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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterizing quantity and physical dimensions of consumer electronic devices: A pilot study of Indiana households

Juliette Fernada Bermudez Camelo (12797204) 01 August 2023 (has links)
<p>To accurately estimate the potential recovery of metals from electronic devices, various tools such as mass flow analysis, dynamic models, and forecasting models have been employed. However, the reliability of the model-generated outputs hinges on the accuracy of the input data. To ensure accurate data collection, it is imperative to examine and compare different methodologies. Although surveys have conventionally been used in information and telecommunications technologies to gather consumer information, their validity is seldom contrasted with alternative methods due to the lack thereof. In response, a new mixed methodology has been developed to obtain primary consumer data through tangible information, offering new avenues for data acquisition. The methodology involves quantitative and qualitative approaches taking direct physical measurements (dimensions, weight, and quantity) of devices and including a ten question semi-structured interview to discussed consumer devices use, stock and transfer patterns, composition changes of the electronic devices, and disposal behavior. As a result, it was found new methodology measured 79% of the devices directly at laboratories and 21% of the remaining devices were self-reported by the participant. The devices on consumer stage frequently have the same type and number of components as fabric and a positive difference of about 17.99 g compared with the mass reported by fabricants or literature. The sequential steps undertaken by participants in the new methodology to acquire consumer-stage data offer distinct advantages over surveys, particularly in capturing a more comprehensive inventory of devices in storage.</p><p>Additional results indicate that the proposed methodology can provide valuable insights into the stock of electronic devices. Nevertheless, further research is required to understand the implications of surveys versus direct measurements in accurately representing mass flows during the user stage. Additionally, the relevance of external power supply or charging systems on storage will be explored as part of the supplementary findings. By improving the accuracy of metal recovery estimation and exploring more effective data collection methods, we can optimize closed-loop projects and contribute to sustainable resource management.</p>

Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transport Infrastructure Construction : Reaching the Swedish Transport Administration's climate reduction targets with greenhouse gas reduction measures in the production phase of the most recurring materials

Sallerström, Pontus, Falakeh, Sam January 2023 (has links)
I Sverige står byggsektorn för 25% av landets totala utsläpp av växthusgaser, där material står för mer än hälften av dessa utsläpp [1][2][3]. De största bidragsgivarna är stål och betong, men även material som aluminium och asfalt har en betydande miljöpåverkan. Sverige har satt upp ambitiösa mål för att minska CO2-utsläppen inom transportsektorn med 70% till 2030 och att uppnå nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser till 2045 [4]. Trafikverket är en statlig myndighet med ansvar för transportinfrastruktur, som spelar en avgörande roll för att uppnå dessa mål [5]. Trafikverket står ensamt för 1,4 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2e) per år, vilket är cirka 30% av de totala växthusgasutsläppen från transportsektorn i Sverige [6]. För att gradvis minska klimatpåverkan från sin verksamhet har Trafikverket satt upp etappmål baserade på de totala utsläppen av växthusgaser från år 2015 [7]. De syftar till att ställa om till 100% fossilfria bränslen till 2030 och uppnå netto-nollutsläpp till 2040. Utöver dessa åtgärder har Trafikverket utvecklat ett särskilt verktyg som kallas Klimatkalkyl, som bygger på principerna för livscykelanalys (LCA) [8]. Detta verktyg är särskilt utformat för att bedöma klimatpåverkan från transportinfrastrukturprojekt. Informationen bygger på energianvändnings- och utsläppsdata från 13 projekt från Trafikverket, i kombination med litteratur och intervjuer med personer inom områden som är relevanta för projektet. De 13 projekten delades in i tre projekttyper, väg, järnväg och bro, för att kunna göra jämförelser mellan olika kategorier och dra slutsatser baserat på analysen. Dessa slutsatser baserades på att identifiera skillnader i återkommande material och aktiviteter och deras klimatpåverkan. När de återkommande materialen hade identifierats undersöktes materialens och aktiviteternas livscykelfas för att fastställa de mest betydande växthusgasutsläppen och den största potentialen för minskning. Resultaten av denna undersökning visade att de största utsläppen och minskningspotentialen för de återkommande materialen fanns i produktionsfasen, medan bränsleförbränningen fanns i användningsfasen med tonvikt på substitution av fossila material. Litteratur och information från intervjuer kombinerades och analyserades för att identifiera potentiella åtgärder för att minska växthusgasutsläppen. De identifierade och bekräftade minskningsåtgärderna implementerades i reduktionsscenarier för vart och ett av Trafikverkets mellanliggande minskningsmål för projekten i klimatkalkyl. Slutsatsen som kunde dras från dessa scenarier var att de nuvarande möjliga reduceringsåtgärderna ger inkonsekventa resultat av de reduceringar som krävs för att uppfylla framtida mål inom transportinfrastrukturbyggande för dessa typer av projekt. Vägprojekten visade stor potential där alla mål utom ett uppnåddes, men järnvägs- och broprojekten nådde inte de flesta av målen för minskning av växthusgasutsläppen. Resultaten tyder därför på att det finns ett behov av ytterligare åtgärder, insatser och innovationer för att nå netto-nollutsläpp till 2040 för transportinfrastruktur. / In Sweden, the construction sector accounts for 25% of the country’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with materials accounting for more than half of these emissions [1][2][3]. The main contributors are steel and concrete, but materials such as aluminium and asphalt also have a significant environmental impact. Sweden has set ambitious targets to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector by 70% by 2030 and to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2045 [4]. The SwedishTransport Administration (STA) is a government agency responsible for transport infrastructure, which plays a crucial role in achieving these goals [5]. The STA alone is responsible for 1.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions per year, which is about 30% of the total GHG emissions from the transport sector in Sweden [6]. To gradually reduce the climate impact of its operations, STA has set milestone targets based on total GHG emissions in 2015 [7]. They aim to switch to 100% fossil-free fuels by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. In addition to these measures, STA has developed a special tool called the Climate Calculation Program (CCP), which is based on the principles of Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) [8]. This tool is specifically designed to assess the climate impact of transport infrastructure projects. The information was based on energy use and emission data from 13 projects managed by the STA, combined with literature and interviews with people in areas relevant to this project. The 13 projects were divided into three project types, road, railway and bridge, in order to make comparisons between different categories and draw conclusions based on the analysis. These conclusions were based on identifying differences in recurring materials and activities and their climate impacts. Once the recurring materials were identified, the life-cycle phase of the materials and activities was examined to determine the most significant GHG emissions and the highest potential for reduction. The results of this investigation showed that the highest emissions and reduction potential for the recurring materials were in the production phase, while fuel combustion was in the use phase with emphasis on substitution of fossil-materials. Literature and information from interviews were combined and analysed to identify potential GHG reduction measures. The identified and confirmed reduction measures were implemented in reduction scenarios for each of the STA’s intermediate reduction targets for the CCP projects. The conclusion that could be drawn from these scenarios was that the current possible reduction measures provide inconsistent results of the reductions necessary to meet future targets in transport infrastructure construction for these types of projects. Road projects showed great potential where all targets but one were achieved, however the railway and bridge projects did not reach most of the GHG emissions reduction targets. The results therefore suggests that there is a need of additional measures, actions and innovations to reach net-zero emissions by 2040 for transport infrastructure.

Thesis_Perspective and Dynamic life cycle assessment of critical materials_Tai-Yuan.pdf

Tai-Yuan Huang (13918935) 01 December 2022 (has links)
<p>Critical materials are crucial to the wide deployment of clean energy technologies and advanced technology such as electric vehicles (EVs), smartphones, high-efficiency lighting, and wind turbines. Particularly, rare earth elements (REEs) and lithium are key elements for clean energy and EVs. However, higher REEs and lithium demand for clean energy transformation, extreme supply reliance on certain area exports, and severe environmental issues during mining and processing cause uncertainty for future clean energy and transportation development. Our study aims to develop dynamic LCA with scenario analysis to simulate the future possible sustainability pathways for critical materials for stakeholders and apply life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the latest REEs and lithium extraction and recycling technologies. Dynamic LCA (DLCA) integrates the temporal datasets to predict the future environmental impact of a product. The databases are mainly from Ecoinvent and Critical Materials Life Cycle Assessment Tool (CMLCAT). Python package Brightway2 and Temporalis are used to simulate the DLCA.</p> <p>The study of DLCA on the REEs industry reveals the future predictive REEs environmental impact trend, providing a clear policy strategy to reach sustainability goals for stakeholders. The results show that shifting REEs resources from China to Australia and increasing the recycling rate are key factors in reducing environmental impact in the future. Considering the degradation of rare earths ore and storage depletion in China, such as the decreased production of heavy REEs from Ion adsorption clay in southern China, exploration, and inclusion of potential REEs production projects will be the possible sustainable way in the following decade. </p> <p>LCA of RE recovery from room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) electrochemical process helps us explore the benefits of recycling RE from the e-waste. Although RTIL contributes a higher impact on ozone depletion and global warming, close-loop recycling RTIL could reduce substantial environmental impact. Lithium recovery from geothermal brine provides the great source for fulfilling the domestic demand of the U.S. Compared to the conventional Li compounds production, this method is efficient and has 25-41% lower global warming potential. The government, researchers, and industry could benefit from this study for exploring advantage and drawback strategies for the future environmental footprint of NdFeB magnet production and identifying environmental hotspots of the latest recycling and extraction process of REEs and lithium.</p>


JULIA ELOY TOURINHO 21 December 2023 (has links)
[pt] Diante das evidências de que enfrentamos uma tripla crise planetária e dos cenários projetados caso mantido o modelo de produção e consumo atuais, a proposta de transição para um modelo econômico circular apresenta-se como uma alternativa que visa à sustentabilidade. Considerando que alguns países já adotaram iniciativas para impulsionar essa mudança, a autora buscou realizar o mapeamento do cenário político-normativo no Brasil. A pesquisa buscou atos normativos vigentes e projetos de lei que tratassem sobre o tema economia circular, ecologia industrial ou simbiose industrial. Não foi encontrado resultado para ecologia industrial e simbiose industrial. Dos seis resultados de normas vigentes que contém o termo economia circular, foram selecionados dois decretos que o mencionam em diretrizes para pesquisa e para atuação da administração pública, respectivamente. Foram analisadas as políticas ambientais vigentes que tutelam bens em comum, e verificou-se que seus princípios e objetivos estão alinhados com os preceitos da economia circular e que seus instrumentos podem ser aliados na transição pretendida. A pesquisa de projetos de lei em trâmite na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal teve 19 resultados, sendo selecionados 14 para análise. As proposições foram divididas por temas e foram avaliadas eventuais redundâncias, complementaridades, contradições e lacunas existentes. O Projeto de Lei 1874/2022, que institui uma Política Nacional de Economia Circular, e encontra-se em trâmite no Senado Federal, foi selecionado como referência, pois apresenta proposta de regulamentação mais robusta sobre o tema. Com base na bibliografia, políticas e projetos de lei analisados, a autora elaborou uma proposta de aprimoramento para a proposição, com o objetivo de que compreenda conceitos, objetivos, princípios e instrumentos considerados relevantes para respaldar a transição para economia circular no Brasil. / [en] Given the evidence that we are facing a triple planetary crisis and the scenarios projected if the current production and consumption model is maintained, the transition to a circular economic model presents itself as an alternative to pursue sustainability. Considering that some countries have already adopted initiatives to promote this change, the author sought to map out the political-normative scenario in Brazil. The research sought current normative acts and bills of laws that refer to circular economy, industrial ecology or industrial symbiosis. No results were found for industrial ecology and industrial symbiosis. Out of the six results of current norms that relate to the term circular economy, two decrees that mention it as a guideline for research and for public administration acts, respectively, were selected. The current environmental policies that protect common goods were analyzed, and it was found that their principles and objectives are aligned with the precepts of the circular economy and that their instruments can be allies in this transition. The research of bills pending in the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate had 19 results, and 14 were selected for review. The propositions were divided by themes and possible redundancies, complementarities, contradictions and existing gaps were evaluated. Bill 1874/2022, which institutes a National Circular Economy Policy, and is currently pending in the Federal Senate, was selected as a reference as it presented a proposal for a more robust regulation on the subject. Based on the bibliography, policies and bills analyzed, the author prepared a recommendation of improvements for this bill, aiming to encompass concepts, objectives, principles and instruments considered relevant to support the transition to a circular economy in Brazil.


Akash Kailas Patil (13131999) 22 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Biomass liquefaction is a nascent field within biorefinery research and has arisen in response to the bottleneck created from materials handling at the front end of the biorefinery. The basic concept is that if the biomass were to be converted into a flowable slurry at the front-end of the process, then the material could smoothly flow into the biorefinery pretreatment and down time due to the material forming a plug would be minimized or eliminated. Three liquefaction routes were studied in this work. These routes were: enzyme route, enzyme mimetic route, and a combined route of enzyme and enzyme mimetic. Through a Techno-economic assessment (TEA), it is possible to determine which route is most-economical to scale up and also to understand the extent to which liquefaction increases/decreases of the price of the biorefinery product.</p> <p>Gasification is a bio-based technology that has recently acquired more attention as it is an efficient conversion process for a variety of feedstocks. As new techniques and process routes are discovered, it is important to analyze which process technique is feasible for commercial scale up, as the highest performing technique may not be the most economical option to pursue. Along the same philosophy, a process concept was developed on Aspen Plus® to treat syn-gas impurities and also recycle the spent solvents. A TEA study was performed to determine the unit cost of treatment and to explore avenues of cost saving.</p>

Mikroalger för hållbar energiproduktion - Chlorella vulgaris i en kretsloppsanpassad alg-biogasprocess

Hedenfelt, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Odling av mikroalger för framställning av biogas är ett relativt outforskat område. Den forskning som hittills utförts har påvisat lovande resultat tack vare möjligheten att utnyttja resurser som idag går till spillo, eller till och med utgör miljöproblem; mikroalgerna kan rena både näringsrikt vatten (exv. avloppsvatten) och koldioxidutsläpp (rökgaser från industrin) då de tar upp föreningar innehållande kväve, fosfor och kol från dessa källor. Den producerade biogasen kan ersätta fossila bränslen. Dessutom skapas en rötrest som kan återföras till odlingsmarker vilket sluter näringskretsloppet. Mikroalgen Chlorella vulgaris undersöks gällande dess egenskaper i alg-biogasprocessen för att aktuella flöden ska kunna sammanlänkas genom industriell symbios. Mikroalger kan skapa unika möjligheter till kretsloppsanpassad energiproduktion bland annat tack vare att vissa av dem har potential att fungera både som växt och som djur. För att energiproduktionen ska kunna kretsloppsanpassas måste de olika systemen i alg-biogasprocessen lokaliseras strategiskt med avseende på dess flöden. / The area of microalgae cultivation for the production of biogas is quite uninvestigated. Research has shown promising results due to the possibility to make use of resources that are unused or even cause negative environmental impact: the microalgae can purify nutrient rich water (waste water) as well as exhausts rich in carbon dioxide (flue gas) as they take up compounds containing carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from these sources. The produced biogas can replace fossil fuels. In addition, a digest is produced which can be returned to cropland which closes the nutrient loop. The microalgae Chlorella vulgaris is studied regarding its traits in the algae-to-biogas process in order to evaluate if the flows present can be interlinked through industrial symbiosis. Microalgae can create unique possibilities for loop adapted energy production partly thanks to their potential to function both as plant and as animal. For a loop adapted energy production the different systems in the algae-biogas process need to be located strategically with regards to the flows in the process. / The area of microalgae cultivation for the production of biogas is quite uninvestigated.Research has shown promising results due to the possibility to make use of resources that areunused or even cause negative environmental impact: the microalgae can purify nutrient rich water(waste water) as well as exhausts rich in carbon dioxide (flue gas) as they take up compoundscontaining carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from these sources. The produced biogas can replacefossil fuels. In addition, a digest is produced which can be returned to cropland which closes thenutrient loop. The microalgae Chlorella vulgaris is studied regarding its traits in the algae-to-biogasprocess in order to evaluate if the flows present can be interlinked through industrial symbiosis.Microalgae can create unique possibilities for loop adapted energy production partly thanks to theirpotential to function both as plant and as animal. For a loop adapted energy production the differentsystems in the algae-biogas process need to be located strategically with regards to the flows in theprocess

The Potential and Limits of Extended Producer Responsibility: A Comparative Analysis Study

Bass, Jessica 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis draws on the concept of product stewardship and its focus on incorporating all of the actors in a product’s lifecycle into steps to take responsibility for waste management. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) recognizes the producer’s distinct potential to consider and drive change in waste management. Producers often serve like mediators between the design and use phases of a product’s lifecycle. Through EPR policies, the producer takes on the costs of ensuring safe end-of-life waste disposal. In this way, EPR can be expected to help relieve the public of some of the costs of waste disposal, and to support consideration of social and environmental impacts that a product may incur. This thesis examines EPR policy adoption and effectiveness in order to understand its ability to meet its theoretical expectations. Exploring the consideration and implementation of EPR policy measures, and particularly a case study of these policies in California, this thesis identifies several emerging challenges and trends that define openness to, and the success of, EPR. EPR policy proposals often encounter resistance that limits their strength and reach. In order to realize the full potential benefits of EPR, regulatory bodies will need to wholeheartedly support competition and enforcement to preserve the incentives within these policies. This thesis suggests that EPR still holds strong potential to bring together the social, environmental, and economic costs of waste management, both in theory and in practice, and offers broad recommendations for efforts to support this alignment.

A simbiose industrial aplicada na interrelação de empresas e seus stakeholders na cadeia produtiva metal-mecânica na Bacia do Rio dos Sinos

Rocha, Lisiane Kleinkauf da 06 August 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-03-31T17:36:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 simbiose_industrial.pdf: 1193186 bytes, checksum: be75c89b1eddae31918ce17781e9bf16 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-31T17:36:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 simbiose_industrial.pdf: 1193186 bytes, checksum: be75c89b1eddae31918ce17781e9bf16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-06 / Comitesinos - Comitê de Gerenciamento da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio dos Sinos / FNMA - Fundo Nacional do Meio Ambiente / Pró-Sinos - Consórcio Público de Saneamento Básico da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio dos Sinos / SEMA - Secretaria Estadual do Meio Ambiente (RS) / Ao longo dos anos, o desenvolvimento industrial trouxe impactos positivos e negativos à sociedade. O setor metal mecânico está inserido neste contexto, pois se caracteriza como setor de grande impacto ambiental adverso, além de consumir recursos naturais, gera uma série de resíduos sólidos, efluentes líquidos e emissões atmosféricas. Na Simbiose Industrial, os vários agentes (stakeholders) que participam, direta ou indiretamente, das atividades das empresas são os grandes propulsores das mudanças em prol da prevenção da poluição. Essa relação entre as partes pode acontecer de diversas formas, formando uma rede de melhorias ambientais conjuntas. É exatamente neste ponto que esta pesquisa pretende expandir-se e estudar a inter-relação das empresas com seus demais atores. Quem motiva quem? Quem ou quais são as molas propulsoras das mudanças ambientais? Que interrelações com esse propósito já acontecem nas empresas? De que forma ocorrem? Essas questões, abrangentes e complexas, são avaliadas e discutidas ao longo deste trabalho e aprofundadas em estudos de caso realizados em três empresas do setor. O estudo também contempla uma identificação das indústrias deste setor na área de abrangência citada, que aponta 331 empresas localizadas em 17 municípios dos trechos médio e inferior da Bacia dos Sinos, que é onde ocorrem os maiores impactos negativos oriundos de atividades industriais. Dentro do contexto apresentado, o presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo o de contribuir para a minimização dos impactos ambientais gerados pelo setor metal-mecânico na Bacia do Rio dos Sinos, tendo como horizonte a Ecologia Industrial. Aliando os resultados da identificação das indústrias e dos estudos de caso, o presente trabalho propõe um modelo de Simbiose Industrial, com o foco em coprodutos, aplicável ao setor, na área de abrangência da Bacia dos Sinos. O modelo é composto de sete etapas, que impulsionam as melhorias ambientais dos participantes, englobando desde a realização de uma gestão ambiental preventiva até a criação de uma rede de intercâmbios de co-produtos e recursos intangíveis, como conhecimento e informações. Para tal, diversos stakeholders são fundamentais, como entidades de apoio, universidades e instituições de fomento. Os estudos de caso demonstram que não existe uma única resposta à questão sobre os motivos das empresas para aprimorarem-se ambientalmente. A empresa X possui uma motivação exclusivamente cultural. A Empresa Y tem sua motivação mais arraigada na pessoa do diretor da empresa no que na empresa, embora exista um grande esforço do diretor para tal. Já na Empresa Z, a motivação é exclusivamente estratégica. De qualquer forma, os estudos demonstram que a cultura ou educação ambiental direcionam os motivos da mudança. Identificaram-se relações simbióticas entre empresas e stakeholders nos três casos estudados. / Over the years, industrial development has brought positive and negative impacts on society. The metal mechanic sector is em bedded in this respect because it is characterized as a sector of major adverse environmental impact, in addition to consuming natural resources; it generates a series of solid wastes, liquid effluents and atmospheric emissions. Industrial Symbiosis in the various actors (stakeholders) involved, directly or indirectly, the activities of firms are major drivers of change towards pollution prevention. This relationship between the parties can happen in various ways, such as forming a network of joint environmental improvements. It is exactly this point that it intends to expand and explore the inter-relation of the companies with their other players. Who drives whom? Who or what are the mains prings of environmental change? Those inter-relationships for this purpose is already happening in business? How do they occur? These issues, comprehensive and complex, are addressed, evaluated and discussed throughout this work and in-depth case studies in three companies in the industry. The study also includes an identification of the industries of this sector in the area range cited, which identifies 331 companies located in 17 cities from the medium and lower Basin of the Sinos River, which is where the greatest impacts occur from industrial activities. Within the context presented, this dissertation ma in objective is to contribute to the minimization of environmental impacts caused by the metal-mechanic sector in the Basin of Sinos River, having in mind the Industrial Ecology. Combining the results of identification of industries and case studies, this dissertation proposes a model of industrial symbiosis, focusing on by-products, applicable to the sector in the area of the Basin of the Sinos River. The model consists of seven steps that drive environmental improvements of the participants, comprising the implementation of a preventive environmental management for creating a network for exchange of by-products and intangible assets such as knowledge and information. To this end, several stakeholders are the key, such as support entities, universities and funding institutions. The case studies show that there is no single answer to the question about the motives of companies to improve themselves environmentally. Company X has a purely cultural motivation. Company Y has its motivation rooted more in the person of the company's director from the company, although there is a great director for this effort. In the Z Company, the motivation is purely strategic. Anyway, studies show that culture or environmental education directs the reasons for the change. It was identified symbiotic relationships between companies and stakeholders in the three cases studied.

Polo industrial ecológico de Manaus: uma proposta para o alcance da sustentabilidade

Branco, Roderick Cabral Castello 03 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roderick Cabral Castello Branco.pdf: 3736718 bytes, checksum: 7107144f0f366d0221694ef580cfe8f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-03 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / The present study has as its central objective verify what are the main changes that the Manaus Industrial Park must go through in order to be considered and Eco-Industrial Park (EIP), an Industrial Ecology s (EI) tool committed with the achievement of Sustainable Development. The social and economic importance that the Manaus Industrial Park has to the city, along with the environmental matter s visibility in the Amazonian region, shows the relevance of this study in helping the search for sustainable alternatives to the industry in the Amazon, with benefits to everyone involved with the industrial park. About the theoretical foundation of this research, it is divided into three distinct stages. A first, a dense survey of the literature in concern about Sustainable Development, IE and EIP is done, marking this work s theoretical foundation. Then, the city of Manaus and its industrial park are described into their social and economic aspects, providing the necessary elements for the understanding of local reality. In a third stage, in order to achieve this dissertation s main objective, the comparison between the distinguishing features of the PIE s concept, as shown in the international literature, and those observed at the Manaus Industrial Park, obtained by visiting twenty different enterprises that represent the whole industrial park, is made. To do so, directors and/or social and environmental managers have been interviewed. From this comparison, this study revealed several initiatives found in the concept of EIP that are not present in the surveyed companies. The results were organized according to the triad of sustainability, duo to the connection between these two concepts, making it possible to observe that: considering the environmental pillar, it was found that the measures adopted by the surveyed companies are, actually, previous stages to those observed in eco-industrial systems; in the social pillar, despite the existence of several initiatives, corporate social actions ignore those focused in the development of community businesses a strongly suggested characteristic by the literature; finally, in the economic pillar, its argued that the industrial park has competitive attributes to guarantee the survival and prosperity of business (yet local economy is still dependent on a policy of tax incentives). Although far from the ideal concept shown in the EIP literature, the comparison helps to understand the shortcomings of the current model, serving, possibly, as a direction of movements concerned with a just and environmentally responsible future while promoting a competitive advantage for companies associated / Este estudo tem por objetivo central verificar quais as mudanças necessárias para que o Polo Industrial de Manaus (PIM) passe a ser considerado um Parque Industrial Ecológico (PIE), ferramenta da Ecologia Industrial (EI) comprometida com alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável. A importância socioeconômica do PIM para a cidade, somada à visibilidade da questão ambiental na região amazônica, demonstram a relevância do estudo no auxílio à busca por alternativas sustentáveis para a indústria amazonense, com benefícios para todos os envolvidos com o parque industrial. O trabalho divide-se em três etapas distintas. Em um primeiro momento, realiza-se denso levantamento da literatura sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável, EI e PIEs, marcando a fundamentação teórica do trabalho. Em seguida, a cidade de Manaus e o PIM são caracterizados em seus aspectos sociais e econômicos, fornecendo os elementos necessários para a compreensão da realidade local. Na terceira etapa, para o alcance do objetivo-fim do trabalho, realizou-se a comparação entre as características do conceito de PIE, compiladas na literatura internacional, e aquelas observadas no PIM, obtidas por meio de visitas a vinte empresas, em onze setores industriais diferentes, representativas de todo o Polo Industrial de Manaus segundo o faturamento. Para isso, foram entrevistados diretores e/ou responsáveis pela gestão socioambiental. Desse confronto, o estudo relacionou diversas ações, inerentes ao conceito de PIE, não presentes nas empresas pesquisadas. Os resultados da pesquisa foram organizados de acordo com tríade da sustentabilidade, em função da ligação entre os dois conceitos, tornando possível observar que: considerando o pilar ambiental, verificou-se que as medidas adotadas pelas empresas da pesquisa configuram etapas anteriores às observadas em ecossistemas industriais; no pilar social, apesar da existência de diversas iniciativas, as ações sociais empresariais ignoram aquelas voltadas ao desenvolvimento de negócios na comunidade, característica fortemente sugerida pelos manuais; finalmente, no econômico, comentou-se que o parque possui os atributos competitivos para a sobrevivência e prosperidade das empresas (ainda que dependente da política de incentivos fiscais). Apesar de distante do conceito idealizado na literatura, a comparação permite compreender as deficiências do modelo atual, servindo, possivelmente, para o direcionando de gestão e de políticas industriais preocupadas com um futuro socialmente mais justo e ambientalmente responsável ao mesmo tempo em que promove vantagens competitivas para as empresas associadas

Écologie industrielle, milieu éco-innovateur et diversification de l'économie territoriale : le cas du complexe industrialo-portuaire de Dunkerque / Industrial ecology, eco-innovative milieu and diversification of the territorial economy : the case of the industrial-port complex of Dunkirk

Kasmi, Fédoua 26 November 2018 (has links)
L'écologie industrielle comprend un ensemble de pratiques visant à réduire les rejets industriels polluants et se présente aujourd'hui comme une voie possible à la transition du système industriel vers un mode de fonctionnement plus durable, inspiré par des écosystèmes naturels. Sa mise en oeuvre peut aussi être à l'origine de dynamiques d'innovation favorables au développement et à la diversification des territoires, en particulier industriels. L'écologie industrielle est en effet généralement étudiée sous l'angle de son organisation industrielle (organisation des flux d'intrants et de produits, cadre institutionnel et organisation de la coopération entre entreprises) et des impacts environnementaux qu'elle entraîne (économie des matériaux, recyclage, etc.). Nous étudions dans cette thèse son potentiel en termes de développement économique territorial. Pour cela nous construisons un cadre théorique et conceptuel permettant de mettre en avant le rôle de l'écologie industrielle comme un moteur de développement et de diversification des territoires. Nous proposons un nouveau modèle d'analyse s'articulant autour du concept de milieu éco-innovateur. Ce concept, construit en croisant la littérature sur l'écologie industrielle et les théories de l'économie territoriale et de l'innovation, permet d'expliquer les mécanismes par lesquels l'écologie industrielle peut favoriser les dynamiques d'éco-innovation et d'attractivité. Il constitue le socle sur lequel reposent nos hypothèses. Ce modèle d'analyse est appliqué au cas du complexe industrialo-portuaire de Dunkerque, un territoire à forte spécialisation industrielle à la recherche de nouvelles voies de diversification des activités économiques. Nous cherchons à comprendre les atouts de l'écolodie industrielle pour la construction d'un milieu "éco-innovateur", au sein duquel les effets d'agglomération favorisent la génération et l'attractivité d'activités nouvelles contribuant ainsi à une diversification de l'économie territoriale. Pour cela, nous adoptons une méthodologie mixte basée sur l'analyse descriptive de deux bases de données d'entreprises et sur un ensemble d'entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 30 entreprises et institutions. L'étude empirique permet de constater que l'écologie industrielle contribue au développement des caractéristiques d'un milieu éco-innnovateur à Dunkerque. Pour autant, les dynamiques d'apprentissage collectif et d'éco-innovations restent modestes. De plus, une nouvelle dynamique de création d'entreprises s'est développée à Dunkerque depuis 2014. Ces entreprises sont reliées aux entreprises constitutives de la symbiose, soit par le secteur d'activitén soit par des synergies éco-industrielles. Cette dynamique ne concerne toutefois que quelques unités, mais tend à conforter notre schéma d'analyse. La dynamique de diversification fondée sur une variété reliée ici mise en évidence se heurte toutefois à de nombreuses difficultés. Celles-ci sont liées aux aspects opérationnels et organisationnels des synergies mais elles sont aussi spécifiques au territoire (fragilité économique et dépendance de sentier). La contribution de l'écologie industrielle à la diversification des territoires industriels dépend selon nous de la résolution de ces difficultés. Le développement d'activités de service et d'une gouvernance territoriale adaptée peut contribuer à la réduction de ces limites. Nous étudions les caractéristiques du secteur des services et de la gouvernance de la symbiose industrielle de Dunkerque. Nous aboutissons à un ensemble de recommandations qui peuvent être utiles tant aux politiques publiques qu'aux entreprises et institutions, afin de renforcer le milieu éco-innovateur et de favoriser les dynamiques d'innovation qu'il promet. / Industrial ecology includes a set of practices aimed at reducing polluting industrial discharges and stands today as a possible way for the transition of industrial system towards a more sustainable operating mode, inspired by natural ecosystems. Its implementation can also be at the origin of innovation dynamics favorable to the development and diversification of territories, especially industrial ones. Industrial ecology is generally studied from the view of its industrial organization (organization of input and output flows, institutional framework and organization of cooperation between companies) and the environmental impacts it entails (economy of materials, recycling, etc.). In this thesis, we study its potential in terms of territorial economic development. For this purpose, we build a theoretical and conceptual framework to highlight the role of industrial ecology as a driver for development and diversification of territories. We propose a new analytical model based on the concept of eco-innovative milieu. This concept, built by crossing the literature on industrial ecology and theories of territorial economy and innovation, explains the mechanisms by which industrial ecology can promote territorial attractiveness and eco-innovation dynamics. It is the foundation on which our hypotheses are based. This model of analysis is applied to the industrialo-port complex of Dunkirk, a territory with strong industrial specialization in search of new ways of diversification of economic activities. We seek to understand the advantages of industrial ecology for the construction of an "eco-innovative" milieu, in which the effects of agglomeration favor the generation and the attractiveness of new activities thus contributing to a diversification of territorial economy. We adopt a mixed methodology based on the descriptive analysis of two databases of companies and a set of semi-structured interviews with 30 companies and institutions. The empirical study shows that industrial ecology contributes to the development of the characteristics of an eco-innovative milieu in Dunkirk. however, the dynamics of collective learning and eco-innovation specific to eco-innovative milieus remain modest. In addition, a nex dynamic of business creation has developed in Dunkirk since 2014. These new companies are linked to companies in the industrial symbiosis, either by the sector of activity, or by eco-industrial synergies. However, this dynamic only concerns a few units, but tends to validate our analysis. The diversification dynamic based on a related variety highlighted here faces, however, many difficulties. These are related to the operational and organizational aspects of the synergies nut they are also specific to the territory (economic fragility and path dependence). The contribution of industrial ecology to the diversification of industrial territories depends, in our opinion, on the resolution of these difficulties. The development of service activities and adapted territorial governance can contribute to the reduction of these limits. We study the characteristics of the service sector and the governance of the industrial symbiosis in Dunkirk. We end up with a set of recommendations that can be useful for public policies as well as for companies and institutions, in order to strengthen the eco-innovative milieu and foster the innovation dynamics that it promises.

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