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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Οξειδωτικό stress και κυτταρικός θάνατος οφειλόμενος σε ακτινοβόληση των CD34+ προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων. Προστασία από την παρουσία του IGF-1

Φλωράτου, Κωνσταντίνα 26 July 2013 (has links)
Η ακτινοθεραπεία αποτελεί μέρος της θεραπείας πολλών αιματολογικών κακοηθών νοσημάτων επηρεάζοντας τον αριθμό και την λειτουργικότητα των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων CD34+ Το DNA των κυττάρων αποτελεί το βασικότερο και ίσως καλύτερα μελετημένο μόριο-στόχο της ακτινοβολίας. Ο μηχανισμός που προκαλεί βλάβη στο DNA είναι άμεσος αλλά και έμμεσος. Η άμεση επίδραση και βλάβη της ακτινοβολίας στο DNA αφορά στην απευθείας δράση της στο μόριο του DNA που είναι δυνατόν να οδηγήσει σε αντικατάσταση ή απώλειας μιας βάσης, αλλαγές στην τεταρτοταγή δομή του DNA και κατά συνέπεια στις αλληλεπιδράσεις του με άλλα μόρια του κυττάρου (cross links), σπασίματα της διπλής έλικας DSB (Double Strand Breaks) ή της μίας μόνο εκ των δύο αλυσίδων SSB (Single Strand Breaks), σημειακές μεταλλάξεις ή απώλεια τμήματος των χρωμοσωμάτων. Ο έμμεσος μηχανισμός δράσης της ακτινοβολίας στο DNA αφορά την δημιουργία ελευθέρων ριζών από την αλληλεπίδραση της ακτινοβολίας με τα μόρια του νερού, ενδοκυττάρια και εξωκυττάρια από τη μία αλλά και από την απευθείας βλάβη του μιτοχονδρίου που αποτελεί κύρια ενδοκυττάρια πηγή ελευθέρων ριζών. Οι παραγόμενες ελεύθερες ρίζες με τη σειρά τους προκαλούν απευθείας βλάβη στο μόριο του DNA, με αποτέλεσμα την πυροδότηση ενός φαυλού κύκλου ενδοκυττάριας παραγωγής ελευθέρων ριζών και πρόκλησης βλαβών στο μόριο του DNA. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας ήταν η μελέτη της δράσης χαμηλών και υψηλότερων δόσεων ακτινοβολίας (1, 2 και 5Gy) σε προγονικά αιμοποιητικά κύτταρα CD34+ προερχόμενα από αίμα ομφαλίου λώρου φυσιολογικών νεογνών, και ο πιθανός προστατευτικός μηχανισμός που ενεργοποιείται από την παρουσία του ινσουλινικού αυξητικού παράγοντα IGF-1. Η προκαλούμενη από την ακτινοβολία ενδοκυττάρια παραγωγή ενεργών μορφών οξυγόνου μελετήθηκε παρουσία ή απουσία του IGF-1, 30 λεπτά και 24 ώρες μετά την ακτινοβόληση με χρήση κυτταρομετρίας ροής. Η έκφραση του αντιοξειδωτικού ενζύμου MnSOD εκτιμήθηκε ποσοτικά με την τεχνική της ανοσοαποτύπωσης και ποιοτικά μέσω ανοσοφθορισμού. Η προκαλούμενη από την ακτινοβολία απόπτωση και η δράση του υπό μελέτη αυξητικού παράγοντα εκτιμήθηκε με τις ακόλουθες τεχνικές: • Διπλή χρώση των κυττάρων με Αννεξίνη και Ιωδιούχο προπίδιο και ανάλυση με κυτταρομετρία ροής • Ανάλυση DNA σε γέλη αγαρόζης • Εκτίμηση σε επίπεδο mRNA και πρωτεΐνης του λόγου των μορίων BCL-2 και BAX • Εκτίμηση της έκφρασης του μορίου κασπάση -9, με τη μέθοδο του ανοσοφθορισμού Εκτιμήθηκε επίσης ο πολλαπλασιασμός και η κλωνογόνος ικανότητα των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων. Η ενδοκυττάρια παραγωγή της ρίζας του υπεροξειδίου παρουσίασε αύξηση 30 λεπτά και 24 ώρες μετά την ακτινοβόληση, και η παρουσία του IGF-1 ανέτρεψε το φαινόμενο αυτό, μειώνοντας και επιστρέφοντας τα ενδοκυττάρια επίπεδα του ανιόντος του υπεροξειδίου στα επίπεδα του δείγματος ελέγχου. Αμέσως μετά την ακτινοβόληση των κυττάρων τα ενδοκυττάρια επίπεδα του υπεροξειδίου του υδρογόνου ανευρέθηκαν υψηλά σε σύγκριση με τα αυθόρμητα ενδογενή επίπεδα μη ακτινοβολημένων κυττάρων για όλες τις δόσεις ακτινοβολίας, όμως στον όψιμο χρόνο μελέτης, των 24 ωρών, παρέμειναν σχεδόν σταθερά, παρουσιάζοντας τάση μείωσης, χωρίς όμως να σημειώνονται στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές. Είκοσι τέσσερεις ώρες μετά την ακτινοβόληση τα επίπεδα του αντιοξειδωτικού ενζύμου MnSOD αυξήθηκαν, και η παρουσία του IGF-1 οδήγησε σε περαιτέρω αύξηση της έκφρασης του. Ο IGF-1 ανέστειλε την ενεργοποίηση του μιτοχονδριακού μηχανισμού απόπτωσης ρυθμίζοντας σε μοριακό και κυτταρικό επίπεδο την έκφραση των BCL-2, ΒΑΧ και του λόγου BCL-2/BAX, και μειώνοντας την έκφραση του προαποπτωτικού μορίου κασπάση-9. Θετική ήταν και η δράση του IGF-1 στον πολλαπλασιασμό και στην ικανότητα αποδοτικής αιμοποίησης των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων, ενισχύοντας την ικανότητα πολλαπλασιασμού των ακτινοβολημένων κυττάρων αλλά και την κλωνογόνο ικανότητα τους ως προς τον σχηματισμό BFU-e και CFU-GM αποικιών. Συνοψίζοντας, μπορούμε να υποστηρίξουμε ότι ο IGF-1 συμμετέχει στη διατήρηση της οξειδοαναγωγικής ομοιόστασης του ενδοκυττάριου περιβάλλοντος των προγονικών αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων μειώνοντας τα ενδοκυττάρια επίπεδα των παραγόμενων ενεργών μορφών οξυγόνου. Μέσω θετικής ρύθμισης του αντιοξειδωτικού μηχανισμού MNSOD και συμμετέχοντας προστατευτικά στο μιτοχονδριακό καταρράκτη της απόπτωσης οδηγεί σε προστασία των ακτινοβολημένων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων επιτρέποντας τους να διατηρήσουν την λειτουργικότητα τους και την ικανότητα αιμοποίησης. / Radiation exerts direct as well as indirect effects on DNA through the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Irradiated hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) experience DNA strand breaks, favoring genetic instability, due to ROS generation. Our aim was to study the effect of a range of radiation doses in HPCs and the possible protective mechanisms activated by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). ROS generation was evaluated, in the presence or absence of IGF-1 in liquid cultures of human HPCs-CD34+ irradiated with 1-, 2- and 5-Gy X-rays, using a flow cytometry assay. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) expression was studied by western blot analysis and visualized by an immunofluorescence assay. Apoptosis was estimated using the following assays: Annexin-V assay, DNA degradation assay, BCL-2/BAX mRNA and protein levels and caspase-9 protein immunofluorescence visualization. Viability and clonogenic potential were studied in irradiated HPCs. The generation of superoxide anion radicals at an early and a late time point was increased. This linear increase was reversed by the IGF-1 presence, restoring O.- generation at the levels of the innate production as manifested in control non irradiated samples. The hydrogen peroxide generation was increased at early time point but at late time point was stable. IGF-1 presence further enhanced the radiation-induced increase of MnSOD at 24 h post irradiation. IGF 1 inhibited the mitochondria- mediated pathway of apoptosis by regulating the m-RNA and protein expression of BAX, BCL-2 and the BCL-2/BAX ratio and by decreasing caspase-9 protein expression. IGF-1 presence in culture media of irradiated cells restored the clonogenic capacity and the viability of HPCs as well. In conclusion, our data support that IGF-1 anticipates oxidative microenvironment of HPCs by reducing the oxidative stress in intracellular environment due to a range of doses of radiation. IGF-1 succeeds to eliminate free radicals by favoring scavenger’s mechanisms and by regulating elements responsible for the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, allowing the sustained clonogenic capacity of hematopoietic progenitor cells.

Bezpečnost práce a ochrana zdraví při práci se zdroji ionizujícího záření ve zdravotnictví / Health and safety at work with sources of ionizing radiation in healthcare

Pěnková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse health and safety system in department of nuclear medicine in Kolín hospital and evaluate its compliance with czech legislation. The thesis is compsed of four chapters. Chapter One gives a general introduction to health and safety issues and describes most important aspect of general health and safety legislation. Chapter Two explains the basic terms of ionizing radiation and radioactivity and focuses mainly on radiation protection, which is closely linked to the health and safety area. Chapter Three defines the legislative and institutional framework of health and safety in the area of ionizing radiation. This chapter is a starting point for Chapter Four, which analyzes the health and safety system in department of nuclear medicine in Kolín hospital, compares it with legislation requirements and evaluates the compliance.

Radiační ochrana v pediatrické radiodiagnostice / Radiation protection of pediatric radiodiagnostic

VÁLKOVÁ, Alena January 2019 (has links)
In my thesis I deal with ionizing radiation, its origin, its effects and principles. I also deal with radiation protection and its principles, medical exposure and pediatric radiodiagnostics in terms of imaging methods and specifics of radiation protection in paediatrics. And whether all the methods used to reduce radiation exposure in children undergoing ionizing radiation are used. Part of the work is also devoted to the way of communication in this area and awareness, whether it is paid enough attention or this area is neglected in the Czech Republic.

Estudo das populações de linfócitos T e linfócitos B esplênicos e do sangue periférico de camundongos BALB/c imunizados com taquizoítos de Toxoplasma gondii irradiados. / Study of populations T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes in the spleen and peripheral blood of immunized BALB/c mice with irradiated T. gondii tachyzoites.

Zorgi, Nahiara Esteves 03 March 2016 (has links)
Taquizoítos de T. gondii esterilizados por radiação ionizante é uma vacina interessante para induzir uma imunidade semelhante à infecção, mas sem a formação de cistos. Neste estudo avaliamos as populações celulares do sangue e do baço induzidas pela imunização, a resposta imune humoral, celular e a proteção após desafio com parasitas viáveis. Camundongos foram imunizados com taquizoítos de T. gondii irradiados por v.o. ou i.p.. Os animais foram desafiados com 10 cistos da cepa ME-49 ou VEG por via oral e apresentaram altos níveis de proteção com baixa carga parasitária. Camundongos imunizados por i.p. e v.o. apresentaram anticorpos específicos no soro e o aumento das populações de células B, plasmócitos, células TCD4+ e TCD8+ tanto no sangue como no baço. As células esplênicas de camundongos imunizados por i.p. mostraram a produção de IL-10, IFN-γ e IL-4. Células TCD4+ e células B do baço de camundongos imunizados por i.p. proliferaram após a estimulação com antígeno. A imunização com esse modelo vacinal induziu uma resposta imune mediada com células B, TCD4+ e TCD8+, com aumento da resposta imune humoral e celular que são necessárias para proteção do hospedeiro após uma infecção. Essa resposta imune induzida é uma resposta semelhante a uma infecção natural, sendo assim o desenvolvimento de vacinas utilizando a radiação ionizante como uma ferramenta, pode ser um modelo atrativo e eficiente para testar novos imunógenos no futuro. / Tachyzoites of T. gondii sterilized by ionizing radiation is an interesting vaccine for inducing immunity to infection similarly but without the formation of cysts. In this study we evaluated the cell populations from blood and spleen induced by immunization, the humoral immune response, cellular and protection after challenge with viable parasites. Mice were immunized with irradiated tachyzoites of T. gondii by v.o. or i.p.. The animals were challenged with 10 cysts of the ME-49 or VEG strain orally and showed high levels of protection with low worm burden. Immunized mice by i.p. and v.o. present specific antibodies in the serum and increased populations of B cells, plasma cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in blood and spleen. The spleen cells of immunized mice by i.p. showed the production of IL-10, IFN-γ and IL-4. CD4+ T cells and B cells in the spleen of immunized mice i.p. proliferated upon stimulation with antigen. The immunization with this vaccine model induced an immune response mediated by B cells, CD4+ and CD8+ with increased humoral and cellular immune response are necessary for host protection after infection. This induced immune response is a response similar to natural infection, therefore the development of vaccines using ionizing radiation as a tool, can be an attractive and efficient model for testing new immunogens in the future.

Modulação fenotípica e funcional de células dendríticas derivadas in vitro de monócitos por contato com linfócitos preé-aquecidos e/ou irradiados. / Phenotypic and functional modulation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells after in vitro interaction with pre-heated and/or irradiated lymphocytes.

Carmo, João Paulo Martins do 05 September 2008 (has links)
DCs são células especializadas na apresentação de antígenos (Ags) para linfócitos T virgens e indução de respostas imunes primárias. Deficiências no processo de eliminação de células apoptóticas relacionam-se com desenvolvimento de doenças auto-imunes. Para avaliar o efeito de células apoptóticas sobre os processos de maturação e atividade funcional de DCs derivadas in vitro de monócitos aderentes de doadores saudáveis, células não aderentes obtidas após uma 2ª etapa de aderência por 3 dias foram submetidas a aquecimento e/ou irradiação. 48h após, células somente irradiadas (37i) apresentaram maior porcentagem de apoptose que células aquecidas e irradiadas (43i), sugerindo que o calor protege da apoptose induzida. Na cocultura com iDCs ou mDCs (iDC+TNF), iDC+37i apresentaram aumento de CD1a, correlacionado com altos níveis de IL-10 e inibição de autoestimulação linfocitária. mDC+43i apresentaram níveis de CD1a semelhantes a iDC, baixos níveis de IL-10, altos níveis de IL-12p70 e altos índices de auto e aloestimulação linfocitária. Concluímos que o fenótipo e função de DCs é modulado diferencialmente na presença de 43i, que induzem ativação in vitro, enquanto 37i induzem DCs com características moduladoras dependente de lipídios. / DCs are specialized in presenting Ags to naïve lymphocytes, inducing primary immune responses or immunological peripheral tolerance, through tissue turnover by scavenging dying cells. Works with human cells are scarcer and controversial about the latter. Then, the aim of this work was to investigate the effect of apoptotic cells (Nadhs) on maturation and function of human monocyte-derived DCs in vitro. The results suggest that heating Nadhs before irradiation (43i) seems to protect them from apoptosis induced by irradiation (37i). DCs were cocultured with 37i or 43i, simultaneously to TNF-a addition in the 5th day of culture. In the 7th day, there was an association between high levels of CD1a, IL-10, low levels of IL-12p70 and decreased allostimulation induced by iDC+37i. mDC+43i had high levels of IL-12p70, CD86 and proliferation index, associated with low levels in CD1a expression. We conclude that DCs phenotype and function are differentially modulated in the presence of 43i, which induce DCs activation, or 37i, which induce regulatory phenotype and function in DCs. We suggest that these protocols for DCs activation with 43i or 37i could be used, respectively, as models of in vitro auto-reactivity or homeostatic immunomodulation of DCs in vitro.

Irradiação de drogas vegetais: aspectos microbiológicos e químicos / Irradiation vegetable drug: chemical and microbiological aspects

Soriani, Renata Rabêlo 19 April 2004 (has links)
Apesar da industrialização no setor farmacêutico, o emprego de drogas vegetais constitui desafio atual quando considerado alternativa terapêutica para as populações de baixa renda ou aquelas que apresentam tradição no uso dessas drogas. Além disso, tendências modernas valorizam a variedade de espécies com propriedades curativas, em particular as espécies brasileiras, desafiando os pesquisadores a intensificar investigações nessa área e induzindo à população um crescente consumo. Assim, questões relacionadas à qualidade dessas drogas apresentam fundamental importância. Devido à origem, a carga microbiana detectada nas mesmas é normalmente elevada, oferecendo riscos potenciais ao usuário. Desta forma, a avaliação de sua qualidade sanitária constitui etapa obrigatória no que se refere ao aspecto de segurança ao consumidor. Além disso, a eficácia terapêutica pode igualmente ser comprometida por decomposição de componentes, decorrente da ação de microrganismos. Com o objetivo de eliminar os efeitos decorrentes da biocarga presente nas drogas vegetais, agentes descontaminantes, de natureza física ou química, têm sido empregados. A utilização de tais procedimentos de descontaminação, prevista na legislação vigente, requer estudos relacionados à estabilidade dos princípios ativos após exposição ao agente selecionado. Dentre os agentes destaca-se a irradiação gama, amplamente utilizada em função de sua aplicabilidade na ausência de água e de temperatura elevada, além de apresentar alta penetrabilidade e reduzir, com eficácia, a carga microbiana viável. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de radiação ionizante sobre a carga microbiana de quatro espécies de drogas vegetais: alcachofra (Cynara scolymus L.), camomila (Matricaria recutita L.), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) e guaraná (Paullinia cupana H.B.K.), bem como detectar possíveis alterações provocadas pela radiação sobre os teores de seus princípios ativos. As análises microbiológicas e químicas foram realizadas antes e após irradiação com doses médias de 5,5 kGy, 11,4 kGy e 17,8 kGy. Os resultados obtidos anteriormente à irradiação revelaram elevados níveis de contaminação: média de 4,1 x106 para microrganismos aeróbicos totais e 3,3x105 para fungos. Após descontaminação, a dose média de 11,4 kGy, reduziu a carga de microrganismos aeróbicos totais a níveis menores ou iguais a 102 em todas as drogas, com exceção da camomila proveniente do fornecedor B (3,2x104). Para os fungos, a menor dose aplicada (5,5 kGy) foi suficiente para reduzir a contagem a níveis da ordem de 10. Com relação à determinação dos marcadores nas drogas vegetais, os resultados obtidos não revelaram alterações significativas nos teores de cafeína no guaraná e de glicosídeos flavonoídicos no ginkgo. Para a camomila, as amostras antes a após irradiação, apresentaram o mesmo teor de óleo volátil bem como ausência de diferenças significativas no teor de α-bisabolol. Em contraste, observou-se redução no teor de 7-glicosil apigenina após submissão à radiação ionizante, indicando degradação decorrente do processo. Com relação à alcachofra, permanece ainda desconhecida a influência da radiação devido à ausência de metodologias adequadas para extração e determinação da cinarina. / Despite industrialization in the pharmaceutical area, the use of vegetable drugs is being considered a therapeutical alternative either for underprivileged people or for those who are already used to their consumption. Furthermore there is presently a tendency to value those species with healing property, mainly the Brazilian ones, what is stimulating research and their increasing consumption. Thus, issues concerning the quality of such drugs are extremely important, mainly due to the fact that their microbial load offers potential risks to consumers. Consequently, the evaluation of their sanitary conditions has become fundamental, also owing to the fact that their therapeutical efficacy can be harmed by the decomposition of their components, as a result of the action of microorganisms. Therefore, physical or chemical decontamination has been employed as a measure to reduce the bioburden. Although these procedures are being legally performed they require studies concerning the stability of the active principles after the process. Gamma irradiation has been one of the most important decontaminating agents, widely used due to its applicability in the absence of water or high temperature and to its property of presenting high penetration and efficiently reducing the viable microbial load. This work aimed at evaluating the effects of different radiation doses over the microbial burden of four kinds of vegetable drugs: artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.), chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) and guarana (Paullinia cupana H.B.K.). The detection of possible alterations provoked by radiation on the contents of their active principies has also been a goal of this study. The microbiological and chemical analyses were performed before and after irradiation with average doses of 5,5 kGy, 11,4 kGy and 17,8 kGy. The results revealed high contamination levels: average of 4,1 x106 for total aerobic microorganisms and 3,3x105 for fungi. After decontamination the average dose of 11,4 kGy reduced the total aerobic microbial count to levels below or equal to 102 in all drugs, except the chamomile provided by supplier B (3,2x104). For fungi, the lowest dose applied (5,5 kGy) was enough to reduce the count to a level of 10. As to the determination of markers in vegetable drugs, the results obtained presented no significant alterations in cafein contents of guarana or in flavonol glycosides of ginkgo. The samples of chamomile, both prior to and after radiation presented the same yield of essential oil as well as absence of significant differences in the contents of α-bisabolol. On the other hand, a reduction in the concentration of apigenin-7-glycoside after irradiation was observed, what indicates degradation caused by the process. The influence of radiation over artichoke remains unknown due to the absence of adequate methods of extraction and determination of cinarin.

Efeito de três diferentes doses de radiação com raios-X na microdureza, morfologia superficial, espectrometria de energia dispersiva de radios-X (EDS) e resistência de união ao esmalte e dentina com dois diferentes sistemas adesivos / The effect of three different doses of radiation with x-rays in the microhardness, superficial morfology, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and bond strength of enamel and dentin with two adhesive systems

Cunha, Sandra Ribeiro de Barros da 19 January 2015 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar dentina e esmalte irradiados com diferentes doses de radiação ionizante com raios-x (20, 40 e 70Gy), através da microdureza, morfologia superficial, conteúdo mineral e resistência de união com adesivo de condicionamento total de 2 etapas (Adper Single Bond 2) e um novo sistema adesivo, universal, com a técnica auto-condicionante (Universal Single Bond). Oitenta e quatro terceiros molares humanos foram cortados, separados e preparados para cada ensaio. Para os ensaios de microdureza e microcisalhamento as amostras foram incluídas em resina acrílica e polidas. Para a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectrometria de energia dispersiva de raios-x (EDS), as amostras foram fixadas em solução de glutaraldeído 3%, lavadas em solução de cacodilato 0,1M e desidratadas em álcool etílico crescente. A microdureza (n=30) foi realizada pré e pós-radioterapia, com força de 50gf em esmalte cervical, médio e oclusal e 25gf em dentina profunda, média e rasa, por 30s. As amostras para o microcisalhamento foram divididas em 4 grupos (n=20) e 2 subgrupos (n=10) conforme o sistema adesivo. Foram construídos 3 corpos de prova cilíndricos com 1mm de diâmetro e altura em cada amostra. O teste de microcisalhamento foi realizado em máquina de ensaio universal com velocidade de 1mm/min. Os resultados indicam perda de propriedade de microdureza apenas em esmalte cervical em todas as três doses (20Gy pré-radioterapia: 298,04±11,80 e pós-radioterapia: 294,36±16,68; 40Gy pré-radioterapia: 285±19,45 e pósradioterapia: 275,3±36; 70Gy pré-radioterapia: 291,98±16,51 e pós-radioterapia: 283,68 ± 21,64) e em dentina em todas as profundidades (profunda: 20Gy préradioterapia: 57,79±1,96; pós-radioterapia: 55,37±1,30; 40Gy pré-radioterapia: 57,31±1,76; pós-radioterapia: 55,83±1,63; 70Gy não apresentou alterações; média: 20Gy pré-radioterapia: 58,05±1,79; pós-radioterapia: 55,36±1,20; 40Gy préradioterapia: 57,87± 2,04; pós-radioterapia: 55,65 ± 2,48; 70Gy não apresentou alterações; rasa: 20Gy pré-radioterapia: 56,60±12,17; pós-radioterapia: 55,18±2,57; 40Gy pré-radioterapia: 57,36±2,78; pós-radioterapia: 55,18± 2,57; 70Gy préradioterapia: 55,08±1,94; pós-radioterapia: 54,72±2,57). O teste de microcisalhamento não apresentou diferença significativa entre grupo controle e as 3 doses, tanto para esmalte (p=0,325) como para dentina (p=0,719), apresentando o adesivo Universal Single Bond, em dentina, a resistência de união mais satisfatória. A análise de padrão de fratura para dentina, indicou um maior número de rupturas coesivas em dentina na dose 70Gy quando comparada ao grupo controle. Em esmalte prevaleceram as fraturas do tipo adesivas. As eletromicrografias apresentaram alterações apenas em esmalte na dose 70Gy, com prismas de esmalte mais curtos e arredondados. O EDS mostrou que o conteúdo mineral permaneceu intacto em ambos substratos. Dentro das limitações de um estudo in vitro, conclui-se que a radiação ionizante apresenta maior interação preferencialmente em dentina, no entanto, o EDS mostra não haver modificação no conteúdo mineral em ambos substratos. Existe uma diminuição da microdureza em dentina, porém as alterações não são suficientes para interferir na resistência de união dos substratos irradiados, que mostraram resultados mais satisfatórios com o sistemas adesivos universal, utilizando-se a técnica auto-condicionante. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different doses (20Gy, 40Gy and 70Gy) of ionizing radiation with x-rays in the microhardness, superficial morphology, mineral content and bonding effectiveness with a 2 steps all-etch adhesive (Adper Single Bond 2) and the new generation of adhesive, the universal adhesive system, (Universal Single Bond), using the self-etch technique. Eighty-four third molars were cutted, separed and prepared for each assay. For the microshear-bond and microhardness the samples were included in acrylic resin and then polished. For the scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), the samples were fixated in a 3% glutaraldehyde solution, washed in 0,1M cacodylate solution and dehydrated in increscent concentrations of ethyl alcohol. The microhardness (n=30) was held pre and post radiotherapy with 50gf on cervical, middle and occlusal enamel and 25kg on superficial, middle and deep dentin, both cases with 30s. The microshear-bond was divided in 4 groups (n=20) and 2 subgroups (n=10) according to the adhesive system. Three cylinders were built with 1mm in diameter and heigh in every sample. The assay were accomplished at an universal testing machine with 1mm/min. Results indicate loss of microhardness properties only in cervical enamel at all 3 doses (20Gy pre-radiotheraphy: 298,04 ± 11,80 and post-radiotherapy: 294,36 ± 16,68; 40Gy pre-radiotherapy: 285 ± 19,45 and post-radiotherapy: 275,3 ± 36; 70Gy pre-radiotherapy: 291,98 ± 16,51 and post-radiotherapy: 283,68 ± 21,64) and in all dentin depths (deep: 20Gy preradiotherapy: 57,79 ± 1,96; post-radiotherapy: 55,37 ± 1,30; 40Gy pre-radiotherapy: 57,31 ± 1,76; post-radiotherapy: 55,83 ± 1,63; 70Gy showed no alteration; Middle: 20Gy pre-radiotherapy: 58,05 ± 1,79; post-radiotherapy: 55,36 ± 1,20; 40Gy preradiotherapy: 57,87 ± 2,04; post-radiothetrapy: 55,65 ± 2,48; 70Gy showed no alteration; Superficial: 20Gy pre-radioterapia: 56,60 ± 12,17; post-radiotrapia: 55,18 ± 2,57; 40Gy pre-radiotherapy: 57,36 ± 2,78; post-radiotherapy: 55,18 ± 2,57; 70Gy pre-radiotherapy: 55,08 ± 1,94; post-radiotherapy: 54,72 ± 2,57). The microshearbond test did not show significant difference between the control group and the 3 doses, both enamel (p=0.325) and dentin (p=0.719), showing better bonding with Universal Single Bond adhesive in dentin. The fracture pattern analysis indicated a larger number of cohesive failure in dentine with the 70Gy dose when compared with control group. The micrographs showed changes only on enamel at 70Gy dose, with shorter and rounder prisms. EDS test indicated no changes in mineral content for both substrates. Knowing the limitations of an in vitro study, it were concluded that ionizing radiation shows deleterious effects preferentially in dentin, probably due to it\'s high organic content, since EDS showed no modifications both enamel and dentin. There is a reduction in microhardness on dentin, but the changes are not enough to interfere at bonding properties of irradiated substrates, showing better results when used the universal adhesive with the self-etch techniques.

Estudo da utilização da radiação ionizante para preservação e conservação de filmes fotográficos e cinematográficos / Study of the use of ionizing radiation for the preservation and conservation of photographic and cinematographic films

Nagai, Maria Luiza Emi 11 January 2019 (has links)
O Irradiador Multipropósito de Cobalto-60 do Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações, CTR-IPEN-CNEN/SP, tem tratado diversos acervos bibliográficos da Universidade de São Paulo, USP, para desinfestação e desinfecção de materiais contaminados com insetos e fungos. A irradiação com feixe de elétrons também permite processar materiais com maior velocidade, porém com pouca penetração. Muitos desses acervos bibliográficos incluem filmes fotográficos e cinematográficos em suporte de triacetato de celulose. Considerando-se a dificuldade no seu armazenamento adequado, um dos problemas decorrentes mais comuns é a contaminação por fungos nos acervos e a degradação físico-química chamada \"síndrome do vinagre\", em que ocorre a desacetilação da cadeia polimérica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da radiação ionizante, raios gama e feixe de elétrons, e caracterizar amostras de filmes fotográficos e cinematográficos irradiados e não irradiados. Adicionalmente, determinar o intervalo de dose de radiação aceitável e segura que promova a eliminação dos fungos e não altere a estrutura das matrizes poliméricas. Estudar a possibilidade da dose ideal de radiação ionizante para o efeito da reticulação do suporte nos filmes. Os filmes selecionados foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho (FTIR-ATR) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (FEGSEM-EDS). Em seguida, aplicaram-se doses entre 2 kGy e 200 kGy de raios gama e feixe de elétrons, nas amostras dos filmes, que foram analisadas por técnicas de espectroscopia UV-visível (UV-vis), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (FEGSEM), termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC). Os resultados demonstraram que a desinfecção por radiação gama e feixe de elétrons pode ser realizada com segurança, aplicando-se a dose de desinfecção entre 6 kGy e 10 kGy, sem que ocorra alteração ou modificação das propriedades principais dos materiais constitutivos. A irradiação com raios gama e feixe de elétrons com a dose absorvida de 50 kGy constitui-se como uma alternativa para tratar filmes afetados pela síndrome do vinagre e prolongar a vida útil dos bens culturais. / The Nuclear and Energy Research Institute IPEN-CNEN/SP through the Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility has treated several bibliographical collections of the University of São Paulo USP for disinfestation and disinfection of contaminated materials with insects and fungi. In this sense, gamma radiation from cobalt-60 is an excellent alternative tool to the traditional preservation process mainly because the biocidal action. Electron beam irradiation also processes materials with greater speed, despite having limited penetration. Disinfection using gamma radiation for cultural heritage materials has been widely applied around the world in the last decades. Adequate storage of photographic and cinematographic materials is a challenge for conservators experts from preservation institutions. Contamination by fungi is one of leading causes of problem in this kind of collections. In addition, another common physicochemical degradation affecting cellulose triacetate films causing deacetylation of polymer chain is called \"vinegar syndrome\". In this work are presented results of the effect of the ionizing radiation on photographic and cinematographic films. Selected film samples were characterized by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and FEGSEM-EDS microscopy. Samples were irradiated by gamma rays and electron beam with absorbed dose between 2 kGy and 200 kGy. Irradiated samples were analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry, FEGSEM, thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Results showed that disinfection by gamma rays and electron beam radiation can be achieved safely applying radiation absorbed doses between 6 kGy to 10 kGy with no change or modification of main properties of the constitutive polymeric materials. Gamma rays and electron beam irradiation, due to the effect of crosslinking is presented as an alternative to treat films affected by \"vinegar syndrome\" applying absorbed dose of 50 kGy in order to increase shelf life of cultural heritage materials.


Costa, Emília Oliveira Alves 12 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:38:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Emilia Oliveira Alves Costa.pdf: 2624347 bytes, checksum: 633de56159a2dded5fb51871dbe9fd21 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-01-12 / The Brazilian radiological accident that occurred in 1987, in Goiânia, it was a terrible radiation episode. As a consequence, hundreds of people were contaminated due to the Cesium-137 radiation. Recently, many studies had shown that genome instabilities, such as, mutations, chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei formation and microsatellite instability and a delay on cellular death are usually reported on mammal cells exposed to ionizing radiation, being considered as a manly risk to humans. Mutations can be spontaneous, and the occurrence is dependent on the organism, or, induced, being associated to mutagenic exposition. Ionizing radiations are an example of physical and mutagenic agents that could harm the cell repair and could cause the development of many types of cancer. The evaluation of the biological effects of the ionizing radiation, in somatic and germline cells, with a consequent determination of the radio-induced mutations, it is extremely important to estimate the genetic risks, manly in population exposed to radiation. The analyses of repetitive DNA sequences have been demonstrated that such sequences are prone to high rates of spontaneous mutations. The minisatellites and microsatellites have been used to demonstrate the induction of germline mutation rates on mouse, humans, among others organisms. The aim of the present study was to analyze the frequency of microsatellite alterations to determine the mutation rates occurred in germ cells of the parents exposed to the ionizing radiation of the Cesium-137. The studied group was constitute of 10 families of individuals accidentally exposed to Cesium-137 and by the control group constituted by 645 healthy individuals who carried out paternity tests on 2009. We found only one mutation of paternal origin in the D8S1179 locus on the exposed group, being the mutation rate of 0.003. In the control group, we found 01 mutation on D16S539 loci and on D3S1358; 02 mutations on Penta E locus; 04 mutations on D21S11 locus and 03 mutations on FGA locus, comprising a total of 11 mutations and a mutation rate of 0.0009. In such context, we did not find significant differences (p= 0.15), indicating a possible exposure effect on the mutation rates of the STR loci, in the group accidentally exposed to Cesium-137. / O acidente radiológico de Goiânia em 1987 foi um grave episódio de contaminação por radioatividade ocorrido no Brasil. Como conseqüência foram contaminadas centenas de pessoas através das radiações emitidas pelo césio 137. Recentemente, vários estudos têm mostrado que instabilidade no genoma, como por exemplo, mutações, aberrações cromossômicas, formação de micronúcleos, instabilidade de microssatélites e atraso na morte celular são comumente relatadas em células de mamíferos expostos à radiação ionizante, sendo consideradas como o principal fator de risco em humanos para o câncer. As mutações podem ser espontâneas, sendo a freqüência de ocorrência dependente do organismo, ou ainda, induzida, podendo ser ocasionadas pela exposição a agentes mutagênicos. As radiações ionizantes são exemplos de agentes físicos e mutagênicos que podem levar ao comprometimento dos mecanismos de reparo celular e ao desenvolvimento de diversos tipos de câncer. Avaliar os efeitos biológicos da radiação ionizante, em células somáticas e germinativas, com conseqüente determinação da taxa de mutações radioinduzidas, é extremamente importante para a estimativa de riscos genéticos, principalmente em populações expostas à radiação. Análises de seqüências repetitivas de DNA têm demonstrado que estas seqüências são sujeitas a altas taxas de mutações espontâneas. As seqüências minissatélites e microssatélites têm sido usadas para demonstrar satisfatoriamente a indução de mutação germinativa em camundongos, humanos, dentre outros organismos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a freqüência de alterações em microssatélites para determimar a taxa de mutações ocorridas em células de linhagem germinativa dos progenitores expostos à radiação ionizante do Césio-137. O grupo exposto foi constituído por 10 famílias do grupo 2 e o grupo controle por 645 indivíduos provenientes de exames de vínculo genético realizados em 2010. Foi encontrada um mutação de origem paterna no locus D8S1179 com uma taxa de mutação de 0,003. No grupo controle, foram encontradas 01 mutação no loci D16S539 e no loci D3S1358; 02 mutações no locus Penta E; 04 mutações no locus D21S11 e 03 mutações no locus FGA, compreendendo um total de 11 mutações e uma taxa de mutação de 0,0009. Nesse contexto, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p= 0,15) indicando o efeito da exposição e taxa de mutação em locos STR no grupo acidentalmente exposto ao Césio-137.

Efeitos da radiação ionizante nas proteínas presentes em ossos humanos desmineralizados, liofilizados ou congelados / Effects of ionizing radiation on proteins in demineralized, lyophilized or frozen human bone

Antebi, Uri 12 August 2015 (has links)
Os tecidos ósseos alógenos são utilizados nas cirurgias de reconstrução ortopédicas e odontológicas. O número crescente de transplantes de ossos na última década beneficia diversos pacientes. Os profissionais dos Bancos de Tecidos utilizam protocolos que reduzem os riscos de transmissão de doenças infectocontagiosas, entretanto, não eliminam esta possibilidade. Portanto, é importante que tecidos sejam esterilizados por um método eficaz, sendo usualmente aplicada a radiação ionizante. Porém, a radiação ionizante pode acarretar alterações estruturais e biológicas nos ossos em relação à dose. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da aplicação da radiação gama e de feixe de elétrons, nas doses de 15 kGy, 25 kGy e 50 kGy nos tecidos ósseos desmineralizados preservados liofilizados ou congelados e avaliar as possíveis alterações no colágeno, na concentração de proteínas totais, BMP-2 e BMP-7. Para tanto foram utilizadas as técnicas de espectroscopia Raman, Bradford e ELISA. Foram utilizadas 5 diáfises de femur humano e parte das amostras foram desmineralizadas. As proteínas ósseas foram extraídas e quantificadas. Com os resultados da espectroscopia Raman, observamos que a eficiência da desmineralização foi de 85 a 90% porém com alterações na estrutura do colágeno. Alterações também foram observadas nos ossos congelados e irradiados nas doses de 25 kGy e 50 kGy. Nos resultados da quantificação de proteínas totais e específicas, ocorreram diminuições gradativas das concentrações médias das proteínas em relação à dose de radiação nos grupos estudados. Nas doses de radiação usualmente aplicadas aos tecidos ósseos, 15 kGy ou 25 kGy, as reduções nas concentrações das BMP-2 e BMP-7, foram menores que 20%. As reduções na dose de 50 kGy foram entre 27% a 53%, sendo influenciadas pelo tipo de radiação e pelo tipo de preservação dos ossos. / Allogenic bone tissues are used in orthopedic and dental reconstructive surgery. The growing number of bone transplants in the last decade benefits many patients. The professionals of Tissue Banks use protocols that reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, however do not eliminate this possibility. Therefore, it is important that tissues are sterilized by an effective method, usually being applied ionizing radiation. However, ionizing radiation can cause structural and biological changes in the bones relative to the dose. The objective of this work was to study the effects of the application of gamma radiation and electron beam at doses of 15 kGy, 25 kGy and 50 kGy in the bone tissues demineralized preserved freeze-dried or frozen and to evaluate possible changes in collagen, the protein concentration total, BMP-2 and BMP-7. For both Raman spectroscopy techniques, Bradford and ELISA were used. They used 5 diaphyses human femur and part of the samples was demineralized. Bone proteins were extracted and quantified. With the results of Raman spectroscopy, we found that the efficiency of demineralization was 85-90% but with changes in the structure of collagen. Changes were also observed in frozen and irradiated bone at doses of 25 kGy and 50 kGy. The results of quantification of total and specific proteins, there were gradual decreases in average concentrations of proteins in relation to radiation dose in both groups. In the radiation doses usually applied to the bone tissue (15 kGy and 25 kGy) reductions in concentrations of BMP- 2 and BMP-7, were lower than 20%. The reductions at a dose of 50 kGy were between 27% to 53%, being influenced by the type of radiation and the kind of preservation of the bones.

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