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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a framework for evaluating e-assessment systems

Singh, Upasana Gitanjali 11 1900 (has links)
Academics encounter problems with the selection, evaluation, testing and implementation of e-assessment software tools. The researcher experienced these problems while adopting e-assessment at the university where she is employed. Hence she undertook this study, which is situated in schools and departments in Computing-related disciplines, namely Computer Science, Information Systems and Information Technology at South African Higher Education Institutions. The literature suggests that further research is required in this domain. Furthermore, preliminary empirical studies indicated similar disabling factors at other South African tertiary institutions, which were barriers to long-term implementation of e-assessment. Despite this, academics who are adopters of e-assessment indicate satisfaction, particularly when conducting assessments with large classes. Questions of the multiple choice genre can be assessed automatically, leading to increased productivity and more frequent assessments. The purpose of this research is to develop an evaluation framework to assist academics in determining which e-assessment tool to adopt, enabling them to make more informed decisions. Such a framework would also support evaluation of existing e-assessment systems. The underlying research design is action research, which supported an iterative series of studies for developing, evaluating, applying, refining, and validating the SEAT (Selecting and Evaluating an e-Assessment Tool) Evaluation Framework and subsequently an interactive electronic version, e-SEAT. Phase 1 of the action research comprised Studies 1 to 3, which established the nature, context and extent of adoption of e-assessment. This set the foundation for development of SEAT in Phase 2. During Studies 4 to 6 in Phase 2, a rigorous sequence of evaluation and application facilitated the transition from the manual SEAT Framework to the electronic evaluation instrument, e-SEAT, and its further evolution. This research resulted in both a theoretical contribution (SEAT) and a practical contribution (e-SEAT). The findings of the action research contributed, along with the literature, to the categories and criteria in the framework, which in turn, contributed to the bodies of knowledge on MCQs and e-assessment. The final e-SEAT version, the ultimate product of this action research, is presented in Appendix J1. For easier reference, the Appendices are included on a CD, attached to the back cover of this Thesis.. / Computing / PhD. (Information Systems)

Vývoj mobilních aplikací pro vzdálené ovládání přístrojové techniky / Mobile applications development for remote control of instrumentation

Macek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The presented work describes the growing trend of using mobile devices to control laboratory instruments and displaying of measured data. The main objective is the application development for mobile devices, which will allow to remotely control and measure with laboratory instruments. The practical part is focused to programming mobile application which will be able by using the local network to connect multiple laboratory instruments, setting them for different types of measurements and then display measured data.

A validation of the Visual Perceptual Aspects Test using a bifactor exploratory structural equation modelling approach

Klapwijk, Jonathan Menno 11 1900 (has links)
Visual perception is a psychological construct that describes the awareness of visual sensations and arise from the interactions of the individual or observer in the external environment together with the physiology of the observer’s visual system. A variety of theories of the development of visual perception have led to the development of different psychometric measures aimed at quantifying the cognitive construct. The Visual Perceptual Aspects Test was developed by Clutten (2009) to measure nine different constructs of visual perception. The original VPAT was validated using content and construct validity based on a Western Cape sample. However, to the researcher’s knowledge, a factor analysis had not yet been conducted on the VPAT to determine the factor validity of the test. Furthermore, no measures of validity or reliability had been conducted on the VPAT using a sample outside of the Western Cape. The aim of this research is to validate the hypothesised nine factor structure of the Visual Perceptual Aspects Test, using a confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory structural equation model, a bifactor confirmatory factor analysis and a bifactor exploratory structural equation model. The results of the analysis showed marginal model fit of the VPAT with the sample data, with sufficient levels of reliability for certain sub-tests. However, the VPAT did not meet significant levels of validity or reliability of the proposed model structure of the VPAT for the sample group of learners based in the Eastern Cape. / Psychology / M.A. (Research Psychology)

Constructing and validating a measuring instrument for coping with occupational stress

Du Plessis, Melissa 05 1900 (has links)
SUMMARY CONSTRUCTING AND VALIDATING A MEASURING INSTRUMENT FOR COPING WITH OCCUPATIONAL STRESS by Melissa du Plessis Supervisor: Prof N. Martins Department: Industrial and Organisational Psychology Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology Orientation: Occupational stress is still a concern for both individuals and organisations, and academia is no exception. Employees’ ability to cope with occupational stressors depend on the regulatory strategies they adopt in response to the stressor. However, there is no clear consensus on how the coping construct should be measured. Existing literature further outlines various conceptual and methodological concerns regarding the measurement of coping. Van Wyk (2010) advocates that currently, no coping instrument has been developed and very few instruments have been validated in a South African and African context. Research purpose: The primary objective of this research was to construct a valid and reliable instrument for determining which coping strategies academics adopt in response to occupational stress. Research methodology: A combination of steps, suggested by scale development authors, was followed to develop the instrument. The process was broken down into three phases, namely: (1) theoretical investigation, (2) instrument purification, and (3) instrument optimisation. The construction of the questionnaire was based on a sample of 305 university employees who were permanently employed in a higher education institution in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Main findings: The study resulted in a psychometrically sound 33-item measuring instrument. Nine empirically validated coping strategies emerged, namely (1) social coping, (2) religious coping, (3) cognitive coping, (4) active leisure coping, (5) avoidant coping, (6) social disengagement, (7) vacation time, (8) rumination, and (9) emotional coping. These strategies were further classified as adaptive or maladaptive coping strategies. CFA confirmed the nine-factor model. Empirical support for construct and content validity, internal consistency reliability v and composite reliability was available. The instrument further demonstrated convergent and discriminant validity. Contribution/value-add: The key contribution of this study was the development of a psychometrically sound instrument for determining which coping strategies academics adopt in response to occupational stress. This study further contributed to constructing and empirically testing a model for coping with occupational stress. Lastly, the study provided support for measurement invariance across different demographical groups, and the findings revealed that individuals from different demographical backgrounds differ significantly in the coping strategies they adopt in response to occupational stress. / DIE ONTWIKKELING EN VALIDASIE VAN ’N MEETINSTRUMENT VIR DIE HANTERING VAN BEROEPSTRES deur Melissa du Plessis Promotor: Prof N Martins Departement: Bedryfs- en Organisasiesielkunde Graad: DPhil in Sielkunde Oriëntasie: Beroepstres is steeds ’n bron van kommer vir individue sowel as organisasies, en die akademiese omgewing is geen uitsondering nie. Werknemers se vermoë om beroepstres te hanteer, word bepaal deur die regulatoriese strategieë wat hulle aanneem in reaksie tot die stressor. Daar is egter geen duidelike konsensus oor hoe die hanteringskonstruk gemeet behoort te word nie. Voorts dui bestaande literatuur op verskeie konseptuele en metodologiese probleme met betrekking tot die meet van streshantering. Van Wyk (2010) beweer dat daar tot dusver geen hanteringsinstrument ontwikkel is nie en baie min instrumente is in ’n Suid-Afrikaanse en Afrika-konteks gevalideer. Doel van die navorsing: Die primêre doel van hierdie navorsing was om ’n geldige en betroubare instrument te ontwikkel waarmee daar bepaal kan word watter hanteringstrategieë akademici aanneem om beroepstres te hanteer. Navorsingsmetodologie: Die instrument is ontwikkel deur die kombinasie van verskeie stappe wat deur skrywers oor skaalontwikkeling voorgestel is. Die proses is in die volgende drie fases verdeel: (1) ’n teoretiese ondersoek; (2) die suiwering van die instrument; en (3) die optimalisering van die instrument. Die vraelys is ontwerp met die oog op die steekproef bestaande uit 305 werknemers met permanente aanstellings by ’n hoëronderwysinstelling in die Gauteng provinsie in Suid-Afrika. Hoofbevindinge: Die studie het gelei tot die ontwerp van ’n psigometries betroubare meetinstrument bestaande uit 33 items. Nege empiries gestaafde hanteringstrategieë het na vore gekom: (1) sosiale hantering; (2) religieuse hantering; (3) kognitiewe hantering; (4) aktieweontspanningshantering; (5) vermydende hantering; (6) sosiale ontkoppeling; (7) vakansietyd; (8) ruminering; en (9) emosionele hantering. Hierdie strategieë is verder vii geklassifiseer as adaptiewe of wanadaptiewe hanteringstrategieë. Dié nege-faktormodel is deur BFA bevestig. Empiriese steun vir konstruk- en inhoudsgeldigheid, interne konsekwentheidsbetroubaarheid en saamgestelde betroubaarheid was beskikbaar. Voorts het die instrument ook konvergente en diskriminantgeldigheid gedemonstreer. Bydrae / waardetoevoeging: Die belangrikste bydrae van hierdie studie was die ontwikkeling van ’n psigometries betroubare instrument wat gebruik kan word om te bepaal watter strategieë akademici volg om beroepstres te hanteer. Die studie het ook bygedra tot die ontwerp en empiriese toetsing van ’n model vir die hantering van beroepstres. Ten slotte het die studie metingsinvariansies oor verskillende demografiese groepe heen bevestig en die bevindinge het getoon dat individue uit verskillende demografiese groepe se hanteringstrategieë vir beroepstres merkbaar verskil. / IQOQO LOKUBAKULEKILE UKWAKHA NOKUQINISEKISA ITHULUZI LOKULINGANISA UKUKWAZI UKUMELA UKUKHATHAZEKA NGENXA YEZIMO ZASEMSEBENZINI ngu Melissa du Plessis UMhloli Olulekayo: USolwazi N Martins Umnyango: Izifundo Mayelana Nokusebenza Kwengqondo Nomthelela Walokho Ekuziphatheni Kwabantu Emsebenzini Iziqu: UDokotela Wezifundo Zefilosofi Maqondana Nokusebenza Kwengqondo Nomthelela Walokho Ekuziphatheni Okumaqondana nakho:Ukukhathazeka okumaqondana nezimo zasemsebenzini kusayinto ehlupha abantu ngabodwana nezinkampani, kanti nezazi zezemfundo ephakeme nazo ngeke zashiywa ngaphandle. Ukukwazi kwabasebenzi ukubhekana nezimbangela zokukhathazeka ngenxa yezimo zomsebenzi kuya ngamasu okulawula asetshenziswayo ukubhekana nalokho okudala ukukhathazeka. Nakuba kunjalo, akukho ukuvumelana okucacile ekutheni lokho okwakhiwe kokubhekana nokukhathazeka kungalinganiswa kanjani. Imibhalo ekhona ibeka kabanzi okukhathazayo okwahlukahlukene okuqondene nokuqanjwa nendlela yokwenza maqondana nokulinganiswa kokukwazi ukubhekana nokukhathazeka. UVan Wyk (2010) ulwela ukuthi, njengamanje, akunathuluzi elakhelwe ukuqonda ngokukhathazeka eselike lakhiwa kanti ambalwa amathuluzi aseke aqinisekiswa eNingizimu Afrika nase-Afrika. Injongo yocwaningo:Okuyiyona njongo eqavile yalolu cwaningo ngukwakha ithuluzi elifanele nelikholakalayo ukuveza ukuthi yimaphi amasu okubhekana nezimo asetshenziswa yizazi kwezemfundo ephakeme ezimweni zokukhathazeka ngenxa yomsebenzi. Indlela ezolandelwa ekwenzeni ucwaningo:Ukuze kusungulwe leli thuluzi, kulandelwe inhlanganisela yamagxathu ahlongozwe ngababhala mayelana nokwakhiwa kwezikali. Indlela elandelwayo yahlukaniswa izigaba ezintathu, okuyilezi: (1) ukuhlolwa kwesichasiselo esibonwa ngokucabanga kwengqondo, (2) ukuhlanjululwa kwethuluzi, kanye (3) nokusetshenziswa kwangcono kwethuluzi. Ukuhlanganiswa kohlu lwemibuzo kwakuncike esampuleni lwabasebenzi basenyuvesi abangama-305 ababeqashwe ngokugcwele esikhungweni semfundo ephakeme esifundazweni saseGauteng eNingizimu Afrika. ix Imiphumela yocwaningo eqavile: Lolu cwaningo lwadala ukuba kube khona ithuluzi lokulinganisa elisebenza kahle maqondana nokukala okuphathelene nengqondo okunezinhla ezingama-33. Kwavela amasu ayisishiyagalolunye aqinisekiswe ngokubhekwa, nokuyilawa (1) ukubhekana nesimo ngokokuhlalisana nabantu, (2) ukubhekana nesimo ngokwezenkolo, (3) ukubhekana nesimo ngokokuqonda, (4) ukubhekana nesimo ngokuzibandakanya nezikaqedisizungu, (5) ukubhekana nesimo ngokuzila okuthile, (6) ukungazibandakanyi nezimo ezihlanganisana nabantu, (7) ukungcebeleka, (8) ukuzindla, kanye (9) nokubhekana nesimo ngokuba nomunyu. La masu abuye afakwa ngaphansi kohlu lwamasu okubhekana nesimo alandelekayo nangalandeleki. I-CFA yaziqinisekisa lezi zindlela ezihlukene kasishiyagalolunye. Ukwesekelwa kokubonakele ukuqinisekisa okwakhiwe nokuqukethwe, indlela yokubheka ukuthi ithuluzi elisetshenziswayo likulinganisa ngendlela efanele kangakanani lokho okubhekwayo kanye nokusebenza ngokukholakala ngokuphelele kwamaqoqo asetshenzisiwe. Ithuluzi labuye laveza ukuqinisekiseka kokufanayo nokwahlukayo. Okusebenzile/ okuhambisana nenzuzo: Okuyiyona nto emqoka kakhulu maqondana nalolu cwaningo kwaba ngukusungulwa kwethuluzi lokulinganisa elisebenza kahle maqondana nokulinganisa okuphathelene nengqondo ukubona ukuthi yimaphi amasu okubhekana nezimo asetshenziswa yizazi kwezemfundo ephakeme ezimweni zokukhathazeka ngenxa yomsebenzi. Ucwaningo luphinde lwadlala indima ekwakheni nasekuhloleni ngokubheka okwenzekayo ngethuluzi elingasetshenziselwa ukubhekana nesimo sokukhathazeka emsebenzini. Okokugcina, ucwaningo luhlinzeke ukwesekelwa kokungaguquki kwezilinganiso emaqoqweni ahlukahlukene ngokwezigaba, kanti imiphumela yaveza ukuthi abantu abaqhamuka emaqoqweni ahlukahlukene ngokwezigaba ahluka kakhulu uma kufikwa emaswini abakhetha ukuwasebenzisa maqondana nokukhathazeka ngenxa yezimo zomsebenzi. / Psychology / D. Phil.(Psychology)

An investigation into whether the weekly national newspapers reported unethically on South Africa's 2014 general elections: a critical discourse analysis of the City Press, Sunday Times and The Mail and Guardian

Naidoo, Viloshnee 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis investigates whether or not the press reported unethically on South Africa’s 2014 General Elections in the weekly national newspapers the City Press, Sunday Times and the Mail & Guardian. This study was undertaken on the basis of the ongoing contention between the press and the state which has resulted in polarised positions between both institutions amid accusations of press bias. It has given voice to measures to regulate the press through a Media Appeals Tribunal (MAT) and proposed state regulation. This could negatively impact free speech, public interest and ultimately democracy. This researcher contends that this will not be in the best interest of South Africa. Through this study, it is argued that an ethical press that executes a libertarian duty to society, integrating a watchdog role over the state, while simultaneously overseeing its social responsibility to society, upholds the welfare of society and democracy and should therefore not be regulated by the state. The elections thus forms an important platform for the press to demonstrate unbiased ethical reportage to the state in the wake of being regulated and prove its fundamental role in society’s interest and democracy. Therefore, to determine whether the election coverage was ethical or unethical, the problem investigated whether the press, that is, the print medium in the form of the newspaper, reported truthfully, in a balanced manner and independently for South Africa’s 2014 General Elections, upholding its watchdog and social responsibility roles. This was done through a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of the front-page news reports of the aforementioned national newspapers for the cross sectional time-frame of 13 April to 11 May, 2014. This study argues that language is the most important channel of communication for the exchange of ideas and can be used as an instrument to calculatedly manipulate message and reinforce a particular viewpoint. Hence, it contends that CDA can effectively be utilised as a conceptual framework for language analysis to determine unethical press coverage by journalists. The study identifies and applies two significant theoretical models that is, the Libertarian and Social Responsibility models for the elections which further serves as a form of triangulation to verify the results of the CDA. The study challenges the conventions of a distinct libertarian or a social responsibility model for the press, arguing that both models are not mutually exclusive for the elections. The analysis shows that the press apply both social responsibility and libertarian roles simultaneously in election reporting. It further maps out the incorporation of the developmental journalism model where the press upholds the best interests of both the electorate and the state ethically, without the requirement of a state-regulated media. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication Science)

Reliabilitets- och validitetstestning av ADL-instrument RAINBOW - ett teamdokument / Reliability- and validity test of ADL-instrument RAINBOW - a teamdocument

Ahl, Gullan January 1998 (has links)
Ett nytt instrument utvecklades från Katz´ ADL-index, vilket visat sig vara ett allt för grovt instrument, för att kartlägga patientens aktivitetsförmåga och självständighetsutveckling. Bedömningsinstrumentet innehåller patientdata samt kategori-index och kom att kallas RAINBOW på grund av att instrumentet är i fyrfärgstryck. En kontroll av det nykonstruerade team-instrumentet utfördes i syfte att mäta dess tillförlitlighet. Mellanbedömar reliabilitet mellan oberoende bedömare har prövats. Validiteten har analyserats på 4 patienter ur materialet och jämförts med Katz´ ADl-index. Studien, som bestod av parvisa oberoende bedömningar, utfördes av sjuksköterskor, sjukgymnaster och arbetsterapeuter. 40 patienter deltog i studien. Delaktivitetsbedömningarna uppgick till 950 och innehöll 36 avvikelser. Resultaten visade på 96 % samstämmighet i bedömningarna. Den kvalitativa analysen visade, i jämförelse med Katz´ ADL-index, att RAINBOW kategori-index gav utförligare information om patientens självständighetsnivå samt hjälpbehov. I denna studie bedömdes endast strokepatienter, men då begreppen som ingår i instrumentet kan anses allmängiltiga, torde det även kunna användas på andra diagnosgrupper. En gemensam rehabiliteringsterminologi gav teamarbetet en ökad kvalitet gällande bedömning, planering samt utvärdering av den enskilde patientens aktivitetsförmåga. / <p>Uppsatsarbete omfattande 10 poäng, C-nivå, inom ramen för arbetsterapeutprogrammet 120 p., Högskolan i Örebro, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och omsorg. Författarens namn i uppsatsen är Gull-Britt Johansson.</p>

Stanovení přesnosti měření v nanometrologii / Determination Accuracy of Measurement in Nanometrology

Šrámek, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The presented doctoral thesis deals with measurements of extremely small sizes in nanometrology using a touch probe, which constitutes a part of a three-coordinate measuring system. It addresses a newly developed method of exact measurements in nanometrology by touch probes. The aim of this work was to expand the measurement options of this device and design a methodology proposal for the measurement of small parts, including the determination of accuracy of measurement of this device when used in nanometrology. The work includes the new methodology for the calculation of uncertainty of measurement, which constitutes a keystone in determining the accuracy of measurement of a accuracy three coordinate measuring system (hereinafter only nano-CMM). The first part of the doctoral thesis analyzes the present situation in the area of evaluation of accuracy of measurement in very accurate length measurements. It defines and describes individual methods implemented in the determination of accuracy of measurement on the instrument nano-CMM. A great emphasis is placed on the methodology of the measurement uncertainty, which draws from the author’s experience as a metrologist working in the laboratories of the Department of Primary nanometrology and technical length, Czech Metrology Institute Brno (hereinafter only CMI Brno). The second part of the doctoral thesis focuses on the determination of accuracy of length measurement in nanometrology, using a large set of measurements that were carried out under the reproducibility and repeatability conditions. There is also described and tested a model procedure utilizing the Monte Carlo method to simulate the measuring system nano-CMM in order to extent the newly created methodology of the measurement of uncertainty using a touch probe on the instrument nano-CMM. A substantial part of this doctoral thesis provides a detailed evaluation of results obtained from experiments that were executed under the repeatability and reproducibility conditions, especially for the purposes of the determination of the uncertainty of measurement. In this doctoral thesis, the uncertainty of measurement is chosen to quantify the accuracy of measurement of the instrument nano-CMM. The final part of this thesis summarizes the knowledge obtained during the scientific research and provides its evaluation. For the methodology used to determine the accuracy of measurement in nanometrology, it also outlines the future development in the area of scientific research, including the practical use in metrological traceability and extremely accurate measurements for customers. Furthermore, it deals with the possible use of other scanning systems compatible with the instrument nano-CMM.

Vyjadřování nejistoty u přesných délkových měření II / Expressing uncertainty of accurate lenght measurement II

Šrámek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is supposed to inform readers interested in the distance measurements uncertainty on practical issues connected with the solving of these troubles when utilising a frequently used calibration method - the Tesa NPL measure instrument. This measuring was implemented by the Czech Metrologic Institute, where the author works; therefore he could take advantage of his rich experience as well as experience of his superiors and colleagues. The author regards the national metrological institute (CMI) as a sufficient guarantee for the hereinafter presented materials, both regarding the professional qualification and from the perspective of formal rightness of this thesis.

Methodische Aspekte bei der Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen zur Messung der Funktionalitäten eines Handballschuhs

Krumm, Dominik 17 March 2020 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die methodischen Aspekte bei der Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen zur Messung der Funktionalitäten von Handballschuhen systematisch zu untersuchen und aus den Ergebnissen allgemeingültige Aussagen zum Abstraktionsgrad abzuleiten. Die Untersuchungen der vier methodischen Aspekte Messgerät, Auswertemodell, Einfluss- und Eingangsgröße haben ergeben, dass insgesamt drei Aspekte einen Einfluss auf den Messwert hatten. Mit Ausnahme der Ergebnisse zum Aspekt Eingangsgröße besaßen die untersuchten methodischen Aspekte jeweils einen Einfluss auf den Messwert. Anhand der Ergebnisse konnte abgeleitet werden, dass der Abstraktionsgrad einen Einfluss auf die Messwerte besitzt. / The aim of the current work was to investigate systematically the methodological aspects used in the development of mechanical simulations, which are capable of measuring the functionalities of handball shoes, and to derive general conclusions about the proper degree of abstraction from the results. The investigations of the four methodological aspects, namely measuring instrument, evaluation model, influence quantity and input quantity, have shown that three aspects had an influence on the measurand. Except for the results on the aspect of input quantity, each of the examined methodological aspects had an influence on the measurand. Based on the results, it could be deduced that the degree of abstraction has an influence on the measurand.

Assessing the communication climate focus of professional nurses in selected public hospitals in the Gauteng province through the development of a measuring instrument

Wagner, J-D. 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop and test a measuring instrument based on the Gibb’s Defensive Communication Climate Paradigm (1961) to assess the communication climate focus of professional nurses in selected public hospitals in the Gauteng province. This focus involves the communication behaviour orientation of the professional nurses and their perceptions of the communication behaviour orientation of their operational managers. The Gibb’s model comprises six bipolar conceptual continuums, namely Evaluation-Description, Control-Problem orientation, Strategy-Spontaneity, Neutrality-Empathy, Superiority-Equality and Certainty-Provisionalism Continuums. The study consisted of a non-experimental design, including a developmental phase and a testing phase. During the developmental phase the researcher developed a measuring instrument (a Semantic Differential Scale questionnaire); used a simple, random sample method to pre-test the instrument; analysed the data by applying Cronbach’s Alpha reliability analysis and refined the instrument. Further refinement of this new instrument by future researchers is recommended. During the testing phase the researcher also used a simple, random sample, consisting of professional nurses (N = 270) from three selected public hospitals in Gauteng; tested the items against the biographical data and the three research questions and analysed the obtained data by utilising both descriptive and inferential statistics. A Delphi panel of experts were involved in both phases of the study. The results of the study indicated that although the respondents had a predominantly supportive communication behaviour orientation, they were more focused on the communication behaviour of their operational managers than on their own. Furthermore, the results indicated no significant differences in the influencing factors: age, tenure (periods in hospital), gender, language and institution (public hospital), in terms of the six conceptual continuums. Significant differences were found only in the factor: unit/ward, indicating that the supportiveness of the communication behaviour of professional nurses could be dependent on their specific work environment. Guidelines aimed at the development of a supportive climate were drawn up for the National Department of Health, Gauteng Department of Health, public hospitals, operational managers and professional nurses. It is recommended that implementation of the newly developed guidelines be pivotal for public hospitals, to refocus their communication climates towards supportive communication. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

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