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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of Functional Communication Skills in Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Elderly Subjects Using the Spontaneous Speech and Auditory Comprehension Subtests of the Western Aphasia Battery

Cutshaw, Laura M. (Laura Marie) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a difference in functional communication skills between elderly persons in nursing homes and those living independently in the community. Thirty non-institutionalized elderly subjects were given the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) screening tool. These scores were compared to WAB screening scores obtained from 20 institutionalized subjects. The difference between these scores was statistically significant. The institutionalized subjects' scores were also correlated with a Facilitators Evaluation of Communication Skills (FECS) inventory. Results showed a moderate correlation between the institutionalized subjects' WAB screening score and their FECS rating. The benefits of a screening tool for elderly populations are discussed.

An investigation into the survival strategies of the rural elderly in Zimbabwe: a case study of Hobodo ward in Mangwe District in Zimbabwe

Marazi, Tafara January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the survival mechanisms of the rural poor elderly in Zimbabwe. The situation of the rural elderly is looked at in the context of the ravaging HIV/AIDS pandemic. The focus is specifically directed on the increasing numbers of orphans who are generated following the rampant deaths of their parents (sexually active individuals). With Africa failing to effectively withstand the forcefulness of the pandemic, the community structures in Zimbabwe are being heavily shaken to the detriment of all social groups. It is within this continuum that the research is laid out to investigate the situation on the ground. In this case, a fieldwork exercise was carried out in the Hobodo ward of Mangwe district in Zimbabwe. An intensive and in-depth examination of the critical situation was pursued under the case study model. To make the study more focused, the elderly were placed under investigation with regards to their new role of providing familial care for the orphans. The manner in which they face such a towering task under strained resources and limited knowhow was explored. The well-being of the orphans was also investigated in close relation to the welfare efforts of the elderly guardians. The investigations were made in respect of the contribution of the local resources towards the innovativeness of the elderly guardians. The adaptivity of the elderly and the versatility of the orphans were examined within the confines of the social and the economic capitals of the Hobodo ward. It is within the natural, social and economic capital dimensions of the Hobodo rural locality that the applicability of the sustainable livelihoods framework in explaining the dire social situation of the elderly and the orphans was brought under spotlight. The study was pursued through the qualitative research paradigm. This was done to capture the social perceptions, beliefs and the innovative capabilities of the elderly in their natural environment; and under the fieldwork setting. Several data collection techniques were employed to unveil the subject under study. These included interviews, questionnaires, participant observations, focus group discussions. Sampling was used to produce the research framework. Participants in the research were largely identified through random sampling. In special circumstances, purposive sampling was used. Tape recording and note taking were largely used to capture the responses of the research participants.

Relação entre quedas e fragilidade em idosos da comunidade : dados do FIBRA - Unicamp / Relationship between falls and frailty in community-dwelling elderly : data from FIBRA - Unicamp

Gubel, Vanessa Maria Camargo Andrade Ribeiro, 1971- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Elena Guariento, André Fattori / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T03:14:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gubel_VanessaMariaCamargoAndradeRibeiro_M.pdf: 969445 bytes, checksum: 371eedd775785b6aea4193dba817ccfb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Objetivos: Descrever a ocorrência de quedas em uma amostra de idosos do município de Campinas (SP); investigar as relações entre quedas e fragilidade. Métodos: Participantes: Amostra probabilística de 689 idosos sem déficit cognitivo sugestivo de demência recrutados em domicílio no contexto do estudo multicêntrico e multidisciplinar "Perfil de Fragilidade de Idosos Brasileiros" (Rede FIBRA). Procedimentos: Primeira parte: Aplicou se um questionário com levantamento de dados sociodemográficos; doenças crônicas e / ou sintomas auto-referidos; uso regular de medicamentos auto-referido; medidas do fenótipo de fragilidade (segundo Fried et al., 2001); antecedentes de quedas. Resultados: A média de idade foi 72,27 anos; 68,37% eram mulheres; 69,10% relataram quedas; 50,87% eram pré-frágeis e 4,81% foram classificados como frágeis. Houve associação significativa entre ocorrência de quedas e as variáveis: idade ? 80 anos (p=0,004), sexo feminino (p<0,001), déficit visual (p=0,002), artrite referida (p=0,002) e sintomas depressivos (p=0,005). A análise de regressão logística multivariada evidenciou que sexo feminino, déficit visual e presença de critérios de fragilidade foram os fatores que apresentaram maior associação com quedas. Conclusões: Faz-se necessário identificar os fatores associados ao maior risco de quedas para que se obtenha um efetivo controle das mesmas. Entre esses, há que se destacar a presença de um ou mais dos critérios que compõem o fenótipo de fragilidade / Abstract: Objectives: to describe the occurrence of falls in community-dwelling elders from Campinas (SP); to investigate the relationship between falls and fragility. Methods: Participants: 689 community-dwelling elderly recruited during the multicenter and multidisciplinary project "Estudo do Perfil de Fragilidade de Idosos Brasileiros-FIBRA.UNICAMP", that means Frailty Profile of the Brazilian Elderly. Procedures: Fist part: It was applied a questionnaire which collected socio-demographic data; daily life activities; presence of depressive symptoms; cognitive evaluation; self-referred diseases and / or symptoms; self-referred medicines; body mass index; measures of the frailty's phenotype (according Fried et al., 2001); previous falls. Results: Mean age was 72.27 years, 68.37% were women. 69.10% of the elderly reported falls, and 55.68% presented at least one frailty criteria. There was significant association between falls and the variables: age ? 80 years (p = 0.004), female gender (p <0.001), visual impairment (p = 0.002), reported arthritis (p = 0.002), and depressive symptoms (p = 0.005). Multivariate analysis showed that female gender; visual impairment and frailty criteria had a greater association with falls. Conclusions: It's necessary to identify the events which are associated to the biggest risk of falls to obtain an effective control of them. Therefore, as it was demonstrated in this study it's important to recognize the presence of the criteria of frailty (Fried et al., 2001) / Mestrado / Gerontologia / Mestra em Gerontologia

Síndrome da Fragilidade em idosos hospitalizados

Silva, Taís Regina da January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo José Fortes Villas Boas / Resumo: Introdução: A Síndrome da Fragilidade (SF) descreve o estado clínico no qual o idoso apresenta diminuição das reservas fisiológicas e da função de diversos sistemas e órgãos, de tal modo que a capacidade para lidar com fatores estressores do dia a dia fica comprometida, resultando em vulnerabilidade clínica. A hospitalização é considerada um evento que traz consequências importantes para a funcionalidade do idoso e se tratando de idosos frágeis essa consequência pode ser ainda mais grave. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência da Síndrome da Fragilidade em idosos internados através de dois instrumentos: Critérios do Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) e Índice do Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) e associar a SF com desfechos da internação. Métodos: Estudo observacional analítico e prospectivo. Foram avaliados 98 pacientes internados e identificados através da análise de prontuário os dados sociodemográficos e clínicos e aplicados, no início da internação, os instrumentos CHS e SOF, que classificaram os pacientes como frágeis, pré frágeis ou saudáveis. Após a saída do paciente, através de análise de prontuário, foi observado o desfecho da internação (tempo de internação, complicações na internação, reinternação e óbito na internação/reinternação). Foram feitas associações das variáveis clínicas e desfechos com a SF e análise de concordância entre os instrumentos. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 98 pacientes com média de idade de 75,30±9,40 anos, sendo 50% do sexo feminino. ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: The Frailty Syndrome (FS) describes the clinical stage in which the elderly people present a reduction of the physiological reserves as well as of the functions of diverse systems and body organs, in a way that the ability to deal with daily stress factors is compromised, resulting in a clinical vulnerability. Hospitalization is considered an event that brings important consequences to the elderly functionality and when dealing with frail elderly people this consequence can be even more serious. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of the Frailty Syndrome in hospitalized elderly people through two criteria: Cardiovascular Health Study index (CHS) and the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures index (SOF) and to relate the FS with the hospitalization outcome. Methods: Analytical and prospective observational study. Ninety-eight hospitalized patients were evaluated, and based on the medical records, the sociodemographic and clinical data were identified and applied in the beginning of the hospitalization, the CHS and SOF indexes that classified the patients as frail, pre-frail, or healthy. After the patient was discharged from the hospital, the outcome of the hospitalization was observed based on the medical records analysis (hospitalization period, complications and death during the hospitalization and rehospitalization). Clinical variables associations were carried out with the FS and between indexes. Results: The sample was composed by 98 patients, with an average ag... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

"Man blir så glad när det knackar på dörren..."

Stenberg, Linda January 2018 (has links)
”MAN BLIR SÅ GLAD NÄR DET KNACKAR PÅ DÖRREN…”- EN KVALITATIV STUDIE OM UPPLEVELSER AV SOCIAL SAMVARO INOM SÄRSKILT BOENDE FÖR ÄLDRELINDA STENBERGStenberg, L. ”Man blir så glad när det knackar på dörren…”. En kvalitativ studie angående äldres upplevelser av social samvaro inom särskilt boende. Examensarbete i Socialt arbete, 30 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för Socialt arbete, 2018.Abstrakt: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka äldres upplevelser och beskrivningar av social samvaro när boendeformen är ett särskilt boende. Kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts med fem personer som bor på ett särskilt boende i södra Skåne. Resultatet visar att den sociala samvaron brister utifrån de äldres beskrivningar inom valt särskilt boende för studien. Respondenterna beskriver sin sociala tillvaro som begränsad, vilket dels beror på verksamhetens utbud av aktiviteter med sociala inslag, men också på grund av en försämrad hälsa och känslor av ensamhet. Däremot framkommer att flera av respondenterna har ett frekvent umgänge med nära familjemedlemmar, men utifrån beskrivningar nämns inga vänner eller andra relationer som är av betydelse. Vikten av sociala relationer och samhörighet med andra beskrivs mestadels utifrån minnen av personernas liv före flytten till äldreboendet. Förslag till förändringar eller framtida önskemål beskrivs vagt i förhållande till deras nuvarande situation, vilket ses som problematiskt eftersom det tros skapa en diskrepans mellan individ och verksamhet angående behovet av social samvaro. Det finns ett betydande missnöje hos respondenterna vad gäller möjligheter för social samvaro utifrån deras boendesituation. Bortsett från aktiviteterna så beskrivs det finnas svårigheter att föra samtal med varandra. Den sociala interaktionen mellan personerna uppfattas som onaturlig och framtvingad. Dessutom har de flesta svårt för att framföra sina klagomål, vilket uttrycks bero på ambivalens, dolda känslor och beroendet till rollen som omsorgstagare och äldre.Nyckelord: äldre, social, särskilt boende, sociala relationer, socialt nätverk, hälsa, äldreomsorg. / ”A KNOCK ON THE DOOR BRIGHTENS UP YOUR DAY…”- A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON EXPERIENCES OF SOCIAL INTERACTION IN SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THE ELDERLYLINDA STENBERGStenberg, L. "A knock on the door brightens up your day...". A qualitative study of older people's experiences of social life in special housing. Degree Project in Social Work, 30 credits. Malmö university: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, 2018.Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the experiences of elderly people and descriptions of social interaction when the housing form is special accommodation. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with five people living in an elderly residence in southern Skåne.The results show that the elderly experience limitations in their social life within the chosen special accommodation for the study. The respondents describe their social lives as limited, due in part to the selected choice of activities with social elements, but also because of the deterioration of their health and feelings of loneliness. On the other hand, it appears that several respondents have a frequent relationship with close family members, but based on descriptions, no friends or other relationships are mentioned that matters. The importance of social relationships and interconnection with others is mostly described based on memories of people's lives before moving to the elderly accommodation. Proposals for changes or future requests are described vaguely in relation to their current situation, which is considered problematic because it is thought to create a discrepancy between individuals and organizations regarding the need for social exchanges.There is a significant dissatisfaction with most respondents regarding opportunities for social interaction based on their living situation. Apart from the activities described there are difficulties in making conversations with each other. The daily social communication between those interviewed is perceived as unnatural and enforced. However, most of these people find it hard to convey their complaints, which are expressed by ambivalence, hidden feelings and dependence on the role of caretakers and elderly people.Keywords: elderly, social, nursing homes, social relations, social networks, health, elderly care.

Biståndshandläggning inom äldreomsorgen under covid-19 pandemin / Managing elderly care during the covid-19 pandemic

Mohammad, Wafaa January 2020 (has links)
Care manager are using different methods to investigate the needs of the elderly. There is a lot of challenges and opportunities with the work as a care manager during crises. This study has deepened into the process to managing eldery care and illuminates its challenges and opportunities during the covid-19 pandemic. The process to managing elderly care is based on meetings with the individual for investigate the needs of the elderly. The results show that the assessment process of the needs of the elderly has had to go through some challenges. The challenges has been about not being able to carry out physical visits at the meeting with the individual, which has led to difficulties in obtaining information for assessment. Furthermore, there were some challenges for many older people who was choosing to withdraw their help from various actors in order to minimize the risks of becoming infected of the virus. This entailed difficulties for the care manager to be able to motivate elderly to receive help, in order to meet the needs of the elderly. Despite its challenges, the covid-19 crisis has also brought opportunities to care managers. The Covid-19 pandemic has provided the opportunity to work home with digital tools and to conduct meetings with the indivdiual by telephone, which has leads to effectivity in their work with investigating the needs of the elderly.

Äldre personers upplevelser av att bo på ett särskilt boende : Det sista boendet i livet

Hillman, Jennie, Wahlsten, Isabell January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Världens befolkning blir allt äldre. Idag är 1 av 11 över 65 år men år 2050 kommer 1 av 6 vara över 65 år. Antalet äldre som är över 80 år och kräver insatser i form av hemtjänst, särskilt boende, dagverksamhet eller korttidsboende ökar. Här ser vi ett av samhällsstödets, vårdens och omsorgens största framtida prövningar. Syfte: Beskriva hur äldre personer upplever att det är att bo på ett särskilt boende. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie som baseras på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Sökningarna efter artiklar har skett i databasen PubMed. Huvudresultat: Flytten till ett särskilt boende påverkade den äldres känsla av frihet. Leva på boendet sågs som en lång väntan på döden och många kände sig ensamma och övergivna. De äldre kände sig begränsade och upplevde att ingen lyssnade på deras åsikter. Låsta dörrar på boendet uppfattades som begränsande och de äldre hade känslan av ett fängelse. Aktiviteter var viktigt för välmåendet, både ensam och tillsammans med andra. Kunna röra sig fritt och ha närhet till natur, friluftsliv och kunna gå ut på promenader var viktigt. Närståendes delaktighet i äldres liv var viktigt för välmåendet. Bemötandet av sjuksköterskan hade stor betydelse för trivseln. Slutsats: De äldre upplevde att aktiviteter eller träning tillsammans med andra äldre eller ensamma var en positiv upplevelse. Närståendes delaktighet var av stor betydelse för de äldre. De äldre personerna upplevde att de kände sig instängda när dörrarna var låsta och hade en önskan att kunna gå utomhus oftare. Många kände sig ensamma på det särskilda boendet och att det var en lång väntan på döden. Detta trots att många människor fanns runt dem. Det är av betydelse för de äldre att sjuksköterskan tar sin ledarroll och vägleder vårdpersonalen att ha ett gott bemötande i alla situationer. För att sjuksköterskan ska få en bättre bild av vad som påverkar de äldres upplevelse krävs mer forskning. / Background: The World population is getting older. Today is 1 of 11 persons over the age 65 but in 2050 it will be 1 of 6 persons aged over 65. The number of people over 80 years old requires efforts in the form of home service, housing for elderly, day care or short-term housing are increasing. This will be one of the biggest challenges for social support, health care and welfare in the future. Aim: To describe how older persons experience what it is like living in housing for elderly.Method: A descriptive literature study based on 12 scientific articles with a qualitative approach. The searches for articles have been done in the database PubMed. Main results: The move to housing for elderly had an impact on their feelings for freedom. Living in the housing for elderly felt like a long wait for death and many felt lonely and abandoned. The elderly felt like they were limited and experienced that no one listened to their opinions. Locked doors in the environment perceived as a limitation and the elderly felt like they were in prison. Activities seemed like important for the wellbeing, both together with others and alone. To be able to move freely, being close to nature, outdoor life and being able to take a walk outside was important. Relatives being a part of the elderly´s life was important for their wellbeing. The way the nurse treated them had a big impact on how they enjoyed living in the housing for elderly. Conclusion: The elderly experienced the activities or training sessions together with others or on their own was a positive experience. Relatives being a part of the elderly´s life was highly important. The experience of closed doors made the elderly feel like they were locked, and they had a wish of be able to be outside more often. Many had a feeling of loneliness in the housing for elderly and that it was just a long wait for death. Even If they had a lot of people around them in the housing for elderly. It is important for the elderly that the nurse takes her leadership role and guides the staff to have a good attendance in all situations. For the nurse to get a better sight of what is affecting the elderly´s experience of living in nursing homes, more research is needed.

Ålderism i riktlinjer för äldreomsorgen

Möllergren, Glenn January 2019 (has links)
Ageism theory explains how the creation of “old” as different from non-old includesexpectations from people identified as of age as having other needs and desires than non-old.Expectations from the surrounding society project the needs of “old” as being more basic,simpler, less refined and culturally demanding as those of non-old, which potentially causediscrimination towards people of age - especially if identified as the stereotypical “seniorcitizen”, which is associated with fragility, loneliness, resignation, passivity and worries.“Senior citizens” are expected to have numerous basic needs such as home service includingcooking and cleaning, personal care related to hygiene and moveability, social stimulationrelated to isolation and loneliness, and protection against loss of security. At the same time,they are not expected to have needs related to culture, lifestyle, sports, activity, addictions,learning, crime, or sexuality. This study examines if, and how, such expectations influence theguidelines for needs assessment in elderly care in Swedish municipalities. Such guidelines arelikely to exist in most municipal elderly care administrations; out of the examined 11 towns, 9had formally established such guidelines. The method used was text analysis, and results showthat needs that may be regarded as ageist expectations make up more than 93% of the contents,while less than 7% can be classified as non-ageist or neutral. The essay highlights theshortcomings of the elderly care in providing adequate interventions as possibly connected toageist prejudice in the municipal guidelines document through three individual cases.

Investigating The Impact and Privacy Alignment Of IoT Cybersecurity, in Sweden’s Elderly Care : From a user-centric perspective

Sandberg, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
There is a growing need for at-home healthcare and real-time monitoring in elderly care. The increase in elderly and chronically ill patients causes the need forhigh-demand services in healthcare. There is a lack of research regarding the elderly and technology in general. The Internet of Things provides several advantages and functionalities which could be applied to the healthcare domainand provide invaluable services. Healthcare revolves around confidential patient information which raises skepticism about the natural heterogenous devices and network infrastructure IoT relies upon in terms of security and privacy. This research aims to identify the impact of IoT and how privacy is included in the field of cybersecurity in Sweden's elderly care. Researchers, security experts, and IT departments may utilize the research to evaluate the advantages and issues of realizing IoT in elderly care. The research is based upon a systematic literature review, the data were acquired and collected using three different index services. The services were ACM digital library, IEEExplorer, and ScienceDirect. The acquired articles were then analyzed using thematic coding based on the user-centric aligned McCumber Cube framework. This provided relevant themes based on the framework and relevant articles to the research aim. In total, the review provided 47 articles, divided into three themes that connected nine categories. When the thematic coding had been applied, the study could provide feasible answers to the research aim. The study showed that privacy aligns with cybersecurity and personal information, it was barely accounted for in personal communication and behavior.

Components of Life Satisfaction of Older Texans: A Multidimensional Model

Holley, Mary R. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between majority and ethnic status and life satisfaction. Several studies have examined the relationship between race and life satisfaction. The comparisons have been between Anglos and Blacks, and no previous research has included Anglos, Blacks, and Mexican-Americans in studying the effect of majority and ethnic status on life satisfaction. The findings suggest that multidimensional models are feasible to measure life satisfaction of elderly individuals of different racial or ethnic groups. Furthermore, on the basis of this study future research should include the variable, transportation, in any multivariate analysis of life satisfaction.

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