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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] A proposta desta dissertação consiste na aplicação do parágrafo único do art. 647 do Código de Processo Civil (CPC) como ferramenta da legislação processual civil apta a proporcionar uma transmissão patrimonial causa mortis atenta aos valores constitucionais norteadores do direito sucessório contemporâneo, a qual permite ao juiz antecipar a utilização e fruição de bens espólio aos herdeiros em derrogação ao princípio da unidade da sucessão. O trabalho analisa a natureza jurídica da norma e o papel que desempenha dentro do processo de inventário, em especial para dirimir litígios entre os sucessores. Para tanto, parte-se da análise do procedimento de inventário, à luz dos princípios norteadores do CPC de 2015, que preconizam um processo mais célere, eficiente e voltado à concretização da dignidade humana, bem como das espécies de partilha de bens previstas na legislação e dos princípios que norteiam a divisão patrimonial quando não há consenso entre os herdeiros. Desse modo, passa-se ao enquadramento da norma em leitura sistemática dentro do regime de tutelas provisórias, estabelecendo-se os critérios para aplicação da medida judicial que permite a divisão patrimonial antecipada e provisória de bens atenta aos valores constitucionais. / [en] The purpose of this dissertation is the application of the paragraph of article 647 of Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, as a device of the law that allows the application of inheritance law in synchrony with the constitutional values, which enables the judge to anticipate the use of the estate to the heirs as a derogation of the principle of unity of the succession. The project analyzes the law s legal nature and the role it performs in the inventory process, especially in solving litigation between heirs. For this purpose, the starting point is to analyze the inventory process considering the guiding principles of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code of 2015, which favors faster and more efficient procedures, prioritizing the fulfillment of human dignity and the types of property division when there is not an agreement between the heirs. Therefore, the framing of the law is examined in a systematic reading inside the provisional guardianship scheme, establishing the criteria for the application of judicial measures that allows an early and provisional division of property in attention to the constitutional values.

Regulations of division into property units in detailed development plans – a study of the application in the Stockholm County / Fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser i detaljplaner – en undersökning av tillämpningen i Stockholms län

Ljung, Håkan January 2016 (has links)
By the new Planning and Building Act that came into effect 2 May 2011, it became possible to use regulations of division into property units in detailed development plans. With these regulations, there is possible to regulate how an area will be divided into property units, which easements and utility easement that should be formed, amended or repealed and which facilities that should be joint facilities. Earlier, these regulations was an own form of plan – the real property plan – that was abolished when the new Planning and Building Act came into effect. However, older real property plans are still valid as detailed development regulations, according to the transitional regulations to the Planning and Building Act. The purpose with incorporating these regulations in the detailed development plan was to simplify the application by making it not necessary with double procedures to regulate these issues. Another advantage according to the preparatory works was that the property owners would only need to study one plan document to understand the consequences of the detailed development plan. When regulations of division into property units is used, some provision in the cadastral laws should be tested already during the plan procedure. During the implementation time of the plan, the cadastral authority is bounded by the testing of the provision that has been made during the plan procedure. The regulations of the division into property units is binding for cadastral procedures in the way that the cadastral authority cannot form property units in contravention of these regulations. Even at the building permit processes, the regulations of the division into property units is binding meaning that building permit cannot be given if the property does not correspond to the regulations of division into property units. Furthermore, the regulations of division into property units gives real property owners right to compulsory acquisition so that the division into property units corresponds to these regulations. The aim of this Master of Science thesis is to investigate how and to what extent the regulations of division into property units have been used in the Stockholm County since the new Planning and Building Act came into effect. A quantitative study of all 26 municipalities in the Stockholm County has been made. The study included all detailed developments plan that has been adopted between May 2011 and December 2015. The result was that the regulations of the division into property units have been used in 24 detailed development plans during this period. Only eight of the municipalities had used regulations of division into property units. Almost half of these 24 plans was plans for single-family properties where the regulation replaced a real property plan that was repealed. In general, it can be stated that regulations of division into property units is mostly used in plans for single-family properties. Interviews were made with several of those municipalities that uses regulations of division into property units to largest extent. The most common reason to use these regulations was to make it sure that the plan can be implemented in accordance with the intention of the municipality. There is also common that regulations of division into property units is used when municipalities change a plan that has no regulation of the minimum area of the property units. If part of a real property plan is repealed in order to make it possible to divide a property unit, a new regulation of real property formation can be used to guarantee that it will not be formed too many property units. Other reasons to use regulations of division into property units was to expand the possibility of compulsory acquisition, to solve questions of cooperation between property units and to create predictability when it comes to charges of costs for municipal streets. Interviews has also been made with municipalities who do not use regulations of division into property units. The main reasons to not use these regulations was that there is no need of it and that the flexibility is reduced if regulations of division into property units is used. In the thesis the conclusion is drawn that regulations of division into property units is especially suitable to use in conversion of holiday home areas to areas for permanent resident properties. In such detailed development plans, there are many property owners who can have different attitude to the planning. Thus, there may be a need of binding regulations to handle disputed situations. / Genom den nya plan- och bygglagen som vann laga kraft den 2 maj 2011 blev det möjligt att införa s.k. fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser i detaljplaner. Dessa bestämmelser kan reglera hur ett område ska vara indelat i fastigheter, vilka servitut, ledningsrätter och liknande särskilda rättigheter som ska bildas ändras eller upphävas samt vilka anläggningar som ska utgöra gemensamhetsanläggningar. Tidigare kunde dessa frågor regleras i en särskild planform – fastighetsplanen – som avskaffades i och med att nya PBL vann laga kraft. De fastighetsplaner som har vunnit laga kraft gäller dock alltjämt som detaljplanebestämmelser, enligt övergångsbestämmelser till PBL. Syftet med att inkorporera dessa bestämmelser i detaljplanen var att förenkla tillämpningen genom att det inte skulle krävas dubbla planförfaranden för att reglera de fastighetsrättsliga frågorna i detaljplaneområden. En annan fördel som lyftes fram under lagstiftningsarbetet var att den enskilde fastighetsägaren bara skulle behöva studera ett plandokument för att förstå konsekvenserna av detaljplanen. När fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser tillämpas ska vissa villkor i förrättningslagstiftningen prövas redan under detaljplaneförfarandet. Under detaljplanens genomförandetid är lantmäterimyndigheten bunden av den villkorsprövning som gjorts. Fastighetsindelningsbestämmelserna är också bindande vid lantmäteriförrättningar på så sätt att Lantmäteriet inte får besluta om någon annan fastighetsindelning än den som fastighetsindelningsbestämmelserna anvisar. Även vid bygglovsprövningar är fastighetsindelningsbestämmelserna bindande, vilket innebär att bygglov inte kan beviljas förrän en fastighet har anpassats till eventuella fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser. Fastighetsindelningsbestämmelserna ger också fastighetsägare rätt till inlösen av mark så att fastighetsindelningen anpassas till dessa bestämmelser. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur och i vilken utsträckning fastighetsindelningsbestämmelserna har tillämpats i Stockholms län sedan nya PBL vann laga kraft. En kvantitativ undersökning av samtliga 26 kommuner i Stockholms län gjordes. Undersökningen omfattade detaljplaner som antagits mellan maj 2011 och december 2015. Det visade sig att fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser har införts i 24 detaljplaner i Stockholms län under denna tidsperiod, fördelat på 8 kommuner. Nästan hälften av dessa planer har omfattat enstaka småhusfastigheter där den införda fastighetsindelningsbestämmelsen har ersatt en del av en fastighetsplan eller tomtindelning som upphävts. Överhuvudtaget kan konstateras att fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser framförallt tillämpas i detaljplaner för småhusbebyggelse. Intervjuer har genomförts med flera av de kommuner som tillämpar fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser i högst utsträckning. Den vanligaste anledningen till att använda fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser har varit att säkerställa att planen genomförs i enlighet med kommunens intentioner. Det är också vanligt förekommande att kommuner använder fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser för att man ändrar en detaljplan som saknar bestämmelser om minsta fastighetsstorlek. Om en del av en fastighetsplan upphävs för att möjliggöra avstyckning inom ett sådant detaljplaneområde kan en ny fastighetsindelningsbestämmelse införas för att garantera att det inte bildas för många nya fastigheter. Andra skäl till att tillämpa fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser har varit att utöka möjligheterna till tvångsvis markåtkomst, att klara ut fastighetssamverkansfrågor samt att skapa förutsägbarhet vid gatukostnadsuttag. Intervjuer har också genomförts med kommuner som inte tillämpar fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser. De främsta skälen till att kommuner avstår från att använda fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser är att det inte behövs och att flexibiliteten minskar om fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser används. I examensarbetet dras slutsatsen att fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser är särskilt lämpliga att användas i förnyelseområden. Detta beror på att i sådana detaljplaner finns det många fastighetsägare som kan ha olika inställning till planläggningen, vilket medför att det kan finnas behov av bindande bestämmelser för att kunna hantera tvistiga situationer.

L'instrumentalisation fiscale du droit de propriété / Tax manipulation and property rights

Bzowski, Guillaume 30 June 2011 (has links)
Le droit de propriété est un pilier sur lequel s’appuie le droit fiscal et autour duquel s’articule la fiscalité patrimoniale. Il apparaît que l’optimisation fiscale n’est que l’amélioration des conséquences fiscales d’une opération juridique se fondant sur l’instrumentalisation du droit de propriété. Les techniques juridiques utilisées pour façonner le droit de propriété influent donc sur le traitement fiscal.Cette instrumentalisation du droit de propriété à des fins fiscales répond-elle cependant à une règle générale ? Cette règle générale permet -elle de classer les éléments d’instrumentalisation fiscale du droit de propriété ? Il apparaît que ces éléments ne constituent que des mécanismes juridiques consistant , soit en une déconstruction du droit lui-même ou de sa valeur, soit en une affectation juridique ou spatio-temporelle du droit de propriété. / Legal ownership is one of the main pillars on which tax law is based and around which property taxation revolves. It appears that tax optimisation is merely about improving the tax consequences of a legal operation based on the manipulation of legal ownership. The means used to shape the property rights affect the legal and tax consequences. Is such manipulation of legal ownership for tax purposes subject to a fixed rule? Does this rule allow to draw a categorisation of all instruments used in order to exploit legal ownership for tax purposes? It appears that these instruments are but legal mechanisms. They consist either in a deconstruction of ownership itself or of its value, or in a specific ownership assignment in legal or spatiotemporal terms.

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