitious decarbonization. The aim of this thesis, drawing on the theoretical framework of critical political ecology, is to explore the possibilities of solving this dilemma in the case of Czech trade unions. On the basis of interviews with their various representatives, it will try to answer the questions: 1) what political strategy is shaping the policies of Czech trade unions in the sphere of climate and energy policy, 2) how do these trade unions see their role in the proces of a...
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