Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FACEBOOK"" "subject:"[enn] FACEBOOK""
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Information laundering: dezinformační weby v českém kontextu / Information laundering: fake news websites in czech contextJanda, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The thesis follows up a topic of fake news within the borders of Czech Republic. This frequently discussed phenomena is often linked to the pro-Kremlin propaganda, whose aim is to evoke fear across the citizens, as well as raise distrust towards reigning authorities, western institutions, a functionality of liberal democracy and at last but not least - distrust towards public media and mainstream media in general. This is being achieved by production of fake news, also known as fictive, false or manipulative articles, that are being spread through the social media. Despite its low credibility the news often make their way into the public discussion, forming the general opinion and as a result affecting many political decisions. In order to follow this topic up further, I will put in use the Adam Klein's concept, also known as information laundering.This concept describes the ways how these hateful articles, personal opinions and straight up false news are getting legitimised within the online world and subsequently spread through the social media under the disguise of respectable journalism. The thesis is aiming to map out the entire sphere of fake news media, its websites and Facebook and YouTube social profiles as well as describe individual aspects of the entire mechanism using quantitative analysis. In...
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Vliv názorových vůdců v prostředí sociálních sítí na čtení zpravodajství / The impact of opinion leaders on reading news in the social network sites environmentSliš, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The news are consumed with rising frequency through the social network sites. This activity is going to be grasped with the use of two concepts: opinion leadership and framing because in the social network sites environment the active and influential users (opinion leaders) are attempting to pass certain viewpoints (frames) to other users. It is going to be evaluated to what extent can such framing be effective. An experiment was therefore conducted - it presents the subjects with an artificial news article and a Facebook "introductory" post. The experiment also lays emphasis on moderators that influence the effectiveness of passing the frames. For a realistic setting of the entire study, determining the opinion leaders and an analysis of their language means is going to be conducted. The goal of this study is thus grasping the way in which people are being informed about the public issues and the way they are forming opinions about them in the environment of social network sites. Keywords: opinion leadership, framing, Facebook, social network sites, source cues, credibility, belief importance change
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Aktivist, Javisst! : En kvalitativ fallstudie om Extinction Rebellion Svergies kommunikation på Facebook under Noveberupproret 2020Cenner, Julia, Froede Othelius, Astrid January 2021 (has links)
Social movements focusing on environmental issues experienced a renaissance in September 2018, and concurrently the environmentally focused social movement Extinction Rebellion was founded. Previous research reveals that social media has become an important tool for social movements for both mobilising and spreading knowledge and information. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine Extinction Rebellion Sweden's strategic communication and work processes during the campaign Novemberupproret (The November revolt), and to identify what characterized the posts on Extinction Rebellion Sweden's Facebook during the campaign. The theoretical frameworks used in this study was Grunig's two-way symmetrical and asymmetrical communication (Falkheimer & Heide 2014), Habermas theory regarding social actions (Falkheimer & Heide 2018) and ultimately semiotics by Barthes (1977). The findings are based on interviews with two members of Extinction Rebellion Sweden, along with a qualitative content analysis and a semiotic analysis. The findings of this study reveal that Extinction Rebellion Sweden mainly focuses, both in terms of strategies and work processes, on content regarding information and knowledge sharing, rather than mobilising content. The empirical material shows that the posts with two-way asymmetrical communication have generated more interaction in terms of likes, comments and sharing on Facebook, which opposes Grunig's theory regarding two-way communication. Further, it is revealed that Extinction Rebellions Sweden's most frequently used communication strategy during Novemberupproret were consciously hidden strategic actions. Lastly the findings show that the movement´s work process during Novemberupproret was built on democratic and collective principles both between Extinction Rebellion Sweden's internal project groups and within the national media group.
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Le développement des outils numériques dans la communication publique des départements ministériels, le cas particulier du ministère de la défense / The development of digital tools in the public communication of the ministry of defenseGermain, Jean-Baptiste 14 December 2018 (has links)
En 1996 le Président de la République Jacques Chirac, suspendait le service national. Supprimant ainsi un vivier non négligeable de ressources que possédaient les armées. Depuis lors le ministère de la Défense à du trouver des moyens pour palier à ce déficit de recrutement, d’image et de compétences. Les armées n’ont eu d’autres choix que celui de communiquer pour attirer et de donner envie à des dizaines de milliers de jeunes de rejoindre les rangs des forces armées. Si le surnom de la « Grande Muette » colle à la peau de l’armée française, cette dernière a entrepris depuis des années des réformes visant à améliorer sa communication publique. Dans cette société ou l’instantanéité est un principe élémentaire, où les outils numériques sont légion, la Défense n’a d’autre choix qu’apprendre à se servir de ces nouvelles passerelles numériques pour faire parler d’elle. Ainsi se servant des nouvelles tendances et ayant analysé le comportement de la classe d’âge concernée (18-30 ans), le ministère de la Défense tente désespérément d’investir les réseaux sociaux afin d’occuper le champ de bataille médiatique pour faire parler de lui et tenter de recruter. / In 1196, the President of the French republic, Jacques Chirac suspends the military service. This action has for consequences to cut definitely the link between French army and the youth. Ever since the French army search a way for recruit young people. The ministry of defense has a bad reputation and suffers of a stereotypical image. For sort out of this deficit of renown the French army decide to use the digital tools for speak at the youth. Nowadays the young people can live without smartphone, internet or Facebook. For that the French ministry of Defense tries to invade the mediatized battlefield.
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"En av de stora drakarna" : En netnografisk studie om kundlojalitet hos researrangörer på FacebookHallberg, Fredrika, Palm, Jacob, Mrridol Waliullah, Shan January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka följares attityder mot Ving, TUI och Apollos inlägg på Facebook och hur de tolkas utifrån kundlojalitet och e-lojalitet. Det undersöks även hur researrangörer uttrycker lojalitet via deras facebooksida. Kundlojalitet baseras på Olivers (1999) teori och e-lojalitet baseras på “8C’s” som har tagits fram av Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). Studien grundar sig i en netnografisk analys för att få en översikt och grundläggande kunskaper om researrangörernas kommunikation på Facebook. Analysen visar att de inlägg som publiceras har skillnader och likheter när det gäller den typ av lojalitet som researrangörerna uttrycker. TUI och Apollo fokuserar mest på konativ lojalitet till skillnad från Ving som fokuserar på affektiv lojalitet. Studien baseras även på semistrukturerade intervjuer vilket anses lämpligt för att få djupare förståelse. Teorierna tillämpas genom en mängd frågor som ställs till respondenterna under intervjuerna. Det framkommer att följarnas attityder gentemot Apollo verkar annorlunda till skillnad från attityderna mot Ving och TUI. När det gäller e-lojalitet verkar Ving och TUI uppfylla flera av de "8C" baserat på följarnas attityder. Apollo har inte visat sig lika starka på den fronten. Denna studie visar liknande resultat som tidigare forskning men de överensstämmer inte helt i alla aspekter. / The purpose of this study is to examine the follower's attitudes towards Ving, TUI and Apollos posts on Facebook and how they are interpreted based on the customer loyalty and e-loyalty. It also examines how the tour operators express loyalty through their facebookpage. The customer loyalty are based on Oliver’s (1999) theory and e-loyalty is based on the “8C’s” that have been developed by Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). The study is based on a netnographic analysis to get an overview and basic knowledge of the tour operators communication on Facebook. The analysis shows that the posts have differences and similarities in terms of loyalty to the tour operators’ words. TUI and Apollo mostly focus on the conative loyalty, unlike Ving where the focus is on affective loyalty. The study is also based on semistructured interviews which is appropriate in order to gain a deeper understanding. The theories are applied through a variety of questions that have been asked to the respondents during their interviews. It appears that customers' attitudes towards Apollo appear to be different from the attitudes towards Ving and TUI. About e-loyalty, Ving and TUI seem to fulfill several of the "8C’s" based on the customers attitudes. Apollo has not proved that they are as strong as the other two. This study shows a similar result as the previous studies but they don't fully agree in all aspects.
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Favorable Opportunity Structures for Populist Communication: Comparing Different Types of Politicians and Issues in Social Media, Television and the PressErnst, Nicole, Esser, Frank, Blassnig, Sina, Engesser, Sven 19 May 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore favorable opportunity structures for populist communication of politicians in Western democracies. We analyze the content and style of 2,517 statements from 103 politicians from six countries (France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States) who differ in their party affiliation (populist versus nonpopulist) and hierarchical position (backbencher vs. frontbencher). To learn more about their media strategies and chances of success, we investigate four communication channels (Facebook, Twitter, talk shows, and news media) that systematically differ in their degree of journalistic intervention and examine fourteen often-raised topics that differ in their suitability for populist mobilization. Our content analysis shows the highest probability of populist communication comes from (1) members of populist parties and (2) backbenchers who address (3) mobilizable issues in (4) social media or newspaper articles. We conclude by explaining why populists have become so successful in getting their messages into newspapers.
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Death of the Artist : En kulturanalys av digitalt sörjande över avlidna musiker / Death of the Artist : A cultural analysis of digital mourning of deceased musiciansWikström, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Showing grief and loss over deceased musicians is something people have been doing on forums and online webshrines since home computers and the internet became part of our daily lives. Studies of this phenomenon have shown that grievers did so as a process of being in a state of disenfranchised grief, meaning that their grief wasn’t seen as legitimate or genuine, since they didn’t have a personal relationship with the deceased musician. Grief on the internet as an unidentifiable avatar on forums and shrines was a possibility many took hold of. Since the entrance of social media however, this notion of keeping grief over famous musicians (or other celebrities) private have changed. Whenever a famous person dies it is hard to miss Facebook statuses and comments written in sorrow and grief. This essay studies grief ridden comments on three different deceased musicians official Facebook profiles, how they are written, how personal they are, and how they relate to the musician. The essay also gets into a discussion how other users in grief effects the expressions of grief and how the medium and infrastructure of Facebook itself is contributing to the expressions.
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Har du också bunkrat upp med 40pack toalettpapper? : En topikanalys av kommunikationen i kommentarsfältet på SVT Nyheters Facebooksida under krisSäflund, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Social media has changed how we the communicate, especially in the political sphere and in time of crisis. This thesis will explore this change by studying comment sections on Facebook during the spread of the disease covid-19, with the aim to understand how ideologies are spread and to who. The material used are comments on posts with links to news regarding the Swedish government’s handling of the spread of the virus published on SVT Nyheter´s Facebook page. The purpose is to answer what points, grounds and operations of discussion is to be found in the material and whom does the communication target? To do so the thesis uses a theoretical and methodological framework of Edwin Black´s the second persona and Maria Wolrath Söderberg´s topoi as meaning makers as well as her topoi analysis. The conclusion of the analysis of the material is that ideological influence and convincing is used in social media during the time of a crisis with two specific targets: to legitimize the values with and for like-minded and to convince undecided about the correct values by expressing their own and by diminishing others.
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Vliv sociálních médií a hyperkonektivity na akademickou produktivitu a výkonnost studentů / The influence of social media and hyperconnectivity on student academic productivity and performanceAltalová, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this thesis is to analyze, how exactly the constant connectivity, social media activity, and online presence influences productivity and performance of university students, presumably also their grades. The data used in the analysis and my practical part were collected from a questionnaire translated by me, the source of which was a study created in 2016 (Lau, 2016). The target group of the research were students at Czech universities, regardless of the type or level of study, who actively use social media, often for communication related to their academic preparations. The subject of the research is to find out how social media influences students in their academic activities, and whether the findings that were presented in the source study can also be applied to the dataset collected for this thesis. The final result of the thesis should be mainly new knowledge from this field within the Czech university environment and possible recommendations.
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[pt] Esta dissertação analisa a interação social observada no ambiente de um grupo de mulheres dedicado à temática e experiência do parto no Facebook. Tomo como ponto de partida os relatos de parto publicados pelas participantes no grupo Parto Natural - da rede social Facebook -, utilizando técnicas etnográficas, como entrevista e observação participante. As teorias da antropologia das emoções e da microssociologia ajudaram a compreender as narrativas construídas nos - e a partir dos - relatos. Nesse ambiente, os relatos de partos publicados introduzem tópicos que são interpretados e questionados na interação que promovem, evidenciando uma complexa negociação de sentidos sobre as práticas e valores que envolvem o evento do nascimento. Os dados evidenciam que se por um lado aquele ambiente proporciona um local de expressão, acolhimento e apoio às mães que fazem a opção pelo parto natural, por outro, é também local de indicação de produtos e serviços relacionados ao tema. Apesar de serem frequentes os posicionamentos contra práticas caracterizadas como violência obstétrica e favoráveis àquelas relacionadas às práticas do parto natural, a intenção do grupo não parece ser a de fazer militância ou qualquer intervenção política, mas a de ajudar as que já estão nessa busca por meio de informações baseadas em evidências científicas e também com a troca de experiências entre as mães que já passaram pelo processo. Ou seja, almeja-se uma transformação social, mas no compasso das ações e escolhas individuais. Assim, o ambiente se caracteriza principalmente como local de encontro, acolhimento e troca de saberes entre pares. / [en] This dissertation seeks to analyze the social interactions within a group of women dedicated to discuss and share experiences regarding childbirth on Facebook. It is based on the written reports published by the members of the group Parto Natural through ethnographic techniques and participant observation. Anthropology of emotions and microsociology were the theories that have helped to understand the narratives built in – and upon – the written accounts. Within that environment, these childbirth accounts shared with the members lead to a variety of topics that are interpreted and scrutinized as an ongoing accomplishment, which highlights a complex structure about the practices and values connected to the event of birth. Data collected show that aside being an environment in which those mothers can express themselves, find acceptance and support from other women that has chosen for the natural birth, it can also be a place where they can find recommendations on services and products from other members. Despite comments against practices that could be seen as obstetric violence and in favor of the natural delivery, the group s main goal doesnt seem to be activism or any other political intervention, but to assist the ones that are seeking for it by sharing information based on scientific knowledge and by the exchange of experiences between women that went through that already. In short, it is their intention to contribute with social transformation, but bounded to individual decisions and actions. In this sense, the group consists mainly as a gathering point, to offer support and enable the exchange of knowledge between members.
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