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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agente aprende em prosa sobre febre maculosa: uma experiência da região metropolitana de São Paulo / Learning in prose on spotted fever: an experience of the metropolitan region of São Paulo

Costa, Cristina Sabbo da 18 October 2018 (has links)
A Febre Maculosa Brasileira (FMB) é uma doença aguda, transmitida por carrapatos, com curso variável, que pode ocorrer com formas leves e atípicas, até formas graves, com alta taxa de letalidade. A dificuldade no diagnóstico oportuno por deficiência no envolvimento dos profissionais de saúde e ausência de esclarecimentos da população, em áreas de transmissão, é uma das causas desta alta letalidade. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) situada em área de relevância epidemiológica para FMB, com incidências recorrentes de casos e óbitos no município de São Bernardo do Campo na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. O objetivo principal do estudo foi implantar e analisar uma proposta de intervenção educativa participativa em saúde e ambiente envolvendo a equipe de agentes comunitários de saúde com a temática de vigilância da FMB em uma área de transmissão visando a produção de novos saberes para o enfrentamento da doença na região. O método de pesquisa qualitativa utilizado seguiu a linha da pesquisa participante, a pesquisa-ação, com uso de instrumentos como entrevistas, rodas de conversa, oficinas de planejamento, mapas falantes, painéis, fotos, filmagens e observação participante. O processo saúde doença da FMB na região serviu de tema norteador além de outros como educação em saúde e ambiente, e o planejamento educativo. O processo de aprendizagem vivenciado pelos profissionais de saúde foi avaliado positivamente, demonstrando que houve sensibilização, diálogo, reflexão e decisão conjunta nos vários momentos proporcionados pelas oficinas pedagógicas. As atividades realizadas promoveram oportunidades para os agentes conduzirem e organizarem suas próprias tarefas e os momentos de planejamento das ações foram relevantes, e inovadores; além de outras demonstrações de envolvimento como a recomendação de ampliação para outros temas e para outras localidades, evidenciando satisfação e acolhimento da proposta, embora também aponte para a preocupação com a temática na região e a necessidade em ampliar as discussões. A pesquisa participante mostrou-se extremamente adequada para a interação do grupo estimulando o interesse por buscar soluções aos problemas levantados gerando nos profissionais um sentimento de empoderamento. Estes resultados indicam que estas metodologias podem ser incorporadas aos programas de vigilância de outras doenças com o objetivo de melhorar o envolvimento dos agentes comunitários de saúde nos planos de ações educativas nas localidades onde atuam. / Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is an acute disease, transmitted by ticks, with a variable course, which can occur with mild and atypical forms, to severe forms, with a high lethality rate. The difficulty in the opportune diagnosis due to the deficiency in involvement of health professionals and the lack of clarification of the population in transmission areas is one of the causes of this high lethality. This study was developed in a Basic Health Unit located in an area of epidemiological relevance for FMB, with recurrent incidence of cases and deaths in the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The main objective of the study was to establish and analyze a proposal for participatory educational intervention in health and environment involving the team of community health professionals with the theme of FMB surveillance in a transmission area aiming at the production of new knowledge for coping with the disease in the region. The qualitative research method used was participatory research or action research, with use of planning workshops, wheels of conversation, interviews, talking maps, panels, photos, filming and participant observation. The disease health process of the BSF in the region served as a guiding theme besides others such as education in health and environment, and educational planning. The learning process experienced by health professionals was evaluated positively, demonstrating that there was awareness, dialogue, reflection and joint decision in the various moments provided by the pedagogical workshops. The activities carried out provided opportunities for the agents to conduct and organize their own tasks and the moments of action planning were relevant and innovative; as well as other demonstrations of involvement such as the recommendation for extension to other themes and other locations, showing satisfaction and acceptance of the proposal, although it also points to the concern with the theme in the region and the need to broaden the discussions. The participant research method proved to be extremely suitable for the group\'s interaction, stimulating interest in seeking solutions to the problems raised, generating a feeling of empowerment for these professionals. These results indicate that these methodologies can be incorporated into surveillance programs for other diseases with the aim of improving the involvement of community health professionals in educational plans in the places where they operate.

A identificação do mosquito como agente da transmissão da febre amarela e o reflexo nas ações determinadas pelo serviço sanitário do estado de São Paulo no início do Século XX

Ortiz, Carlos Eduardo 14 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Eduardo Ortiz.pdf: 1201912 bytes, checksum: 5917e66b49431e30456c3876f61d0b69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-14 / Yellow fever a disease before limited only the region of the coast after in São Paulo and after 1889 leaves the city of Santos and reaches regions of the inside of the State of São Paulo, becoming for doctorsand authorities a still bigger problem, for not restricted to the sick person, but also causing problems of social and economic order. The epidemics of the disease had taken immigration restrictions, affecting the trade of the regions and starting a panicof local populations where it revealed. In this thesis official documents were studied and medical publications, with the objective to identify the epidemics of yellow fever that had reached São Paulo close to the turn of century 19th for the 20th , theactions taken for its containment as well as in that were based such actions. Recommended actions for its containment initially were based on the hygiene presuppositions and had remained up to 1901. With settlement of the function of mosquito in the transmission of disease, the Sanitary Service of São Paulo, under direction of Emilio Marcondes Ribas, centers around its actions in the extermination of insect as form to tackle yellow fever, as explained further Sanitary Instructions published in 1903. This research allowed to verify as Emilio Ribas is going to constitute base of sanitary measures that had contained yellow fever in São Paulo / A febre amarela, uma doença antes restrita apenas à região de litoral, atinge São Paulo, após 1889, deixando a cidade de Santos para atingir regiões do interior do Estado, tornando-se, para médicos e autoridades, um problema ainda maior, por não se restringir ao doente, mas também causar problemas de ordem social e econômica. As epidemias da doença levaram à restrições de imigração, afetando o comércio das regiões e provocando pânico nas populações locais onde ela se manifestava. Nesta tese, foram estudados documentos oficiais e publicações médicas com o objetivo de identificar as epidemias de febre amarela que atingiram São Paulo próximo da virada do século XIX para o XX, as ações tomadas para sua contenção, assim como compreenderem que se baseavam tais ações. As ações recomendadas para a sua contenção estavam, inicialmente, baseadas nos pressupostos de higiene e assim permaneceram até 1901. Com o estabelecimento do papel do mosquito na transmissão da doença, o Serviço Sanitário de São Paulo, sob a direção de Emilio Marcondes Ribas, centra suas ações no extermínio do inseto como forma de debelar a febre amarela, conforme exposto nas novas Instruções Sanitárias, publicadas em 1903. Esta pesquisa permitiu verificar como Emilio Ribas vai constituindo a base de medidas sanitárias que contiveram a febre amarela em São Paulo

Epidemia midiática de febre amarela: desdobramentos e aprendizados de uma crise de comunicação na saúde pública brasileira / Epidemic media of yellow fever: consequentes and lessons of a communication crisis in the Brazilian public health

Claudia Malinverni 17 May 2016 (has links)
No verão 2007-2008, o Brasil registrou uma epidemia midiática de febre amarela, produzida a partir da cobertura jornalística da forma silvestre da doença, que, de acordo com a autoridade sanitária e a maioria dos especialistas, estava dentro da normalidade epidemiológica. Assentado fortemente em repertórios de risco em saúde, o noticiário deslocou discursivamente o evento de sua forma silvestre, espacialmente restrita e de gravidade limitada, para a urbana, de caráter epidêmico e potencialmente mais grave. Os sentidos produzidos pela mídia impactaram todo o sistema nacional de imunização e expôs a riscos desnecessários pessoas que se vacinaram contra a febre amarela incentivadas pelo discurso jornalístico e contrariando as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde, o que levou a quatro óbitos por vírus vacinal. Ancorada nos referenciais teórico-metodológicos dos estudos de comunicação e saúde, com ênfase na teoria social da mídia, especificamente em sua vertente jornalística, e das práticas discursivas e produção de sentidos no cotidiano, esta tese buscou compreender o processo de produção dessa epidemia midiática e alguns de seus desdobramentos no cotidiano dos atores envolvidos no fenômeno (gestores e profissionais de saúde; profissionais de imprensa e usuários dos serviços de imunização). Para tanto, foram realizadas análises de documentos de domínio público (textos jornalísticos e comunicações ministeriais) e 14 entrevistas com atores envolvidos diretamente no/pelo noticiário (gestores; profissionais de saúde; assessores imprensa; jornalistas da imprensa generalista; e usuários vacinados). A análise foi feita sob quatro grandes eixos temáticos: o processo de produção da narrativa, o uso de repertórios de risco, a fabulação da vacina e a tradução do conhecimento técnico-científico. Concluiu-se que a epidemia midiática foi sobretudo resultado do modo de produção da notícia (newsmaking), tendo sido, ao longo de toda a cobertura, atravessada fortemente por duas forças ideológicas (a da objetividade e a do profissionalismo), em um esforço jornalístico para configurar a narrativa como espelho de uma realidade epidêmica inexistente. O modelo oligopolista de comunicação do país e as falhas nas estratégias de resposta do governo também contribuíram para a produção da epidemia midiática de febre amarela. Entendido como uma crise sem precedentes, o fenômeno é avaliado como uma oportunidade de abrir o debate sobre as relações entre a imprensa generalista e a saúde coletiva brasileira, sobretudo na perspectiva da construção de uma política pública de comunicação específica e contra-hegemônica para o Sistema Único de Saúde. / In the summer of 2007-2008, Brazil registered a \"media epidemic\" of yellow fever, produced from the media coverage of the wild form of the disease, which, according to health authorities and experts, was within the expected epidemiological patterns. Strongly seated in repertoires of health risk, the news shifted the event from its wild form, spatially restricted and limited risk to the urban form, with its epidemic character and potentially more serious. The meanings produced by the media impact throughout the national immunization system and exposed to unnecessary risk people who have been vaccinated against yellow fever, encouraged by the journalistic discourse and against the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, which led to four deaths from vaccine virus. Anchored in the theoretical and methodological frameworks of communication and health studies, with an emphasis on media social theory, specifically in its journalistic aspect, and discursive practices and production of meanings in everyday life, this thesis sought to understand the production process of this media epidemic and some of its developments in the daily lives of the actors involved in the phenomenon (managers and health professionals, media professionals and users of immunization services). To this end, public domain document analyzes were performed (newspaper articles and ministerial communications) and 14 interviews with actors directly involved in / with the news (managers, health professionals, press officers, journalists from the general press, and vaccinated users). The analysis was carried out under four major themes: the narrative production process, the use of risk repertoires, the fable of the vaccine and the translation of technical and scientific knowledge. It is concluded that media epidemic was primarily a result of news production mode (newsmaking), having been throughout the coverage, strongly crossed by two ideological forces (objectivity and professionalism), in an effort to set the journalistic narrative as a mirror of a nonexistent epidemic reality. The oligopolistic model of the country\'s communication and failures in government response strategies also contributed to the production of the media epidemic of yellow fever. Understood as an unprecedented crisis, the phenomenon is evaluated as an opportunity to open the debate on the relationship between the general press and the Brazilian public health, especially in a view of the construction of a public specific and counter-hegemonic communication policy to the Unified Health System (SUS).

Налаз карактеристичних патоморфолошких промена код оваца инфицираних вирусом катаралне грознице / Nalaz karakterističnih patomorfoloških promena kod ovaca inficiranih virusom kataralne groznice / Finding characteristic pathomorphological changes in sheep infected with catarrhal fever

Pejović Nikola 06 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Вирус катаралне грознице оваца наноси велике штете сточарској производњи због чега су правовремено препознавање болести и брза дијагноза есенцијални предуслови за адекватну реакцију ветеринарске службе. Из тих разлога, предмет ове докторске дисертације су анализе патолошких и хистолошких промена код животиња, серолошких и молекуларних метода потребних за идентификацију и ближу карактеризацију узрочника што је од примарног значаја за ефективност предузетих мера у борби против катаралне грознице оваца.<br />Серолошки, током активног надзора, пргледано је 944 узорка крвног серума оваца и 953 узорка крвног серума говеда, а потом, током пасивног надзора, 114 узорака крвног серума говеда, 302 узорка крвног серума оваца и 22 узорка крвног серума коза. Коришћена је компетитивна имуноензимска ELISA метода, којом је доказано присуство специфичних антитела код говеда, оваца и коза. Из пуне крви серопозитивних јединки, ланчаном реакцијом полимеразе уз коришћење Pan-BTV rRT-PCR протокола заснованог на публикацији Toussiant и сар., (2007) је доказано присуство секвенце вирусне РНК. У случају позитивних резултата спроведена је и конвенционална PCR метода, употребом One step PCR кита, уз коришћење два пара прајмера за серотип BTV-4 чиме је доказано да је овај серотип узрочник обољења у Црној Гори. Секвенцирањем и филогенетском анализом изолата утврђено је да припада западном топотипу BTV-4 и да је сродан, готово идентичан са изолатима земаља из окружења.<br />Од 302 овце, којима је узета крв за серолошку анализу, уочене су каратеристичне макроскопске и микроскопске промене код свих угинулих од катаралне грознице оваца. Испитивањем је обухваћено 20 угинулих оваца које су претходно, током испитивања за живота, поред манифестне клиничке слике, имале позитивне резултате серолошких и молекуларних испитивања. Након угинућа, овце су обдуковане при чему су констатоване и сликане макроскопске промене те издвојена ткива за хистолошке анализе. Ткива су фиксирана у 10% пуферизованом неутралном формалину, а потом уклапљена у парафин. Парафински исечци дебљине 5 микрометара су бојени хематоксилин-еозин методом. На промењеним органима доминирају едем, хиперемија и крварења. Хистолошки се запажају интензивне хеморагичне инфилтрације свих промењених органа, а поред тога и местимични некротични процеси у срцу и језику као и периваскуларни едеми лимфних органа са израженом<br />лимфоцитном деплецијом у лимфним чворовима, слезини и тимусу.</p> / <p>Virus kataralne groznice ovaca nanosi velike štete stočarskoj proizvodnji zbog čega su pravovremeno prepoznavanje bolesti i brza dijagnoza esencijalni preduslovi za adekvatnu reakciju veterinarske službe. Iz tih razloga, predmet ove doktorske disertacije su analize patoloških i histoloških promena kod životinja, seroloških i molekularnih metoda potrebnih za identifikaciju i bližu karakterizaciju uzročnika što je od primarnog značaja za efektivnost preduzetih mera u borbi protiv kataralne groznice ovaca.<br />Serološki, tokom aktivnog nadzora, prgledano je 944 uzorka krvnog seruma ovaca i 953 uzorka krvnog seruma goveda, a potom, tokom pasivnog nadzora, 114 uzoraka krvnog seruma goveda, 302 uzorka krvnog seruma ovaca i 22 uzorka krvnog seruma koza. Korišćena je kompetitivna imunoenzimska ELISA metoda, kojom je dokazano prisustvo specifičnih antitela kod goveda, ovaca i koza. Iz pune krvi seropozitivnih jedinki, lančanom reakcijom polimeraze uz korišćenje Pan-BTV rRT-PCR protokola zasnovanog na publikaciji Toussiant i sar., (2007) je dokazano prisustvo sekvence virusne RNK. U slučaju pozitivnih rezultata sprovedena je i konvencionalna PCR metoda, upotrebom One step PCR kita, uz korišćenje dva para prajmera za serotip BTV-4 čime je dokazano da je ovaj serotip uzročnik oboljenja u Crnoj Gori. Sekvenciranjem i filogenetskom analizom izolata utvrđeno je da pripada zapadnom topotipu BTV-4 i da je srodan, gotovo identičan sa izolatima zemalja iz okruženja.<br />Od 302 ovce, kojima je uzeta krv za serološku analizu, uočene su karateristične makroskopske i mikroskopske promene kod svih uginulih od kataralne groznice ovaca. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 20 uginulih ovaca koje su prethodno, tokom ispitivanja za života, pored manifestne kliničke slike, imale pozitivne rezultate seroloških i molekularnih ispitivanja. Nakon uginuća, ovce su obdukovane pri čemu su konstatovane i slikane makroskopske promene te izdvojena tkiva za histološke analize. Tkiva su fiksirana u 10% puferizovanom neutralnom formalinu, a potom uklapljena u parafin. Parafinski isečci debljine 5 mikrometara su bojeni hematoksilin-eozin metodom. Na promenjenim organima dominiraju edem, hiperemija i krvarenja. Histološki se zapažaju intenzivne hemoragične infiltracije svih promenjenih organa, a pored toga i mestimični nekrotični procesi u srcu i jeziku kao i perivaskularni edemi limfnih organa sa izraženom<br />limfocitnom deplecijom u limfnim čvorovima, slezini i timusu.</p> / <p>The Bluetongue virus (BTV) incurs great damage to the production of livestock, due to which timely recognition of the resultant disease and rapid diagnosis are essential prerequisites for an adequate reaction by the veterinary service. For these reasons, the subject of this doctoral dissertation are the analyses of pathological and histological alterations in animals, the serological and molecular methods necessary for identifying and closely characterizing the causative agent which is of primary concern for the efficacy of the measures taken in the fight against bluetongue disease.<br />Serologically, during active surveillance, 944 samples of sheep blood serum as well as 953 samples of cattle blood serum were examined, followed by 114 samples of cattle, 302 samples of sheep and 22 samples of goat blood serum during passive surveillance. Competitive ELISA was utilized to detect the presence of specific antibodies in cattle, sheep and goats. The presence of viral RNA sequences was confirmed in whole blood samples of seropositive individuals using the Pan-BTV rRT-PCR protocol as described in Toussiant et al. (2007). In the case of positive results conventional PCR analysis was also performed, using the One Step PCR kit with two primer pairs specific to the BTV- serotype, which showed that this serotype is the cause of the disease in Montenegro. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the isolate determined that it belongs to the western topotype of BTV-4 and that it is related and practically identical to the isolates from neighbouring countries.<br />This work describes the macroscopic and microscopic changes found in sheep which died due to affliction with bluetongue disease. The study investigated a sample of 20 sheep for which premortem analysis, apart from the manifested clinical features, had confirmed positive serologic and molecular test results. The animals were dissected postmortem during which macroscopic alterations were identified and imaged, followed by tissue isolation for histological analysis. Tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections of 5&mu;m thickness were cut and stained with haematoxylin/eosin. The predominant organ changes identified included edema, hyperaemia and bleeding. Histologically intensive hemorrhagic infiltrations of all affected organs were observed as well as sporadic necrotic processes in the heart and tongue accompanied by perivascular edemas of the lymphoid organs with pronounced lymphocyte depletion within the lymph nodes,<br />spleen and thymus.</p>

Agente aprende em prosa sobre febre maculosa: uma experiência da região metropolitana de São Paulo / Learning in prose on spotted fever: an experience of the metropolitan region of São Paulo

Cristina Sabbo da Costa 18 October 2018 (has links)
A Febre Maculosa Brasileira (FMB) é uma doença aguda, transmitida por carrapatos, com curso variável, que pode ocorrer com formas leves e atípicas, até formas graves, com alta taxa de letalidade. A dificuldade no diagnóstico oportuno por deficiência no envolvimento dos profissionais de saúde e ausência de esclarecimentos da população, em áreas de transmissão, é uma das causas desta alta letalidade. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) situada em área de relevância epidemiológica para FMB, com incidências recorrentes de casos e óbitos no município de São Bernardo do Campo na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. O objetivo principal do estudo foi implantar e analisar uma proposta de intervenção educativa participativa em saúde e ambiente envolvendo a equipe de agentes comunitários de saúde com a temática de vigilância da FMB em uma área de transmissão visando a produção de novos saberes para o enfrentamento da doença na região. O método de pesquisa qualitativa utilizado seguiu a linha da pesquisa participante, a pesquisa-ação, com uso de instrumentos como entrevistas, rodas de conversa, oficinas de planejamento, mapas falantes, painéis, fotos, filmagens e observação participante. O processo saúde doença da FMB na região serviu de tema norteador além de outros como educação em saúde e ambiente, e o planejamento educativo. O processo de aprendizagem vivenciado pelos profissionais de saúde foi avaliado positivamente, demonstrando que houve sensibilização, diálogo, reflexão e decisão conjunta nos vários momentos proporcionados pelas oficinas pedagógicas. As atividades realizadas promoveram oportunidades para os agentes conduzirem e organizarem suas próprias tarefas e os momentos de planejamento das ações foram relevantes, e inovadores; além de outras demonstrações de envolvimento como a recomendação de ampliação para outros temas e para outras localidades, evidenciando satisfação e acolhimento da proposta, embora também aponte para a preocupação com a temática na região e a necessidade em ampliar as discussões. A pesquisa participante mostrou-se extremamente adequada para a interação do grupo estimulando o interesse por buscar soluções aos problemas levantados gerando nos profissionais um sentimento de empoderamento. Estes resultados indicam que estas metodologias podem ser incorporadas aos programas de vigilância de outras doenças com o objetivo de melhorar o envolvimento dos agentes comunitários de saúde nos planos de ações educativas nas localidades onde atuam. / Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is an acute disease, transmitted by ticks, with a variable course, which can occur with mild and atypical forms, to severe forms, with a high lethality rate. The difficulty in the opportune diagnosis due to the deficiency in involvement of health professionals and the lack of clarification of the population in transmission areas is one of the causes of this high lethality. This study was developed in a Basic Health Unit located in an area of epidemiological relevance for FMB, with recurrent incidence of cases and deaths in the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The main objective of the study was to establish and analyze a proposal for participatory educational intervention in health and environment involving the team of community health professionals with the theme of FMB surveillance in a transmission area aiming at the production of new knowledge for coping with the disease in the region. The qualitative research method used was participatory research or action research, with use of planning workshops, wheels of conversation, interviews, talking maps, panels, photos, filming and participant observation. The disease health process of the BSF in the region served as a guiding theme besides others such as education in health and environment, and educational planning. The learning process experienced by health professionals was evaluated positively, demonstrating that there was awareness, dialogue, reflection and joint decision in the various moments provided by the pedagogical workshops. The activities carried out provided opportunities for the agents to conduct and organize their own tasks and the moments of action planning were relevant and innovative; as well as other demonstrations of involvement such as the recommendation for extension to other themes and other locations, showing satisfaction and acceptance of the proposal, although it also points to the concern with the theme in the region and the need to broaden the discussions. The participant research method proved to be extremely suitable for the group\'s interaction, stimulating interest in seeking solutions to the problems raised, generating a feeling of empowerment for these professionals. These results indicate that these methodologies can be incorporated into surveillance programs for other diseases with the aim of improving the involvement of community health professionals in educational plans in the places where they operate.

Étude in vitro et ex vivo de la réponse des cellules dendritiques à l’infection par le virus Lassa / Ex vivo and in vitro study of dendritic cell response to Lassa virus

Schaeffer, Justine 20 November 2018 (has links)
Le virus Lassa (LASV) induit une fièvre hémorragique chez l’homme et est responsable de 3 000 à 5 000 décès par an. Aucun vaccin ou traitement efficace contre LASV n’est disponible, et les mécanismes de pathogenèse de la fièvre de Lassa sont encore mal compris. Des études chez l’homme et le primate suggèrent que la réponse interféron de type I (IFN-I) et de la réponse T sont critiques pour la survie de l’hôte. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la réponse des cellules dendritiques (DC) à LASV, car elles peuvent à la fois produire des IFN-I et induire la réponse T. Nous avons étudié les DC plasmacytoïdes (pDC), spécialisées dans la réponse IFN-I, et les DC myéloïdes (mDC), présentatrices d’antigènes. Nous avons montré que les pDC et les mDC ne sont pas productivement infectées par MOPV et LASV. Les pDC produisent des quantités importantes d’IFN-I en réponse à MOPV, mais pas à LASV. Les mDC sont activées et produisent des IFN-I en réponse à MOPV mais aussi à LASV. Cependant, seules les mDC infectées par MOPV sont capables d’activer des lymphocytes T. De plus, la présence de lymphocytes T inhibe complètement l’activation des mDC infectées par LASV. Ces différences entre les mDC infectées par MOPV et LASV dépendent de la nucléoprotéine de LASV, qui est connue pour ses propriétés immunosuppressives, mais aussi de la glycoprotéine. En résumé, nous avons obtenu des différences de réponse à l’infection par MOPV ou LASV chez les pDC et les mDC. Ces cellules pourraient avoir un rôle essentiel in vivo dans la réponse globale à LASV, et donc dans l’issue de la fièvre de Lassa / Lassa virus (LASV) is responsible for a viral haemorrhagic fever in humans and the death of 3,000 to 5,000 people every year. There is currently no vaccine or treatmentavailable against LASV, and its pathogenesis is not completely understood yet. According to studies on humans and primates, type I interferon (IFN-I) and T cell responses appear to be critical for the host. We studied the response of dendritic cells (DC) to LASV, as DC are involved in both IFN-I production and T cell activation. We compared the response of primary human DC to LASV and Mopeia virus (MOPV), which is similar to LASV, but non-pathogenic.We focused on plasmacytoid DC (pDC), specialized in IFN-I production, and myeloid DC (mDC), specialized in antigen presentation. We showed that neither pDC nor mDC were productively infected by LASV and MOPV. pDC infected with MOPV produced large amounts of IFN-I, whereas pDC infected with LASV did not. mDC produced substantial amounts of IFN-I in response to both LASV and MOPV. However, only MOPV-infected mDC were able to activate T cells. More surprisingly, coculture with T cells completely inhibited the activation of LASV-infected mDC. These differences between LASV- and MOPV-infected mDC were mostly due to LASV nucleoprotein, which has major immunosuppressive properties, but the glycoprotein was also involved. Overall, these results showed differences in pDC and mDC response to MOPV and LASV. Therefore, both pDC and mDC may be important for the global response to LASV in vivo, and play a role in the outcome of Lassa fever

Musculoskeletal Disorders among Farmers and Referents, with Special Reference to Occurence, Health Care Utilization and Etiological Factors : A Population-based Study

Holmberg, Sara January 2004 (has links)
<p><i>Objectives.</i> To study the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among farmers as compared to rural referents and to evaluate the effects of physical work exposures, psychosocial factors, lifestyle and comorbidity.</p><p><i>Material and methods.</i> A cross-sectional population-based survey of 1013 farmers and 769 matched referents was performed. Data on various symptoms, consultations and sick leave and information on primary health care and hospital admissions were obtained along with information on physical workload, psychosocial factors and lifestyle. </p><p><i>Results.</i> The farmers reported higher lifetime prevalence of symptoms from hands and forearms, low back and hips as compared to the referents. However, the farmers did not seek medical advice more often than the referents, and they reported significantly fewer sick leaves. After adjustment for the influence of physical work exposure, farmers still had a excess rate of low back pain (LBP) and hip symptoms as compared with the referents, while a lower rate of neck-shoulder symptoms was revealed. Several of the psychosocial variables were associated with LBP but the difference in LBP prevalence between farmers and referents could only be explained to some extent. LBP was associated with musculoskeletal symptoms other than LBP and with chest discomfort, dyspepsia, symptoms from mucous membranes, skin problems, work-related fever attacks, and primary care for digestive disorders. Presence of both respiratory and digestive disorders doubled the LBP prevalence.</p><p><i>Conclusions.</i> Symptoms from hips and low back were more frequent among farmers than among referents, but farmers did not seek more health care and reported fewer sick leaves than referents. Physical work exposure and psychosocial factors did not explain the differences in low back and hip symptoms between the two groups. Significant associations between LBP and digestive and respiratory disorders might indicate that these disorders may have etiological factors in common.</p>

Musculoskeletal Disorders among Farmers and Referents, with Special Reference to Occurence, Health Care Utilization and Etiological Factors : A Population-based Study

Holmberg, Sara January 2004 (has links)
Objectives. To study the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among farmers as compared to rural referents and to evaluate the effects of physical work exposures, psychosocial factors, lifestyle and comorbidity. Material and methods. A cross-sectional population-based survey of 1013 farmers and 769 matched referents was performed. Data on various symptoms, consultations and sick leave and information on primary health care and hospital admissions were obtained along with information on physical workload, psychosocial factors and lifestyle. Results. The farmers reported higher lifetime prevalence of symptoms from hands and forearms, low back and hips as compared to the referents. However, the farmers did not seek medical advice more often than the referents, and they reported significantly fewer sick leaves. After adjustment for the influence of physical work exposure, farmers still had a excess rate of low back pain (LBP) and hip symptoms as compared with the referents, while a lower rate of neck-shoulder symptoms was revealed. Several of the psychosocial variables were associated with LBP but the difference in LBP prevalence between farmers and referents could only be explained to some extent. LBP was associated with musculoskeletal symptoms other than LBP and with chest discomfort, dyspepsia, symptoms from mucous membranes, skin problems, work-related fever attacks, and primary care for digestive disorders. Presence of both respiratory and digestive disorders doubled the LBP prevalence. Conclusions. Symptoms from hips and low back were more frequent among farmers than among referents, but farmers did not seek more health care and reported fewer sick leaves than referents. Physical work exposure and psychosocial factors did not explain the differences in low back and hip symptoms between the two groups. Significant associations between LBP and digestive and respiratory disorders might indicate that these disorders may have etiological factors in common.

Internationale Konferenz: Prophylaxe von Herden- bzw. Produktionskrankhei-ten „ICPPD 2011“

03 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Am 7. und 8. Oktober 2011 fand in Leipzig zum 36.Mal in Folge eine Tagung über „Labordiagnostik in der Bestandsbetreuung“ (http://www.vetmed.uni-leipzig.de/ik/wmedizin/labor/laborfortbildung.htm), - diesmal mit erweiterter Themen-stellung als internationale Konferenz „Prophylaxe von Herden- bzw. Produktions-krankheiten“, statt. Ziel der Veranstaltung war, die Spezialisten verschiedenster Fachgebiete zusam-menführen, die sich mit der Gesundheit und Leistung von Nutztieren, d.h., vor allem Rindern, Schweinen, Schafen und Geflügel, beschäftigen, um die neuesten wissen-schaftlichen Erkenntnisse auf den Nutztiersektor auszutauschen, und so zu tierartge-rechter Haltung und Tierschutz, Sicherung einer stabilen Tiergesundheit, Verbesse-rung des Tierseuchenschutzes, Verbesserung der Leistung, hoher Qualität und Si-cherheit tierischer Erzeugnisse sowie rentabler Produktion beizutragen. Die mit ausgewiesenen Fachleuten als keynote speaker besetzten einzelnen Sektionen der diesjährigen Tagung orientierten sich an der Prophylaxe der wichtigs-ten Merzungsursachen bei Kühen: • Fruchtbarkeitssteigerung (Opsomer, Gent, Bollwein, Hannover), • Mastitisprophylaxe (Krömker, Hannover), • Pansenstabilisierung (Gasteiner, Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Karatzias, Thessa-loniki), • Labmagenverlagerung (Doll, Gießen, Grünberg, Utrecht), • Stabilisierung des Energiestoffwechsels (Tönjes, Leipzig, Sauerwein, Bonn, Husvéth, Budapest), • Gebärpareseverhütung (Staufenbiel, Berlin, Wittek, Wien) sowie • Klauengesundheit (Mülling, Leipzig, Müller, Berlin). Die insgesamt 24 Vorträge sowie 22 Poster wurden ergänzt durch Beiträge vieljähriger ausländische Partner aus Brno, Budapest, Curitiba (Brasilien), Ljubljana, Prag, Thessaloniki, Utrecht und West Lafayette (USA) sowie langjähriger inländi-scher Kooperationspartner, wie der Sächsischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, des Landeskontrollverbandes Sachsen, der Landwirtschaftlichen Fachhochschule Bernburg, des Thüringer Rindergesundheitsdienstes und der III. Medizinischen Klinik für Endokrinologie, Leipzig. Zu den langjährigen Trägern der Tagungsreihe zählten auch Referenten des Rindergesundheitsdienstes Baden-Württemberg und des Lan-desamtes für Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Fischerei (LALLF) Mecklen-burg-Vorpommern. Zu Beginn der Tagung lag ein entsprechender Band, der auf 130 Seiten die Abstracts und auf 150 Seiten Zusammenfassungen von den Dissertationen zu Klau-entieren der Medizinischen Tierklinik, Leipzig, der Jahre 1993 bis 2011 enthält. / On 7th and 8th October 2011, the 36th consecutive conference on \"laboratory diagnosis in herd health management\" (http://www.vetmed.uni-leipzig.de/ik/wmedizin/labor/laborfortbildung.htm)took place in Leipzig; this time with extended subjects as an international conference \"Prevention of herds and production diseases\". The aim of the event was to bring together specialists from various disciplines that deal with the health and performance of farm animals, i.e. dealing mainly with cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry, in order to exchange the newest scientific findings on the livestock sector, and thus to contribute to animal friendly housing and welfare, to ensure sustainable animal health, to improve animal health protection, efficiency, quality and safety of animal products, and more profitable production. With recognized experts as keynote speakers occupied, the various sections of this year\'s conference, were geared towards the prevention of the major causes of culling in cows: • Fertility enhancement (Opsomer, Ghent, Bollwein, Hannover), • Mastitis prophylaxis (Krömker, Hannover) • Rumen stabilization (Gasteiner, Raumberg-Gumpenstein Karatzias, Thessaloniki) • Abomasal displacement (Doll, Gießen, Grünberg, Utrecht), • Stabilization of energy metabolism (Tönjes, Leipzig, Sauerwein, Bonn, Husvéth, Budapest) • Milk fever prevention (Staufenbiel, Berlin, Wittek, Vienna) and • Claw health (Mülling, Leipzig, Müller, Berlin). A total of 24 presentations and 22 posters were complemented by contributions from long standing foreign partners from Brno, Budapest, Curitiba (Brazil), Ljubljana, Prague, Thessaloniki, Utrecht and West Lafayette (USA), and long standing domestic partners, as the Saxon State Institute for Agriculture, the State Control Association Saxony, the Agricultural University of Applied Sciences in Bernburg, the Thuringian Cattle Health Service and the III. Medical Clinic of Endocrinology, Leipzig. Some long-term participants of the conference series were also speakers from the Cattle Health Service Baden-Wuerttemberg and the State Office for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Safety (LALLF) Mecklenburg Western Pomerania. At the beginning of the meeting, a corresponding book was produced, containing 130-pages with abstracts and 150-pages with summaries of dissertations on hoofed claw animals of the Internal Medical Clinic, Leipzig, from 1993 to 2011.

Stellenwert der [18F]Fluor-2´-Deoxyglucose ([18F] FDG)-PET bei der diagnostischen Abklärung entzündlicher Prozesse / evaluation of the importance of [18F]FDG-PET in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases

Gürocak, Osman 05 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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