Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] NUMERICAL MODELING"" "subject:"[enn] NUMERICAL MODELING""
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Termodynamické poměry ve zhášedle výkonového vypínače NN / Thermodynamic Conditions in Quenching Chamber of Low Voltage Circuit BreakerUrban, Ferdinand January 2009 (has links)
Práce se zabývá studiem procesů probíhajících při zhášení silnoproudého oblouku ve zhášecí komoře jističe. Je zaměřena na výpočet dynamiky tekutin a teplotního pole v okolí elektrického oblouku. V práci je dále popsán vliv vzdálenosti plechů v komoře a vliv tvarů plechů z hlediska aerodynamických podmínek uvnitř komory. Dalším cílem dosaženým touto prací je poskytnutí informací o vlivu polohy elektrického oblouku na termodynamické vlastnosti uvnitř komory. Toto je důležité, zejména pokud je oblouk do komory vtahován jinými silami, např. elektromagnetickými a během tohoto vtahovacího procesu mění svůj tvar i polohu. Za účelem co nejjednoduššího, ale zároveň co nejefektivnějšího řešení úkolu, byl vyvinut software určen speciálně pro výpočet dynamiky tekutin numerickou metodou konečných objemů (FVM). Tato metoda je, v porovnání s rozšířenější metodou konečných prvků (FEM), vhodnější pro výpočet dynamiky tekutin (CFD) zejména proto, že režie na výpočet jedné iterace jsou menší v porovnání s ostatními numerickými metodami. Další výhodou tohoto softwarového řešení je jeho modularita a rozšiřitelnost. Cely koncept softwaru je postaven na tzv. zásuvných modulech. Díky tomuto řešení můžeme využít výpočtové jádro pro další numerické analýzy, např. strukturální, elektromagnetickou apod. Jediná potřeba pro úspěšné používání těchto analýz je napsáni solveru pro konečné prvky (FEM). Jelikož je software koncipován jako multi–thread aplikace, využívá výkon současných vícejádrových procesorů naplno. Tato vlastnost se ještě více projeví, pokud se výpočet přesune z CPU na GPU. Jelikož současné grafické karty vyšších tříd mají několik desítek až stovek výpočetních jader a pracují s mnohem rychlejšími pamětmi, než CPU, je výpočetní výkon několikanásobně vyšší.
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Srovnání výsledků vsakovaní vody z polních experimentů a numerického modelování / Comparement of results from infiltration testsBlahut, Dominik January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the results of water infiltration from field tests, from laboratories and from numerical modeling at two selected locations. The first objective is the search procedure and the description of both sites and its adjacent areas. Further work continues with infiltration field tests using ring infiltrometer, at first theoretically for each method, and then practically with own personal measurements in the field. Further from the collected soil samples the measurements are performed in the laboratory, first in the permeameter, and followed by the grain size distribution test, from which the hydraulic conductivity is derived by using empirical formulas. At last the numerical modeling is used and all the results are compared. In the final phase of thesis the recommendations are given for infiltration at various locations and comparsion of the infiltration methods.
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Simulation numérique de l’effet de champ électrique sur la stabilité des flammes de diffusion / Numerical simulation of the effect of electric field on the stability of diffusion flamesBelhi, Memdouh 31 May 2012 (has links)
L'application de champ électrique est connue pour avoir la capacité d'améliorer significativement la stabilité des flammes. A ce sujet, un modèle mathématique permettant de modéliser la combustion en présence d'un champ électrique a été développé. Les équations de l'aérothermochimie sont couplées à des équations de bilan pour les densités des espèces chargées, et une équation de Poisson pour le potentiel électrique est résolue. Une situation principale est étudiée pendant la thèse ; elle concerne la stabilisation de flammes de diffusion par application d’un champ électrique continu ou alternatif.Les résultats obtenus montrent que la présence du champ électrique améliore significativement la stabilisation de la flamme. L’ampleur de cette amélioration dépend de l’intensité et de la polarité de la tension appliquée. Si la tension appliquée est alternative, un facteur supplémentaire s’ajoute pour influencer la stabilisation ; il s’agit de la fréquence. Une interprétation des mécanismes permettant la stabilisation est proposée. / The application of electric field is known to have the ability to improve significantly the flame stability. In this regard, a mathematical approach to model combustion in the presence of an electric field was developed. The Navier-Stokes equations along with transport equations for charged species and the electric potential Poisson’s equation are solved. A main situation, that concerns the stabilization of diffusion flames by applying a direct or alternating electric field, is studied. The results show that the presence of the electric field improves the flame stabilization. The magnitude of this improvement depends on the intensity and polarity of the applied voltage. If the applied voltage is alternating, an additional factor, which is the frequency of the electric current, influences also the extent of the flame stabilization improvement. An interpretation of the stabilization mechanisms is proposed.
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On the dynamics of subduction and the effect of subduction zones on mantle convection / Sur la dynamique de la subduction et l’effet des zones de subduction sur la convection du manteauGerardi, Gianluca 16 November 2018 (has links)
La subduction est une des principales expressions superficielles de la convection mantellique et représente un ingrédient crucial de la géodynamique globale. Cela affecte différents processus de la Terre comme la génération des méga-tremblements de terre et des volcans explosifs sur la surface ou le recyclage des espèces volatiles dans l’intérieur profond. Malgré son importance, plusieurs aspects de la subduction restent à clarifier.Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié la mécanique et l’énergétique du phénomène en adoptant un modèle numérique 2-D de “subduction libre”, basé sur la méthode des éléments frontière. En interprétant systématiquement nos solutions numériques utilisant la théorie des couches minces visqueuses, nous avons déterminé diverses lois d’échelle décrivant les mécanismes physiques sous-jacents aux différents aspects du phénomène. Deux paramètres adimensionnels se distinguent par leur récurrence dans ces lois d’échelle: i) la résistance (adimensionelle) de l’interface de subduction, qui contrôle la contrainte de cisaillement agissant à l’interface entre les deux plaques et ii) la rigidité de la plaque en subduction, qui décrit la résistance mécanique opposée par cette plaque à la flexion. Ce dernier paramètre est particulièrement important, car il met en évidence l’échelle de longueur qui décrit correctement la déformation en flexion de la plaque en subduction (bending length).En ce qui concerne les aspects énergétiques de la subduction, nous avons également étudié l’effet de la dissipation de l’énergie produite dans les zones de subduction sur la convection du manteau à grande échelle. Nos résultats semblent suggérer que la loi d’échelle classique trouvée dans l’étude de la convection de Rayleigh-Bénard en régime permanent d’une couche de fluide isovisqueux reste généralement valable aussi pour la convection du manteau terrestre.Pour conclure, nous avons mis en place une expérience de convection basée sur le séchage d’une suspension colloidale de nanoparticules de silice. Comme les résultats préliminaires ont montré, grâce à sa rhéologie particulière, ce matériau semble être un candidat prometteur pour la modélisation de la convection mantellique en laboratoire. / Subduction is one of the principal surface expressions of mantle convection and it represents a key ingredient of global geodynamics. It affects Earth processes ranging from the generation of mega-earthquakes and explosive volcanoes at thesurface to the recycling of volatile species back into the deep interior. Yet despite its obvious importance, several aspects of subduction remain to be clarified.In this work we endeavored to shed light on the mechanics and the energetics of the phenomenon adopting of a 2-D numerical model of “free subduction” based on the Boundary-Element Method. Systematically interpreting our numerical solutions in the light of thin viscous-sheet theory, we determined various scaling laws describing the physical mechanisms underlying different aspects of the phenomenon. Two dimensionless parameters stand out for their recurrence in suchscaling laws: i) the (dimensionless) strength of the subduction interface, which controls the shear stress acting at the interface between the two plates and ii) the flexural stiffnes of the subducting plate, which describes the mechanical resistance opposed by such plate to bending. This latter parameter is particularly important as it highlights the length scale that properly describes the bending deformation of the subducting plate (bending length).For what concerns the energetics of subduction, we also investigated the effect of the dissipation of energy occurring at subduction zones on large-scale mantleconvection. Our results seem to suggest that the classical scaling law found in the study of the steady-state Rayleigh-Bénard convection of an isoviscous fluid layer remains generally valid also for Earth’s mantle convection.To conclude, we ran a convection experiment based on the drying of a colloidal suspension of silica nanoparticles. As preliminary results have shown, thanksto its particular rheology, this material seems to be a promising candidate for effective laboratory modeling of mantle convection.
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Analyse des mécanismes d'interaction entre un bloc rocheux et un versant de propagation : application à l'ingénierie / Analyses of the mechanical interaction between a rock mass and a slope : engineering applications.Da Silva Garcia, Bruna 19 November 2019 (has links)
De nombreuses incertitudes liées aux mécanismes d'interaction entre les blocs rocheux et le versant naturel lors des chutes de blocs persistent ; la prévision de tels événements reste de ce fait encore incertaine. Néanmoins, les outils numériques et la puissance de calcul ne cessent d'évoluer. Si, auparavant, les calculs trajectographiques étaient restreints à des géométries simplifiées et à des mouvements balistiques en deux dimensions, il devient désormais possible d'y intégrer des raffinements tels que la forme complexe des blocs, des modèles numériques tridimensionnels de terrain d’une grande définition ou une prise en compte fine des mécanismes dissipatifs au niveau du point d'impact entre le bloc et le versant de propagation.L’objectif principal de la thèse est d’analyser, avec un code numérique discret en trois dimensions, l’influence des paramètres de forme et d’interaction sur la nature du rebond dans un contexte d’ingénierie. Nous présentons tout d’abord une méthodologie d'identification et d'étude de sensibilité des paramètres de contact, élaborée et validée à partir d’expérimentations de laboratoire. Cette méthodologie a été appliquée par la suite à deux expérimentations de chute de blocs menées sur sites réels à moyenne et à grande échelle.L’étude réalisée à moyenne échelle a permis de confronter le modèle numérique à des données obtenues lors d'une campagne expérimentale sur voies ferroviaires commanditée par la SNCF et menée en collaboration avec IRSTEA. Les analyses qui ont été réalisées ont porté sur les vitesses d’impact des blocs avec le ballast et les distances de propagation.L’étude menée à grande échelle s’appuie sur plusieurs séries de lâchés de blocs réalisées sur le site expérimental de la carrière d'Authume dans le cadre d’un Benchmark proposé dans le cadre du Projet National C2ROP. L’objectif principal du Benchmark est de tester et de comparer entre eux des logiciels trajectographiques, des codes de calculs numériques et les pratiques d’ingénierie pour en définir la pertinence et les domaines de validité. Dans le cadre de la thèse, ce travail a été conduit en plusieurs phases (à l’aveugle puis avec des données partielles mesurées lors de la campagne d'essais) et nous présentons l'évolution de ces analyses à l'issue de chacune des phases. L’étude a porté principalement sur les vitesses, les hauteurs et les énergies de passage des blocs en certains points du profil de propagation, ainsi que sur les positions d’arrêt des blocs. Une étude sur l'influence de la forme des blocs sur les distances de propagations est également présentée.Enfin, un Benchmark interne réalisé au sein de l'entreprise IMSRN montre l’importance, sur les analyses, de l'expertise de l'opérateur, et des conséquences de l'utilisation de différents outils trajectographiques (en 2D et en 3D). Ces travaux mettent en lumière les problématiques actuelles auxquelles sont souvent confrontés les bureaux d'études et les ingénieurs en charge des études de risques. / Numerous uncertainties related to the machanical interaction between rock boulders and the natural slope during block falls persist; and the forecast of such events is therefore still uncertain. Nevertheless, digital tools and computing power are constantly evolving. Previously, trajectory calculations were restricted to simplified geometries and two-dimensional ballistic movements, but it is now possible to incorporate refinements such as the complex shape of the blocks, three-dimensional numerical models of terrain of large sizes, as well as a better accounting of the dissipative mechanisms at the point of impact between the block and the run-out slope.The main objective of this work is to analyze, with a discrete elements code in three dimensions, the influence of the shape and interaction parameters on the nature of the rebound in an engineering context. We first present a methodology for identifying and studying the sensitivity of contact parameters, developed and validated from laboratory experiments. This methodology was subsequently applied to two block fall experiments conducted on medium and large real-scale scenarios.The study conducted on a medium scale allowed the numerical model to be compared with data obtained during an experimental rockfall tests campaign commissioned by the SNCF and conducted in collaboration with IRSTEA in a railway. The analyzes that were carried out mainly focused on the impact velocities of the blocks with ballast and propagation distances.The large-scale study is based on a series of block releases performed at the experimental site (Authume quarry, France) as part of a Benchmark proposed inside the National Project C2ROP. The mainly goal of this Benchmark is to access and compare trajectory softwares, numerical computation codes and engineering practices to define their relevance and validity domains. As part of the thesis, this work was conducted in several phases (blind phase and then conducted taking in account partial data measured during the experimental tests) and we present the evolution of these analyzes at the end of each one of these phases. The study focused on the velocities, heights and energies of the blocks at certain points of the propagation profile, as well as on the stopping positions of the blocks. The influence of block shapes on run-out distances is also presented.Lastly, an internal Benchmark performed within the IMSRN company shows the importance, on the analyzes, of the expertise of the operator, and the consequences derived from the application of different trajectography tools (in 2D and in 3D). This work highlights the current issues that are often faced by engineering offices and engineers in charge of risk quantification.
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Exploring Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing from Modeling to the Development of a Smart Metal-Matrix CompositeDennis Matthew Lyle (8791391) 06 May 2020 (has links)
The advent of additive manufacturing has opened up new frontiers in developing metal structures that can have complex geometries, composite structures made of dissimilar metals, and metal structures with embedded sensing and actuation capabilities. These types of structures are possible with ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM); a novel manufacturing technology that combines additive manufacturing through the ultrasonic welding of thin metal foils with computer numerical control (CNC) milling. However, the process suffers from a critical limitation, i.e., a range of build heights within which bonding between a foil and the substrate cannot be originated. <br>This work has two research objectives, the first is a fundamental understanding of the complex dynamic interaction between the substrate and ultrasonic horn, or sonotrode. Specifically, it focuses on the effects that specific modes of vibration have on the dynamic response of the substrate. The second objective is to utilize the UAM process to create metal structures with an embedded sensor that can detect contact or impact. In addressing the first objective, a semi-analytical model was developed to determine the response to three forcing descriptions that approximate the interfacial friction between the foil and substrate induced by sonotrode compression and excitation. Several observations can be seen in the results: as the height increases the dominant modes of vibration change, the modes of vibration excited also change during a single weld cycle as the sonotrode travels across the length of the substrate, and finally the three forcing models do not have a significant impact on the substrate response trends with height and during the weld cycle. <br>In addressing the second objective, three prototypes were created by embedding a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) sensor within an AL3003 metal-matrix. TENGs utilize contact electrification between surfaces of dissimilar materials, typically polymers, combined with electrostatic induction to generate electrical energy from a mechanical excitation. The sensors demonstrate a discernible response over a 1-5 Hz frequency range. In addition, the sensors have a linear relationship between output voltage and a mechanically applied load, and have the ability to sense contact through both touch and due to an impacting object.
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Numerical Simulation of Reactive Transport Problems in Porous Media Using Global Implicit ApproachZolfaghari, Reza 17 August 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on solutions of reactive transport problems in porous media. The principle mechanisms of flow and reactive mass transport in porous media are investigated. Global implicit approach (GIA), where transport and reaction are fully coupled, and sequential noniterative approach (SNIA) are implemented into the software OpenGeoSys (OGS6) to couple chemical reaction and mass transport. The reduction scheme proposed by Kräutle is used in GIA to reduce the number of coupled nonlinear differential equations. The reduction scheme takes linear combinations within mobile species and immobile species and effectively separates the reaction-independent linear differential equations from coupled nonlinear ones (i.e. reducing the number of primary variables in the nonlinear system). A chemical solver is implemented using semi-smooth Newton iteration which employs complementarity condition to solve for equilibrium mineral reactions. The results of three benchmarks are used for code verification. Based on the solutions of these benchmarks, it is shown that GIA with the reduction scheme is faster (ca. 6.7 times) than SNIA in simulating homogeneous equilibrium reactions and (ca. 24 times) in simulating kinetic reaction. In simulating heterogeneous equilibrium mineral reactions, SNIA outperforms GIA with the reduction scheme by 4.7 times.:Declaration of Authorship iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
List of Figures viii
Symbols ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 State of the Art 1
1.2 Thesis Objectives 3
1.3 Thesis Outline 4
2 Mathematical Models 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Mass Balance Equations 5
2.2.1 Groundwater Flow 6
2.2.2 Mass Transport 7
2.2.3 Chemical Reaction 8 Equilibrium Reaction 8 Kinetic Reaction 10
2.3 Reactive Mass Transport 10
2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions 11
3 Numerical Solutions 12
3.1 Introduction 12
3.2 Coupling Schemes 12
3.2.1 Operator Splitting 13
3.2.2 Global Implicit 13 Standard Reduction Schemes 14 Kräutle’s Reduction Scheme 14 Local Chemical Solver 21
3.3 Space and Time Discretization 23
3.3.1 Finite Element Method 23
3.3.2 Time Discretization 25
3.3.3 Jacobian Matrix 26
3.4 Code Implementation 29
4 Benchmarks 30
4.1 Introduction 30
4.2 Cation Exchange 30
4.3 Dissolution and Precipitation 32
4.4 Mixing Controlled Biodegradation 33
5 Conclusions and Outlooks 38
5.1 Conclusions 38
5.2 Outlooks 39 / Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die numerische Berechnung reaktiver Transportprobleme in porösen Medien. Es werden prinzipielle Mechanismen von Fluidströmung und reaktive Stofftransport in porösen Medien untersucht. Um chemische Reaktionen und Stofftransport zu koppeln, wurden die Ansätze Global Implicit Approach (GIA) sowie Sequential Non-Iterative Approach (SNIA) in die Software OpenGeoSys (OGS6) implementiert. Das von Kräutle vorgeschlagene Reduzierungsschema wird in GIA verwendet, um die Anzahl der gekoppelten nichtlinearen Differentialgleichungen zu reduzieren. Das Reduzierungsschema verwendet Linearkombinationen von mobilen und immobile Spezies und trennt die reaktionsunabhngigen linearen Differentialgleichungen von den gekoppelten nichtlinearen Gleichungen (dh Verringerung der Anzahl der Primärvariablen des nicht-linearen Gleichungssystems). Um die Gleichgewichtsreaktionen der Mineralien zu berechnen, wurde ein chemischer Gleichungslaser auf Basis von ”semi-smooth Newton-Iterations” implementiert. Ergebnisse von drei Benchmarks wurden zur Code-Verifikation verwendet. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Simulation homogener Equilibriumreaktionen mit GIA 6,7 mal schneller und bei kinetischen Reaktionen 24 mal schneller als SNIA sind. Bei Simulationen heterogener Equilibriumreaktionen ist SNIA 4,7 mal schneller als der GIA Ansatz.:Declaration of Authorship iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
List of Figures viii
Symbols ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 State of the Art 1
1.2 Thesis Objectives 3
1.3 Thesis Outline 4
2 Mathematical Models 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Mass Balance Equations 5
2.2.1 Groundwater Flow 6
2.2.2 Mass Transport 7
2.2.3 Chemical Reaction 8 Equilibrium Reaction 8 Kinetic Reaction 10
2.3 Reactive Mass Transport 10
2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions 11
3 Numerical Solutions 12
3.1 Introduction 12
3.2 Coupling Schemes 12
3.2.1 Operator Splitting 13
3.2.2 Global Implicit 13 Standard Reduction Schemes 14 Kräutle’s Reduction Scheme 14 Local Chemical Solver 21
3.3 Space and Time Discretization 23
3.3.1 Finite Element Method 23
3.3.2 Time Discretization 25
3.3.3 Jacobian Matrix 26
3.4 Code Implementation 29
4 Benchmarks 30
4.1 Introduction 30
4.2 Cation Exchange 30
4.3 Dissolution and Precipitation 32
4.4 Mixing Controlled Biodegradation 33
5 Conclusions and Outlooks 38
5.1 Conclusions 38
5.2 Outlooks 39
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Etude du comportement des trains d'atterrissage d'avions légers / Numerical modeling of light aircraft landing gearsArif, Nadia 09 November 2018 (has links)
Les avions légers sont conçus pour être utilisés dans les zones reculées d'un pays, où les infrastructures de transport sont inadéquates ou inexistantes. Ils peuvent atterrir sur différents types de piste (glace, gravier, sable, gros cailloux...). Le problème principal de ces avions est le défaut d’absorption d’énergie cinétique à l’atterrissage, bien qu'une partie des énergies de choc soit absorbée par les pneumatiques sous-gonflés. Des chocs et des rebonds peuvent se produire mettant en péril la sécurité de l’avion et des passagers. Le but de ce travail est de développer un outil numérique qui permet de modéliser les trains d'atterrissage, de prévoir leur réponse dynamique dans des conditions extrêmes, et de comparer leur capacité à dissiper l’énergie à la rencontre des obstacles. Étant donné son rôle primordial dans l'absorption des chocs, une étude expérimentale est dédiée à la caractérisation du pneumatique de brousse. Cette étude permet de construire un modèle éléments finis détaillé du pneumatique en prenant en compte la géométrie et la structure matérielle complexe. Une deuxième partie est consacrée à la modélisation numérique de quatre systèmes de trains d'atterrissage (existants ou proposés). De nombreuses simulations de roulement sont réalisées afin d'étudier, d'une part l'influence des conditions de roulement et l'influence de la taille et de la forme de l'obstacle d'autre part. L'analyse des amplitudes des efforts et des rebonds transmis à l'avion au cours du roulement permet d'évaluer les réponses dynamiques des différents trains et de comparer leur efficacité de dissipation / Light aircraft, such as bush planes, are designed for use in undeveloped areas of a country where transport infrastructure is inadequate or non-existent. They can land on different types of runways (ice, gravel, sand, big stones ...). The main problem with these aircraft is the lack of kinetic energy absorption at landing, although some of the shock energy is absorbed by the underinflated tires. Hard landing conditions such as shocks and rebounds may occur and endanger the safety of the aircraft and passengers. The aim of this work is to develop an efficient numerical tool for studying landing gear systems, predict their dynamic response in extreme conditions, and compare their energy dissipation. Given its primary role in shock absorption, an experimental study is dedicated to the characterization of the bush tire. Then, a detailed finite element model of the tire is developed, taking into account real geometry and material specificities. A second part is devoted to the numerical modeling of the different systems of landing gears (existing and proposed). Combined finite elements with structural elements are used. Thus, stress, deformation and energy within landing gears components could be obtained. Multiple dynamic rolling simulations are carried out in order to study, not only the influence of the rolling conditions (such as rolling velocity, tires inflation pressure, etc.), but also the influence of the size and the shape of obstacles. Systems' transient responses while rolling over ramp are evaluated, as well as the efforts and rebound displacements transmitted to the aircraft. A dissipation efficiency comparative study between the landing gears is conducted
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Wind farm construction is increasing progressively, to cope-up with the current global energy scenario. The advantage of clean energy and sustainability helps wind turbine construction to flourish rapidly. Location of wind turbines is independent of foundation soil condition but depends on the wind speeds and socio-environment issues. Hence, a construction sites may not be favorable in terms of geotechnical demands. The taller wind towers facilitate the generation of high energy production, which will increase loads on the foundation, and eventually increase the dimension of the foundation. Hence, the choice of a suitable foundation system is necessary for geotechnical engineer to design tall wind towers. This study aims to analyze different foundation types e.g., raft/mat foundation, pile group foundation, and piled raft/mat foundation using analytical calculation verified with numerical models using PLAXIS 3D software. The foundation for steel wind turbine towers 100 m high was designed for different types of soils e.g., soft clayey soil, medium-stiff clayey soil, stiff clayey soil, and sandy soil. The design wind speed was taken from the ASCE 7-10 (2010) standard for Occupancy Category III and IV Buildings and Other Structures, as the Illinois region falls in that category. The parametric study was performed by varying the diameter of raft/mat, wind speed, number of piles, and soil types to evaluate the settlement in any type of foundation with load sharing proportion in piled raft/mat foundation. First, the raft/mat foundation design was carried out manually by changing the diameter of 15 m, 20 m, 25 m, 30 m, and 35 m, and changing load by considering different wind speed. Then the foundation was modeled using PLAXIS 3D software with a raft/mat diameter of 25 m, 30 m, and 35 m only, by considering the eccentricity and factor of safety criteria. With the increase in wind speed, the differential settlement on the raft/mat foundation was found to be increased. However, the increase in diameter of raft/mat caused the reduction in differential settlement. Soft clayey soil was found to be more sensitive than other soils used in the present study. For the same diameter of raft/mat, applied the same wind load, the differential settlement of foundation in soft clayey soil was found to be 6-10 times higher than the sandy soil.The position of piles was fixed based on the spacing criteria in the pile group foundation. The number of piles used in this study were 23, 32, and 46. Settlement was found to be varied with the number of piles in all soils used in this study. The lateral deflection for soft clayey soil decreased to half, when number of piles increased from 23 to 46. The differential settlement was found to be increased with the increase in wind speed in pile group foundation. Raft/mat foundation settlement was found to be 4 to 6 times higher than the settlement in pile group foundation in any soils, used in this study, for a given wind speed.The result of piled raft/mat foundation showed that the majority of the total load is shared by the piles (i.e., 60% to 94%) and remaining load is shared by the raft/mat (i.e., 6% to 40%), based on the stiffness of raft/mat and piles as well as pile-soil-pile interaction. The increase in wind speed in the wind turbines increased the differential settlement of piled raft/mat foundation in all soils. Similarly, the lateral deflection also increased with the increase in wind speed in pile raft/mat foundation in all soils. The PLAXIS 3D analysis revealed that the differential settlement in soft clayey soil was 1.5 to 2.0 times higher than the settlement in sandy soil.The validation of numerical modeling was carried out by the raft/mat foundation using Boussinesq’s theory and calculating settlement for single pile and group pile foundation. The current study showed that the soft clayey soil and medium-stiff clayey soil favor deep foundation, like pile group and piled raft/mat rather than shallow foundation, like raft/mat foundation. The results obtained from both analytical calculation and numerical modeling was found to be approximately matching. This study will help local construction company and geotechnical engineer to guide a proper foundation design of tall onshore wind turbine.
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Advancing Methods to Quantify Actual Evapotranspiration in Stony Soil EcosystemsParajuli, Kshitij 01 August 2018 (has links)
Water is undeniably among the most important natural resources and the most critical in semi-arid regions like the Intermountain West of the United States. Such regions are characterized by low precipitation, the majority of which is transferred to the atmosphere from the soil and vegetation as evapotranspiration (ET). Quantification of ET is thus crucial for understanding the balance of water within the region, which is important for efficiently planning the available water resources. This study was motivated towards advancing the estimation of actual ET (ETA) in mountain ecosystems, where the variation in different types of vegetation and non-uniformity of soil including considerable stone content creates challenges for estimating water use as ET. With the aim of addressing the effect of stone content in controlling soil moisture and ET, this study examined the influence of stone content on bulk soil hydraulic properties. An averaging model referred to as a binary mixing model was used to describe the way in which water is held and released in stony soil. This approach was based on the individual hydraulic behavior of the background soil and of the stones within the soil. The effect of soil stone content on ETA was evaluated by accounting for the water retention properties of stones in the soil using a numerical simulation model (HYDRUS-1D). The results revealed overestimation of simulated ETA when effects of stone content were not accounted for in comparison to ETA measured by the state-of-the-art “eddy covariance” measurement method for ETA. An even larger-scale model was evaluated, named the Noah-Multiphysics (Noah-MP) land surface model. The land surface model was run using different arrangements of complexity to determine the importance of stone content information on simulation results. The version of the model with information about stone content along with detailed soil properties was able to provide the best Noah-MP prediction of ET. The study suggests that improvement in representation of soil properties including stone content information, can substantially advance the ability of numerical and land surface models to more accurately simulate soil water flow and ETA.
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