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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Idé och utfall inom översiktsplanering : En fallstudie av Stockholms stads Översiktsplan 99 / Idea and outcome within comprehensive planning : A case study of the City of Stockholm's Översiktsplan 99

Larsson, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Sedan Plan- och bygglagen infördes år 1987 så har samtliga svenska kommuner haft översiktsplaner som fungerar som vägledande dokument för detaljplaneringen inom kommunen. Stockholms stad är vid skrivandet av detta arbete inne på sin tredje översiktsplan, men någon djupare utvärdering av de två tidigare översiktsplanerna har aldrig gjorts. Denna rapport är därför en fallstudie av Översiktsplan 99, och valet av denna plan grundar sig på att den ligger nära i tiden, men den är sedan ganska nyligen ersatt av en ny plan och är därför enkel att avgränsa tidsmässigt under åren 1999 till och med 2010. Syftet med arbetet är att kvantitativt granska den bostadsbebyggelse som har skett i Stockholms stad under planens aktualitetsperiod och de av staden uppsatta stadsbyggnadsmålen sedda från ett bostadsperspektiv. De exakta frågeställningarna i arbetet lyder: Hur pass väl har bostadsbebyggelsens utveckling följt Översiktsplan 99? Till vilken grad har de uppsatta stadsbyggnadsmålen uppnåtts? Arbetet grundar sig på ett teoretiskt underlag som hanterar olika kunskaper inom planeringens steg från idé till slutligt resultat, de processer som påverkar planeringen samt demokrati inom planeringsvärlden. En historisk bakgrund till dagens planering ges genom en tillbakablick på hur Sveriges översiktliga planering har växt fram under århundradena, därefter presenteras Översiktsplan 99 mer detaljerat med fokus på de stadsbyggnadsmål som staden satt upp. Den empiriska studien i arbetet grundar sig på data rörande nyproducerade bostäder i Stockholms stad, där en GIS-analys gett kvantitativa resultat i form av kartor och tabeller som beskriver det bostadsbyggande som skett i staden under Översiktsplan 99. Resultaten av analysen diskuteras med utgångspunkt i de teoretiska grunder som presenterats tidigare i arbetet och jämförs ur bostadsperspektiv utifrån översiktsplanens uppsatta stadsbyggnadsmål. Baserat på analysen och den efterföljande diskussionen dras sedan de slutsatser som svarar på arbetets frågeställningar. / Since the Swedish Planning and Building Act was introduced in 1987, all Swedish municipalities have had comprehensive plans which work as guiding documents for the detailed planning within the municipalities. The City of Stockholm has currently reached its third comprehensive plan, but no deeper evaluations of the two previous comprehensive plans have been conducted. This report is a case study of Översiktsplan 99 (Comprehensive Plan 99), and the choice of this plan is based on its proximity in time and the fact that it was recently replaced by a new comprehensive plan, and it is therefore easy to define it time-wise between the years of 1999 and 2010. The aim of this work is to quantitatively examine the residential development that has taken place in the municipality during the period, as well as the urban planning aims that have been defined by the municipality. The objectives of the work are defined as How well has the residential development in Stockholm followed Översiktsplan 99? To what extent have the defined aims of the plan been achieved? The work stands on a theoretical basis which handles various planning skills within the stages from concept to final result, the processes that influence planning and also democracy within the field. A historical background to the current planning system is provided by a look back at how Sweden's comprehensive planning has evolved over the centuries. Thereafter Översiktsplan 99 is presented in more detail, with focus on the urban planning aims defined by the municipality. The empirical study of the work is based on data about new residential development in the municipality, where a GIS analysis has given quantitative results in the form of maps and tables which describe the residential development that has taken place in Stockholm. Based on the theoretical framework that was presented earlier in the work, the results of the analysis are discussed from a housing perspective and compared to the aims of the comprehensive plan. Finally, the conclusions of the report are based on the previous analysis and discussion.

A Framework for the Discovery and Tracking of Ideas in Longitudinal Text Corpora

Mei, Mei 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

På trendspaning efter demokrati : En fallstudie av idétävlingen Ung C Sundbyberg / In Search of Democracy : A case study of the idea competition Ung C Sundbyberg

Karlström, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
Medborgardialoger är ett allt vanligare inslag inom planering, och framhålls ofta som ett viktigt verktyg för att främja den lokala demokratin och medborgarnas inflytande över planeringen. Inte sällan finns det stora förväntningar på medborgardialogers potential, då inte bara för ökad demokrati, utan även på den ska bidra till en ökad effektivitet i planeringsprocessen eller ge legitimitet till ett planförslag. Samtidigt är syftena med specifika dialogprojekt ofta är oklart definierade, och många dialogprojekt lider av problem med bristande representativitet och lågt inflytande över den fortsatta planeringen. Stadskärnan i Sundbyberg norr om Stockholm ska genomgå stora förändringar i och med att Mälarbanan kommer dras ner i tunnel och Sundbybergs stad har arbetat med en vision för den nya stadskärnan sedan våren 2013. En del av det arbetet har handlat om att genomföra ett dialogprojekt för att ge Sundbybergsborna en möjlighet att bidra till visionen. För att bättre nå unga i det arbetet genomfördes idétävlingen Ung C Sundbyberg under våren 2015. Jag har gjord en kvalitativ fallstudie över Ung C Sundbyberg som ett atypiskt fall av ambitiösa dialogprojekt som riktar sig specifikt mot unga, med syftet att få en djupare förståelse för spelrummet i frågeställningen och motiven bakom dialogprocesser, då särskilt ungdomsdeltagande. Genom fältstudier där jag närvarat på, gjort observationer och till en begränsad del deltagit i fem workshopar som genomförts i den första deltävlingen i Ung C Sundbyberg söker jag svara på frågor om varför unga var en viktig grupp att nå, hur tävlingsuppgiften ramades in av processledarna och hur tävlingen förhöll sig till ideal om hur en ”god” dialog ska uppnås. Trots de initiala ambitionerna med tävlingen går det inte att förstå fallet som en medborgardialog som ska bidra till ett större demokratiskt inflytande över visionsarbetet för Sundbybergs nya stadskärna. En del av materialet tyder också på att intresset för ungdomar som grupp går att ifrågasätta, istället handlar det snarare om ett dialogarbete nära besläktat med marknadsundersökningar, med ambitioner att skapa uppmärksamhet kring stadsomvandlingen i Sundbyberg. / Citizen dialogues are an increasingly common feature in planning, and are frequently declared to be an important tool to promote local democracy and citizens' influence in the planning. Not seldom, there are great expectations for the potential of citizen dialogue, not only for increased democracy, but also on contributions to an increased efficiency in planning or better legitimacy to a propose plan. At the same time the objectives of the specific dialogue projects are often vaguely defined, and numerous dialogue projects suffer from problems with lack of representativeness and low influence on the future planning. The city centre of Sundbyberg, north of Stockholm will undergo major changes when Mälarbanan will be drawn down into a tunnel, and Sundbybergs stad has worked with a vision for the new city centre since spring 2013. Part of the work has focused on implementing a dialogue project to give residents in Sundbyberg an opportunity to contribute to the vision. To better reach young people in the work with this vision, an idea competition called Ung C Sundbyberg was carried out in the spring of 2015. I have made a qualitative case study of Ung C Sundbyberg as an atypical case of ambitious dialogue projects aimed specifically at young people, with the aim to gain a deeper understanding of the scope of, and motives behind the dialogue process, and especially youth participation. Through field studies where I attended and made observations at, and to a limited extent participated in five workshops conducted in the first round of Ung C Sundbyberg I seek to answer questions about why young people was an important group to reach, how the competition task was framed by the process managers and how the competition is related to ideals of how a "good" dialogue can be achieved. Despite the initial ambitions of the competition, you cannot understand the case as a citizen dialogue that will contribute to greater democratic control over the visionary work of Sundbyberg's new city centre. Some of the material also suggests that the interest in young people as a group is questionable, rather it is more about the dialogue work is closely related to market research, with ambitions to draw attention to urban transformation in Sundbyberg.

Enablers for Improving the Innovative Culture where Ideas Emerges from all Coworkers : A case study at Saab Naval Operations / Möjliggörare för att Förbättra den Innovativa Kulturen där Idéer Kommer från alla Medarbetare : En fallstudie på Saab Naval Operations

Eriksson, Hanna, Svensson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Innovation is a necessity for organizations long term survival in today's rapidly changing society. Many organizations struggle with their innovation management and a prerequisite to succeed with innovation is considered to be, creating and maintaining an innovation. Large established organizations are by many seen as one of the greatest sources of innovation. They have several advantages when it comes to innovation; like a large set of resources and an extensive network. On the other hand many large organizations face difficulties with flexibility and bureaucracy and are being outperformed by small startup organizations. The purpose of the thesis was to investigate a large established Swedish high-technology organization’s innovation culture and give suggestions for how it could be improved in order to support the capability of generating ideas. The investigation was performed at Saab Naval Operations. To find improvements, the current culture and the desired culture that supports innovation were identified. Finally necessary changes were identified to be able to achieve the desired culture. Semi structured interviews were held to understand the prevailing problems today and the desired future state. Additionally a climate questionnaire was sent out to all coworkers at Naval Operations to reveal the current state from coworker’s perspectives. The analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results together provided an overall understanding of the existing culture. Workshops were held to determine the changes needed to reach the desired culture. Finally an action-plan with four improvement areas was identified. The empirical, qualitative and quantitative studies were distributed into the improvement areas. The factors identified are considered as a good starting to positively contribute to an innovative culture though the list is not considered as complete. The improvement areas were; Leadership for innovation, Idea Management, Understanding and Knowledge Transfer. These improvement areas were considered to be of great importance in order to positively contribute to the innovative culture where a variety of ideas emerges from everyone at Saab Naval Operations. / För organisationers långsiktiga överlevnad i dagens snabbt föränderliga samhälle är innovation en nödvändighet. Trots detta har många organisationer svårigheter med att hantera sitt innovationsarbete. En förutsättning för att lyckas med innovation anses vara att skapa och upprätthålla en innovationskultur. Många anser att stora etablerade organisationer är en av de största källorna till innovation. De har många fördelar, så som en stor andel resurser och ett omfattande nätverk. Å andra sidan får många stora organisationer svårigheter med flexibilitet och byråkrati och blir därför överträffade av små start-up organisationer. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka ett stort etablerat svenskt högteknologiskt företags innovationskultur och föreslå förbättringsåtgärder för att främja förmågan att generera idéer. Undersökningen genomfördes på Saab Naval Operations i Järfälla. För att finna förbättrings-åtgärder utreddes först hur den existerande kulturen som stödjer innovation såg ut, därefter identifierades den önskade kulturen. Slutligen identifierades de förändringar som kunna möjliggöra den önskade kulturen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes för att förstå problemen och det önskade framtida tillståndet. En klimatenkät skickades ut till medarbetarena på Saab Naval Operations för att identifiera deras uppfattning av klimatet. De kvalitativa och kvantitativa resultaten gav tillsammans en övergripande förståelse av den befintliga kulturen. Workshops hölls för att finna förslag till åtgärder som skulle hjälpa att nå den önskade kulturen. Slutligen togs en handlingsplan med fyra förbättringsområden fram.Resultatet utmynnade i fyra förbättringsområdena. De identifierade faktorerna anses vara en bra utgångspunkt för att förbättra innovationskulturen. Förbättringsområdena som identifierades är: Ledarskap för innovation, Idéhantering, Domänkunskap och Kunskapsöverföring. Dessa anses vara av stor betydelse för att positivt bidra till en innovationskultur där en mångfald av idéer uppstår, från alla på Saab Naval Operations.

Eticky bydlí člověk / Man Lives Ethically

Hlavinka, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation represents a philosophical contribution to ethics and ethical education. Its intention is to present ethics not only as a doctrine of the values and rules of human coexistence, but above all as an essential questioning that brings one to spiritual depth as a true philosophy. It does not approach to the topic by analyzing the work of one or a few relevant authors, but it is guided by the topic itself and the context in which ethics appears. The inspiration here is Heidegger's understanding of the world as the so-called Foursome, in which man, as Mortal, relates to the Earth, the Heavens, and the Divine. As Heidegger explains that man relates poetry to the depths of the world, this dissertation attempts to explain that ethical relation to the world is also something essential for man. The ethical dimension of human action and decision-making, which comes from human freedom, is presented here on diferent levels as morality and ethos. While morality is largely based on the social setting and can be described as a certain conformity, the ethos represents a deep personal authentic search for Good. It is an act in accordance with the conscience, which is oriented according to the Good. Good is presented as an idea in the Platonic sense, as a whole without border, as Divine. This Good...

Vilken politisk riktning har Donald Trump? : En idéanalys av Donald Trumps ideologi och inrikespolitik / What political direction has Donald Trump? : An idea analysis of Donald Trump's ideology and domestic policy

Hjelm, Mathilda January 2021 (has links)
This essay is about Donald Trump and his ideology and domestic policy. The purpose of this essay is to find out how and to what extent is Donald Trump a nationalist and conservative during the years 2015 - 2021 and what is his view on domestic policy are, and in which way is it displayed. The study uses the methods of an idea analysis with the help of nationalist and conservative ideal types to analyze Donald Trump's 2016 campaign kickoff speech, Inauguration of Donald Trump, 2020 Trump Tulsa rally, and Donald Trump's farewell address. This method is effective because it will analyze ideology and how he uses ideology and how his view on domestic policy is, which is why idea analysis is an ideal choice of use. This essay's result is that Donald Trump uses nationalist ideas much more than he uses conservative ideas and that Donald Trump has a positive view on domestic policy and that he presents both these things very much and he repeats it often because of the importance.

Idéburen välfärd: gemensam samverkan eller hegemonisk styrning? : En kvalitativ fallstudie av idéburet offentligt partnerskap / Idea-based welfare: joint collaboration or hegemonic control? : A qualitative case study of idea-driven public partnership

Laitinen, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between state and civil society. The last decades there has been major changes across state, market and civil society. During these changes, civil society has become an important part of the welfare service. In this study an idea-driven public partnership (IOP) in Malmö is examine. My theoretical starting point is Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, integral state, consent-coercion and Jonathan Davies concept of creeping managerialism. Using interviews and document studies I am able to deepen the understanding of state-civil society relationships. The result of the analysis shows that the case study is an example of when civil society is compliant to the hegemonic order. This can be understood on the basis that civil society is also part of the hegemonic order. The strong actors in civil society, together with the state and capital, are all part of the historical bloc that governs society. Lastly, the study indicates managerialism in the partnership.

Pandemier och populism : En komparativ idéanalys om hur populistiska partiers syn på covid-19 pandemins restriktioner har ändrats.

Lindmark, Axel January 2021 (has links)
The covid-19 pandemic has hit every part of life hard. From visiting the supermarket to halting world trade. One of the most obvious effects of the pandemic has been the political one. All across the world political parties have been competing for power during these unusual times.  This paper will analyze whether populistic parties around Europe have changed their views on the covid-19 pandemic restrictions. In order to analyze this a comparative idea analysis will be used in order to compare and analyze political parties views on this subject. In order to conduct this analysis the studie compare four different populistic parties around europé. These parties are as followed, AFD and Die Linke in germany, PVV in the Netherlands followed by Syriza in Greece. The study will be using material from the four different parties to conduct the analysis and compare the material. The analysis shows that only one out of four parties has had a change in their views on the pandemic restrictions. This study is an important contribution the field of populism. It will grant a unique opportunity to study such a unique time of our the world that the covid-19 pandemis really is.

Hydrogen selective properties of cesium-hydrogensulphate membranes

Meyer, Faiek January 2006 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The production procedure of a CsHS04-Si02 composite membrane was optimized in order to obtain the highest possible H2:C02 and H2:C~ Idea selectivity permeance. The optimized membrane preparation procedure led to the preparation of membranes with Idea selectivity of 5 and 10 towards H2:C~ and H2:C02 respectively. The H2 permeance value is on average 0.15 umol- s-l·m-2.Pa-I. The reproducibility of the optimized membrane was further investigated and was found to be satisfactory. An attempt was made to discover the gas transport mechanism of H2, C~ and C02. Gas permeance measurements were carried out as a function of time and temperature (between 25-180°C) using H2, C~ and C02 as analyte gases. XRD, TGA and impedance spectroscopy were used to identify the phases of CsHS04 within the membrane. The gas permeation mechanism was found to be a combination of Knudsen diffusion and solution diffusion. The pores that allow Knudsen diffusion (allow transport of Hi, CH4 and C02) are believed to be located at the CSHS04 crystal phase boundaries. In parallel, H2 diffuses selectively through the lattice of phase II/III of CsHS04 ..

IDÉER OM JÄMSTÄLLDHETSINTEGRERING : En analys av övergripande tankemönster inom statliga myndigheter / Ideas of gender mainstreaming : an analysis of overall thought patterns within government agencies

Eriksson, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Previous research indicates that gender mainstreaming is difficult to apply. Obstacles such as lack of political will, cultural and institutional resistance, lack of understanding, clashing perspectives and priorities, as well as insufficient resources, are most often cited as the cause. This study, against the background that these obstacles are founded in institutional contexts, intends to use feminist institutionalism to analyze state authorities' ideas about gender mainstreaming through the analysis of values, descriptions, and prescriptions. The results show that analyzed authorities are consistent in their basic ideas and values, where the strategy is taken seriously and seen as important. The annual reports are prepared in an operational manner, which shows action and progress. The result indicates that there is a general lack of prescriptions.

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