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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arquitetura ribeirinha sobre as águas da Amazônia: o habitat em ambientes complexos / Riverine architecture on the waters of the Amazon: the habitat in complex environments

Oliveira Júnior, Jair Antonio de 08 May 2009 (has links)
A dissertação aborda os aspectos formadores da habitação nas áreas de várzea da região Amazônica, especificamente nas margens do Rio Solimões, hoje alvo de intensos investimentos governamentais, principalmente os da indústria nacional petrolífera em função da construção do Gasoduto Coari - Manaus. Com forte incidência de impactos ambientais e culturais, tais intervenções apontam para um quadro amplo e complexo, servindo também de base experimental para outros tipos de interferência em menor escala. A Amazônia corresponde a aproximadamente 5% da superfície terrestre, equivalente a 2/5 da América do Sul. A Bacia Amazônica contém por volta de 1/5 de toda a água doce mundial, colaborando para que o Brasil tenha a maior biodiversidade do mundo, com mais de 20% das espécies. Integrante desta região, a ampla bacia do Rio Solimões é a terceira área sedimentar com produção petrolífera no Brasil. O que é produzido nesta reserva, que é estimada em 132 milhões de barris de petróleo, percorre aproximadamente 600 km até chegar ao mercado consumidor. Para tanto, está sendo construído um poliduto capaz de atender a essa demanda; sua construção atinge cerca de 135 comunidades ribeirinhas, que ainda conservam valores, hábitos e costumes originais devido ao isolamento territorial e informacional. Assim, este trabalho lança mão de três momentos específicos da ocupação da floresta amazônica. No primeiro momento, busca-se uma análise da gênese da forma da habitação ribeirinha. A forma definida enquanto comunicação, informação, mediação, signo, fundamentado na Semiótica de Charles S. Peirce, buscando referências não só em um contexto imediato, mas também em um contexto estendido, histórico, onde os significados da relação do homem com o meio ambiente deixam marcas em sua produção. No segundo momento, a pesquisa volta-se à conjuntura atual das populações ribeirinhas e, a partir dos dados colhidos pelo projeto PIATAM Inteligência Socioambiental Estratégica da Indústria de Petróleo na Amazônia\", estabelece um plano de desenvolvimento socioambiental regional integrado, envolvendo as áreas de habitação, saneamento, desenvolvimento humano, atividades singulares nas áreas de floresta e de pesca, educação e comunicação, entre outras. Isso permitiria a criação de uma matriz de sustentabilidade, procurando determinar com clareza o grau de seus impactos ambientais. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho volta-se finalmente à atuação do arquiteto como um gestor de informações no processo de formação das frentes de desenvolvimento humano, enquanto propositor de organização de espaços e ambientes sustentáveis, a partir da ação de um sistema cultural, visando à troca dialética de saberes entre ciência e moradores, na qual o ribeirinho amazônico torna-se um agente ativo na construção repertorial da região, integrado aos conhecimentos científicos de sistemas indiciais característicos da floresta amazônica. Disto resulta a transformação de hábitos e costumes dos próprios moradores ribeirinhos frente às novas demandas socioambientais, bem como em novas posturas das próprias áreas científicas de conhecimento envolvidas nesse processo. É nessa mudança de estado, nesse processo, que poderão ser construídas as diretrizes gerais para um desenvolvimento regional sustentável, matrizes em constante processo de formação, constituintes e constituidoras de caminhos mais justos, fundindo homem e natureza como agentes de uma única realidade. / This dissertation addresses the training aspects of housing in lowlands areas of the Amazon region, specifically on the banks of the Solimoes River, nowadays the target of intense government investments, particularly by the national oil industry in terms of building the gas pipe Coari-Manaus. With strong cultural and environmental impacts, such interventions reveal a broad and complex panorama, which also serves as an experimental basis for other types of interventions on a smaller scale. The Amazon accounts for approximately 5% of the Earths surface, and is equivalent to 2/5 of South America. The Amazon Basin contains around 1/5 of all fresh water worldwide, which makes Brazil the country with the greatest biodiversity in the world, with more that 20% of all known species. As part of this region, the large basin of the Solimoes River is the third largest oil-producing sediment area in Brazil. With a reserve estimated as 132 million oil barrels, between extraction sites and the marketplace the products cover approximately 600 km. In this scenario, a duct able to meet this demand is being constructed , and its construction will affect approximately 135 riparian communities that retain values, habits and customs due to the original territorial and information isolation. This work resorts to three specific moments of the occupation of the Amazon forest. The first moment analyzes how the riparian families build their houses. The focus lies on form defined as communication, information, mediation, on the sign based on the Semiotic of Charles S. Peirce, seeking references not only in an immediate context, but also in an extended historical context, where the meanings of the relationship between man and the environment takes their toll on his production. Next, the search returns to the current situation of the riparian families. Based on data collected from PIATAM- Intelligence Social Environment Strategic Petroleum Industry in the Amazon region, an regional integrated social environment plan is developed to address housing, sanitation, human development, activities in the areas of the natural forest and fishing education and communication, among others, allowing the generation of a sustainability matrix, seeking to clearly determine the extent of their environmental impacts. In this context, our work finally returns to the role of the architect as a manager of information in the process of formation of the lines of human development, as an agent of organization of spaces and sustainable environments, from the action of a cultural system, aiming at the dialectical exchange of knowledge between science and residents, where the Amazon natives become active agents in the reportorial construction of the region, integrated to scientific knowledge system that is characteristic of the Amazon forest. This leads to the transformation of habits and customs of the natives in the light of new social environmental demands, and new attitudes in their own areas of scientific knowledge involved in this process. It is in this change of state, in this process, that general guidelines for sustainable regional development could be built, in a constant process of training, elements and at the same time promoters of more equitable ways, casting man and nature as agents of a sole reality.

Analyse interactomiques et fonctionnelles de la protéine NS2 du virus de l'hépatite C et d'hepacivirus non-humains / Interactomic and functional analyses of NS2 protein from hepatitis C virus and non-human hepaciviruses

Fritz, Matthieu 20 December 2017 (has links)
L’émergence récente de nouvelles thérapies antivirales efficaces est une avancée considérable pour lutter contre l'infection chronique par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC). Cependant, un pic de carcinomes hépatocellulaires, représentant l'atteinte hépatique ultime liée à l'infection, est attendu dans la prochaine décennie. Approfondir les connaissances des différentes étapes du cycle viral et de l’interférence du VHC avec l'hépatocyte hôte permet de mieux comprendre la pathogénèse associée à ce virus. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont eu pour objectif d'identifier le réseau de partenaires cellulaires et viraux de la protéine non-structurale NS2 du VHC et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'action et de régulation de cette protéine transmembranaire multi-fonctionnelle, qui est un acteur clé du clivage protéolytique de la polyprotéine virale et de la morphogénèse des virions. Dans une première partie, nous avons analysé comparativement les mécanismes moléculaires de l’activité enzymatique des protéines NS2 du VHC et de plusieurs hepacivirus non-humains, qui infectent des primates du Nouveau Monde (GBV-B) ou qui ont été récemment identifiés chez plusieurs autres espèces animales (NPHV, RHV, BHV et GHV). Des analyses phylogénétiques, des modèles structuraux tridimensionnels et des Études dans un contexte d'expression transitoire de précurseurs polypeptidiques viraux ou dans des modèles d'infection ont montré que l’activité des protéases NS2 de divers hepacivirus (1) s'exerce à la jonction NS2/NS3 sous la forme d'homodimères formant deux triades catalytiques composites ; (2) est régulée dans le contexte de la polyprotéine virale par quelques résidus de surface du domaine N-terminal de NS3 (NS3N) nécessaires à son activation ; (3) est efficace en l'absence complète de NS3N, suggérant un rôle négatif ou régulateur, plutôt qu'activateur de NS3N, contrairement au dogme en vigueur actuellement. Ces travaux soulignent l'importance fonctionnelle des mécanismes protéolytiques de NS2 conservés parmi les différents hepacivirus. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons identifié un réseau de facteurs cellulaires et viraux interagissant avec NS2 au cours du cycle infectieux par un crible interactomique reposant sur la purification par affinité et l'analyse par spectrométrie de masse des complexes protéiques isolés de cellules hépatocytaires infectées, ainsi que par un test de complémentation enzymatique fonctionnelle. Par une approche d'ARN interférence, nous avons ensuite montré qu'un nombre limité de facteurs cellulaires interagissant avec NS2 sont impliqués dans la production et la sécrétion de particules virales infectieuses, incluant des protéines du complexe de la peptidase signal (SPCS) au sein du réticulum endoplasmique, des protéines chaperonnes (DNAJB11, HSPA5) et une protéine impliquée dans le transport intracellulaire (SURF4). Notamment, nos Études suggèrent que plusieurs membres du SPCS forment un complexe multi-protéique avec NS2, impliquant Également la glycoprotéine virale E2, qui jouerait un rôle dans une Étape précoce de l'assemblage ou lors de l’enveloppement de la particule virale. En conclusion, mes travaux de thèse ont permis d'identifier pour la première fois une série limitée de facteurs hépatocytaires interagissant spécifiquement avec la protéine NS2 du VHC au cours de l'infection et de déterminer parmi ceux-ci les facteurs essentiels la morphogenèse virale. Par ailleurs, nos résultats ont permis d’enrichir les connaissances naissantes des hepacivirus non-humains récemment identifiés et de montrer que ceux-ci partageaient avec le VHC des mécanismes clés mis en jeu au cours du cycle viral, ce qui contribue consolider leur intérêt comme modèles animaux de substitution. / The recent emergence of a panel of direct acting antivirals will certainly help combat chronic hepatitis C in the future. However, in the current context worldwide, a peak of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-induced hepatocellular carcinoma is expected in the next decade. Deepening our understanding of HCV life cycle and HCV interference with host cells may help monitor HCV-associated pathogenesis. The aim of my PhD work was to identify the network of host and viral interactors of HCV nonstructural protein 2 and to unravel the mechanisms of action and regulation of this multifunctional, transmembrane protein, which is key both for the viral polyprotein cleavage and virion morphogenesis.In the first part of the work, we comparatively characterized molecular mechanisms underlying the enzymatic activity of NS2 proteins from HCV and from various non-human hepaciviruses that infect small New World primates (GBV-B) or that were recently identified in the wild in several mammalian species (NPHV, RHV, BHV, GHV). A combination of phylogenetic analyses, tridimensional structural models, and studies relying on the transient expression of viral polypeptide precursors or on infection models showed that NS2 proteases of the various hepaciviruses (1) act as dimers with two composite active sites to ensure NS2/NS3 junction cleavage, (2) are regulated in the polyprotein backbone via a hydrophobic patch at the surface of NS3 N-terminal domain (NS3N) that is essential to activate NS2 protease, and (3) are efficient in the complete absence of NS3N, which is unprecedented and suggests that NS3N has rather a negative or regulating role on NS2 activity. These data underline the functional importance of NS2 proteolytic mechanisms that are conserved across hepaciviruses.In the second part, we identified a network of cellular factors and viral proteins that interact with NS2 in the course of HCV infection using an interactomic screen based on affinity purification and mass spectrometry analysis of protein complexes retrieved form HCV infected hepatoma cells, as well as a split-luciferase complementation assay. Next, using a gene silencing approach, we found that a limited set of NS2 interactors among these host factors were involved in HCV particle assembly and/or secretion. This includes members of the endoplasmic reticulum signal peptidase complex (SPCS), chaperone proteins (DNAJB11, HSPA5) and a factor involved in intracellular transport (SURF4). Notably, our data are in favor of the existence of a multiprotein complex involving NS2, several members of the SPCS, and the viral E2 glycoprotein, which likely plays a role in an early step of HCV particle assembly or during particle envelopment. Altogether, my PhD work allowed us to identify a limited set of hepatocyte factors interacting with HCV NS2 during infection and to pinpoint those that are essential for HCV morphogenesis. Additionally, our results contributed to the molecular characterization of the recently identified non-human hepaciviruses and revealed that these hepaciviruses share with HCV key mechanisms in the course of their infectious life cycles. This highlights the value of non-human hepaciviruses as surrogate animal models of HCV infection.

Morphogénèse épithélio-mésenchymateuse au cours du développement pulmonaire précoce. / Epithelio-mesenchymal morphogenesis during early pulmonary development.

Blanc, Pierre 29 October 2012 (has links)
[Copie de la conclusion de la thèse, en l'absence de résumé disponible] La morphogénèse bronchique est-elle l’œuvre de programmes et sous-programmes ou bien est-elle un phénomène partiellement auto-organisé à la faveur d’une régulation moléculaire parcimonieuse ? L’étude tridimensionnelle in-vivo que nous avons menée au stade pseudo-glandulaire précoce révèle que la structure de l’arbre est moins stéréotypée que ce qui est classiquement décrit et qu’elle ne peut être interprétée indépendamment de la croissance du mésenchyme et des tissus environnants. Ensemble, les variations observées dans le temps, l’espace ou la morphologie des branchements rendent peu probable l’existence d’un programme qui prédéfinirait où, quand, comment chaque branchement doit s’effectuer. Sans compter la complexité d’un tel programme, la manière dont il pourrait être écrit en langage moléculaire demeure obscure. En contexte sauvage, les variations – y compris celles qui ont été considérées comme d’authentiques erreurs – n’entravent jamais le processus de branchement. Celui-ci continue à se dérouler de telle sorte que l’espace est rempli sans conflits ni lacunes. Cela suggère fortement que les tubes épithéliaux sont capables de s’adapter en temps réel à la configuration des bourgeons et du mésenchyme environnant. Intuitivement, il est sans doute beaucoup plus simple de coordonner la croissance épithélio-mésenchymateuse et d’autoriser les bourgeons à remplir l’espace en s’auto-évitant que d’écrire un programme contenant le plan complet de l’organe.Nous montrons qu’un mécanisme simple fondé sur la diffusion d’un facteur de croissance clef (FGF10) permet d’organiser une croissance branchée. La dynamique laplacienne qui se met en place dans une géométrie mouvante provoque spontanément l’apparition de doigts dont l’extrémité se déstabilise de manière itérative pour produire une arborescence. Chaque branche de l’arbre remplit au fur et à mesure l’espace qui se développe dans le mésenchyme en s’auto-évitant. Les deux articles présentés introduisent donc une rupture conceptuelle en proposant que le plan de l’arbre bronchique ne soit pas « préprogrammé ». La morphogénèse de l’arbre bronchique est vraisemblablement régulée en temps réel par instruction réciproque de l’épithélium et du mésenchyme, au moyen d’un nombre réduit de boucle de régulation. / [This abstract is the conclusion of the dissertation] Is bronchial morphogenesis the result of programs and sub-programs or is it a partially self-organized phenomenon thanks to parsimonious molecular regulation? The three-dimensional in vivo study that we conducted at the early pseudo-glandular stage reveals that the structure of the tree is less stereotyped than is conventionally described and that it can not be interpreted independently of the growth of mesenchyme and surrounding tissues. Together, the variations observed in the time, the space or the morphology of the connections make it unlikely the existence of a program that predefines where, when, how each connection must be made. Not to mention the complexity of such a program, the way it could be written in molecular language remains unclear.In the wild context, variations - including those that have been considered genuine mistakes - never hinder the connection process. It continues to unfold so that the space is filled without conflicts or gaps. This strongly suggests that the epithelial tubes are able to adapt in real time to the configuration of buds and surrounding mesenchyme. Intuitively, it is probably much simpler to coordinate the epithelio-mesenchymal growth and to allow the buds to fill the space by self-avoidance than to write a program containing the complete organ plan.We show that a simple mechanism based on the diffusion of a key growth factor (FGF10) allows to organize a trendy growth. The Laplacian dynamics that is set up in a moving geometry spontaneously causes the appearance of fingers whose end is destabilized iteratively to produce a tree. Each branch of the tree gradually fills the space that develops in the mesenchyme by self-avoiding.The two articles presented thus introduce a conceptual break by proposing that the plane of the bronchial tree is not "preprogrammed". Morphogenesis of the bronchial tree is likely to be regulated in real time by reciprocal instruction of the epithelium and mesenchyme, by means of a reduced number of regulation loop.

Identification and characterization of the mechanical role of germline growth in Drosophila melanogaster epithelial morphogenesis / Identification et caractérisation du rôle mécanique de la croissance de la lignée germinale sur la morphogenèse épithéliale chez Drosophila melanogaster

Lamiré, Laurie-Anne 28 January 2019 (has links)
La morphogenèse épithéliale est essentielle à la formation des organes. J'utilise le follicule ovarien de Drosophila comme modèle d'étude de l’aplatissement des cellules. Un follicule est composé de cellules germinales en croissance entourées d'une monocouche de cellules épithéliales cuboïdes. À un stade de développement spécifique, une part de ces cellules s'aplatit en suivant une vague régulée. Cet aplatissement est en partie contrôlé par un gradient de pression provenant d’un groupe de cellules germinales (les cellules nourricières). Toutes les cellules germinales sont connectées via des ponts cytoplasmiques. Cette thèse étudie les mécanismes conduisant à la génération du gradient de pression, et à la modulation moléculaire induite par cette force mécanique pour permettre l'aplatissement. J'ai montré que le nombre et le diamètre des ponts cytoplasmiques influaient sur la pression. En utilisant des reconstructions tridimensionnelles de follicules, j’ai étudié le rôle de la croissance différentielle des cellules nourricières en mesurant le changement de volume des cellules germinales lors de l'aplatissement des cellules. Enfin, j’ai cherché le mécanisme moléculaire conduisant à l’aplatissement des cellules et influencé par un stimulus mécanique à partir de la pression germinale, en proposant un rôle de la voie Hippo dans ce processus. En conclusion, nous proposons que la croissance des cellules germinales influe de manière mécanique et génétique sur les cellules épithéliales pour permettre l’élongation, et donc l'acquisition de la forme finale du follicule. / Epithelial morphogenesis is essential for organ formation. I use the Drosophila ovarian follicle as a model for studying cell flattening. A follicle is composed of growing germ cells surrounded by a monolayer of cuboidal epithelial cells. At a specific stage of development, some of these cells flatten out following a regulated wave. This flattening is partly controlled by a pressure gradient from part of the germ cells (the nurse cells). All germ cells are connected via cytoplasmic bridges. This thesis studies the mechanisms leading to the generation of the gradient of pressure, and to the molecular modulation induced by this mechanical force to allow flattening. I have shown that the number and diameter of cytoplasmic bridges affect the pressure. Using three-dimensional reconstructions of follicles, I studied the role of differential growth of nurse cells by measuring the change in germ cell volume during epithelial cell flattening. Finally, I looked for the molecular mechanism leading to the flattening and influenced by a mechanical stimulus from the germinal pressure, supporting a role of the Hippo pathway in this process. In conclusion, we propose that germ cell growth mechanically and genetically influences epithelial cells to allow elongation, and thus the acquisition of the final form of the follicle.

Impact of asymmetric signalling pathways on the mouse heart development.

Furtado, Milena Bastos, St. Vincent's Clinical School, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the major cause of death in the first year of life, the estimated incidence being 0.5-5% of live births; therefore it is important to understand the genetic causes underlying the complex process of heart formation to help prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of affected patients. CHD is the commonest phenotype associated with left-right (LR) disorders. LR asymmetry is determined during embryonic development. The three major body axes ? antero-posterior, dorso-ventral and left-right ? are patterned at gastrulation. LR asymmetry is established shortly after the two other major axes are patterned. The process of LR determination can be sub-divided into four integrated steps: 1. breaking of molecular symmetry in the gastrulation organizer; 2. transfer or relay of this asymmetric information to the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), from which most internal organs will be formed; 3. reinforcement and propagation of asymmetric cues throughout the LPM and 4. conversion of asymmetric molecular information into proper organ morphogenesis. The goal of this work is to investigate mechanisms involved at two specific points in the laterality pathway: the initial generation/maintenance of asymmetric gene expression in the LPM and the morphogenetic translation of these early events into correct heart formation in the mouse. My emphasis has been on the characterization of laterality targeted cells via careful analysis of Pitx2c expression using a Pitx2c-lacZ reporter transgene, the role of BMP signalling, via Smad1, in generation/maintenance of early asymmetric signalling in the LPM, and the later involvement of both Smad1 and Pitx2 in cardiac morphogenesis through analyses of knockout mice.

Interactional dynamics and social change : planning as morphogenesis

Iedema, Roderick January 1997 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This thesis looks at social interaction from the point of view of social-institutional process. In doing so, it aims to account for i) how broader institutional processes are instantiated in local interaction, and ii) how western technologisation (in the Foucaultian sense) relates to or is instantiated in local interaction.

FGF4 and Wnt5a/PCP signaling promote limb outgrowth by polarizing limb mesenchyme /

Low, Keri Lynn, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of Physiology and Developmental Biology, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 34-36).

Roles of homeodomain transcription factors during organogenesis

Xu, Jun 12 June 2012 (has links)
The spatial and temporal patterning of sequence specific transcription factors (SSTFs) contributes to cell type specification and organ formation during embryogenesis. Homeodomain transcription factors are evolutionally conserved among invertebrate and vertebrate animals. They are responsible for body segmentation and organogenesis. Lbx1 and Pitx2 both are homeodomain transcription factors contributing to SSTF pattern formation during multiple organ formations. We studied how homeodomain transcription factors regulate SSTF and non-SSTF genes in a population-specific manner using the Lbx1[superscript EGFP] and Pitx2[superscript LacZ] mouse models. We have studied the role of Lbx1 in dorsal horn interneuron specification and Pitx2 in forelimb muscle formation. The two top non-SSTF target genes, NPY and Chmp2b, of Lbx1 are studied for expression pattern and potential neuronal function in neural tube. The T box, Hox gene families and Pax genes were identified as Pitx2 target genes via microarray analysis and their expression pattern were analyzed in forelimb. The expression domains of signaling molecules were altered in absence of Pitx2, suggesting that Pitx2 played a general role in pattern formation in forelimb mesenchyme. / Graduation date: 2013

Growth and Morphogenesis: Quantifying 3D Surface Growth Patterns and Shape Changes in Developing Leaves

Remmler, Lauren 02 February 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT: Formation of organ shape is an intriguing yet largely unanswered question in developmental biology. Shapes arise as a result of tightly controlled spatial variation in the rates and directions of tissue expansion over the course of development; therefore, quantifying these growth patterns could provide information about the underlying mechanisms of morphogenesis. Here we present a novel technique and computational tools for quantifying growth and shape changes in developing leaves, with a few unique capabilities. This includes the ability to compute growth from three-dimensional (3D) coordinates, which makes this the first method suitable for studying leaf growth in species or mutants with non-flat leaves, as well as small leaves at early stages of development, and allows us to simultaneously capture 3D shape changes. In the following, we apply these methods to study growth and shape changes in the first rosette leaf of Arabidopsis thaliana. Results reveal clear spatiotemporal patterns in growth rates and directionality, and tissue deformation maps illustrate an intricate balance involved in maintaining a relatively flat leaf surface in wild type leaves. Semi-automated tools presented make a high throughput of data possible with this method, and algorithms for generating mean maps of growth will make it possible to perform standardized comparative analyses of growth patterns between wild type and mutants and/or between species. The methods presented in this thesis will therefore be useful for studying leaf growth and shape, to further investigate the mechanisms of morphogenesis.   RÉSUMÉ: Comment un organe acquiert sa forme particulière au cours du développement est une question intéressante mais largement non résolue. La forme d’un organe résulte de la façon dont les taux et directions de croissance de ses tissues varient dans l’espace et dans le temps. Quantifier les motifs de croissance est donc nécessaire pout élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents de la morphogenèse. Nous présentons ici une nouvelle méthodologie pour quantifier la croissance et les changements de forme dans les feuilles en développement. Cette méthodologie s’appuie sur le développement de nouvelles techniques expérimentales et de programmes informatiques, et présente des avantages uniques : la croissance de la surface des feuilles et le changement de forme peuvent être analysés en trois dimensions (3D), pour une longue période et de large déformations. De plus l’analyse de multiples échantillons permet de générer une cartographie moyenne des motifs de croissance à la surface des feuilles au cours de leur développement, ainsi qu’une description quantitative de la déformation des tissus sous l’effet de leur croissance. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons les résultats de croissance et de changements de forme de la première feuille de rosette d'Arabidopsis thaliana au cours de son développement. Les cartes moyennes de croissance révèlent des motifs spatio-temporels évidents tant pour les taux que pour les directions de croissance. De plus, la description de la déformation des tissus démontre l'équilibre complexe impliqué dans le maintien d'une surface relativement plane dans les feuilles. La méthode proposée et les logiciels associés permettra d’effectuer des analyses comparative de la croissance entre feuilles de type sauvage et feuilles de mutants aux formes altérées, afin d’élucider les mécanismes de la morphogenèse foliaire.

Identification de nouveaux régulateurs du trafic et de l'activité signalisatrice des ligands du récepteur Notch chez la drosophile : analyse du rôle des glycosphingolipides

Hamel, Sophie 09 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La voie de signalisation Notch est une voie de signalisation conservée et primordiale aussi bien pour le développement des métazoaires que la maintenance de leurs tissus adultes. L'ubiquitine ligase Mind bomb1 (Mib1) est nécessaire à l'activation du récepteur Notch et contrôle l'ubiquitination et l'endocytose des ligands DLS (Delta/Serrate/Lag-2) de Notch. Afin d'identifier de nouveaux régulateurs de la signalisation des ligands DSL chez la drosophile, j'ai réalisé un crible modificateur sur un phénotype d'aile induit par des pertes partielles d'activité mib1. Une collection de lignées GS (Gene Search), permettant l'expression ectopique des gènes adjacents à leur point d'insertion, a permis d'identifier deux interacteurs génétiques de mib1 : α4GT1 et Hsc70-4. Hsc70-4 est un régulateur de la dynamique du manteau de clathrin dont la fonction dans la signalisation Notch et l'endocytose des ligands DSL n'a pas encore été analysée. α4GT1 est une α1,4- Nacétylgalactosaminyltranferase impliquée dans la voie de biosynthèse des glycosphingolipides (GSLs). L'obtention d'allèles mutants de cette enzyme a révélé qu'elle n'était pas essentielle à la signalisation Notch. En revanche, sa surexpression restaure le trafic des ligands DSL dans des contextes de pertes partielles d'activité ubiquitine ligase. Des analyses génétiques et biochimiques ont permis de montrer que cette fonction d'α4GT1 dans la signalisation Notch nécessite la synthèse d'un glycosphingolipide (GSL) particulier, N5, produit par α4GT1. L'identification d'un motif conservé d'interaction avec les GSLs dans le domaine Nterminal de Delta et Serrate suggère une interaction directe entre ces ligands et les GSLs.

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