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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rigidez e semi-rigidez dos expoentes de Lyapunov em dimensão mais alta e folheações patológicas / Rigidity and semi rigidity of Lyapunov exponents i n higher dimension and pathological foliations

José Santana Campos Costa 24 April 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho nós estudamos os expoentes de Lyapunov de aplicações f : Td → Td homotópicas a uma aplicação Anosov linear e a continuidade absoluta de folheações. Nós mostramos para algumas classes de homotopia de aplicações que a soma dos expoentes de Lyapunov está limitado pela soma dos expoentes de Lyapunov da aplicação Anosov linear. Além disso, admitindo uma propriedade conhecida como densidade uniformemente limitada (UBD) nas folheações, mostramos uma igualdade entre a soma dos expoentes de Lyapunov de f e do Anosov linear. Também construímos um conjunto C1 aberto de difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos do toro T4, preservando volume, com folheação central bidimensional não compacta e não absolutamente contínua. Ainda construímos um exemplo parcialmente hiperbólico com folhas centrais bidimensionais, não compactas onde a desintegração do volume ao longo da folheação central não é nem Lebesgue nem atômica. / In this work we study the Lyapunov exponents of maps f : Td → Td homotopic to a linear Anosov map. We proof for some homotopic classes of maps which the sum of Lyapunov exponents is bounded by the sum of the Lyapunov exponents of the linear Anosov map. Moreover, by assuming a property known as uniformly bounded density (UBD) in the foliations, we show an equality between the sum of the Lyapunov exponents of f and the linear Anosov. We also construct an C1 open set of volume preserving partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with non compact two dimensional center foliation and non absolutely continuous. We still build an example of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism with non compact bidimensional center leaves where the disintegration of volume along the center foliation is neither Lebesgue nor atomic.

Utilisation de feuilletages transverse à l'étude d'homéomorphismes préservant l'aire de surfaces / Use of transverse foliations to the study of area preserving homeomorphisms of surfaces

Yan, Jingzhi 02 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne les homéomorphismes de surfaces.Soit f un difféomorphisme d'une surface M préservant l'aire et isotope à l'identité. Si f a un point fixe contractile isolé et dégénéré z0 avec un indice de Lefschetz égal à 1, et si l'aire de M est finie, nous prouverons au chapitre 3 que z0 est accumulé non seulement par des points périodiques mais aussi par des orbites périodiques au sens de la mesure. Plus précisément, la mesure de Dirac en z0 est la limite en topologie faible-étoile d'une suite de probabilités invariantes supportées par des orbites périodiques. Notre preuve est totalement topologique et s'applique au cas d'homéomorphismes en considérant l'ensemble de rotation local.Au chapitre 4, nous étudierons des homéomorphismes préservant l’aire et isotope à l’identité. Nous prouverons l’existence d'isotopies maximales particulières: les isotopies maximales à torsion faible. En particulier, lorsque f est un difféomorphisme ayant un nombre fini de points fixes tous non-dégénérés, une isotopie I joignant l'identité à f est à torsion faible si et seulement si pour tout point z fixé le long de I, le nombre de rotation (réel) ρ(I,z), qui est bien défini quand on éclate f en z, est contenu dans (-1,1). Nous démontrerons l'existence d'isotopies maximales à torsion faible, et nous étudierons la dynamique locale de feuilletages transverses à l'isotopie près des singularités isolées.Au chapitre 5, nous énoncerons une généralisation d'un théorème de Poincaré-Birkhoff local au cas où il existe des points fixes au bord. / This thesis concerns homeomorphisms of surfaces.Let f be an area preserving diffeomorphism of an oriented surface M isotopic to the identity. If f has an isolated degenerate contractible fixed point z0 with Lefschetz index one, and if the area of M is finite, we will prove in Chapter 3 that z0 is accumulated not only by periodic points, but also by periodic orbits in the measure sense. More precisely, the Dirac measure at z0 is the limit in weak-star topology of a sequence of invariant probability measures supported on periodic orbits. Our proof is purely topological and will works for homeomorphisms and is related to the notion of local rotation set.In chapter 4, we will define a kind of identity isotopies: torsion-low isotopies. In particular, when f is a diffeomorphism with finitely many fixed points such that every fixed point is not degenerate, an identity isotopy I of f is torsion-low if and only if for every point z fixed along the isotopy, the (real) rotation number ρ(I,z), which is well defined when one blows-up f at z, is contained in (-1,1). We will prove the existence of torsion-low maximal identity isotopies, and we will deduce the local dynamics of the transverse foliations of any torsion-low maximal isotopy near any isolated singularity.In chapter 5, we will generalize a local Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem to the case where there exist fixed points on the boundary

Cohomologie de Dolbeault feuilletée de certaines laminations complexes / Cohomology of some complex laminations

Ben Charrada, Rochdi 29 May 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous s’intéressons au calcul des groupes de cohomologie de Dolbeault feuilletée H0∗L (M) de certaines laminations complexes. Ceci revient à résoudre le problème du ∂ le long des feuilles ∂Lα = ω. (Ici M est un espace métrique ou une variété dans le cas où L est un feuilletage F.) Trois situations ont été étudiées de manière explicite.1. Soit M = Ω un ouvert de C × R muni du feuilletage F dont les feuilles sont les sections Ωt = {z ∈ C : (z, t) ∈ Ω} ; on dira que F est le feuilletage canonique de Ω. Sous certaines conditions sur Ω et de croissance sur la forme feuilletée ω, nous montrons que l’´équation ∂Fα = ω a une solution.2. On se donne une suite (αn)n≥1 strictement croissante avec α1 = −1 et convergeant vers 1. Dans C × R on considère les points A = (0, 1) et An = (0, αn) pour n ≥ 1. Pour tout n ≥ 1, soient Sn la sphère de C × R de diamètre le segment [AnA] et E la réunion de toutes ces sphères. Alors E est un sous-espace métrique compact et connexe de C × R. Soit γ : E −→ E l’homéomorphisme défini par γ(w,u) = (ρn(w),u) lorsque (w, u) ∈ Sn où ρn est la rotation dans C d’angle 2πn. La suspension de γ donne une lamination complexe L dont les feuilles sont des surfaces de Riemann toutes équivalentes à C*. Pour cet exemple, nous montrons que l’espace vectoriel H01(L) est nul.3. On considère la variété M = C × Rn \ {(0, 0)} (les coordonnées d’un point seront notées (z,t)) qu’on munit du feuilletage complexe F défini par le système différentiel dt1 = • • • = dn = 0. Le difféomorphisme γ : (z, t) ∈ Mf7−→ (λz, λt) ∈ M (avec 0 < λ < 1) agit sur M de façon libre et propre ; en plus, c’est un automorphisme de F ; F induit alors sur le quotient M = M/γ (qui est difféomorphe `à Sn+1 × S1) un feuilletage complexe F par surfaces de Riemann. Nous montrons que les espaces vectoriels de cohomologie de Dolbeault feuilletée H00 F (M) et H01F (M) sont isomorphes à C. / In this thesis, we are interested in computing the foliated Dolbeault cohomology groups H0∗L (M) for some complex laminations. This amounts to solving the problem of the ∂ along the leaves ∂Lα = ω. (Here M is a metric space or a differentiable manifold if L is a foliation F.) Three situations were considered explicitly.1. Let M = Ω be an open set of C×R equipped with the foliation F whose leaves are the sections Ωt = {z ∈ C(z, t) ∈ Ω}; we say that F is the canonical foliation of Ω. Under certain conditions on Ω and growth conditions on the foliated form ω, we show that the equation ∂Fα = ω has a solution.2. Let (αn)n≥1 be a sequence of real numbers, strictly increasing with α1 = −1 and converging to 1. In C × R we consider the points A = (0, 1) and An = (0, αn) for n ≥ 1. For all n ≥ 1, let Sn be the sphere of C × R with a diameter segment [AnA] and E the union of all these spheres. Then E is a compact and connected subset of C × R. Let γ : E −→ E the homeomorphism defined by γ(w,u) = (ρn(w),u), where (w,u) ∈ Sn and ρn is the rotation in C with angle 2πn. The suspension of γ gives rise to a complex lamination L whose leaves are all equivalent Riemann surfaces isomorphic to C∗. For This example we show that the vector space H01 (L) is zero.3. Consider the manifold M = C × Rn \ {(0, 0)} (the coordinates of a point are denoted (z,t)) endowed with the complex foliation F defined by the differential system dt1 = • • • = dn = 0. The diffeomorphism γ : (z, t) ∈ M −→ (λz, λt) ∈ M (where 0 < λ < 1) acts on M freely and properly ; moreover it is an automorphism of the complex foliation F ; then F induces on the quotient M = M/γ (which is diffeomorphic to S n+1 × S1) a complex foliation F by Riemann surfaces. All leaves are isomorphic to C except one of them which is an elliptic curve. We show that the vector spaces H00 F (M) and H01F (M) of foliated Dolbeault cohomology are isomorphic to C.

Avanços em dinâmica parcialmente hiperbólica e entropia para sistema iterado de funções / Advances in partially hyperbolic dynamics and entropy for iterated function systems

Micena, Fernando Pereira 15 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos relações entre expoente de Lyapunov e continuidade absoluta da folheação central para difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos conservativos de \'T POT. 3\'. Sobre tal tema, provamos que tipicamente (\'C POT. 1\' aberto e \'C POT. 2\' denso) os difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos, conservativos de classe \'C POT. 2\' , do toro \'T POT. 3\', apresentam folheação central não absolutamente contínua. Desta maneira, respondemos positivamente uma pergunta proposta em [20]. Também neste trabalho, estudamos entropia topológica para Sistema Iterado de Funções. Neste contexto, damos uma nova demonstração para uma conjectura proposta em [14] e provada primeiramente em [15]. Apresentamos um método geométrico que nos permite calcular entropia para transformações de \'S POT. 1\', como em [15]. Além de disso o método apresentado se verifica para casos mais gerais, como por exemplo: transformações não comutativas / In this work we study relations between Lyapunov exponents, absolute continuity of center foliation for conservative partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of \'T POT. 3\'. About this theme, (on a \'C POT. 1\' open and \'C POT. 2\'dense set) of conservative partially hyperbolic \'C POT. 2\' diffeomorphisms of the 3-torus presents non absolutely continuous center foliation. So, we answer positively a question proposed in [20]. Also in this work, we study topological entropy for Iterated Functions Systems. In this setting, we give a proof for a conjecture proposed in [14] and firstly proved in [15]. We present a geometrical method that allows us to calcule the entropy for transformations of \'S POT. 1\', like in [15]. Furthermore this method holds for more general cases, for example: non commutative transformations


JOSE BARBOSA GOMES 10 March 2004 (has links)
[pt] Seja S uma superfície fechada orientável, de gênero > 2 e sem pontos conjugados. Seja F uma folheação no fibrado tangente unitário de S, de codimensão 1, invariante pelo fluxo geodésico e de classe C2. Então, a curvatura de S é constante < 0. A demonstração é conseqüência dos dois seguintes resultados, que têm interesse por si mesmos. O primeiro é que se T1S admite uma folheação contínua de codimensão 1 por folhas C1 invariantes pelo fluxo geodésico então a superfície não tem pontos conjugados e a folheação coincide com a folheação centro-estável ou com a centro-instável. O segundo resultado é o seguinte. Seja S uma superfície fechada orientável, de gênero > 2 e sem pontos conjugados. Então, a folheação centro-estável Fcs de T1S é conjugada à folheação centro-estável da métrica hiperbólica em S. Esta conjugação é da mesma classe de diferenciabilidade de Fcs . Portanto, se Fcs é de classe C2, uma extensão da teoria de Godbillon-Vey implica que a curvatura da superfície é constante negativa. / [en] Lets be a orientable closed surface with no conjugate points. Let F be a foliation in the unitary tangent fiber bundle of S, of codimension 1, invariant by the geodesic flow and of class C2. Then, the curvature of S is constant < 0 . The demonstration is a consequence of the two following results, which are of interest by themselves. The first one is that if T1S admits a continuous foliation of codimension 1 by leaves C1 invariants by the geodesic flow, then the surface is with no conjugate points, and the foliation coincides with either the center stable foliation or the center unstable foliation. The second result is the following. Let S be a orientable closed surface of genus > 2 and with no conjugate points. Then, the center unstable foliation Fcs of T1S is conjugate to the center stable foliation of the hyperbolic metric in S. This conjugation is of the same class of differentiability of Fcs. Therefore, if Fcs is of class C2, an extension of the Godbillon-Vey theory implies that the curvature of the surface is constant negative.

Étude des transferts stratosphère-troposphère <br />en bordure sud de la zone tropicale <br />et impact sur le bilan d'ozone troposphérique

Baray, Jean-Luc 24 September 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Les échanges entre la stratosphère et la troposphère induits par le courant-jet de l'hémisphère Nord sont bien documentés. Cependant, peu de données sont disponibles dans les régions subtropicales, ce qui a longtemps limité les études des échanges stratosphère-troposphère dans ces régions, en relation d'une part à la barrière dynamique et au courant-jet subtropical de l'hémisphère sud, et, d'autre part, à la convection tropicale, nuages convectifs tropicaux, cyclones et zone de convergence intertropicale. <br /><br /> Se basant principalement sur l'analyse des radiosondages effectués à un rythme bimensuel par le laboratoire depuis 1992, complétés par diverses autres données expérimentales, satellitales, et des sorties du modèle dynamique global du centre européen ECMWF, une première approche qualitative a débouché sur l'identification et l'analyse de plusieurs cas d'étude. Les concepts d'agéostrophisme, de jet-streak et de frontogénèse d'altitude ont permis de caractériser et d'analyser la formation de plusieurs foliations subtropicales et gouttes froides d'altitude. <br /><br />Les échanges entre la stratosphère et la troposphère en relation avec la convection tropicale, ont été ensuite abordés, dans un cas de transfert subsident intense le 6 avril 1995 (300 ppbv à l'altitude 10 km), alors que la Réunion était dans la partie périphérique du cyclone Marlène, à environ 1000 km du centre du cyclone. Après vérification de la bonne prise en compte du cyclone par les données des modèles utilisés (NMC et ECMWF), l'analyse dynamique semble indiquer une extension horizontale assez limitée du transfert, qui serait constitué typiquement par des mécanismes dynamiques à méso-echelle. <br /><br /> Pour permettre un meilleur suivi temporel de la concentration d'ozone troposphérique, un lidar ozone a été installé à la Réunion. Les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de la campagne TRACAS en juillet 1998 ont montré des apports d'ozone ayant une origine stratosphérique dans la troposphère, d'une manière extrêmement régulière pendant le mois de campagne de mesure. L'analyse dynamique au moyen des données du modèle européen et des données Météosat a permis la mise en évidence d'un pli de la tropopause d'échelle planétaire. Ces mécanismes sont nécessairement différents de ceux mis en jeu dans les latitudes moyennes et pourraient être contrôlés par le flux de retour de mousson et la branche descendante de la cellule de Hadley.

Extended defects in curved spacetimes

Bonjour, Filipe January 1999 (has links)
This Thesis is concerned with three particular aspects of extended cosmic strings and domain walls in cosmology: their dynamics, gravitation and interaction with a black hole. In Chapter 3, we study the dynamics of an abelian-Higgs cosmic string. We find its equations of motion from an effective action and compare, for three test trajectories, the resulting motion with that observed in the Nambu-Gotō approximation. We also present a general argument showing that the corrected motion of any string is generically antirigid. We pursue the investigation of the dynamics of topological defects in Chapter 5, where we find (from integrability conditions rather than an effective action) the effective equations governing the motion of a gravitating curved domain wall. In Chapter 4 we investigate the spacetime of a gravitating domain wall in a theory with a general potential V(ɸ). We show that, depending on the gravitational coupling e of the scalar ɸ, all nontrivial solutions fall into two categories interpretable as describing respectively domain wall and false vacuum-de Sitter solutions. Wall solutions cannot exist beyond a value (^4)(_3)ɛmax, and vacuum-de Sitter solutions are unstable to decaying into wall solutions below ɛmax at ɛmax we observe a phase transition between the two types of solution. We finally specialize for the Goldstone and sine-Gordon potentials. In Chapter 6 we consider a Nielsen-Olesen vortex whose axis passes through the centre of an extremal Reissner-Nordstr0m black hole. We examine in particular the existence of piercing and expelled solutions (where the string respectively does and does not penetrate the black hole's horizon) and determine that while thin strings penetrate the horizon — and therefore can be genuinely called hair — thick strings are expelled; the two kinds of solution are separated by a phase transition.

Polígono de Newton de una foliación de tipo curva generalizada / Polígono de Newton de una foliación de tipo curva generalizada

Fernández, Percy, Saravia, Nancy 25 September 2017 (has links)
Generalized curve foliations are a type of foliations that have a similar reduction as the one given by curves. Camacho, Lins Neto, and Sad showed that generalized curve no-dicritical foliations have the same reduction of singularities than their separatrices. In this paper we give a novel proof of Dulac's theorem ([9]) using techniques of Rouille ([19]). This theorem shows that for generalized curve no-dicritical foliations their Newton polygons and their separatrices are equal. Using Dulac's theorem we return to a result (wrongly) stated by Loray, which is notquite right, as noticed by Fernandez, Mozo and, Neciosup. / Foliaciones de tipo curva generalizada son una clase de foliaciones que tienen una reducción de singularidades similar a la que existe para curvas. Camacho, Lins Neto and Sad mostraron que aquellas que son no dicríticas tienen la misma reducción que la de su conjunto de separatrices. En este artículo presentamos una prueba novedosa del teorenma de Dulac utilizando técnicas de Rouillé. Este teorema muestra que para foliaciones no dicríticas de tipo curva generalizada su polígono de Newton y el su conjunto de sepatrices coinciden. Mediante el teorema de Dulac retornamos a un resultado conjeturado por Loray que no es del todo cierto, como fue anotado por Fernández, Mozo y Neciosup.

Folheações riemannianas e geodésicas fechadas em orbifolds

Souza, Cristiano Augusto de 04 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Periotto (carol@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-03T20:28:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCASfr.pdf: 1220679 bytes, checksum: 34316f04f7e4dda72c5fb929a51099d8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-20T19:18:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCASfr.pdf: 1220679 bytes, checksum: 34316f04f7e4dda72c5fb929a51099d8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-20T19:18:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCASfr.pdf: 1220679 bytes, checksum: 34316f04f7e4dda72c5fb929a51099d8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-20T19:18:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCASfr.pdf: 1220679 bytes, checksum: 34316f04f7e4dda72c5fb929a51099d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The present thesis is devoted to the study of closed geodesics in some types of orbifolds. First, we present the notion of Riemannian foliation and their equivalent definitions using foliation atlas and Riemannian submersions. Aiming to understand the leaf space of certain foliations, we introduce the concept of orbifold. Also, the notion of orbifolds will be addressed via pseudogroups. For compact Riemannian good orbifolds, we will prove the existence of non-trivial closed geodesics. The main objective of this work is to obtain closed geodesics in compact Riemannian orbifolds by employing the shortening process with respect to Riemannian foliations. Following the approach of Alexandrino and Javaloyes [5], we also discuss the existence of closed geodesics in the leaf spaces for some classes of singular Riemannian foliations. / A presente dissertação é devotada ao estudo de geodésicas fechadas em alguns tipos de orbifolds. Primeiro, é apresentada a noção de folheação Riemanniana bem como suas equivalentes definições via atlas folheados e submersões Riemannianas. Visando compreender o espaço das folhas de certas folheações, é introduzido o conceito de orbifold. Também será abordada a noção de orbifolds via pseudogrupos. Para orbifolds riemannianos compactos bons, é provada a existência de geodésicas fechadas de comprimento positivo. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é empregar o processo de encurtamento com relação às folheações Riemannianas para obter geodésicas fechadas em orbifolds riemannianos compactos. Seguindo a abordagem de Alexandrino e Javaloyes [5], também discutimos sobre a existência de geodésicas fechadas no espaço das folhas de algumas classes de folheações Riemannianas singulares.

O teorema de Baum-Bott / The Baum-Bott s theorem

Lourenço, Fernando 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:45:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 773931 bytes, checksum: b0a68b67919eb9c2b9b8534b4a2a7818 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this word, we did a detailed study of the Baum-Bott s theorem in two situations. To do this, we examine this theorem in [2] and its proof given by S. S. Chern using methods of differential geometry, in which case the non-degenerated singularities for one-dimensional holomorphic foliation.Then use the article [31] of M. Soares, where he retraces the Chern s proof with a slight change, thus eliminating the possibility of non-degenerated. The result of great importance because it is applied to meromorphic vector fields, which are abundant and generate one-dimensional singular holomorphic foliations in compact manifolds. As a way to apply this result, we deal with the problem of Poincare in [28] to limit the degree of an invariant curve depending on the degree of the foliation. This problem was motivated by the work of Darboux with respect to algebraic integrability foliations in [13]. We gathered the results of Cerveau and Lins Neto in [12] and also M.Carnicer in [9] about the problem of Poincare, that were introduced about 100 years later the work of Poincaré. Finally we also explored the contribution of M. Soares to this problem in [32]. / Fizemos, neste trabalho, um estudo detalhado do teorema de Baum-Bott em duas situações. Para tal feito, analisamos esse teorema em [2] e a sua prova dada por S. S. Chern através de métodos de geometria diferencial, no caso em que as singularidades da folheação holomorfa de dimensão 1 são do tipo não-degeneradas. Depois usamos o artigo [31] de M. Soares, onde ele refaz essa prova de Chern com uma ligeira mudança, retirando assim a hipótese de não-degeneregência. Resultado esse de grande importância pelo fato de ser aplicado a campos de vetores meromorfos, que são abundantes e que geram folheações holomorfas singulares de dimensão 1 em variedade compactas. Como maneira de aplicar tal resultado, lidamos com o problema de Poincaré em [28], que trata de limitar o grau de uma curva invariante em função do grau da folheação. Esse problema foi motivado pelo trabalho de Darboux com respeito á integrabilidade algébrica de folheações em [13]. Reunimos os resultados de Cerveau e Lins neto em [12] e também de M. Carnicer em [9] a respeito do problema de Poincaré, que foram apresentados cerca de 100 anos depois do trabalho de Poincaré. E por fim exploramos a contribuição de M. Soares para esse problema em [32].

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