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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do arrancamento de fundações em solos tratados com cimento / The uplift performance of footings embedded in cement stabilized backfill

Ruver, Cesar Alberto January 2011 (has links)
Engenheiros geotécnicos, defrontam-se frequentemente com solos de baixa capacidade de suporte. Para viabilizar projetos nestes materiais, pode-se utilizar fundações com grandes dimensões e/ou melhorar a propriedades mecânicas destes solos. Fundações de grandes dimensões podem ser extremamente onerosas e gerar impactos ambientais indesejáveis provocados por grandes movimentações de solo. Em contrapartida, o melhoramento das propriedades mecânicas do solo pode ser obtido por meio de tratamento com agentes cimentantes. Esta técnica tem-se mostrado bastante promissora nas diversas subáreas da geotecnia, como por exemplo, leito e subleito de pavimentação, estabilidade de taludes e terrenos para assentamento de fundações à compressão. A utilização desta técnica em fundações escavadas submetidas à tração ainda é incipiente. Até meados dos anos 1950, os métodos de previsão de desempenho consideravam somente o peso do solo contido em uma superfície ruptura somado ao peso da fundação, como contribuindo na capacidade de carga ao arrancamento. Estudos recentes passaram a incluir uma terceira parcela de resistência devido à resistência ao cisalhamento do solo. A partir de então diversos autores passaram a estudar técnicas de melhoramento e reforços dos reaterros. Num primeiro momento, foi estudada a influência das técnicas de compactação do reaterro e a substituição do material por outro com melhores propriedades. Atualmente, os estudos concentram-se no reforço dos reaterros com geossintéticos e adição de agentes cimentícios. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um estudo avaliando os benefícios gerados pelo aumento da capacidade de carga, de fundações escavadas e reaterradas com areia fina e homogênea (proveniente da cidade de Osório/RS), cimentada, avaliando sua influência em termos das propriedades geométricas (diâmetro das fundações, profundidade de assentamento e diâmetro de tratamento) e geotécnicas (coesão, ângulo de atrito e módulo de elasticidade, influenciados pelo teor de cimento). Para tanto foram realizadas provas de carga à tração, variando-se o diâmetro (30 e 45 cm), profundidades de embutimentos (entre 0,5 e 2,0), e teores de cimento (0%, 3% e 7%). Através das provas de carga, verificou-se que o aumento do teor de cimento e da profundidade de assentamento aumentam a capacidade de carga à tração. Os resultados experimentais foram reproduzidos pelo método de elementos finitos por meio de retroanálise. A partir do modelo numérico gerado pela retroanálise, foram executadas duas análises paramétricas. Na primeira foram definidos os parâmetros significativos – coesão e embutimento – e determinada uma equação adimensional para determinação da carga máxima para tratamento de uma camada infinita. Na segunda análise foram definidos ábacos para determinação da perda de carga em função da redução do diâmetro de tratamento, para três níveis de cimentação – baixa, média e alta. / Geotechnical engineers frequently have to deal with soils that have reduced strength. In order to carry out the design of footings in such materials, their base has to be quite large and/or mechanical properties of the soils have to be improved. Shallow foundations of large dimensions can be extremely expensive and generate undesirable environmental impacts due to large soil movements. As an alternative, the improvement of mechanical properties of the local soil can be obtained by treating it with cementitious agents. Such technique has been used with success in several earthworks such as the improvement of base and sub-base of pavements, slope stability and particularly as a soil-cement mixture of a compacted layer over a low bearing capacity soil. The use of such technique in footings subjected to pullout forces is still insipient. Until middle 1950’s, pullout design methodologies of shallow foundations embedded in soil backfills considered only the weight of the soil contained inside a specific failure surface plus the foundation self-weight as the pullout failure load. Further studies included the shear strength of the soil at the failure surface. Since then several authors considered several techniques to improve and/or reinforce the backfills. At first the influence of backfill compaction and material substitution to improve soil properties were considered. Nowadays, studies concentrate in the reinforcement of backfills with geosynthetics and in the addition of cementitious agents. In such context, the main aim of present work is to carry out a research evaluating the benefits towards the improvement of uplift performance of footings embedded in cemented stabilized backfill, analyzing the influence of the geometrical characteristics of the problem (diameter of the footings, depth of embedment and size of the improved area) and geotechnical properties of the backfill (cohesion intercept, friction angle and Young’s modulus), the latter influenced by the amount of cementitious agents inserted on the soil. For doing so, several pullout tests were carried out varying foundation diameter (0.30 and 0.45 m), embedment depth according foundation diameter (ranging from 0.5 e 2.0) and cement contents (0%, 3% and 7%) in the stabilized backfill. Results of pullout tests have shown that the increase of cement content and embedment depth of the backfill increased uplift capacity. Field results were reproduced through a back-analysis using the finite element technique. In the sequence, two distinct parametrical analyses were also carried out. In the first analysis the parameters that show significance were cohesion intercept and embedment depth – a non-dimensional equation determining the failure pullout load (considering infinite horizontal improvement) was determined. In the second analysis distinct abacus were produced to allow considering reduction of horizontal treatment area for three cementation levels – low, medium e high.

Estudo observacional teórico e numérico da temperatura do solo em Maceió-AL. / Theoretical observational study and numerical of soil temperature in Maceió -AL

Omena, Alessandro de Melo 13 February 2009 (has links)
The solution of a differential parcial parabolic equation of the Heat Flow on the Soil allows to simulate temperatures along a specific profile. For that, it is necessary to work with the soil analytical solution, but this solution is too complex for certain field situation. For this reason one of the methods of working soil temperature simulation are the called Numerical Methods of Finite Differences which allow to change the first and second order derivades for the called numerical scheme. In this work the main objective was to simulate temperature data with conditions of contour and initials so that they could be compared with observed temperature data of a meteorological station built on a field of naked soil (DNIT). We took into consideration external and internal facts which affect the soil temperature, such as solar radiation, heat flow, precipitation, humidity and thermal diffusivity that were calculated or for the station or for the simulation through the soil temperature data. In the case of humidity the method used was the gravimetric that allowed calculate the amount of water on that studied soil. On the other hand, for the diffusivity, two methods were used, one for the soil energy propagation and the other of analytic way, with the use of the known formula. The observed data were built in tables where we showed the rhythm of temperature variation along the day of March, as the considered days were only the even days, because the main reason was to evaluate the explicit model. After that the temperature data simulated by the numerical method were also put in graphics so that they could be compared with the observed ones. We noted that on days 09, 11 and 18 there were quite good approximation. This work has its importance in the data acquisition, as well as one more source to be used by the researchers of the area, and by beginners in the process of modeling of soil. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A solução de uma equação diferencial parcial parabólica do Fluxo de Calor no Solo permite simular temperaturas ao longo de um perfil especificado. Para tanto, se faz necessário trabalhar com a solução analítica do solo, porém sua solução é muito complexa para determinadas situações de campo. Por este motivo um dos métodos de se trabalhar simulações de temperatura no solo são os chamados métodos numéricos de diferenças finitas que permite trocar as derivadas de 1.ª e 2.ª ordem pelos chamados esquemas numéricos. Neste trabalho o objetivo principal foi simular dados de temperatura com condições de contorno e iniciais para que pudessem ser comparados com dados observados de temperatura de uma estação meteorológica montada em um terreno de solo nu (DNIT). Levaram-se em consideração fatores externos e internos que afetam a temperatura do solo, tais como, radiação solar, fluxo de calor, precipitação, umidade e difusividade térmica que foram calculados ou pela estação ou pela simulação mediante os dados de temperatura do solo. No caso da umidade o método utilizado foi o gravimétrico que permitiu aferir a quantidade de água naquele solo estudado. Já a difusividade, por sua vez, foi usada dois métodos, um pela propagação de energia do solo e o outro de forma analítica, com o uso da fórmula conhecida. Os dados observados foram montados em tabelas onde se mostrou o ritmo de variação da temperatura ao longo do dia do mês de março, visto que os dias considerados foram apenas os três dias 09, 11 e 18, já que o motivo principal foi avaliar o modelo explícito. Depois os dados de temperatura simulados pelo método numérico também foram colocados em gráficos para que pudessem ser comparados com os observados. Constataram-se nos dias 09,11 e 18 aproximações razoavelmente boas. Este trabalho tem sua importância na aquisição de dados, bem como, uma fonte a mais para que se possa ser utilizados por pesquisadores da área, bem como iniciantes no processo de modelação do solo.

Experimental characterization and constitutive modeling of viscoplastic effects in high strain-rate deformation of polycrystalline FCC metals

Santos, Tiago dos January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização experimental e modelagem constitutiva do comportamento de metais CFC (Cúbicos de Face Centrada) policristalinos quando submetidos a altas taxas de deformação. O material empregado no desenvolvimento do trabalho é uma liga de alumínio comercialmente pura: o alumínio AA1050. No âmbito da presente investigação, os experimentos são conduzidos à temperatura ambiente. O desenvolvimento experimental tem por objetivo evidenciar as principais características constitutivas que descrevem o comportamento macroscópico desta classe de metais quando submetidos a processos de deformação envolvendo altas taxas de deformação: (i) o endurecimento induzido pela deformação; (ii) o endurecimento induzido pela taxa de deformação; e (iii) a sensibilidade instantânea em relação à taxa de deformação. Para a caracterização de cada uma destes aspectos constitutivos, são realizados experimentos específicos utilizando equipamentos desenvolvidos, em sua maioria, no contexto da presente investigação. De forma geral, os experimentos consistem em ensaios de compressão envolvendo uma ampla faixa de taxas de deformação, variando desde condições quasi-estáticas a taxas na ordem de 104 s−1. Os resultados experimentais, juntamente com evidências experimentais macro e microscópicas disponíveis na literatura, dão suporte ao desenvolvimento de um modelo constitutivo elasto-viscoplástico. A formulação constitutiva segue uma abordagem semi-física, na qual a escolha das variáveis inelásticas e proposição de suas regras de evolução são qualitativamente guiadas por considerações metalúrgicas baseadas no acúmulo e organização de discordâncias O modelo proposto, embora consista em uma abordagem simplificada quando comparado a modelos de base física, é capaz de representar separadamente cada uma das características constitutivas destacadas anteriormente. Com base nos resultados experimentais aqui obtidos, o modelo elasto-viscoplástico proposto é então ajustado e posteriormente validado. Na sequência é desenvolvida a formulação numérica relacionada ao modelo proposto. A abordagem como um todo é inserida em um contexto de deformações finitas seguindo uma descrição Lagrangiana Total. O desenvolvimento numérico descreve o procedimento utilizado para solução de problemas de equilíbrio não lineares seguindo uma formulação incremental implícita empregando o método dos elementos finitos. Em um contexto local, é utilizado um esquema de integração implícito seguindo um mapeamento exponencial. A linearização das equações de mapeamento de retorno possibilita a derivação analítica do módulo tangente consistente. O modelo constitutivo, bem como o procedimento numérico, são utilizados para a solução de problemas numéricos clássicos como: ensaio de compressão em condições de deformações homogêneas, e compressão envolvendo contato com atrito. As simulações numéricas avaliam tanto a capacidade constitutiva do modelo proposto em descrever o comportamento de estruturas quando deformadas sob condições envolvendo elevadas taxas de deformação, quanto à eficiência do procedimento numérico a partir de análises de convergência Em conclusão, com o procedimento experimental adotado é possível evidenciar as principais características macroscópicas inerentes ao comportamento de metais quando submetidos a processos de deformação envolvendo altas velocidades. Além disso, com base nos resultados analíticos e numéricos, observa-se que o modelo constitutivo proposto é capaz de reproduzir de forma satisfatória os comportamentos evidenciados experimentalmente. / The present work aims at performing the experimental characterization and constitutive modeling associated with the mechanical behavior of polycrystalline FCC (Face Centered Cubic) metals when subjected to high strain-rate deformations. The material to be employed in the experiments is a commercially pure aluminum alloy: aluminum AA1050. Within the present investigation context, experiments are performed at room temperatures. The primary objective of the laboratory experiments is to assess the main constitutive features associated with the macroscopic mechanical behavior observed for FCC metals subjected to high strain-rate deformation processes: (i) strain-hardening; (ii) strain-rate-hardening; and (iii) instantaneous rate-sensitivity. In order to characterize each constitutive feature, experiments using equipments specifically devised to achieve the objectives are performed. The laboratory investigation consists of compression tests involving a wide strain-rate range, from quasi-static conditions to strain-rates of the order of 104 s−1. Experimental results together with micro and macroscopic experimental evidences available in the literature give support to the development of a elastic-viscoplastic model. The stress-strain formulation follows a semi-physical approach, in which inelastic variables and their evolution equations are qualitatively motivated by metallurgical considerations based on the storage and arrangement of dislocations. Although its simplified nature when compared to physically-based models, the proposed model is capable of representing separately each one of the constitutive features highlighted early In addition, in analogy to the stress-strain proposition, a model describing the material hardness evolution in terms of strain and strain-rate histories is also provided. Based on the obtained experimental results, the proposed elastic-viscoplastic and hardness evolution models are adjusted and then validated. The corresponding stress-strain numerical formulation is developed in a subsequent step. The approach as a whole is integrated into finite strain framework following a Total Lagrangian description. The procedure employed to solve nonlinear equilibrium problem follows an implicit incremental formulation implemented in the context of the finite element method. At a local level, an implicit integration scheme based on an exponential mapping is adopted. From linearization of return mapping equations, an analytical consistent tangent modulus is obtained. Both constitutive model and numerical approach are employed to simulated classical problems: a compression test involving homogeneous deformation and a compression test involving contact and frictional conditions. Numerical simulations evaluate the constitutive capabilities associated with the proposed model when predicting the structural behavior at high strain-rate loadings. Furthermore, numerical efficiency and robustness related to the present procedure are also assessed by means of convergence analysis. While the adopted experimental procedure gave fundamental evidences of the main macroscopic features inherent in the metallic material behavior when subjected to high strain-rate deformations, the analytical and numerical results demonstrated that the proposed constitutive model is able to suitably reproduce the observed behavior.

Estudo do arrancamento de fundações em solos tratados com cimento / The uplift performance of footings embedded in cement stabilized backfill

Ruver, Cesar Alberto January 2011 (has links)
Engenheiros geotécnicos, defrontam-se frequentemente com solos de baixa capacidade de suporte. Para viabilizar projetos nestes materiais, pode-se utilizar fundações com grandes dimensões e/ou melhorar a propriedades mecânicas destes solos. Fundações de grandes dimensões podem ser extremamente onerosas e gerar impactos ambientais indesejáveis provocados por grandes movimentações de solo. Em contrapartida, o melhoramento das propriedades mecânicas do solo pode ser obtido por meio de tratamento com agentes cimentantes. Esta técnica tem-se mostrado bastante promissora nas diversas subáreas da geotecnia, como por exemplo, leito e subleito de pavimentação, estabilidade de taludes e terrenos para assentamento de fundações à compressão. A utilização desta técnica em fundações escavadas submetidas à tração ainda é incipiente. Até meados dos anos 1950, os métodos de previsão de desempenho consideravam somente o peso do solo contido em uma superfície ruptura somado ao peso da fundação, como contribuindo na capacidade de carga ao arrancamento. Estudos recentes passaram a incluir uma terceira parcela de resistência devido à resistência ao cisalhamento do solo. A partir de então diversos autores passaram a estudar técnicas de melhoramento e reforços dos reaterros. Num primeiro momento, foi estudada a influência das técnicas de compactação do reaterro e a substituição do material por outro com melhores propriedades. Atualmente, os estudos concentram-se no reforço dos reaterros com geossintéticos e adição de agentes cimentícios. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um estudo avaliando os benefícios gerados pelo aumento da capacidade de carga, de fundações escavadas e reaterradas com areia fina e homogênea (proveniente da cidade de Osório/RS), cimentada, avaliando sua influência em termos das propriedades geométricas (diâmetro das fundações, profundidade de assentamento e diâmetro de tratamento) e geotécnicas (coesão, ângulo de atrito e módulo de elasticidade, influenciados pelo teor de cimento). Para tanto foram realizadas provas de carga à tração, variando-se o diâmetro (30 e 45 cm), profundidades de embutimentos (entre 0,5 e 2,0), e teores de cimento (0%, 3% e 7%). Através das provas de carga, verificou-se que o aumento do teor de cimento e da profundidade de assentamento aumentam a capacidade de carga à tração. Os resultados experimentais foram reproduzidos pelo método de elementos finitos por meio de retroanálise. A partir do modelo numérico gerado pela retroanálise, foram executadas duas análises paramétricas. Na primeira foram definidos os parâmetros significativos – coesão e embutimento – e determinada uma equação adimensional para determinação da carga máxima para tratamento de uma camada infinita. Na segunda análise foram definidos ábacos para determinação da perda de carga em função da redução do diâmetro de tratamento, para três níveis de cimentação – baixa, média e alta. / Geotechnical engineers frequently have to deal with soils that have reduced strength. In order to carry out the design of footings in such materials, their base has to be quite large and/or mechanical properties of the soils have to be improved. Shallow foundations of large dimensions can be extremely expensive and generate undesirable environmental impacts due to large soil movements. As an alternative, the improvement of mechanical properties of the local soil can be obtained by treating it with cementitious agents. Such technique has been used with success in several earthworks such as the improvement of base and sub-base of pavements, slope stability and particularly as a soil-cement mixture of a compacted layer over a low bearing capacity soil. The use of such technique in footings subjected to pullout forces is still insipient. Until middle 1950’s, pullout design methodologies of shallow foundations embedded in soil backfills considered only the weight of the soil contained inside a specific failure surface plus the foundation self-weight as the pullout failure load. Further studies included the shear strength of the soil at the failure surface. Since then several authors considered several techniques to improve and/or reinforce the backfills. At first the influence of backfill compaction and material substitution to improve soil properties were considered. Nowadays, studies concentrate in the reinforcement of backfills with geosynthetics and in the addition of cementitious agents. In such context, the main aim of present work is to carry out a research evaluating the benefits towards the improvement of uplift performance of footings embedded in cemented stabilized backfill, analyzing the influence of the geometrical characteristics of the problem (diameter of the footings, depth of embedment and size of the improved area) and geotechnical properties of the backfill (cohesion intercept, friction angle and Young’s modulus), the latter influenced by the amount of cementitious agents inserted on the soil. For doing so, several pullout tests were carried out varying foundation diameter (0.30 and 0.45 m), embedment depth according foundation diameter (ranging from 0.5 e 2.0) and cement contents (0%, 3% and 7%) in the stabilized backfill. Results of pullout tests have shown that the increase of cement content and embedment depth of the backfill increased uplift capacity. Field results were reproduced through a back-analysis using the finite element technique. In the sequence, two distinct parametrical analyses were also carried out. In the first analysis the parameters that show significance were cohesion intercept and embedment depth – a non-dimensional equation determining the failure pullout load (considering infinite horizontal improvement) was determined. In the second analysis distinct abacus were produced to allow considering reduction of horizontal treatment area for three cementation levels – low, medium e high.

Conception et réalisation d'un transducteur acoustique miniature / Conception and realization of miniature acoustic sensor

Podkovskiy, Alexey 28 April 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré au développement d'un capteur acoustique miniature à transduction capacitive destiné à être intégré dans un système RFID afin de dépasser certaines des limitations actuelles de ce dernier. La configuration originale du capteur acoustique étudié lui offre les avantages d'avoir une bonne performance tout en gardant une forme simple qui peut être aisément réalisée avec les techniques MEMS pour une production à grande échelle. Ce transducteur est constitué d'une membrane circulaire ou carrée et une électrode arrière centrée, de même forme mais de dimensions plus petites, séparées par une très fine couche de fluide, ainsi qu'une petite cavité située à la périphérie de l'électrode, de dimensions extérieures très proches de celles de la membrane. Le comportement de ce capteur est analysé en détail. Cette étude se base sur deux approches mathématiques originales (analytique et numérique), dont les résultats convergent malgré un niveau différent des hypothèses-simplificatrices sur lesquelles reposent ces deux modèles.Finalement, une méthode de réalisation du transducteur en technologie hybride, qui associe le procédé MEMS avec les techniques classiques des circuits imprimé, est présentée. Le prototype développé est aussi caractérisé expérimentalement et les résultats obtenus correspondent bien aux caractéristiques fournies par les modèles théoriques. / This work is devoted to the development of capacitive miniature acoustic sensor to be integrated in an RFID system in order to exceed some of its current limitations.The unusual configuration of the studied sensor offers the benefits of having a significant performance while keeping a simple form that can be easily achieved with standard MEMS techniques and thus successively marketed in perspective. This transducer consists of a circular or square membrane, a centered backing electrode with the same shape, but with smaller dimensions which define a thin fluid layer between them, and a small cavity at the periphery of the backing electrode whose external dimensions are very close to the ones of the membrane. The architecture of the developed sensor is the subject of a deep theoretical study of its behavior. This investigation is based upon two original mathematical approaches (analytical and numerical ones) whose results show a high convergence despite the different-levels of simplifying assumptions on which these models are based.Finally, the transducer is made with the use of a hybrid technology, that includes the MEMS process associated with conventional printed circuit manufacturing techniques, which is presented step by step. The developed prototype is characterized experimentally and the measured results correspond to the ones predicted by theoretical models.

Improving AI Planning by Using Extensible Components

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Despite incremental improvements over decades, academic planning solutions see relatively little use in many industrial domains despite the relevance of planning paradigms to those problems. This work observes four shortfalls of existing academic solutions which contribute to this lack of adoption. To address these shortfalls this work defines model-independent semantics for planning and introduces an extensible planning library. This library is shown to produce feasible results on an existing benchmark domain, overcome the usual modeling limitations of traditional planners, and accommodate domain-dependent knowledge about the problem structure within the planning process. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Computer Science 2016

Déformation Holocène de l’Himalaya du Bhoutan : apport de la géomorphologie et de la paléosismologie / Holocene deformation in the Bhutan Himalaya from geomorphic and paleoseismologic study

Le Roux-Mallouf, Romain 10 November 2016 (has links)
La chaîne Himalayenne est l'un des exemples les plus spectaculaires de déformation active à la surface de notre planète. Au cours des derniers siècles, de nombreux séismes majeurs (Mw > 7.5) ont affecté cette zone et le lourd bilan humain du séisme de Gorkha en 2015 a une nouvelle fois rappelé l’importance de parvenir à mieux estimer l’aléa sismique de cette région. Bien que les structures lithologiques et tectoniques semblent montrer au premier ordre une cylindricité le long des 2500 km de l'arc Himalayen, de nombreuses études, menées principalement au Népal, ont permis de mettre en évidence des variations latérales structurales, thermochronologiques, morphologiques, gravimétriques, sismologiques ou géodésiques. Le rôle de ces variations latérales sur la segmentation sismique reste cependant mal contraint. La taille maximale et la probabilité d’occurrence de ces méga-séismes sont donc toujours matière à débat.Ainsi, le comportement sismique de l’Himalaya du Bhoutan reste énigmatique. Pour certains les faibles taux de sismicité observés actuellement font de ce royaume une zone asismique de 350 km de long. Pour d’autres, à l’instar de l’Himalaya du Népal, la faible sismicité observée est associé à une forte accumulation de contrainte susceptible de générer des séismes majeurs. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’améliorer notre connaissance de cette région en quantifiant la déformation à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles via des études morphotectoniques et paléosismologiques.La première partie de cette thèse vise à quantifier les mouvements verticaux à l’ouest Bhutan et le long du Main Frontal Thrust, structure la plus frontale située au sud Bhoutan. Trois campagnes de terrain ont été réalisées permettant l'échantillonnage (1) de terrasses alluviales le long du front afin de quantifier et d'étudier les variations du soulèvement Holocène, (2) de bassins versants pour l'étude de la dénudation court-terme (< 20 ka) dérivée des cosmonucléides ($^{10}$Be) et (3) de terrasses alluviales dans le Moyen-Pays pour quantifier l’incision Holocène. Les vitesses verticales obtenues au front sont comparables à celle proposées le long du reste de l’arc himalayen, suggérant une cinématique relativement simple. Par contre, nos résultats indiquent une variation de la géométrie du chevauchement himalayen (Main Himalayan Thrust) entre l’est Népal et l’ouest Bhoutan.La seconde partie porte sur plusieurs études paléosismologiques le long du front ouest et centre Bhoutanais. Six sites différents ont été étudiés au cours de trois campagnes de terrain. La datation et la modélisation de charbons détritiques a permis de mettre en évidence l'occurrence d’au moins cinq séismes majeurs durant les derniers 2700 ans, faisant du Bhoutan une zone sismiquement aussi active que le Népal. A une échelle régionale, cette étude apporte donc de nouvelles contraintes et contribue au débat sur la possibilité d’occurrence d'un séisme de magnitude 9 le long de l'arc Himalayen. / The Himalayan arc is one of the most active intra-continental mountain belts in the world. Over the last centuries, several major earthquakes (Mw > 7.5) have struck this arc. The dramatic effects of the Gorkha earthquake sequence in 2015 pointed once again the crucial need to improve seismic hazard assessment of this area.Geological explorations of the Himalayas since the late 19th century have emphasized a 2500-km-long roughly cylindrical structure, with striking continuity of main units and thrust faults. However recent geophysical and geological investigations have revealed lateral variations. The relationship between these variations and earthquakes segmentation along the arc remains poorly constraint. The maximum size and the occurrence probability of such earthquakes are still a matter of debate.For instance, the seismic behavior of Bhutan remains enigmatic. The present-day low seismicity rate observed in this area can reflect two opposite fault behaviors: an aseismic creeping zone or a zone of stress accumulation for future great earthquakes as the others parts of Himalayas. The main objective of this thesis is to bring new constraints on the deformation of the Bhutan Himalayas, at different space- and time-scales, through morphotectonic and paleoseismological approaches.The first part of this thesis focuses on the vertical deformation assessment along a N-S transect in western Bhutan and along the Main Frontal Thrust, which is the southern-most thrust in southern Bhutan. In the past three years, we have carried out three fieldwork campaigns to sample (1) frontal terraces to assess Holocene uplift rates, (2) watershed basins to quantify short term denudation rates (< 20 ky) derived from cosmonuclides $^{10}$Be and (3) hinterland alluvial terraces to quantify the Holocene incision rate. Frontal Holocene uplift rates obtained in Bhutan are consistent with those obtained in the others parts of Himalayas. Furthermore, our results reveal a variation in the geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust between eastern Nepal and western Bhutan.The second part focuses on several paleoseismic studies along the west and central bhutanese Himalayan front. Different sites were investigated during three fieldwork campaigns. Detritic charcoals sampling and modeling suggest the occurrence of at least five surface-rupturing earthquakes during the last ~2700 years. These results demonstrate that the present-day low seismicity rate observed in Bhutan is not representative of the seismic activity at longer time scale. At regional scale, they also take part of a broader discussion on the probability of occurrence of a magnitude 9 earthquake along the Himalayan arc.

La réfrigération magnétique : conceptualisation, caractérisation et simulation / Magnetic refrigeration : conceptualization, characterization and simulation

Almanza, Morgan 01 December 2014 (has links)
La réfrigération magnétique est une alternative pertinente dans un contexte où les gaz réfrigérants sont soumis à des restrictions environnementales. Ces restrictions nécessitent l'évolution de la technologie actuelle ou bien l'émergence d'une nouvelle, d'où l'opportunité pour la réfrigération magnétique de prouver son potentiel. En effet, elle pourrait s'avérer énergiquement plus efficace et avec des densités de puissance supérieure. Ces travaux de thèse apportent des réponses sur le potentiel de la réfrigération magnétique. Dans cette logique, la thermodynamique et le magnétisme, outils indispensables à notre étude, sont développés dans le cas des matériaux à effet magnétocalorique. Puis, nous verrons que les caractérisations de ces derniers sont en mesure de fournir des modèles matériaux cohérents et réalistes, si des précautions sont prises. L'effet magnétocalorique étant limité en termes de variation de température, nous allons étudier différentes structures de réfrigération. Enfin, des modèles numériques sont développés pour permettre d'optimiser les structures à régénérations actives, qui sont les plus utilisées. Ces modèles doivent permettre de dimensionner des systèmes proches de leurs optimums. / Magnetic refrigeration is a relevant alternative in consideration of environmental restrictions of refrigerants gases. These restrictions require to improve the current technology or to pave the way for a new one, hence the opportunity for magnetic refrigeration to demonstrate its potential. Indeed, it could be energetically efficient and with higher power densities. This work aims to estimate the potential of magnetic refrigeration. Magnetism and thermodynamic, essential tools for our study, are developed in a case of magnetocaloric effect. With some care, we show that material characterizations are able to give consistence and relevant model. Magnetocaloric effect suffers of small temperature variations; therefore structures that increase the temperature span and give competitive system are studied. Finally numerical models are developed to optimize active magnetic regenerators, which are currently the most used. These models are used to calculate and design systems close to their optimum.

Modélisation des éboulements rocheux par la méthode des éléments discrets : application aux évènements réels / Discret element modeling of rockfalls and application to real events

Cuervo, Yeison 04 November 2015 (has links)
La compréhension et la prévision des phénomènes d'éboulements rocheux sont des éléments déterminants pour la gestion des risques dans l'aménagement des zones et des infrastructures de montagnes, qui nécessitent, entre autre, la mise au point d'outils numériques opérationnels permettant d'anticiper la trajectoire des épisodes rocheux et les zones susceptibles d'être impactées. L'approche numérique proposée dans le cadre de la thèse, est basée sur une modélisation numérique discrète qui permet de simuler le comportement collectif de blocs rocheux lors d'un éboulement, en considérant des blocs de géométrie réaliste et une topographie tridimensionnelle du versant de propagation. Pour faciliter son utilisation en bureau d'études, le modèle numérique de contact, qui gère les interaction entre les blocs et entre les blocs et le versant de propagation, fait appel à un nombre restreint de paramètres, pouvant être estimés par des mesures in situ ou par des rétro-analyses de cas existants. Les paramètres les plus influant sur les mécanismes de propagation sont : la géométrie des blocs et la topographie de surface, les paramètres dissipatifs de contact tels que le coefficient de restitution normale qui agit dans la direction normale au contact, le coefficient de frottement qui agit dans la direction tangentielle au plan de contact, et la résistance au roulement entre la pente et les blocs rocheux dans l'hypothèse d'un impact rocheux sur un sol meuble.La thèse présente des nombreuses données de terrain qui ont servies de base à l'analyse des mécanismes de propagation sur d'anciens cas d'éboulements et sur des falaises potentiellement instables. Des méthodes permettant la reconstruction d'un volume instable pour la modélisation de la propagation ont été développées sur la base des modèles tridimensionnels de terrain. Après des tests de validation et de compréhension du modèle numérique, ce dernier a été appliqué à des cas réels. Trois sites, très différents en termes de géométrie, ont été retenus pour tester le modèle numérique. Les paramètres d'études sont suivant les cas, les mécanismes de propagation, les mécanismes de dissipation d'énergie, les zones de dépôt, les forces d'interactions et les énergies d'impact sur des structures de protection.Ce travail a permis d'établir une méthodologie de modélisation des éboulements rocheux adaptée à l'ingénierie. Un protocole spécifique permettant de déterminer ou d'estimer les paramètres a été proposé et des logiciels de pré et post traitements permettant à la fois une analyse pertinente et rapide des résultats ont été développés. La corrélation entre les résultats numériques et les observations de terrain sont satisfaisantes et les résultats en termes de prévision encourageants. / Understanding and predicting rock avalanches are key elements in risk management when developing mountainous areas. Due to the complexity of the mechanisms involved, developments of numerical and operational tools are useful and necessary to properly estimate block trajectories and define riskiest areas. The numerical approach proposed in this thesis is based in the discrete element method which allows simulating the collective behavior of a group of rocks by using realistic block geometries and three-dimensional slope topographies. The numerical contact model handles interaction between the blocks and between the blocks and the slope by using a limited number of parameters that can be estimated by in situ measurements or feed-back analysis of ancient rockfalls events. The most influential parameters in the propagation phenomena are: the geometry and shape of blocks and topography, the contact parameters such as the normal restitution coefficient which acts in the normal direction to the contact, the friction coefficient acting in the tangential direction to the contact plane and the rolling resistance coefficient of blocks with the slope that somehow accounts of the impact mechanisms in case of soft soil.Various field results of past rockfall events or instable rocky cliffs are presented in the thesis. In addition, different procedures allowing the modeling of the whole unstable volume involved in the propagation motion are presented through real applications by using three-dimensional terrain models as input data. The numerical model was applied to three real rockfalls events, very different in terms of geometry. The parameters analyzed concerned mainly the propagation distances and energy dissipation mechanisms, deposit zones, interaction forces and impact energies on protective structures.A specific protocol for determining and estimating the contact parameters was proposed and some pre and post processing software enabling both relevant and rapid analysis of the results have been developed. The correlation between the numerical results and field observations are satisfactory with very encouraging results in terms of forecasting.

Modelagem numérica da dinâmica do sistema estuarino Caravelas - Peruíbe, BA / Numerical modeling of the Caravelas-Peruíbe (BA) estuarine system

Leonardo Augusto Samaritano dos Santos 20 September 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa caracterizar, através de experimentos numéricos, a hidrodinâmica e o transporte de sedimentos em suspensão no sistema estuarino de Caravelas e Peruípe sob diferentes condições forçantes. O sistema é formado por canais que estabelecem a conexão entre os rios Caravelas e Peruípe. Dados de nível de água e velocidade de correntes, obtidos em coletas de campo foram utilizados para aplicar e calibrar o modelo numérico MOHID. Diferentes experimentos numéricos, simulando condições de maré de sizígia e de quadratura com diferentes condições de descarga fluvial, foram realizados. A partir destas simulações foram obtidas distribuições espaciais e pontuais da concentração de sedimentos em suspensão e das correntes forçadas pela maré integradas verticalmente. Em condições de sizígia o estuário é caracterizado por correntes mais intensas e assimétricas, com dominância de vazante. As maiores concentrações médias de sedimento em suspensão ocorreram em condições de sizígia e o transporte de sedimentos resultante foi em direção ao oceano, em função do domínio das correntes de maré vazante. Os experimentos numéricos mostram que os canais que conectam os dois estuários têm papel relevante na dinâmica local. Eles possuem influência na dinâmica sedimentar do sistema estuarino. A hidrodinâmica e o balanço sedimentar do sistema são principalmente modulados pela altura da maré, com pouca contribuição do aporte de água doce. / The aim of this work is to characterize, through numerical modeling experiments, the hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport dynamics in the Caravelas ? Peruípe estuarine system under different forcing conditions. The system comprises channels that connect the Caravelas and Peruípe rivers. Water level and current velocity data obtained through field campaigns were used to apply and calibrate the MOHID numerical model. Different numerical experiments simulating spring and neap tides with different river discharge conditions have been conducted. Based on these simulations, the hydrodynamics and spatial and temporal distributions of suspended sediment concentrations have been analyzed. During spring tide the estuary is characterized by intense and asymmetric currents (ebb dominated). The highest average suspended sediment concentration occurred during spring tide conditions, with net sediment transport being seaward. The numerical experiments show that the connecting channels play a relevant role in the local suspended sediment dynamics. The hydrodynamic and sediment balance in the system are modulated mainly by the tidal range, with little influence from the freshwater supply.

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