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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Arruda, Paula Purper 07 April 2016 (has links)
This scientific research considers a political celebrity, Senator Romario Faria, the digital public space, making an analysis of publications and interactions contained in his official profile on Facebook. Through content analysis of posts with greater interaction each week, plus thirty first comments in a period of twelve months, it seeks to understand the way in which it is possible to have a debate, informing and questioning the subject of social practices. To this end, there is the activation of the theories of digital public space, the Esteves studies (2011), Habermas (2003) and Weber (2007), using the resolution operators proposed by Marques (2011), and the celebrity studies Rojek (2008), Street (2012), Turner (2004), France (2014) and Campanella (2012). At the end of this stage, it was observed that the celebrity assumptions directly affect the interactions between subjects and reciprocity Romario in the digital social network involved in certain specialization and rationalization of communication by individuals who wove comments, contributing to gradually the realization of a digital public space are made. / Esta pesquisa científica considera uma celebridade política, o senador Romário Faria, no espaço público digital, fazendo uma análise das publicações e das interações contidas em seu perfil oficial no Facebook. Por meio da análise de conteúdo das postagens com maior interação a cada semana, somada aos trinta primeiros comentários, em um período de doze meses, busca-se entender a maneira pela qual é possível ocorrer um debate, informando e questionando os sujeitos das práticas sociais. Para tanto, há o acionamento das teorias de espaço público digital, dos estudos de Esteves (2011), Habermas (2003) e Weber (2007), utilizando os operadores de deliberação propostos por Marques (2011), e os estudos de celebridades de Rojek (2008), de Street (2012), de Turner (2004), de França (2014) e de Campanella (2012). Ao final desta etapa, observou-se que os pressupostos de celebridade incidem diretamente nas interações entre os sujeitos e a reciprocidade de Romário na rede social digital implicou em certa especialização e racionalização da comunicação por parte dos sujeitos que teciam comentários, contribuindo para que aos poucos a efetivação de um espaço público digital se concretize.


Hamester, Morgana de Melo Machado 14 April 2014 (has links)
Cette étude ethnografique est le résultat d´une recherche dans l´ambiance en ligne, a partir des communautés de l´orkut et de groupes au facebook, sous la perspective de la formation de perceptions et sensibilités pour les processus de consommation, d´aprés l´articulation sur l´interativicté, multimedialité et accès aux ressources disponiblibles sur la plataforme. Dans ce but, sur le contexte d´une anthropologi d´inspiration phenomenologique, ave les sens, la consommation et le cyberspace, on essay de comprendre comment se passent les practiques sur la perception et la consommation dans les communautés Perfumistas (Parfumistes) et Apaixonados por Perfume (Parssionés par le Parfum) et dans les groupes Apaixonados por Perfume e Perfumaria Brasil (Parfumerie Brésil), par moyen de la observation participative et des entretiens/interviews demi-structurés, en allant aussi une pensée aux potentialités que les réseaux sociaux puissent offri, au niveau de la connaissance, les relations, les liens, les disputes, les identités, les caractères personnels e corporels autour de l´aprentissage sur les parfums. / Esta etnografia resultou de uma pesquisa no ambiente on line, a partir das comunidades do Orkut e dos grupos no Facebook, sobre perfumaria, dentro da perspectiva de formação de percepções e sensibilidades para os processos de consumo, articulados pela interatividade, multimidialidade e acessibilidade aos recursos disponíveis na plataforma. Neste sentido, no contexto de uma antropologia de inspiração fenomenológica, com os sentidos, o consumo e o ciberespaço, busca-se comprender com se configuram as práticas sobre percepção e consumo nas comunidades Perfumistas e Apaixonados por Perfumes, e, nos grupos Apaixonados por Perfumes e Perfumania Brasil, por meio de observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, pensando ainda nas potencialidades que as redes sociais oferecem, em nível de conhecimento, relações, laços, disputas, identidades, pessoalidades e corporalidades em torno do aprendizado sobre os perfumes.

Strategier för digital klagomålshantering : En kvalitativ studie av fem utvalda hotell med höga kundbetyg / Strategies for Digital Complaint Management : A Qualitative Study of Five Selected Hotels with High Customer Ratings

Hultqvist, Martina, Carlsson, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
As more hotels are established and that competition in turn increases, it becomes increasingly important to offer a good service to attract customers. If the hotels do not satisfy the guest they may complain. With the Internet's advancement, new approaches were established for dissatisfied guests to raise their complaints and, in other words, the criticism does no longer reach only family and friends. The study aims to create an understanding of how the hotel's complaint management works on the internet. This has been examined by answering the following research questions: • What strategies are used in digital complaint management in social networks? • How does complaint management affect Word of Mouth? To answer the research questions a qualitative approach with five semi-structured interviews and a non-participation observation has been conducted. The study indicates that communication has become more digital, but that personal contact is still more important. The conclusions that can be drawn are that the strategies used in digital complaint management are to respond quickly, to be understanding, to apologize to some extent, use a clear and well-formulated language, consider every word, take a direct dialogue from public to private and compensate the guest if necessary. If the strategies are taken into account in digital complaint management the work towards a satisfied guest will be simplified. A general conclusion drawn in the study is that the formulated strategies are important to work with to increase customer satisfaction and to successfully reverse the guest before spreading negative WOM or e-WOM. It has also been found in the present study that traditional WOM still has a greater impact than e-WOM, despite the fact that e-WOM reaches a larger audience. / I takt med att allt fler hotell etableras och att konkurrensen i sin tur ökar blir det viktigare för hotell att kunna erbjuda en god service för att locka till sig kunder. Lyckas hotellen inte tillfredsställa gästen kan de komma att klaga. Med internets framfart grundades nya tillvägagångssätt för missnöjda gäster att föra fram sina klagomål och med andra ord når kritiken inte längre bara bekantskapskretsen. Föreliggande studie ämnar att skapa en förståelse kring hur hotellens arbete med klagomålshantering fungerar på internet. Detta har undersökts genom att besvara följande forskningsfrågor: • Vilka strategier används vid digital klagomålshantering i sociala nätverk? • På vilket sätt påverkas Word of Mouth av klagomålshanteringen? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna har en kvalitativ ansats med fem semistrukturerade intervjuer samt en icke-deltagande observation genomförts. De slutsatser som dras i studien är att allt mer kommunikation sker via det digitala, men att den personliga kontakten fortfarande är viktigare. Studien visade även att strategier som används vid digital klagomålshantering är att svara snabbt, vara förstående, be om ursäkt i viss mån, använda ett tydligt och välformulerat språk, överväga vad man säger, ta en direkt dialog från det offentliga till det privata samt kompensera gästen vid behov. Om strategierna tas i beaktande vid digital klagomålshantering kommer arbetet mot en nöjd gäst att underlättas. En generell slutsats som dras i studien är att de formulerade strategierna är viktiga att arbeta med för att öka kundnöjdheten och för att lyckas vända gästen innan den sprider negativ WOM eller e-WOM. Det har också framkommit i föreliggande studie att traditionell WOM fortfarande har en större påverkan än e-WOM trots att e-WOM når en större publik.

Description du discours numérique : étude des bouleversements linguistiques du web 2.0 au travers de l'exemple des souhaits d'anniversaire sur Facebook / Digital Discourse Description : Study of the linguistic changes of Web 2.0 through the example of the birthday wishes on Facebook

Bibié-Emerit, Laetitia 27 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche propose une description du discours numérique tel qu’il apparaît dans l’environnement numérique qu’est Facebook. Il s’appuie sur l’étude des souhaits d’anniversaire, en montrant comment leur forme finale peut être influencée par la préconstruction technolangagière du site. La première partie, donne un aperçu de l’évolution des recherches sur le discours numérique, en décrivant d’une part le contexte d’apparition du web 2.0 et des bouleversements épistémologiques et discursifs qu’il a pu provoquer. Et d’autre part les spécificités linguistiques connues du discours apparaissant dans les environnements numériques. La deuxième partie, montre que l’avènement du web social a changé les choses dans les recherches sur le discours numérique, demandant une approche pluridisciplinaire. Cette réflexion nécessite de décentrer le regard des énoncés pour s’intéresser à leur environnement de production et aux affordances qu’il offre aux locuteurs. Ce nouveau positionnement épistémologique permet de repenser la description de Facebook, non plus comme une plateforme communicationnelle mais comme un environnement discursif complexe mettant en question les notions d’identité, d’intimité et de liens socio-affectifs. Enfin, la troisième et dernière partie de cette thèse, présente les problématiques liées à l’étude d’un cas concret d’écriture nativement numérique. La description et l’analyse des souhaits d’anniversaire sur Facebook et des outils méthodologiques et théoriques adaptés aux environnements numériques utilisés à cette fin. La description et l’analyse des souhaits d’anniversaire sur Facebook permettent de dégager deux aspects technolangagiers dans ce type de discours. Le premier est l’action environnementale sur la production langagière, c’est le cas notamment de la préconstruction technolangagière mais aussi de la prise en compte de l’exposition du message par les locuteurs (redéfinition du lien socio-affectif). Le second est l’intégration de la technologie à l’intérieur même des formes discursives, générant de nouveaux technogenres comme le discours par bouton ou des énoncés augmentés comme les hashtags. / This research provides a description of the digital discourse as it appears in the digital environment that is Facebook. It is based on the study of birthday wishes, showing how their final shape may be influenced by technological influence site. The first part provides an overview of developments in research on digital discourse, describing on one hand the context of emergence of Web 2.0 and discursive and epistemological changes that it has caused. And also known linguistic specificities of the speech appearing in digital environments. The second part shows that the advent of the social web has changed things in research on digital discourse, demanding a multidisciplinary approach. This reflection requires an interest in that production environment and affordances that provides speakers. This new epistemological positioning allows to rethink the description of Facebook, not as a communicative platform, but as a complex discursive environment by questioning the notions of identity, privacy and socio-emotional ties. The third and final part of this thesis presents the issues related to the study of a concrete case of natively digital writing. The description and analysis of birthday wishes on Facebook and methodological and theoretical tools adapted to digital environments used for this purpose. The description and analysis of birthday wishes on Facebook show two technolinguistic aspects in this type of discourse. The first is environmental action on language production, it is the case of technological preconstruction but also taking account of exposure of the message by the speakers (redefinition of socio-emotional bond). The second is the integration of technology within the same discursive forms, generating new technological genders as the discourse by button or statements increased as hashtags.

Firemní využití sociálních sítí / Enterprise use of social networks

Píša, Luděk January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with theme of social networks especially from the view of companies. The thesis is divided into two main parts -- theoretical and practical. There is a necessary knowledge base of social networks and its use from perspective of a company in the theoretical part. There is also mentioned the topic of social networks analytics because it's the main theme of the practical part of the thesis. The research in the practical part analyzes the companies from Czech Republic, Germany and United States of America. The research is aimed on their behavior on Facebook and their company presentations there. There are two methods used in the practical part. One method compares the list of companies during the time period of 3 year (90 days of 2011 compared to 90 days of 2014). The other one compares the list of companies from geographical point of view. The goal of the practical part of the thesis if evaluation of pre-defined hypotheses.

Analýza účinnosti on-line komunikácie DOX / The analysis of efficiency of on-line communication of DOX

Černá, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the effectiveness of on-line communication with the application for DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague. It focuses on clarifying the theoretical framework of principles of social networks, mapping new trends and approaches in on-line communication and marketing. Part of the work is given to the identification of the percentage of the visitors of DOX who only search for information about exhibitions and other related program via the Internet. The emphasis is on research of the share of real customer of DOX to fan base on the Facebook social network. To make on-line communication more effective the priorities are set for various on-line channels with the tool for monitoring of mentions on the internet related to DOX. According to the fact that Facebook is an important interactive channel for DOX, there is created detailed analysis of the publications of contributions and the resulting recommendations for implementation. In conclusion, DOX expresses the contribution of the diploma thesis.

Analýza nestrukturovaného obsahu z veřejně dostupných sociálních médií za pomocí nástroje Watson společnosti IBM / The analyses of unstructured content from publicly available social media by Watson

Šverák, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This graduate thesis deals with the analysis of unstructured data from public social media. In particular, it deals with the analysis of data from social media of Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part provides theoretical background for the second part. Therefore, the first part describes social media, structured and unstructured data and tools which are used for analysing of unstructured data. In the second part, tool Watson is used for the analysis of publicly available data. Then, methodology is designed to control the analysis process and subsequently this methodology used in the formation of the pilot application that has to verify the functionality of unstructured data by tool Watson. The results of the analysis are in the conclusion. The main benefits of this thesis are the development of a pilot application of Watson and the verification of its functionality. The pilot application cannot be equated with a complete analysis that can be done by Watson. But this pilot application may work as a demonstration of Watson's functionalities.

Využití sociálních sítí pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti firmy / Possibility of usage social networks to increase the competitiveness of the company

Brilová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the field of possibilities of using social networks to increase competitiveness. In first part there are theoretically explained terms such as social network, social media and then there is described possibility to use social networks in business. The thesis includes theoretical treatment procedure entry of the company on social networks and describes appropriate monitoring and analyzing tools. The practical part is focused on dance club Beton, there are made the critical analysis of current attitudes of the club forward to social network, competitive analysis and comparison between Beton's and competitor's social network activities. The last part is devoted to selection appropriate monitoring tool and designed a social media monitoring system.

You don't know me but can I be your friend? Accepting strangers as friends in Facebook.

Leow, Serena 12 1900 (has links)
Users in social networking sites, such as Facebook, are increasingly receiving friend requests from strangers and accepting strangers as friends. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the Big Five personality traits and strangers' gender in affecting Facebook users' decisions to accept the stranger's friend request by adopting a 2 (gender of the stranger: male vs. female) x 5 (stranger's personality: Neuroticism vs. Extraversion vs. Openness vs. Conscientiousness vs. Agreeableness) factorial design. Results revealed that participants were more likely to accept the stranger's friend request when the participant's and stranger's personalities matched. This effect was more pronounced when the stranger was a female. Participants accepted female stranger's friend request due to the inflated perception of stereotypical female characteristics, which supported the hyperpersonal effect. Majority of the participants accepted the stranger's friend request based on textual cues that were displayed in the friend request message, which supported social information processing theory, suggesting that impression formation of the stranger was not constrained to the lack of nonverbal cues setting.

Produção e divulgação científica na Internet : uma perspectiva tecnológica do projeto de pesquisa em mudanças climáticas AlcScens / Communication of science in the web : a technology perspective of the research project on climate change AlcScens

Pereira, Marcos Rogério, 1972- 09 December 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Vera Regina Toledo Camargo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T07:48:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_MarcosRogerio_M.pdf: 9331268 bytes, checksum: 83a33eacaa5b46e2776300a967e6c32d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este estudo é vinculado ao projeto científico "Geração de cenários de produção de álcool como apoio para a formulação de políticas públicas aplicadas à adaptação do setor sucroalcooleiro nacional às mudanças climáticas". Seu objetivo é produzir e divulgar informações científicas para públicos distintos sobre o tema das mudanças climáticas no âmbito da internet. O estudo se justifica graças à sua relevância, no universo digital, como canal de difusão de informação e de conhecimento na vida contemporânea. Enquanto em um primeiro momento enfatiza o uso de sites, blogs e redes sociais on-line para compartilhar ciência, permitindo identificar o público-alvo e, consequentemente, atraindo novos pesquisadores e interessados nas mudanças climáticas e seus impactos, o segundo aborda a criação de um site como horizonte de ação para tornar a informação acessível ao maior número de pessoas possível. A introdução de temas científicos na web requer estudo, compreensão e análise do conteúdo quanto à propagação das informações resultantes desse projeto científico. Considerando que o objeto da pesquisa é como usar a sociedade em rede para transmitir conhecimento, enfatizam-se as principais características deste trabalho: recuperar informações acessíveis e detalhadas geradas pela equipe científica, fatos recentes e de grande repercussão sobre temas de interesse do público-alvo do projeto e difundi-los na rede. De forma sistemática, este estudo mapeou o processo de divulgação científica mediado pelas tecnologias de comunicação e informação. Além do uso em conjunto das redes sociais on-line e o emprego de estratégias de divulgação científica que foram exploradas como tentativa de transmitir e promover amplo acesso ao conhecimento gerado pelos pesquisadores, os principais resultados do trabalho foram o aprimoramento e análise das informações científicas colocadas à disposição do público na web, e as estratégias empregadas para favorecer o acesso ao conhecimento gerado pelo projeto, além do site que foi desenvolvido com recursos técnicos de acessibilidade, usabilidade e design responsivo e que serviu de base para preservar e divulgar o conteúdo científico produzido pelo projeto de pesquisa. Os resultados visam contribuir com a circulação da informação científica na internet e tornar acessíveis artigos, dissertações, teses, entrevistas, vídeos, áudios, textos, fotos, imagens, matérias jornalísticas e informações sobre eventos científicos no contexto das mudanças climáticas. A expectativa é que o uso da internet possa levar as pessoas a identificar os posicionamentos que sustentam os estudos sobre o tema e estimule outras leituras que auxiliem na tomada de decisões sobre o mundo contemporâneo e as mudanças, que nele acontecem, causadas pela atividade humana / Abstract: This research is linked to the scientific project in global climate changes "Generation of Alcohol Production Scenarios as Support for the Formulation of Public Policies Applied to the Adaptation of the National Sugar and Alcohol Industry to the Climate Changes". Its aim is to focus more extensive disclosures, for different audiences, on the topic of global climate changes within the internet. This study is justified by its relevance as a channel for diffusion of information and knowledge of contemporary life. It emphasizes, in the first place, how the use of sites, blog and digital social networks, as science communication platforms, serves to identify the target audience and hence attracting new researchers and stakeholders on climate change and its impacts. Still at the process of adjustment to social networks and medias, the introduction of scientific subjects on those networks demands studies, comprehension and analyses of the content in relation to the spread of information and knowledge resulting of this scientific project. When the object of the research is "how to use the network society" to impart knowledge, it is emphasized that the main features of the work are: to recover accessible and detailed information generated by the scientific staff, to retrieve recent and highly publicized events on topics of interest to the target audience of the project and spread them online. Systematically, the purpose of this study was to map the process of scientific dissemination mediated by communication and information technologies. Besides the use of digital social network together with scientific dissemination strategies that have been explored as attempts of conveying and promoting a broad access to the knowledge generated by the researchers, the main results of the work were the improvement and analyses of the scientific information made available to public on the web, and the strategies employed to facilitate access to knowledge generated by the project, together with the website, that was developed with technical features of accessibility, usability and responsive design and that has been the basis for preserving and disclosing the scientific and technological content produced by the research. And, more broadly, contribute to the circulation of scientific information on the Internet and make available papers, dissertations, theses, interviews, videos, audios, texts, photos, newspaper articles and images, information and news about national and international scientific events in context of climate change. The expectation is that the use of the internet can lead users to identify positions that support the studies on the subject and stimulate other readings that help in making decisions about the contemporary world and the changes that happen in it, caused by human activity / Mestrado / Divulgação Científica e Cultural / Mestre em Divulgação Científica e Cultural

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