Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FACEBOOK"" "subject:"[enn] FACEBOOK""
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FACEBOOKFLICKOR : En kvalitativ studie om unga flickors påverkanav sitt eget och andras Facebook-användandeLarsson, Mirja January 2011 (has links)
Title: Facebook girls, a qualitative study of social medias and Facebooks impact on young girlsNumber of pages: 32Author: Mirja LarssonTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information and Media,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: To discover any possible difference between young girls and older girls in their wayof using Facebook.Material/method: Personal interviews, literature, electronic sources, Internet sources.Main results: The younger girls are not as aware as the older girls of their exposure on Facebookand the possible down-sides of their frequent Facebook-usage. Young girls in general use Facebookas a source to form their identity.Keywords: Facebook, identity, young girls, Cooley, Elza Dunkels, Altman and Taylor
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Lärare i en digital tidsålder : en kvalitativ studie av lärares förhållande till sociala medierÅström, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Detta arbete är en kvalitativ fallstudie med syfte att undersöka hur några intervjuade lärare från en gymnasieskola i södra Norrland förhåller sig till sociala medier, hur dessa lärare uppfattar att sociala medier påverkar deras integritet, yrkesetik, fostransuppdrag och pedagogiska arbete. Frågeställningarna arbetet har utgått ifrån har berört gränsdragningar mellan privatliv och offentlighet, hur lärare kan uppträda i sociala medier, hur lärare ser på vänskapsrelationer till elever, vilka eventuella pedagogiska vinningar respektive hot sociala medier kan tänkas medföra.För att besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar har intervjuer med sju anställda lärare på en given gymnasieskola gjorts. De resultat som framkommit i denna studie, är bland annat att samtliga lärare är överens om att lärares privatliv påverkar deras yrkesroll i viss mån. Ifråga om vad lärare kan göra i sociala medier, med åtanke på deras yrkesroll, var de flesta lärare överens om att brott mot skolans värdegrund samt yrkesetiska principer var förbjudna, men också att lärare utöver detta har ett visst ansvar över hur man framställer sig själv i sociala medier. Gällande pedagogiska hot och vinningar, finns det ett potentiellt hot att lärares arbetsbörda ökar, samtidigt är vinningen att lärares förståelse för elever kan tillta.
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Sociala medier i skolan : en del av undervisningen?Lindh, Anders January 2011 (has links)
Inom skolan har det länge funnits webblösningar och andra Internetbaserade programvaror för att elever och lärare ska kunna kommunicera med varandra på nätet och samtidigt kunna ha möjlighet till en mer flexibel undervisningsmetod. Sociala medier är ett vitt begrepp som nämns lite var stans idag, men vad innebär då sociala medier? Sociala medier är ett samlingsnamn på kommunikationskanaler som tillåter användare att kommunicera direkt med varandra genom exempelvis text, bild eller ljud.
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From an individual consumer to Fan Page¡ãconsumers¡¦ motivation, behavior and satisfaction in participating a Fan Page¡ãShih, Wei-che 21 June 2011 (has links)
With the popularity of the Internet and the growing trend of Web2.0, interaction and knowledge exchanges among the Internet users become active. Facebook, currently the world's most successful social networking website of Web2.0, functions as a social entertainer and further develops as a marketing business platform. In particular, many enterprises and organizations focus on operating the function of Fan Page for the purpose of marketing strategy.
The research will be conducted from the users' viewpoints and the examples of consumption on Facebook and entertaining Fan Pages will be provided to investigate the specialties and functions of the website, causing the users to organize and participate in the Fan Pages, and the behaviorial motives and the gratification obtained from the process.
Substantial and virtual random samplings are utilized in conducting the questionnaire survey. The result shows the obvious difference in the motives of the Fan Page participants based on various levels of education. It also verifies the critical influence of media characteristics on the participation of Fan Page. And, it helps us realize that users with different motives obtain different satisfactions through the participation of Fan Page. In the end, the research investigation can be considered as a basis of enterprise marketing strategies theoretically and practically.
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A Study on the Relationship between Social Media User Behavior and the Operation of Radio ManagementNi, Pei-pei 09 August 2011 (has links)
Through out its history, traditional radio station has left part of its listener unsatisfied. Social media is a hot new media, that allows a group of stranger come together because of the same interest; share and exchange information. A lot of traditional media try to join this new media but for radio stations it¡¦s still at a early stage trying to uncover user¡¦s need without a clear direction. This research is a first attempts trying to discuss the relationship between social media user behavior and the traditional radio stations.
This research attempts to discuss the relationship between social media user behavior and the operation of radio management. By analyzing radio station¡¦s Facebook fans page in order to understand users motivation, behavior and reasons of satisfaction. Through that hoping to understand user¡¦s need and design radio station base on their needs. Further reinforce the likeable towards the fan page even raise the loyalty the fans have for the station
Assume user behavior will affect lever of satisfactory, look through the relationship between user behavior and lever of satisfactory, in the six behavior include pressing ¡§like¡¨, ¡§leave a massage¡¨, ¡§share¡¨, ¡§chat¡¨,¡¨read message¡¨,¡¨event¡¨. Four of then are related with level of satisfactory. Research design and method, the questions are structure to discuss questions includes:
--Discuss what actions will satisfy the user on the radio station¡¦s Facebook fan page --Analyze what are the actions that are satisfying for the users on the radio station¡¦s Facebook fan page.
By using surveys, analyzing data, and discussion. This result shows, the user on Facebook can receive satisfaction and willing to recommend it to friends.
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The Influence of Virtual Alumni Association Management on Alumni Loyalty ¡V A Case Study of Facebook Fan Page of NSYSU Alumni Service CenterTsai, Yu-Chih 16 February 2012 (has links)
Thousands of Alumni are in all walks of life in domestic and foreign after graduated. They are not only the important economic supports but also the connections between school and business. However, relationship needs long-term maintenance, and virtual community becomes the brand¡¦s communitive and interactive distributions. In Taiwan, many universities are awared of the trend of community media and established their own virtual alumni associations on Facebook fan page, in order to enhance alumni serving and relationship connecting.
This study is a partnership with National Sun yat-sen University¡¦s alumni service center as a case study, analyzing from relationship marketing view point to realize the influence of virtual alumni association management on alumni loyalty. By academic and empirical exploring to observe the excutive status of NSYSU alumni service on Facebook fan page and provide suggestions as a model to those organizations which willing to manage virtual communities to increase loyalty.
This study is cooperated with NSYSU¡¦s alumni service center, and collected questionaires by the ¡§filled questionnaire, join lottery¡¨ activity on NSYSU¡¦s alumni service Facebook fan page. Furthermore, researcher also sent email invitations with the link of online questionarie from alumni database, to investigate alumni¡¦s understandings and recommendations of NSYSU¡¦s alumni service Facebook fan page.
The study outcomes are as following, relationship marketing has positive influence on relationship quality; relationship quality has positive influence on loyalty; relationship marketing has positive influence on loyalty. Which means virtual community does help maintaining relationship between alumni and school, raising the loyalty. It is an efficiency way to manage the customers¡¦ relationship and loyalty.
However, the influence of social bond of relationship marketing strategy on loyalty is not significant. This study conjecture that users can not be awared of the specialties of interactive communications on Facebook fan page since Facebook originally based on the social network. When users feel limited relationship marketing intention and qualities, they can not increase their loyalties.
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The effect of emotion on brand attitude of Facebook fanpageHung, Hsuan-Hao 02 April 2012 (has links)
The expansion of Internet promotes the rise of social media. The appeal of social marketing leads the enterprises start to set up fanpage on Facebook to interact with their members.This study discusses whether the messages¡¦ emotion or the managers¡¦ emotion result in members¡¦ emotion in fanpage,and furthermore to find out the connection between members¡¦ emotion and brand attitude. This research adopts experimental method and distributes on-line questionnaire, retrieving 384 samples and analyze the data with SPSS 17.0. The results shows that the display of messages and the menagers¡¦emotional expression certainly affect menbers¡¦ positive emotion, and directly affect the menbers¡¦ brand attitude to the enterprises.This study points out the importance influence of emotion in marketing research,and provides some practical suggestions to enterprises to develop a new strategy.
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Community website use research Take a junior high school students use Facebook an exampleHuang, Shun-pin 14 September 2012 (has links)
The thinking of subverting the Internet world is ubiquitous. In Taiwan, a wave of ¡§Happy Farm¡¨ made FACEBOOK popularity soar. Community management of this site includes dynamic sharing, online chat, Club management, Fan zone, and many other online games. It also lets the application designers enrich the site content in an open way. ¡§The Facebook¡¨ operated from February 2004 to the present. Now review the Facebook site, and it¡¦s not difficult to find the design term constantly updates connotation philosophy to match up the various types of users.
The study of the social networking sites shows that the ages are on the downward trend. For now, from the 13-year-old junior high school students to the general public are included. In Taiwan, ther e are 12,107,600 population using the Facebook.(101.7.5 Ministry of the Interior statistics). Taiwan¡¦s population accounts for about 23,261,747. It means half of Taiwan¡¦s population using the Facebook. The proportion is quite popular, which is an important reference for the study of nation also of information technology in Taiwan.
The research focused on the junior high school students¡¦habits of using the Facebook. We also cited the junior high school teachers¡¦ observation and interviewed development applications industry to construct the overall architecture which can be used to observ how the habits influence the students¡¦ lives and know the changes brought about by the community website. The conclusion is to give parents , teachers, and the community one note about the junior highschool students¡¦ use of the community network.
The results of the following four conclusions.
1. FACEBOOK is the website of the ¡§Interpersonal Community¡¨.
2. FACEBOOK advantage is high interaction, free, and diverse functions.
3.Woman users¡¦rate of response on website message is high than men¡¦s.
4. Higher grade students who use FACEBOOK have better interpersonal relations.
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Poked av politiker : En studie om MUF och SSU:s politiska kommunikation på FacebookKaverén, Pär, Nilsson, Robert, Nilsson, Patrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>The new media landscape is growing by the minute with blogs, web pages and different communities. The latest phenomenon that has grown rapidly throughout the world is Facebook. This is at new platform for communications where individuals can meet and socialise. Even political actors have started to appear on this community to work and spread their opinions. Several of the Swedish political parties are represented with different group, among them we have the two biggest political youth organisations: MUF (Young conservatives) and SSU(Young socialists).</p><p>This study examines how Facebook can be used as a tool to create opinion. The authors of this thesis have chosen to emphasise their study on the above mentioned political youth organisations SSU and MUF and how these two actors and there members chose to use this community as a communications tool.</p><p>This study is conducted by the use of qualitative interviews with representatives from the organisations and creators of the groups. The authors have also done an observation of the groups</p><p>The research shows that there are differences between the MUF and SSU both in the increase of members but also in activity.</p><p>The study shows that the involvement of the two organisations in their groups have no importance set in correlation to the amount of activity ad increase of members. Facebook is a good tool for creating opinion if used in the right way. Something that both SSU and MUF have great knowledge of, even though they use it differently.</p>
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The discourse of the information ageKeenan, Andrew. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Alberta, 2010. Thesis (M.LS.)--University of Alberta, 2010. / Title from pdf file main screen (viewed on January 12, 2010). "Spring 2010." A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Library and Information Studies, Master of Arts, School of Library and Information Studies, Humanities Computing, University of Alberta. Includes bibliographical references.
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