Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FACEBOOK"" "subject:"[enn] FACEBOOK""
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Desenvolvimento de sequência didática para a produção textual escrita do gênero artigo de opinião na rede social facebookFrancis Mari Ribeiro da Silva Tavares 28 March 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento da Sequência Didática (SD) proposta pelo material do aluno do caderno `Ensino Médio em Rede Sequência Didática Artigo de Opinião do Estado de São Paulo, envolvendo a rede social Facebook. O desenvolvimento da Sequência Didática na rede social Facebook, oportuniza ao professor o acompanhamento diário das atividades, podendo, assim, orientar o educando a qualquer momento. Este trabalho envolverá, somente, as partes que se referem à produção textual escrita do referido gênero, seguindo os descritores do Conteúdo Básico Comum (CBC) Ensino Médio Língua Portuguesa do Estado de Minas Gerais (MINAS GERAIS, 2006). O problema que motivou a pesquisa foram os resultados insatisfatórios apresentados nas redações do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio ENEM de 2012 das escolas da rede estadual de Minas Gerais e o distanciamento desses resultados com o das escolas particulares, que são bem maiores, em relação às escolas públicas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é oferecer subsídios, ao professor de Língua Portuguesa, para desenvolver uma Sequência Didática utilizando a rede social Facebook. Especificamente, objetiva-se que os professores a partir desta proposta possam desenvolver novas práticas pedagógicas utilizando as tecnologias disponíveis, contribuindo assim para a formação integral do educando. Metodologicamente, trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, na qual os dados foram analisados à luz da teoria do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo, sobretudo das concepções particularmente atribuídas a Dolz, Norerraz e Schneuwly (2004) e Bronckart (1999), dada a influência destes pesquisadores em alguns dos documentos governamentais como: Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 2000), PCN+ (BRASIL, 2002), Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio OCEM (BRASIL, 2006) e Conteúdo Básico Comum (MINAS GERAIS, 2006). / This essay shows up the development of didatic sequence (SD) proposed by the material of studant book `high school in web- didatic sequence- opinion article from the State of Sao Paulo provincy, involving the social network Facebook. The development of didatic sequence in the social network Facebook provides opportunities for the teachers to follow the daily activities, being able to, with that, oriantate the educatee at any moment. This job will involve just the section that refers to the textual production writed of the refered genre, following the descriptors of the common basic contents (CBC) - high school - portuguese language from the State of Minas Gerais (MINAS GERAIS, 2006). The issue that motivated the search were the unsatisfactory results exhibited on the writings of the nacional test of high school - ENEM of 2012, from the staduals schools of Minas Gerais and the gap among those results and the results of particular schools, which are far higher in relation to public schools. The objective of this search is to offer subsidies to the portuguese teachers in order to develop a didatic sequence using the social network Facebook. Specifically, the objective is that teachers who are following these proposals could develop new pedagogical practices making use of available technology, giving a contribution to the full formation of the educatee. Methodologically, this is a research of qualitative character, in which the data were analyzed from the Interactionism Socio Discourse theory, principally about conceptions particularly attributed to Dolz, Norerraz and Schneuwly (2004) and Bronckart (1999), given the influence of these researchers on several government documents such as: Parameters National Curriculum (BRAZIL, 2000), PCN + (BRAZIL, 2002), Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching Middle OCEM (BRAZIL, 2006) and Common Basic Contents (MINAS, 2006)
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Att dela eller inte dela, det är frågan : En undersökning om olika faktorers påverkan på attityd till datainsamling på FacebookIsraelsson, Johan, Edin, Olof January 2020 (has links)
Sweden’s Facebook users produce large amounts of data on a daily basis by sharing their personal data with the platform despite being unaware of what or who the information is used for or by. The reason for this behavior is barely touched in previous research, therefore this quantitative study’s aim is to investigate factors influencing the attitude Facebook users in Sweden have towards sharing data. Beyond this the study also aims to investigate if there’s any difference in factors affecting the attitude between a generation which has grown up surrounded by technology and a generation without the same presence of technology in their upbringing. The study uses a modified version of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) created by inspiration from previous research by related research. The constructs Previous privacy invasion, Awareness, Perceived risk and Social influence were added to the original TAM and used as a theoretical model for the study. 189 responses were gathered through an online-survey. The answers were analyzed with the multivariate analysis method Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The method was used to evaluate the hypothesis in the modified model and in turn to answer the research questions posed by the study. After the results shows that the attitude towards sharing data on Facebook's services is affected by perceived risk, social influences from others as well as the useability and perceived ease of use. Furthermore the results show that there are different factors affecting the attitude towards sharing data on Facebook's services among people that have grown up with technology and those that haven't. None of the significant factors in the model were the same for the compared generation. The older generation’s attitude towards sharing data was affected by social influences and perceived ease of use and the younger generation was affected by useability. / Facebooks användare i Sverige genererar stora mängder data varje dag genom att dela med sig av information till plattformen. Användarna delar med sig av denna information trots att många av dem inte vet vad den används till eller vilka som kan ta del av den. Om det finns en eller flera specifika anledningar till varför användarna trots detta fortsätter att använda och således dela information på Facebooks tjänster är okänt. Denna kvantitativa studie har som syfte att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar Facebook-användares attityd till att dela information. Studien syftar även till att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad i vad som påverkar attityden hos en generation uppvuxen med teknologi och en äldre generation som inte vuxit upp med samma närvaro av teknologi. Studien använder en version av Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) som modifierats med inspiration hämtad från tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet för attityd och beteende relaterat till informationssytem. Konstrukten Tidigare integritetsintrång, Kännedom, Upplevd oro och Socialt inflytande har adderats till TAM:s teoretiska grund. i studien används en undersökningsstrategi där 189 svar samlades in från respondenter via en enkätundersökning. Svaren analyserades med multivariatanalysmetoden Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) för att undersöka hypoteserna från den modifierade TAM samt svara på forskningsfrågorna. När samtliga svar från studien analyserats visade resultatet att attityd till datainsamling påverkas av upplevd oro, socialt inflytande från andra samt det sociala mediets nytta och användbarhet. Dessutom visade resultatet att det finns olika faktorer som påverkar attityden hos den yngre och den äldre gruppen. I studien var ingen av de faktorer som var signifikanta för den äldre gruppen signifikanta för den yngre gruppen och vice versa. För den äldre gruppen var socialt inflytande och nytta faktorer som påverkade deras attityd till datainsamling på Facebooks tjänster och för den yngre var den upplevda användbarheten något som påverkade deras attityd till datainsamling.
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Promoción de ventas en redes sociales de marcas de ropa urbana en relación a la decisión de compra offline dirigida a jóvenes entre 18 a 24 años de edad del NSE AB de la zona 7 que residan en Lima Metropolitana / Promotion of sales in social network of urban clothing brands in relation to the offline purchase decision aimed at young people between 18 and 24 years of age of the NSE AB of zone 7 residing in Metropolitan LimaFlores-Araoz Zamalloa, María José 20 June 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como propósito encontrar la relación entre las promociones online a través de Instagram, Facebook y mailing en su relación con la intención de compra en el entorno offline. Para ello, se realizó un análisis mixto de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo. Con respecto al análisis cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas a expertos y un focus group al target. También se realizó un análisis cuantitativo bivariado a través de correlaciones mediante encuestas a 150 mujeres jóvenes entre 18 a 24 años, los datos fueron procesados utilizando un análisis de correlaciones. Como resultado se obtuvo que existe una relación más fuerte entre Instagram y la intención de compra y, en el caso de Facebook esta es más débil. Con respecto a la plataforma mailing se encontró que no existe relación con la intención de compra.
Dichos resultados son de utilidad para el sector estudiado debido a que se ha podido conocer la opinión sobre qué tipo de red social es la más utilizada. De esta forma, las empresas deberían de comunicar sólo en redes sociales como Facebook e Instagram y descartar otras herramientas que son secundarias para el target, porque aparentemente las mujeres jóvenes no esperan este tipo de información como son las promociones de venta vía mailing. / The purpose of this research is to find the relationship between online promotions through Instagram, Facebook and mailing in relation to the purchase intention in the offline environment. For this, a mixed analysis of qualitative and quantitative character was carried out. With respect to the qualitative analysis, expert interviews and a focus group were conducted on the target. A bivariate quantitative analysis was also carried out through correlations through surveys to 150 young women between 18 and 24 years old, the results were analyzed using correlation analysis. From this, it has been found that there is a stronger relationship on Instagram than on Facebook with the purchase intention, in the case of the mailing it was found that there is no relationship with the purchase intention.
These results are useful for the sector studied because it has been possible to know the opinion on what type of social network is the most used. In this way, companies should only communicate on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram and discard other tools that are secondary to the target, because apparently young women do not expect this type of information such as sales promotions via mailing. / Trabajo de investigación
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Heja Livet – en medvetenhetshöjande grupp där det personliga är politisktSeow, Nathalie, Hallgren, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
Vilka erfarenheter har enskilda medlemmar av den svenska separatistiska facebookgruppen Heja Livet? Ur ett feministiskt perspektiv har vi genomfört kvalitativa personliga intervjuer vilket gav ett resultat som visar att gruppen bidrar med något betydelsefullt. Det personliga är politiskt och genom att ta del av andras berättelser kan enskilda kvinnor få ett högre feministiskt medvetande som kan bidra till feministiska handlingar. Det visar sig också att gruppen kan fungera som ett stöd i olika frågor för enskilda kvinnor i deras vardag. Vi presenterar ett teoretiskt resultat, omdefinierar innebörden av ett högre feministisk medvetande och argumenterar för att Heja Livet kan ses som en medvetenhetshöjande grupp. Faktumet att de flesta av våra intervjupersoner inte delar med sig av sina erfarenheter i facebookgruppen hotar dock konstruktionen av Heja Livet som en subalternativ offentlighet som utmanar dominerande offentligheter. Den vita medelklass cis-kvinnan är idealet i gruppen och det bristande intersektionella perspektivet gör att vi kritiserar Heja Livet som ett ett lyckat feministiskt projekt. / What experiences do individual members have of the Swedish separatist Facebook group Heja Livet? We have conducted qualitative personal interviews from a feminist perspective and have come to the conclusion that the group is contributing with something meaningful. The personal is political and by reading other women’s stories, individual women can achieve a higher feminist consciousness which can contribute to feminist actions. Another finding is that the group can also function as a support in different matters for individual women in their everyday lives. We are presenting a theoretical result, we redefine the meaning of a higher feminist consciousness and argue that Heja Livet can be seen as a consciousness raising group. The fact that most of the interviewed did not share their own experiences in Heja Livet, threatens the construction of the group as a subaltern counterpublic that challenges dominant publics. The white middle class cis-woman is the norm in Heja Livet and we criticize it for not being a successful feminist project because of the lack of an intersectional perspective.
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Percepción de jóvenes limeños sobre la comunicación de los servicios policiales brindados en FacebookMendoza Curasi, Damaris Maryori, Vasquez Peña, Miguel Arturo 27 November 2020 (has links)
El uso de redes sociales es una herramienta que ha despertado el interés de muchas instituciones públicas porque pueden ser utilizadas como un vehículo de comunicación para un público que busca estar actualizado a las tendencias digitales como son los jóvenes. La presente investigación cualitativa busca determinar la percepción de jóvenes limeños sobre la comunicación de los servicios policiales brindados en Facebook. Por ello, se entrevistó a 10 jóvenes entre los 18 a 28 años que vivan en Lima Metropolitana y 5 miembros del equipo que gestiona las redes sociales de la institución policial. Las conclusiones más resaltantes son que los jóvenes no perciben que la institución policial esté difundiendo estos servicios correctamente en su fanpage. Ellos no recuerdan los mensajes de las publicaciones, pues estos no son explícitos; tan solo rememoran el aspecto visual de las mismas. Frente al contexto de la COVID-19, durante la cual se desarrolló la presente investigación, la entidad policial tuvo la necesidad de cambiar sus contenidos humorísticos por concientizadores y preventivos en su página de Facebook. No obstante, los jóvenes no percibieron este cambio en los contenidos, pero sí son conscientes de que estos se enfocan ahora en temas relacionados a la pandemia. / The use of social networks is a tool that has aroused the interest of many public institutions because they can be used as a communication vehicle for a public that seeks to be updated to digital trends such as young people. This qualitative research seeks to determine the perception that young people from Lima have about the police services reported by the National Police of Peru on its Facebook page. Therefore, 10 young people between the ages of 18 and 28 who also live in Metropolitan Lima and 5 members of the team that manage the social networks of the police institution were interviewed. The most striking conclusions are that the perceptions of young people regarding the content about police services published on Facebook did not perceive that the police institution is disseminating these services correctly. They do not remember the messages of the publications, as these are not explicit; they only recall the visual aspect of them. Faced with the context of COVID-19, during which this investigation was developed, the police entity had the need to change its humorous content for awareness-raising and preventive on its Facebook page. However, the young people did not perceive this change in the content, but they are aware that they are now focusing on issues related to COVID-19. / Tesis
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Tyvärr, det blir ingen festival i år : En analys av festivalarrangörers kriskommunikation och dess respons på Facebook under covid-19 pandemin / Sorry, there will not be any festival this year : A research about festival organizers crisis communication and their response on Facebook during covid-19 pandemicMauvais, Alexandre, Samuelsson, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Studien undersöker fall av kriskommunikation på sociala medier och dess respons under covid-19 pandemin. Syftet är att få djupare förståelse för kriskommunikation på sociala medier under en pandemi. Fallen som analyseras är musikfestivalsarrangörer som ställt in sina event på grund av pandemin och använt sig av Facebook för att informera sina kunder om krisen. Responsen som analyseras är kommentarerna till arrangörernas Facebookinlägg om inställt event. Studiens ramverk bygger på Timothy Coombs Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT). Både en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har använts. Den kvalitativa analysen grundar sig i retoriken och undersöker arrangörernas användning av retorikens olika appeller samt hur de ställer sig till krisen i deras Facebookinlägg. Den kvantitativa analysen undersöker hur informationen har bemötts av deras kunder. Både teorin SCCT och retoriken används för att kartlägga arrangörernas val av krisstrategier. Arrangörerna som undersökts är: Ultra Music Festival (UMF), Roskilde Festival (RF) och Tomorrowland (TL). De frågor som besvaras i studien är: 1. Vilken respons får arrangörerna på Facebook? 2. Hur kommunicerar arrangörerna om krisen på Facebook? och 3. På vilket sätt skiljer sig kommunikationen? Resultatet av den kvalitativa studien visar hur arrangörernas kriskommunikation skiljer sig i deras typ av svar och hur de ställer sig till krisen. UMF:s kommunikation uppvisar det Coombs (2015, s.146) klassificerar som en förminskande och förnekande ställning medan RF och TL uppvisar mer en återuppbyggande och stärkande ställning. Informationsrika meddelanden om vilka åtgärder som arrangörerna vidtagit som svar på krisen, särskilt om ekonomisk ersättning, tillsammans med användningen av känslosamma appeller vid återupprepade tillfällen, har bemötts av övervägande positiv respons. Även tidpunkten då festivalerna gått ut med information om de inställda eventen visade sig vara av betydelse för responsen. Resultat från den kvantitativa analysen visar att reaktionerna på RF:s och TL:s inlägg har varit betydligt mer positiva än UMF:s. / The purpose of this case study is to gain a deeper understanding of crisis communication on social media during a pandemic. It is achieved by analyzing organizational crisis communication on social media and the response to it during the covid-19 pandemic. A special focus is placed on music festivals which had to cancel their events as a direct effect of the pandemic, and which communicated their crisis measures on their official Facebook sites. Timothy Coombs’ Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) provides the study’s theoretical framework. The methodological framework consists of a qualitative as well as a quantitative approach, more precisely a rhetorical and a quantitative analysis. The rhetorical analysis is used to examine the music festivals’ Facebook posts, while the quantitative analysis examines stakeholder’s response to these posts. Both theory and method are used to map out the music festival organizers’ choice of crisis response strategies. Three organizers are being analyzed throughout the course of the study: Ultra Music Festival (UMF), Roskilde Festival (RF) and Tomorrowland (TL). The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What kind of response do the organizers get on their Facebook posts? 2. How do the organizers communicate about the crisis on Facebook? 3. In what way does the communication differ from one organization to the other? Results show that the three organizers have used different crisis response strategies and confront the crisis in different ways. UMF’s communication shows what Coombs (2015, s.146) defines as diminishing and denying crisis response strategies, while RF’s and TL’s communication manifests more rebuilding and bolstering crisis response strategies. The rhetorical analysis shows that RF and TL used persuasive audience appeals, such as pathos and ethos, to a much greater extent than UMF. The wide use of these appeals together with detailed informative messages about the measures taken by the organizer’s in response to the crisis, especially economic ones regarding reimbursements and ticket-validity, played a significant role in the public's reaction to the messages. The aspect of time in which the organizer’s posted their crisis messages in relation to the development of the covid-19 pandemic has affected the public’s response as well. The quantitative analysis reveals that publics reactions were more positive to the posts made by RF and TL than to the one made by UMF.
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Informační chování žáků 8. a 9. tříd ve vztahu k ochraně vlastního soukromí na sociálních sítích / Information behavior of 8th and 9th grade pupils in relation to the protection of their own privacy on social networksFilipová, Helena January 2021 (has links)
i Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the information behavior of the pupils in the 8th and 9th grades of primary schools in relation to the protection of their own privacy on the social networks Facebook and Instagram. The aim of the work is to find out: - how pupils are interested in the issue of protecting their privacy on these networks and where they get this information from (parents, school), - if they are aware of the associated risks and how they take them into account in their behavior, - whether they know the tools available to them on these networks, - how the above affects their manners on selected social networks in terms of content and form of shared information. The theoretical part of the thesis deals mainly with the characteristics of selected social networks Facebook and Instagram in terms of privacy protection against possible threats. The practical part presents the results of quantitative research, which was carried out in the form of a questionnaire among 8th and 9th grade elementary school students.
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Det är inte publiken, det är retoriken! : En kvalitativ studie om retoriken på Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladets Facebook-sidorLarsson, Angelicca, Magnusson, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
This study has analysed how the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet are using rhetorical instruments in their Facebook posts. To examine this, 50 posts from each newspaper has been chosen based on the number of interactions. The posts were divided into three parts: text, image and headline and have been analysed separately. Initially the images were analysed semiotics to make it possible to analyse all three parts by the neo-classical analysis model. This has been investigated for the reason to find out if the convergence has had an impact on the language Swedish newspapers are using on Facebook. This study has four issues: how is the rhetorical appeals used in the Facebook posts? How is the stylistic devices used in the Facebook posts? What rhetorical patterns are possible to identify by the analysed material? And how can these patterns be interpreted in the context of convergence theory? This study is based on theories about rhetoric, semiotic and convergence. The results of the study show that the convergence has contributed to how Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet have adapted the language to the changed media landscape on the internet that is increasingly based on emotions. Using emotions, the newspapers can make the audience interact. / Denna uppsats har undersökt hur dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet för sig retoriskt på sina Facebook-sidor. För att ta reda på detta har 50 inlägg från respektive tidning valts ut utifrån antalet interaktioner. Inläggen har delats upp i tre delar: inläggstext, bild och rubrik och dessa har analyserats var för sig. Till en början analyserades bilderna semiotiskt för att sedan analysera de tre delarna retoriskt enligt den neo-klassiska analysmodellen. Detta har undersökts för att ta reda på om och hur konvergensen påverkar hur traditionella medier för sig språkligt på Facebook. Undersökningen har fyra frågeställningar: hur används retoriska argumentationsmedel i Facebook-inläggen? Hur används retoriska stilfigurer i Facebook-inläggen? Vilka retoriska mönster kan urskiljas i det analyserade materialet? Samt hur kan dessa mönster tolkas i samband med konvergensteorin? Denna undersökning utgår från teorier om retorik, semiotik och konvergens. Resultatet visar att konvergensen har bidragit till hur Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet har anpassat språket efter det förändrade medielandskapet på internet som i allt större utsträckning blir alltmer känslobaserat. Genom att tidningarna på olika sätt uttrycker sig känslomässigt lockar det till att publiken interagerar med innehållet.
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Kriskommunikation i sociala medier : En fallstudie av skogsbranden i Pålgård sommaren 2018Andersson, Annica January 2019 (has links)
Nowadays many people get together in social networks, which is also a place where you seek information about current events. It’s possible to ask questions and communicate in real time which can be useful in case of crisis. Content in social network is generated by users which also could make it a place for spreading of rumors. The purpose of this work was to investigate the use of social networks and its importance and limitations during the different phases of a crisis. The research was a case study where The use of social networks during the wildfires in Pålgård in the summer of 2018 was investigated. Data collection was performed by interviews, documentary research of social networks and background information. The interviewees’ respondents have been appointed through exploratory selection. Four respondents represent different actors who collaborated during the forest fire in Pålgård 2018. One of the respondents administers a Facebook group that was frequently used during the event. The last respondent is a private person who is also the station manager’s siblings. This respondent initially helped the sibling to coordinate volunteer efforts in the abovementioned Facebook group. Social media has a great potential when it comes to reaching out to many in a short time. Regarding the forest fire in Pålgård, Facebook has primarily been used to share information, coordinate efforts, offer help and questions. Even traditional media uses their Facebook channels to share their news. In order to avoid speculation and misunderstanding, which can lead to rumor spread, it is of great importance that there is accurate and reliable information available to the public, and that their questions are answered. This is something social media can be used for. / Sociala medier är idag en mötesplats för många människor, och även en plats där information söks om aktuella händelser. Det är möjligt att ställa frågor och kommunicera i realtid vilket kan vara värdefullt vid en krissituation. Men innehåll i sociala medier är också användargenererat vilket kan göra det till en plats för ryktesspridning. Syftet med föreliggande arbete var att undersöka sociala mediers användning, betydelse och begränsningar för kommunikation och informationsdelning under en kris olika faser. Forskningen har bedrivits i form av en fallstudie där sociala mediers användning vid skogsbranden i Pålgård 2018 belysts. Datainsamling har skett genom intervjuer, dokumentär forskning av sociala medier och bakgrundsinformation. Intervjuernas respondenter har utsetts genom explorativt val. Fyra respondenter representerar olika aktörer som samverkade under skogsbranden i Pålgård 2018. En respondent administrerar en Facebookgrupp som användes flitigt under händelsen. Den sista respondenten är en privatperson som också är stationschefens syskon. Denna respondent hjälpte i början sitt syskon att samordna frivilliginsatser i ovannämnda Facebookgrupp. Sociala medier har en stor potential när det gäller att nå ut till många på kort tid. Beträffande skogsbranden vid Pålgård har framförallt Facebook använts till att dela med sig av information, samordna insatser, erbjuda hjälp samt ställa och besvara frågor. Även traditionell media använder sina Facebookkanaler till att dela sina nyheter. För att undvika spekulationer och missförstånd vilket i förlängningen kan leda till ryktesspridning är det av stor vikt att det finns korrekt och pålitlig information tillgänglig för allmänheten, och att frågor blir besvarade. Detta är något sociala medier med fördel kan användas till.
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Goffman jako framework pro analýzu sociálních interakcí na sociálních sítích / Goffman as a Framework for Analysis of Social Interactions in Social NetworksMerunková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
fman's theory in order to investigate how book features Goffman's two principal performative - First section of the thesis introduces Goffman's theory and frames the phenomenon of social provides a qualitative content analysis of 50 Facebook "profiles" and 733
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