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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'unification des régimes de responsabilité civile en matière de pollution marine / Unification of civil liability for marine pollution

Bai, Song 10 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis le sinistre du pétrolier Torrey Canyon, l'OMI a élaboré les Conventions CLC, SNPD et hydrocarbure. Celles-ci ont mis en place les régimes d'indemnisation des dommages par pollution causés par les navires. Les victimes de la pollution peuvent agir en responsabilité contre le propriétaire du navire ou directement contre l'assureur du propriétaire du navire pour les dommages par pollution (y compris les frais de nettoyage). Selon ces conventions internationales, le propriétaire du navire est en droit de limiter sa responsabilité dont l'indemnité est calculée en fonction du tonnage du navire en cause. De plus, le fonds FIPOL, créé par la convention portant création du fonds FIPOL, prend le relais de la convention CLC lorsque l'indemnité dépasse la limitation de responsabilité prévue par cette dernière convention. Mais est-ce que ces conventions prévoient une indemnisation suffisante pour les dommages par pollution ? Et existe-t-il des conflits entre les conventions internationales ? Il est vrai que la plupart des pollutions marines de faible ampleur sont suffisamment indemnisées. Mais tel n'est pas le cas pour les pollutions majeures. De plus, les conventions CLC, SNPD et hydrocarbures de soute n'ont pas prévu des champs d'application identiques. C'est ainsi que ces conventions internationales sont susceptibles d'être en conflit dans le cas où la pollution est causée par les substances polluantes transportées par le navire et les hydrocarbures de soute du navire en cause. La présente thèse a pour objet de présenter les régimes internationaux de responsabilité civile du propriétaire du navire en matière de pollution marine et essaie de proposer une solution pour résoudre les conflits entre les conventions internationales / Since the Torrey Canyon oil spill, the International Maritime Organization began drafting three international conventions (CLC, HNS and bunker oil conventions) to establish civil liability for compensation for ship-source pollution damages. Claims for compensation for pollution damages (including clean-up costs) may be brought against the owner of ships which caused the damages or directly against the owner's insurer. The ship-owner is normally entitled to limit his liability to an amount which is linked to the tonnage of his ship. Furthermore, the IOPC funds which was set up in 1992 under the IOPC convention 1992 is able to compensate the victims when compensation under the CLC 1992 is not available or not adequate. But do these international regimes work well ? And are there conflicts between the International conventions ? Certainly, the most of loss resulting from oil spills from sea can be compensated by the CLC/ IOPC system. But the compensation under CLC/IOPC is not able to be enough for the major pollution events. If the CLC, HNS and bunker oil Conventions don't set up the same scopes, these International Conventions might be in conflict in case of transportation of dangerous goods or hazardous goods by sea, because the spill of the bunker oil and the hazardous goods would cause a major marine pollution. This paper gives an overview of international liability and compensation regime, and tries to give a proposal to resolve the conflicts between the international conventions

The potential impact of diving charges on the demand for diving and the diving industry in the Aliwal Shoal Marine Protected Area: a pilot study

Schmidt, Jadon January 2011 (has links)
This research is presented in three sections. Section 1 presents the research report in an Academic Paper format. Section 2 provides a comprehensive literature review and Section 3 describes the research methodology and methods employed. Sustainable management of natural resources is a global imperative. It is particularly significant in a country like South Africa that is blessed with an abundance of biological diversity but faces many socio economic challenges that are associated with developing nations. Toward addressing these issues, diver permit fees were implemented in South Africa in 2005, making it a legal requirement for all scuba divers undertaking a dive in a Marine Protected Area (MPA) to purchase a permit. This pilot study is the first attempt since the inception of the dive permit fees to determine their impact on the demand for diving and the diving industry in the Aliwal Shoal MPA, one of the premier dive destinations in the country. In order to address key questions, qualitative data was gathered during interviews with 12 dive operators active in the MPA and 28 divers that utilised the operators to dive. In addition, independent quantitative data on the number of dive boat launches during the past 20 years was used in conjunction with mean paying diver data obtained from the operators to ascertain the demand for diving at the Aliwal Shoal during the past two decades. Results indicate that were no significant differences (at the 5% level of significance) between paying divers during 2005 compared to 2004 and 2006 [H =.1923366, N= 36, p =0.9083]. Paying diver data for the period 2000 - 2004 were compared to 2005 - 2010 and no significant differences were found at the 5% level of significance (U= 2040, Npost = 72, Npre= 60, p = 0.584981). Diver interviews revealed that only 36% of divers had paid for a permit, representing a loss of R7 438 499 during the past five years, enough to support the current budget of the MPA for 10.6 years. Operator interviews revealed that alternative destinations, economic climate and local competition had the most impact on their businesses, with permit fees having no impact on the 50% of the operators’ businesses. Operators also reported that there was little or no enforcement of the permit fees, 9 of the operators indicated that there has been no improvement in the MPA or its management since the inception of the fees and all were dissatisfied with the current management MPA. Operators and divers complained about the current purchasing and handling practices associated with the permits. Despite offering a world class diving opportunity, the dive operators currently have no incentive to enforce the permit system and due to price pressure in the local market, and have adopted a mute stance on diver permits. Consequently, there has been no significant impact on the demand for diving since the inception of the permits in 2005. The initial hypothesis that the increased costs to divers as a result of the permits would drive down the demand for diving is therefore rejected. If the permits are more strictly enforced, it is likely that more divers may seek alternative destinations due to the perception of poor value as a result of the Sappi Saiccor effluent discharge, existence of shark nets and poor management, in accordance with existing literature. The resultant decrease in demand will be detrimental to the diving industry at Aliwal Shoal. The second hypothesis, that the costs associated with the better enforcement of the MPA regulations-in terms of impacts on the diving industry- might outweigh the benefits, is therefore accepted. All the results produced by this study suggest that authorities may have been too enthusiastic to have all the boxes ticked in order to meet deadlines for international targets for marine conservation and paid little or no attention to lessons learnt from MPAs globally. Every negative aspect highlighted by existing international literature as symptomatic of MPA failure is occurring at Aliwal Shoal MPA, albatrossing it with “paper park” status. Due to the size and scope of this study, the results should be interpreted with caution and not be utilised to guide policy but rather encourage further research.

Les espèces exotiques envahissantes et le droit de la mer : essai de qualification / Alien invasive species and the law of the sea : an attempt of classification

Teullet, Marie 23 October 2014 (has links)
Les espèces exotiques envahissantes sont un sujet de préoccupation grandissant, mais sont-elles,pour le droit international, un objet comme un autre ? Une espèce exotique envahissante a comme particularité d’être une espèce vivante qui, par sa seule présence dans un écosystème qui lui est étranger, va engendrer des effets délétères alors qu’elle n’en aurait causé aucun dans son écosystème d’origine. Le droit de la mer est-il armé pour répondre à cette menace ? La question de la qualification de leur atteinte en droit international et plus précisément en droit de la mer est autant novatrice que capitale. Le traitement juridique des espèces exotiques envahissantes a consisté, jusqu’à maintenant, à les rattacher de facto à la lutte pour la conservation de la diversité biologique sans même que soit posée la question, en amont, de leur qualification. Et si les espèces exotiques envahissantes étaient considérées comme une pollution ? Envisager cette hypothèse implique de procéder à une étude de fond tant des instruments de droit international, et de droit de la mer en particulier, que de la pollution marine. S’il est permis de reconnaître les espèces exotiques envahissantes comme étant une source de pollution, elle n’en reste pas moins une nouvelle forme de pollution encore jamais reconnue par les instruments de droit international : une pollution biologique. Cette pollution, autonome de celles déjà existant en droit international,impliquant la nécessité de repenser la définition de la pollution marine. / Alien invasive species are a growing concern, but are they an object as any other in international law ? An invasive alien species is a living species which, by its mere presence in an ecosystem outside its natural range, causes deleterious effects which is not the case in its native ecosystem. Is the law of the sea equipped to meet this new threat ? The classification of its effects in international law, and more specifically the law of the sea, is as innovative as capital. The legal treatment of invasive alien species so far has been tied to the struggle for the conservation of biological diversity without wondering, in advance, what its classification is. What if alien invasive species are considered pollution ? Considering this hypothesis means studying instruments of international law, and more precisely those of the law of the sea, as well as marine pollution. If one can allow to identify invasive alien species as a source of pollution, it remains a new form of pollution that has never been recognized before by the instruments of international law : a biological pollution. This pollution, independent of those already existing in international law, implies the need to rethink the definition of marine pollution.

Wasting our future by wasting the Sea : How to combat marine pollution from land-based sources on international and regional level

Fransson, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
In the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the environmental protection of the marine environment was first addressed in a comprehensive manner on an international level. However, the Convention distinguishes between four different sorts of pollution depending on which source the pollution originates from. Still, one of these sources play a more crucial role in the protection of the marine environment than the other since that source is estimated to stand for 80 percent of all the marine pollution; namely marine pollution from land-based sources. As the throw-away culture has led to products being disposed of at a faster rate than ever before, in particular plastic products, the amount of land-based debris has also substantially increased over the last decades. This increased disposal rate of products in combination with poor waste treatment has consequently led to many kinds of wastes ending up in the ocean and causing severe harm, not only to the marine environment and its living species, but also to humans that eat the fish and use the many other ecosystem services of the Sea. In this thesis, some prominent international conventions on marine pollution from land-based sources are examined; namely the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, as well as the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. To achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 14.1 to significantly reduce marine pollution from land-based sources by 2025, this thesis claims that international laws addressing this sort of pollution need to be implemented. Moreover, this thesis rests on the belief that regional implementation is a crucial component in making states align with international law. However, while regional implementation has been ambitious in the European Union Law, many regions still lack enforceable frameworks that aim to reduce and prevent marine pollution from land-based sources.

La pollution sonore des océans et la règlementation du bruit sous-marin : un enjeu international qui prend tout son ampleur dans l’Arctique canadien

Altier, Jasmine 12 1900 (has links)
Les océans sont remplis de sons naturels et sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus envahis par des bruits d'origine humaine (bruits anthropiques). Ce mémoire étaye l’état actuel des connaissances sur les différentes sources de bruits sous-marins et leurs effets négatifs pour les espèces marines, les écosytèmes et les populations côtieres. Bien que le bruit soit un facteur de stress environnemental similaire à d'autres formes de pollution, la gestion du bruit anthropique a été négligée par les États et par le droit international. Cette étude met en lumière les difficultés pour le droit international et les États d’adopter des instruments spécialisés pour contrer le bruit anthropique alors que planent plusieurs incertitudes scientifiques. Le mémoire identifie et analyse les instruments contraignants et de soft law actuellement en vigueur, à l’international et au Canada, pour découvrir s’ils peuvent être mobilisés dans la lutte contre la pollution sonore dans les eaux arctiques canadiennes. L’adoption d’instruments juridiques ciblant spécifiquement les bruits anthropiques sous-marins est prônée mais avec la mise en garde que ce processus nécessitera une coopération inter et intra sectorielle concertée aux niveaux national, régional et international entre les milieux législatifs, scientifiques et décisionnels. / The world oceans are filled with natural sounds, which are being increasingly encroached upon by human sourced noises (anthropogenic noise). This thesis provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on the different sources of underwater noise and their negative effects on marine species, ecosystems and coastal populations. While anthropogenic noise is an environmental stressor similar to other forms of pollution, the management of anthropogenic noise has been neglected by States and by international law. This study highlights how scientific uncertainties and gaps complicate the process of crafting specialized international and domestic instruments to mitigate the impacts of underwater anthropogenic noise. The thesis identifies and analyzes binding and soft law instruments currently in force, internationally and in Canada, to discover whether they can be used to reduce noise pollution in Canadian Arctic waters. The adoption of legal instruments specifically applicable to anthropogenic underwater noise is advocated but with the caveat that it will require concerted inter and intra sectoral cooperation at the national, regional and international levels between legislative, scientific and decision-making circles.


黃美娟, Sammi Huang Unknown Date (has links)
海洋占地球面積的百分之七十以上,海洋生物資源占有相當重要的地位,供應食物,也提供往來各地的交通道路,與人類生活習習相關。 一九O九年"國際法學之父"格老秀斯(Hugo Grotius)"海洋自由論"(Mare Liberum)一書中反對葡萄牙對東印度航海與貿易的壟斷之主張,奠定國際法上『海洋自由原則』之理論基礎。一直以來,『海洋自由原則』一直被視為海洋法之主要原則。 各國之所以願意遵循海洋自由原則,乃是鑑於海上航行與貿易量遽增,各國對海運依賴日深,一旦部分海域為某國占有,則會影響其他國家對該海域的使用權。所以,依傳統國際法的規定,沿海國僅得對有限之海域行使管轄權,但隨陸上天然資源匱乏及對需求的增加,各國對於海域管轄權範圍之擴大主張,及大陸礁層、專屬經濟海域概念等主張,因此出現對海洋過渡濫用的情形,污染海洋環境。所以是否該遵循『海洋自由原則』?但偌大的海洋亦不能因此淪為無律法之地。基於此,國際社會召開一系列會議、協商、簽訂許多有關防止海洋污染的法規。 傳統國際法上,並無海洋環境保護的國際法規則,但文明國家所承認之一般法律原則:〝一人使用其自身權利,應不得損及他人之權利〞。而在一九四九年哥甫海峽案、一九四一年美加崔爾煉製場仲裁案的司法判例亦確認〝一國行使其權利時,應不得對他國權益產生損害〞。以及一九五八年公海公約序言、一九七二年『聯合國人類環境會議』的宣言中第七原則,所以以上幾個文件似乎可認為國際慣例不准國家及其人民將有害他國或其人民的物質排入海中。因此,可依〝類比〞(Analogy)方式,將上述文明國家所承認之一般法律原則適用於海洋環境保護之範疇內。 但是,此種習慣慣例最大的缺點在於內容不明確,必須經過編纂(Codification),將不夠清楚的規則加以澄清、不夠確切的規則加以確定、不夠充分的規則加以補充及不合時宜的規則加以改進,並使其成系統化的法典,以便適用,但有適用上的困難,所以一般海洋污染的規定,幾乎由條約規定。但有許多國家未批准這些條約時,有時仍只有適用習慣法來解決海洋污染。 本論文寫作架構是依據《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》所列之污染來源:船舶污染、傾倒污染、陸地來源之污染、來自大氣層或通過大氣層之污染、海底活動及冰封區域內之污染方向,並配合【附錄一】的重要國際條約來寫作。 所以,原則上,本論文以《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》內第十二部分§192-§237共四十五條有關『海洋環境保護』為主軸,再依船舶污染、傾倒污染、陸地來源之污染、來自大氣層或通過大氣層之污染、國家管轄的海底活動造成之污染、來自區域內活動之污染與冰封區域內污染之重要相關國際法規範 為主,但因資料、時間的關係,未納入其他較細小的區域性條約,且國內有關海洋環境保護亦不在本論文討論之內,僅就重要相關條約說明。最後,並提到關於臺灣的『海洋環境保護』之新發展。 國際法上『海洋環境保護』之研究 目錄 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1 第二節 研究方法與研究架構 4 第三節 研究範圍 6 第四節 研究資料與研究限制 7 第貳章 有關『海洋環境保護』之一般問題 9 第一節 海洋環境污染之概念 10 第一項 海洋環境污染之定義 10 第二項 海洋環境污染之來源 12 第三項 『海洋環境保護』之形成背景 15 一、『海洋自由原則』之形成與挑戰 15 二、『海洋環境保護』觀念之形成與實踐 19 第二節 有關『海洋環境保護』之國際法律架構 32 第一項 有關『海洋環境保護』之習慣國際法 34 第二項 有關『海洋環境保護』之國際公約 37 第三節 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》有關 『海洋環境保護』之義務 48 第參章 船舶污染 59 第一節 主要國際公約 59 第一項 概論 59 第二項 《一九五四年防止海洋油污染國際公約》 及其修正案 63 第三項 《一九七三年防止源自船舶污染國際公 約》 71 第四項 《一九七三年防止源自船舶污染國際公 約一九七八年議定書》及其三個修正案79 第五項 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》 82 第二節 如何防止船舶污染海洋環境 83 第一項 船旗國的權利與義務 84 一、船旗國防止海洋污染之權利 84 二、船旗國防止海洋污染之義務 85 第二項 沿海國的相關規定 86 一、領海 86 二、專屬經濟區 88 三、公海 90 第三項 港口國的權利與義務 106 一、港口國防止海洋污染之權利 106 二、港口國防止海洋污染之義務 108 第四項 小結 111 第三節 損害賠償責任 112 第一項 民事賠償責任與國際基金公約 112 一、一九六九年《油污染損害民事責任國際公約》 113 二、一九七一年《建立國際基金補償油污損害國際公約》 117 三、一九八四年議定書 122 第二項 油輪船東和石油公司之自願賠償計劃 125 第肆章 傾倒污染 131 第一節 相關國際公約 131 第一項 概論 131 第二項 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》 132 第三項 其他區域公約 135 第二節 拋棄廢棄物及其他物質: 《倫敦傾倒公約》的具體規範 140 第一項 制定過程 140 第二項 基本規定 142 第三項 各種物質傾倒處理之問題 148 第三節 船舶及飛機: 一九七二年《奧斯陸傾倒公約》與一 九九二年《巴黎公約》的具體規範 156 第一項 一九七二年《奧斯陸傾倒公約》 157 第二項 一九九二年《巴黎公約》 159 第伍章 其他污染 161 第一節 相關國際公約 161 第二節 陸地來源之污染 164 第一項 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》 165 第二項 巴塞爾《危險廢棄物的跨界活動控制及 其處置公約》 167 第三項 巴黎《防止陸源物質污染海洋公約》 169 第四項 其他 173 第三節 來自大氣層或通過大氣層之污染 182 第四節 海底活動及冰封區域內之污染 189 第一項 國家管轄的海底活動造成之污染 190 第二項 來自『區域』內活動之污染 193 第三項 冰封區域內之污染 195 第陸章 結論 196 附 圖 【圖A】Diagram of LOT Procedure 69 附 表 【表一】第三屆海洋法會議 25 【表二】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》之一般義務與特別義務 51 【表三】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》適用於船舶之污染立法相關規定 94 【表四】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》適用於船舶之污染法律規章之執行 99 【表五】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》關於沿海國之執行(§220) 103 【表六】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》關於港口國有充分證據下可提起司法程序 109 【表七】 《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》中關於 港口國認為有污染情事發生,會造成污染 或威脅損害到海洋環境時可進行調查 110 【表八】 油輪船東和石油公司之自願賠償計劃 126 【表九】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》有關 『海洋環境保護』,依不同污染源所規 定之立法、執行、責任與法律賠償條款 199 附 錄 【附錄一】有關『海洋環境保護』之重要國際公約 212 【附錄二】《一九九四年協定》之最新發展 239 【附錄三】各國低放射性廢料最終處置現況 249 【附錄四】一九九二年《波羅的海海洋環境保護公約》 252 【附錄五】《一九八二年聯合國海洋法公約》有關 『海洋環境保護』之條款 267 【附錄六】《中華民國領海及鄰接區法》與《中華 民國專屬經濟海域及大陸礁層法》 294 英文簡稱與縮寫 300 參考書目 304 / Customary international Law contains few rules relevant to the question of marine pollution. In the Corfu Channel,the International Court of Justice said that〝every State's obligation not to allow knowingly its territory to be used for acts contrary to the rights of other States'〞. And in the Trail Smelter arbitration,the arbitral tribunal held that 〝no State has the right to use or permit the use of its territory in such a manner as to cause injury by fumes in or to the territory of another or the property or persons therein….〞. Article 2 of the High Seas Convention which state 〝with reasonable regard to the interests of other States must exercise the freedoms of the high seas". It could be argued that, taking the principles in Articel 2 of the High Seas and in the Corfu Channel case together and Trail Smelter case by 〝analogy〞,there is a gereral rule of customary international law that States must not permit their nationals to discharge into the sea matter that could cause harm to the national of other States. However,this rule appears to be too vague to be very effective. So, given these deficiencies of customary internatinal law,it is not surprising to find that the international law relating to marine pollution is contained almost wholly in treaties. There are total Six Chapter,According to The UN Convention on the Law of the sea 1982 (UNCLOS),described Pollution from vessels、Pollution by dumping、Pollution from land-based sources、Pollution from or through the atmosphere 、Pollution from sea-bed activities、Pollution from activities in the『 Area』 and Pollution from Ice-covered areas. Finally,mentioned Taiwan's New development about The Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment.

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