Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] NUMERICAL MODELING"" "subject:"[enn] NUMERICAL MODELING""
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Modelagem numérica conjunta de processos sedimentares e tectônicos em bacias sedimentares / Joint numerical modeling of sedimentary and tectonic processes in sedimentary basinsVictor Sacek 27 June 2011 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é prever a evolução de margens divergentes desde o início da extensão litosférica, levando-se em consideração a interação entre processos superficiais e tectônicos. Para isto, foi desenvolvido um modelo numérico que acopla isostasia flexural, efeitos térmicos, estiramento litosférico e processos superficiais. A isostasia flexural é simulada através de uma placa elástica fina sobre um fluido invíscido, representando o comportamento flexural da litosfera flutuando sobre a astenosfera. Durante a simulação, a estrutura térmica da litosfera evolui como um resultado da advecção e difusão do calor no interior da Terra. Considera-se que o estiramento da litosfera é acomodado por falhas planas na crosta superior e deformação dúctil na crosta inferior e manto. O modelo de processos superficiais descreve como a paisagem é erodida e como os sedimentos são transportados e depositados nas bacias sedimentares. Através desse modelo numérico, é mostrado que o estiramento litosférico tem uma profunda influência na evolução da migração de escarpas em margens divergentes. Os resultados sugerem que escarpas limitadas por falhas criadas em flancos de rifts por descarregamento mecânico e resposta flexural têm pouca chance de \"sobreviver\" através de recuo erosivo se a crosta inferior sob o flanco do rift foi substancialmente estirada. Nessa configuração, o divisor de drenagem que persiste através do tempo é criado em direção ao continente em uma posição que depende da rigidez flexural da crosta superior. Esse cenário ocorre quando a topografia pré-rift mergulha para o continente, caso contrário a evolução da escarpa é guiada pelo divisor de águas interior pré-existente. Esses conceitos são aplicados no estudo das margens do sudeste da Australia e do sudeste do Brasil, onde o cenário de retração de escarpas através de recuo erosivo mostrou-se improvável. O mesmo modelo numérico foi utilizado para estudar como a passagem de uma anomalia térmica sob a litosfera pode afetar a evolução pós-rift de bacias sedimentares em margens divergentes. Os resultados numéricos mostram que a velocidade da litosfera em relação à anomalia térmica e a rigidez flexural da litosfera oceânica e continental afetam a evolução de bacias sedimentares devido ao soerguimento da superfície relacionado com a expansão térmica da litosfera. Como exemplo, é estudada a possível influência de uma anomalia térmica (Pluma de Trindade?) na evolução das bacias de Campos e Espírito Santo, na margem sudeste brasileira. / The purpose of this work is to predict the evolution of divergent margins since the onset of lithospheric extension, taking into account the interaction between surface and tectonic processes. For this, a numerical model was developed to study the coupling of flexural isostasy, thermal effects, stretching of the lithosphere and surface processes. The flexural isostasy is simulated through a thin elastic plate overlying an inviscid fluid, representing the flexural behavior of the lithosphere floating on the asthenosphere. During the simulation, the thermal structure of the lithosphere evolves as a result of advection and diffusion of heat in the Earths interior. The stretching of the lithosphere is assumed to be accommodated by planar faults in the upper crust and ductile flow in the lower crust and mantle. The surface processes model describes how the landscape is eroded and how the sediments are transported and deposited in the sedimentary basins. The results from this numerical model show that the amount of lithospheric stretching has a profound influence on the evolution of escarpment migration in divergent margins. These results suggest that fault-bounded escarpments created at rift flanks by mechanical unloading and flexural rebound have little potential to survive as retreating escarpments if the lower crust under the rift flank is substantially stretched. In this configuration, a drainage divide that persists through time is created landward in a position that depends on the flexural rigidity of the upper crust. This scenario occurs when the pre-rift topography dips landward, otherwise the evolution of the escarpment is guided by the pre-existing inland drainage divide. These concepts are applied to study the margins of Southeastern Australia and Southeastern Brazil, where the retreating escarpment scenario showed to be unlikely. The same numerical model is used to study how the passage of a thermal anomaly under the lithosphere can affect the post-rift evolution of sedimentary basins in divergent margins. The numerical results show that the velocity of the lithosphere relative to the thermal anomaly and the flexural rigidity of the continental and oceanic lithospheres affect the evolution of sedimentary basins due to surface uplift related to thermal expansion of the lithosphere. As an example, the model is applied to assess the possible influence of a thermal anomaly (Trindade Plume?) on the evolution of the Campos and Esp rito Santo Basins, in Southeastern Brazilian margin.
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[pt] Uma grande parcela da população depende de águas subterrâneas para o consumo. Assim, vazamentos dos tanques de gasolina representam um risco significativo de saúde pública, além dos riscos de incêndio e explosão que o vazamento de vapores destes tanques pode causar nas linhas de esgotos dos edifícios. Estes tanques estão em geral localizados na zona não saturada dos solos, acima do nível freático. Torna-se assim importante avaliar a mobilidade destes compostos nestas condições e em particular de prever a sua chegada no lençol freático. Esta avaliação pode ser feita através de procedimentos numéricos de análise. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a implementação numérica de um programa que simule o fluxo transiente de NAPLs (non aqueous phase liquids) em meios porosos não saturados. A solução numérica é obtida pela utilização do método dos volumes finitos. Para representar as características hidráulicas dos solos, a função Brooks e Corey e os modelos de Brooks e Corey-Burdine são utilizados. O trabalho apresenta detalhes do programa desenvolvido e o seu uso para simular ensaios de fluxo de gasolina e gasolina misturada com etanol realizados na PUC em estudos anteriores. / [en] A large proportion of the population depends on groundwater for consumption. Thus, leakage of gasoline tanks represents a significant risk to public health besides the risk of fire and explosion in the sewer lines, due to the flammable gases. These tanks are generally located in the unsaturad soil above the groundwater level. It is therefore important to evaluate the mobility of these compounds under these conditions and in particular to predict its arrival in the water table. This assessment can be done by numerical procedures for analysis. The main objective of this work is the numerical implementation of a program that simulates the transient flow of NAPLs (non aqueous phase liquids) in unsaturated porous media. The numerical solution is obtained by using the method of finite volumes. To represent the hydraulic characteristics of soils, the function of Brooks and Corey, as well as the Brooks and Corey-Burdine’s model are used. The essay presents details of the program developed and its use to simulate the flow testing of gasoline and gasoline blended with ethanol made in the PUC in previus studies.
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Caractérisation, étude et modélisation du comportement thermomagnétique d'un dispositif de réfrigération magnétique à matériaux non linéaires et point de Curie proche de la température ambiante / Characterization study and modelling of the thermomagnetic behaviour of a magnetic refrigeration system with nonlinear materials and Curie point near room temperatureLionte, Sergiu 23 March 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de développer un modèle multi-physique et multi-échelle de Régénérateur Magnétique Actif en vue d’optimiser le fonctionnement d’un système de réfrigération magnétique. Le modèle numérique développé lors de cette thèse est un modèle multi-physique et multi-échelle qui prend en compte trois phénomènes distincts (le magnétisme, la fluidique et le transfert de chaleur), chacun à une échelle différente (micro-échelle, mini-échelle et macro-échelle). Une étude expérimentale a été menée afin de déterminer les propriétés thermophysiques des matériaux magnétocaloriques et d’intégrer les résultats de ces mesures dans le modèle numérique. Le modèle a été validé par une comparaison avec des données expérimentales et les résultats obtenus ont montré une bonne corrélation entre les résultats du modèle et les mesures. Enfin, le modèle a été exploité par une analyse de sensibilité des paramètres en vue d’étudier le fonctionnement ainsi que les performances du système. Ce modèle permettra d’identifier une stratégie de conception optimale d’un Régénérateur Magnétique Actif afin de concevoir des systèmes de réfrigération magnétique performants. / The objective of this work is the developing of a multi-physics and multi-scale numerical model of an Active Magnetic Regenerator in order to optimize the operation of a magnetic refrigeration system. The numerical model developed in this thesis is a multi-physics and multi-scale model that takes into account simultaneously three distinct phenomena (magnetism, fluid flow and heat transfer), each on a different scale (micro-scale, mini-scale scale and macro-scale). An experimental study was conducted to determine the thermophysical properties of magnetocaloric materials and integrate the results of these measurements in the numerical model. The model has been validated by comparison with experimental data and the results showed a good correlation between the model results and measurements. Finally, the model was exploited by an analysis of parameter sensitivity allowing studying the operation and performance of the system. This model will identify an optimal design strategy of an Active Magnetic Regenerator in order to design high-performance magnetic refrigeration systems.
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[pt] Dutos são sistemas eficientes e seguros para o transporte
de óleo e gás. O estudo da capacidade de carga de dutos em
condições de serviço envolvendo o transporte de
produtos agressivos e sujeitos a altas temperaturas e
pressões ganha atualmente maior interesse dada a severidade
das condições de operação e a crescente necessidade de
manutenção e adaptação dos dutos existentes às condições
atuais de serviço. No entanto,a presença de defeitos e
imperfeições em segmentos de dutos pode ocasionar a redução
na resistência do mesmo e eventualmente sua falha.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a previsão do comportamento
de dutos sujeitos a cargas combinadas, tendo em vista os
carregamentos que podem ocorrer em campo.
São contemplados nestes carregamentos efeitos térmicos,
movimentos geotécnicos,pressão de operação. No caso de
assentamento de solo, o duto pode estar submetido a
efeitos de flexão que resultam em curvaturas excessivas.
Como consequência ocorre a flambagem local do duto e
desenvolvem-se rugas. Nestas condições podem surgir
deformações acima dos valores limites estabelecidos em
normas.Tendo em vista a natureza tri-dimensional do
problema e a investigação do fenômeno de flambagem local,
faz-se necessário o entendimento do comportamento
tridimensional de cascas em condições de grandes
deslocamentos e grandes deformações em regime elasto-
plástico.Neste trabalho desenvolvem-se alguns modelos para
a previsão do comportamento de dutos submetidos a cargas
combinadas. Procura-se reproduzir as condições de ensaio de
laboratório de modo a se desenvolver um modelo de previsão
confiável. Para tal foram tomados como referência alguns
resultados de ensaios disponíveis na literatura. Aspetos de
modelagem de condições de contorno e carregamento são
enfocados. Dado o desenvolvimento de rugas e de grandes
deformações estão presentes também outros aspectos
importantes da modelagem como o aparecimento de regiões de
auto-contato nas rugas.Alguns exemplos numéricos analisados
com o programa comercial de elementos finitos ABAQUS são
apresentados. / [en] Pipelines are efficient and safe systems for the transport
of oil and gas. The study of the load capacity of these
systems under functional conditions which include
the transport of aggressive products under high
temperatures and pressures has gained larger interest due
to the severe operation conditions and growing needs for
maintenance and adaptation of the existing pipelines to
these conditions. However, the presence of defects and
imperfections in pipe segments may lead to reduction of
resistance and eventually to failure.
The scope of this dissertation is the prediction of the
behavior of pipelines subjected to combined load conditions
and sequences till collapse, reproducing those which occur
on field and in laboratory tests. Axial forces, internal
pressure and bending are applied to the model in order to
reproduce thermal effects, operating pressure and
ground movements. In the case of soil settlement the
pipeline may be subject to bending effects which result in
excessive curvatures. As a consequence local buckling
occurs with the development of wrinkles. Under these
conditions strains above those recommended in the codes can
take place.Due to the three dimensional nature of the
problem the investigation of the local buckling phenomena,
requires the understanding of the behavior shells under
large displacement and large strain conditions in elasto-
plastic regime.In the present work some models are
developed for the prediction of the behavior of pipelines
subjected to combined loading. Validation of these models
allows us to accompany and establish experimental programs.
Some reference laboratory results available in the
literature are included. Aspects of the modeling such as
boundary and loading conditions, material modeling
and solution procedure are addressed. The development of
wrinkles and large deformations brings into the model
additional aspects such as the presence of self-contact
areas. Numerical examples are analyzed using the commercial
finite element program ABAQUS.
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[pt] A avaliação da recarga subterrânea e de sua variação temporal e espacial,
em bacias hidrográficas, é essencial para estudos de sustentabilidade de recursos
hídricos e requer, na maior parte das vezes, o uso de um modelo numérico de
fluxo 3D. Geralmente, dados como mapas geológicos e pedológicos estão
disponíveis, a localização e geometria das principais feições estruturais podem ser
identificadas a partir de imagens de satélite, em ambiente SIG, e dados de
hidrologia superficial e de elevação de terreno são fáceis de conseguir. No
entanto, para se utilizar um modelo numérico que forneça uma primeira avaliação
da sustentabilidade de uma explotação, é necessário alimentá-lo com dados de
propriedades hidráulicas consistentes com a faixa de valores representativos dos
tipos de rocha que compõe a bacia. Uma revisão de dados hidrogeológicos de uma
série de localidades mostra que, enquanto as propriedades hidráulicas das rochas
fraturadas apresentam uma grande variação em seus valores, quando analisadas de
forma indiscriminada, ao serem agrupadas por tipo litológico, apresentam uma
faixa de variação mais restrita (i.e. granito fraturado vs. gabro fraturado). Há um
grande volume de dados relativos a projetos de disposição de lixo radioativo,
mineração e engenharia civil, em diversos sítios ao redor do mundo, em que
foram feitas investigações detalhadas do meio fraturado. Dados de um
determinado maciço fraturado podem ser usados em outro, não investigado, como
uma primeira aproximação, desde que possuam o mesmo tipo litológico e
pertençam a ambientes tectônicos semelhantes. Este tratamento foi utilizado para
modelar a vazão sustentável de uma pequena bacia de drenagem no Noroeste
Fluminense. Dados relativos às estruturas dominantes e aos sistemas de fraturas
foram extraídos de imagens de satélite, fotos aéreas e de afloramentos, e tratados
em ambiente SIG. O modelo de fluxo subterrâneo foi construído com dados de
elevação do terreno, mapas geológicos, registros hidrológicos históricos bem
como mapas pedológicos e de uso da terra. O programa FEFLOW (Diersch, 1998)
foi usado para simular a distribuição espacial e temporal da recarga subterrânea na
bacia e diferentes cenários de explotação de água subterrânea. O modelo mostrouse
capaz de fornecer uma primeira aproximação das reservas subterrâneas da bacia
e de avaliar a relação entre o fluxo subterrâneo e dos cursos d’água superficiais,
em condições naturais e nos cenários de explotação, sendo assim uma ferramenta
útil para análises de sustentabilidade de exploração destes recursos. / [en] The estimation of groundwater recharge and its spatial and temporal
variability in a drainage basin is essential for sustainability assessments and
requires, in most cases, the use of an appropriate 3D numerical flow and transport
model. For most drainage basins, the bedrock and overburden geology maps exist,
the location and geometry of major structural features can be identified using
available GIS databases, and surface water and terrain elevation data at an
appropriate scale are readily available. In order to use 3D models to provide an
initial assessment of the sustainability of the groundwater resource extraction of a
specific drainage basin, the 3D model has to be populated with hydraulic
properties that are consistent with the range of values that are representative of the
rock types that underlie the drainage basin. A review of hydrogeological data
from a number of sites shows that while there is a wide range in the hydraulic
properties of fractured rocks in general, the range for individual rock types is
more constrained, (i.e. fractured granite versus fractured gabbro). There is a great
amount of hydrogeological data from fractured rock masses that have been
investigated in detail as part of nuclear waste, mining and civil engineering
projects around the world. Data from a specific site can be used as a first approach
in another one, not investigated, once they have the same geologic characteristics
and tectonic environment. This approach was used to model the sustainable
groundwater yield of a small drainage basin in Southeast Brazil. Data on major
structures and fracture systems were extracted from satellite images, aerial photos
and outcrop expositions using GIS environment. The groundwater flow model
was constructed using terrain elevation data, geology maps, hydrological records,
as well as soil type and land use maps. FEFLOW (Diersch, 1988) was used to
simulate the spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater recharge in the
basin, using different pumping scenarios. The model was capable to yield a good
estimation of groundwater resources in the watershed, as a first approach, and to
assess groundwater and surface water relations in natural conditions and in stress
scenarios being a useful tool for sustainability analysis of groundwater
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[pt] A formação de emulsões está presente em diversas atividades industriais,
incluindo o setor petrolífero. A análise de quebra de gota em capilares com
garganta remete ao estudo da formação de emulsões e suas características em
meios porosos. Esta dissertação apresenta um modelo numérico baseado nas
equações de conservação, e na teoria da lubrificação. O modelo foi desenvolvido
considerando as duas fases como fluidos Newtonianos, e o sistema de equações
diferencias resultante foi resolvido pelo método de diferenças finitas centrais,
implementado em ambiente MATLAB®. Determina-se o campo de pressão dos
fluidos, bem como sua interface ao longo do tempo. A análise da influência de
parâmetros, tanto da geometria do capilar quanto das propriedades dos fluidos,
indicou comportamentos adequados em comparação com os dados disponíveis
na literatura. Observou-se que a viscosidade do fluido da fase contínua possui
maior influência no tempo de formação de gota, do que a viscosidade do fluido
da fase dispersa. O tempo de quebra de gota da fase dispersa varia linearmente
com a viscosidade da fase contínua. Observa-se que o raio da garganta do
capilar influencia diretamente no tempo de quebra de gota, onde para raios
menores, o tempo de formação de gota será menor do que para um raio de
garganta maior, devido a um gradiente de pressão capilar mais elevado. / [en] The snap off of emulsion drops appears in several industrial activities,
including the oil industry. The analysis snap off in a constricted capillary is related
to the study of emulsion formation and its characteristics in a porous media. This
thesis presents a numerical model based on the conservation equations and
lubrification theory developed for Newtonians fluids. The resulting system of
differential equations was solved by finite difference and the code implemented in
MATLB®. The analysis of the effect of different parameters, such as the
geometry of the capillary and the liquid proprieties, indicated appropriate
behaviors in comparison to data in the literature. It was observed that the
viscosity of the continuous phase fluid has a stronger influence in the snap off
time than the viscosity of the dispersed phase fluid. The snap off time rises with
the viscosity of the continuous phase fluid. It was observed that the variation of
the radius of the neck directly influences the snap off time, where smaller throat
radius leads to shorter snap-off time, due to stronger capillary pressure gradient.
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Modélisation numérique des écoulements ouverts de convection naturelle au sein d'un canal vertical asymétriquement chauffé / Numerical modeling of natural convection in a vertical channel asymmetrically heatedGarnier, Charles 03 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la modélisation numérique des écoulements ouverts de convection naturelle au sein d'un canal vertical asymétriquement chauffé à flux constant. Elle s'inscrit dans un contexte national de comparaison associant approches numériques (benchmark de la Société Française de Thermique SFT) et expérimentales. La particularité de ce type d'écoulement réside dans le fait que le moteur du mouvement est situé au sein même de l'écoulement, rendant alors difficile la modélisation des interfaces et par conséquent la définition des conditions aux limites à appliquer aux frontières ouvertes du domaine de calcul. Nous proposons ici deux approches numériques de modélisation de ce type d'écoulement. La première approche consiste à inclure à la fois le canal vertical et son environnement extérieur dans le domaine de calcul. Cette approche intègre les interactions canal - environnement extérieur de manière implicite et nous permet d'obtenir une description complète de l'écoulement et ainsi de caractériser les interfaces du canal. Sur la base de ces simulations, des solutions numériques de référence modélisant un écoulement de convection naturelle dans un canal vertical immergé dans un environnement infini sont établies. La deuxième approche consiste à restreindre le domaine de calcul aux limites géométriques du canal. Plusieurs méthodes de résolution et modélisation des interfaces sont alors proposées et comparées avec les solutions de référence précédentes. Une approche originale basée sur des conditions limites de type Robin pour la pression motrice montre ainsi de très bon accords avec les solutions de référence. / This thesis focuses on the numerical modeling of natural convection flows in a vertical channel asymmetrically heated at constant heat flux. It takes place in a national context of comparison of numerical approaches (benchmark of the French Thermic Society SFT) and experimental approaches. The main issues result in the fact that the driving forces lie within the computational domain so inlet and outlet flow cannot be a priori prescribed. Therefore it is difficult to model the interfaces and to prescribe boundary conditions at the open frontiers of the computational domain. We propose two numerical approaches for modeling this type of flow. In the first approach the numerical domain includes the vertical channel and its external surroundings in the computational domain. This approach implicitly integrates interactions between the channel and its external environment. This allows us to obtain a complete description of the flow and thus to characterize the channel interfaces. Based on these simulations, numerical reference solutions which are modeling a natural convection flow in a vertical channel immersed in a infinite environment are established. In the second approach the computational domain is restricted to the geometric limits of the channel. Several methods for the numerical resolution and for modeling of the interfaces are proposed and then compared with the previous reference solutions. An original modeling based on Robin boundary conditions for the driving pressure is described and shows very good agreement with the reference solutions.
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[pt] Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um programa para simulação
numérica do fluxo bifásico em meios porosos com
transferência de massa entre as duas fases e transporte dos
solutos em cada fase. O programa calcula o aumento da
mobilidade da fase não aquosa e da solubilidade de seus
componentes na água como resultado da adição de um co-
solvente. O objetivo foi simular problemas de contaminação
no subsolo com líquidos imiscíveis com a água e a
remediação através da técnica de injeção de co-solventes,
assim como a contaminação a partir de vazamentos de
gasolina acrescida de álcool em postos de abastecimento.
Podem-se ainda resolver problemas de fluxo bifásico
envolvendo uma fase gasosa. Foi desenvolvido e implementado
um modelo para a transferência de massa durante o fluxo das
duas fases. O cálculo das propriedades das duas fases ao
longo do tempo é feito utilizando o diagrama ternário de
fases. Para resolver as equações do fluxo e do transporte
de solutos foi empregado o método de elementos finitos. / [en] A computer code was developed for numerical simulation of
two-phase flow in porous media considering mass transfer
between the phases involved and solute transport in each
phase. Enhanced mobility of nonaqueous phase and enhanced
aqueous solubility of its components as a result of
cosolvent injection are calculated. The objective of this
work was to simulate subsurface contamination by nonaqueous
phase liquids and remediation utilizing cosolvent injection
technique, and also contamination by gasoline with alcohol
from fuel tanks. It is also possible to solve two-phase
flow problems involving a gaseous phase. A model for mass
transfer during two-phase flow was developed and
implemented. Properties variation with time for both phases
is calculated using ternary phase diagram. Finite element
method was used to solve flow and solute transport
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A study of nitrogen fate and transport in agricultural landscapes at the field, wetland, and watershed scalesDrake, Chad Walter 01 December 2018 (has links)
Reducing agricultural nutrient loading in Iowa is critical to achieving Gulf of Mexico hypoxia water quality goals. Iowa comprises 4.4% of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin but contributes an average of 29% of the annual nitrate (NO3-N) load to the Gulf of Mexico (Jones et al., 2018). The main goal of this research was to study nitrogen fate and transport in agricultural areas of Iowa at different spatial scales using a unique combination of water monitoring and numerical modeling. High-frequency, continuous water quality monitoring provided valuable insights into stream and wetland NO3-N dynamics. A biogeochemical model was written and coupled to a spatially distributed, surface-subsurface hydrologic model to perform continuous (multi-year) nitrogen fate and transport simulations at the field, wetland, and watershed scales.
Field scale simulations of a tile-drained, corn-soybean rotation under conventional agricultural management over a 5-yr period illustrated strengths and weaknesses of the soil nitrogen model. Using a simplified approach to describe soil organic matter dynamics, the simulated annual nitrogen balance and NO3-N loss in tile drainage were comparable to observations and literature estimates. However, the model was not able to predict the correct response of NO3-N loss in tile drainage to fertilizer rate, which was attributed in part to limitations with the current plant uptake function which did not capture the nonlinear relationship expected between fertilizer rate and crop nitrogen uptake.
NO3-N removal was quantified at one of Iowa’s largest constructed wetlands using high-frequency (15-min), continuous water quality monitoring and hydrologic modeling. The wetland reduced incoming NO3-N concentrations 49% and loads by an estimated 61 kg day-1 from May-Nov over a 3-yr period. Wetland removal was influenced by both hydrologic and biological conditions; mass removal was greatest in Jun when discharge and NO3-N loading were highest, while percent removal was greatest in Aug when discharge was low, water residence times in the wetland were high, and warm water temperatures enhanced processing. The high-frequency monitoring captured NO3-N dynamics not possible with traditional lower frequency grab sampling, including concentration dynamics connected to storm events telling of sources and pathways of NO3-N delivery, diurnal variations in concentration indicative of biological processes, and the marked variability in wetland removal performance during low and high flow conditions. Over 5600 wetlands of similar removal performance treating over 60% of Iowa’s area and costing $1.5 billion would be required to reduce the state’s baseline NO3-N load by 45%.
The high-frequency monitoring guided and informed numerical simulations of nitrogen fate and transport at the wetland and watershed scales. Wetland simulations using imposed discharge and water quality conditions upstream of the wetland (inlet) and first order, temperature dependent kinetics produced satisfactory daily and monthly predictions of NO3-N concentration and water temperature downstream of the wetland (outlet) from May-Nov in 3/4 and 4/4 study years, respectively. NO3-N predictions were most sensitive to the denitrification first order rate constant and temperature during low discharge periods and least sensitive to both during storm events. Temperature dependent kinetics were necessary to accurately predict wetland NO3-N removal in late summer.
The continuous watershed simulations produced satisfactory monthly predictions of inlet and outlet NO3-N concentration and outlet water temperature. Consistent with findings from other modeling studies, annual nitrogen components and NO3-N dynamics were simulated reasonably well under average hydrologic conditions, while simulated NO3-N dynamics weakened under extreme (wet) hydrologic conditions. Temperature was important for predicting the seasonality of wetland NO3-N removal during the growing season, while other factors such as organic carbon and dissolved oxygen may be more influential outside the growing season when removal can still occur despite cold conditions.
A preliminary evaluation of six recently constructed wetlands that detain and process agricultural runoff from 12% of a 45 km2 watershed in north central Iowa estimated sizable flood and NO3-N reductions locally which diminished moving downstream. Continuous watershed simulations over a 13 month period following wetland implementation estimated peak flow reductions of 3-43% at the wetlands that dissipated with drainage area; similarly, the wetlands reduced NO3-N loads by an estimated 7-25% locally and 2% at the watershed outlet. Further refinements to the biogeochemical-hydrologic model are needed to improve simulated NO3-N dynamics in order to more reliably assess downstream flow and NO3-N reduction benefits.
This work identified limitations with the current modeling approach, areas of future work, and offers recommendations to guide future conservation design. Sensible hydrologic predictions are imperative to the success and dependability of the water quality simulations, which may seem obvious but can be difficult to ascertain in ungauged catchments. Future work aspires to couple a complete agricultural systems model with a physically-based hydrologic model to simulate the nitrogen cycle in a more comprehensive manner to assess which field scale nitrogen processes are most important to accurately predict stream nutrient loading at the watershed scale. Constructed wetlands could provide greater flood and nutrient reduction benefits if the normal pool hydraulics were designed with smaller hydraulic structures that more effectively throttle down incoming flows and provide the opportunity for active rather than passive pool management. As the ultimate goal of this research and other like work is to quantify progress of water quality goals set forth by the Gulf Hypoxia Task Force and help guide future conservation practice implementation, continued investment in science-based water research, water monitoring, and water modeling is necessary.
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Effects of Support Structure Geometry on SLM Induced Residual Stresses in Overhanging FeaturesBaskett, Ryan 01 September 2017 (has links)
Selective laser melting (SLM) is a new and rapidly developing manufacturing method for producing full-density, geometrically complex metal parts. The SLM process is time and cost effective for small-scale production; however, wide-spread adoption of this technique is severely limited by residual stresses that can cause large deformations and in-process build failures. The issues associated with residual stress accumulation are most apparent in parts with overhanging features. Due to the complexity of the SLM process, the accumulation of residual stresses is difficult to assess a priori. The deformations and in-process failures caused by residual stress accumulation often lead to an expensive and time consuming iterative manufacturing process.
To aid in the development of general SLM design guidelines for overhanging features, the effect of varying two support structure design parameters on residual stress accumulation were investigated. A part-scale thermo-mechanical finite element model was implemented using Diablo, a multi-physics finite element code developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and trends observed in the model were validated experimentally.
By comparing the distribution and magnitude of residual stresses, it was determined that reducing cooling rate gradients in overhanging features reduces the resulting residual stresses. Additionally, it was shown that volume effective material properties can be used to reduce computational costs in computational models of the SLM process.
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