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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MIMS - Multi Integrated Management Systems for Quality, Environment and Systematic Work Environment : A General management system, based on large Swedish companies

Eliasson, Hugo January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes mature Multi Integrated Management System (MIMS), mainly within Swedish companies, certified against three or more certificates. Other criteria have been to have a business system, usually SAP R/3 and that the companies investigated have had more than 200 employees. The two main reasons to implement have been customer demands and company Group requirements. The most common standards, besides ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AFS 2001:1/OHSAS 18001 (9K, 14K and 18K) are EMAS, FSC (wood, paper standard), PEFC (wood) with two cases. The following similarities describes the “Core in MIMS”, i.e. similarities between different standards. The most important parts are to have a policy, a manual and review. Policy Statement – 4.2 (14K and 18K) 5.3 (9K) Objectives - 4.3.3 (14K and 18K) 5.4.1 (9K) Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority – 4.4.1 (14K and 18K) 5.5.1 and 6.1 (9K) Documentation - 4.4.4 (14K and 18K) 4.2.1 (9K) Control of Documents – 4.4.5 (14K and 18K) 4.2.3 (9K) Control of Records – 4.5.3 (18K) 4.5.4 (14K) 4.2.4 (9K) Competence; Training and Awareness – 4.4.2 (14K) 6.2.2 (9K) Internal Audit – 4.5.4 (18K) 4.5.5 (14K) 8.2.2 (9K) Management Review – 4.6 (14K and 18K) 5.6 (9K) The most common approaches are that the Graphical User Interface is based on a “Manual” or the “Deming Wheel”, but there are also other examples. A general management system is described and there are examples of content in a manual. In 2007 focus seems to be on audits and implementation of new standards (mainly systematic work environment) and SOX is mentioned for the first time. In academic literature successful examples of integration of management systems, with Lean production are described. ISO 9001:2008 is now available, but there is not that dramatic changes from previous version, and all changes make the standard easier to integrate with other standards than ISO 9001:2000. / ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Diese Thesis behandelt ausgereifte, mehrfach integrierte Managementsysteme (Multi Integrated Management Systems, MIMS), hauptsächlich in schwedischen Unternehmen, die mindestens dreifach zertifiziert wurden. Andere Kriterien waren dass die Unternehmen ein Business-System haben, in der Regel SAP R / 3, und dass die betrachteten Unternehmen mehr als 200 Mitarbeiter haben. Die zwei wichtigsten Gründe für die Einführung von Managementsystemen waren Kundenwünsche und Anforderungen des eigenen Konzerns. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Standards, neben der ISO 9001, ISO 14001 und AFS 2001:1 / OHSAS 18001 (9K, 14K und 18K), sind EMAS, FSC (Holz-, Papier-Standard) und PEFC (Holz), mit je zwei Fällen. Die folgenden Gemeinsamkeiten machen den "Kern der MIMS" aus, dh. Berührungspunkte zwischen den verschiedenen Standards. Die wichtigsten Aspekte sind Policy, Handbücher und Revisionen. • Ausgesprochene Policy – 4.2 (14K und 18K) 5.3 (9K) • Ziele - 4.3.3 (14K und 18K) 5.4.1 (9K) • Ressourcen, Rollen, Verantwortung und Befugnisse - 4.4.1 (14K und 18K) 5.5.1 und 6.1 (9K) • Dokumentation - 4.4.4 (14K und 18K) 4.2.1 (9K) • Dokumentensteuerung - 4.4.5 (14K und 18K) 4.2.3 (9K) • Datensteuerung - 4.5.3 (18K) 4.5.4 (14K) 4.2.4 (9K) • Kompetenz, Schulung und Aufmerksamkeit - 4.4.2 (14K) 6.2.2 (9K) • Internationale Audits - 4.5.4 (18K) 4.5.5 (14K) 8.2.2 (9K) • Management Revision - 4,6 (14K und 18K) 5.6 (9K) Die am häufigsten anzutreffenden Ansätze sind, dass das Graphical User Interface auf einem "Handbuch“ basiert, oder auf dem "Deming-Kreis", aber es gibt auch andere Beispiele. Ein generelles Managementsystem wird beschrieben und es gibt Beispiele vom Inhalt eines Handbuches. Im Jahr 2008 scheint der Fokus auf Audits und Entwicklung neuer Standards zu liegen (vor allem systematisches Arbeitsmanagement) und SOX wird zum ersten Mal erwähnt. In der akademischen Literatur werden erfolgreiche Beispiele der Integration von Management-Systemen mit Lean Production Beschrieben. Die ISO 9001:2008 ist jetzt zugänglich, aber ohne grosse Veränderungen im Vergleich zu älteren Versionen, und alle Veränderungen machen es leichter diesen Standard mit anderen Standards als den ISO 9001:2000 integrieren. Schlüsselwörter: Management-Systeme, Integriertes Management, Multi, Integration, Qualität, Umwelt, systematische Umweltarbeit, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AFS 2001:1 und OHSAS 18001.

Multiple Tactics to Improve our Understanding of Soybean Diseases

Mariama Tricuonia Brown (15295693) 14 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Sudden death syndrome (SDS) caused by <em>Fusarium virguliforme</em> is one of the top yield-reducing diseases of soybean. This disease results in a two-stage symptom development, root rot followed by foliar interveinal chlorosis and necrosis. Foliar symptoms typically appear late in the growing season [full pod to full seed (R4 to R6) reproductive growth stages]. Prior to foliar symptoms, a destructive technique is usually carried out to identify the root rot phase of SDS. This technique requires intensive crop scouting and an expert for accurate diagnosis. Therefore, a nondestructive technique is needed to diagnose SDS disease in the absence of visible foliar symptoms. Additionally, no soybean cultivar is completely resistant to SDS and no single method can completely manage this disease. So, an improved integrated approach is needed for SDS disease management. </p> <p>Foliar fungal diseases such as frogeye leaf spot (<em>Cercospora sojina</em> Hara), Septoria brown spot (<em>Septoria glycines</em> Hemmi), and Cercospora leaf blight (<em>Cercospora</em> spp.) are also economically important diseases of soybean. To limit the losses caused by these diseases, several management methods can be used including the application of foliar fungicide. However, due to the low foliar disease pressure that is observed most years, fungicide applications may not be warranted to be applied annually in Indiana. </p> <p>The objectives of this research were: 1) to assess the effectiveness and economic impact of integrated management strategies that include cultivar selection, seed treatment, and seeding rate on SDS in Indiana; 2) to pre-symptomatically and non-destructively detect SDS disease using hyperspectral measurements; and 3) to evaluate foliar fungicides on soybean foliar diseases and yield in Indiana. </p> <p>Results from this research support the use of a seed treatment to protect soybean roots from SDS infection and the use of a moderately resistant cultivar planted at a seeding rate of 346,535 seeds/ha to protect yield and maximize on net returns. This research also demonstrated the ability of hyperspectral reflectance to discriminate healthy from <em>F. virguliforme</em> infected soybean roots in the absence of foliar symptoms. In addition, results show that fungicide applications can reduce foliar disease over the nontreated control, but under low foliar disease risk, these fungicides did not significantly increase yield over the nontreated control. Altogether, these results will contribute to improved soybean disease management approaches in Indiana.</p>

Modellgestützte Dokumentation und Integration von Managementsystemen / Model-based Documentation and Integration of Management Systems

Rößler, Richard 05 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Sinne einer nachhaltigen und ganzheitlichen Firmenentwicklung lässt sich in der Unternehmenslandschaft ein Trend in Richtung einer kontinuierlichen Erweiterung des unternehmerischen Zielsystems beobachten. Neben etablierten Aspekten, wie dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Arbeitssicherheit, erlangen weitere Themen, wie beispielsweise das betriebliche Umwelt- und Energiemanagement, zunehmend an Bedeutung. Um die Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte nachzuweisen, steht Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zur Zertifizierung nach funktionsspezifischen Managementsystemnormen offen. Die Einführung und Dokumentation entsprechender Managementsysteme erweist sich jedoch als ein zeitintensiver Prozess, dessen Schwierigkeit vor allem in der unternehmensspezifischen Interpretation der allgemein formulierten Normanforderungen liegt. Strebt ein Unternehmen die Zertifizierung nach mehreren Managementsystemnormen an, so eröffnet sich die Möglichkeit zur Integration der Managementsysteme. Allerdings sind auch die Aufgaben der Integration durch verschiedene Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet, die den Bedarf nach einer systematischen Unterstützung verdeutlichen. Im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik haben sich konzeptuelle Modelle als Instrument zur zielorientierten und verständlichen Beschreibung komplexer Informationssysteme etabliert. Entsprechende Modelle können die Durchdringung und Kommunikation komplexer Sachverhalte durch eine zweckmäßige Abstraktion und Strukturierung vereinfachen und eine Überführung in Anwendungssoftware vorbereiten. Für die vorliegende Dissertation leitet sich unter Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte folgende zentrale Forschungsfrage ab: Wie kann die konzeptuelle Modellierung bei den Aufgaben der Dokumentation und Integration standardisierter Managementsysteme unterstützen? Der Forschungsmethode des Design Science Research folgend, präsentiert die vorliegende Arbeit funktionsspezifische und funktionsunspezifische Artefakte, die bei der Dokumentation standardisierter Managementsysteme und deren Integration modellbasiert unterstützen. Die Anwendbarkeit der Artefakte wird anhand eines realen Anwendungsfalls demonstriert. Die Ausführungen der vorliegenden Arbeit basieren auf einer Analyse der Anforderungen nach ISO 9001 für Qualitätsmanagementsysteme, ISO 14001 für Umweltmanagementsysteme, ISO 50001 für Energiemanagementsysteme, OHSAS 18001 für Arbeitsschutz- und Arbeitssicherheitsmanagementsysteme sowie des durch die Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung veröffentlichten Annex SL.

Considérer l’expérience du visiteur, une clé pour la gestion intégrée des forêts

Robert, Cécile 01 1900 (has links)
Les forêts occidentales sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus prisées pour la pratique d’activités récréatives en milieu naturel. Dès lors, la mise en place d’une gestion intégrée des forêts est plus que jamais indispensable au maintien des conditions nécessaires à la pratique de l’ensemble des activités sur le territoire. Le Québec s’est doté d’une nouvelle législation pour répondre aux nombreux enjeux qui touchent le milieu forestier, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’harmonisation entre les activités récréatives et la production ligneuse. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous nous sommes intéressés au concept d’expérience du visiteur comme moyen de faciliter cette harmonisation. Il s’agissait à la fois de caractériser l’expérience de visite des utilisateurs d’un parc régional et de se questionner sur son opérationnalisation dans l’aménagement forestier. Deux méthodes qualitatives complémentaires ont été utilisées : d’une part, l’analyse de récits inscrits dans des livres d’or placés dans différents hébergements et d’autre part, des entrevues ont été conduites auprès de visiteurs rencontrés sur le site. Les résultats révèlent la pertinence de considérer l’expérience du visiteur pour favoriser une utilisation plurielle et harmonieuse du territoire forestier. Son étude permet une compréhension fine des composantes communes et spécifiques des expériences, en fonction des visiteurs. Par ailleurs, l’étude témoigne de la possibilité de mettre en relation des typologies d’expériences recherchées et les modalités d’harmonisation. Enfin, au-delà de l’expérience, le suivi de la perception de la foresterie et des représentations peut également s’avérer pertinent pour les gestionnaires. / The practice of outdoor recreational activities in western forests is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, the implementation of integrated management with regards to publicly-owned forests is more important than ever in order to maintain conditions necessary for all activities on the territory. The province of Québec which has recently adopted a new Forestry Act is following this trend by addressing the numerous forest management issues such as harmonizing of various uses which represents a major challenge, particularly with regards to recreation and timber production. Throughout this research, we focused on the concept of visitors’ experience as a means to facilitate harmonization. The objectives were to identify the attributes of visitors’ experiences in a regional park and to assess how it can be useful in forest management. Two complementary qualitative methodologies were applied: on the one hand, we analyzed the comments written by visitors on guest books, and on the other hand, we interviewed visitors we met on the site. Results indicate the relevance of using visitors’ experiences to promote a plural and harmonious use of forest lands. The study allows for an in-depth understanding of experience components, both common and specific, which vary according to visitors. Moreover, the study reveals that it’s possible to connect certain experience profiles with harmonization terms. Finally, beyond the mere experience, it appears that forest managers who are aware of the perception and image of forest management will certainly benefit from this information.

Gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Tarumã e Teodoro Sampaio-SP /

Fagundes, Diana da Cruz. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Antônio Cezar Leal / Banca: Encarnita Salas Martin / Banca: Jurandir Savi / Resumo: Nesta pesquisa estabeleceu-se como objetivo geral analisar a gestão dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares gerados nas cidades de Tarumã e Teodoro Sampaio-SP, com a finalidade de propor ações ao gerenciamento integrado dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. A metodologia empregada foi baseada em revisão bibliográfica e trabalhos de campo para compreender os sistemas de gerenciamento existentes nos municípios pesquisados e subsidiar a análise das condições de funcionamento de uma usina de triagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos com a coleta seletiva. Nesse sentido, foram investigados a geração, o tratamento e a destinação dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares de Tarumã e Teodoro Sampaio, além daqueles gerados no processo de produção da Usina de Açúcar e Álcool Nova América, e sua participação na vida econômica da Usina de Triagem e Compostagem de Tarumã. Esta pesquisa permitiu compreender a importância de uma gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares, visando a combater e minimizar impactos ambientais associados aos mesmos, bem como enfatizar a necessidade de articular a usina de triagem de resíduos sólidos domiciliares com a coleta seletiva em Tarumã e viabilizar a coleta seletiva em Teodoro Sampaio, podendo assim, garantir, sobretudo, ganhos sociais, operacionais, econômicos, educacionais e ambientais para os municípios. / Abstract: In this researchit was established how general objective to analyse the management of household solid wastes generated in Tarumã and Teodoro Sampaio cities, with the finality of proposing actions to the integrated management of the urban solid wastes. The methodology used was based on bibliographic review and extern works to understand the existing management systems in the municipal districts and subsidize the analysis of operating conditions of a plant for sorting of municipal solid wastes with selective collection. In this sense, were investigated the generation, processing and distribution of household solid wastes of Tarumã and Teodoro Sampaio, besides those generated in the production process of producing of Usina of Açúcar and Alcool Nova América, and its participation in the economic life of the power of screening and Composting of Tarumã. This research ledus to understand the importance of an integrated management of household solid wastes, seeking to combat and minimize environmental impacts associated themselves, and emphasize the necessity to articulate the power of sorting solid wastes home with a selective collection and enable the Tarumã selective collection in Teodoro Sampaio, and can the so, in particular, social, operational, economic, and environmental education gains cities. / Mestre

Bioatividade de extratos orgânicos de meliáceas e óleos essenciais de piperáceas sobre Rhopalosiphum maidis (Hemiptera: Aphididae) / Bioactivity of organic extracts from Meliaceae and essential oils from Piperaceae on Rhopalosiphum maidis (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

Pitta, Rafael Major 04 November 2010 (has links)
Os afídeos são importantes pragas na agricultura, principalmente por serem vetores de fitovírus, os quais são transmitidos geralmente no momento da picada de prova. Além disso, os afídeos também removem os aminoácidos nitrogenados das plantas ao se alimentarem no floema e injetam substâncias presentes na saliva, que interferem na fisiologia da planta. Entre as táticas de controle para o manejo integrado desses insetos, pode-se citar o emprego de inseticidas químicos ou botânicos e o uso de produtos repelentes que tornam as plantas pulverizadas não atrativas, evitando que pulgões pousem e se alimentem normalmente da planta. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se estudar a bioatividade de extratos orgânicos das Meliaceae Trichilia pallida, Trichillia claussenii,Trichilia catigua, Toona ciliata e Guarea guidonia e dos óleos essenciais das Piperaceae Piper amalago, Piper umbellatum, Piper claussenianum e Piper sp. em relação a pulgões, utilizando como espécie-modelo R. maidis. Os extratos orgânicos das Meliaceae foram obtidos, por maceração, com o uso dos solventes hexano, diclorometano e etanol, nessa sequência de extração. O extrato hexânico de T. pallida foi o que apresentou a maior atividade aficida, sendo então selecionado para fracionamento por cromatografia de coluna rápida utilizando, sequencialmente, os solventes hexano, acetato de etila e metanol. Entre as frações, a hexânica causou a maior mortalidade, sendo selecionada para a determinação dos modos de ação sobre R. maidis. A referida fração não apresentou ação de contato e nem ação neurotóxica; entretanto, foi constatada ação translaminar. No ensaio com Electrical Penetration Graph - EPG, os insetos apresentaram maior dificuldade para se alimentar. Entre as Piperaceae, a maior repelência e mortalidade a R. maidis foi causada por P. claussenianum, cujo óleo essencial foi então selecionado para os testes subsequentes. Sua atividade inseticida ocorreu por contato, causando rápida mortalidade, acreditandose, assim, tratar-se de um efeito neurotóxico; não foi constatado, entretanto, efeito fumigante. Quanto às alterações comportamentais, constatou-se efeito repelente sobre alados por meio de teste com olfatômetro e o efeito fagodeterrente com uso do EPG. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que entre os extratos orgânicos e óleos essenciais testados, a fração hexânica do extrato hexânico de T. pallida apresenta substâncias com atividade inseticida sobre R. maidis, sendo uma possível fonte para síntese de novos inseticidas e que o óleo essencial de P. claussenianum pode ser utilizado diretamente no controle de pulgões ou servir de fonte para a identificação de moléculas inseticidas para a síntese. / Aphids are important pests in agriculture mainly because they are vectors of phytovíruses, which are normally transmitted during the aphids probe. In addition, aphids not only remove amino-nitrogen from the plants while feeding in the phloem but also inject substances present in their saliva, which interfere in plant physiology. Among the strategies for the integrated management of these insects, we can state the use of chemical or botanical insecticides as well as repellents which turn the plants into nonattractive ones, thus avoiding that aphids land and feed normally from the plant. Therefore, we studied the bioactivity of organic extracts from the Meliaceae plants Trichilia pallida, Trichilia claussenii, Trichilia catigua, Toona ciliata and Guarea guidonia and essential oils from the Piperaceae plants Piper amalago, Piper umbellatum, Piper claussenianum and Piper sp. against aphids, using R. maidis as a model species. Organic extracts from Meliaceae were obtained by maceration technique using hexane, dichloromethane and ethanol solvents, in this sequence of extraction. Hexanic extract from T. pallida provoked the highest activity against aphids being chosen for the fractionation using a chromatographic column with fast flow and using hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol solvents, in this sequence. Hexanic fraction provoked the highest mortality among the fractions evaluated being chosen in order to understand its modes of action on R. maidis. This fraction had neither mode of action by contact nor neurotoxic action; however, its translaminar action was proved. Using the Electrical Penetration Graph - EPG, we observed that most of the insects had difficulty to feed themselves. Among the Piperaceae plants, the highest repellency and mortality of R. maidis was caused by P. claussenianum which was selected for the subsequent assays. Its insecticidal activity occurred through contact causing a fast mortality perhaps due to a neurotoxic effect. Nevertheless, a fumigant effect was not observed. With regard to behavioral changes, a repellent effect was proven on alates through olfactometer assay and a phagodeterrent effect was proven using EPG assay. According to the results, we concluded that among the organic extracts and essential oils evaluated, the hexanic fraction from hexanic extract from T. pallida contains substances with insecticidal activity against R. maidis being a potential source for synthesis of new insecticides while the essential oil from P. claussenianum may be used both to control aphids and to be a source for identification of insecticidal molecules aiming their synthesis.

Distribuição espacial e plano de amostragem para a cigarrinha-das-raízes, Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal., 1854), em cana-de-açúcar. / Spatial pattern and sampling plan for sugarcane root froghopper , Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål., 1854).

Stingel, Erich 04 July 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição espacial de adultos e ninfas da cigarrinha-das-raízes da cana-de-açúcar, Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål., 1854) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), a eficiência do sistema de amostragem atualmente empregado em escala comercial, a possibilidade de estimar a população de ninfas por meio da contagem de espumas e, a partir desses resultados, estabelecer um plano de amostragem confiável, prático e de baixo custo para utilização em programas de manejo integrado desta praga. A determinação da distribuição espacial foi feita em Ourinhos e Guariba-SP, demarcando-se três parcelas de 1,1 ha, em talhão colhido mecanicamente sem a queima da palha e com histórico de ataque da cigarrinha-dasraízes. As avaliações foram feitas em três épocas diferentes, contando-se o número de adultos e ninfas na base das touceiras, em 50% da área da parcela. Os adultos e ninfas de M. fimbriolata distribuem-se de forma agregada ou contagiosa na cultura da cana-de-açúcar e este padrão de distribuição não se altera ao longo das gerações, nem é influenciado pelo nível de infestação ou variedade cultivada. Utilizando-se os dados obtidos nestes experimentos calculou-se, para cada local e época de amostragem, o índice de dispersão k e o número de amostras necessárias para estimar a população de ninfas, considerando-se diferentes níveis de precisão, e realizaram-se simulações para diferentes tamanhos de amostra e esquemas de caminhamento. O plano de amostragem mais adequado para avaliação da população da cigarrinha-das-raízes em cana-de-açúcar foi determinado por meio do intervalo de confiança da média (P &#8804; 0,05) para a Variação Relativa (VR) e Precisão Relativa (PR). Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com 18 amostras de 1 metro linear por hectare, distribuídas na área de forma sistemática. Para a avaliação do método de amostragem comercial, instalaram-se dois experimentos em Ourinhos, demarcando-se duas parcelas de 1,1 ha, nas mesmas condições anteriores. Quinzenalmente, quantificou-se o número de formas biológicas em 300 pontos de 1m linear na parcela (amostragem experimental) e no restante da área do talhão (amostragem comercial), em 4 pontos de dois sulcos de 2m lineares/ha. Comparando-se os dados por meio de uma análise de regressão linear verificou-se que o método de amostragem comercial apresentou boa precisão na estimativa da população de ninfas, porém foi pouco preciso para adultos. Sua acurácia foi baixa para ninfas e adultos, subestimando as populações reais. A relação entre as contagens de espumas e ninfas nas amostragens comercial e experimental foi avaliada por meio de uma análise de regressão linear, observando-se alta correlação entre estes parâmetros, com coeficientes de determinação superiores a 0,96. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, independentemente da época de avaliação e do nível de infestação, é possível estimar a população de ninfas da cigarrinha-dasraízes em cana-de-açúcar por meio da contagem de espumas, com elevado grau de confiabilidade. / The objective of this research was to evaluate the spatial distribution of adults and nymphs of the sugarcane root froghopper, Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal, 1854) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), to evaluate the efficiency of the sampling system presently used to monitor the populations in commercial fields, and to estimate nymph populations by counting foam spots. The results obtained in this work were used to establish a low cost and reliable sampling method in order to improve the integrated pest management program for the sugarcane root froghopper. The determination of the spatial distribution was conducted at Ourinhos and Guariba cities, São Paulo State, in three plots of 1.1 ha that had been mechanically harvested without burning and with a history of infestation with sugarcane root froghopper. The evaluations were made in three different periods, counting the number of both adults and nymphs at the base of the stools in 50% of the plot. The adults and the nymphs of M. fimbriolata were distributed in aggregated or contagious form and this pattern did not change during subsequent generations nor was influenced by either the level of infestation or cultivated variety. The data obtained in these experiments was used to estimate, for each site and sampling period, the dispersion index k and the number of samples needed to estimate nymph populations, considering different levels of precision. The data was also used to simulate results with different sample sizes and sampling patterns. The most adequate sampling plan to evaluate sugarcane root froghopper populations was determined using the confidence interval of the mean at P &#8804; 0.05 for the Relative Variation (RV) and Relative Precision (RP). The best results were obtained with 18 samples of 1 linear meter per hectare, distributed in the area in a systematic manner. For the evaluation of the commercial sampling method, two experiments were established at Ourinhos, using two 1.1 hectare plots. The number of biological forms in 300 spots of 1 linear meter in the plot (experimental sampling) were checked bi-weekly. Similarly, in the rest of the area, biological forms were counted in 4 spots of 2 linear meters per hectare (commercial sampling). Linear regression analysis presented that the commercial sampling method presented good efficiency for estimating nymphs populations but was not efficient in estimating adult populations. The sampling accuracy was low for both nymphs and adults, underestimating the true populations. The linear correlation between foam counts and nymph in both commercial and experimental sampling was high, with determination coefficient greater than 96%. The results indicate that, independent of the period and level of infestation, it is possible to estimate the population of sugarcane root froghopper nymphs by counting foam spots.

Amostragem seqüencial (presença-ausência) para o monitoramento da cochonilha-branca Aulacaspis tubercularis (Newstead) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) na cultura da manga / Sequential sampling (presence-absence) for monitoring of mango scale Aulacaspis tubercularis (NEWSTEAD) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) ON MANGO CROP

Saconato, Willian Victor 02 September 2005 (has links)
Foi feita uma revisão bibliográfia sobre a aplicação da amostragem seqüencial em manejos de pragas. A metodologia para o desenvolvimento de planos de amostragem seqüencial, foi baseada na teoria de Wald. Verificou-se que a distribuição binomial ajustou-se aos dados de presença-ausência da cochonilha-branca Aulacaspis tubercularis na cultura da manga, obtidos em duas propriedades localizadas na região de Jaboticabal, interior do estado de São Paulo. Seis planos de amostragem seqüencial foram elaborados para o monitoramento dessa praga, três com níveis de erros iguais a 0; 20 e outros três com níveis de erros iguais a 0; 10. Dentre esses, foram elaborados: dois planos para a amostragem em ramos durante o período vegetativo, dois para a amostragem em ramos durante o período de frutificação e outros dois planos para a amostragem em frutos. Nos planos de amostragem seqüencial para ramos no período vegetativo foram utilizados níveis de segurança iguais a 0; 35 e níveis de dano econômico iguais a 0; 50. Já no período de frutificação, houve um rigor maior quanto ao uso desses níveis, devido à presença de frutos. Foram utilizados níveis de segurança iguais a 0; 20 para ramos e 0; 05 para frutos, e níveis de dano econômico iguais a 0; 30 e 0; 15 para ramos e frutos, respectivamente. Foram construídas tabelas para o processo de amostragem em campo, facilitando assim, o trabalho do amostrador. Com o uso dessas tabelas o produtor poderá decidir rapidamente se há, ou não, a necessidade de se realizar o controle dessa praga. / A bibliographical revision on the application of the sequential sampling in management of pests was made. The methodology for the development of plans of sequential sampling, was based on the theory of Wald. It was verified that the binomial distribution adjusted to data of presence-absence of the mango scale Aulacaspis tubercularis on mango crop, gotten in two properties located at the region of Jaboticabal, interior of the state of São Paulo. Six plans of sequential sampling was elaborated for the monitoring of this pest, three with errors levels equal to 0; 20 and others three with errors levels equals to 0; 10. Amongst these, they was elaborated: two plans for the sampling in branches during the vegetative period, two for the sampling in branches during the period of fructification and others two plans for the sampling in fruits. In the plans of sequential sampling for branches in the vegetative period security level equal to 0; 35 and economic damage level equal to 0; 50 had been used. Already in longer period of fructification, had a bigger severity how much to the use of these levels, due to presence of fruits. Security levels equals to 0; 20 for branches and 0; 05 for fruits, and economic damage levels equals to 0; 30 and 0; 15 for branches and fruits, respectively, had been used. Tables for the sampling process in field, thus facilitating, the sampler's work was constructed. With the use of these tables the producer will be able to decide quickly has itself, or not, the necessity of if carrying through the control from this pest.

Ferramentas de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos urbanos para os planos municipais de saneamento básico, aplicadas ao estudo de caso de Campinas-SP / Tools of urban solid wastes management for municipal sanitation plans: a case study of Campinas, SP State

Kawatoko, Ivie Emi Sakuma 06 March 2015 (has links)
As Leis nº 11.445/2007 e 12.305/2010, além de representarem um marco no avanço das políticas ambientais no Brasil - ao promoverem os princípios de universalização e integralidade na prestação de serviços de saneamento - têm ganhado notoriedade entre os gestores públicos por vetarem acesso aos recursos federais, caso não sejam apresentados os respectivos Planos Municipais de Saneamento Básico (PMSB) e de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos (PGIRS). Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa testa a hipótese de como a proposição de ferramentas de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) pode beneficiar o PMSB aplicadas no estudo de caso de Campinas-SP, através do estabelecimento de metodologias para o cálculo de cenários e indicadores. A partir do Diagnóstico de RSU, foram adotadas diferentes metodologias extrapolativas e prospectivas (MA, 2005) na simulação de cenários de geração e gerenciamento de RSU, bem como na concepção de um Índice de Gestão e Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (IGRSU), o qual além de avaliar a prestação desse serviço, também promoverá a análise de efetividade no cumprimento de metas. Assim, as metodologias propostas foram aplicadas no estudo de caso de Campinas-SP, com a inclusão de Objetivos, Metas, Programas e Ações, de modo a propiciar uma análise da efetividade das Ferramentas de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos em estudo. Como resultados, pode-se inferir que a simulação dos cenários prospectivos (Global Orchestration, Order from Strength, Adapting Mosaic e TechnoGarden) possibilitou correlacionar a influência do PIB sobre a geração dos RSU e permitiu aos gestores públicos, traçar diferentes rotas de gerenciamento, mediante a adoção de práticas proativas ou reativas. Já o Índice de Gestão e Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (IGRSU) avaliou a efetividade na prestação de serviços, através da melhoria em seus valores de 5,39 para 8,28, com a implantação dos Programas propostos, os quais delimitam ações sobre a educação ambiental, comunicação social, otimização da coleta seletiva, compostagem dos resíduos de limpeza urbana, tratamento conjunto de lixiviados e esgoto sanitário e, por fim, o controle da poluição difusa originária de resíduos sólidos urbanos. / The Federal Laws nº 11.445/2007 and 12.305/2010 represent an advance on environmental policies in Brazil since they promote the principles of universality and integrality of sanitation services provision. Besides, they have been highlighted by stakeholders due to forbid access to financial resources, whether the Municipal Sanitation Plan and the Solid Waste Management Plan were not approved. Therefore, present work tests the hypothesis of how the urban solid waste management tools proposed can influence the Municipal Sanitation Plans applied on a case study of Campinas - São Paulo State, through the establishment of alternative methodologies to scenarios and indicators calculations. From the diagnosis of urban solid wastes, were adopted different extrapolative and prospective methodologies (MEA, 2005) on scenarios simulations of solid waste management and on the Indicator of Urban Solid Waste Management (IUSWM), which analyzed the services provision and can promote a effectiveness analysis of target achievement. Thus, the proposed methodologies were applied on a case study of Campinas-SP, together with the inclusion of Goals, Programs and Actions, which can provide an Effectiveness Analyses of Urban Solid Waste Management Tools. As a result, we can infer that the simulation of future scenarios (Global Orchestration, Order from Strength, Adapting Mosaic and TechnoGarden) enables to correlate the influence of GNI rates on Urban Solid Wastes generation, and it propitiates to public managers map different management routes, by adopting proactive or reactive practices. The Indicator of Urban Solid Waste Management (IGRSU) enabled the effectiveness analysis in service provision through improvement in their values of 5.39 to 8.28, with the deployment of \"Programs and Actions\" proposed, which specify actions about environmental education, social communication, urban cleaning composting, selective collection optimization, combined treatment of sewage and lixiviates, as well as difuse pollution control originated by solid wastes.

Características de sistemas integrados de gestão empresarial desenvolvidos sob o modelo de software livre: informações para suporte à fase de seleção e viabilidade de instalação em pequenas empresas / Characteristics of Management Information Systems developed based on Free Software model: information to support in the phase of selection and viability of installation in small businesses

Campos, Ronaldo Ribeiro de 25 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho realizou uma investigação descritiva nos sistemas integrados de gestão empresarial desenvolvidos sob o modelo de software livre. O objetivo foi obter um levantamento de informações que pudessem auxiliar na fase de seleção de um sistema de informação. O trabalho apresenta conceitos de software livre, sistemas de informação e informações sobre tecnologia em pequenas empresas sob os aspectos de equipamentos, pessoas e utilização de software. Foram abordados três aspectos na descrição dos sistemas: viabilidade de instalação, funcionalidades e usabilidade. O estudo foi realizado dentro de um referencial teórico qualitativo-positivista, com objetivo metodológico descritivo, utilizando como delineamento o levantamento. A base de dados para extração das amostras foi o site SourceForge, um repositório de software livre. A seleção de amostras foi feita em fases múltiplas e possibilitou uma análise sobre as características dos aplicativos de forma geral e depois uma análise mais detalhada dos programas selecionados. Os resultados apontam para a escassez de pessoal capacitado tanto para uso da tecnologia na pequena empresa quanto com experiência no desenvolvimento de software livre, mas revelam a viabilidade de instalação do software livre na pequena empresa, uma vez que o hardware necessário ao funcionamento dos sistemas está presente em seu ambiente, bem como a existência de sistemas integrados de gestão bastante adaptáveis às pequenas empresas. / This present dissertation deals a descriptive investigation on integrated management information system based on free software model. The objective was to obtain a survey of information that could help the selection phase of an information system. The work presents concepts of free software, information systems and data on technology in small companies having in view equipment, peopleware and software use. Three aspects of the description of systems were analysed: viability of installation, functionalities and usability. The study was performed within a qualitative-positive theoretical reference, with a descriptive methodology objective and using the survey as delineation. The database for extraction of the samples was the SourceForge site, a repository of free software. The selection of samples was made in multiple phases and allowed for a general analysis of the characteristics of softwares and a detailed analysis of selected software. The results show a scarcity of people able for use technology in the small companies and experienced people in the development of free software. However the same results show viability of installing free software in the small company, as the necessary hardware is present in their environment, as well as the existence of integrated management systems sufficiently adaptable to the small companies.

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