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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The morphology and semantics of expressive affixes

Fortin, Antonio January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on two aspects of expressive affixes: their morphological/typological properties and their semantics. With regard to the former, it shows that the expressive morphology of many languages (including Bantu, West Atlantic, Walman, Sanskrit, English, Romance, Slavic, and others), has the following properties: 1) it is systematically anomalous when compared to plain morphology, or the ordinary processes of word-formation and inflection. From this, it follows that many familiar morphological arguments that adduce the data of expressive morphology ought to be reconsidered; and 2) it is far more pervasive than has been traditionally thought. For example, the Sanskrit preverb, and the Indo-European aspectual prefix/particle generally, are shown to have systematically expressive functions. With respect to the semantics of expressive affixes, it develops a novel multidimensional account, in the sense of Potts (2005, 2007), of Spanish "connotative affixes," which can simultaneously convey descriptive and expressive meaning. It shows that their descriptive meaning is that of a gradable adjective, viewed as a degree relation which includes a measure function, in the sense of Kennedy (1997). The expressive meanings of connotative affixes, and expressives generally, arise as they manipulate the middle coordinate, <b>I</b>, of expressive indices which, it is proposed, is inherently specified on all lexical items and canonically set to "neutral." It introduces a new mechanism, <b>AFF</b>, which is an algebraic operation for manipulating <b>I</b>, and which accounts for the well-known, and seemingly "contradictory," range of meanings that expressive affixes can express. Whereas prior work assumes that expressive affixes are inherently polysemous, this approach derives their many attested meanings and functions (e.g., "small," "young," "bad," deprecation, appreciation, hypocorism, intensification/exactness, and attenuation/approximation, as well as pragmatic effects like illocutionary mitigation) compositionally, from the interactions of their multidimensionality with the meanings of the roots to which they attach.

Esthétique de la danse : définitions, expression et compréhension chorégraphiques / Aesthetics of Dance : Definitions, Choreographic Expression and Understanding

Beauquel, Julia 08 March 2013 (has links)
Ce travail d'esthétique philosophique est une analyse de l'art chorégraphique.Souvent considérée comme une forme d'expression immédiate et naturelle, la danse est aussi un art dont l'histoire relativement récente, les styles et les contenus thématiques sont riches et variés. Cette paradoxale combinaison de simplicité et de complexité mène à mettre en question nos systèmes théoriques les plus sophistiqués et nos distinctions conceptuelles les plus ancrées.Les avantages et inconvénients de diverses définitions philosophiques de l'art sont examinés, avant d'aborder la question du fonctionnement symbolique et de la réalité des propriétés chorégraphiques. En tant qu'art multiple, la danse représente un défi ontologique. Un chapitre est consacré aux processus créatifs, au statut de la notation et au rapport entre les oeuvres, leurs représentations et leurs interprétations. Après avoir proposé une définition de la danse, le travail étudie le concept d'expression. Outre les états mentaux et les mouvements physiques, l'intention et l'action, la liberté et le déterminisme, les notions d'expressivité naturelle, de technique, de style et de signification font l'objet d'une étude approfondie. Les dichotomies philosophiques traditionnelles se révèlent inadaptées à la danse, laquelle réconcilie la sensibilité et la rationalité, l'émotion et la compréhension, la spontanéité et la délibération, l'activité et la passivité, l'intériorité et l'extériorité, la contrainte et la liberté. / This study is a philosophical aesthetic analysis of choreographic art. Often considered as an immediate and natural form of expression, dance is also an art with a relatively recent, rapidly evolving history and varied styles and thematic contents. This paradoxical combination of simplicity and complexity leads to question our most sophisticated theoretical systems and our most apparently obvious conceptual distinctions, in a reconsideration of fundamental philosophical problems.The advantages and drawbacks of diverse definitions of art are examined, before addressing the symbolic functioning and the reality of choreographic properties. As a multiple art, dance is an ontological challenge. A chapter is devoted to the creation processes, the status of notation and the relation between the works and their performances and interpretations. After proposing a definition of dance, the study focuses on the concept of expression. In addition to mental states and physical movements, intention and action, freewill and determinism, the notions of natural expressiveness, technique, style and meaning are studied in detail. The traditional philosophical dichotomies appear to be inadequate to dance, insofar as this art reconciles sensibility and rationality, emotion and understanding, spontaneity and deliberation, activity and passivity, interiority and exteriority, constraint and freewill.

Yo-nosotros, tú-vosotros. Estudio psicosocial de la relaciones entre niños inmigrantes y nativos en el marco educativo.

Wengrower, Hilda 01 September 2001 (has links)
El propósito de esta tesis es producir una descripción compleja de los diferentes niveles y significados constituyentes y operantes en la relación entre los niños inmigrantes y nativos en el marco de una escuela primaria en Jerusalén. La investigación es de carácter netamente cualitativo y etnográfico, del tipo multi-método. Las técnicas implementadas son: la observación como participante, la entrevista en profundidad, la asociación libre de palabras y los grupos de juegos dramáticos.Las preguntas formuladas son:1. ¿Cuál es la figura que los niños autóctonos elaboran de los inmigrantes?2. ¿Cómo se sienten los inmigrantes en el entramado social de la escuela?3. ¿Qué tipo de relaciones se establecen entre ellos? 4. ¿Cuáles son las manifestaciones de la reproducción interpretativa que los niños practican? El primer capítulo presenta una reflexión epistemológica a partir de un Análisis Crítico de la Bibliografía escrita sobre la Integración Social de los Inmigrantes y presenta la perspectiva epistemológica adoptada: el socioconstruccionismo y los principios del Pensamiento Complejo diseñados por E. Morin (1994, 1995). El siguiente capítulo agrupa las teorías sobre el tema específico de la interacción social entre inmigrantes y nativos según los conceptos que éstas consideran determinantes en este tema. Dos categorías que aparecen en el grueso de los trabajos, aquellos que se desarrollan dentro de la perspectiva epistemológica mencionada (mas no sólo en ésta) son: identidad y poder, este último considerado tanto por medio de recursos materiales como simbólicos. Ambos conceptos aparecen con muchos aspectos compartidos que son interesantes de destacar, por sobre la diversidad de definiciones que reciben a través de diferentes paradigmas. Una tercera categoría incluye los estudios que se refieren a comunicación intercultural y cambio, el carácter evolutivo de la integración social de los inmigrantes, etc.El capítulo siguiente discurre sobre el lugar marginal otorgado a los niños como sujetos en la investigación social en general y en el tema presente en particular, para presentar luego los modelos teóricos que construyen la cultura de niños dentro del marco de la sociedad. Se indican algunas de las etnografías llevadas a cabo en entornos escolares con diversidad cultural, destacando la labor de Troyna y Hatcher en Inglaterra, y otras realizadas en España e Israel.El cuarto capítulo ubica al lector en el contexto sociohistórico específico, las políticas migratorias de Israel y las medidas relacionadas con el alumnado multicultural dictadas por el Ministerio de Educación a lo largo de 50 años, y el papel tomado por el renacimiento de la lengua hebrea. Se presenta el panorama social actual en el país en los ámbitos de la opinión pública y la comunidad escolar en particular y se informa acerca de la inmigración que procedente de la ex URSS, incrementa la población nacional en un sexto en menos de una década. A continuación, se explicitan los principios éticos seguidos en la investigación con los niños, y se presentan las técnicas instrumentadas, dos de ellas provenientes del campo de la psicología clínica. Luego de presentar el material producido, algunas de las conclusiones a las que se arriba son las siguientes: El panorama descrito es multifacético, mas se dibuja con claridad una figura negativa del alumno inmigrante construida debido a factores sociopolíticos, culturales, institucionales. Algunos de ellos son: la magnitud de esta migración, la historia de las demandas de asimilación que la sociedad israelí presenta, los cambios históricos en la identidad del pueblo judío, las prácticas escolares, la vigencia de la función docente tradicional, el carácter universalista de la escuela pública. Factores de tipo evolutivo relativos a los preadolescentes añaden un cariz distintivo.


CAMILO ESTEBAN VERGARA CERDA 09 November 2020 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da presente tese é duplo. Por um lado, pretende-se questionar o posicionamento metodológico de Potts em suas tentativas de construir modelos para o significado dos expressivos. Por outro, argumento que uma interpretação correta do valor semântico dos expressivos deve considerar o vínculo que, a meu ver, tais termos entretêm com a ontologia social; já que o que as pessoas fazem com a linguagem está vinculado com a estrutura social em que o uso da linguagem se encontra inserido. A seguir, apresento a estrutura da tese. No primeiro capítulo, são analisados os dois modelos semânticos elaborados (respectivamente, em 2005 e 2007) por Potts para dar conta do comportamento específico dos expressivos. No segundo capítulo, procuro esclarecer seu posicionamento sobre o valor semântico dos expressivos; tendo em vista que, para operar com seus modelos, Potts se vale de uma definição funcional (working definition). No terceiro capítulo, questiono a principal tese defendida por Potts, a saber, que os expressivos formam uma classe semântica natural delimitada por um conjunto de propriedades notáveis. Para esses fins, argumento que as propriedades distintivas atribuídas por ele aos expressivos não conseguem circunscrever com nitidez uma categoria semântica. No quarto capítulo, apresento uma proposta alternativa de interpretação do valor semântico dos expressivos, a qual leva em consideração o caráter normativo do conteúdo expressivo. Neste ponto, faço minha a visão de Williamson (2009) sobre o maior poder explanatório deste tipo de interpretação com relação às diversas questões sociais e linguísticas que se colocam para os termos investigados. No quinto e último capítulo, argumento que uma interpretação correta do valor semântico dos expressivos deve acomodar, para além da dimensão normativa do conteúdo expressivo, insights oriundos da área de ontologia social, uma vez que o significado dos termos expressivos se encontra fortemente vinculado à posição social das pessoas que desempenham determinados papéis no discurso. / [en] The aim of this thesis is twofold. On the one hand, I question Potts s methodological stance in his attempts to build models for the meaning of pejoratives. On the other hand, I argue that a correct construal of the semantic value of expressives must take into account their ties with social ontology, given that what people do with language is tied to the social structure in which language use takes place. The thesis is framed as follows. In the first chapter, I analyze two semantic models successively designed by Potts (respectively, in 2005 and 2007) in order to account for the specific behavior of expressives. Next, I set myself the task of clarifying the stance behind the accounts, having in view the functional definition needed to operate with the models. In the third chapter, I question Potts s main thesis according to which expressives form among themselves a natural semantic class marked out by a set of salient properties. To this end, I argue that the alleged distinctive properties of expressives do not circumscribe a clear-cut semantic category. In the fourth chapter, I present an alternative to Pott s construal of the semantic value of expressives that takes into account the normative character of expressive content. At this stage, I embrace Williamson s view about the higher explanatory power of this type of construal with respect to the variety of social and linguistic issues raised by the investigated terms. In the fifth and last chapter, I argue that a correct construal of the semantic value of expressives must accommodate, in addition to the normative dimension of expressive content, a number of insights from social ontology, given that the meaning of expressives is strongly tied to the social position occupied by people in virtue of their role in discourse.

Perception de la parole télévisuelle en Algérie. Dissonances et dyscommunication / Non communiqué

Bensaada, Merzeghe 06 December 2013 (has links)
Les émissions de parole nous paraissent comme un espace de cristallisation des conflits linguistiques et identitaires que connaît la société algérienne, un lieu tout autant d'aboutissement que d'amplification des dysfonctionnements de la communication télévisuelle et publique en Algérie. Cette étude consiste à tenter de comprendre les contextes et les modalités d’articulation des déterminations psychosociales à partir de situations d'échanges et de transmission qui laissent deviner une sorte de “malaise” communicationnel à la télévision. À travers la parole, comme marqueur psycho-identitaire, nous avons cherché à identifier les symptômes de la “dyscommunication”. Les manifestations de cette dernière se révèlent comme la conséquence d'un raté politico-idéologique et l'indicateur d'un clivage identitaire des sujets parlants. La problématique que nous soulevons relève principalement du phénomène d'inadaptation de la langue utilisée à la télévision et qui semble influer sur le comportement expressif (langagier et paralangagier), et affaiblit les potentiels émotionnels et phatiques des locuteurs à la télévision. Nos observations et notre enquête montrent que les récepteurs sont sensibles aux messages émotionnels et aux implicites culturels véhiculés par les emblèmes mimogestuels, le langage paraverbal, la prononciation, et que ceux-ci sont des facteurs déterminants dans la qualité d'une interaction communicative, à la télévision comme dans la vie quotidienne. La langue, seule, ne suffit pas à transmettre la totalité du message. Le téléspectateur est très attentif aux “énoncés coopératifs” et de reconnaissance mutuelle, ainsi qu'aux compétences socioculturelles et émotionnelles qui accompagnent et émergent naturellement d'une parole endogène. / TV programs based on words/debate/discussion appear to us as a space of crystallization of the linguistic and identity conflicts which the Algerian society knows. They show and amplify the dysfunctions of television and public communication in Algeria. This study consists in trying to understand the contexts and modalities of articulation of the psychosocial and ideological determinations by exploring situations of exchange and transmission which seem to reveal a kind of communicational discomfort on television. By analysing the word as a marker of identity and psychology, we have tried to identify symptoms of "dyscommunication". The expressions of the latter appear as the consequence of a politico-ideological failure and the indicator of an identity cleavage between the speaking subjects/enunciators. The problem which we raise has to do wit the phenomenon of maladjustment of the language used on television, which seems to influence the (both linguistic and paralinguistic) capacity of expression and to weaken the emotional and phatic potential of the speakers on television. Our observations and our investigation show that the receivers/viewers are sensitive to the emotional messages and to implicit cultural signs conveyed by mimogestual emblems, paraverbal language, pronunciation, and that these are determining factors in the quality of a communicative interaction, on television as in everyday life. Language alone is not enough to convey the totality of the message. The televiewer is very attentive to the "cooperative statements" and to processes of mutual recognition, as well as to the sociocultural and emotional skills which accompany and naturally emerge from endogenous speech.

Implementierung einer Schreibintervention in den Offenen Jugendstrafvollzug / An expressive writing intervention for juvenile prison inmates

Reinhold-Hurley, Bettina 21 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Valeurs, études, identité, quel rapport ?

Méthot, Christian 12 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire repose sur la notion de « valeur », vue sous l’angle du rapport que tout individu entretient avec son action et, par extension, avec autrui et l’environnement social dans lequel il évolue. Dans ce contexte, les valeurs teintent le rapport aux études susceptible d’expliquer l’identité étudiante. Sous cette optique, ce mémoire établit une distinction analytique entre valeurs expressives et instrumentales. Les valeurs peuvent être qualifiées d’instrumentales lorsqu’elles relèvent d’une conception fondée sur la relation d’un moyen par rapport à une fin, tandis qu’elles sont conçues comme expressives lorsqu’elles intègrent des « sentiments », voire des symboles d’accomplissement personnel. Ce mémoire étudiera les valeurs à l’oeuvre chez les étudiants inscrits en médecine et en sociologie. En toute hypothèse, les valeurs instrumentales seraient le fait des futurs médecins, par opposition aux apprentis sociologues qui afficheraient des valeurs expressives. Or, l’analyse menée dans le cadre de ce mémoire démontre que s’il existe des différences sur le plan des valeurs entre les étudiants des deux filières d’études mentionnées précédemment, elles sont loin d’être radicales. Sur la lancée, on découvrira aussi que l’identité étudiante se décline désormais –dans les programmes étudiés dans le cadre de ce mémoire- à l’aune du programme d’études plutôt que par rapport à une appartenance plus générale au statut d’étudiant. / The present master’s thesis is based on the notion of ―value‖ seen from the point of view of the relationship that every individual maintains with his or her action and, by extension, with others and with the social environment in which he or she evolves. In this context, the values tinge the relationship to studies likely to explain student identity. In this perspective, this master’s thesis establishes an analytical distinction between expressive and instrumental values. The values can be described as instrumental when they are a matter of a conception based on the relationship between means and end, whereas they are seen as expressive when they integrate ―feelings‖, or even symbols of personal achievement. This master’s thesis will study the values amongst students registered in medicine and in sociology. It can be suggested that instrumental values would be characteristic of future doctors, as opposed to student sociologists who would display expressive values. And yet, the analysis carried out within the framework of this master’s thesis demonstrates that if indeed there are differences as regards values between students of both subjects previously mentioned, they are far from being radical. In addition, we will discover that, in the school curricula examined within the context of this master’s thesis, student identity is from now on represented in terms of the school curriculum rather than in relation to a more general membership of the student status.

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