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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theoretical Simulation and Experimental Approach Applied on Electrodeposition of Cadmium Telluride Thin Films

Yang, Shu-Ying 02 February 2009 (has links)
For the theory of electrochemical analysis, a kinetic model that considers the ion transport limitations near the cathode of electrode is based upon a generalized Butler-Volmer equation and has been modified in theory and developed. The subjects of this study are the investigation of the kinetics mechanism of CdTe electrodeposition from an aqueous solution containing CdSO4, TeO2, and H2SO4 in cyclic voltammetry and applied to the optimal control of the composition and stoichiometric deviation of CdTe thin film by electrodeposition. The computer simulation is performed to understand the influences of electrodeposited parameters in the process, such as deposition temperature, pH value and concentrations of Cd2+ and HTeO2+ ions, is one of the focuses in this study. In this investigation, a novel electrochemical method for simultaneously measuring diffusion coefficient and ion transference number is applied in the simulation of CdTe electrodeposition for the first time. From the fitting of the experimental data, the values of the thermodynamic, kinetic and mass transport parameters of the electrodeposition process are obtained. In addition, the modified Butler-Volmer model predicts the potential of perfect stoichiometry (PPS) for electrodeposition of CdTe thin film, and a good agreement has been found between the calculated and experimental results. It also predicts the composition of electrodeposits for the electrodeposition of CdTe and other II-VI and III-V compounds from solutions containing reducible ions. Furthermore, the one that is worth mentioning in this investigation, a novel algorithm of stoichiometric deviation is also developed and applied to the electrodeposition for the first time. With the change of the parameter, the deviation of stoichiometry can be estimated accurately. The simulated results of mathematical model are verified experimentally using electrodeposition and can obtain two aspects. They are the accurate potential perfect stoichiometry (PPS) in which the intrinsic CdTe thin film can be electrodeposited and the stoichiometric deviation which can be dominated accurately in the adjustment of electrodeposited potential. Besides, the native non-degenerate p-type and n-type CdTe thin film can also be deposited. At PPS, well-connected granular CdTe thin films can be deposited and are predicted to be intrinsic, but are slightly p-type due to cadmium vacancies (VCd). The conversion of conductive type occurs only by defect redistribution and local defect reactions after annealing; the converted n-type layer shows lower resistivity and higher mobility. A film annealed at 350oC exhibits excellent crystallization.


Wu, Shin-wei 20 June 2009 (has links)
Owning to the heterogeneity of services, service failures are inevitable to happen in service encounters. Therefore, recovery efforts play important roles in mataining the relationship with customer. Recovery paradox (RP) refers to the situation in which the customer who experiences a failure followed by a superior recovery rates a service as high as or even higher than s/he would rate a service involving no failure. By contrast, Double deviation (DD) refers to the situation in which inappropriate and/or inadequate recovery results in magnification of the negative evaluation. The RP and the DD are essentially symmetrical because both of them represent a phenomenon in which the recovery contributes to customer¡¦s evaluation more heavily than the initial failure dose. Although numerous studies devotes to the question whether the RP and DD exist, very few are trying to answer the question of why they exist. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to conceptually and empirically compare the RP and the DD in order to uncover the potential asymmetry, as well as to understand why recovery influences evaluation more greatly? Because the investigated conditions are not easy to be identified in the real world, a scenario-based quasi-experimental design is chosen. The data is collected from customers actually engaged in the target services. Customers are asked to answer questions about an organization they have recently patronized and then evaluate experimentally-generated scenarios in a restaurant setting to understand whether a negative discrepancy can really magnify the customer¡¦s evaluation toward an identical following event. The result reveals that after a negative-discrepant first event, a positive-discrepant second event is evaluated more positively than non-discrepant second event, but a negative-discrepant second event is evaluated less negatively than a non-discrepant one. That is to say the result supports RP, but doesn¡¦t support DD.

The boundary conditions of the recovery paradox and the double deviation

Yang, Yung-Syuan 20 June 2009 (has links)
¡§Recovery Paradox¡¨ (RP) means that customer who experienced a service failure and a superior service recovery were more satisfied than the customer who didn¡¦t experience a service failure. Furthermore, ¡§Double Deviation¡¨ (DD) means that customer who experienced a service failure and a inferior service recovery were more dissatisfied than the customer who didn¡¦t experience a service failure or just experience a service failure. These two phenomena imply that customers pay more attention on the recovery than on the failure and that the evaluation of recovery is boosted by the initial failure. This study aims to discuss the boundary conditions in which the RP and DD are more likely to occur. This study uses experimental design to examine the boundary conditions of RP and DD. Experiment scenarios were composed of a series of service event in a restaurant. And the experiment wants to examine whether the customer who experienced the service failure would magnify the evaluation of recovery. Moreover, the experiment also wants to examine whether there are other factors affect the occurrence of these two phenomena. The previous failure experience, the strength of service and the measurement of satisfaction were included in this study as potential boundary conditions. The result supports RP, but doesn¡¦t support DD. And the result shows that there is no significant effect between the satisfaction and the previous failure experience. Beside, the strength of service and the measurement of satisfaction have effect on recovery satisfaction.

Development of a Digital Potentiometer Circuit for Digital Compensation of Frequency and Temperature Variations of Kvco to Provide Reprogramming of the Transmitter RF Center Frequency in the Field

Oder, Stephen, St. Gelais, Robert, Caron, Peter, Bajgot, Douglas 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2013 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Ninth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 21-24, 2013 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / Cobham Electronic Systems, Inc. has developed a digital potentiometer circuit to allow for digital compensation of frequency and temperature variations in the VCO/PLL frequency control loop of a telemetry transmitter. The ability to reprogram the RF center frequency of a telemetry transmitter is a useful feature and is required on many telemetry programs. When setting the frequency modulation deviation (FM Modulation Index) of a telemetry transmitter, the exact setting will change with RF center frequency due to the variation of the transfer function of the VCO (Kvco). Typically, a resistor divider is used to set the frequency modulation deviation level by setting the output data signal amplitude. However, since Kvco varies with respect to RF center frequency, a method of adjusting frequency modulation deviation for each frequency setting is required. The shunt resistor in the resistor divider is replaced with a digital potentiometer to provide the necessary adjustment, using the on-board microprocessor to store a look-up table of settings versus frequency. A key feature of the digital potentiometer circuit is a method to increase the frequency bandwidth of the potentiometer. Digital potentiometers typically have frequency bandwidths measured in kiloHertz to MegaHertz, which limits their use in setting the frequency modulation deviation of high data rate telemetry transmitters. The circuit consists of a 256 position digital potentiometer and several resistors that are used to adjust the slope of the resistance vs. digital code curve and to translate the curve up and down along the Y-Axis. Adding external resistors to the digital potentiometer helps to increase the frequency bandwidth of the digital potentiometer. The selection of the maximum resistance range of the digital potentiometer is also important, as the potentiometer bandwidth is greater when a small portion of the total resistance is used. This paper will explore various methods of increasing the effective bandwidth of a digital potentiometer, with the goal of making them suitable for use in dynamically setting the frequency modulation deviation via digital control.

Self-Organized Deviation Detection

Kreshchenko, Ivan January 2008 (has links)
A technique to detect deviations in sets of systems in a self-organized way is described in this work. System features are extracted to allow compact representation of the system. Distances between systems are calculated by computing distances between the features. The distances are then stored in an affinity matrix. Deviating systems are detected by assuming a statistical model for the affinities. The key idea is to extract features and and identify deviating systems in a self-organized way, using nonlinear techniques for the feature extraction. The results are compared with those achieved with linear techniques, (principal component analysis). The features are computed with principal curves and an isometric feature mapping. In the case of principal curves the feature is the curve itself. In the case of isometric feature mapping is the feature a set of curves in the embedding space. The similarity measure between two representations is either the Hausdorff distance, or the Frechet distance. The deviation detection is performed by computing the probability of each system to be observed given all the other systems. To perform reliable inference the Bootstrapping technique was used. The technique is demonstrated on simulated and on-road vehicle cooling system data. The results show the applicability and comparison with linear techniques.

Kadastrinių matavimų metu nustatyti žemės naudojimo pokyčiai / Land Usage Changes Established In Cadastral Surveys

Verikas, Šarūnas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Kadastriniai matavimai - tai žmonių nuosavybės ir teisingumo garantas ateičiai. Tik apytikslių matavimų buvimas (juosta ar "sieksniu"), kvalifikuotų darbuotojų trūkumas bei skubota žemės reforma šiandien kelia nemažai problemų, susijusių su žemės sklypo ribų bei ploto tikslumu. Atlikus kadastrinius matavimus ir parengus juridinius dokumentus, žemės savininkui garantuojama, kad jo žemės sklypo ribos, plotas bei naudmenų sudėtis yra tikslūs ir suteikia visas teises į nuosavybę Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymų numatyta tvarka. Atliekant pakartotinius matavimus, nustatomi palyginti dideli žemės plotų ir kadastro duomenų pokyčiai. Vidutinis nuokrypis 75 % analizuotų žemės sklypų neviršija leistinosios paklaidos ir lygus 0,06 %. Likusioje 25 % žemės sklypų vidutinis nuokrypis yra 18,65 % ir dėl to būtina tikslinti pradinius duomenis, kurių pagrindu suformuoti arba įteisinti nuosavybėn žemės sklypai. / The cadastral survey is the guarantee of ownership and justice to people for long future. The confidence to approximate survey (tape or “sagene”), the lack of skilled workers and hasty land reform today make a lot of problems, which are connected with precision of land plot boundaries and area. The landowner has a guarantee that his land plot boundaries, area and structure of lands are precise only after making cadastral surveys and preparing juridical documents. According to the law of Lithuania, cadastral surveys and juridical documents give ownership rights to property. While doing repeated surveys, enough big changes of land areas and cadastral data are observed. The average divergence does not exceed permissible error in the 75 % of analysed land plots and it makes 0.06 %. The primary data, on which base land plots were formed and legalized to ownership, should be specified to other 25 % land plots, which have 18.65 % error.

Visuomenės požiūris į kinologinę kultūrą Lietuvoje / Society‘s approach to the cynological culture of Lithuania

Norkienė, Daiva 02 September 2013 (has links)
Tema - Visuomenės požiūris į kinologinę kultūrą Lietuvoje. Darbo problema. Tik brandžios visuomenės pajėgios skirti pakankamai dėmesio tokių vertybinių nuostatų kaip savanorystė, globa, atjauta, pagalba silpnesniajam, atsakomybė už tuos, kurie negali apsiginti, puoselėjimui. Agresijos, smurto apraiškų gausa būdingesnė neturtingų, besivystančių šalių visuomenėms, sunkmečio laikotarpiais, kai žmonės apimti frustracijos, o didelė visuomenės dalis kenčia nuo anomijos. Susidaro užburtas ratas: šunys savo prieraišumu, ištikimybe ir dėmesingumu gali praskaidrinti vienišų, kenčiančių, socialiai pažeidžiamų, o ypač vaikų kasdienybę, tačiau visuomenėje klestintys stereotipai apie šunį, kaip apie vienintelės – sargo – funkcijos vykdytoją, trukdo platesniam šių gyvūnų panaudojimui ir kinologinės kultūros plėtrai. Darbo tikslas: ištirti, koks yra mūsų visuomenės požiūris į kinologinės kultūros raišką, sklaidą ir poveikį atskiroms socialinėms grupėms ir visuomenei apskritai. Darbe sieksime atskleisti prieš šunis nukreipto žmonių agresyvumo ir deviantinio elgesio priežastis, išsiaiškinti suaugusiųjų ir aplinkos įtaką vaikų požiūriui į šunis bei nustatyti, ar tikslinga šunis pasitelkti ugdymo ir socializacijos procese. Darbo uždaviniai: • Ištirti kinologinės kultūros sampratą, raišką ir paplitimą skirtingose visuomenėse. • Išanalizuoti artimiausios suaugusiojo ir vaiko aplinkos (šeimos, mokymo įstaigos ir kt.) įtaką prieš gyvūnus nukreipto agresyvumo bei atsainaus ir neatsakingo požiūrio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Society‘s approach to the cynological culture of Lithuania Only mature society able to devote sufficient attention to the cherishing of such securities as volunteering, care, compassion, support to soft persons, responsibility for those who can not defend themselves.. Aggression, violence is more common manifestations of poor, developing country societies, periods of recession when people include frustration, and a large part of society suffer from anomie. A vicious circle emerges: the dogs affection, loyalty and attention can brighten a lonely, suffering, disadvantaged, especially children's everyday life, but prosperous society stereotypes about the dog, as a single - guard - features prevents wider use of these animals and dog culture development . In this work the different groups approach to dog related cultural expression, dissemination and impact of various social groups is studied in the society of Lithuania. The directed aggression against the dogs and deviant behavior is disclosed. It was found that the rural and urban understanding of dog uprising culture is fundamentally different. The village dog usually lives tied to the way he was identified with agricultural land animal, usually carried out by the guard function. Urban people more likely looks to dogs like the companions and family members, like some fashionable attributes. City dwellers have more antropomorfizative love to dogs, dog to some townspeople become like a fetish, and this approach angers... [to full text]

Sexually deviant internet usage by child sex offenders

Malesky, Lann Alvin. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Memphis, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-101).

The relation of constructive and destructive deviance to sexual behavior in late adolescence

Erickson, Julie Dahlmeier, January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1999. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 99-109). Also available on the Internet.

The relation of constructive and destructive deviance to sexual behavior in late adolescence /

Erickson, Julie Dahlmeier, January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1999. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 99-109). Also available on the Internet.

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