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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Some cyclic properties of graphs with local Ore-type conditions

Granholm, Jonas January 2016 (has links)
A Hamilton cycle in a graph is a cycle that passes through every vertex of the graph. A graph is called Hamiltonian if it contains such a cycle. In this thesis we investigate two classes of graphs, defined by local criteria. Graphs in these classes, with a simple set of exceptions K, were proven to be Hamiltonian by Asratian, Broersma, van den Heuvel, and Veldman in 1996 and by Asratian in 2006, respectively. We prove here that in addition to being Hamiltonian, graphs in these classes have stronger cyclic properties. In particular, we prove that if a graph G belongs to one of these classes, then for each vertex x in G there is a sequence of cycles such that each cycle contains the vertex x, and the shortest cycle in the sequence has length at most 5; the longest cycle in the sequence is a Hamilton cycle (unless G belongs to the set of exceptions K, in which case the longest cycle in the sequence contains all but one vertex of G); each cycle in the sequence except the first contains all vertices of the previous cycle, and at most two other vertices. Furthermore, for each edge e in G that does not lie on a triangle, there is a sequence of cycles with the same three properties, such that each cycle in the sequence contains the edge e.

Transportní a optické vlastnosti monokrystalů CdTe/CdZnTe / Transport and optical properties of CdTe/CdZnTe single crystals

Uxa, Štěpán January 2015 (has links)
Title: Transport and optical properties of CdTe/CdZnTe single crystals Author: Štěpán Uxa Department: Institute of Physics of Charles University Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Eduard Belas, PhD, Institute of Physics of Charles University Abstract: The thesis is focused on a study of internal electric field and temperature dependence of the absorption edge of CdTe and CdZnTe samples. In the first part of the thesis the transient-current technique (TCT) is used for investigations of electric fields within planar radiation detectors. The original comprehensive theory that links together TCT measurements with measurements of detector's charge-collection efficiency (CCE) is presented. This approach results in the development of two new iterative methods for processing of experimental data which can be used in any situation when the internal electric field can be approximated by a linear profile. In the second part of the thesis high temperature measurements of transmittance of thin polished CdTe samples are presented, leading to the estimation of the temperature dependence of the bandgap energy from calculated spectra of absorption coefficient. This is for the first time when measurements in a Cd overpressure have been performed which significantly reduces sample sublimation. Keywords: CdTe, transient-current technique,...

Interaktive Initialisierung eines Echtzeit 3D-Trackings für Augmented Reality auf Smart Devices mit Tiefensensoren

Neges, Matthias, Siewert, Jan Luca January 2016 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Heutige Ansätze des 3D-Trackings für die Registrierung in der realen Welt zum Einsatz von Augmented Reality lassen sich in modellbasierte und umgebungsbasierte Verfahren unterteilen. Umgebungsbasierte Verfahren nutzen den SLAM-Algorithmus zur Erzeugung dreidimensionaler Punktwolken der Umgebung in Echtzeit. Modellbasierte Verfahren finden Ihren Ursprung im Canny edge detector und nutzen aus den CAD-Modellen abgeleitete Kantenmodelle. Wird das modellbasierte Verfahren über Kantendetektion und das umgebungsbasierte Verfahren über 3DPunktewolken kombiniert, ergibt sich ein robustes, hybrides 3D-Tracking. Die entsprechenden Algorithmen der verschiedenen Verfahren sind in heute verfügbaren AR-Frameworks bereits implementiert. Der vorliegende Betrag zeigt zwar, welche Effizienz das hybride 3D-Tracking aufweist, jedoch auch die Problematik der erforderlichen geometrischen Ähnlichkeit von idealem CAD-Modell, bzw. Kantenmodell, und realem Objekt. Bei unterschiedlichen Montagestufen an verschiedenen Montagestationen und mit wechselnden Anwendern ist beispielsweise eine erneute Initialisierung erforderlich. Somit bedingt das hybride 3D-Tracking zahlreiche Kantenmodell, die zuvor aus der jeweiligen Montagestufe abgeleitet werden müssen. Hinzu kommen geometrische Abweichungen durch die Fertigung, die je nach Größe der branchenspezifischen Toleranzen keine hinreichend hohe Übereinstimmung mit den abgeleiteten Kantenmodellen aus den idealen CAD-Modellen aufweisen. Die Autoren schlagen daher den Einsatz parametrisch aufgebauter Mastermodelle vor, welche durch eine interaktive Initialisierung geometrisch Instanziiert werden. Zum Einsatz kommt hier ein mobiler Tiefensensor für Smart Devices, welcher mit Hilfe des Anwenders eine Relation der realen geometrischen Merkmale mit den Idealen des CAD-Modells ermöglicht. Des Weiteren wird in dem dargestellten Konzept die Nutzung von speziellen Suchalgorithmen basierend auf geometrischen Ähnlichkeiten vorgeschlagen, sodass eine Registrierung und Instanziierung auch ohne hinterlegtes Mastermodell ermöglicht wird. Der Beitrag fokussiert sich bei der Validierung auf die interaktive Initialisierung anhand eines konkreten anwendungsnahen Beispiels, da die Initialisierung die Grundlage für die weitere Entwicklung des Gesamtkonzeptes darstellt.

Vyhodnotenie efektívnosti bezpilotného prieskumu pre hodnotenie stavu porastov poľnohospodárskych plodín

Horniaček, Igor January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the use of unmanned monitoring in conditions of precise agriculture. The literature review provides information on the distribution of drones from a technical point of view, information on precision farming, geographic information systems and plant monitoring, and on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. The own work is focused on the statistical processing and evaluation of data usable for work in the ArcMap program and the economic evaluation of the efficiency of the use of unmanned aerial surveillance in the conditions of precision farming.

Concrete Cracks in Composite Bridges : A Case Study of the Bothnia Line Railway Bridge over Ångermanälven

Elgazzar, Hesham, Ansnaes, Viktor January 2012 (has links)
Cracks in the concrete slab of continuous composite bridges are common due to the tensile stresses at the supports. These bridges are allowed to crack as long as the cracking is controlled and not exceeding the design crack width (according to Bro 94 the crack should be injected if they are bigger than 0.2 mm). The Ångermanälven Bridge (railway bridge part of the Bothnia line project) was designed with big edge beams of width 1.2 m, 40 % of the total area of the concrete deck cross-section. During the final inspection cracks larger than the design crack width (0.3 mm according to Bro 94) were observed over the supports.In this thesis the design and the construction procedure of the bridge is studied to clarify the causes of the cracking in the edge beam. The objectives of this thesis were addressed through a literature study of the different types of cracks and the Swedish bridge codes. The expected crack width was calculate according to the same code, using a 2-D FEM model for the moment calculation, and compared with the crack width measured at the bridge.The result of the calculations shows that tensile stress due to ballast and only restraining moment due to shrinkage is not big enough to cause the measured crack width. Shrinkage force and temperature variation effects may have contributed to the concrete cracking in the edge beams. The large cross-section area of the edge beams indicates that it should be designed as part of the slab, taking that into consideration, 1.1 % reinforcement ratio in the edge beams is believed to limit the crack width to the code limits (0.3 mm).

Warden, Clarke och småstaten - luftmakt som genväg till segern

Regfeldt, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
John Warden är en inflytelserik luftmaktsteoretiker som låg bakom koalitionens luftkampanj mot Irak 1991. Han menar att luftmakt bör användas för att slå ut motståndarens motståndskraft genom att rikta anfall mot kritiska tyngdpunkter. Han illustrerar tyngdpunkterna genom att måla upp motståndaren som ett system bestående av fem ringar som visar hur systemet bör angripas. Shaun Clarke menar att småstater inte kan använda Wardens luftmaktsteori eftersom det kräver stor massa och därför en stormakts resurstillgångar. Han lanserar därför SPOT-paradigmet som en väg för småstaten att anamma strategisk bombning på ett resurseffektivt sätt. Denna studie prövar Wardens och Clarkes förklaringskraft genom en fallstudie på Israels luftmaktsutövande under operation Protective Edge 2014, för att se om Clarkes påstående är giltigt och om SPOT-paradigmet är användbart för småstaten.Studien visar att femringsmodellen har låg förklaringskraft på Israels nyttjande av luftmakt. Man har i huvudsak inte följt Wardens rekommendationer. SPOT-paradigmet har däremot hög förklaringskraft och studien förefaller stärka teorin i småstatens luftanfall mot en svagare motståndare.

Investigation of Hot Ductility Gradients in Duplex Stainless Steel in the Beginning of the Continuous Casting Proces

Björn, Linnéa January 2014 (has links)
The steel quality is deteriorated at a continuous casting start. Therefore, material from the first cast slab is cut off and re-melted in the melt shop. If too little is discarded, the inferior quality in the retained length can cause defects like edge cracks during subsequent hot rolling. This means that manufacturing resources are wasted on processing inferior material which has to be re-melted anyways at a later stage. On the other hand, if an excessive length of the first slab is re-melted, good material is wasted. In either case, optimizing the length of the start-scrap material is both economically and environmentally beneficial. Edge cracks are more common in the beginning of the first slab, even though a part is cut off. It is likely that the edge cracks arise due to reduced hot ductility in the first cast material. The purpose of this project is to optimize where the cut should be made in order to achieve the best yield. The hot ductility was investigated by performing hot tensile- and bending tests. The hot tensile tests indicate high hot ductility for the investigated specimens. The area reduction, which is correlated to the hot ductility, is above 70 % for all the investigated specimens. When considering the average area reduction while neglecting possible differences between the heats, the specimens from one meter tend to have a lower hot ductility compared to the other specimens. However, the differences are small. No difference can be seen between edge and middle specimens when only looking at the tensile tests. The bending tests did not crack without notches, even though the maximum load and a test temperature of 750 °C was used. That strongly indicates high hot ductility as well. By using notches, the bending tests cracked and it was shown that edge specimens and specimens from one meter cracked the most. No edge cracks were found, after hot rolling, on the first cast slabs from the investigated heats. / Vid en stränggjutstart är kvalitén på första slaben sämre. På grund av detta så skärs en bit, av det först gjutna slabet av och smälts om i stålverket. Om för lite material kapas av kan det leda till defekter, såsom kantbrakor, under den efterföljande varmvalsningen. Detta innebär att resurser används i onödan för att tillverka material av otillräcklig kvalitet som sedan ändå måste smältas om i ett senare steg. Skärs istället för mycket material bort så smälts prima material om i onödan. Att optimera startskrotlängden är följaktligen positivt både för miljön och rent ekonomiskt. Under varmvalsningen kan defekten kantbrakor, det vill säga sprickor vid kanterna, uppstå. Trots att en bit av det första gjutna slabet skärs av, så är det första slabet fortfarande mest utsatt för kantbrakor. Detta tros bero på nedsatt varmduktilitet i det första gjutna materialet. Syftet med detta projekt är att optimera längden på startskrotet för att spara så mycket användbart material som möjligt. Varmduktiliteten undersöktes genom drag- och bockprovning. Dragproven indikerar hög varmduktilitet för de undersökta proven. Areakontraktionen, som är ett mått på varmduktiliteten, är över 70 % för alla undersökta prov. Medelareakontraktionen, när man bortser från eventuella skillnader mellan chargerna, visar att prov från en meter generellt har något lägre varmduktilitet än de övriga proven. Det är endast små skillnader som uppfattas. Ingen skillnad kan ses mellan kant- och mittenprov när man enbart tittar på dragprovsresultaten. Bockproven sprack inte trots att maximal last användes och att testtemperaturen var 750 °C. Detta tyder också på hög varmduktilitet. Genom att skapa anvisningar kunde man få bockproven att spricka och det visade sig att kantprov och prov från en meter sprack mest. Inga kantbrakor hade uppstått på de första gjutna slabsen under varmvalsningen av försökschargerna.

Inter-cell Interference Coordination in Indoor LTE Systems

Zhang, Sina January 2011 (has links)
Inter-cell interference coordination in 3GPP Long Term Evolution system received much attention in recent years. However, most of the studies are based on ideal system with regular hexagon-shaped cell. The indoor environment has special characteristics that the building shape and BS locations are irregular; the traffic load has great variation compared to urban and rural area. So, conventional ICIC scheme may not be used in indoor situation directly. In this thesis, ICIC scheme is employed for indoor environment. Based on different quality of backhaul, static and dynamic schemes will be proposed. The performances of proposed schemes and the performance of system without ICIC will be simulated and compared. At last, how much the improvement of the system can acquire after applying ICIC schemes will be analyzed, and the question about whether it is good to apply ICIC scheme in indoor environment will be answered.

Improvement on the Radio Link Reliability of Wireless M2M Application in Industrial Environment

Shi, Li January 2009 (has links)
The study presented in this thesis is focused on the investigation of wireless application in industrial environment. The objective of this work is to provide an insight on the development of the wireless machine to machine (M2M) application, and a systematic approach for improving the application reliability on radio link level by end users. As a specific case, ABB Robotics’ Remote Service concept is examined to check whether the selection of cellular technology as its wireless access method and the choice of standard radio link components are able to satisfy the application requirement under different circumstances. Several modifications of the radio link components and topologies, e.g. repeater system, combiner, etc, are proposed for the enhancement of radio link reliability. Theoretical evaluations of these options are based on detailed radio link calculation and MATLAB simulation using propagation model dedicated for industrial environment. Furthermore, on site test is carried out to validate the theoretical evaluations. The M2M market investigation is also included in the task, in order to select the most cost-effective components from different suppliers. While walking through the radio link optimization process of the specific case, necessary information and knowledge common to all wireless M2M application are explained. In the end, in addition to a guide line for installation and other supporting documents regarding to the Remote Service, some rules of thumb available for the radio link optimization in all kinds of industrial environments are generalized and presented in the form of a flowchart, which can be beneficial for those support engineers of the application provider, who are not necessarily experts in wireless technology.

Beneficios de Construir Edificaciones multifamiliares con Certificación EDGE en la zona 3 del distrito de Cusco, en base a los bonos de la Ordenanza Municipal N° 25-2019-MPC / Benefits to build multifamily buildings with EDGE´s certification in zone 3 in Cuzco district, on bases to the bonuses according to municipal ordinace N° 25-2019-MPC

Romero Ccarhuarupay, Mari Carmen, Warthon Salgado, Ridson, Secca Blanco, Felmar Nimrod, Payva Aquino, Ribert Cristhian, Vera Valer, Ruben 30 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad y desde hace algunos años, se viene tomando más conciencia por el cuidado del medio ambiente, esto debido a los efectos adversos que generan sobre la humanidad y por sobre todo debido a que representa a su vez una oportunidad de mejora y con ello una oportunidad de negocio también. Es así como existen diversas iniciativas, normativas públicas y privadas, que promueven la disminución del impacto ambiental en diferentes rubros que van desde lomas simple como reutilizar papel en una oficina, hasta inclusive realizar elaboradas construcciones o edificios sostenibles. En ese sentido, en el sector Construcción en nuestro país existen diversas normativas estatales que ayudan al control ambiental desde la concepción de un proyecto, y sobre todo en la etapa de construcción, pero no se enfocan en el cuidado ambiental a futuro, es decir durante la operación, debido entonces a estas ausencias estatales, existen también iniciativas privadas como las Certificaciones que promueven la Construcción de edificios Sostenibles (EDGE, LEEG, BREAM, entre otras). Estas Certificaciones no solo promueven el uso de materiales y equipos que, en primera instancia sean de bajo impacto ambiental, sino que también durante su operación permitan un uso moderado del consumo de agua y energía, lo cual si bien es cierto puede elevar el costo de construcción, a su vez es claro que permite reducir los costos operativos; justamente el objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es analizar el costo - beneficio de una edificación sostenible en la ciudad del Cusco, específicamente usando parámetros de la Certificación EDGE respecto a una edificación de concepción tradicional. Parte importante para fomentar el desarrollo de proyectos sostenible radica en iniciativas locales, las cuales y mediante Ordenanzas Municipales promueven la Construcción de Edificios sostenibles, claro está que logren obtener una certificación, otorgando bonificaciones de altura a los promotores inmobiliarios, de tal forma se tenga un mayor área vendible, este es el caso de ordenanza Municipal N° 025-2019-MPC de la Municipalidad Provincial de Cusco, donde se ubica nuestro caso de Estudio Edificio multifamiliar Amauta III. / Nowadays and for some years, more awareness has been taken about caring for the environment, this due to the adverse effects that generated on humanity and above all because it represents in turn an opportunity for improvement and also with it a business opportunity too. There are various initiatives and regulations even public and privates that promote the reduction of environmental impact, some of them can be as simple as reusing paper in an-office, some others can be to even making elaborate constructions or sustainable buildings. In this sense, in the construction sector in our country there are various laws and regulations that help environmental control from the conception of a project, and especially in the construction process, but almost all of them are not focused on future environmental care, that is, during The operation, then due to these state absences, there are also private initiatives such as Certifications that promote the Construction of Sustainable buildings such us EDGE, LEEG, BREAM, among others These Certifications not only promote the use of materials and equipment that, in the first instance, have low environmental impact, but also during their operation stage allow a moderate use of water and energy consumption, which, although it is true, can raise the cost of construction, in turn, it is clear that it allows reducing operating costs; precisely the objective of this research work is analyze the cost - benefit of a sustainable building in the city of Cusco, specifically using parameters of the EDGE Certification with respect to a building of traditional conception. An important part to promote the development of sustainable buildings lies in local initiatives, which and through Municipal Ordinances promote the Construction of Sustainable Buildings, of course they manage to obtain a certification, granting height bonuses to real estate developers, in such a way that they have a largest salable area, this is the case of Municipal Order No. 025-2019-MPC of the Provincial Municipality of Cusco, where our case of Study Amauta III multifamily building is located. / Tesis

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