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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information flow and product quality in human based assembly

Backstrand, Gunnar January 2009 (has links)
Information is an important part of the manual assembly process. Information provides the user with the means to fulfil assembly tasks so that the right quality as well as high productivity are accomplished. This thesis addresses issues connected to information and information use in a modern manual assembly environment, and how these issues affect human operators, quality and productivity. The overall objectives of the research were to gain further knowledge on how attention affects the internal reject rate, to investigate these phenomena in industrial and laboratory environments and finally to propose a suitable evaluation method to be utilised at the design stage of an information system. Studies were performed with the purpose of investigating how the assembly personnel were affected by the information and how it affected quality and productivity. The studies were performed in an assembly plant and in the laboratory. Quantitative data collection included 10 days and nights of production where the information impact on quality was investigated. Connected to this study was a qualitative survey performed among 171 persons from the assembly personnel. The laboratory study took place during three days, approximately eight hours each day. It involved 30 persons, all experienced assembly workers from the reference assembly plant. The focus of this study was how information affected the personnel and thereby the productivity. The findings revealed that information affected the quality rates and productivity and that this can be linked to how the information is presented as well as when the information is presented. It was possible to link these findings to the outcome of a successful information search process, and to conclude that a use of an evaluation method or work process during the product lifecycle could have made it possible to avoid some of the problems connected to the information presentation. This is the basis for a proposed pragmatic evaluation method. The method was tested as a support system during the design of a prototype user interface to be used at the pilot plant. The major contribution of this research is the connection between attention and quality as well as the connection between attention and productivity. Knowledge regarding the importance of presenting the information at the right time must also be regarded as an important and proven contribution.

Model-driven data migration

Aboulsamh, Mohammed A. January 2012 (has links)
Information systems often hold data of considerable value. Their continuing development or maintenance will often necessitate evolution of the system and migration of the data from one version to the next: a process that may be expensive, time-consuming, and prone to error. That such a process remains a source of challenges, is recognized by both academia and industry. In current practice, data migration is often considered only in the later stages of development, leaving critical data to be transformed and loaded by hand-written scripts, long after the design process has been completed. The advent of model-driven engineering offers an opportunity to consider the question of information system evolution and data migration earlier in the development process. A precise account of the proposed changes to an existing system model can be used to predict the consequences for existing data, and to generate the necessary data migration implementation. This dissertation shows how automatic data migration can be achieved by extending the definition of a data modeling language to include model level operations, each of which corresponds to the addition, modification, or deletion of a model component. Using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation as an example, we show how the specification of these operations may be translated into an abstract program in the Abstract Machine Notation (AMN), employed in the B-method, and then formally checked for consistency and applicability prior to translation into a concrete programming notation, such as Structured Query Language (SQL).

Management znalostí / Knowlege Management

Isachanka, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Tato práce je zaměřena na základní procesy tvorby znalostí v podnicích a veřejných institucích. V teoretické části jsou popsané pohledy moderní vědy na data, informace a znalosti, proces tvorby a řízení znalostí z hlediska knowlege managementu. V praktické části jsou podrobněji probrány otázky tvorby a řízení znalostí na přikladu reálne organizace, a podrobněji analyzovany problemy spojené neefektivní praci se znalostí a mozností zlepšeni .

O uso de cenários em marketing / Using Scenarios in Marketing

Trombin, Vinícius Gustavo 23 April 2014 (has links)
O ritmo acentuado e a magnitude das mudanças desafiam a estabilidade em diversos setores da economia, sem indícios que o mundo amanhã será menos instável e complicado. Por isso, as informações acerca do que se conhece hoje já não são suficientes para que se tome uma boa decisão: os gestores precisam antever, de modo sistemático, o que irá acontecer para que possam administrar os efeitos da mudança ou, se possível, antecipá-los, construindo assim o futuro e não somente respondendo a ele quando este mudar. Desde o surgimento dos estudos do futuro no meio empresarial na década de 1970, houve um crescimento da utilização dos cenários. Tal crescimento não afastou, contudo, discussões que abordassem a sua real contribuição, apoiadas principalmente nas seguintes idéias: muitas previsões feitas não se tinham concretizado, eventos inesperados alteram o que se conhece; e eventos acontecem aleatoriamente. Porém, tais idéias foram contestadas considerando que não é possível saber se as previsões falharam, ou o curso da história foi alterado pelo homem ao tomar conhecimento prévio dos problemas; os eventos inesperados não alteram permanentemente todos os sistemas e costumes; e, eventos aparentemente aleatórios possuem uma longa acumulação de tendências na superfície. Portanto, embora, não seja possível conhecer plenamente o futuro, pode-se reconhecer ou, pelo menos, ter uma indicação do que vai acontecer. Uma analogia pode ser feita comparando os cenários ao funcionamento dos faróis de um carro à noite. Embora não revelem tudo o que virá à frente, é impossível guiar o carro com os faróis apagados. Nesse sentido, esta tese buscou compreender como os cenários podem ser usados para a tomada de decisão em marketing. A partir do refinamento deste problema de pesquisa, chegou-se ao objetivo de analisar a elaboração de cenários, como um dos produtos possibilitados pelo Sistema de Informação de Marketing (SIM), para fins de aplicação em marketing. Para atingi-lo, inicialmente foi realizada uma revisão teórica do SIM e de cenários - congregando mais de 25 métodos - estes dois corpos teóricos foram aproximados, o que contribuiu por trazer para o centro das discussões a teoria de cenários, que até então era discutida de forma pouco aprofundada na literatura especializada de marketing. Na sequência, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo, de caráter exploratório e qualitativo, utilizando-se o método de estudo de casos múltiplos. Participaram da pesquisa 3 empresas de grande porte, com atuação em setores diferentes e presença em mais de 90 países. Concluiu-se que o SIM não pode mais ser entendido como o foi no passado, ou seja, como um sistema separado, pois agora ele é uma parte conectada ao sistema que auxilia a gestão da empresa como um todo. Os cenários, que são elaborados para serem utilizados na tomada de decisão de marketing, são um produto do Sistema de Apoio a Decisões de Marketing e são elaborados a partir da interpretação dos dados e das informações fornecidas pelos demais componentes do SIM: Registros Internos, Inteligência de Marketing e Pesquisa de Marketing. As informações originadas de cada um dos componentes se materializam como insumo principal ou secundário para a elaboração dos cenários, dependendo do tipo de pergunta que se coloca em relação ao futuro, ou seja, se o tomador de decisão quer saber \"o vai acontecer\", então são elaborados cenários preditivos, e os registros internos são o insumo principal para isso; já se a questão colocada for \"o que pode acontecer?\", o insumo principal são as informações originadas no Sistema de Inteligência de Marketing; por fim, se a questão é \"como uma meta específica pode ser alcançada?\", o insumo principal são os registros internos. A tese mostrou que os cenários podem ser usados em marketing para apoiar uma série de decisões que requerem uma melhor compreensão do comportamento futuro tanto do consumidor quanto da concorrência, com a finalidade de identificar oportunidades e riscos de mercado. Enfim, os cenários ajudam os gestores de marketing a estarem mais atentos a temas emergentes. / The sharp pace and magnitude of change in business and the economy defies stability in diverse industries, and there are no evidences that the world tomorrow will be less volatile and complicated. Therefore, information about what is known today is not sufficient for making good decisions: managers need to predict what will happen in a systematic way, so that they can manage the effects of change or, if possible, anticipate them, thereby shaping the future and not just responding to it when it changes. Since the emergence of future studies in business in the 1970s, there was a growth in using scenarios. However, this growth not departed discussions that addressed their actual contribution, supported on the following ideas: many forecast had not materialized, unexpected events change what is known; events happen randomly. However, such ideas were challenged whereas that it is not possible to know if the predictions failed, or the course of history was changed by man for having prior knowledge of problems; unexpected events not alter permanently all systems and customs; and apparently random events have a long accumulation of trends in surface. Therefore, although it is not possible to fully know the future, it can be recognize or at least have an indication of what will happen. An analogy can be made comparing the scenarios with the operation of the headlights of a car at night. Although not show everything that will come forward, it is impossible to drive the car with the headlights off. In this sense, this thesis asks how scenarios can be used for decision making in marketing, from the refinement of this research problem, the goal of analyzing the scenario development, as one of the products made possible by Marketing Information System (MIS), was reached. To achieve this, initially a theoretical review of the MIS and scenarios was conducted; these two theoretical bodies were approximate, which contributed to bringing the theory of scenarios to the center of the discussion, which until then was little discussed in the marketing literature. Qualitative and exploratory field research was carried out, using the method of multiple case studies. It was concluded that the MIS cannot be understood as it was in the past, as a separate system, because now it is connected to the system that assists the management of the company as a whole. The scenarios, which are designed to be used in marketing decision making, are a product of the Marketing Decision Support System and are drawn from the interpretation of the data and information provided by other components of the MIS: Internal Database, Marketing Intelligence, and Marketing Research. The information derived from each component materializes as primary or secondary input to the scenario\'s development, depending on the type of question that arises for the future, i.e., if the decision maker wants to know \"what will happen\", predictive scenarios are then elaborated, and the internal database is the main input for this; if the question is \"what can happen\", the main input is the information originating in the Marketing System and finally, if the question is \"how a specific goal can be achieved\", the main input is Internal Database. The literature and field research showed that scenarios can be used in marketing to support a series of decisions that require a better understanding of both the consumer and competitive future behavior, in order to identify opportunities and market risks. Finally, the scenarios help marketing managers\' attend to the emerging themes.

Análise dos sistemas de informação e proposta de indicadores de saúde bucal a serem utilizados pelos municípios da região de Osasco / Analysis of information systems and proposal of indicators of oral health to be used by municipalities in the region of Osasco

Martino, Fausto Souza 09 June 2008 (has links)
Indicadores são essenciais para os serviços de saúde tanto no diagnóstico, como na avaliação e controle de suas ações. Com a evolução do SUS, os municípios ainda estão se adequando às novas funções decorrentes do processo de municipalização. Para tanto, é imprescindível um sistema de informação em saúde consistente, fator preponderante no planejamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os sistemas de informações e os indicadores de saúde bucal utilizados pelos municípios da região de Osasco, bem como aperfeiçoá-los e propor o uso de outros indicadores. O estudo foi desenvolvido nos municípios pertencentes à extinta Direção Regional de Saúde (DIR) V Osasco, através do Comitê de Saúde Bucal da região. Inicialmente, os coordenadores de saúde bucal responderam questionários referentes aos sistemas de informações e indicadores utilizados. Em seguida, foram realizadas oficinas com estes coordenadores para aprimoramento destas ferramentas. Observou-se que os municípios enfrentam problemas para o efetivo uso dos indicadores no controle, avaliação e planejamento de ações de saúde bucal. Esperase que a região, através das coordenações locais de saúde bucal, desenvolvam mecanismos para utilizar cada vez mais e com maior qualidade as informações geradas pelos seus sistemas de informações e possam traduzi-las em indicadores confiáveis e úteis para o fortalecimento de suas gestões. / Indicators are essential for health care both in diagnosis, as in the evaluation and control of their actions. With SUS development, municipalities are still adjusting to the new tasks arising from municipalization process. So, a consistent health information system is very important, predominant factor in planning. The purpose of this study was to analize information systems and oral health indicators used by municipalities in the region of Osasco, besides improve them and propose the use of other indicators. The study was conducted in the municipalities belonging to the defunct Regional Direction of Health (DIR) V - Osasco, through the Committee for Oral Health in the region. Initially, the coordinators of oral health filled out questionnaires concerning information systems and indicators used. Then workshops were held with these coordinators to improve these tools. It was observed that municipalities face problems for the effective use of the indicators in control, evaluation and planning of actions of oral health. It is expected that the region, through the coordination of local oral health, develop mechanisms to use ever more and with higher quality the information generated by its information systems, translating them into useful and reliable indicators for the strengthening of their management .

Uma análise de acessibilidade sob a ótica da eqüidade - o caso da região metropolitana de Belém. / Assessing equity in transportation accessibility distribution: the case of Belém Metropolitan Region

Goto, Massa 13 September 2000 (has links)
Belém sofreu processo semelhante a diversas cidades brasileiras, com a expulsão de parte da população para áreas de expansão com carência de infra-estrutura viária e, em geral, prejudicadas em termos de acessibilidade. Considerando que este processo atingiu de forma desigual aos diferentes segmentos da população, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar como se dá a distribuição de acessibilidade ao transporte para indivíduos de diferentes classes de renda e, a partir daí, analisar estratégias para assegurar a eqüidade na sua distribuição na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB). Com este fim, dois índices de acessibilidade foram calculados neste estudo a partir da aplicação de um sistema de informações geográficas para transportes: um do tipo separação espacial média e outro do tipo gravitacional. Os valores de atratividade do índice do tipo gravitacional foram posteriormente alterados de forma a compor dois cenários de localização de pólos de comércio e serviços diferentes do atual. O estudo mostra que os cenários alternativos promoveram uma melhor distribuição da acessibilidade na RMB e que a seleção do melhor deles pode ser feita através de critérios de eqüidade. Além disto, demonstrou-se ainda que, após a seleção do melhor cenário, outros recursos do SIG podem ser utilizados para priorizar, também segundo a ótica da eqüidade, as zonas que ainda carecem de melhorias na acessibilidade aos transportes. / The growth process of Belém, similarly to what happened to other Brazilian cities, was characterized by the location of part of its population in areas with insufficient road infrastructure. As a consequence, these were in general low accessibility areas. Considering that the impacts of the growth process were not evenly distributed to all population groups, the aim of this work is to evaluate the distribution patterns of transportation accessibility to different income groups in the Metropolitan Region of Belém. This is an important step towards the formulation of strategies to reestablish equity in the accessibility distribution. Two indexes have been used to estimate accessibility values in a geographic information system environment: a Mean Separation Index and a Gravity-type Index. The attractiveness values of the Gravity-type Index were subsequently changed to create alternative scenarios in which the location of the retail and service areas was different from the current conditions. The results found in this study showed that: a) the alternative scenarios had a better transportation accessibility distribution than the present one; and b) the selection of the best alternative scenario could be based on equity criteria. Next, once again oriented by an equity criterion, other GIS tools were applied to select the areas in the chosen scenario in which transportation accessibility could be further improved.

Proposição de um sistema de informação de benchmarking para empresas desenvolvedoras de produtos

Oliveira, Geísa Gaiger de January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca contribuir com empresas desenvolvedoras de produtos de bens de consumo, através da proposição de um protótipo de sistema de informação de benchmarking (SIB). O programa tem por base um conjunto de indicadores de inovação, competitividade e design que estão distribuídos em cinco categorias: resposta ao consumidor, eficiência, inovação, qualidade e resultado. O SIB apresenta um indicador composto, denominado ICD-UFRGS, calculado a partir dos resultados de desempenho obtidos por uma determinada empresa em cada categoria. Dessa forma, as companhias poderão verificar sua performance, se comparar com outras do mesmo setor e confrontar seu desempenho com os dados advindos da média dos resultados de todas as demais empresas usuárias do sistema proposto. O programa foi resultado do trabalho de uma equipe de desenvolvimento com diferentes habilidades. Utilizou-se como estratégia de atuação a realização de apresentações periódicas, por parte dos programadores, para os demais integrantes da equipe de desenvolvimento, sobre a operação do software. Assim, a equipe tinha condições de refletir sobre a adequação da funcionalidade do sistema com os objetivos do trabalho e sugerir melhorias ao processo. O protótipo de alta fidelidade, em seu formato final, foi testado, inicialmente, com dados fictícios e, posteriormente, com dados reais de uma empresa, com o intuito de identificar problemas na programação. Em seguida, o software passou por três diferentes validações: em uma empresa desenvolvedora de produtos de bens de consumo; em uma agência governamental ligada ao setor industrial brasileiro; e por pesquisadores e professores do Institute of Design do Illinois Institute of Technology, de Chicago/EUA. As validações tiveram o intuito de identificar oportunidades de melhorias, por meio da percepção de possíveis usuários do software, a serem implementadas no protótipo, antes de sua disseminação no mercado. O estudo permitiu verificar que o sistema tem potencial de uso no Brasil. Além disso, percebeu-se que a funcionalidade de integração com outros softwares e possibilidades de apresentação de dados em smartphones podem contribuir na implementação em empresas. / The present study seeks to contribute with product development companies by proposing a prototype of a benchmarking information system (BIS). The software is based on a set of indicators of innovation, competitiveness and design that are distributed into five categories: consumer response, efficiency, innovation, quality and outcome. BIS has a composite indicator, called ICD-UFRGS, which is calculated with the performance results achieved by a particular company in each category. In this way, companies will be able to check their performance if they compare it with the achievement of other companies in the same sector and compare their performance with the data from the average of the results of all other companies that use the proposed system. The software resulted from the work of a development team with different skills. The operating strategy consisted of regular presentations by the developers to the other members of the development team about the operation of the software. Thus, the team had to reflect on the adequacy of the system functionality to the objectives of the work and suggest improvements to the process. The final format of the high-fidelity prototype was tested with fictitious data at first, and later with real data of a company, in order to identify problems in programming. Then, the software went through three different validations: in a product development company; in a government agency linked to the Brazilian industrial sector; and by researchers and professors of the Institute of Design of the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago/USA. The purpose of the validations was to identify improvement opportunities, through the perception of possible users of the software to be implemented in the prototype, prior to its dissemination in the market. The study showed that the system has potential for use in Brazil. In addition, it was realized that the functionality of integration with other software and the possibility to present data on smartphones can favor its implementation in companies.

E-business : A Sharing Information System

Bach, Monica, Yurag Österlund, Teresa January 2013 (has links)
Today many companies show a highly interest in adopting the e-business. However,companies need different information system strategy in the adoption of e-business in order tosupport information sharing. Information system strategy is concerned with aligning ofinformation system with business needs. Beside this, companies need to search after strategicadvantage from information technology, since information system strategy explains what todo with IT. The earlier experiences point to the fact that companies failed to develop theirbusinesses through Internet mainly because they did not developed an appropriate strategy.This study investigates how to implement information system strategy to support informationsharing in the context of e-business. Thus, the purpose of this study is to highlight differentperspectives in adaptation of information system strategy within e-business companies. Theempirical study is based on a qualitative method of data collection by using three interrelatedcase studies. The study conducted a number of interviews with three e-business companiesnamed Hööks, NetOnNet and Kwintet.The theoretical framework provided knowledge about e-business, information sharing, andinformation system strategies. The findings - by means of interview questions - were analyzedby theoretical ideas. The authors came to a number of conclusions:1. Perspectives in information system strategy are divided into different parts consist ofERP system, supporting system, and manual approach, depending on how the ebusinesscompanies uses the information system strategies.2. Information system strategies are embedded with ERP system and are interconnectivelyused companies that use the e-business as their core business system.3. The e-business provides information workflow to support information sharing.4. The final conclusion is that there are remaining perspectives, which are not connectedto ERP system, but they are vital for the implementation of information systemstrategies for information sharing. / Program: Masterutbildning i Informatik

Proposta de utilização de geoprocessamento nas atividades de controle de proliferação do Aedes aegypti / Proposed use of geoprocessing in activities of controlling the proliferation of Aedes aegypti

Bonadio, Ivan Carlos 11 February 2011 (has links)
Não consta resumo na publicação. / Abstract not available.

Elektronická třídní kniha / Electronic Classbook

Jedlička, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this diploma paper is the development of simple information system. This system is intended for elementary schools and high schools and it covers functionality of attendance evidence, study assessment evidence and assigning, submitting and evaluating of tasks. Design of the application is focused mainly on efficiency of application using and simplicity of control. Thesis contains the chapter about Groovy programming language and framework Grails, which is used as base for development of this application. This chapter may help as a userguide for developers, which are beginning in using of these technologies.

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