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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Melhoria da sustentabilidade pela aplicação do conceito de ecologia industrial: estudo de caso no setor eletro-eletrônico / Sustainability Improvements through industrial Ecology: Case study in the electronic sector

Janaina Gameiro Arbucias 21 December 2007 (has links)
O intenso crescimento industrial associado às pressões de todos os setores da sociedade por processos, produtos e serviços mais ambientalmente corretos, levou ao surgimento de novos paradigmas de desenvolvimento que assegurem a perpetuação de recursos para as futuras gerações, alicerçada no tripé da sustentabilidade. Nesse contexto, para o setor produtivo, é nítida a necessidade de que os sistemas humanos devam ser considerados como parte dos sistemas naturais e se aproximar ao máximo das características destes. Essa concepção de sistemas industriais similares aos ecossistemas naturais, onde pouquíssimas perdas são verificadas, é a base do conceito de Ecologia Industrial, principal conceito usado no desenvolvimento desse trabalho para melhoria da sustentabilidade de uma empresa no setor eletroeletrônico, o que até o presente momento ainda não havia sido estudado. A metodologia adotada seguiu as premissas principais da Ecologia Industrial integradas ao Sistema Integrado de Gestão, a saber: o estabelecimento de ecossistemas industriais, a medição de desempenho através dos graus de sustentabilidade, e o amplo acesso à informação, via criação de um software customizado de Ecologia Industrial, que considera inclusive a comparação de produtos, com metodologia similar ao início de Análise do Ciclo de Vida simplificado, no que concerne ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Neste trabalho, o estudo de caso considerou uma empresa de grande porte e uma das características mais importantes observadas neste trabalho foram as similaridades, no país e no exterior, para implantação de sistemas de prevenção de poluição na área de microeletrônica. No que tange à área de Surface Mouting Technology, o estudo mostrou que, ao contrário dos setores de base, o maior impacto ambiental está relacionado à geração de resíduos sólidos e significativas perdas ambientais e econômicas são percebidas devido à Gestão de Fim de Tubo. A análise da área de Printed Circuit Board mostrou que ecossistemas industriais incipientes existem, tanto para água como para resíduos sólidos. 6 Através dos estudos de caso interno a essa empresa, foi possível concluir que no setor produtivo, mesmo em empresas de grande porte, que apresentam princípios, políticas e sistemas de gestão claramente definidos, a questão da sustentabilidade não é compreendida e aplicada em seu sentido mais amplo. Quanto aos ecossistemas industriais internos, ferramenta fundamental da Ecologia Industrial, a formação é muito difícil em função de tamanha distinção dos processos existentes em cada planta industrial. Notou-se a viabilidade, com ganhos expressivos, da formação de ecossistemas externos principalmente para dois tipos de co-produtos da empresa, metais nobres e óleos. Assim, conclui-se que as ferramentas da Ecologia Industrial adotadas para melhorar a sustentabilidade empresarial propiciam maior eficiência a partir da adoção de métricas, atingem, em geral, a maioria dos envolvidos e operações, permitem melhor formatação e padronização de processos, favorecem a visão sistêmica da organização, tornando a tomada de decisão um processo factual e por fim, permite a implantação de métodos e/ou procedimentos para mudança estratégica, incluindo a mudança cultural, fator essencial para o desenvolvimento. Deste modo, foi possível observar que a formação de tais ecossistemas industriais, em geral, promove uma melhora ambiental, econômica e social. Estas ferramentas, muito provavelmente, podem ser rapidamente aplicadas, seguindo-se a metodologia proposta, em qualquer empreendimento, independente de seu porte ou processo de produção. / The industrial development and the increasing pressure for more environmentally friendly processes, products and services led to new development paradigms, based on the three sustainability pillars, that essentially assure resource availability for the next generations. The need for making human systems part of the natural ecosystems and similar to natural environment is clearly stated. This approach, which is the basis of Industrial Ecology, aims to enhance industrial symbiosis cooperating to mitigate process or material loss. Industrial Ecology was the main concept used to improve sustainability at an electronic company, first applied to the industrial area in Brazil. The defined methodology followed the most important premises of Industrial Ecology aligned to the Integrated Management Systems which consists in the establishment of industrial ecosystems, performance evaluation through sustainability levers and the spread of information to stakeholders, by the development of a customized Industrial Ecology software, which also compares products with the simplified Life Cycle Assessment methodology, when it comes to the development of new products. Indeed, the case study has been conducted at a big enterprise and the similarities for Pollution Prevention implementation between the Brazilian facility and the European one were the most important features related to the microelectronics area. Regarding the Surface Mouting Technology area, this study has shown that unlike other segments, the end of pipe is still applied. The most relevant environmental impact is the generation of solid waste and therefore significant economic and environmental loss is easily observed. The Printed Circuit Board sector was also analyzed and the results showed that industrial ecosystems are not formalized but do exist for water and solid waste. Important issues were concluded such as the idea that even though big enterprises present principles, policy and sound management systems, the sustainability concept is not fully comprehensive and applied. The development of industrial ecosystems is considered one of the fundamental tools of industrial ecology. It is hard to establish them within the facilities 8 once the processes differ significantly. However, the creation of external ecosystems for metals and oils, leads to great benefit. It was possible to conclude that the Industrial Ecology concept tools used in the company did benefit its industrial sustainability because it allowed more efficient processes through the use of metrics, involved most of the employees and operations, favored better process standardization, enhance the systemic approach making the decision process easier once it is based on real time facts and it finally contributed to the adoption of methods, systems and procedures that enabled deep strategic change and as a consequence improved cultural change, which is one of the essential aspects of the sound sustainable development. Finally, it is suggested that Industrial Ecology be used as a fruitful metaphor for facilitating the improvement of sustainability. The tools developed in this study might be easily applied to any enterprise, independently of the level or production processes. Ecosystems

De la distribution aux synergies ? : Circulations locales d’énergie et transformations des processus de mise en réseau de la ville / From distribution to synergies? : Local energy circulations and transformation of the networked city

Hampikian, Zélia 11 January 2017 (has links)
Au sein des discours accompagnant les volontés de transition énergétique, apparaît de manière grandissante une promotion de circulations d’énergie à des échelles infra-urbaines entre des activités diverses. Des acteurs locaux, nationaux ou transnationaux proposent par exemple de valoriser la chaleur dite « fatale », produite par de multiples activités (industries, data centers, eaux usées …). Parallèlement, on promeut le partage de productions d’énergie décentralisées entre différentes fonctions (résidentiel, tertiaire, commercial …) à des échelles allant de l’îlot au quartier. En somme, des formes de connexion entre activités urbaines pour échanger de l’énergie sont promues et les exemples de mise en œuvre se multiplient.Cette thèse propose de saisir ces connexions comme des nouvelles formes de réseaux urbains, qui se substituent ou se superposent à un modèle de grand réseau centralisé plus que centenaire, fondé sur l’efficacité technico-économique, la solidarisation du territoire et la croissance des consommations. Elle vise à comprendre ce que change l’émergence de ces circulations locales à la co-construction de la ville et des réseaux d’énergie.Pour saisir ces transformations, la thèse combine les apports de deux ensembles de travaux. D’un côté, les recherches urbaines et sociotechniques sur les réseaux permettent de saisir les reconfigurations de ces infrastructures. D’un autre, le champ de l’écologie industrielle et territoriale analyse les dynamiques qui mènent à des échanges de flux matériels entre activités humaines. La combinaison de leurs résultats permet ainsi de saisir l’objet considéré dans ses dimensions sociale, technique et métabolique, c’est-à-dire dans une perspective sociomatérielle.L’analyse se fonde principalement sur trois études de cas dont on s’attache à comprendre l’émergence, le fonctionnement et l’évolution : l’approvisionnement du réseau de chaleur de Dunkerque par une source de chaleur industrielle, la récupération de chaleur sur un data center pour approvisionner un quartier de Marne-la-Vallée et la mutualisation des productions d’énergie dans le quartier de La Confluence à Lyon. Plus largement, un regard est porté sur les reconfigurations concrètes ou proposées de l’organisation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement énergétique à la ville.Les résultats de la thèse sont de trois ordres. En premier lieu, ces mises en réseau ne sont plus motivées par la seule efficacité technico-économique de la forme réticulaire pour l’approvisionnement du territoire. Les intérêts des différents acteurs impliqués ont tous à voir avec un objectif d’optimisation de l’usage des flux : on passe ainsi d’une recherche d’efficacité technico-économique à celle d’une efficacité métabolique. En second lieu, les réseaux qui émergent de ces échanges sont instables, tout particulièrement en raison des incertitudes quant à l’évolution à court et à long terme des flux disponibles. Ainsi, ils ne reproduisent pas l’effet solidarisant permis par la stabilité des grands réseaux conventionnels. Enfin, face à ces instabilités, les acteurs proposent des évolutions qui visent à réduire les dépendances à des flux incertains. Ces évolutions ont pour caractéristique de s’appuyer sur une croissance du réseau qui ne suit plus un objectif d’universalisation. Au contraire, une forte sélection spatiale de l’extension du réseau est opérée, en fonction de la matérialité des flux perçue par les acteurs. Plutôt que d’engendrer de nouvelles consommations dans une logique d’offre, il s’agit ainsi d’intégrer de nouveaux flux déjà présents sur le territoire.En somme, la thèse montre un certain « tournant métabolique » dans le processus de mise en réseau de la ville par l’énergie. Alors que l’extension des infrastructures est pendant longtemps restée au centre des problématiques de construction des réseaux, les flux produits et consommés qui préexistent sur le territoire peuvent à présent être la motivation première de la création de connexions / Within the framework of the ongoing energy transition objectives, energy circulations at the infra-urban level are increasingly promoted. For instance, local, national and transnational stakeholders suggest the reuse of heat currently being wasted by diverse human activities (industries, data centres, wastewaters …). Alternatively, distributed energy sharing between different urban functions (residential, services, retail …) at the urban block or district scale is promoted. In short, several forms of connections through energy exchange between urban activities are encouraged and examples of those are multiplying.The thesis offers to capture those connections as new forms of urban networks that supersede or overlap a century-old network model based on techno-economic efficiency, socio-economic and socio-spatial solidarity and consumptions growth. It aims at understanding what these local circulations change to the co-construction of cities and energy networks.To do so, the approach combines the results of two different strands of work. On the one side, urban and sociotechnical studies of networked infrastructures allow to understand the reconfigurations of those systems. On the other side, industrial ecology works analyse the dynamics that lead to material circulations between human activities. The articulation of their results makes it possible to grasp the considered object in its social, technical and metabolic dimensions, that is, in a sociomaterial perspective.The analysis is mainly based on three French case studies of which the emergence, running and evolution are investigated: industrial waste heat reuse in the heat network of the city of Dunkirk, heat extraction from a data center to be distributes the in a district of Marne-la-Vallée and energy sharing in the La Confluence district in Lyon. More broadly, suggested or implemented reconfigurations of the organisation of energy provision are reviewed.The results of the study are threefold. First, these new forms of urban network are not solely motivated by techno-economic efficiency. The interests of the stakeholders all come into alignment with an objective of optimization of energy flows uses: from techno-economic efficiency, the goal becomes metabolic efficiency. Second, the networks formed by those circulations are unstable, in particular because of the uncertainties that regard short and long term availability of energy flows. Hence, they do not reproduce the solidarities that emerge from conventional large and stable networks. Third, to reduce those instabilities, actors suggest evolutions that aim at reducing their dependencies on uncertain flows. These evolutions all result in the growth of the network, but do not follow an objective of universalisation. On the contrary, an important spatial selection is operated, according to the perceived materiality of flows by actors. Instead of leading to new consumptions in a supply rationale, the logic becomes one of existing flows integration.To sum up, the thesis shows a “metabolic turn” in the process of networking the urban through energy circulations. While infrastructures extension has long been at the centre of networks construction, pre-existing produced and consumed flows can now become the primary motivation of building connections

Metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte : o caso de Feliz, RS / Metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality : Feliz, RS, case study

Kuhn, Eugenia Aumond January 2014 (has links)
Estudos relacionados ao consumo de recursos e à emissão de resíduos na escala territorial local se originaram nas pioneiras pesquisas associadas ao conceito de metabolismo urbano. Nos últimos 15 anos, observa-se um crescimento do número de estudos aplicados a cidades, municípios ou regiões metropolitanas. A Análise dos Fluxos de Materiais - AFM (Material Flow Analysis) vem se consolidando como a abordagem metodológica predominante para esse tipo de investigação, a qual objetiva prover informações sobre fluxos de materiais e de energia, usualmente em unidades de massa, entrando e deixando uma sociedade. No entanto, todos os casos estudados na literatura prévia correspondem a capitais nacionais ou a municípios com centralidade econômica e de gestão do território na região as quais pertencem. Adicionalmente, não há estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil. Em face dessas lacunas, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais associados ao metabolismo de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte (MBPP). Para tanto se adotou como estudo de caso o município de Feliz-RS. Como objetivos intermediários da pesquisa estabeleceram-se: a) Identificação dos métodos existentes para caracterização de fluxos de materiais na escala local e análise das possibilidades de aplicação no contexto dos MBPP; b) Desenvolvimento de um detalhamento metodológico da AFM, para a caracterização dos fluxos de materiais de MBPP; c) Análise das limitações e oportunidades para uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental de municípios. Como resultados, avalia-se que o detalhamento metodológico desenvolvido é funcional e replicável para municípios brasileiros com o mesmo perfil, além de fornecer informações bastante detalhadas acerca dos fluxos ocorrentes no município adotado como caso. Assim, é possível realizar análises com diferentes níveis de desagregação. Quanto aos fluxos de materiais de Feliz, encontrou-se que o consumo doméstico de materiais per capita (DMC/ per capita) do município é alto, se comparado àqueles já caracterizados na literatura. Essa constatação corrobora com a proposição de que municípios com produção primária e secundária tendem a demandar, proporcionalmente, mais recursos do que aqueles que são consumidores finais. Quanto ao uso da AFM, na avaliação de sustentabilidade ambiental, verifica-se um alto potencial, com vantagens, em relação a outros métodos correntemente adotados. Entretanto, essas oportunidades ainda são pouco exploradas no contexto internacional e ignoradas no Brasil, ao se analisar a literatura existente. / Studies related to resources consumption and wastes emissions in a local territorial scale were originated from pioneering researches related to the urban metabolism concept. Over the past 15 years, there was a growth in the number of such studies applied to cities, municipalities and metropolitan areas. At the same time, Material Flow Analysis - MFA was consolidated as the predominant methodological approach for this type of research. However, it must be pointed out that all studied cases have been related to national capitals or counties, with economics centrality and land management in their own area. Besides, no studies of this nature were found as being developed in Brazil. Thus, the main goal of the research presented in this paper was to characterize material flows associated with the metabolism of a small Brazilian municipality and for this purpose the municipality of Feliz was adopted as a case study. Three intermediate objectives were established: a) To identify existing methods for material flows characterization on the local scale and to analyse the possibilities of applying them in the context of small Brazilian municipalities; b) to develop a MFA methodological detailing for the characterization of material flows of small Brazilian municipalities; c) to analyse constraints and opportunities for the use of MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability. As results, it is considered that the methodological detailing developed raises the possibility of replicating the procedures applied in Feliz to other Brazilian municipalities, being this research a first and referential step in this direction. Besides, it provides very detailed information on flows occurring in the municipality adopted as the case study. Thus, it is possible ti further develop of analyses considering different levels of disaggregation. Concerning the material flows associated with the metabolism of Feliz, it was found that the studied municipality presents a DMC per capita comparable or superior to that of larger municipalities already analyzed by previous researches. This finding corroborates the hypothesis that municipalities with primary and secondary production tend to demand proportionately more resources than those who are the final consumers. Regarding the use of the MFA in the assessment of municipalities environmental sustainability, it was verified that it presents a high potential, with advantages over other methods currently adopted. However, when analyzing the existing literature it was noticed that these opportunities are still little explored in the international context and ignored in Brazil.

Prevenção de resíduos: um estudo de caso na indústria calçadista brasileira / Waste prevention: a case study in the Brazilian footwear industry

Gabriela Amorozo Francisco 30 September 2016 (has links)
A indústria calçadista faz intenso uso de recursos naturais e gera grande volume e diversidade de resíduos ao longo da produção; muitos deles são perigosos, oferecendo riscos ao ambiente e à saúde humana. Nos produtos, é utilizada ampla variedade de materiais, o que dificulta o seu tratamento ao fim da vida útil, tornando o resíduos pós-consumo um agravante para a questão dos resíduos nessa indústria. A abordagem da prevenção de resíduos busca, de maneira proativa, diminuir ou evitar o ingresso de materiais ou substâncias no fluxo dos resíduos, prevenindo assim os impactos causados por eles no ambiente. A adoção de práticas preventivas na indústria de calçados pode contribuir para mitigar impactos oriundos de todo o ciclo de vida desse produto. Assim, esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de estudar o fenômeno da prevenção de resíduos na indústria calçadista brasileira, buscando sistematizar iniciativas e práticas já existentes e discuti-las à luz da literatura, de modo a encontrar desafios e oportunidades para expansão dessas atividades. Para a análise dos achados, adotou-se o viés conceitual da Ecologia Industrial. Foi realizado um estudo de caso descritivo-exploratório de caso único a indústria calçadista brasileira com múltiplas unidades de análise, buscando responder às seguintes perguntas: i) Como vem ocorrendo a prevenção de resíduos na produção de calçados?; ii) Quais são os desafios e oportunidades para avanços da prevenção nesse setor? A pesquisa revelou que a adoção de atividades de prevenção na indústria calçadista ainda ocorre de maneira tímida, e foca principalmente a escolha por materiais com menor toxicidade ou reciclados, e a eficiência no uso de matérias-primas. Esta última está muito ligada à redução de custos; no setor de componentes ocorre principalmente na indústria química, com o reaproveitamento interno dos subprodutos, e na manufatura, ocorre na otimização do corte das partes do calçado. De modo geral, a produção calçadista brasileira se caracteriza por intensa competitividade, com a busca por redução de custos e maximização de ganhos. Isso apresenta desafios para a implementação das atividades de prevenção de resíduos por colocar como prioridade a busca por preços baixos, geralmente obtidos pela externalização de custos socioambientais; além disso, prejudica o interesse em colaborações entre empresas. As cadeias de produção são extensas e pouco articuladas, o que dificulta a circulação de informações e materiais entre empresas. Com relação aos materiais, a pesquisa revelou possibilidades de ciclagem dentro do ambiente produtivo para diversos deles, embora não sejam colocadas em prática. O caso da indústria calçadista brasileira se apresentou como emblemático para a crise do sistema econômico nos moldes do paradigma técnico-científico, (segundo o qual o desenvolvimento significa crescimento econômico), evidenciando a necessidade de uma mudança de paradigma e uma nova racionalidade material. / The footwear industry is characterized by intense natural resources input and large and diverse waste generation, many of which are hazardous, offering risks to the environment as well as human health. A wide variety of materials are used in the products, which hampers the treatment of post-consumption waste, worsening the scenario for the issue of waste in the footwear industry. Waste prevention aims at preventing or reducing both quantitative and qualitatively the waste flows, and thus, the environmental impacts caused by them. The adoption of prevention activities in the footwear industry contributes to the mitigation of several impacts associated with this products life cycle. This research had the objective of studying waste prevention in the Brazilian footwear industry, as to unveil and systematize existing initiatives and practices, discussing them in light of the literature on the subject and identifying the challenges and opportunities for their progress. The conceptual basis of Industrial Ecology was used to analyze the findings. A descriptive-exploratory single case study with multiple analysis units was conducted aiming at answering the research questions: i) How have waste prevention activities been occurring in the footwear production?; ii) What are the challenges and opportunities for the progress of waste prevention in this area? The research found that waste prevention activities in the footwear industry are still timid, focusing mainly the selection of less toxic or recycled materials, as well as efficiency in the use of raw materials. The last is connected to cost reduction, taking place in the component sector mainly in the chemical industry through the internal reutilization of byproducts and in the manufacture sector, through efficient cutting of the parts. In general, the Brazilian footwear production is characterized by high competitiveness, pursuing cost reduction and gain maximization. That presents challenges for the implementation of waste prevention activities for setting low prices as priority, usually obtained by the externalization of social and environmental costs. It also harms the interest in collaboration between organizations. The supply chains are wide and lack articulation, which hinders information and materials circulation between organizations. Regarding the materials, the research found cycling possibilities within the productive environment for several of them, although these are not put into practice. The case of the Brazilian footwear industry is emblematic for the crisis in the economic system based in the technical-scientific paradigm (according to which, development is equal to economic growth). It underlines the need for a paradigm shift, as well as a new material rationality.

Création d'un modèle inductifs de croissance de clusters industriels à flux optimisés, pour réduire leur impact sur l'environnement / Creating an inductive model of growing industrial clusters with optimized flows, to reduce their impact on the environment

Gu, Chao 08 October 2015 (has links)
L’écologie industrielle a pour objectif de résoudre les questions liées à l'utilisation des ressources technologiques dans les sociétés, dans le but d'ajouter à la partie des connaissances nécessaires pour commencer à évaluer les problèmes de qualité liés à l'environnement et les questions de disponibilité des ressources. Le concept d’écologie industrielle peut être réalisé et pratiqué à travers d’établissement des parcs éco-industriels. Un parc éco-industriel est une communauté de fabrication et de service des entreprises situées ensemble sur une propriété commune. Les membres cherchent la performance environnementale, économique et sociale accrue grâce à la collaboration dans la gestion des questions environnementales et de ressource. L’objectif principal de la thèse est de créer des modèles mathématiques d’optimisation pour maximiser des flux des échanges dans un parc éco-industriel et pour réduire les impacts négatifs des industries sur l’environnement. Les sept parcs éco-industriels symboliques et emblématiques dans le monde ont été étudiés durant la thèse pour obtenir une vision pratique de la problématique et pour acquérir les informations du développement des éco-parcs de la réalité. Les dix outils informatiques et les modèles d’optimisation pour les parcs éco-industriels ont été étudiés. Trois modélisations d’optimisation sont proposées avec les simulations numériques effectuées. / Industrial ecology aims to resolve issues related to the use of technological resources in societies in order to add to the party the knowledge to begin to assess quality issues related to the environment and resource availability issues. The concept of industrial ecology can be realized and practiced through the establishment of eco-industrial parks. An eco-industrial park is a manufacturing community and service businesses located together on a common property. Members seek environmental performance, increased economic and social through collaboration in managing environmental and resource. The main aim of this thesis is to create mathematical optimization models to maximize trade flows in an eco-industrial park and to reduce the negative impacts of industry on the environment. The seven symbolic eco-industrial parks have been studied in this thesis in order to get a practical view of the issues and to acquire information from the development of eco-parks in reality. The numerical tools and optimization models for eco-industrial parks were studied. Three optimization models have been proposed with numerical simulations in this thesis.

Inter-organizational Symbiotic Relationships : Key Factors for Success / Sa​marbetsformer för industriell symbios : Nyckelfaktorer för framgång

Hållstedt, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
This report focuses on governance mechanisms for industrial symbiosis (IS). The study takes an organizational approach on material and energy exchanges between different organizations (or different parts in the same organization) leading to increased regional resource efficiency. This project explores different strategies for governance mechanisms and analyzes how these affect trust. Significant factors for initiating and keeping a collaboration successful are also analyzed. Representatives from 24 Swedish cases of symbiotic arrangements are interviewed and ten themes affecting IS collaborations are identified. The themes are governance structure, shared vision, previous collaboration, local conditions, initiating a collaboration, activities to build trust, conflicts, transaction-based or goal-oriented approach, indicators and distribution of costs and benefits. Among the governance structures used are hierarchy (collaboration between different parts of the same organization), joint venture, strategic alliance and different types of agreements. Common is a 10-15 years agreement, sometimes combined with a strategic discussion about the development of the collaboration. Three factors particularly affecting collaborations are identified: strategic meetings, indicators related to the collaboration and fair profit distribution. The factor strategic meetings is about combining long term agreements with innovation. Long term agreements might be necessary when a project requires investments. Meanwhile, this can suppress innovation by supporting outdated solutions. The paradox of needing both long term agreements and continued innovation may be solved by the practice of having strategic meetings and contract surveillance. Another significant factor for successful collaborations is the use of jointly evaluated indicators. To jointly evaluate a project according to predetermined indicators gives all parties the opportunity to know when a collaboration is successful. The third significant factor is fair profit distribution. Unfair profit distribution may delay or stop a project. It may also decrease trust in an ongoing project. A fair profit distribution is a key factor for enabling long term relationships. / Den här rapporten studerar samarbetsformer för industriell symbios (IS). Fokus för den här studien är material- och energiutbyten mellan organisationer eller mellan olika delar i samma organisation som leder till regional resurseffektivisering. Val och implementering av samarbetsform analyseras i relation till förtroende mellan organisationer och lyckade samarbeten. Viktiga faktorer för att lyckas starta och bibehålla ett symbiossamarbete analyseras också. Representanter från 24 svenska fall av symbiotiska samarbeten intervjuas och deras svar analyseras utifrån tio teman: samarbetsform, gemensam vision, tidigare samarbete, lokala förutsättningar, att starta ett samarbete, aktiviteter för att bygga förtroende, konflikter, transaktionsbaserat eller målinriktat förhållningssätt, indikatorer och vinstfördelning. Bland de samarbetsformer som används återfinns hierarki (samarbete mellan olika delar i samma organisation), joint venture, strategisk allians och olika typer av avtal. Vanligt är avtal på 10-15 år, ibland kombinerat med en strategisk diskussion om samarbetets utveckling. Tre faktorer identifieras som extra viktiga vid symbiotiska samarbeten: strategiska möten, indikatorer relaterade till samarbetet och rättvis vinstfördelning. Strategiska möten handlar om att kombinera långsiktiga avtal med innovation. Långsiktiga avtal behövs ofta i symbiossamarbeten för att kunna göra investeringar. Samtidigt kan detta låsa fast utdaterade lösningar och försvåra innovation och utveckling. Att ha avtalsbevakning och en strategisk diskussion kring utveckling av samarbetet har identifierats som ett sätt att lösa detta på. En annan betydande faktor för lyckade samarbeten är gemensamma indikatorer relaterade till samarbetet. Att gemensamt utvärdera samarbetet enligt uppsatta indikatorer ger alla parter möjlighet att veta när ett samarbete lyckats. Den tredje identifierade faktorn är rättvis vinstfördelning. Orättvis vinstfördelning kan stoppa eller försena ett samarbete. Det kan också urholka parternas förtroende till varandra. En rättvis vinstfördelning kan däremot skapa förtroende och är en nyckelfaktor till ett långsiktigt samarbete.

Community Restoration: Reconciling the Legacy of Contaminated Sites Within Our Communities

Kennedy, Kristofer H 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Separation, removal, and relocation are the initial steps in the “clean-up” of a contaminated site. While crucial to safeguarding the public health of adjacent communities and the surrounding environment, conventional remediation is subtractive from the community leaving many psychological wounds untreated. Architecture has the greatest potential to address the social concerns which contribute to the complexities of redeveloping a contaminated site. Focusing on the 52 acre former General Electric Brownfield site in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, I have explored through design alternative approaches for the redevelopment of contaminated sites. My design research focuses on the ways in which architecture can be used as a tool to desensitize the legacy of post-industrial contaminated sites within our communities and create spaces of sustainable coexistence between for our greater economic, environmental, and communal interests.

Improving the Environmental Performance of Manufacturing Systems via Exergy, Techno-ecological Synergy, and Optimization

Grubb, Geoffrey Francis 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Systems Modeling Approaches to Physical Resource Management : An Industrial Ecology Perspective

Sinha, Rajib January 2016 (has links)
Many of the present problems that we are facing arise as unanticipated side-effects of our own actions. Moreover, the solutions implemented to solve important problems often create new problems. To avoid unintended consequences, understanding complex systems is essential in devising policy instruments and in improving environmental management. Thus, this thesis investigated systems modeling approaches to under- stand complex systems and monitor the environmental performance of management actions. The overall aim of the work was to investigate the usefulness of different systems modeling approaches in supporting environmental management. A driver- based, pressure-oriented approach was adopted to investigate systems modeling tools. Material/substance flow analysis, environmental footprinting, input-output analysis, process-based dynamic modeling, and systems dynamics modeling approaches were applied in different cases to investigate strengths and weaknesses of the tools in generating an understanding of complex systems. Three modeling and accounting approaches were also tested at different systems scales to support environmental mon- itoring. Static modeling approaches were identified as fundamental to map, account, and monitor physical resource metabolism in production and consumption systems, whereas dynamic modeling showed strengths in understanding complex systems. The results suggested that dynamic modeling approaches should be conducted on top of static analysis to understand the complexity of systems when devising and testing policy instruments. To achieve proactive monitoring, a pressure-based assessment was proposed instead of the mainstream impact/state-based approach. It was also concluded that the LCA community should shift the focus of its assessments to pressures instead of impacts. / Många nuvarande miljö- och utvecklingsproblem har uppstått som oförutsedda biverkningar av människans egna handlingar. De lösningar som prövats har i sin tur ofta skapat  nya problem. Det därför viktigt att förstå hur komplexa system fungerar och att utforma styrmedel och ledningssystem som minimerar risken för oönskade bieffekter. Den här avhandling har använt olika modelleringsmetoder för att öka förståelsen för komplexa system och bidra med kunskaper om hur miljöprestanda och förvaltningsåtgärder kan följas upp på ett mer effektivt sätt. Det övergripande syftet med arbetet var att undersöka användbarheten av olika modelleringsmetoder för att effektivisera den fysiska resurshanteringen i samhället. I arbetet har ett flödesbaserat och aktörsinriktat arbetssätt (pressure based and driver oriented approach) använts i modelleringen.  Material- och substansflödesanalys, miljöfotavtryck, input-output analys, processbaserad dynamisk modellering och systemdynamiska modelleringsmetoder studerades för att undersöka styrkor och svagheter hos de olika metoderna/verktygen.  Tre olika modellerings- och redovisningsmetoder för att stödja miljöövervakning testades också i olika systemskalor. Statiska modelleringsmetoder (räkenskaper) identifierades som grundläggande för att kartlägga, kontoföra och övervaka den fysiska resursmetabolismen i produktions- och konsumtionssystem, medan dynamisk modellering visade sin styrka i att skapa förståelse för komplexa system. Resultaten pekar på att dynamiska modelleringsmetoder bör användas som ett komplement till statiska analyser för att förstå komplexiteten i systemen när man utformar och testar styrmedel. För att uppnå proaktiv övervakning bör flödesbaserade räkenskaper utnyttjas i större utsträckning i stället för den vanliga tillstånds- och påverkansövervakningen (state/impact monitoring). En viktig slutsats är därför att LCA-samfundet bör flytta fokus i sina bedömningar från påverkan till flöden. / <p>QC 20160830</p>

Práticas de green supply chain management em eco-industrial parks: contribuição de uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática e de estudos de caso / Green supply chain management practices in eco -industrial parks: contributions from a systematic literature review and case studies

Guimarães, Paula Salomão 04 September 2015 (has links)
A centralização da discussão da sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento sustentável colocou em evidencia conceitos como ecologia industrial oferecendo oportunidades e soluções para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Desta forma, este estudo apresenta como objeto central os eco-industrial parks que representam uma forma prática de aplicar o conceito de ecologia industrial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar se e quais práticas de green supply chain management (GSCM) poderiam contribuir para a existência efetiva das características cooperação e integração entre empresas participantes de um eco-industrial park (EIP) e de outras características que determinam um parque como um EIP, visado o sucesso no desenvolvimento e operação desses parques ao longo do tempo. Para isso, foram realizadas duas revisões bibliográficas sistemáticas: a primeira referente à características de eco-industrial parks; a segunda sobre práticas de GSCM a fim de levantar na literatura as características de um eco-industrial park e as práticas de green supply chain management. Posteriormente, foram realizados três estudos de casos em parques que se nomeavam como eco-industrial park objetivando verificar a percepção de um EIP real além de analisar como os entrevistados relacionavam a contribuição das práticas de GSCM para a existência efetiva das características de um EIP levantadas por meio da revisão bibliográfica sistemática, podendo ser: contribuição forte, contribuição moderada e não existência de contribuição. Desta forma, constatou-se que poucas características de EIPs encontradas na literatura estão presentes nestes parques; as características comuns de EIPs presentes nos três casos são principalmente uso comum de serviço e infraestrutura e construção e arquitetura sustentável. Quanto à contribuição das práticas de GSCM para a existência das características de um EIP constatou-se que as práticas de GSCM denominadas \"comprometimento da alta gerência\" e \"suporte de nível médio\" são práticas que apresentam contribuição forte para a existência das onze características de EIPs encontradas na literatura revisada. Já as características de EIPs denominadas \"ciclo fechado\", \"empresas membros com certificação ambiental\" e \"simbiose industrial\" são as características que sofrem influência positiva do maior número de práticas de GSCM. Outra observação a ser feita é que somente a prática de GSCM denominada \"rotulagem ambiental\" não apresenta contribuição para a existência efetiva de nenhuma característica de EIP. / The centralization of sustainability and sustainable development discussion put in evidence concepts such as industrial ecology providing opportunities and solutions for sustainable development. Thus, this study presents as central object the eco-industrial parks that represent a practical way to apply the concept of industrial ecology. The objective of this study was to identify whether and which practices of green supply chain management (GSCM) could contribute to the effective existence of the characteristics cooperation and integration among participating companies an eco-industrial park (EIP) and other characteristics that determine a park like an EIP, aimed at the successful development and operation of these parks over time. For this, there were two systematic literature reviews: the first related to the eco-industrial parks characteristics; the second on GSCM practices in order to raise the literature the characteristics of an eco-industrial park and practices of green supply chain management. Subsequently, three case studies in parks that appointed them as eco-industrial park aimed to verify the perception of a real EIP were performed in addition to examining how respondents related the contribution of GSCM practices to the actual existence of the characteristics of an EIP raised by through systematic literature review and may be: strong contribution, moderate contribution and absence of contribution. Thus, it was found that few EIP features found in the literature are present in these parks; the common features of EIPs present in the three cases are particularly common use service and infrastructure construction and sustainable architecture. As for the contribution of GSCM practices for the existence of the characteristics of an EIP it found that the GSCM practices called \"top management commitment\" and \"midlevel support\" are practices that have strong contribution to the existence of the eleven features EIPs found in the reviewed literature. Already the EIPs features called \"closed loop\", \"member companies with environmental certification\" and \"industrial symbiosis\" are the features that suffer positive influence from as many GSCM practices. Another point to be made is that only the practice of GSCM called \"environmental labeling\" has no contribution to the actual existence of any characteristic of EIP.

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