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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans preventiva arbete för barn med feber : En intervjustudie / The Child Health Care Nurse's Preventive Work for Children with Fever : An Interview Study

Ahlqvist, Josephine, Cronqvist, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hos barn i åldern noll till fem år är feber ett vanligt symtom vid sjukdom. Det är därför viktigt att vårdnadshavare förstår betydelsen av egenvård för att kunna ta hand om sitt barn i sin hemmiljö. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans preventiva arbete för barn med feber. Metod: Vald metod var kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Intervjuer av 11 specialistutbildade sjuksköterskor innefattande distriktssköterskor samt sjuksköterskor med specialistutbildning inom hälso- och sjukvård av barn och ungdomar. Barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskor (BHV-sjuksköterskor) i både privat samt regional regi deltog från två Halländska kommuner. Resultat: Tre kategorier: Information till vårdnadshavare, stöd till vårdnadshavare och egenvårdsrådgivning utgjorde resultatet. Därefter tillkom underkategorier. Likvärdigt resultat har kunnat ses hos deltagande BHV-sjuksköterskor. Konklusion: Slutsatsen var att majoriteten av BHV-sjuksköterskorna ansåg att det fanns ett stort behov av egenvårdsutbildning om barn med feber för vårdnadshavare. Goda kunskaper om egenvård av barn med feber kan troligtvis förhindra en del besök till akutmottagning. / Background: In children aged zero to five years, fever is a common symptom of illness. It is therefore essential that the caregiver understands the importance of self-care to effectively care for their child at home. Aim: The aim was to illuminate the preventive efforts of the child health care nurse for children with fever. Method: The chosen method was qualitative design with an inductive approach. Interviews of 11 specialist nurses including district nurses and nurses with specialist training in health care of children and adolescents. Child health Care nurses (CHC nurses) in both private and regional management participated from two municipalities in Halland. Results: Three categories: Information to guardians, support to guardians and self-care counselling constituted the result. Subcategories were then added. Similar results have been seen in participating child health nurses. Conclusion: The conclusion was that the majority of the child health care nurses felt there was a significant need for self-care education regarding children with fever for caregivers. Good knowledge of self-care of children with fever can probably prevent some visits to the emergency department.

"Resposta imune humoral na malária humana: quantidade e qualidade de anticorpos anti-Plasmodium falciparum" / Humoral immune response in human malaria : quantity and quality of anti-Plasmodium falciparum antibodies

Leoratti, Fabiana Maria de Souza 24 August 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo avaliamos a resposta imune humoral de indivíduos naturalmente expostos à malária em áreas endêmicas no Brasil. Os anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE e IgA anti-formas eritrocitárias de Plasmodium falciparum foram determinadas por ELISA. Anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2 de alta avidez e IgG3 de baixa avidez predominaram nos indivíduos sem complicações de malária ou assintomáticos, enquanto anticorpos IgG4, IgE e IgM predominaram nos indivíduos com complicações clínicas por malária. Os resultados mostram que mesmo em regiões com transmissão instável de malária pode ser observado o desenvolvimento de imunidade protetora quando anticorpos apropriados são produzidos / In this study, we have evaluated the humoral immune response of individuals naturally exposed to malaria living in endemic areas of Brazil. We determined IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE and IgA antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages by ELISA. We observed that the level of high avidity IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 and low avidity IgG3 antibodies were higher in asymptomatic individuals or with uncomplicated malaria, while IgG4, IgE and IgM antibodies were higher in individuals with complicated malaria. Taken together the results showed that even in unstable malaria regions it can be observed the development of protective immunity against malaria when appropriate antibodies are produced

Οροεπιδημιολογική μελέτη του ιού του αιμορραγικού πυρετού Κριμαίας-Κογκό και των χανταϊών με τεχνικές ELISA και ανοσοφθορισμού σε πληθυσμό της βόρειας Πελοποννήσου / Seroepidemiological study of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in northern Peloponnese with ELISA and immunofluorescence techniques

Σαργιάνου, Μαρία 05 February 2015 (has links)
Ο ιός του αιμορραγικού πυρετού Κριμαίας-Κογκό (Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus, CCHFV), καθώς και οι χανταϊοί (hantaviruses) προκαλούν στον άνθρωπο αιμορραγικό πυρετό. Αυτοί παρουσιάζουν ευρεία γεωγραφική κατανομή και αποτελούν απειλή για τη δημόσια υγεία, λόγω του υψηλού ποσοστού θνητότητας που σημειώνουν και της απουσίας αποτελεσματικής θεραπευτικής αγωγής. Παρότι επιδημιολογικές μελέτες δείχνουν την παρουσία αντισωμάτων στον ελληνικό πληθυσμό, περιορισμένες είναι οι αναφορές κλινικών περιστατικών CCHF και HFRS στην Ελλάδα. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να προσδιορίσει τον επιπολασμό της μόλυνσης με τον CCHFV και τους χανταϊούς στον Ν. Αχαΐας, που αν και παρουσιάζει ευνοϊκές συνθήκες για την κυκλοφορία των δύο ιών, δεν έχει μελετηθεί στο παρελθόν. Σχεδιάσθηκε διατμηματική μελέτη και συγκεντρώθηκαν προοπτικά 207 δείγματα ορού φαινομενικά υγιών ατόμων-κατοίκων της περιοχής, τα οποία εξετάστηκαν με τη μέθοδο ELISA και έμμεσου ανοσοφθορισμού για την ύπαρξη αντισωμάτων έναντι του CCHFV και των χανταϊών. Ο επιπολασμός για τη μόλυνση με CCHFV βρέθηκε 3,4% και 9,7% για τη μόλυνση με χανταϊούς, ενώ κανένα από τα οροθετικά άτομα δεν ανακαλούσε συμπτώματα παρόμοια με αυτά του CCHF ή του HFRS. Για τον CCHFV, βρέθηκε ότι η ηλικία, η αγροτοκτηνοτροφική ενασχόληση, η κατοχή/εκτροφή αιγοπροβάτων, το ιστορικό νύγματος κρότωνα, η μόνιμη διαμονή σε υψόμετρο ≥400μ., η μόνιμη διαμονή σε μη αρδευόμενες αρόσιμες εκτάσεις ή σε αγροτικές εκτάσεις με σημαντικό ποσοστό φυσικής βλάστησης, καθώς και η μόνιμη διαμονή σε αγροτική περιοχή είναι σημαντικοί παράγοντες κινδύνου. Από αυτούς, το νύγμα κρότωνα, η αγροτοκτηνοτροφική ενασχόληση και η μόνιμη διαμονή σε υψόμετρο ≥400μ. βρέθηκαν να προβλέπουν καλύτερα την οροθετικότητα ενός ατόμου. Επίσης, βρέθηκε ότι παράγοντες που σχετίζονται με τη μόλυνση με χανταϊούς είναι: η ηλικία, η θέαση τρωκτικών σε ακτίνα <200μ. γύρω από την οικία και η ιδιοκτησία υπόγειας αποθήκης. Από αυτούς, μόνο η ηλικία βρέθηκε να προβλέπει καλύτερα την οροθετικότητα ενός ατόμου. Επιπλέον, παρατηρήθηκε ότι σχεδόν το 75% των θετικών ατόμων για αντισώματα έναντι των χανταϊών παρουσίαζαν ήπια επηρεασμένη νεφρική λειτουργία. Εντοπίστηκαν, επίσης, ενδημικές εστίες των ιών στον νομό: ο Δ. Ερυμάνθου για τον CCHFV και ο Δ. Δυτικής Αχαΐας για του χανταϊούς. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα, θα πρέπει οι κλινικοί γιατροί της περιοχής να συμπεριλαμβάνουν τον CCHF και τον HFRS στη διαφορική διάγνωση εμπύρετων νοσημάτων, ιδίως όταν αυτά συνοδεύονται από θρομβοπενία ή επηρεασμένη νεφρική λειτουργία. / Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) and hantaviruses cause to humans fever with hemorrhagic manifestations. These viruses present wide geographic distribution and represent major threats for public health, because of the high fatality rate that they present and the lack of appropriate treatment. Although seroprevalence studies show the presence of antibodies against CCHFV and hantaviruses in the greek population, only some reports of human cases have been reported to date in Greece. The aim of the present study is to estimate seroprevalence for CCHFV and hantaviruses in humans in the prefecture of Achaia, where the local conditions potentially favor the circulation of these viruses and which has not been previously studied. A cross-sectional study was designed and 207 human sera were collected from apparently healthy individuals living in Achaia, which were tested for CCHFV and hantaviruses IgG antibodies by ELISA and by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Seroprevalence for CCHFV infection was estimated at 3.4%, whereas for hantaviruses at 9.7%; none recalled any illness resembling CCHF or HFRS. For CCHFV, it was found that age, agro-pastoral occupation, tending sheep and/or goats, tick bite, living in areas at an altitude of ≥400m., living at rural areas, living on non-irrigated arable land or on land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation are significantly related to seropositivity. Among them, tick bite, agro-pastoral occupation and living in areas at an altitude of ≥400m. better predict seropositivity of an individual. For hantaviruses, it was found that age, rodent sighting around home and the ownership of an underground shed are significantly related to seropositivity. Among them, it seems that only age can predict seropositivity of an individual. Moreover, it was observed that almost 75% of the seropositive for hantaviruses individuals presented mild renal dysfunction. In this study, endemic foci were also detected: the municipality of Erimanthos for CCHFV and the municipality of Western Achaia for hantaviruses. Clinicians should include CCHF and HFRS in the differential diagnosis of an acute febrile case, especially when thrombocytopenia or impaired renal function is encountered.

"Resposta imune humoral na malária humana: quantidade e qualidade de anticorpos anti-Plasmodium falciparum" / Humoral immune response in human malaria : quantity and quality of anti-Plasmodium falciparum antibodies

Fabiana Maria de Souza Leoratti 24 August 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo avaliamos a resposta imune humoral de indivíduos naturalmente expostos à malária em áreas endêmicas no Brasil. Os anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE e IgA anti-formas eritrocitárias de Plasmodium falciparum foram determinadas por ELISA. Anticorpos IgG, IgG1, IgG2 de alta avidez e IgG3 de baixa avidez predominaram nos indivíduos sem complicações de malária ou assintomáticos, enquanto anticorpos IgG4, IgE e IgM predominaram nos indivíduos com complicações clínicas por malária. Os resultados mostram que mesmo em regiões com transmissão instável de malária pode ser observado o desenvolvimento de imunidade protetora quando anticorpos apropriados são produzidos / In this study, we have evaluated the humoral immune response of individuals naturally exposed to malaria living in endemic areas of Brazil. We determined IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgE and IgA antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages by ELISA. We observed that the level of high avidity IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 and low avidity IgG3 antibodies were higher in asymptomatic individuals or with uncomplicated malaria, while IgG4, IgE and IgM antibodies were higher in individuals with complicated malaria. Taken together the results showed that even in unstable malaria regions it can be observed the development of protective immunity against malaria when appropriate antibodies are produced

Europos Sąjungos maisto saugos politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje: afrikinio kiaulių maro atvejis / European Union food safety policy implementation in Lithuania: the case of african swine fever

Adomavičiūtė, Agota 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tradiciškai maisto sauga yra nacionalinio reguliavimo dalis, todėl ES maisto saugos politika yra gana fenomenalus reiškinys, susijęs su vieningos rinkos principų įgyvendinimu. Šio darbo tikslas yra ištirti ES maisto saugos politikos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje ypatumus išskiriant afrikinio kiaulių maro atvejį. Siekiant šio tikslo darbe naudoti mokslinės literatūros analizės, dokumentų bei teisės aktų analizės, kokybinė turinio analizė ir pusiau struktūruotas interviu. Pirmame darbo skyriuje nagrinėjama teorinė ES maisto saugos politikos prieiga. Analizuojamos K.Paul ir V.Schmidt bei kitų autorių iškeltos idėjos apie diskurso svarbą aiškinant institucinius pokyčius, kurie pateikia esamos Europos Sąjungos maisto saugos politikos būtinumą. Antrojoje dalyje išsamiai nagrinėjama ES maisto saugos politika, jos pokyčiai ir principai. Nagrinėjami teisiniai dokumentai, reguliuojantys ES maisto saugos politiką. Išskiriami ir analizuojami pagrindiniai šios politikos veikėjai europiniame lygmenyje, aiškinamas sprendimų priėmimo procesas. Trečiame darbo skyriuje nagrinėjama maisto sauga Lietuvoje. Analizuojami maisto saugos politiką reglamentuojantys teisės aktai, išskiriamos institucijos, dalyvaujančios maisto saugos politikos procese Lietuvoje, išskiriamos Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos funkcijos, kaip pagrindinės institucijos, užtikrinančios maisto saugos kontrolę Lietuvoje. Ketvirtojoje darbo dalyje analizuojama afrikinio kiaulių maro problematika. Atlikta kokybinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Historically, food safety was a part of national regulation so EU food safety policy is quite phenomenal and associated with the implementation of the principles of the single market .The aim of the thesis is to explore the EU's food safety policy‘s peculiarities in Lithuania emphasizing the case of african swine fever. In order to achieve this goal the thesis is based on scientific literature analysis , documentation and legislative analysis , qualitative content analysis and semi- structured interviews. The first chapter examines the theoretical access of EU food safety policy. K.Paul‘s, V.Schmidt‘s and other author‘s ideas about the importance of discourse when seeking to explain institutional changes are analysed. The second part examines EU's food safety policy , it‘s principles, changes and decision- making process. Legal documents which governing EU food safety policy is analysed. The key actors of European level food safety policy are emphasized. The third chapter examines the food safety in Lithuania . Analysis of food safety legislation in Lithuania is made by distinguishing institutions which are involved in food safety policy process. Functions of the State Food and Veterinary service are emphasized. The fourth part of the paper analyzes the problems of african swine fever in Lithuania. A qualitative media content analysis allowed to identify the existing discourses and problems which are emphasized in media. Semi- structured interviews with the... [to full text]

Clinical studies on enteric fever

Arjyal, Amit January 2014 (has links)
I performed two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to determine the best treatments for enteric fever in Kathmandu, Nepal, an area with a high proportion of nalidixic acid resistant S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi A isolates. I recruited 844 patients with suspected enteric fever to compare chloramphenicol versus gatifloxacin. 352 patients were culture confirmed. 14/175 patients treated with chloramphenicol and 12/177 patients treated with gatifloxacin experienced treatment failure (HR=0.86 (95% CI 0.40 to 1.86), p=0.70). The median times to fever clearance were 3.95 and 3.90 days, respectively (HR=1.06 [CI 0.86 to 1.32], p=0.59). The second RCT compared ofloxacin versus gatifloxacin and recruited 627 patients. Of the 170 patients infected with nalidixic acid resistant strains, the number of patients with treatment failure was 6/83 in the ofloxacin group and 5/87 in the gatifloxacin group (Hazard Ratio, HR=0.81, 95% CI 0.25 to 2.65; p=0.73); the median times to fever clearance were 4.7 and 3.3 days respectively (HR=1.59 [CI 1.16 to 2.18], p=0.004). I compared conventional blood culture against an electricity free culture approach. 66 of 304 patients with suspected enteric fever were positive for S. Typhi or S. Paratyphi A, 55 (85%) isolates were identified by the conventional blood culture and 60 (92%) isolates were identified by the experimental method. The percentages of positive and negative agreement for diagnosis of enteric fever were 90.9% and 96.0%, respectively. This electricity free blood culture system may have utility in resource-limited settings or potentially in disaster relief and refugee camps. I performed a literature review of RCTs of enteric fever which showed that trial design varied greatly. I was interested in the perspective of patients and what they regarded as cure. 1,481 patients were interviewed at the start of treatment, 860 (58%) reported that the resolution of fever would mean cure to them. At the completion of treatment, 877/1,448 (60.6%) reported that they felt cured when fever was completely gone. We suggest that fever clearance time is the best surrogate for clinical cure in patients with enteric fever and should be used as the primary outcome in future RCTs for the treatment of enteric fever.

Genome engineering and gene drive in the mosquito aedes aegypti

St John, Oliver Tudor Lockhart January 2012 (has links)
Genetic control strategies are a novel method for reducing populations of pest insects such as the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, a major vector of several important arboviral diseases. This thesis describes efforts to develop new tools to engineer the Ae. aegypti genome and to better understand existing tools, and furthermore to use these to engineer a gene drive system in Ae. aegypti. The piggyBac transposon was found to be extremely stable in the germline of Ae. aegypti, and transposons engineered into the germline could not be remobilized with either an endogenous or exogenous source of piggyBac transposase. Conversely, somatic remobilization of piggyBac transposons was found to be readily detectable in the presence of a source of active transposase, the first report of such remobilization in Ae. aegypti. Toward new tools for genome engineering, the site-specific integrase from the phage φC31 was successfully used to promote exchange between a transgene cassette inserted into the genome of Ae. aegypti and a cassette in a plasmid vector, in the first demonstration of recombinase mediated cassette exchange technology in a pest insect species. The integrases from phages φRV1 and Bxb1 were not found to be active in the germline of the mosquito. Finally, development of a gene drive system in Ae. aegypti using an RNAi-mediated killer-rescue mechanism was attempted. Tissue-specific expression of tTAV-regulated-toxic effectors genes, using the promoter regions of the blood meal induced genes Carboxypeptidase A-1, 30Kb and Vitellogenin A, was possible, but sex-specificity was not achieved. A blood meal inducible lethal phenotype was not possible using the chosen promoters, with expression of the effectors either leading to death in early development or to a sublethal phenotype. RNAi against tTAV fused to the Mnp fragment of the dengue virus’ genome was tissue specific, but was found to be highly effective in the fat body suggesting that the Vitellogenin A was the best candidate for the engineering of killer-rescue systems in the mosquito.

L’influence sur la longévité de l’exposition très tôt dans la vie à une épidémie au Québec à la fin du XIXe siècle

Bilodeau Bertrand, Marianne 11 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs études ont démontré l’impact de divers facteurs sur l’espérance de vie, dont les caractéristiques liées à l’environnement dans l’enfance et à l’âge adulte. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est de déterminer si l’exposition à une épidémie durant la période fœtale ou pendant la première année de vie a un impact sur la survie après 40 ans pour les Québécois nés entre 1885 et 1901. Durant cette période, nous avons relevé des épidémies de variole et de scarlatine, ainsi qu’une pandémie de grippe, la grippe russe. L’influence d’autres facteurs sur l’âge au décès est également étudiée, celle du sexe, de l’année et de la saison de naissance, du lieu de résidence à la naissance (urbain ou rural) et des régions d’habitation dans l’enfance et à l’âge adulte. Les données sur les Canadiens français nés au Québec à la fin du XIXe siècle, soit l’échantillon de 5% des ménages du recensement canadien de 1901 (Sager 2001) recueilli par le Canadian Families Project, jumelées aux dates de décès à partir de l’index des décès de 1926 à 1996 de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) et de la Société de généalogie du Québec (Pilon-Marien et al. 2009; Gagnon et Bohnert 2012) ont été analysées. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons effectué une analyse descriptive de la population étudiée, puis une analyse multivariée à l’aide de modèles de Cox et de modèles de Gompertz. Il en résulte qu’une exposition à une épidémie avant l’âge d’un an augmente significativement le risque de décéder après l’âge de 40 ans. L’exposition pendant la période fœtale a également un effet négatif sur la longévité, toutefois cet effet n’est pas significatif dans les modèles fournissant le meilleur ajustement aux données. Enfin, une naissance pendant une épidémie, donc une exposition in utero et durant la première année de vie n’a pas d’impact négatif significatif sur l’âge au décès pour ceux qui survivent jusqu’à 40 ans. / Numerous studies have shown the effects on longevity of early life and adult conditions. The purpose of our study is to analyze the impact of exposure to an epidemic disease during the fetal stage or the first year of life on survival after age 40 for people born in Quebec between 1885 and 1901. During this period, we identified epidemics of smallpox and scarlet fever, and the Russian influenza pandemic. The effects on age at death of other environmental conditions have been studied such as the sex, the season of birth and the year of birth, the urban-rural status at birth, the region of residence in early life and the region of residence at death. The dataset used in this study is based on the 5 percent sample of the 1901 Canadian Census, gathered by the Canadian Family Project (Sager 2001). Individuals were matched to their deaths records through the Quebec Consolidated Deaths Index from the Société de Généalogie du Québec and the Index des décès from the Institut de la statistique du Québec (Pilon-Marien and al. 2009). A descriptive analysis of the population studied has been done and a statistical analysis with Cox models and Gompertz models was made. We observe that individuals who were exposed to an epidemic disease during their first year of life had an increased mortality after age 40. In utero exposure to an epidemic hints at an increase of mortality after age 40 but the effect is not significant. Also, a birth during a pandemic, and therefore exposure both in utero and in the first year, apparently has no significant negatives impacts on longevity.

Cellules NK et fièvres hémorragiques virales : étude de leur rôle dans la mise en place des réponses immunes et dans la pathogenèse lors de l'infection par les virus Lassa et Ebola / Natural Killer cells and hemorrhagic fevers : study of their role in the induction of the immune responses and the pathogenesis during the infection by Lassa and Ebola viruses

Russier, Marion 06 February 2013 (has links)
Les fièvres hémorragiques à virus Lassa (LASV) et Ebola (EBOV) représentent un important problème de santé publique en Afrique. Les réponses immunes et la pathogenèse associées à ces maladies sont peu connues. Les cellules NK ont un rôle important dans la réponse immune innée par leurs propriétés cytotoxiques, mais également dans l’induction des réponses adaptatives par leur production de cytokines et leurs interactions avec les cellules dendritiques (DC) et les macrophages. Ce projet s’attache à comprendre le rôle des cellules NK dans le contrôle de la réplication virale et dans l’induction des réponses immunitaires au cours de ces infections. Un modèle in vitro de coculture de cellules NK humaines avec des DC et macrophages autologues a été développé. L’activation des cellules NK et leurs fonctions ont été analysées après l’infection par LASV et EBOV. Par ailleurs, les réponses des cellules NK en réponse à LASV ont été comparées avec celles induites lors de l’infection par le virus Mopeia (MOPV), très proche de LASV mais non pathogène pour l’homme. Les macrophages, mais pas les DC, infectés par LASV ou MOPV induisent l’activation et l’augmentation des capacités cytotoxiques des cellules NK. Toutefois, les cellules NK ne sont pas capables de lyser les cellules infectées et ne produisent pas d’IFN-γ. Les cellules NK s’activent et sont capables de lyser les cellules infectées en présence de macrophages mais également de DC infectés par des LASV mutants. Cependant, les IFN de type I sécrétés en grande quantité en réponse à ces virus ne sont pas impliqués dans l’activation des cellules NK. L’infection par EBOV n’induit qu’une très faible activation des cellules NK en présence de DC ou macrophages et ne conduit pas à la sécrétion de cytokines, ni à la modification du potentiel cytotoxique.Ces résultats permettent d’améliorer la compréhension des réponses immunes et des mécanismes de pathogenèse mis en place lors des fièvres hémorragiques Lassa et Ebola. / The hemorrhagic fevers caused by Lassa (LASV) and Ebola (EBOV) viruses are important problems of public health in Africa. The immune responses and the pathogenesis associated with these diseases are unknown. NK cells are at the crossroads between the innate and adaptive immune responses through their abilities to secrete cytokines and kill the infected cells. The interactions between NK cells and dendritic cells (DC) or macrophages potentiate the immune responses. This project aims to understand the role of NK cells in the control of viral replication and in the induction of immune responses during LASV and EBOV infection.An in vitro model of coculture of human NK cells with autologous DC or macrophages has been set up. Cell activation, cytokine production, proliferation and NK cell-mediated killing were analyzed after the infection with LASV or EBOV. In addition, NK cell functions in response to LASV were compared with those induced during Mopeia virus (MOPV) infection, closely related to LASV but not pathogenic for humans.Here, we show that LASV- or MOPV-infected macrophages, but not DC, induce the activation of NK cells and the increase of their cytotoxic capacity. This process involves cell contact and type I IFN. However, these cells are neither able to kill the infected cells nor produce IFN-γ. NK cells are activated and are able to kill the infected cells when stimulated by mutated LASV-infected macrophages and DC. Surprisingly, the type I IFN which are secreted in high amounts in response to these viruses are not involved in NK cell activation. EBOV infection does not lead to NK cell activation in the presence of DC. EBOV-infected macrophages induce low NK cell activation without cytokine production or cytotoxicity.These results allow to better understand the immune responses and the mechanisms of pathogenesis associated with Lassa and Ebola hemorrhagic fevers.

Epidemia midiática de febre amarela: desdobramentos e aprendizados de uma crise de comunicação na saúde pública brasileira / Epidemic media of yellow fever: consequentes and lessons of a communication crisis in the Brazilian public health

Malinverni, Claudia 17 May 2016 (has links)
No verão 2007-2008, o Brasil registrou uma epidemia midiática de febre amarela, produzida a partir da cobertura jornalística da forma silvestre da doença, que, de acordo com a autoridade sanitária e a maioria dos especialistas, estava dentro da normalidade epidemiológica. Assentado fortemente em repertórios de risco em saúde, o noticiário deslocou discursivamente o evento de sua forma silvestre, espacialmente restrita e de gravidade limitada, para a urbana, de caráter epidêmico e potencialmente mais grave. Os sentidos produzidos pela mídia impactaram todo o sistema nacional de imunização e expôs a riscos desnecessários pessoas que se vacinaram contra a febre amarela incentivadas pelo discurso jornalístico e contrariando as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde, o que levou a quatro óbitos por vírus vacinal. Ancorada nos referenciais teórico-metodológicos dos estudos de comunicação e saúde, com ênfase na teoria social da mídia, especificamente em sua vertente jornalística, e das práticas discursivas e produção de sentidos no cotidiano, esta tese buscou compreender o processo de produção dessa epidemia midiática e alguns de seus desdobramentos no cotidiano dos atores envolvidos no fenômeno (gestores e profissionais de saúde; profissionais de imprensa e usuários dos serviços de imunização). Para tanto, foram realizadas análises de documentos de domínio público (textos jornalísticos e comunicações ministeriais) e 14 entrevistas com atores envolvidos diretamente no/pelo noticiário (gestores; profissionais de saúde; assessores imprensa; jornalistas da imprensa generalista; e usuários vacinados). A análise foi feita sob quatro grandes eixos temáticos: o processo de produção da narrativa, o uso de repertórios de risco, a fabulação da vacina e a tradução do conhecimento técnico-científico. Concluiu-se que a epidemia midiática foi sobretudo resultado do modo de produção da notícia (newsmaking), tendo sido, ao longo de toda a cobertura, atravessada fortemente por duas forças ideológicas (a da objetividade e a do profissionalismo), em um esforço jornalístico para configurar a narrativa como espelho de uma realidade epidêmica inexistente. O modelo oligopolista de comunicação do país e as falhas nas estratégias de resposta do governo também contribuíram para a produção da epidemia midiática de febre amarela. Entendido como uma crise sem precedentes, o fenômeno é avaliado como uma oportunidade de abrir o debate sobre as relações entre a imprensa generalista e a saúde coletiva brasileira, sobretudo na perspectiva da construção de uma política pública de comunicação específica e contra-hegemônica para o Sistema Único de Saúde. / In the summer of 2007-2008, Brazil registered a \"media epidemic\" of yellow fever, produced from the media coverage of the wild form of the disease, which, according to health authorities and experts, was within the expected epidemiological patterns. Strongly seated in repertoires of health risk, the news shifted the event from its wild form, spatially restricted and limited risk to the urban form, with its epidemic character and potentially more serious. The meanings produced by the media impact throughout the national immunization system and exposed to unnecessary risk people who have been vaccinated against yellow fever, encouraged by the journalistic discourse and against the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, which led to four deaths from vaccine virus. Anchored in the theoretical and methodological frameworks of communication and health studies, with an emphasis on media social theory, specifically in its journalistic aspect, and discursive practices and production of meanings in everyday life, this thesis sought to understand the production process of this media epidemic and some of its developments in the daily lives of the actors involved in the phenomenon (managers and health professionals, media professionals and users of immunization services). To this end, public domain document analyzes were performed (newspaper articles and ministerial communications) and 14 interviews with actors directly involved in / with the news (managers, health professionals, press officers, journalists from the general press, and vaccinated users). The analysis was carried out under four major themes: the narrative production process, the use of risk repertoires, the fable of the vaccine and the translation of technical and scientific knowledge. It is concluded that media epidemic was primarily a result of news production mode (newsmaking), having been throughout the coverage, strongly crossed by two ideological forces (objectivity and professionalism), in an effort to set the journalistic narrative as a mirror of a nonexistent epidemic reality. The oligopolistic model of the country\'s communication and failures in government response strategies also contributed to the production of the media epidemic of yellow fever. Understood as an unprecedented crisis, the phenomenon is evaluated as an opportunity to open the debate on the relationship between the general press and the Brazilian public health, especially in a view of the construction of a public specific and counter-hegemonic communication policy to the Unified Health System (SUS).

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